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Opening day. How long till the first player reaches level 30?

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Cyclops's picture
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Opening day. How long till the first player reaches level 30?

Level 30 will be the upper end cap at launch. So assuming that there are utterly no glitches, how long will it take for a gamer with no life to reach level 30?

Lets say, the game opens at 8 AM EST on a Friday.

Me I am married and an altaholic, it will take a long while to reach that level. My wife understands my mania for COH and isn't planning anything that weekend. We are going out to eat, and stuff like that. Gamewise, I will be solo, testing things and powers out, buying extra character slots, you know the basics.

I was there on opening day at COH, there were nuts who gamed like 20 hours a day just to race to the level cap. I forget how long it took them, but it wasn't very long at all.


Plexius's picture
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This can only be answered by

This can only be estimated to any degree of accuracy by a dev, but I'll chip in a related anecdote about Splatoon.

When the game launched on May 29th, the only online mode available was Turf War. Another mode called Splat Zones was pending, but because it unlocked at level 10, they wanted to wait until enough players had reached level 10 before releasing it. As you might have guessed, the majority of players skyrocketed to level 10 after playing nonstop the whole weekend, so Splat Zones released immediately on that following Monday. One of the game's co-directors [url=]stated[/url], "We're very surprised that people have reached level 20[color=red]*[/color] in such a short amount of time. We're worried if they're sleeping or eating!"

The moral of the story is: don't underestimate the sheer tenacity of players! If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say that some players will get to level 30 within two weeks. Some players will simply hit the ground running and never stop until they've hit the limit.

[color=red]*[/color] Level 20 is the current level cap in Splatoon.

Lothic's picture
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Remember that by the time

Remember that by the time this game launches it will likely have been in beta for many, many months. This means that anyone interested in trying to get to the level cap ASAP will have figured out the quickest way to do it regardless of whatever the Devs want or try to do to slow anyone down. Also with a new game like this it's always possible someone will find an exploit and not bother to report it until AFTER they've already used it to get to 30.

I won't predict exactly how quick it'll be (especially without really anything to base a good prediction on) but I'd be surprised if after say 72 hours there wasn't at least a few level 30 characters in the game (whether by legal means or via exploit).

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

AlienMafia's picture
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20 mins because of some

20 mins because of some exploits ;)

-AlienMafia (Justice Server)
Main: Thorns 13xx Badges

whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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I have actually never

I have actually never understood the need to race to the cap. especially when new to a game, I like to wander about...try out different things before I settle down into my mains.

that said, I suspect that we will see at minimum, a few capped characters within 48 hours of launch.'ll probably take me a few weeks before I have my first toon at cap. although, this also depends on the game itself and the pacing they put out there for xp and such.


Redlynne's picture
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I keep wondering why this

I keep wondering why this topic is of any interest to anyone. It's like asking what will happen when dropping objects in a gravity field. The answer is as predictable as it is obvious.

In TERA, there are badges awarded to characters who are the first on the server to reach certain milestones in terms of Level. But then, TERA is a Korean Grindfest, so that's only to be expected, really.

WILL Players race to the Level Cap, for no other reason than "because it's there" for them to hit? Sure. Will it MATTER in any meaningful way that they have done this? Probably not to anyone other than themselves, and the teeny tiny cadre of their competitors vying for the all too fleeting distinction of the honor of being "First" (which hardly anyone else will care about).

Then again, I'm old enough to remember the RusBarb vs GerBarb competition back in Diablo II Classic, where entire TEAMS of people played the aptly named Barbarians and their "support staff" [i]around the clock, 24/7[/i] for weeks trying to be the "first" to reach Level 99 (the Level Cap in that game). Part of the challenge was that no one had ever done it before, and that once you reached a high enough Level, the only mob kill that yielded any experience at all was Diablo himself (like a paltry 200 XP per kill and a requirement to accumulate tens of millions of XP to go from 98 to 99). So it was a "race" between the German Team and the Russian Team to see who was going to get there first, and both teams had like over 50 people coordinating the clears to get to Diablo and the kills, playing RUSBarb and GERBarb continuously to GRIND their way to the Level Cap.

And it WAS a race, which everyone could see on the Ladder Rankings. There were enough logistical factors involved to prevent the outcome from being a foregone conclusion. So for quite a while (weeks), there was a lot of interest in the race between the two teams. Then [url=]GerBarb[/url] succeeded in being first, everyone congratulated them ... and promptly stopped caring about the whole thing now that it was over and done with. Indeed, I have a hard time believing that GerBarb ever got played ever again after succeeding in the "quest" for Level 99.

So in that respect, I've seen the way that Players behave when it comes to "racing for the cap" in games. The people who do it aren't interested in PLAYING the game to enjoy it (as a game), but are more interested in the ephemeral prestige of being "first" at something (which, of course, then renders that something meaningless, for all intents and purposes). It is true that "someone has to be first" when it comes to accomplishing something, but the longevity of that distinction is so fleeting as to have no useful value to anyone, really. Instead, it's more about "beating" the game (and the other Players actively playing it) than it is about "enjoying" the game.

