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Discuss: Denial of a Teaser

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Shadow Elusive
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Discuss: Denial of a Teaser

It's not a teaser! It's not! It's...okay fine, it totally is. But Warcabbit made me do it!

Link to post being discussed:

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Lord Nightmare
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Bah, that's not how you deny!

Bah, that's not how you deny! Where's the mysteriously dead reporters? The paid-off associates? The "generous" person who talks about how great you are?

Where's Hanover Fiste?!

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Nyktos's picture
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Wall Crawl looks pretty

Wall Crawl looks pretty interesting even without the animations. I am assuming we'll have all kinds of animations to go with it (Parkour, Claw Crawl, etc.)?

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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Foradain's picture
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Lord Nightmare wrote:
Lord Nightmare wrote:

Where's Hanover Fiste?!

He's in a different teaser. Or, he was, until someone said,


And Hanover?


Unfortunately, he didn't have any super travel powers.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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whiteperegrine's picture
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good to see wall crawlin will

good to see wall crawlin will make it. :)


Darth Fez
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Back in my day we didn't have


Back in my day we didn't have no fancy animations to climb our walls!

Jumping or flying about the city and seeing people crawling over buildings is going to be awesome.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Cyclops's picture
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Step by step, MWM marches

Step by step, MWM marches towards awesome. Thanks for the update. I was thinking wall crawling would never be a part of the game, and here it is in development.


LightLoveAngel's picture
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Awesome to see the progress,

Awesome to see the progress, but I can't help but notice the abrupt fall at the end by the corner of the wall. Was that intentional? Or will wall crawl be able to crawl sideways on the buildings, going from one face of it to the other without having to fall or climb to the top first?

Ex-CoH player of 4 years, DarkLoveAngel, Liberty server.

Pleonast's picture
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What's not a teaser? Is there

What's not a teaser? Is there supposed to be a link? Or is the post itself the teaser?

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Hyperbolt's picture
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Wall Crawling looks good.

Wall Crawling looks good. Keep up the good work.

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Lothic's picture
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LightLoveAngel wrote:
LightLoveAngel wrote:

Awesome to see the progress, but I can't help but notice the abrupt fall at the end by the corner of the wall. Was that intentional? Or will wall crawl be able to crawl sideways on the buildings, going from one face of it to the other without having to fall or climb to the top first?

Maybe if they implement "wall crawling" as a toggle power then as long as it's toggled on the implication control-wise is that you don't want to fall off a wall no matter which direction you move. This might allow you reach around corners of buildings or other surfaces without just falling off the edge like we saw in the video.

Sounds simplistic but it just might handle the issue you're talking about.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Radiac's picture
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I can't tell from the video,

I can't tell from the video, but the person driving the avatar might have just turned wall crawling off at that point, or it might have lost connection witht e wall and turned itself off. I would like my wall crawling toons to have the ability to just let go and start falling if I want them to, but they need to be able to negotiate all sorts of surface topology too, like outside corners, inside corners, roundovers, ceilings, etc. Not to mention the problems caused by smaller obstacles like windowsills, masonry features like gingerbread details, gargoyles, artsy stuff protruding or recessed on the surface for show, etc.

But I like the update.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Lothic's picture
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

I can't tell from the video, but the person driving the avatar might have just turned wall crawling off at that point, or it might have lost connection witht e wall and turned itself off. I would like my wall crawling toons to have the ability to just let go and start falling if I want them to, but they need to be able to negotiate all sorts of surface topology too, like outside corners, inside corners, roundovers, ceilings, etc. Not to mention the problems caused by smaller obstacles like windowsills, masonry features like gingerbread details, gargoyles, artsy stuff protruding or recessed on the surface for show, etc.
But I like the update.

Another idea just came to mind (assuming it doesn't work like this already): Maybe while in wall climbing mode you can use the "look camera" to aim small jumps that are activated by the same button you use for standard jumps (I think most people use the space key for this).

In effect pressing your jump key while wall climbing basically temporarily makes your character let go of the wall they are clinging to without completely turning your wall climbing toggle power off. With practice you might be able to learn how to "hop" from wall to wall on different buildings using this control method. Of course this would also just let you "fall" off a wall if that's what you want to do as well.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

TenTonBlue's picture
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I think the simplest solution

I think the simplest solution for this is to allow you to have both a drop and a leap. Seems simple enough to have the spacebar be your jump and if you press spacebar while holding the down key (S) it will straight drop you. Or you could make it so if you have an active target and its within x range, you would leap on top of the target or beside it, Perhaps even with a knockdown mechanic.

