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Introduce Yourselves

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Joined: 08/22/2013 - 05:28
Introduce Yourselves

Hello all, I'm Battler, thought it might be a good idea to get a thread going for people who will be playing in the same time zone and maybe link back up with people who used to play together on Defiant or Union and the Legacy French and German Servers.

I Started playing back in 2005 myself, before City of Villains even exsisted and never looked back. Played more alts than I can remember. My main(ish) characters were Hammerok, Star Furie and Battler on Defiant ( Obviously ) on there. On Union I had British Battler, Power Maiden and Dr Glacier to name a few. Having also had a NA account as well I had many alts on Freedom, Virtue etc, and British Vanguard and British Furie were two of my many characters there. Like many I had more characters than most people would think sensible :)

I currently live in Cumbria in England. Currently playing Rift mainly in between other things I look into.

It would be great if we could get a community going here in the "Old" World, as I find in many games we tend to get overlooked a little ( well that's how it feels in a few games I have been in since).

If anyone has any ideas shout out when you say hello.

Paul, aka Battler

AriiMoose's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 08/22/2013 - 06:16
Wow, I'm feeling right at

Wow, I'm feeling right at home already. It's just like the good ol' days! :D

I'm AriiMoose, formerly known as ReclusesPhantom on the old CoH forums. I started playing shortly after the launch of City of Villains (i7 to be precise) and quickly made myself comfortable over on the Union server. I was a terrible altoholic, but the characters I always kept coming back to were Recluse's Phantom and a variety of other redside alts. When I occasionally left the Rogue Isles I usually played Ava Sixx or Aristocras.

Right now I've been playing a lot of League of Legends and Warframe to tide me over. Can't wait to hopefully see some familiar faces around!

Minotaur's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 12:49
I'm Steve AKA Minotaur,

I'm Steve AKA Minotaur, living in Norwich, was in CoH on the US servers from July 04 till shutdown as a serious altoholic with 50s on all servers although Victory was my main.

Currently playing a little NW, played RIFT in the past.

[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]


Vote's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 days ago
Joined: 08/22/2013 - 14:20
Evening, you guys. Another

Evening, you guys. Another British veteran of CotH here, playing the game on and off for years. Currently studying history at university.

I tended to divide my time between Union and Defiant, the former of which I used to RP prolifically on and the latter of which I got my first fifty on, my present namesake. Over on Union, I was a little-more well-known under aliases like Doctor Bolt, Iron Alligator and Boneblade.

Let's build this city (possibly, but not necessarily, on rock and roll)!

"You might call them soft, because they’re very reluctant to kill, and they might agree with you, but they’re soft the way the ocean is soft, and, well; ask any sea captain how harmless and puny the ocean can be."

Neopagan's picture
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: 08/28/2013 - 09:16
Only just discovered the

Only just discovered the Phoenix Project and I am very excited. I am another British player in CoH I was known as Dr Graviton. I was a veteran and never stopped playing from being in the beta right up to the end. It's the only MMO game that I have never left it had it's issues but generally I loved it and miss it dearly. I played on the US servers my whole time, purely coz they were available the earliest. Good friends with the renowned Red Tomax and my main toons were on Infinity and included my main Dr Graviton, Binary Star, Captain Neutron, Kestrel, Ice Pack and the Masked Magician.

VDG's picture
Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 12/04/2012 - 15:36
Online Name: VDG

Online Name: VDG

Real Name: [Redacted]

Real Life Location: [Redcated]

Server played on COH: Virtue

graff's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/29/2013 - 12:31
hello all Graff here, I

hello all Graff here, I played CoH from almost the beginning aug 2004 and played till the very last day
i had many alts and loved them all
i really feel the empty lose from having CoH/V no longer around
i miss the teaming and the friends i had
i orginally started on Pinnacle and had a great number of friends on there then eventually moved to justice and finally freedom near the last few years of the game
i hope to be in this new game and make new friends as well as meet old friends
the super hero world is very much a part of my gaming style of play
and have tried the games out but they are not what CoH was over ever will be
so looking forward to a new super experince

The-Pendragon's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 09/01/2013 - 15:06
Great Idea.... Hello all..

