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Mars attacks. Would your Hero be non lethal?

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Cyclops's picture
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Mars attacks. Would your Hero be non lethal?

I would play to kill. Surrenders would be ignored.

My reasoning;
In an invasion scenario: its war. Our side will just not have the facilities to hold vast numbers of hostiles. Further it would take essential personnel off the street where they are needed. as a hero I would have to leave the ongoing battle to escort the prisoners.

Heroes belong in the front, where the vast powers they command are best put to use.
With human survival at stake there is just no time for going easy on the enemy.

What say you?


Halae's picture
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Hmm. I use the 'robot' clause

Hmm. I use the 'robot' clause for most of my fighting; if it's a construct I wouldn't hold back. If it's alive, it's wasteful to kill it; they're harder to replace but there's a vast array of things that can be done with living things.

First off, if they're something we don't have information on, an autopsy reveals less information than studying a living specimen. Second, interrogations, whether psychic or physical tend to give us a lot more information about what they're planning, which'd give us a stronger ability to deal with them in future situations, possibly even allow us to reverse engineer some of the tech we wouldn't have been able to replicate without the creature's 'help'.

So, I'd kill as necessary, and wouldn't go out of my way to preserve their lives if it's inconvenient, but I'd take live specimens if I could.

... It may or may not come as a surprise that I intend to play a lich lord and a demon summoner as my first couple of Operator characters once the archetype becomes available. Probably showed shades of that here.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

BlckWatr's picture
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Depends entirely on the

Depends entirely on the character I play at the time I play it. And the circumstances. Would he kill to save the lives of innocence? Yes. Does he like it? Usually not. Again, depends on the character...rarely are my characters morally 'gray'. I tend to lean towards the four-color mentality that keeps the Joker and Carnage coming back over, and over, and over, and over.

And Over.

And eventually gets Norman Osborn promoted to head of SHIELD... :P

Or, in an old-school PnP model, most of my characters tend to have a 20 point CVK. And I don't think I ever played one where their code was less than a 10 pointer!

A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men.
~Roald Dahl

Little Red Ragnarok
Little Red Ragnarok's picture
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Halae wrote:
Halae wrote:

First off, if they're something we don't have information on, an autopsy reveals less information than studying a living specimen. Second, interrogations, whether psychic or physical tend to give us a lot more information about what they're planning, which'd give us a stronger ability to deal with them in future situations, possibly even allow us to reverse engineer some of the tech we wouldn't have been able to replicate without the creature's 'help'.

I think in this case, a capture would be valid if that was a mission objective from Earth's defense (whoever that would be in Titan City). That would also require a selective capture, ie either the commander or lead technician, and not common foot soldiers.

As for the common foot soldiers. It depends on the type of hero that's being played, but most of them would kill the alien invaders with few qualms. The more virtuous ones might not be happy with it, but this is a war. It shows what principles that the hero values more: the sanctity of all life vs. the safety of planet earth.

Redlynne's picture
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Redlynne's weapon of choice

Redlynne's weapon of choice was ... sneakers. She'd just kick the snot out of anything and everything she came across.

[url=]Boot to the head[/url].

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Little Red Ragnarok
Little Red Ragnarok's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Redlynne's weapon of choice was ... sneakers. She'd just kick the snot out of anything and everything she came across.

What if the alien doesn't have snot?

Cyclops's picture
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Little Red Ragnarok wrote:
Little Red Ragnarok wrote:

Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne's weapon of choice was ... sneakers. She'd just kick the snot out of anything and everything she came across.

What if the alien doesn't have snot?

It will when she is done kicking it


Redlynne's picture
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Cyclops got there before I

Cyclops got there before I could.

Then there was my Warshade ... Ms Terry. Her battlecry?

[b][i]Your soul is my chewtoy![/i][/b]

I swear, getting Stygian Circle made me feel like I was playing a Necromancer. Needless to say, Dechs Kaison "approved" of my "MFing Warshade indeed!"

