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Hero Profile: Daemon (name selected- Thanks everyone!)

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Corvus's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 02/04/2015 - 07:42
Hero Profile: Daemon (name selected- Thanks everyone!)

[b]Name:[/b] Cormac Allam Bourne (though no state records of Cormac exist digitally)
[b]Aliases:[/b] Allam Fayton (real world secret ID), the Sagacious Spider, Kwaku
[b]Age:[/b] 27
[b]Occupation:[/b] Private Detective | Hacker | Adventurer | Conspiracy Theorist
[b]Equipment:[/b] Alien Biomimetic Nanite Cluster, Daemon Gauntlet, BASH (Bourne Again Shell) Ablation Armor, Ballistic Ablation Cybernetic Helmet (BACH)

[b]Known Enemies:[/b] Sen. Ursula Hester (suspected trilateral commission member,) The "Magnate" (underhanded and evil secret society with one agenda, and less than acceptable practices)

[size=13][b]Powers & Abilities----------------------[/b][/size]

[b]* Subconscious Language Translation:[/b] translating languages, spoken or written, human or alien in origin. His superhuman skill also extended to deciphering codes and computer languages. Though almost always correct to an unearthly degree of accuracy- Allam is often not conscious of the process taken to arrive at the right answer. This also works on body language- though this level of communication takes considerably more focus & attention to detail.
[b]* Advanced Computer Skills:[/b] Due to the nature of his mutant ability his is an expert with computer programs, networking interfaces and other technology. Before his nanite exposure- Cormac was noted as a tech expert and could hack a variety of high grade systems whether they are manufactured by humans or an alien species.
[b]* Intellect:[/b] Partially due to his mutant ability, but mostly due to his own unquenchable curiosity for knowledge. His education & training has provided him a supremely analytical mind. Thanks to his extensive experience in criminal investigations, Daemon has also picked up a surprising degree of skill as a detective including how to profile psychopathic behavior and a broad base knowledge of the criminal underworld.

[b]After Exposure to Alien Nanotech-[/b]
(A nanite is a robot the 100 nanometres or smaller. One nanometer (nm) is one billionth, or 10 to the power of −9, of a meter. These little buggers are biomimetic [they emulate a natural cells own functions & enhance its hosts traits] which implies even more can be done with them though Allam does not execute these functions.)

[b]* Enhanced endurance, speed and reflexes (including Synaptic response) -[/b] Due to blood toxins & lactic acid removal, enhanced fast twitch muscle fibers created by constant nanocyte use. Biomolecular nanotech motors enhance strength, speed and reaction time beyond the limits of a normal human.
[b]* Enhanced Strength -[/b] In perfect conditions approximately 12-13x Olympic-class athlete (can snatch lift 5608lbs or 2,543.749kg- [url=]A truck like this would be his max,[/url] and this would certainly tax his mechanical systems to the extreme. In battle max strength is generally a a much lower threshold.)
[b]* Enhanced Senses -[/b] Nanite modifications expand the range of sensory function, extending hearing into the ultrasonic and sight into the infrared and ultraviolet ranges.
[b]* Enhanced Durability & Healing Factor -[/b] Nanites possess the ability to reconnect torn skin, arteries, muscle tissue and nerve fibers; rebuild bone; and repair and reconstruct damaged organs to allow for rapid and complete recovery from extreme traumatic injury. Nano-manipulation of physiological responses allows humans with nanites in their blood stream to survive extended exposure to hostile ond toxic environments, including extremes of heat and cold, high atmospheric pressure, & low-oxygen environments. The nanites provide a slight healing factor (23.5x baseline human- example: a sprained ankle takes about 42 days to heal. For Allam it would take about 2 days unaided.)
[b]* Nanite Forge -[/b] If exposed to the proper materials/elements & given enough time Allam can fabricate or re-purpose technology as needed. This can only be used sparingly as it takes a large number of nanites and energy. The size of an object is directly proportional to the number of expended nanites & energy.
[b]* Electronic Disruption [/b]- via technopathic abilities
[b]* Nanotech Control/Manipulation & Technopathy -[/b] via touch or over standard communications channels (wifi, tightband, etc.)