Great Idea.... Hello all...I am @The-Pendragon from COH global....and answered to "Pen" "Sword" ...and a few less choice words from various Miscreants...but I digress :) My primary presence in game was split between The Paragonian Knights on Virtue,. (Where I was Senior Knight Captain Emeritus) The Original SIn, also on Virtue, and the Concrete Guru's on Guardian. I am from the wonderful Pacific Northwest and thus in the Pacific Time Zone...for those who asked for that info...and I am REALLY looking forward to helping get this game off the ground. I may not have alot of cash to offer.,..but I am perfectly willing to help any way I can. I miss COH/V alot and not a day goes by that it's end is lamented in gen chats of SWTOR or other not just myself.

I have been a playtester for almost 35 years...for both Pc and tabletop/RPGs. I have also dabbled in design some....though most of my published work was for the now closed Agents of Gaming...for their products Babylon 5 Wars, Fleet Action, Turning Point and Gropos/MAXIM.

I have been told I am a fairly good writer when it comes to producing story arcs and backgrounds. (HellI used to create the background either before I made the character or after completing the level up in the starter mission in COH/V) I am not sure if they need more writers...but would be willing to contribute something should the option arise.

Sword-Wraith, Senior Knight Captain Emeritus of the Paragonian Knights.
Playtester,and Game Designer
All around good guy to most and a loveable lout to the rest. :)

Harlequin565's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
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Joined: 09/09/2013 - 02:44
@Harlequin here from Virtue

@Harlequin here from Virtue/UK. Played since 2004 and looking forward to seeing what MWM can deliver.

All the best guys!


Schattentempler's picture
Last seen: 3 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 08/13/2013 - 17:00
My global handle is

My global handle is @schattentempler, i am a german player. i played cox since the closed beta Phase. after the beta i have done a half year break then i returned till the closed the Servers.

in the beginning i played on the german Server. later i moved many chars to the uk Servers.
at the end i got many chars on the virtue (us Server).

my hami char was a warshade called schattenskind or a blaster called full force.

i run many states and recluse tf/sf on virtue with many People and different chars.
also i run and take part in many high Level instances for the high powers.

never found a game like cox and also the great communtiy!

hope we will done the ks Quote...

Ceremonius's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
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Joined: 01/09/2013 - 07:43
Long story short (like VDG):

Long story short (like VDG):

Online Name: Ceremonius

Real Name: Daniel

Real Life Location: Germany

Server played on COH: Zukunft

And what I do can be found in my signature or [url=]here[/url].


[color=#ff0000]Composition Team, German Localization Lead & Moderator[/color]


Darth Fez
Darth Fez's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 09/20/2013 - 07:53
'ello, 'ello,

'ello, 'ello,

I dipped in and out of CoH as time and fancy allowed since, uh... I totally can't recall since when. I mostly played on the Champion server since I was in America when I picked up the game, and some RL friends of mine had their SG on that server. Now I'm back in Europe and have myself more or less comfortably installed in France. I'm looking forward to playing on a European(-centric) server and avoiding timezone based antics, this time.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!

Sixteen's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/26/2013 - 08:57
Hello there Titans.

Hello there Titans.

I was TAXI16 or Sixteen on the Union Server, though my global and forum names however were Battleguard. I played City of Heroes on an off for a long time since just before Croatoa was added to the game, so that would be since about...2005? Despite that, I only had one Incarnate character. I spent most of my time in game helping people on Sixteen in Atlas Park or roleplaying.

Dante's picture
Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 13:42
Hi all, pleasure to be here

Hi all, pleasure to be here and all that.

I arrived in City of Heroes around Issue 6 and stayed right up until the shutdown at the end. During that time I made about 200 alts, gained 7 '50s' and met a lot of groovy friends. I attended the EU player meet several times and infamously lost a bet to dance down the streets of Birmingham with my underpants on my head when someone from NCSoft actually bothered to turn up. I helped to set up and run The Militia, possibly the longest running RP Supergroup in the UK which is still sort of running even though we've moved onto new games.

Currently I play The Secret World a lot with a bit of Neverwinter thrown in at times. I am a writer currently editing my first novel which was certainly inspired by some of the characters I created in City of Heroes. I saw the Kickstarter campaign begin and decided that I would overcome my usual skepticism and come join the party given the amazing work that the people here have done in one year. Hope to see you all in the new city. :)

Kev aka Dante.

