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What are the most essential Emotes to have on Starting day?

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Cyclops's picture
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What are the most essential Emotes to have on Starting day?

Not everyone has an microphone set-up to for Team Speak. Communication for me was mostly typed in COH. Emotes saved a LOT of typing.

Every emote must be animated. So what do we need for basic communication on opening day?
I've got a few
1) Yes
2) No
3) Laugh
4) Evil Laugh
5) Eyes up here (with woman's voice: "Hey Buddy, eyes up here!"
6) Dance with 4 variations.
7) Boom Box (music)
8) Come get some
9) Tannim222 (beating someone with a red crowbar)
10) Cringe (getting beat with a red Crowbar)

If a 100 tannims222 are performed a Giant monster is summoned. It looks like a programmer with a giant red crowbar. Fight him all you want, he takes no damage, but boy does he deal it out!

OK, not all of those are essential. But you get my drift.
What other emotes would you like to see on opening day?

and PS, I would like to access an in game list of emotes available, thanks. (some emotes might need a trip to the game store)


Interdictor's picture
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Hold Torch

Hold Torch

Ha ha! Got it first!

Also some "flexing" emotes.

Redlynne's picture
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Here's the City of Heroes

Here's the [url=]City of Heroes Emotes[/url] list, just in case anyone is having a hard time remembering a particularly good one.

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

I know that I incorporated these emotes into my Pet Commands keybind files so as to make my Mastermind "do things" when directing traffic:

[img][/img] Attack Target
[img][/img] Go To
[img][/img] Follow

[img][/img] Aggressive Stance
[img][/img] Passive Stance
[img][/img] Defensive Stance

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Redlynne, I love the way you

Redlynne, I love the way you set up those emotes for your MM. I can't wait to play with you.

Ysangard's picture
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Don't forget to release the

Don't forget to release the game with Costume Change Emote ^^ please :)

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Ysangard wrote:
Ysangard wrote:

Don't forget to release the game with Costume Change Emote ^^ please :)

+100. I really, really loved the various ccemotes.

I was also a big fan of /drat, /shucks, /frustrated, and /grief. Wow, you'd think I got killed a lot from that list!

Also love the idea of a /tannim.

I'd like to see various sitting and lying down poses that conform better to the furniture.

Oh yeah, gotta have /waiting for when I'm playing with friends who go off to talk to their wives without so much as an 'afk.'

Spurn all ye kindle.

Redlynne's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

I'd like to see various sitting and lying down poses that conform better to the furniture.

Star Trek Online did something mildly clever in this regard. When you're close to a chair that can be sat in, you can mouse over the chair and the icon will change (to something vaguely chair-like). Click on the chair and your character will be SAT in the chair automatically. The idea is that the chair has a kind of "socket" that the character gets moved into so as to align them into a seated position into the chair properly. If you want to do a different seating pose, you can just stand up (in the chair) and do the emote and you'll still be in the right socketed position for sitting in that chair. Or you can just do the emote directly and your pose will change while seated.

Needless to say, this is a LOT simpler to do and makes roleplaying SO much easier. Just make the functionality a Feature of the chair object so that it gets tested and proofed by QA and then just duplicated everywhere that object gets placed within the game.

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Lothic's picture
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Ysangard wrote:
Ysangard wrote:

Don't forget to release the game with Costume Change Emote ^^ please :)

I assume we'll get at least a few dozen of the "standard MMO" emotes on launch day.

But in keeping with the superhero nature of this game I totally agree we should get at least a few Costume Change Emotes as well. I'd totally understand if they could only manage a few of them by launch time but they represented such a huge amount of "cool factor" for CoH that it would be a shame if CoT didn't have them from the beginning.

As always additional emotes (of all types) could be added to the game as time goes on after launch.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Redlynne's picture
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A telephone booth drops out of the sky onto your character ... who promptly opens the door and steps out of the booth wearing their new costume.


Essentially the same idea, except that a beam of light shoots up out of the ground (completely engulfing the avatar) and when it dissipates a second or two later it reveals the character wearing their new costume.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Lothic's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

A telephone booth drops out of the sky onto your character ... who promptly opens the door and steps out of the booth wearing their new costume.
Essentially the same idea, except that a beam of light shoots up out of the ground (completely engulfing the avatar) and when it dissipates a second or two later it reveals the character wearing their new costume.