Nothing means anything. This is the natural state of everything within our reality. It is only your existence, your relative position, and your perspective that can make something meaningful.

Izzy's picture
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if this is part of acrobatics

if this is part of acrobatics, and i jump off a Wall, I wanna see my toon Glide, too!

ex: just like a...

Wait, if they did that, acrobatics would be way too fun. Too many players would pick it and most of us would be late to the missions because were all goofing around with it. ;D

Lothic's picture
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TenTonBlue wrote:
TenTonBlue wrote:

I think the simplest solution for this is to allow you to have both a drop and a leap. Seems simple enough to have the spacebar be your jump and if you press spacebar while holding the down key (S) it will straight drop you. Or you could make it so if you have an active target and its within x range, you would leap on top of the target or beside it, Perhaps even with a knockdown mechanic.

I could be wrong but I still think with enough practice a tiny "jump/pushback" off a wall would effectively be a "I want to drop to the ground" button. I'd rather the (S) key remain the "reverse" key while I'm moving on the wall - I don't think it needs to serve double-duty as a "down" key. At any rate once you've jumped from a wall gravity is going to work on you regardless so if you aim right you'll go all the way down to the ground.

Also as Izzy just mentioned you could, again with some practice, combine wall crawling with a glide power so instead of just dropping stright down to the ground you could glide away from a high wall after a jump away from it.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Hyperbolt's picture
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Izzy wrote:
Izzy wrote:

if this is part of acrobatics, and i jump off a Wall, I wanna see my toon Glide, too!
ex: just like a...
Wait, if they did that, acrobatics would be way too fun. Too many players would pick it and most of us would be late to the missions because were all goofing around with it. ;D

Yes it would be too fun and I would love it. LOL Your last sentence was funny. But wait Acrobatics has a sort of Glide in DCUO right?

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

Fireheart's picture
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Yep, and 'Rocket-Glide', too.

Yep, and 'Rocket-Glide', too. Probably my favorite travel-power in DCUO. Too bad the UI and Controls make that game so Difficult, on a PC.

Be Well!

Hyperbolt's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Yep, and 'Rocket-Glide', too. Probably my favorite travel-power in DCUO. Too bad the UI and Controls make that game so Difficult, on a PC.
Be Well!

Yes the controls do make the game difficult, especially Super-Speed but I have gotten good at maneuvering in Super-Speed and I have been able to make circles and other complicated moves easily, but I still struggle with maneuvering.

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

Foradain's picture
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Izzy wrote:
Izzy wrote:

if this is part of acrobatics, and i jump off a Wall, I wanna see my toon Glide, too!
ex: just like a...
Wait, if they did that, acrobatics would be way too fun. Too many players would pick it and most of us would be late to the missions because were all goofing around with it. ;D

So, just add fun features to the other travel powers so that everyone is about the same level of late. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Empyrean's picture
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I would like a parkour/wall

I would like for there to be at least one parkour/wall crawling set that just represents general superhuman physicality. Sub-super jump leaps and sub-superspeed extra fast running plus the parkour/wall crawling.

I would hope they would give an option other than jet-assisted glide for those who don't have glider wings or boot jets--though it'd be great if they have those options too.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

warcabbit's picture
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Empyrean? Watch the video

Empyrean? Watch the video again. There may be a hint or two.

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Tricksy Developerses!

Tricksy Developerses!

I read all the buttons that time...

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Redlynne's picture
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So now we just need to include Ninja Leaping and Ninja Teleporting. Y'know, like this ...


[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

AngelWolf's picture
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Hey everyone. I'm AngelWolf,

Hey everyone. I'm AngelWolf, the programmer responsible for what you see in that video. I can't really go into too much detail about the travel powers yet, but I can drop the names of a few games that have been inspirational to me in their creation so far.

Batman: Arkham City (Grapple)
Dishonored (Teleport)
InFamous (Parkour)
SpiderMan 2 (Swinging)

Moving around the city is going to be a game in and of itself for some players, and I aim to make that movement as fun as possible.

Up up and away!