Last seen: 1 month 1 day ago
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Joined: 09/15/2013 - 15:14
Dante wrote:
Dante wrote:

Hi all, pleasure to be here and all that.
I arrived in City of Heroes around Issue 6 and stayed right up until the shutdown at the end. During that time I made about 200 alts, gained 7 '50s' and met a lot of groovy friends. I attended the EU player meet several times and infamously lost a bet to dance down the streets of Birmingham with my underpants on my head when someone from NCSoft actually bothered to turn up. I helped to set up and run The Militia, possibly the longest running RP Supergroup in the UK which is still sort of running even though we've moved onto new games.
Currently I play The Secret World a lot with a bit of Neverwinter thrown in at times. I am a writer currently editing my first novel which was certainly inspired by some of the characters I created in City of Heroes. I saw the Kickstarter campaign begin and decided that I would overcome my usual skepticism and come join the party given the amazing work that the people here have done in one year. Hope to see you all in the new city. :)
Kev aka Dante.

I think I know you ;)

And I still need to take you out for a LRP session...


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Last seen: 1 month 1 day ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 09/15/2013 - 15:14
Ok, to be less "speshul" than

Ok, to be less "speshul" than my previous post...

I am Gangrel.

I started playing City of Heroes soon after EU launch, and although I took long breaks, the game still held a place in my heart (contrary to how I might come across in several posts). Been a DJ for a few of the EU CoX stations over the years (Last Stand Radio, Evolution Radio, Titan Gaming Radio), as well as a couple of other stations (MMO Radio and New Eden Radio).

Like Dante, I have also attended several EU CoX/Ncsoft player meets/get togethers, as well as help organise a few more recent ones (i am the silent but deadly support).

Other stuff?

Oh yeah, I also ran a set of forums for Tabula Rasa, which probably explains why I am not going to dedicate over 80 hours a week of my life again to the job (honestly, it was a *lot* of work)

And I enjoy hitting people with latex whilst wearing lots of leather (aka I do Live Action Roleplay/Live Roleplay depending on how you want to term it)

The pain in the backside


*slinks off to a corner*


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

DeadFlash's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 05:11
Hello, I am Dead Flash.

Hello, I am Dead Flash.
I played CoH since i3/4 on the Server "Zukunft"

I am the co-founder of Zukunfts largest Supergroup "Flame of Freedom", with CoX we grow together like a family and still playing MMOs together.

My Main was Dead Flash, an electro/electro blaster, needed 6 years to bring him to max level. ^^

I live in germany, and also I am a Live Action Roleplayer (goosh there are many of us here ^^).

We (the Flame of Freedom) can´t whait till release of CoT

Hope to see you soon.

Co-Founder of German SuperGroup Flame of Freedom

Grouchybeast's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Joined: 09/02/2013 - 02:57
Hi! My old global was also

Hi! My old global was also Grouchybeast, and I played almost entirely on Defiant. Characters I teamed on reasonably often enough someone might have noticed them were Ellie Mintal (Fire/Ice blaster), Grouchybeast (Rad/Rad defender), Purple Phase (Claws/Elec scrapper), Cocktail Companion (Sonic/Ice and later on Water/Ice defender) and Bubblegun (FF/Dual Pistols Defender). I did badge-hunt and solo a lot, but I also did a lot of Incarnate Trials, and speed ITFs with Phil.

{waves to Dante}

Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for? - Robert Browning

XelosTi's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/04/2013 - 05:33
Hello Soon-to-be-Titans. :)

Hello Soon-to-be-Titans. :)

My name is Toni, I've played CoH on the Servers Zukunft and Virtue and I was know as XelosTi, little green Alien with Gravitypowers and Forcefield.
I'm from germany and look forward to get to know you guys. :)

Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/04/2013 - 01:33
Heyas Fellas, Sunstar here,

Heyas Fellas, Sunstar here, from the former Server Zukunft, Founder and Leader of the well known Flame of Freedom, bringing peace as superhero since 2005 in Paragon City :-)

Greetings to you all and it is very good to see so many fellas from the past like schattentempler, DeadFlash, XelosTi and many more to come. May the community be as fantastic as it was in CoH and may the KS Project be an overwhelming success.

They thought there were no chances for CoH any more ? The odds were bad ? Well, here we are, accepting the challenge. Thats what superheros do.

Tsumiju Zero
Tsumiju Zero's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 13:41
Greetings everyone, it's

Greetings everyone, it's fantastic to see that so many familiar names are already here! It's my pleasure to introduce myself to names new and old. I am Tsumiju Zero, a proud resident of the Union server and founder of the Zero Strykers supergroup. Many of you will hopefully already know me, and for those that don't I'm looking forward to taking to the streets of Titan City alongside you.