If they are going to have a "telephone booth" change emote as an iconic example then they might as well do a variation of the classic Lynda Carter "wonder spin" as well. Those would be my vote for the first two we should get (assuming we could only have two to start with). We know one of the first CCEs CoH had was a spin so that seems almost like a no-brainer to me.

In the long run of course I hope we have dozens to choose from; your "beam of light" idea would be good as any.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Foradain's picture
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While I agree that the Wonder

While I agree that the Wonder Spin should be at the top of the list, I like to also suggest a jump, hover as a ball of light expands to keep conceal the character, then fades to reveal the new costume, then either land or enter flight mode. Pose while hovering is a good topic for future customization.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Ysangard's picture
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oh... and all the

oh... and all the environmental Emotes (sit position, the back on a wall, etc...)

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the newspaper emote! great

the newspaper emote! great for afk

Redlynne's picture
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I used to do a /newspaper

I used to do a /newspaper emote while playing Redlynne (MA/SR with the power of [b]NO GET HITSU!![/b]) whenever I had aggro and a Paragon Protector went into their MINUTES Of Glory routine and couldn't be hit for 90 seconds.

The number of teammates who would start laughing, seeing me reading the /newspaper while the Paragon Protector "whiffed" away at me just gave me lots of warm fuzzies. *^_^*

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Little Red Ragnarok
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I was chilling in Paragon

I was chilling in Paragon Chat, and my character ordered a glass of wine.

That's when I noticed there was no "/em drinkwine" emote. Maybe it's not super essential, but damn that should be an emote for any aspiring villain. :)

Redlynne's picture
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Little Red Ragnarok wrote:
Little Red Ragnarok wrote:

that should be an emote for any aspiring villain. :)

If that's the criteria, a much more villainous emote would be ...



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Little Red Ragnarok
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

If that's the criteria, a much more villainous emote would be ...

That would be more villainous. But I think..

/holdwine has a certain sophistication to it.

However, for all the hard boiled heroes and vigilantes, we need a /whiskeyflash emote. A general /drinkbeer or /crushbeercan emote doesn't hurt either.

syntaxerror37's picture
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I'd love a "magical girl"

I'd love a "magical girl" transformation that ends with the character in a sailor moon-esq pose. I would use it on both male and female heroes too.

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

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syntaxerror37 wrote:
syntaxerror37 wrote:

I would use it on both male and female heroes too.

By the power of Greyskull!

Redlynne's picture
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syntaxerror37 wrote:
syntaxerror37 wrote:

I'd love a "magical girl" transformation that ends with the character in a sailor moon-esq pose. I would use it on both male and female heroes too.


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Comicsluvr's picture
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Standing, sitting, leaning

Standing, sitting, leaning and some basic hand gestures. To be honest, I'm not worried about emotes and I don't consider any of them 'essential' for launch day. Will we want them? Sure we will. Soon after launch? ASAP. Opening day? Given the status of the game industry, give me a launch day with no crashes or major bugs and I'll be delirious...

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

whiteperegrine's picture
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essential emotes for day one?

essential emotes for day one? [b]none[/b]

emotes are, imo, a QOL item that are not needed at all but players like lil gadgets and such to play with. not to say ppl didn't use them on a practical's just that in my years of playing CoH I personally never saw anyone actually use them as a serious form of communication.

[I]braces for impact[/I] that said, I would just go with the basic ones that CoH had from the get go. should be enough to get the ball started and they can add more over time.


Lothic's picture
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whiteperegrine wrote:
Comicsluvr wrote:

To be honest, I'm not worried about emotes and I don't consider any of them 'essential' for launch day. Will we want them? Sure we will. Soon after launch? ASAP. Opening day? Given the status of the game industry, give me a launch day with no crashes or major bugs and I'll be delirious...

whiteperegrine wrote:

essential emotes for day one? none

Technically speaking I'd agree that emotes of any kind aren't strictly necessary for a functional MMO game.

But I'd make the case that for a modern "superhero" based MMO game that having costume change emotes are almost to the point of being, if not absolutely necessary, a reasonable launch-day expectation at any rate. Amazing costume changes are a staple of the comic book genre that would be sorely missed if it didn't exist in some form or fashion in CoT.

Now as I said before I wouldn't demand/expect that CoT would have hundreds of them ready to go on Day One - but on the other hand if it doesn't launch with ANY at all that would be a disappointment and a step backwards from what CoH had already achieved years ago.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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double Facepalm

for those moments when someone says (or does) something disastrously, um, inane.