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Foradain's picture
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Some of my characters would

Some of my characters would use stun-only. Others would use potentially lethal force as their default setting.

But there is, as others have noted above, a difference between arresting criminals and fighting off an invasion.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Greyhawk's picture
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It depends on the character

It depends on the character and the ingame scenario.

I played through Invasion and then the return of the invasions, ran every Rikti mission in the game. I kind of liked that the game itself always called it a "defeat", leaving the player to decide whether the defeated enemy was dead or unconscious and waiting for pick up. At least on my heroes.

But then...I mostly played Villains. Killing Rikti instead of capturing them was a given because Arachnos had zero use for captured aliens. Also, many of the higher level missions were specifically assassinations of the warmongering faction leadership.

There wasn't much room for moral ambiguity on the Red Side.

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Little Red Ragnarok
Little Red Ragnarok's picture
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

But there is, as others have noted above, a difference between arresting criminals and fighting off an invasion.

Indeed. However, it does raise the question on whether or not a hero is willing to stun or kill a higher threat criminal, like a Circle Mage or a Malta Terrorist. Or if you're dealing with someone like the Joker or Doomsday.

However, I can see myself creating a character who will put those villains to sleep.


BlckWatr's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Cyclops got there before I could.
Then there was my Warshade ... Ms Terry. Her battlecry?
Your soul is my chewtoy!
I swear, getting Stygian Circle made me feel like I was playing a Necromancer. Needless to say, Dechs Kaison "approved" of my "MFing Warshade indeed!"

With that battlecry...your Warshade and my Roomate would get along smashingly...

A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men.
~Roald Dahl

Comicsluvr's picture
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Way too many variable to

Way too many variable to choose without more information.

Are they robots? Smash them...they're like military hardware with legs...fair game

Living? How do they behave? Do they challenge the Earth to a big duel for the planet or hunt babies with bayonets?

I have had characters that would never kill, seldom kill, often kill and frequently kill so I'm all over the board

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Gorgon's picture
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Given they cannot kill you,

Given they cannot kill you, you should tie pillows to your hands and not fight hard, lest you kill them.

In this way, you can trade off not killing them for licking their boots for all eternity. What a deal! (runs away)

Ahh, it makes no difference. I tried to lead the defense of Cap Au Diablo during a Rikti invasion, and we got our butts handed to us. They left anyway, just as they might have had we won. Why did thy even bother if they didn't establish a beachhead after whooping us?

HINT HINT HINT GAME DESIGNERS. Gimme the wild server where we lose control of the zone. Let the care bears hang on their own server.



The very existence of the taunting tank irritates, for it requires idiotic AI that obeys the taunt.

Gorgon's picture
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Seriously, though, "not

Seriously, though, "not killing" someone in a balls out war (or encounter less than war, for that matter) is an affectation derived of writing stories for kids more than a statistical reflection of the results of fighting.

In short, Batman wins over and over against 100-1 odds because the writers make him win...without even needing to kill.

One should base stories off this. One should not base life off this. How real do you want your superhero stories?

Heroes Reborn approacheth, with death everywhere!



The very existence of the taunting tank irritates, for it requires idiotic AI that obeys the taunt.

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 5 days ago
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First of all I wouldn't see a

First of all I wouldn't see a martian invasion as different from any other war, but war is definitely different from what superheroes normally do (which for lack of a better term I'd call law enforcement, with a snicker). Even Captain America didn't hesitate to use deadly force during WWII.

I'd be less reluctant to kill but still not willing, I'd do things that might kill (like crashing vehicles or blowing up bunkers etc...) but wouldn't be trying to kill, and I definitely wouldn't kill anyone who surrendered unless I had clear reason to be suspicious (and therefore afraid). If we need to fight the martians, it's possible that some of the martians aren't really into whatever their government is forcing them to do, and if they surrender they might be helpful to us.

notears's picture
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Well when it comes to the "No

Well when it comes to the "No kill rule" I prefer to go with SWAT rules, if I can save them or stun the without much problem... but if their about to execute a hostage or blow up half the world I'm putting a bullet in their face... that aside? I think of war as evil.... it's necessary at times don't get me wrong... but.... when it's necessary it's still a necessary evil.... if I'm ever getting drafted for a space war I'm going to keep this in mind... there will always be innocents on both sides... it's best to get it over with as quickly as we can and then hope for the future...

not my video just one I lke ===>


Lord Nightmare
Lord Nightmare's picture
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Non-Lethal? What kind of a

Non-Lethal? What kind of a villain do you take me for?

