Talk all you want about all the wonderful things in CoH... Community, customization, story... The linchpin that made that game spoil me for everything I've tried to play since was the keybinding system. You see, if I ahve some health issues. I can't spend much time hunched over a keyboard (just posting on forums tonight is cramping me up) and even if I try, I'm terrible at typing. I can look at the keyboard or the screen, not both. And if I'm not looking at the keyboard, at least 1/3 of the keys I hit are the wrong ones. On the other hand, once I figured out how to leverage the keybinding in CoH, I could do everything but chat from my XBOX gamepad (an old s-pad for the black box too, not one of those easy plug and play 360 things/ The USB converter for that was the best $10 I've ever spent on computer stuff). Press a button and one of my powers activated, another got switched to auto, and then the keybind loaded a new bind to overwrite itself so other powers would trigger when I released the button. 10 buttons, a D-pad, and two thumbsticks, and my characters could use all 7 trays of powers as needed. And all the while, I could sit back in a comfortable chair and not be in pain hunched over a keyboard, missing what's happening on the screen because I wanted to make sure and trigger Clear Mind instead of Fireball.
There was still room for improvement in the commands, like having more custom targeting variables o you could filter out those panicking bank tellers while you tried to blast security guards. An alias command to shorten some strings would have been great since we had that 255 character limit. But overall, I would be completely content with a blatant copy of the CoH keybind system.