Cyclops's picture
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StellarAgent wrote:
StellarAgent wrote:

double Facepalm
for those moments when someone says (or does) something disastrously, um, inane.

Then facepalm will be the first emote used. I predict someone will say something inane within the first 5 seconds of live play.


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For me, it was all about the lecture. I just laughed and pictured that scene from the second Robocop movie, where's he's lecturing the kids around the hydrant.

A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men.
~Roald Dahl

Kiyori Anoyui
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/e alakazamreact was one of

/e alakazamreact was one of my personal favorites. Especially around the holidays. Also /e assumetheposition is that what it was?

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
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Lord Nightmare
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/e curses

/e curses
/e youbowdown
/e maniacallaugh

and any similar ones.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

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Nothing means anything. This is the natural state of everything within our reality. It is only your existence, your relative position, and your perspective that can make something meaningful.

Fireheart's picture
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So, that would be /faceplant

So, that would be /faceplant ?

Be Well!

Cyclops's picture
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When we get animators, I

When we get animators, I would like to designate an emote that has a 2nd secret meaning--thank you to the Devs!
Like the Torch emote...if a group of us posted a screenshot of us all holding torches high in the "Ask the Devs" would be seen as a huge thank you.


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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

So, that would be /faceplant ?
Be Well!

/foundpenny actually.

Nothing means anything. This is the natural state of everything within our reality. It is only your existence, your relative position, and your perspective that can make something meaningful.

Kiyori Anoyui
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

When we get animators, I would like to designate an emote that has a 2nd secret meaning--thank you to the Devs!
Like the Torch emote...if a group of us posted a screenshot of us all holding torches high in the "Ask the Devs" would be seen as a huge thank you.

100% Yes!

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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TenTonBlue wrote:
TenTonBlue wrote:


This guy was learning to fly by throwing himself at the ground and missing.

Looks like he failed to miss it fairly hard!

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

When we get animators, I would like to designate an emote that has a 2nd secret meaning--thank you to the Devs!
Like the Torch emote...if a group of us posted a screenshot of us all holding torches high in the "Ask the Devs" would be seen as a huge thank you.


I can also concede the point that a costume change emote, while not vital to the game, would be one of the things that many players would point at to distinguish between 'The next Superhero MMO' and a well-polished and complete game.

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Lothic's picture
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Comicsluvr wrote:
Comicsluvr wrote:

I can also concede the point that a costume change emote, while not vital to the game, would be one of the things that many players would point at to distinguish between 'The next Superhero MMO' and a well-polished and complete game.

Thanks for the support. :)

Again emotes in general should not be an overall launch day priority but at least within the scope of "which emotes are most important" I would think that having several good costume change emotes would need to be at the top of the "emotes to-do" list.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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If we're getting costume

If we're getting costume change emotes, I want a proper Henshin. Strike a pose, flash to your new costume, strike another pose, explosion out of nowhere behind you. Pose again. Think Power Rangers.

Extra special bonus points if you can use any chest emblem logo as a particle effect for the transformation.

I'll let Wonder Yellow demonstrate. He gets an A for effort, at least.

I would have used Wonder Red, but he just has to overexplain everything and who wants to sit through a full minute of technical information on how, when we can watch a burly Russian man pose instead?

Lord Nightmare
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McNum wrote:
McNum wrote:

If we're getting costume change emotes, I want a proper Henshin. Strike a pose, flash to your new costume, strike another pose, explosion out of nowhere behind you. Pose again. Think Power Rangers.
Extra special bonus points if you can use any chest emblem logo as a particle effect for the transformation.
I'll let Wonder Yellow demonstrate. He gets an A for effort, at least.

I would have used Wonder Red, but he just has to overexplain everything and who wants to sit through a full minute of technical information on how, when we can watch a burly Russian man pose instead?

Why would you even consider that poser Wonder Red anyway when the original Red Hot Hero is Viewtiful Joe?

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

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Lord Nightmare wrote:
Lord Nightmare wrote:

Why would you even consider that poser Wonder Red anyway when the original Red Hot Hero is Viewtiful Joe?

Well, obviously Viewtiful Joe can henshin with the best of them, but I couldn't use his as an example since it's a personalized one. What with his V-Watch spinning off his arm, becoming the crest on his helmet, and then his normal clothes explode off revealing his Viewtiful form underneath. Wonder Yellow is... bland. That's actually his gimmick. But that makes his transformation a good example of a generic henshin.

