I would love to see an NPC in the game called Administrator Zeno, a mild parody of Baron Zemo, but based more on Zeno of Elea. He would have superpowers, predominantly based on the philosophical Paradoxes of Zemo, taking form as holds, snares, and damage reduction (the more damage he takes, the more damage reduction and regeneration he has. His health can never drop below 1% or exceed 99%). He wouldn't be much of an adventurer though, and neither a hero nor villain, but merely a civil bureaucrat of significance, who might be an occasionally frustrating antagonist.
This kind of gimmick character probably wouldn't be that fun to play, but could be quite entertaining to have around.
Perhaps he's a reformed supervillain who once sought to conquer the world, but gave up because first he would have to conquer half, then half again, then half again...
Sounds like a character you should make when the game rolls out.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
I'd say the same as Radiac, but idk if the [AE] would have such flexibility.
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