Empyrean's picture
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Hey, will we be able to to

Hey, will we be able to to have and run multiple travel powers like in CoH? I did a quick search and didn't find a definite answer, but my search-fu can be hit and miss.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Hyperbolt's picture
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Empyrean wrote:
Empyrean wrote:

Hey, will we be able to to have and run multiple travel powers like in CoH?

I'm wondering that myself. I hope they do that

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

Kiyori Anoyui
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AngelWolf wrote:
AngelWolf wrote:

Moving around the city is going to be a game in and of itself for some players, and I aim to make that movement as fun as possible.
Up up and away!

Love the update, I hope there is gliding like izzy mentioned as well as parachute options. If the traveling around is going to have options anything like Just Cause 3, I could just travel around all day =3


Best example is at 1:28

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
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CaptainSabalan wrote:
CaptainSabalan wrote:

Empyrean wrote:
Hey, will we be able to to have and run multiple travel powers like in CoH?

I'm wondering that myself. I hope they do that


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AngelWolf's picture
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Thank you for the suggestion.

Thank you for the suggestion. I'll probably try to get my hands on a copy of JC2 this month so I can check out this parachute movement.

Oh and yes, there will be gliding.


Nyktos's picture
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AngelWolf wrote:
AngelWolf wrote:

Hey everyone. I'm AngelWolf, the programmer responsible for what you see in that video. I can't really go into too much detail about the travel powers yet, but I can drop the names of a few games that have been inspirational to me in their creation so far.
Batman: Arkham City (Grapple)
Dishonored (Teleport)
InFamous (Parkour)
SpiderMan 2 (Swinging)
Moving around the city is going to be a game in and of itself for some players, and I aim to make that movement as fun as possible.
Up up and away!

Parkour inspired from inFamous? Teleport inspired by Dishonored?

This sounds really cool.

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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Hyperbolt's picture
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Kiyori Anoyui wrote:
Kiyori Anoyui wrote:

AngelWolf wrote:
Moving around the city is going to be a game in and of itself for some players, and I aim to make that movement as fun as possible.
Up up and away!

Love the update, I hope there is gliding like izzy mentioned as well as parachute options. If the traveling around is going to have options anything like Just Cause 3, I could just travel around all day =3

Best example is at 1:28

Wow! that looks cool, the controls must be hard if they are having trouble maneuvering him. But That looks fun. If City of Titans is even remotely like this I will waste time just having fun moving My hero around Titan City

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

Lothic's picture
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

CaptainSabalan wrote:
Empyrean wrote:
Hey, will we be able to to have and run multiple travel powers like in CoH?

I'm wondering that myself. I hope they do that


Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I've read that CoT is going to let us have at least one travel power "for free" during character creation but we'd be able to choose additional travel powers as we level up if we want. The "free" travel power will be separate from the normal power selection choices so that it doesn't get in the way of other powers we'd want to get.

I've also read that you could technically choose "none" for that free travel power choice. There are a few people out there who actually liked to play concept characters in CoH that didn't have any travel powers. Allowing for a choice of "none" would let people do that in CoT as well.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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AngelWolf wrote:
AngelWolf wrote:

Hey everyone. I'm AngelWolf, the programmer responsible for what you see in that video. I can't really go into too much detail about the travel powers yet

But we can pester you for details, right? ^_~

So what I would like to know is ...

In City of Heroes, the [url=]Teleport[/url] Power involved a rooted animation sequence. The only way to continue moving after activating the Teleport Power, during the animation, was to be falling. This could result in impacting the ground (for damage) before the looong wiiind uuuuup animaaaaaation for the Teleport itself would complete (in 2 seconds). The key point I'm wanting to make here is that you could be (auto)running along at 90 mph, but as soon as you activated Teleport your movement would halt to play the animation.

Rooted Power activation and animation in City of Heroes. In many ways, this sort of thing was in effect "required" by the structure of the game engine, in which a LOT of Powers had rooted activations and animations.

What I want to know is ... are you designing Teleport for City of Titans in such a way that it is:
[list][*]NOT a rooted animation
[*]Preserves a conservation of momentum before and after Teleporting[/list]
Looking at the Akatsuki Teleport animation in the anime Log Horizon, you can see the sort of non-rooted animation I'm talking about, complete with a conservation of momentum before and after.


