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the 2024 End of the year development summary is live below. Watch the video and let us know on the comment page.

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Hello Everyone!

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dangeraaron10's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/15/2015 - 23:13
Hello Everyone!

Hello everyone, I'm dangeraaron10 and a long time fan of Superhero MMOs. I didn't see an introduction forum so I figure I'd post here but would be happy to be redirected if appropriate. City of Heroes was my first MMO and all time favorite. Champions Online was great for character creation and roleplay, but not much else for me (though I did like its power selection) and DCUO's character creator left much to be desired (as a player of monstrous or beast-race characters). I've been flipping though these forums and I even recognize some people from DCUO RP and other places (I'm Fafnir from the DCUO RP website).

When CoH closed down it was a sad day for me, and while there was groups of people vowing to bring it back or create their own spiritual successor I wished them the best but didn't expect much. Now I see not just this project, but several, still actively pursuing this goal is amazing and I want to be part of it.

I have a few questions: How can I help? Is Kickstarter and/or Crowdfunding still available? Will this game offer bestial/draconic/monstrous character creation options? Specifically in the vain of Marvel's The Lizard, DC's Killer Croc and Manbat and such?

Reptilian Space Warrior and Dragon Man looking for a home.

Captain Everspark - CoH, CO
Fafnir - DCUO, CO
Ignitus - CoV, CO

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
Hello, dangeraaron10!

Hello, dangeraaron10! Welcome aboard!

I've seen several introduction threads; the longest seems to be the one that The Mad Gent started in the General Discussion section of the Lairs & Hangouts forums:

At the moment, there is no crowdfunding, according to a [url=]post[/url] from Shadow Elusive the second chance crowdfunding is being delayed so as not to interfere with (or be interfered with by) something the makers of Valiance Online have planned (or in progress, maybe by now?)

As for what costume options will be available, especially non-human options, we don't know what's planned for launch and what's on the devs' to-do list. I will be extremely surprised (not to mention disappointed) if such things are not on one of those lists. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 10/10/2013 - 11:03
Welcome! We fell short of our

Welcome! We fell short of our goal to get multiple kinds of tails(950k goal on KS), but that just means we won't particularly have them at launch, and will be a future release. So I believe it is all in the works, you just might not see it at launch. Hope that answers your question. But I'm sure there is a thread somewhere that will delve farther into what your looking for, so have a look around, or start a thread, there are a lot of us here that would love to talk about it :D

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

Avatar by lilshironeko

dangeraaron10's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/15/2015 - 23:13
Ah well, that's disappointing

Ah well, that's disappointing. Still, excited to see the game's progress. Maybe that goal for tails can be hit with the Second Chance crowd funding?

Reptilian Space Warrior and Dragon Man looking for a home.

Captain Everspark - CoH, CO
Fafnir - DCUO, CO
Ignitus - CoV, CO

Interdictor's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 08/22/2013 - 05:26
Welcome to the club

Welcome to the forums dangeraron10. I'm pretty sure there are many players and devs who would like to play bestial characters - tails were included in the kickstarter after all so they are obviously being accounted for in the game. We will have to see what will be available in the character creator at launch - but I'm sure that if they are not in at launch, they will be in eventually; CoH had them, and the devs want to do better than CoH.