Tsumiju Zero

Tsumiju Zero - The Nightmare of Dra'Gon
Proud Leader of the Zero Strykers SG ~ Union
A different world, a different dimension, I open my eyes, ready to go, stepping from darkness into the light

Hube2's picture
Last seen: 7 years 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 15:12


My global in CoX was @jh2. Some of the characters I played most were Kitty Klaw, Dielectrix, Ouva D'Ombra and at the very end there was Dooomm!

Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 10/07/2013 - 03:18
Hi everyone. Another Unionite

Hi everyone. Another Unionite and RP addict here, I was also conveniently labelled as (@)Wolfram back in CoX. Alts people might have run into include Wavekite, the Portent, Hank "WarpLocke" Delacroix, Mr. Sandman, Coral Knight, and the Virtue resident Ryan Moriarty. Alts that people probably haven't run into would take far too long to list. :P

I've been continuing to hang out with the remains of the Militia and RP in the Secret World, as well as some time in the Old Republic. I'm looking forward to seeing this project reach fruition so I can get my long overdue fix of superheroism. :)

Esc's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/07/2013 - 13:24
My name's Escalus, Esc for

My name's Escalus, Esc for short. Union was my home, and from time to time Defiant. A founder member of the Dirty Handprints, and later the Clean Handprints, I DJ'd on Rogues Radio before it closed, now I'm on Regen Radio, which rose from the ashes of Rogues and is still going, even without a City of Heroes to unite us, and the truth is I miss flying!

I've tried Secret World and SW:TOR and they're great but not what I'm really after. I grew up with X-Men, and Spider-Man, and JLA and the rest and there will always be a superhero inside me, yearning to break free. I've made my pledge, and I hope to fly again!

When all seems lost, he's here to save the day, live from Leeds for Regen Radio!

Wynd Master
Wynd Master's picture
Last seen: 7 years 5 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:19
Hi, I am Wynd Master Leader

Hi, I am Wynd Master Leader of the Oddfellows on Protector. I am a serious altaholic with toons all over and at different lvls. Mainly the family played red side over blue
Started in 05 till close. And was at that time teaching my grandkids how to play.

They say save me and I say pay me!

Soul Storm
Soul Storm's picture
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 10/08/2013 - 11:10
Soul Storm reporting for duty

Soul Storm reporting for duty! I'm a proud resident of the Union server that was, involved with the Zero Strykers SG and founder of the Union Taskforce Channel. Looking forward to fighting crime on the streets of Titan!

Last Trader
Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 10/10/2013 - 02:05
Hey everyone, Last Trader

Hey everyone, Last Trader here, or LT as I was called on Union. Played COH on and off for about 6 or 7 years, mainly blue side with a few on red side. I had many alts like most of you, so I never really had 1 main toon I was known for. Although I grew to love my titan/elec tank, was an absolute beast and blast to play. I've tried quite a few mmo's since the fall of COH and none have measured up even if some looked prettier, everything else was worse.

I defiantly look forward to seeing where this goes and hope to get back to what I enjoyed most, getting a random team together and just smashing up some bad/good guys

Miss Freeze
Miss Freeze's picture
Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 10/11/2013 - 01:03
Hi All @MissFreeze here from

Hi All @MissFreeze here from Defiant. Pretty sure I teamed with Ellie Mintal (Grouchy Beast) a few times. Tended to play with the guys and gals from Infernal Justice - Sargatanas organized most events and it was always Mereman's fault! (even met Mereman in real life at the Birmigham player meet)

Players joined us from all over including Defcon Kid, Jay Leon Hart, Evangel, Knightly, Rackenspear, Juniper and Endymion, Quartsite and Mediscales, Lord Arcane to name but a few .....good times, good times.

Infernal Justice FTW!

Manipulative Maiden
Manipulative Maiden's picture
Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
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Joined: 10/06/2013 - 03:54
@Manipulative Maiden here

@Manipulative Maiden here from Union. Played CoH close to 8 years. I had a bad case of altitis and a few of you may have seen me run around with some of my Maidens ;) Of course, we did over 100 Cathedral of Pain trials with the Stykers before they shut us down, so I'm also looking forward to fighting crime and infamy with you guys once we get a new city of our own.