The important point here is that the vector going into the teleport is maintained after coming out of the teleport, sustaining motion and momentum. In other words, teleporting is not a rooted animation in this animated gif demonstration.

Can you give an AYE/NAY response concerning the design you are putting into Teleport for City of Titans in reference to rooted animations?

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Kiyori Anoyui
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Don't thank me, I thank you

Don't thank me, I thank you for the response and taking it into consideration :D If a grappling hook is also a possibility there is a JC mod that a GTA V modder made. Not sure if modders show the source codes and all that but if you can it might be helpful.

As I posted in the Spider-Man Power thread:

I think a grappling hook power would solve the spider swing issue.


I believe there is an option to switch between a straight shot and a swing. I'm not sure though. But the ability to grab enemies and fling them would be a lot like a spidey attack. Just change the mesh of the gapple line to a whitish color and you're golden.

Also. If I recall there was a Beast Run mode in CoX, I think it was in beta a year or two before CoX shutdown. But if you take the beast run and put in on the wall crawl I believe you could make it look like a spidey crawl

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Will this update be posted on

Will this update be posted on the Kickstarter page at all?


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Shadow Elusive
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What update Gangrel? There IS

What update Gangrel? There IS no update. This is a teaser for next weeks update. Not important or official enough for our KS page. Note the words teaser thrown everywhere in both the original post and this OP, and the only text to accompany the very short and not very demonstrative vid.

"But...just wait till next week when we have them all working! And watch the discussion thread for some info on all the obstacles we've encountered with this one."

The real update we post *this* week will indeed go to the KS as usual, and the 'info on all the obstacles' is the planned accompanying text for the update. The vid, it should go without saying, will also be There is often a delay in the posting though, since only Warcabbit or Nate or Segev can access the KS account (it is synonymous with access to the funds see...). I post it when I can and then War does as soon as he can afterwards.

Our various communication channels are not joined at the hip Gangrel. Each a different tool, with a different use - they reach different people in different ways. If we want or need everybody to hear something, obviously we use all of them. We don't always want to. This was just us being coy with a little clip and a wink nudge about next week. Something to generate buzz, but not of any actual significance. As such, we did not use our KS channel.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Shadow Elusive
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Sigh...I wish we'd get our

Sigh...I wish we'd get our new site already. Just ignore the floating half sentence there please...I can't edit it.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Cyclops's picture
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

Sigh...I wish we'd get our new site already. Just ignore the floating half sentence there please...I can't edit it.

New site? Whats this about a new site?!!???


Interdictor's picture
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Shadow Elusive wrote:
Sigh...I wish we'd get our new site already. Just ignore the floating half sentence there please...I can't edit it.

New site? Whats this about a new site?!!???

I'd imagine they have a new website/forums in the works - I doubt that these boards are the final version that will see them through launch.

Cyclops's picture
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Interdictor wrote:
Interdictor wrote:

Cyclops wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:
Sigh...I wish we'd get our new site already. Just ignore the floating half sentence there please...I can't edit it.

New site? Whats this about a new site?!!???

I'd imagine they have a new website/forums in the works - I doubt that these boards are the final version that will see them through launch.

Devs...please. a suggestion. You can populate your new site with: Conception art!
seriously, i die for this stuff!


Foradain's picture
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

Sigh...I wish we'd get our new site already. Just ignore the floating half sentence there please...I can't edit it.

Which floating half sentence would that be, Shadow Elusive? ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Darth Fez
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The one fight Flash Gordon,

The one fight Flash Gordon, of course. Sheesh, Foradain. Pay attention!

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Interdictor wrote:
Interdictor wrote:

Cyclops wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:
Sigh...I wish we'd get our new site already. Just ignore the floating half sentence there please...I can't edit it.

New site? Whats this about a new site?!!???

I'd imagine they have a new website/forums in the works - I doubt that these boards are the final version that will see them through launch.

Back in the day, there was a dev (possibly Zombie Man, I forget who exactly though) who said "Be prepared to have your head blown off, the new site and forums look *amazing*" to those who had complained about shortcomings in these forums.

This was just after Christmas 2013 IIRC (so not all that long after the kickstarter).

So yeah, still waiting for my head to be blown away.

Side note: This is why choosing the best tools at the start is always important. And for something like forums, choosing the wrong one can make it hard/difficult to change from one set of forums to another "easily".

