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TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 08/27/2014 - 18:25

I'm really looking forward to playing this game. I really miss COH, but one thing I always wanted and never could get from COH was nunchaku. They're like my thing man. And there is no MMO that has them. No Not One. I've looked into it. Please let nunchaku be in this game. Honestly I'm totaly going to play with or without them but it would make me sooooo happy if you put them in. I have characters that use them and I always have to use something else or fight bare handed. I'd love to finally see my visions realized.

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 08/27/2014 - 18:25
This was the very first

This was the very first thread I started way back when I first joined this site.
There was never any response to it.

I've mentioned the subject many times over these months.
The only response I've ever gotten is:
Sounds cool but it's going to be hard.

I understand it's hard,
and I don't even mind if it's not there at launch
but I'd really like a yes or no
will there ever be nunchaku?
Is it even something you're hoping to do one day?
or is it just a pipe dream and I'm really the only one who cares?

sev171's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Well, it would be a unique

Well, it would be a unique feature XD

whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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I know that nunchaku are near

I know that nunchaku are near an dear to your heart but I would be extremely surprised if it appeared at launch. I could see it somewhere down the road but honestly I wouldn't expect to see it for a good long time as there is a big list of things they want to do post launch. this isn't to say it couldn't happen just that I suspect the odds are not in your favor on getting them at launch or soon there after.


Brand X
Brand X's picture
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Sorry, but they're going to

Sorry, but they're going to be to busy with our chain power set, which they can check out TERA for!

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 08/27/2014 - 18:25
You know it doesn't have to

You know it doesn't have to be a chain.
If using a cord is easier that's fine
Paladin's Custom Nunchaku actually use a steel cable.
And yes that does work
I made a set like that myself and they lasted 10 years
Strong as a chain and silent as a cord.

But the reason Paladin does it to conduct electricity.

Lothic's picture
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TheMightyPaladin wrote:
TheMightyPaladin wrote:

I understand it's hard,
and I don't even mind if it's not there at launch
but I'd really like a yes or no
will there ever be nunchaku?
Is it even something you're hoping to do one day?
or is it just a pipe dream and I'm really the only one who cares?

I would take a hint from what you said way back in your first post on this thread: the reason no other MMO has managed to make a good working version of this so far is that it's likely going to be among the hardest kinds of human-based melee weapon for any MMO game to implement well.

Does that mean I think it'll never happen in a MMO? No, I think somebody will eventually make it work. But that doesn't necessarily mean it'll happen in CoT - it very well might take another game in the future before it happens.

Regardless there's no benefit for the CoT Devs in raising false hopes for something that even in a best case scenario is likely years away. Sure a miracle could happen and they might figure it out quickly, but there's no point in making "yes-or-no" promises when the reasonable chances of it happening soon is fairly low.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 08/27/2014 - 18:25
I just want to hear it from

I just want to hear it from the Devs.
There are a lot of things about this game that I'm excited about
character creation sounds like it's going to have a lot of options for appearance and powers. That's a super big deal.
but there are a some things about the game that I really hate,
the alignment system, and putting all the characters in the same zone
having pve and pvp in the same zone.

A lot of the best points probably wont be there at launch
but it sounds like the worst parts will be

So at this point, this one thing is a make or break question for me.
Will there ever be nunchaku?
If the answer is yes. I'll stick around even if I have to wait a while
If the answer is no, just say so so I can quit.
Maybe, is just going to make me think it's probably not worth the wait.
I'm tired of hoping with no real reason to hope.
I'm not getting any younger and I have other things I'd rather be doing.

Redlynne's picture
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TheMightyPaladin wrote:
TheMightyPaladin wrote:

I just want to hear it from the Devs.

Don't we all ...

/em understatement

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Greyhawk's picture
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I hope you get your nanchaku,

I hope you get your nanchaku, Paladin. Never been a big fan of them, myself, but I have a cousin who has been practicing with them (and everything related to them) for over forty years.