[b]Time until Zero Strykers Revival:[/b] When it's ready (tm), Beta Mid to End of 201?
Official Timekeeper of the Zero Strykers SG ~ Union

Britannia Blades
Britannia Blades's picture
Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
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Joined: 10/03/2013 - 04:11
Hi all, yet another Unionite

Hi all, yet another Unionite stumbling in. Played CoH on and off from launch, over various accounts (ahh, the joys of Multi-boxing with an army of Imps!) with far too many alts to name.

Tried alternative mmo's, never found one that I could settle into. Looking forward to donning the mask/cape again :)

FeeFyeFoeFum's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/16/2013 - 00:05
Ahoy guys n gals :)

Ahoy guys n gals :)

FeeFyeFoeFum here, Player from the dark days of issue 3 onwards, always played on the US side, had 50's on every server but main homes were Virtue and Pinnacle.

Based in merry olde England.

Am greatly looking forward to getting something like my CoX fix here in CoT, the potential is enormous.

Fingers crossed will be seeing you guys online and ingame once the trumpet call goes out across the city


Some people are like Slinkies, not good for much but it makes ya smile when ya push them down the stairs.....

Stormy Weathermaker
Stormy Weathermaker's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 08/25/2013 - 15:12
Hi all :-) I was wondering

Hi all :-) I was wondering around the forums to see where I could at least stop in and say "hello" and I finally found it here :-) ****waves****

I'm from the Northeast region of the U.S. I played CoH from April of 2007 until the end and pretty much stayed on Pinnacle Server. I know I'm probably not posting this in the correct section, but did not see one for the East Coast, so I hope you all do not mind that I am posting here.

I know 2015 seems a long ways off, but it's already been a year since our game was yanked away, so I feel that the time will fly by, hopefully we'll see some trailers along the way showing us what we could potentially receive on release, while we wait :-)

[I]"I do not believe in taking away the right of the citizen for sporting, for hunting and so forth or home defense. But I do believe an AK-47, a machine gun, is not a sporting weapon nor needed for home defense." -Ronald Reagan[/I]

dreamcatcher's picture
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
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Joined: 11/03/2013 - 17:12
Hi, all

Hi, all

Badger and Unionite @Noir checking in. I played from Mar 2005, and if you met me you probably did so on Velvet Noir, Diamond Mask, Glass Heart or Cold Front (the early years before I changed her name to Snowfall, but by then I'd stopped playing her) or maybe you badged with one of my many alts. Red-side I was known as Silk Noir, Satin Noir or Brittle Spark. Less significant alts were Morena, Sun Kali, Sunrunner, Shadowcaster, Shoshin, Queen Alice and River Red

I was in many SGs but the only two I can remember right now are "The Agency", and the 1ATs; it's been many years for me now, unfortunately. I mostly teamed with whoever I was friends with, and the folks on the UBH channel, and then later those on "sals badgehunters".

Picking up on names I recognise from previous posts on this thread... I teamed with some of the Handprints on occasion, and I think one (or more) of my SGs was in coalition with them.

of Phoenix Rising
Am I

Ashington's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 11/09/2013 - 23:41

I'm Ashington. I was playing CoX since City of Villains.....and played even after the fusion of the games rarly any Heroes. I'm from Germany (So please excuse my grammar) and played on the server Zukunft. I met my first real friends there who are to this day my friends and will remember these games always with fond memories. I Hope we can all Help MWM to rebuild the COX feeling of the past and that we will all have a great Time here.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 11/04/2013 - 06:59
Hey all. Artillerie here from

Hey all. Artillerie here from Union - RL resident of the south of England. Big fan of blasters and defenders, mostly involved with the SG HGX and a committed itrial addict. Good to see some familiar names and looking forward to meeting new folks when the servers go up.

Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 11/15/2013 - 19:11
Hi there, I was on Defiant

Hi there, I was on Defiant pretty much the whole time, I did dabble into Union for a few days... My main was gemfire who was around for around 4 years with a year off in the middle. Was in the Karma Police before my break and then on return had my own SG as i had lots of lovely shinies to store. Not sure that many people here were on Defiant so if you were then just give me a shout.
Currently playing Star Wars for something different, did the Warcraft thing for a while and got to level 4 million and left.

lunawisp's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/17/2014 - 04:41
Ello... Another refugee from

Ello... @lunawisp at your service. Another refugee from Defiant here, late arrival but as they say - better late then never :)
Had Calamity, LunaWisp, Monkey Mayhem, Bleak and a few others.
Found myself reminiscing today and thinking of CoH and it's community...and missing it. Played CO, GW2, Rift for a while but they all failed to hold my interest for long. Not currently playing any MMO. Just can't see any of the current crop keeping me for as long as CoH did.

