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Discuss: Tales from the Underworld: The Edge

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Shadow Elusive
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Discuss: Tales from the Underworld: The Edge

Discuss the update here. We've let the every other week timing roll into this month instead of resetting with May.

Read the update here:

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Fireheart's picture
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Arbalest... uh-oh.

Arbalest... uh-oh.

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great story! Really can't

great story! Really can't wait to actually start playing the storylines!

Godling's picture
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You can whip out the hero

You can whip out the hero system or other rpg if you need too play the story lines Just need someone to come up with the stats.

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LeadWanderer's picture
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Love the lore, every time.

Love the lore, every time. Can't wait to beat up some CAPS though... Pop some CAPs, maybe?

Foradain's picture
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Dun dun dunnnn!

Dun dun dunnnn!

Can't wait for our next exciting episode!

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Cyclops's picture
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Interesting, The occasional

Interesting, The occasional gang member just might have a hero-buster weapon. Take nothing for granted.


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Darth Fez
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Topaz is being framed!

Topaz is being framed!

Not that this means he isn't guilty, of course.

Also, glad I'm not the one who had to come in here to make the "pop a CAP" joke.

I wonder if it's a regular thing that Black Rose guns go ka-boom if they run out of juice? If so, I reckon they're fairly fastidious about their maintenance / recharging schedules. And anyone who gets one as a temp weapon had better look out!

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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Lothic's picture
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Interesting, The occasional gang member just might have a hero-buster weapon. Take nothing for granted.

I see no reason why "Random Goon 428" couldn't just happen to have a piece of Kryptonite on a gold neck chain that his uncle's brother's cousin gave him for his birthday last year. Who's to say it's not possible for ANY MOB no matter how wimpy to just happen to randomly have some method to completely render any hero helpless?

I realize that your standard MMO player would completely hate the idea that any MOB could potentially make them defenseless out of the blue. Remember how badly players reacted to the Kheldian weakness to negative energy attacks in CoH - it was like the Devs had committed crimes against humanity for even thinking that would be a good idea much less actually foisting that on us poor innocent players.

But it would make things so much more exciting if you had to at least be aware/worried that ANY enemy, no matter how apparently puny they might usually be, could potentially have a magic bullet that could take you down in an instant. Again I know it won't happen, but it would be interesting.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Shadow Elusive
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Cyclops wrote:
Interesting, The occasional gang member just might have a hero-buster weapon. Take nothing for granted.

I see no reason why "Random Goon 428" couldn't just happen to have a piece of Kryptonite on a gold neck chain that his uncle's brother's cousin gave him for his birthday last year. Who's to say it's not possible for ANY MOB no matter how wimpy to just happen to randomly have some method to completely render any hero helpless?
I realize that your standard MMO player would completely hate the idea that any MOB could potentially make them defenseless out of the blue. Remember how badly players reacted to the Kheldian weakness to negative energy attacks in CoH - it was like the Devs had committed crimes against humanity for even thinking that would be a good idea much less actually foisting that on us poor innocent players.
But it would make things so much more exciting if you had to at least be aware/worried that ANY enemy, no matter how apparently puny they might usually be, could potentially have a magic bullet that could take you down in an instant. Again I know it won't happen, but it would be interesting.

It's the 'in an instant' part that kills it. If it's not only random, but a one hit kill (or nearly so), then it's just a dirty ambush, and the players would be right to protest. The Kheldian weakness was quite clear - x power is bad, and you could find out where to expect it. A random kill? That's just wrong.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

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maybe just a random MOB with

maybe just a random MOB with a very powerful weapon, rather than a one hit kill, it would help to have it with really bad aim if it is going to happen (1 in 10 times is a hit etc.)

Redlynne's picture
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The counterpoint to that

The counterpoint to that structure is the 1-2 (and possibly even -3) combo that works to set up a volleyball spike. Apply Debuff to designated victim. Apply Buff to self. Unload massive PAINBRINGER onto designated victim. When the whole chain is long enough to give the Player reaction time to do something (especially if it's "enough" time to realize what happened the first time before getting hit again) then it can be a fair deal, since there was a big "tell" of a windup before the smackdown got delivered.