There are bridges/converters out there, but they are "hackish" in terms of how they work (some of them run as "bridge" between the new forum software and old database (basically they catch the request from the forum and send it to the correct part of the forum database) or they just outright modify the database accordingly.

So what this means is that if you have to update the "new" forum software, you might have to then update the bridge software (which can also include it own security issues) or you just convert the database over to the new structure layout (which comes with the normal problems of possible database corruption that might not be immediately apparent).

Oh, and depending on the forum software, you may have to redo modifications to it so that features that you had in one set of forum software is available in another (ie being able to show multiple badges. Badges might not be a "standard" feature for one set of forums, but are in another).

So this is why choosing the "best" forum software at the start is important. It really does guide you later on down the line. And actually this isn't just for forum software, but also your CMS (content management system). In this case the main website here.


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Devs...please. a suggestion. You can populate your new site with: [u]Conception[/u] art!
seriously, i die for this stuff!

uhm... I'm pretty sure MWM wants to to stay away from an Adults only rating, and it's not that kind of game.
Also, not sure if putting down the forming of an idea or plan in art form would be any good.

Now, [b]concept[/b] art on the other hand would be really sweet. :P

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blacke4dawn wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:

Cyclops wrote:
Devs...please. a suggestion. You can populate your new site with: Conception art!
seriously, i die for this stuff!

uhm... I'm pretty sure MWM wants to to stay away from an Adults only rating, and it's not that kind of game.
Also, not sure if putting down the forming of an idea or plan in art form would be any good.
Now, concept art on the other hand would be really sweet. :P

I am such a dweeb!


Hyperbolt's picture
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So, is the update coming in

So, is the update coming in the next couple days??

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

Darkfaith's picture
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CaptainSabalan wrote:
CaptainSabalan wrote:

So, is the update coming in the next couple days??

Updates usually happen on Wednesdays, so probably tomorrow.

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Gangrel wrote:
Gangrel wrote:

Interdictor wrote:
Cyclops wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:
Sigh...I wish we'd get our new site already. Just ignore the floating half sentence there please...I can't edit it.

New site? Whats this about a new site?!!???

I'd imagine they have a new website/forums in the works - I doubt that these boards are the final version that will see them through launch.

Back in the day, there was a dev (possibly Zombie Man, I forget who exactly though) who said "Be prepared to have your head blown off, the new site and forums look *amazing*" to those who had complained about shortcomings in these forums.
This was just after Christmas 2013 IIRC (so not all that long after the kickstarter).
So yeah, still waiting for my head to be blown away.
Side note: This is why choosing the best tools at the start is always important. And for something like forums, choosing the wrong one can make it hard/difficult to change from one set of forums to another "easily".
There are bridges/converters out there, but they are "hackish" in terms of how they work (some of them run as "bridge" between the new forum software and old database (basically they catch the request from the forum and send it to the correct part of the forum database) or they just outright modify the database accordingly.
So what this means is that if you have to update the "new" forum software, you might have to then update the bridge software (which can also include it own security issues) or you just convert the database over to the new structure layout (which comes with the normal problems of possible database corruption that might not be immediately apparent).
Oh, and depending on the forum software, you may have to redo modifications to it so that features that you had in one set of forum software is available in another (ie being able to show multiple badges. Badges might not be a "standard" feature for one set of forums, but are in another).
So this is why choosing the "best" forum software at the start is important. It really does guide you later on down the line. And actually this isn't just for forum software, but also your CMS (content management system). In this case the main website here.

I just want to say that Gangrel is one hundred percent right here. We got slightly handcuffed, and upgrading the forums takes a little more time than we have available, I'm afraid. We could do it - but I'd rather the two best people work on internal systems.

Update coming sometime this week. Might be a little late so we can add a bit more polish.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Shadow Elusive
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No denying it, we thought

No denying it, we thought this was it and it turns out it was a bad idea and now we're kinda stuck, because we can't find quite enough time to finish the site if we want the game out on time. It's been in the works quite a long time, and of course progress *has* been's just never quite managed to finish.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