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Nyktos's picture
Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
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Joined: 11/02/2014 - 16:07 would depend on would depend on the character I would be playing and what type of aliens we are talking about here. If they have there own language and couldn't speak to humans or superhumans then it would probably would be useless to keep them around.....

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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whiteperegrine's picture
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in the case of an invasion...

in the case of an invasion....the heroes that I have that would take part in the fighting would treat the situation as war. if the target soldier surrendered, his life would be spared, but in all out firefights/battles there is very little "wiggle room" when it's your life or theirs.

for the few heroes I have who are completely committed to not killing, they would mainly be on the sidelines assisting civilians in getting clear of the battle zones. defending them as needed, but only to the point of knocking out the attacker and then getting the civilians out of the area.

it is an extreme case though...interplanetary war. it is not the same as fighting criminals as we are talking about invading armies, and these invading armies are intent on exterminating the entire population and not just those defending the planet. as such, Codes vs Killing would, imo, be suspended, to a degree, given the extreme circumstance.


Redlynne's picture
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Know your enemy. Know

Know your enemy. Know yourself.

Sounds like some people in this thread have a preference to Know NOTHING.

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Lord Nightmare
Lord Nightmare's picture
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I have a preference to know

I have a preference to know any who dare stand against the Nightmare will be smite into the ground.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Foradain's picture
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Lord Nightmare wrote:
Lord Nightmare wrote:

Non-Lethal? What kind of a villain do you take me for?

The question wasn't about Lord Nightmare. We all know he's a villain who will only do non-lethal damage in those rare cases that he desires a live captive for some nefarious reason. Like ripping all the information he can get out of said captive's mind. [I]Then[/I] he'll kill the captive, after that goal has been achieved. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Lord Nightmare
Lord Nightmare's picture
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Nonsense! Even mindless

Nonsense! Even mindless cretins have a use as cannon fodder. Or genetic experiments. Or a living trophy.. certain I can get enough carbonite for a few organic statues.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Gorgon's picture
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I just spent 5 years in

I just spent 5 years in carbonite. I don't recommend it.



The very existence of the taunting tank irritates, for it requires idiotic AI that obeys the taunt.

Nyktos's picture
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Okay so to further expand on

Okay so to further expand on my previous post. This if if the aliens were hostile and had no qualms in killing civilians and superhumans alike

- Crow would try to reason with them, if they don't take it then he will not hold back
- Gepetto would make traps that are capable of incapacitating the hostile aliens, would kill in self-defense or in defense of an innocent
- Dread would scare the fuck out of the hostile aliens before attacking them (he's half-alien himself and some might recognize were his powers came from), would definitely not hold back in killing them.
- Harlequin would go for non-lethal takedowns mostly unless one was threatening an innocent. Unfortunately that might happen pretty often...
- White Rabbit would frolic in the chaos and would be doing all kinds of wacky hi-jinks to the aliens
- Sanguine would lock them down in various ways with his own blood and wouldn't hesitate to interrogate them
- Datamine would look for anything to hack with his powers
- Phage would stakeout in his own place. If any alien wandered in he would have his plants and fungi attack them
- Monochrome would snipe them

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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Gorgon's picture
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Waitress, Mastermind, would

Waitress, Mastermind, would plow the road, advancing slowly.

Where the aliens go when their three hearts stop beating and they fall over and disappear is not her concern.



The very existence of the taunting tank irritates, for it requires idiotic AI that obeys the taunt.