Stutty's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 01/07/2015 - 05:49
Good day to you all. Stutty

Good day to you all. Stutty here, proudly bearing the Eurocore banner from back in the day [post the original custard and old mold colo(u)rs.]

Like teh Minotaur, I was playing from Germany on the US server Victory around about a year before and after CoV release.

My first char was a Grav/Bubbler named Quantum G. It's hard for me think about playing with Eurocore and not smiling. So many good times.

Where o' where are you CWR? Prom Star?


With great power, comes the need for great heat sinks

Stutty's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 01/07/2015 - 05:49
Ok...just completely stoked

Ok...just completely stoked now. I was actually able to find a character pic from an email dated 9 years ago!! Schwing! New avatar. And for bonus points I found this origin, which I'm posting here because Euros have a far better chance of "getting" it than USers.

Der Stuttgarter

Their town besieged by Clockwork, the Daimler-Benz engineers turned to the theories of mad Kaiser Ludwig. For weeks they labored in the bowels of their factory in Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany, blockaded by the enemy, surviving only on the commissary spaezle, maultaschen, and weizenbier, laboring until they had created a hero.

That hero was Der Stuttgarter, a design from the Schwarzwald to save them all. With SupraFlex actuators, ultra-high density (UHD) Titatium-Molydnium alloy, the world's most sophisticated neural network, and over three hundred hours of kung-fu movies online, he became their savior and the world's first Schwabisch superhero.

In time this product of Black Forrest ingenuity quelled the city's turmoil.

And so he answered Statesman's call.

With great power, comes the need for great heat sinks

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 08/27/2014 - 18:25
Introduce myself? but I have

Introduce myself? but I have a secret I.D. If anyone knew who I was my many foes would take revenge on me through the people I love!

SingerGirl1369's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: 01/10/2015 - 20:22
From the USA. I played on

From the USA. I played on Freedom (mainly), when the surver went down I played a bunch of randoms on Virtue. I had a bunch of lvl 50's, but my very first one every created that most people on freedom would know me as was "MysticHeart" (she is my picture to the left) she was a scrapper Spines/Regen (was super overpowered and I loved it). I was a veteran. Started playing from beta to the day servers closed. Honestly wasn't a fan of the free play due to all the random noobs who needed to get out of my damn game! I played with my family, but mainly my mom (known as "Skyeraider", the game later created and named some enemies after her character "Sky Raiders"). Was in a couple of the top 10 supergroups (with other characters obviously). Some other names of my mains were "Ryen Jayde", "Lilith", and "Paisleigh Bouvier". If any of you remember me, send me a message!!! I can't wait for City of Titans to drop. My mom and I both donated money on kickstarter... so we are super excited to play when the game drops.

COH/COV player since Beta-Close

Bindweed's picture
Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
Joined: 03/16/2015 - 09:52
Hello folks! I played on the

Hello folks! I played on the Union server from European launch.

My blue-side characters included [b]Doctor Bindweed[/b] (Plant/Rad controller), [b]Firearm[/b] (Fire/Fire blaster), [b]Columbia[/b] (Inv/WP tanker), [b]Gingersnap[/b] (Fire/Kin controller), [b]Celestial Shadow[/b] (WS) and [b]Astraea[/b] (PB). My MA/Regen scrapper, [b]Liberty Girl[/b], was in the [b]Unity Vigil[/b] SG, and my Ice/Storm 'troller [b]Hyperborea[/b] in [b]The Militia[/b].

Red-side, my bad guys included [b]Sharappu[/b] (MM with zombies), [b]Leatherette[/b] (Mind/Psi Dominator), and [b]Allatu[/b] (Fire/Dark Corruptor). My pair of brutes, [b]Bambi Delight[/b] and [b]Lulu Laine[/b] were in [b]The Cadre[/b].

I also had alts on Defiant and Virtue, but never really gave them much love. I'm looking forward to catching up with as many people as I can when CoT goes live - see you in the city!

Running's not a plan!
Running's what you do when a plan [i]fails[/i]!

HornetsNest's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 02/05/2015 - 11:11
Missed this official thread

Missed this official thread when I started posting here, sorry

My name is Kevin Earl Lynch (there are so many Kevin Lynchs on the internet, my middle name is almost mandatory) I played mostly Virtue

Main hero was Lucomo, a Magic origin WP/SS Tanker from the reality of Angaelia. Sent to Primal Earth because it contained much less magical energy. If he could become a great hero on Primal, then he would prove himself worthy to be a member of the Royal family. Due to severe altitis, he was my only lvl 50. Goal achieved!