[b]Weaknesses & Limitations: [/b]
[b]*[/b] Repeated use of his powers leads quickly to fatigue & often nanite loss. The more extreme the task, the more nanites are used or damaged and rendered inoperable. They will rebuild themselves, but this requires time, & resources (generally through consuming food.)
[b]*[/b] It is suspected a High level EMP could shut down the nanites, thus rendering all nano-technological enhancements inert. Though there is some speculation considering the biomimetic traits of the nanocytes.
[b]*[/b] Although it is highly unlikely, hostile forces with their own nano-technology equal or greater in complexity could theoretically hack and reprogram the nanites.
[b]*[/b] Some scientists fear that molecular self-assembly could allow nanites to replicate uncontrollably. The potential for nanites to self-replicate is also the basis for the apocalyptic "Grey Goo" theory. This is the idea that self-replicating nanites mass producing uncontrollably could form an ever-growing wave of "Grey Goo" that would devour all matter on Earth. Though capable of independent actions the "whole collective" is driven by Allam's own subconscious when not receiving direct orders.


[b]Ballistic Ablation Cybernetic Helmet (BACH):[/b] Special mask to conceal his real identity from his allies and enemies worn by Daemon with a cybernetic video display that can connect to an assortment of computer networks. [url=]Example image[/url]
[i]The BACH includes the following equipment: [/i]
[b]* Telepathic Wave Emission Obfusicator:[/b] Anyone wearing the helmet has their thoughts obfuscated (i.e. he can be easily mind read but what you get doesn't make a lot of sense. Given enough time a patient psychic attacker could decode the information obfuscated but the hope is it takes so long any information gathered would be useless by the time it was decoded.)
[b]* (Retractable) Rebreather:[/b] Used to breath under water.

[b]BASH (Bourne Again Shell) Ablation Armor:[/b] Specialized Armored suit allowing stealth operations, protection & style.
[i]The BASH includes the following equipment: [/i]
[b]* Dual-Layer Secondskin Nanoflage-[/b] This under-suit helps reduce infrared emission, & ambient bio-energy and makes the wearer invisible to all forms of energy surveillance when systems are active. Though when the systems are active the wearer can only use suit in bursts for 1 hour before literally cooking themselves inside with their own body heat.
[b]* Aural Nullifier-[/b] Emits sounds opposite to the wearer effectively nullifying the sound of their movement

[b]Daemon Gauntlet:[/b] A device of his own creation and design, it is used to house reserve nanites, & act as a utility belt of sorts. The gauntlet actually extends up his arm (like a vambrace & rerebrace) and well onto his left pectoral muscle. This area is highlighted by a medium sized "frosted porthole" that seems to glow with an burning greenish/blue energy. (Though the gauntlet is clearly integrated with the suit, Allam rarely removes it unless undercover.) This device is continually redesigned and improved upon.
Looks like a combination of [url=]this[/url] & [url=]this[/url] - [url=]claws retracted & 'docile' mode[/url]
[i]Features of the Daemon Gauntlet generally include:[/i]
[b]* Wrist-mounted needle launcher -[/b] fires minuscule needles that sends Neural Inhibiting shocks through his target every few seconds. Due to size of needles these shocks are not very powerful. Approximately 50,000 volts- same as the average police tazer. A low-power variant of these needles allows mid-range tracking (within 2-3 miles depending on terrain, longer if in range of wireless connection to internet)
[b]* Grapple Gun [/b]
[b]* Touch microphone[/b] in index and middle finger which allows him to listen in to other rooms through solid walls.
[b]* Cryptographer Sequencer -[/b] Allows him to hack into things such as mechanical locks, radios, and computers without using his nanotech abilities.
[b]* Built-in Data storage[/b] (1 petrabyte)
[b]* Redundant computer systems[/b]
[b]* GPS[/b]
[b]* Forward Facing Camera & microphone[/b] (optically linked to pupil tracking in BACH) [b]-[/b] allows continued recording of anything and everything Allam looks at.
[b]* Sonic Emitter [/b]
[b]* Autonomous Surveillance Drone -[/b] Able to download data, and/or record audio/video and upload it to Daemon. Can also link with outside data networks and orbital satellites, open electronic locks, as well as a sonic emitter.

Allam is nothing if not curious. Its gotten him into and out of every bad situation he's ever been in. If there is a book he's never read- he will stop whatever he's doing to nose through it. If there is something he doesn't quite understand- he will hold on to it and spend ages researching any available information he can access.

Even before being exposed to the alien nanocyte cluster he felt himself apart from everyone around him. He felt that his duty was not to the law but to what was right. After becoming a hacker he considered himself more vigilante than online crusader.

Normally- injustice and corruption is enough to gain his interference but Allam is especially active in various "conspiracy movements" world wide. He's acted as a contact to many agents on all sides of the law in the name of unraveling conspiracies going against the best interests of the general populace.
Allam also values his privacy to an arguably absurd degree, and most information he gives off is filtered through a screen of cover stories. Its almost impossible to take anything he says about himself at face value.