Will it happen? That's definitely certain.
Should anyone care? No. Full stop.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

syntaxerror37's picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
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Hmmm, it looks like my post

Hmmm, it looks like my post from this morning either vanished or never went through, weird. Anyway, My guess was somewhere between six to eight hours after going live.

The only thing I really care about is whether any exploits are being used to hit the cap ASAP. If someone is having fun sitting at their computer for that long grinding through the content that quickly, who am I to interfere?

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

Last seen: 5 years 11 months ago
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I know I could go from 1-30

I know I could go from 1-30 in CoH in less than 8-10 hours without using any PL or exploits. But that was due to my knowing the game, having QoL tools (like base portals) and general progress paths that would gain the most bang for my buck. (I wasn't special...knew people who were faster than me)

I think the biggest factors for a question like this is first how intuitive is the balanced are the classes in regards to damage output...the difficulty in regards to level ramping ... how much content is available at each player level and so forth.

Basically, we can guess how long it will take but its a pure gut guess....almost no info to go on right now.

Lothic's picture
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whiteperegrine wrote:
whiteperegrine wrote:

I have actually never understood the need to race to the cap. especially when new to a game, I like to wander about...try out different things before I settle down into my mains.

Redlynne wrote:

I keep wondering why this topic is of any interest to anyone. It's like asking what will happen when dropping objects in a gravity field. The answer is as predictable as it is obvious.
In TERA, there are badges awarded to characters who are the first on the server to reach certain milestones in terms of Level. But then, TERA is a Korean Grindfest, so that's only to be expected, really.

I've also never been one to really care about being the "first" to accomplish anything in MMOs. Even if I could play these games 24/7 I still don't think I'd ever have the motivation for it.

But at least I can understand that some people do get that kind of meta-goal in their heads and I guess it's no less sillier that those people who like to get all the badges or be at the top of PvP rankings. If someone thinks it's "awesome" to level cap ASAP then who are we to really poke fun at it.

I almost don't even care if they manage it via exploits - but again since that kind of goal isn't personally important to me a person's "fake" level capping isn't either. As long as there are no badges for being first to level cap (like Redlynne was alluding to) those kinds of things will always eventually be sorted out.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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islandtrevor72 wrote:
islandtrevor72 wrote:

I know I could go from 1-30 in CoH in less than 8-10 hours without using any PL or exploits. But that was due to my knowing the game, having QoL tools (like base portals) and general progress paths that would gain the most bang for my buck. (I wasn't special...knew people who were faster than me)
I think the biggest factors for a question like this is first how intuitive is the balanced are the classes in regards to damage output...the difficulty in regards to level ramping ... how much content is available at each player level and so forth.
Basically, we can guess how long it will take but its a pure gut guess....almost no info to go on right now.

It wouldn't surprise me to see level capped characters on day 1. Most of the prep work is done in the stages by players, and about the only real way to change this is to do a BIG launch day patch that changes how everything works.

Which is what Champions Online did.

But this is all where knowledge of the game and how it works, and where good area's are helps out.

In Tabula Rasa, its levelling process had dead patches in it, just like CoX did in its opening period. But even before the HyperXP tokens came out (basically 10x XP rate for an hour) I could still knock out levels 40 to 50 in about 10 hours. And I am sure that I was NOT the fastest.

But even then, I notice that it *generally* takes me about 300 hours to go from start to level cap in most games, maybe I just fit into that normal pattern of play that most developers seem to aim for (at least in the old days).

Side note: Most cases of these fast levelling process that happen in a "Launch day" period are due to something that is seriously unbalanced (ie PvP XP gain rate is far higher than the PvE XP gain rate), or due to exploits.

[1] These were introduced in the shutdown period of the game, and along with "Red Quality" Gear, totally broke it but made it fun in PvE. With Red weapons/armour and a *single* HyperXP token, I could take a level 5 character TO level 50 in under 1 hour. And this included the zoning.


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Nyktos's picture
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Gangrel wrote:
Gangrel wrote:

islandtrevor72 wrote:
I know I could go from 1-30 in CoH in less than 8-10 hours without using any PL or exploits. But that was due to my knowing the game, having QoL tools (like base portals) and general progress paths that would gain the most bang for my buck. (I wasn't special...knew people who were faster than me)
I think the biggest factors for a question like this is first how intuitive is the balanced are the classes in regards to damage output...the difficulty in regards to level ramping ... how much content is available at each player level and so forth.
Basically, we can guess how long it will take but its a pure gut guess....almost no info to go on right now.