What update Gangrel? There IS no update. This is a teaser for next weeks update. Not important or official enough for our KS page. Note the words teaser thrown everywhere in both the original post and this OP, and the only text to accompany the very short and not very demonstrative vid.
"But...just wait till next week when we have them all working! And watch the discussion thread for some info on all the obstacles we've encountered with this one."
The real update we post *this* week will indeed go to the KS as usual, and the 'info on all the obstacles' is the planned accompanying text for the update. The vid, it should go without saying, will also be There is often a delay in the posting though, since only Warcabbit or Nate or Segev can access the KS account (it is synonymous with access to the funds see...). I post it when I can and then War does as soon as he can afterwards.
Our various communication channels are not joined at the hip Gangrel. Each a different tool, with a different use - they reach different people in different ways. If we want or need everybody to hear something, obviously we use all of them. We don't always want to. This was just us being coy with a little clip and a wink nudge about next week. Something to generate buzz, but not of any actual significance. As such, we did not use our KS channel.

For me, if you decide to shout about something like this on your facebook page, forums AND twitter, then I would assume that it would have also been thrown out as a small quick update (ie a teaser update) to the kickstarter page.

But that is just how I would have done it. But now you have set a precedent for "announcements" to not go out via all channels at the same time, even if it is just a "teaser".


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Shadow Elusive
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Key word being 'assume'. Did

Key word being 'assume'. Did you realize you assume rather often Gangrel? And then you lecture us at length based on your assumptions. You assumed grunts and stuff were voice acting, started lecturing, and it took half a forum page to get it through to you that you were simply wrong, they are sound effects libraries. Now, you assume that anything we put up elsewhere should logically be posted to Kickstarter. But Kickstarter is very different from our other channels, for two reasons.

First, it sends a direct email to everyone who ever donated anything to us. People can choose to set to receive email alerts from other places but the KS subscribed them *by* their donation. This makes it the most easily abused/overused of all our channels because of how personally intrusive it can be. You want to receive everything Gangrel, but there are five thousand people on the receiving end of every KS post we make, and we don't want to risk making a thousand of them stop reading their emails and possibly miss something important that we really wanted everyone to know. How many might consider this annoying little teaser more like spam? I'm assuming they can unsubscribe, and poof: the KS channel no longer reaches all backers - in fact it's no longer reaching the backers we most needed to see our real, big progress reports, to restore faith. That's a pretty strong reason to use it more sparingly right there. We want it to remain a channel that every backer who has chosen to ignore our other channels will read. That means using it a bit more carefully, keeping the more frivolous stuff away - like this teaser, which we don't even consider an announcement, frankly. Possibly next time we should only use social media channels for something like this, and use a different forum thread. I'll take feedback on that.

But there is another reason. As our website, this is obviously intended to be our center: it's the only channel that's truly ours. Facebook and Twitter and Reddit are secondary but still permanent and standard secondary hubs for companies for communicating. Kickstarter? Is a temporary platform to ensure we can reliably reach our backers until we have a system of our own. We use it for now, to make sure the backers hear all the important stuff like the updates and g-d yes perks and tiers related surveys, but if we had a better website, we might not be using the KS at all anymore (with the occasional extra important stuff put through it for redundancy). It's a communication channel, yes, and a valuable one for now, but it's temporary. We use it, again, to make sure they get all the important stuff, because we know we're missing some features necessary to replace it, so we're being realistic. But at the very least, for odd bits like the teaser, things not important enough to constitute real pressure, it is far better for us that people come to the permanent channels. To get used to following us on OUR site, or our Facebook page or Reddit and so on. Because unlike the others, sooner or later, the Kickstarter angle is going to go away.

So, for these two reasons, we strike a balance between using the KS and not using it. Everything sufficiently important still goes there, because we need the KS platforms effectiveness still and because we want all those emails to be at least that important. And because we don't want to dilute those emails, and still want people to have a reason to look elsewhere if they choose (without feeling like they have to), things like this teaser don't.

Those are the reasons we disagree with you, Gangrel, about the best policy when it comes to KS page posts and announcements. Until it becomes clear a significant number of other backers share your opinion, we won't be changing our policies, but of course we respect your opinion and your right to voice it as often as you choose. We just don't agree with it :)

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Izzy's picture
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I'm with Shadow on this one.

I'm with Shadow on this one. :|

'Cause "The Shadow Knows"! >:D
Sry, had to do it once at least. :<

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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

Key word being 'assume'. Did you realize you assume rather often Gangrel? And then you lecture us at length based on your assumptions. You assumed grunts and stuff were voice acting, started lecturing, and it took half a forum page to get it through to you that you were simply wrong, they are sound effects libraries.