Main villain was the 7th of 7, a Magic origin Ninja/Dark Master Mind. His goals were to disrupt the current chaotic nature of the Rogue Isles in order reduce capricious and corrupt nature of Arachnos. Also bringing the other factions to heel so as to end the constant warfare that was bringing ruin down upon the average citizen. Ending the constant Dog eat Dog existence that the common man was forced to live. Better living through more efficient totalitarianism lol

Lay your hands on me
While I'm bleeding dry
Break on through blue skies
And take it high

Goodness's picture
Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 05/01/2015 - 04:59
Heya all, I am Goodness from

Heya all, I am Goodness from the union server, though i played freedom a lot as well, due to my serious altitis haha.
I played for about 3 years roughly, joining later than most but will never forget how welcoming everyone was!!

I had many toons but you may know my mains, Fairness, Goodness and Power of Love from many servers collectively
have been out in the wilderness for a couple of years, never really found an mmo to fill the hole in my soul left by COH, to me the community and especially the zero strykers were great, really looking forward to playing with you all on COT

Kooky marshmallows its a figment from the past.....

Imagery's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 04/30/2015 - 16:25
Oh, how I've missed this

Oh, how I've missed this community! Reading through your responses has me sitting here reminiscing and laughing like a moron ... and damn does it feel good!

So, back to the intro. I'm from the USA and started playing City of Heroes what seems like ages ago! Long before City of Villains was introduced. I remember browsing games in a Best Buy with a friend of mine and coming across COH and thinking "This looks like it might be fun. What they hell - let's try it out". This was my first MMO game ... who knew it would turn into a game that I would ultimately use as a comparison for every other game I've played after. Sadly - nothing has compared, and I've tried with an open mind.

If I remember correctly I played on the Virtue server ... I'll just put it out there now that I had TONS of characters on every server just out of a complete costume/character making obsession ... but my mains were as follows.

Imagery (Rad Controller), Star Sprite (Kins Defender), Judabot (Scrapper), Snow Daze (Controller), Anarane (Defender), Ashbel (Corruptor), Amaya Mai (Brute).

Looking forward to this journey with all of you and hoping that one day soon (ok soon'ish ... know we need to be realistic!) we'll be able to piece back together our shattered hearts with a game that is better than what we knew and loved in COH!

And last but certainly not least - want to give a virtual *high five* to the Staff making this happen. We appreciate you!

Nyktos's picture
Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 11/02/2014 - 16:07
From the USA, California

From the USA, California specifically. A long time ago, I think even before I discovered WoW I was introduced to City of Heroes by my Uncle. I was absolutely floored by the game. Before that I wasn't even aware that online games existed. My Uncle let me create my own character in the game. I don't remember the exact reason as to why but I named the character ''Belly Dancer'', if I remember correctly she was red head with just your standard spandex. I recall her being a Fire/Psi blaster. Since it was my first time playing a game like this I was absolutely confused initially. My Uncle left me alone for that time so I had no one to help me. I noticed a player (I think he was a defender or a tanker, I don't exactly recall) and asked for help. I soon discovered my first aspect that I loved about CoH.

It had a good, helpful community. The player took me under his/her wing and explained to me how certain things worked that I didn't already pick up on. I was a fast learner so eventually he/she got me out of the tutorial zone pretty fast. After we got out of there he/she decided to show me the teaming feature at a larger scale. I don't recall if he/she decided to invite some friends or if they just gathered up people from global chat but eventually the team was a lot bigger then just us two. I discovered soon after that that I loved the teaming feature. Eventually my Uncle came back and he explained (through my character) that the person playing the game and interacting with this team was his young nephew. Unfortunately that meant that I had to leave (and I was pretty heartbroken about that fact because I was a whole lot younger and I thought I would never get a chance to enjoy the game again). My dad eventually heard about this through the family grape vine at some point and he gifted with City of Villains for Christmas (and eventually later on he bought me City of Heroes to complete it).