I do like Wonder Red, though. He just wasn't good for this purpose. [url=][I]"blah-blah psychic switches blah-blah three billionths of a second blah-blah invincible defenders of justice..."[/i][/url] It's delightfully camp when playing the game, mind you, but irrelevant to the example. He does have a good henshin with the triple take and all, though.

I wonder what doing a triple take pose would even look like in an MMO. Probably really silly.

Redlynne's picture
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Amateurs ...

Amateurs ...


[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Lord Nightmare
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CHILDREN LOOK AWAY! It's too painful for you to watch.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

dangeraaron10's picture
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I'm going to second the

I'm going to second the costume change emote, be it transforming through a dark shroud or being covered in holographic polygons or such.

Also, /e wristcommunicator or something, where it looks like you're talking at your spy watch.

Reptilian Space Warrior and Dragon Man looking for a home.

Captain Everspark - CoH, CO
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Darth Fez
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One thing that would be cool,

One thing that would be cool, which I believe exists in FFXIV, is a "group pose" function. Ideally these would allow a group of players to assume various group shot or even comic book cover style poses. For example:


- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Darth Fez wrote: One thing
Darth Fez wrote:

One thing that would be cool, which I believe exists in FFXIV, is a "group pose" function. Ideally these would allow a group of players to assume various group shot or even comic book cover style poses. For example:

+1 THIS emote would be worth the time and effort in a Superhero game.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

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Okay, because it bugs the

Okay, because it bugs the heck out of me in another game:

/smile - doesn't necessarily have to have a huge animation.
/grin - ditto

And can we please have a /sit that doesn't look painful? Perhaps 'summon a stool' to sit on. /lotus is okay too, maybe /zazen.

Be Well!

Redlynne's picture
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I always like to toggle on

I always like to toggle on Hover and then do /em lotus.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Lothic's picture
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Redlynne wrote: I always like
Redlynne wrote:

I always like to toggle on Hover and then do /em lotus.

IIRC only a handful of the total number of emotes in CoH actually worked while Hovering, and even then it seemed like some of those were kind of "accidental" in nature.
Hopefully the new game system will allow the Devs to provide for more emotes in general and also make it so that more of those can happen while Hovering without too much extra effort.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote: Redlynne wrote
Lothic wrote:

Redlynne wrote: I always like to toggle on Hover and then do /em lotus.IIRC only a handful of the total number of emotes in CoH actually worked while Hovering, and even then it seemed like some of those were kind of "accidental" in nature.

Like pressing the down button and scooting around on your butt?
For some reason, that maneuver looked extra silly with a cape!

I liked doing the /em walllean while hovering.

On my Storm summoner, I like doing the sitbench while hovering just on top of my thundercloud. Looked like I was reclining on it.

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

Nos482's picture
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/e teabag =P

/e teabag
I loved that emote... then I learned what teabagging usually refers to.
And lol'd xD

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I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.

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Rigel wrote:
Rigel wrote:

Lothic wrote:
Redlynne wrote: I always like to toggle on Hover and then do /em lotus.IIRC only a handful of the total number of emotes in CoH actually worked while Hovering, and even then it seemed like some of those were kind of "accidental" in nature.
Like pressing the down button and scooting around on your butt?
For some reason, that maneuver looked extra silly with a cape!
I liked doing the /em walllean while hovering.
On my Storm summoner, I like doing the sitbench while hovering just on top of my thundercloud. Looked like I was reclining on it.

I recall using a sit command while hovering and using the down button to move about. It made a reasonable approximation of being in a wheelchair, Professor X-style.

Emancipist's picture
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What's wrong with just typing

What's wrong with just typing out what you want to say and using key binds for quick responses/statements?

The wording of various phrases in CoH always seemed ...phony to me. Or child-like. Something was off. I never used them.

Those who have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing. - John Cleese

Lothic's picture
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Emancipist wrote:
Emancipist wrote:

What's wrong with just typing out what you want to say and using key binds for quick responses/statements?
The wording of various phrases in CoH always seemed ...phony to me. Or child-like. Something was off. I never used them.