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Lothic's picture
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TheMightyPaladin wrote:
TheMightyPaladin wrote:

I just want to hear it from the Devs.
There are a lot of things about this game that I'm excited about
character creation sounds like it's going to have a lot of options for appearance and powers. That's a super big deal.
but there are a some things about the game that I really hate,
the alignment system, and putting all the characters in the same zone
having pve and pvp in the same zone.
A lot of the best points probably wont be there at launch
but it sounds like the worst parts will be
So at this point, this one thing is a make or break question for me.
Will there ever be nunchaku?
If the answer is yes. I'll stick around even if I have to wait a while
If the answer is no, just say so so I can quit.
Maybe, is just going to make me think it's probably not worth the wait.
I'm tired of hoping with no real reason to hope.
I'm not getting any younger and I have other things I'd rather be doing.

Once again I'm not really sure you'd ever get an ironclad, 100%, yes-or-no answer from ANY set of software Devs (not just the CoT Devs) about a relatively difficult implementation like your nunchaku that likely won't happen, even if it ever does, for years.

Your question about getting nunchaku in CoT is almost the MMO equivalent of asking NASA if they'll really get people to Mars in the next 20 or 30 years - sure it's possible, but based on the budgets and priorities we've seen over the last few decades I wouldn't be bothering to set my alarm clock for when the lander will be landing anytime soon.

I've been in software engineering for over 20 years now so even though I don't know the exact details of the plans for CoT I do know how long-term software projects evolve and I have a good idea about having realistic expectations. Based on this I can completely assure you the best you're ever going to get out of the CoT Devs concerning nunchaku is something along the lines of "We'd very much like to include nunchaku in the game but it's far too early to confirm with any certainty when or if they'll appear."

Basically the Devs have no way to give you a clear answer on this - they can't predict the future any better than you can. A miracle might happen and they might figure it all out by next week, but miracles like that in software are very few and far between. At this point it wouldn't be in their interest to claim anything about it either way because their plans will almost certainly change over the course of the next few years. Could you promise that you'd be able to mow my lawn or wash my car on a specific date 3 or 4 years from now? It's really almost the same kind of promise you're trying to force the Devs to make here.

Maybe try asking this same question a year or two from now and you'll have a better chance to get a significant answer. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Tannim222's picture
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TheMightyPaladin wrote:
TheMightyPaladin wrote:

I just want to hear it from the Devs.

Please understand I'm not on the animation team. I do however understand the complexity of animating nunchaku. While there are no guarantees I would say its pretty safe to assume such a thing won't be available at launch.

I can say that the engine does have some native tools built in that lend toward the possibility, that is provides some foundational tools that with work could lend toward the possibility. Due tonthe work involved itnwould most likely be a post launch animation. Again at this time it is too early to confirm defiiively yes or no. Only that its possible and most likely post launch.

And dev har aside, I'm a huge fan of Bruce Lee owing all his films, books based on his life, and his Tao of Jeet Kun Do. I've met several of his first generation students, and trained with a second gen student for several years. As a fan I'd like to see what many consider to be his 'signature weapon' in this game too.

Now what our animation system will allow for is for you to pick a power set that provides the play style you are interested in, and if the animation style isn't immediately available, should it come out later you could choose to change the animations.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
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TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 08/27/2014 - 18:25
So you're telling me it's

So you're telling me it's possible.
I already knew that.
A definite maybe is not enough for me to stick around.

Look there are several aspects of this game that I'm really excited about
but there are also several things you've been very clear about that I just can't stand.
Overall that means this game is no better or worse than any other MMO
and as far as I can tell has no unique features making it So exciting that it's worth my time to wait around, just on the offhand chance that you might possibly introduce nunchaku eventually.
With the kind of hope you've offered, I have just as much chance that they'll introduce them at any other game.
Clearly it's not something you place a high priority on
and as I've said I have other things I can spend my time on.
I can play Dungeons & Dragons online

I still might check out the game once it launches
but for now I've said everything of value that I can about it.
It's been both fun and frustrating.
I wish you all the best of luck.
Good bye everyone.