Well lets just say: I hope you are using stock sound effects then, and not getting a microphone involved for the recording of any sound effects using a human voice then. If you involve a persons voice in it, then yes I would say that you are using a voice actor. Even if you have to heavily distort/edit/twist their voice for it.

As an example: The zombie creatures in "I am Legend"? Those were voiced by Mike Patton. Yes, the singer of Faith No More.

But lets check IMDB to see what he gets listed as shall we?
[url=]Mike Patton[/url]: He gets listed as a Actor (voice) for them (as well as for Left4Dead/ Left 4 Dead 2 as the Infected / Smoker / Hunger zombies). Side note: He also gets listed in the game credits for voicing them as well...

But I am sure that they don't really say much in terms of sentences compared to Louis (Earl Alexander), Overbeck (Jim French), Zoey (Jen Taylor), Francis (Vince Valenzuela) or those who did the Pilots/the various radio transmissions or the Church Lunatic....

So that is why I take the point of view of "Stick a mike in front of someone and they make a sound using their voice" counts as voice acting.

It might get used as a sound effect; but it still constitutes a form of voice acting. Even "death screams" count as voice acting. If those don't count as "voice acting" then how many words need to be said for it to count? Does it have to be a recognisable word in a known language for it to count (so does this mean that the alien speech in SWTOR doesn't count then?)

Now them slapping the crap out of their arms/face to get a sound effect? Not voice acting (unless it is to get their vocal response).

So maybe we are both correct... but outright saying "we are not going to be using voice actors for anything" is something *completely* different to "we will only use them for special effects"


Now, you assume that anything we put up elsewhere should logically be posted to Kickstarter. But Kickstarter is very different from our other channels, for two reasons.
First, it sends a direct email to everyone who ever donated anything to us. People can choose to set to receive email alerts from other places but the KS subscribed them *by* their donation. This makes it the most easily abused/overused of all our channels because of how personally intrusive it can be. You want to receive everything Gangrel, but there are five thousand people on the receiving end of every KS post we make, and we don't want to risk making a thousand of them stop reading their emails and possibly miss something important that we really wanted everyone to know. How many might consider this annoying little teaser more like spam? I'm assuming they can unsubscribe, and poof: the KS channel no longer reaches all backers - in fact it's no longer reaching the backers we most needed to see our real, big progress reports, to restore faith. That's a pretty strong reason to use it more sparingly right there. We want it to remain a channel that every backer who has chosen to ignore our other channels will read. That means using it a bit more carefully, keeping the more frivolous stuff away - like this teaser, which we don't even consider an announcement, frankly. Possibly next time we should only use social media channels for something like this, and use a different forum thread. I'll take feedback on that.

I made an assumption because of where you placed it; and only on that basis. If you had placed it into general discussion then I wouldn't have brought it up.

The fact that you decided to also post on twitter/facebook (and now I discover on Reddit as well),makes me feel that this was "must have information". Yes, I realise that Kickstarter is NOT going to be the focus of your communication. But until you actually say "From now on we won't be updating the kickstarter" then if something gets mentioned on 4 out of 5 different platforms, I would be going "What gives?"


But there is another reason. As our website, this is obviously intended to be our center: it's the only channel that's truly ours. Facebook and Twitter and Reddit are secondary but still permanent and standard secondary hubs for companies for communicating. Kickstarter? Is a temporary platform to ensure we can reliably reach our backers until we have a system of our own. We use it for now, to make sure the backers hear all the important stuff like the updates and g-d yes perks and tiers related surveys, but if we had a better website, we might not be using the KS at all anymore (with the occasional extra important stuff put through it for redundancy). It's a communication channel, yes, and a valuable one for now, but it's temporary. We use it, again, to make sure they get all the important stuff, because we know we're missing some features necessary to replace it, so we're being realistic. But at the very least, for odd bits like the teaser, things not important enough to constitute real pressure, it is far better for us that people come to the permanent channels. To get used to following us on OUR site, or our Facebook page or Reddit and so on. Because unlike the others, sooner or later, the Kickstarter angle is going to go away.