I think as a bare minimum we can expect to have a short-ranged "emote" text chat channel (in addition to the standard 'local') that will let you type any "emotive" text you want. This existed in CoH and there's no reason to think it won't exist in CoT. Still that doesn't mean we shouldn't also get a basic set of generic hardwired emotes (both animation based and text based) for the launch of the game as well.

Remember some people won't want to deal with setting their own keybinds or even typing text for whatever reason (e.g. maybe they are 5 years old) so it would always be good to have at least a handful of default text-based ones (accessible via GUI menu) no matter how "phony" or generic they are. As you clearly pointed out there would be no need to use them if you didn't want to.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Fireheart's picture
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We could build a community of

We could build a community of polite people who actually say, "Thank you!" and "You're welcome.", as long as they just had to type /thx and /yw.

Actually... what if we had a text-based emote-macroing system? In CoH, you could build custom emotes, but they took up button-space on your power-bar. If, instead of hunting through buttons, or Pop-Menus, one COULD just type /thx to produce both speech and animation, wouldn't that be excellent?

... Mmm, Pop-Menus...

Be Well!

Riptide's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Actually... what if we had a text-based emote-macroing system? In CoH, you could build custom emotes, but they took up button-space on your power-bar. If, instead of hunting through buttons, or Pop-Menus, one COULD just type /thx to produce both speech and animation, wouldn't that be excellent?
... Mmm, Pop-Menus...
Be Well!

This was one of the things I remember most fondly from SWG.
In addition to all the emotes you could trigger manually, if you said "thanks" or any of the common variations you'd automatically trigger a little bow.
Similarly, saying yes or no anywhere in a sentence would cause a nod or headshake.
Saying "Hi" or "Bye" would trigger a wave, and so on.

It would be cool (and at times a little ridiculous) if, in addition to that, we could edit the list to autotrigger whatever emote we wanted.

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

Grimfox's picture
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I really liked the automatic

I really liked the automatic emote system in SWG. Being able to set a mood for your character and have the expression change and also the text in the chat channel change was impressive to middle school me. SWG also had a pretty good furniture interaction system, which was revolutionary at the time. "I can sit on that chair!" I think the mood also changed your posture. All of those things I think really helped define it's status as *the* sandbox MMO. I don't really expect that level of detail and refinement from this game. If they can pull it off, AMAZING! but not something I really expect.

I think the ones I used most were /e wait /e yoga and /e crouch

And of course I set up the costume change e-motes and used the fly pose e-mote

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notears's picture
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/teabag is a must!!!

/teabag is a must!!!

not my video just one I lke ===>


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A few emotes starting at 49


A few emotes starting at 49 seconds.


WarBird's picture
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I did use the newspaper as an

I did use the newspaper as an afk emote. But, what I would really like for that is an emote where you talk on a cell phone while holding up the index finger on the other hand.

Some kind of CC emote is vital, assuming we get a number of costumes. I haven't heard anything definitive that way. I just think we all *expect* it.

Some emotes should also include an appropriate speech bubble. "Thank You", and "Your Welcome" mentioned earlier. A few for combat purposes: "STOP!!", "GO!!", "Incoming!", "Attack!","Medic!", for instance.

I'd also like to see some more static/persistent/repeating postures that can be used to convey attitude or mood:

/belligerent = hands on hips, leaning forward "in-your-face".
/skeptical = had tilted, one arm crossed, the other under chin
/confused = one hand on hip, the other scratching back of head
/concerned = hands clasped in front of waist
to name a few

AND not for release, to be sure, but I think it would be neat at some point to include some optional anime signs(I'm sure the oficianados know the actual name for them) like the big droplet on the forehead that signals a character is anxious, or the squiggly line rising heat waves for anger, etc.

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WarBird wrote:
WarBird wrote:

I did use the newspaper as an afk emote.

When a Paragon Protector went all [b][i]MINUTES OF GLORY[/i][/b] and couldn't be hit for 90 seconds, I'd just have Redlynne grab aggro with a Warrior's Challenge Taunt and do the /em newspaper gag while letting the Paragon Protector [b]MISS! MISS! MISS![/b] thanks to the power of [b]No Get Hitsu!![/b] that was the birthright of ever Super Reflexes Scrapper. Sometimes I would even comment on the articles I was reading in the paper while doing this (because, what else can you do while waiting for 90 seconds to expire?).

"[url=]Catgirl[/url] sues owner for ... uh ... loss of attention and love from harried 'owner' who claims she's just a stray. Page B4."

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]