But when it's EVERY attack the mob makes just blows right through you as if you were made out of tinfoil "just because" ...? No, that's "cheating" by the Devs. Thank you for playing.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Greyhawk's picture
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Learned to deal with them after awhile, but both hero and villain side I avoided Malta whenever possible.

Most players hated the Circle of Thorns, "Hold"->"Self-destruct" sequence, but my nemesis was always Malta.

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Felix's picture
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Greyhawk wrote:
Greyhawk wrote:

Learned to deal with them after awhile, but both hero and villain side I avoided Malta whenever possible.
Most players hated the Circle of Thorns, "Hold"->"Self-destruct" sequence, but my nemesis was always Malta.

My Dark Tanker rolled through Malta and sappers. I didn't understand until my Energy Melee / Willpower Brute, he got flattened like a pat of butter.


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Nyktos's picture
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I like the idea of the CAPs..

I like the idea of the CAPs....

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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Redlynne's picture
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Heh. Redlynne thought of

Heh. Redlynne thought of Malta Sappers the same way most people think about breakfast cereals ... crunchy. Of course, it helped that I had a keybind for locating priority targets, starting with Nictus Shards, Voids, Quantum Gunners and then Sappers before moving on to the usual rotation. Made it a lot easier to take out the Malta threat of Sappers ... and even if they did manage to hit me through the [b]NO GET HITSU!![/b] the simple solution was to beat down the Sapper in 2-3 hits and the Endurance Drain would cease before I'd run dry and detoggle.

Eez all in zee keybinzze ...

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Brand X
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Heh...while I didn't have a

Heh...while I didn't have a keybind to instantly follow, they were generally my first target if I saw them. IOed out so much I could take 1-2 hits from them, if they hit me, on my /WP Scrapper/Stalker versions of my Main.

Riptide's picture
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My tactic with my electric

My tactic with my electric/electric blapper was to sap them before they could sap me.
I could usually drain the entire group of end and then deal with the sappers while everyone else used brawl on me.

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

HornetsNest's picture
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Rain of Arrows was your best

Rain of Arrows was your best friend when it came to Sappers. Or any decent AoE power. Like Redlynne, I enjoyed Malta. The Bigger the challenge, the sweeter the victory

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Kiyori Anoyui
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Malta was fine with me, I

Malta was fine with me, I rather disliked fighting Master Illusionists, talk about a circle of thorns in my side

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Darth Fez
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I had a dark melee/electric

I had a dark melee/electric armor brute, which was quite possibly the worst power set combination with which to tackle Circle of Thorn (especially the ghosts). As others have mentioned, my dark armor brute pretty much ignored the Malta sappers until all the more dangerous enemies had been defeated (not that the turrets were dangerous but, man, talk about annoying).

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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Empyrean's picture
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I very carefully built my

I very carefully built my scranks to have as little trouble with particular groups as possible-I went for very well-rounded defensive and offensive capabilities plus whatever mitigation I could scrape together.

Because of that my scranks weren't as straight-up powerful as they could have been, but different groups just took different tactics rather than being that much harder than one another...

Except frikkin Master Illusionists. Soloing 4/8 Carnies, I didn't have as much room for error.

Come to think of it, solo 4/8 Cimororans and Rularuu could be dicey too.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

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703 views. yikes



Currently trapped inside the Speed Force...

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Empyrean wrote:
Empyrean wrote:

I very carefully built my scranks to have as little trouble with particular groups as possible-I went for very well-rounded defensive and offensive capabilities plus whatever mitigation I could scrape together.
Because of that my scranks weren't as straight-up powerful as they could have been, but different groups just took different tactics rather than being that much harder than one another...
Except frikkin Master Illusionists. Soloing 4/8 Carnies, I didn't have as much room for error.
Come to think of it, solo 4/8 Cimororans and Rularuu could be dicey too.


I read the forums regularly, checking out builds and used Mids religiously, and did my best to have as -well-a-rounded character as I could. Given all that though, those 3 groups took careful handling. Very Careful Handling.

My main was an Inv/SS tank and I took them on all the time. No Room For Error.