It wouldn't surprise me to see level capped characters on day 1. Most of the prep work is done in the stages by players, and about the only real way to change this is to do a BIG launch day patch that changes how everything works.
Which is what Champions Online did.
But this is all where knowledge of the game and how it works, and where good area's are helps out.
In Tabula Rasa, its levelling process had dead patches in it, just like CoX did in its opening period. But even before the HyperXP tokens came out (basically 10x XP rate for an hour) I could still knock out levels 40 to 50 in about 10 hours. And I am sure that I was NOT the fastest.
But even then, I notice that it *generally* takes me about 300 hours to go from start to level cap in most games, maybe I just fit into that normal pattern of play that most developers seem to aim for (at least in the old days).
Side note: Most cases of these fast levelling process that happen in a "Launch day" period are due to something that is seriously unbalanced (ie PvP XP gain rate is far higher than the PvE XP gain rate), or due to exploits.
[1] These were introduced in the shutdown period of the game, and along with "Red Quality" Gear, totally broke it but made it fun in PvE. With Red weapons/armour and a *single* HyperXP token, I could take a level 5 character TO level 50 in under 1 hour. And this included the zoning.

If I recall correctly said patch that Champions did to try to stop the level cappers only just really slowed them down. I remember there being whining about ''Nothing to do at cap'' only 2 days after launch.

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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Redlynne's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago
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Bleddyn wrote:
Bleddyn wrote:

I remember there being whining about ''Nothing to do at cap'' only 2 days after launch.

To which the proper response is ... go do everything you skipped over in your rush to the level cap.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
Joined: 04/05/2015 - 14:16
For me if it leaves anything

For me if it leaves anything like coh I would reach 30 in a weekend I go out a lot so this would equal like 35 to 40 hours

Last seen: 1 week 21 hours ago
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Bleddyn wrote:
I remember there being whining about ''Nothing to do at cap'' only 2 days after launch.
To which the proper response is ... go do everything you skipped over in your rush to the level cap.

Oh agreed. In Tabula Rasa when I did my "hypergrind", the only piece of content I actually "completed" was the bootcamp. That was it. No other missions or quests completed. This was a *pure* mob grind.

So for me, I would have still had all that other content laying around to complete.


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

All 4 Mutants
Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
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Joined: 01/05/2014 - 09:23
Thought the level cap was 40?

Thought the level cap was 40? Gotta reread again. Anyhoo, I will be taking my time with the stories. Gonna try and soak up as much lore as I can. I want to know which "heroes" are cool and which ones should go the way of Jason Todd and not come back until they are cool. Same goes for villains.

All 4 Mutants

Evolution is key. And mutants are key.

Nyktos's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Bleddyn wrote:
I remember there being whining about ''Nothing to do at cap'' only 2 days after launch.
To which the proper response is ... go do everything you skipped over in your rush to the level cap.

Plenty of people told those guys that. They just continued to complain before jumping to another new MMO to repeat the cycle of ''Hit level cap quickly at launch, realize that level cap does not have much to do, post angry ''criticisms'' (that were usually just complaints about the game being an MMO), quit and go to the next new MMO and claim it's going to be a WoWKiller ''.

People who get caught up in the hype trains boggle my mind. It's just setting you up for disappointment every single time. Regularly MMOs launch with quirks to work out yet these guys claim that the devs should of made the game ''perfect'' from the start which any sane person would know is impossible in regards to an MMO were the very most you could do is make predictions of how things will go at launch and set up plans to counteract issues that might pop up.

I truly urge anyone who supports this project to not build unrealistic expectations on how City of Titans will perform at launch. No game is ever perfect and anyone who claims it is perfect is just lying to themselves.....

Formerly known as Bleddyn

[url=]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]

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Redlynne's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago
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Bleddyn wrote:
Bleddyn wrote:

Plenty of people told those guys that. They just continued to complain before jumping to another new MMO to repeat the cycle of ''Hit level cap quickly at launch, realize that level cap does not have much to do, post angry ''criticisms'' (that were usually just complaints about the game being an MMO), quit and go to the next new MMO and claim it's going to be a WoWKiller.

There's an age old saying that would seem to apply then ...

[b]Good riddance to bad rubbish.[/b]

All we're really quibbling about is how "seriously" to take these inevitable complaints from what amount to [i]WHINERS[/i] dedicated to trolling. The correct answer is to not take them seriously at all. Why? Because ... [url=]chutzpah[/url] ...


That quality enshrined in a man who, having killed his mother and father, throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

syntaxerror37's picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
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All 4 Mutants wrote:
All 4 Mutants wrote:

Thought the level cap was 40? Gotta reread again.

I believe the current status is launching with a cap of 30 and eventually raising it up to 50 as a hard cap.

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

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syntaxerror37 wrote:
syntaxerror37 wrote:

All 4 Mutants wrote:
Thought the level cap was 40? Gotta reread again.

I believe the current status is launching with a cap of 30 and eventually raising it up to 50 as a hard cap.

According to the kickstarter, this is correct. They didn't get to the stretch goal of $2million to increase the level cap to 40 at the start.


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Godling's picture
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1 week or less. 5 levels a

1 week or less. 5 levels a day isn't that hard.
Just get in a group of other characters that are street hunting tough opponents.
It will happen. Raid guild protocols Rush 1 character to maximum level.
Then enjoy the stories.

[URL= [/IMG][/URL]