Tannim222's picture
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If it is true that you feel

If it is true that you feel that strongly about a particular animation (much less a playstyle which is what really drives our design) then I'm sorry you have to go.
If you do decide to stick around or at least keep tabs on happenings 'round these parts just keep in mind a couple of things about the reality of our situation:

We are a tiny team in MMO terms. Heck we are small for typical game dev teams much less MMOs.

We are running on a fraction of the budget an MMO takes. We're talking less than a tenth of a budget of a 'designed on a budget' MMO. In comparison to your typical MMO
budgets, we aren't even a drop in the bucket for funding.

We are a volunteer team. People have paying jobs, families, and other life commitments that vie for their time for working on a game w/ out pay.

Any MMO has to budget their resources, (funding, hardware, software, and dev time) for designing what gets into the game and when.

Our launch is more of a 'soft launch'. we aren't launching with the full 1-50 builds. We aren't including our full roster of classification. We aren't launching with our full roster of specifications. We are launching with just 5 power sets for the classifications pegged for launch.

We aren't going to have every kind of animation everyone will want to see at launch. We won't have every weapon model, or particle-based fx at launch either. It will take us time to get there. I hope you decide that we're worth at least following up on and trying out later, and hopefully, once experiecing actual gameplay, you'll find yourself having fun and not running into barriers keeping you away.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Brand X
Brand X's picture
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While I agree CoT needs to

While I agree CoT needs to step it up and do something to make it really stand out other than superhero MMO made by fans, none of us currently here are going to be 100% set on the game :p

Lothic's picture
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I suppose we all have

I suppose we all have specific little "hope-to-get" features that we care about more than others in MMOs. Clearly Paladin has a big thing for nunchaku. I myself had several "hope-it-happens" things for CoH and over the course of 8.5 years it turns out a few of them did finally happen there. Not everything I wanted, but at least some of them.

As everyone here knows it's hard to wait so long for a game like this. The best we can do is have the patience to reserve full judgment on it until there's an actual full game there to judge. Even after it launches people will have to decide if it provides enough fun to stick with it for the long haul. Like Brand X implied no game will ever be able to deliver 100% of everything people want from it but if it can provide the right combination of elements then it can be much easier to overlook the one or two "pet" features you may really want but didn't get.

When CoH first launched I really wanted wings for several of my characters. At the time there was absolutely no hint from the Devs that they would ever happen and it took 2.5 years before they finally did happen. I could have easily given up on CoH for lack of wings but as it turns out I had plenty of fun DESPITE the wings and I suspect I would have continued to have fun even if wings had never happened. The point here is that we need to give games like CoH and CoT a chance to be entertaining regardless of a few "hope-to-get" features that may or may never happen. Hopefully people like Paladin will come to realize that in the long run.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Chance Jackson
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: 10/13/2013 - 19:10
Since NamcoBandai has

Since NamcoBandai has announced Soul Calibur 6 maybe the CoT team can get some pointers on how to best incorporate Nunchaku into CoT since SC6 uses Unreal 4 as well

Issue 0 CoH player barely let my subscription lapse before NC Soft called it quits; my incarnate gear *Sniff*
Global: Chance Jackson; Triumph: Liege Cheetatron X, Fight of Your Life, Down Right Fierce, Infernal Samurai, Time May Change Me etc

Huckleberry's picture
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Chance Jackson wrote:
Chance Jackson wrote:

Since NamcoBandai has announced Soul Calibur 6 maybe the CoT team can get some pointers on how to best incorporate Nunchaku into CoT since SC6 uses Unreal 4 as well

I'd be curious to see if Soul Caliber 6 has body sliders to the extent that CoT does. I would assume that it does not, but I am completely ignorant of it. I would think that most nunchuck and chain weapon attacks in general, depend a lot on body interactions.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.