As Daemon, he has formed connections with numerous different superhero teams and individuals (including notably dubious characters like the ePunk Radicals, Dr. Tyche, & Dr. Robert Graachs of EdenTech) often times assisting them when they require information and reference in return for... well that's always the question. "Knowledge begets knowledge" is a phrase often uttered at these meetings by Daemon. He also maintains a large database on various superheroes and villains alike, utilizing the information attained in his investigations & interactions.

Daemon exudes an air of quiet nobility- but can also be a shrewd & wily trickster. If there is some new tec true y around him these facades melt away and his true dorky nature is readily on display.

His background makes him not only an unconventional hero- but a dangerous vigilante as well. He can and will use drastic means & extreme violence to stop criminals if necessary. This attitude will not stop him from casually speaking with known super-villians or even teaming up with them if necessary. His world is quite grey and he prefers it that way.

As a delinquent hacker most of his records were wiped, adjusted or just plain falsified to provide cover for his actual day to day life. What few records do exist run a gambit of regular incorrect updates, false information and dead-end leads thanks to Allam's rather frequent interventions. This is one reason why he wears his helmet regardless of the environment.

Any neighbours or acquaintances of Allam Fayton would believe him a paranoid hermit who refuses to interact with people on a daily basis. He prefers to be thought of this way as it adds another layer to his "mystique" and anyone getting through the layer and layers of false information in his background would imagine this "hermit" to be just another dead-end.

Cormac Bourne was a a mutant. If you saw him on the street you'd never know it. In fact looking at him- you'd never imagine anything special about him. Cormac didn't think he was special- in fact he hardly even suspected he was a mutant himself. It wasn't until he was 15 in Chinatown for the first time that he noticed that when someone spoke or wrote a language he was not familiar with he understood it perfectly. It came as a surprise, but over the years he found that no language anywhere held any secrets from him. He could read a manuscript in a lost tongue and translate it in under a day even with no basis for translation. He could scan computer programming code like he was flipping through a magazine. The catch was- he had no idea how he'd come to his (almost always entirely correct) conclusions. Sometimes it was as clear as crystal- and other times how he got his answer was like mud. This prevented him from using his abilities in a academic way. Beyond that- it only seemed one way. He could understand any language he ran across- but he could only speak in languages he knew already.

Instead he turned his skills to technology- he could produce results in that field without too many questions being asked. His abilities worked equally as well on computers as it did on human languages. He became an expert programmer and eventually even turned to white hat hacking to earn a living. By night he considered himself a 'grey-hat' hacker. Outside of work the world was not just black and white- in fact to him it seemed to only be made of grey. This outlook combined with his natural curiosity set his agenda. He uncovered secrets and conspiracies as part of a small collective of socially responsible hackers.
Over the years his skills blossomed and interacting with machines became much easier than interacting with people. He built walls around himself, and delved ever deeper into his work. Shirking the responsibilities that came with a social life.
But no matter how good you believe you are- there is always someone better.

Someone was watching Cormac. At first it was games- someone always securing or deleting a particular database of information mere moments before Allam accessed the server. Then it escalated to direct attacks against his own botnet, eventually culminating in the arrival of physical threats. Letters in the mail with access logs, and threats to fall in line and contact his mysterious and unknown nemesis via a QR code that scanned to a private IP block in Monte Carlo. The site only featured a mysterious symbol- a burning cocoon.

Instead of 'falling in line' and bowing before anyone- Cormac did the only sane thing he could think of. He activated every node on his botnet to attack, obfuscate and wipe out any records of his existence in every networked system world-wide. As he activated his systems, he initiated his emergency protocols.

Cormac was intelligent enough to know that one day he may be found out- or worse prosecuted for his 'crimes.' So, he was more than prepared for this eventuality. His botnet 'acquired' plane tickets all over the world in his name and various other aliases- including one reserved for just such a calamity. All the locations were chosen for their expected benefits. Metropolitan cities with huge infrastructures. But in reality Cormac was going completely off the grid until he could could make it to his safe house. A place completely untouched by any of his standard aliases.

Weeks of dodging from trains, planes and automobiles he finally arrived in his safe house in Clarkstown, Titan City. A small studio apartment in a high rise with a 'spectacular' view. He immediately closed the blinds and got to work setting himself up for his new life.

He documented what he could, and continued his search using the mysterious symbol as his only clue. Along the way he became more and more curious, clever and mischievous. Maybe because in a place like Titan City its hard to keep your head down for long. Supers, metas & more are everywhere, and before long Cormac- now going by Allam- found himself wrapped up in their antics.