I fell in love with the mastermind archetype. My first character that I put time into was named Fathom, she was a Ninja/Forcefield mastermind. At one point I remember getting into a supergroup that consisted of family and friends and I had a lot of fun there. I remember one specific person in that supergroup being an ice corrupter or dominator. She was a very nice person and she had a husband and a son whom I played Strike Forces with routinely. Unfortunately at a certain point (this was about time when the enconomy of America started to go through a recession and my dad unfortunately lost his job)I had to leave again. I never was able to say goodbye to the people in that supergroup and unfortunately by the time I came back it was either disbanded or I was kicked out, that ice corrupter/dominator was still in my friends list though but I still never saw her again. Fathom unfortunately never got used again after that and the server I was on was sparsely populated at that point. She was level 39 by that time

After that I switched to one of the more populated servers. I created a zombie/dark mastermind named Captain Zombie Bones (I really should of remade this guy, not only did his name kind of suck but weather control secondary would of fit him so much better). I played him till Level 50 (I hit cap at exactly the right time too. Widows and Soldier epic archetypes just came out by that time). He was quite fun. After that I decided to play an Illusionist/Weather Controller up until 50 on the heroes side to unlock the Warshades and Peacebringers, her name was Glimmer (I remade her in one of the superhero customization threads). Eventually I did and I took a Warshade, a Crab Spider, and a Night Widow up to level 50 after that (I can't recall there names).

By that time MA was just about to come out. Again I had to leave for personal reasons. After that I was a drifter from MMO to MMO. I was playing WoW on and off since my early CoH days but I soon lost interest after Cataclysm. I played Champions, DCUO, GW2, Secret World, Wildstar, and a few other MMOs in that time period. None of them gave me the same joy as CoV (Wildstar came pretty close but unfortunately it passed as there was nothing to do once I hit level cap other then take an alt through the same content. I hated Guild Wars 2 PvE content and I dislike PvP in general despite how I ironically seemed to be good at it so I left that MMO eventually as well).

Unfortunately I discovered right after I left GW2 and right before I set my eyes on Wildstar that CoH shutdown. I was really saddened by that and I never quite forgave NCSoft for it (and I doubt I ever will). Just an FYI I was 9 or 10 years old when I first played CoH I am 17 now so I would still be considered a young kid by most.

The only other notable information I can give is that I have been an admin of a few groups and a fan forum moderator before. It was not very fun I can tell you that much and it has jaded me towards some of the more unruly and troll worthy ''members'' of the communities I have abandoned under my own choice (usually those groups and forums were becoming ghost towns anyway by the time I left). I have seen a lot of communities get torn apart unfortunately (a recent one was Wildstar and GW2 getting constantly bombarded and torn up by doomsayers and trolls) which was a sharp contrast to my CoH days on the forums and in-game.

So yeah I have my off days at times....

Formerly known as Bleddyn

[url=]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]

[url=] My characters [/url]

RickmanUK's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: 10/21/2013 - 04:53
Well where to start.... Ow

Well where to start.... Ow yeah....

*Bows for the crowd*

I'm the Git known as Rickman, RickmanUK or "You ********" I played on CoH/V for.. years. Sadly wasn't around for the shutdown and like others I LOATHE NCsoft for that (Maybe they had good reasons... But I can't forgive them for destroying the game i loved the community in) I mained... well "Johnathon Henry Ricks" or Rickman the Rabblerouser, who well... I retired because of several reasons... partially because i think i made him too powerful (Well... He's what happens if you use the Jet Li movie The One as the basis of a comicbook character and think Sob it... I want to add myth into it...).

I was only ever on the Onion (Union) Server as part of the "New Heroes Union" RP Group... RL kinda screwed me over for about 3 years.. and by the time i recovered/sorted things out.. I had lost all motivation for playing many MMO's. I've been jumping between Afew of them now... WoW (Good grief that community is full of Loathing.. or was.), TSW, FF14 (A game i frankly love.. but managed to burnout on) and GW2. Largely interested in RP and Play... and love lorecrafting/history build for games.

Now to hope i can remake Rickman and enjoy the game for what it is.

Heroes, Villians... Who Cares. In the end, it's our Actions that define us not a name or tag we use.

White_Glint's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 02/24/2016 - 10:58
Coming out of the USA server

Coming out of the USA server Freedom (I think that's what it was called, been so long) White_Glint or back then in CoH I went by Michael Gunslinger or HyperTurbo! Been forever since I went by those names! I played CoH from 2008 until shut down! I may not have been playing long unlike a lot of you guys! But I loved it! Today, I'm a lot more mature and currently studying to be a police officer then my dream is to be part of SWAT! I have some awesome ideas for when CoT comes out!