You have a reddit page all to yourself? That is indeed news. What is the link for it, just in case you decide to post something there as a teaser (oh wait, you just have... its some music from hellwreckage)


So, for these two reasons, we strike a balance between using the KS and not using it. Everything sufficiently important still goes there, because we need the KS platforms effectiveness still and because we want all those emails to be at least that important. And because we don't want to dilute those emails, and still want people to have a reason to look elsewhere if they choose (without feeling like they have to), things like this teaser don't.

The reason why I feel you failed with your kickstarter updates was, in my mind, due to how badly laid out they were. You would put two or three different topics all in one large wall of text and then you wondered why people didn't pick up on the new T-Shirt of the month updates...

That was because it was hidden in between two (whilst related) topics, but with NO clear indication of it even supposed to be there. It was very easy to miss the information.

If you laid them out better, and try not to fit everything into one large wall of text, forcing people to read every word (or near enough) just to make sure that they didn't miss a topic change.

((It also didn't help that at the start you blew out 39 updates in just the first month, and then on average one every other day in November; so you had spammed people a lot by then as well))


Those are the reasons we disagree with you, Gangrel, about the best policy when it comes to KS page posts and announcements. Until it becomes clear a significant number of other backers share your opinion, we won't be changing our policies, but of course we respect your opinion and your right to voice it as often as you choose. We just don't agree with it :)

Well now that you have publicly chastised someone for voicing their own opinion, it might well have forced people to think otherwise and not speak up.

And yes, I stand by what I believe in. And I will continue to voice my opinions as I see fit. Thanks for the clarifications on stuff. I shall just go back to my usual role of relaying the information out to others who don't follow the facebook page/twitter or the forums (because of how (as they put it) "badly laid out the forums are" [1])

Izzy wrote:

I'm with Shadow on this one. :|
'Cause "The Shadow Knows"! >:D
Sry, had to do it once at least. :<

Shame its the wrong Shadowe (don't forget the E... the E is important).

[1] Seriously, who puts general discussion so far down the page... Even with ALL the categories minimized, General discussion is *almost* off the bottom on my display (and this is at 100% zoom level, so no actual page modification here)


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

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AngelWolf wrote:
AngelWolf wrote:

Moving around the city is going to be a game in and of itself for some players, and I aim to make that movement as fun as possible.

This is how you build a game, by understanding that each part of a game must be... a game=entertaining.
Each little part must be an addition to the general perceived fun, by being funny it self.

When I read you all, in your news and posts, I feel understood and I feel that you may actually deliver a game that can actually take the place of City of Heroes, that's still an hole in my heart.

Hyperbolt's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
Joined: 09/20/2015 - 13:33
I never had the chance to

I never had the chance to play COH(sigh)..................wish I did. But I hope that City of Titans will be worthy to lift Mjolnir, current Superhero MMO's have failed

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

Stee1Reaper23's picture
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Is the update coming today or

Is the update coming today or tomorrow?

Foradain's picture
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Stee1Reaper23 wrote:
Stee1Reaper23 wrote:

Is the update coming today or tomorrow?

That would have been Today in my time-zone, about two and a half hours ago according to the email, or about six and a half after you posted that question. At least on the [url=]Kickstarter[/url]. Presumably it will be posted here on [url=//][/url] soon enough, but it's already tomorrow, now...


Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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avelworldcreator's picture
Last seen: 3 days 11 hours ago
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Just finding this thread or I

Just finding this thread or I would have commented on it earlier. I'm the guy who did the video edits and had a narrow time window to produce it and clean it up. It's actually segments of a video more than 5 minutes long. I was given specific instructions as to length and content. Shadow Elusive is correct and this is not a teaser. It's just a "we are making some progress here" report. This is why it is so short and limited as far as content. FYI, I had issues adding a sound track initially, but I had to release it before I had that problem fixed (yes, I have a version with a sound track now. :D ) Our focus on this short video is just to show that elements were working and not to have a quality production. I [i]can[/i] do quality production work of course with time.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

Kiyori Anoyui
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It's alright, there's only so


It's alright, there's only so much time in the day. You guys are doing a lot of work, I'll patiently wait, (in my head *can't wait to see what you guys show us next =D*)

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Kiyori Anoyui wrote:
Kiyori Anoyui wrote:

It's alright, there's only so much time in the day. You guys are doing a lot of work, I'll patiently wait, (in my head *can't wait to see what you guys show us next =D*)

Well, I would be happy to share the progress video with soundtrack, but at this late point I don't see it being practical.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]