As he researched his adversary he stumbled upon a veritable rabbit hole of secret dossiers, top secret projects and more. Old habits die hard- and as expected his curiosity got the better of him. Somehow these blackbook projects were tied to whoever it was playing games with him. Technology beyond 'Earth standard' [though there's some debate on the level of technology afforded that classification- if you knew where to look,] and ties to the Trilateral Commission became an overreaching trope of his research. Big players, powerful toys, and a very questionable agenda.

As he accessed this data he learned more and more- even going so far as to prototype some of the technology found. What he could get to work was astounding. He recruited a few local heroes who ran a blog about being "Big City Superheroes" to help him under the pretense of a missing woman- though truly tracking a few mysterious energy sources. They searched and searched- & of course came up empty handed. Secretly though they were providing data points so Allam could extrapolate the location of his adversary.

His program having run its course provided the location of a dead drop used by a number of agents- including someone matching the originating IP of one of the earliest attacks against his botnet. "What a coincidence... we've got a local boy." he thought as he traced the IP to a local address.

Allam packed his laptop, cellphone, some food, water and a few other gadgets in his day-bag and jetted for the door. He waited, hiding out in an alley nearby, watching the location- trying his best to look inconsequential.

Eventually his patience was rewarded by the arrival of a white Escalade SUV. The driver- a well built man in his mid-thirties climbed out with a package, and attached it to the underside of a docking bay for a local grocer in a small slot Allam hadn't noticed before. The package itself was small, only the size of a Rubik's Cube, and attached easily to the underside of the loading bay.

Allam waited for 30 minutes before emerging from the darkness and retrieving the package. He couldn't wait to open it- but he knew eyes could be on him already. He made his way through the local soup kitchen, and traded his decent clothes with a man about his size, then handed him a hundred dollar bill with instructions to wait 5 minutes and go out the front door.

The clothes were itchy, dirty and smelled of things better left unsaid. Allam wasn't sure he'd make it 2 minutes much less 5. Lamenting, he did his best to blend in until his distraction made his way for the exit. When he did, Allam took a side door out the kitchen.

Returning to his safehouse he opened the package expecting to see something much more mundane. Instead he found a clear crystal case, with a black base containing various lights and circuits visible through the crystal. Inside was a spinning mass of something that looked like black mercury... maybe like ferro-fluid mixed with mercury. It was beautiful... Allam was lost in the patterns flowing across the surface when suddenly a pounding came from next door.

Startled- Allam dropped the crystal casing, breaking the bottom from the clear shell, exposing the substance to the air. The Baxter's were back to fighting each other again. He swore it sounded like a Gorilla Sumo match over there sometimes. As he cursed himself for breaking his first tangible clue, the substance slowly leaked out into a puddle. Despite appearing metalic the non-Newtonian liquid on the flood almost appeared to evaporate. Growing smaller with each passing moment, but where it had once been a black chrome like dust- finer than any beach could muster was left behind.
As he touched the mysterious leavings the mass leaped towards his hand faster than he could react.
It gathered itself towards him as he backed away. He couldn't shake it free. It climbed every higher until it reached his shoulder, and its iron grip with the floor and himself slackened. He ripped his arm away, but the damage was already done.

The goo continued to shrink- despite trying to wash and scrub it off it persisted. Trying to pull it off only made the substance attach itself to his hand. Soon enough- the entire mass was gone, leaving Allam covered from palm to palm across his shoulders and chest in the mysterious fine chrome dust.

He immediately washed himself clean in the shower, he stepped out of the shower and laughed at his panicked face now that the danger seemed over. He sighed with relief as he dried himself. Then the lights began.

First it was a random glow seen out of the corner of his eye, then it was other things- symbols, that at first made no sense- but his mutant ability cleared any confusion. What he had been exposed to was not of this Earth. What he was exposed to was a complete unknown even in the most clandestine circles.

The device he recovered wasn't sentient, but it reacted and adapted to his own synaptic responses. When information was available it proffered it to its host in its native extraterrestrial tongue. One Allam just so happened to read fluently. Thousands of years of history spilled out before his mind.

The device was an ancient race's attempt to bridge the species of their own world. A "Nanocyte Cluster" capable of creating more and more of itself. These nanites would saturate a biological entity at the cellular level, enhancing it and connecting it to the world at large- something they called the logosphere. This was like a super advanced internet, and this alien species planned on using the very life of the planet itself for storage and processing power. They sought to release the nanites among the fauna and flora of their world and bridge the virtual and physical worlds. But testing was to be completed off-world first to ensure against any Extinction Level Events happening on the homeworld.

The cluster was packed up on a transport carrier and the record log ended. No other records of what happened afterwards existed- except for an SOS like transmission during the time of the trip that was recorded by the nanocluster's containment systems. But what did exist was the function set of the cluster. It seemed sentience allowed the nanites to perform all number of miracles- chief among them adaptive cellular nano-engineering (i.e. it enhanced him and gave him a few upgrades.)

For days Allam dug through the "instruction manual" he discovered in his mind and began systematically testing each and every trait listed. His favorite being the "Nanite Forge"- an ability to literally design and create electronics and other objects with his mind and its constituent materials. It took a while, and afterwards he felt wasted- voraciously hungry. He stormed his cabinets, and deciding to try the forge some more- ordered another delivery of his standard grocery fare.

He built a number of devices from what he remembered accessing certain black listed sites, and then set out on the streets... a new vindicator was born. He took his self-elected name "Daemon" as his street alias, and decided to take the fight directly to whoever it was behind this conspiracy. They were in trouble before- now he had the might and power to match his intellect. No more rooks and pawns. He was going to hit them hard, and keep hitting them. With any luck they'd be dismantled before they knew what hit them. He was sure if they knew what was coming for them- they'd be cowering in their boots.

Clarkstown ended up being a brilliant place to set up shop for numerous reasons, lots of derelict buildings made for easy changes from Allam Fayton to Daemon, & there was plenty of scrap metal lying about for him to practice his new forge abilities, not to mention its proximity to Iron Port. He never intended on saving the world- at least not as a superhero or a vigilante, but his grandfather taught him "you should always use the tools available to you to do the best job you can."

[url=]Corvus' Clutch of Original Character Profiles[/url]

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 01/17/2015 - 00:24
Web spider? Box spider?

Web spider? Box spider?

Corvus's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 02/04/2015 - 07:42
Nope- I thought about Funnel,

Nope- I thought about Funnel, Funnel Web & Crawler but meh... not cyber-y enough for me. I am entertaining the idea of SpiDox (as in Doxing someone online- or finding out everything about them through digital records and social engineering. It fits the character well- so that's the new standard we're trying to beat.)

That one just occurred to me as I replied.

Good try & thank you for participating- keep 'em coming! Allam hasn't been brought into any major RP so I can still swap out his codename to something else besides Arachtek.

Also thinking Neurobyte, Spyderbyte/Spiderbyte & Nanoweaver.

[url=]Corvus' Clutch of Original Character Profiles[/url]

Cyclops's picture
Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
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Joined: 04/10/2015 - 17:24
Hmmm. Spiderbyte is better.

Hmmm. Spiderbyte is better. is a spider theme important? Spyder, Silver Spider

Technomage. Technique, Gauntlet


Corvus's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 02/04/2015 - 07:42
You're right... I'm thinking

You're right... I'm thinking of loosing the spider-theme altogether & maybe make him a bit more Super Soilder-y without the soldier mindset.

I was also thinking Adaptek... that one is probably my favorite so far, with Gauntlet, Technomage/Cybermancer coming in after that.

Thanks for the reply Cyclops!

[url=]Corvus' Clutch of Original Character Profiles[/url]

Nyktos's picture
Last seen: 7 years 5 months ago
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Joined: 11/02/2014 - 16:07
I have an idea for an OC

I have an idea for an OC named [b]Cybernautic[/b], but I haven't developed any kind of character concept for him yet. Do you like that name? I wouldn't mind if you took it as all I have to do is change a small tidbit in Dread's backstory and something Marionette mentioned to an fellow hero in James Duncan Highschool.

Formerly known as Bleddyn

[url=]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]

[url=] My characters [/url]

Corvus's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 02/04/2015 - 07:42
Bleddyn wrote:
Bleddyn wrote:

I have an idea for an OC named Cybernautic, but I haven't developed any kind of character concept for him yet. Do you like that name? I wouldn't mind if you took it as all I have to do is change a small tidbit in Dread's backstory and something Marionette mentioned to an fellow hero in James Duncan Highschool.

Wow- thank you for that Bleddyn! I do really like that one as well. I wanted to post my running list this weekend, but I left it on my work laptop ... at work. So now that I'm back here let me post that and make the addition of your name. It's funny because I was entertaining "Cybernaut" as well, but I prefer your spin on it.

So in VERY particular order- these are the ones on my final list. Additions are welcome, but I fear I'm running out of time & will need to choose soon. First being the worst, second the best, third- of course, the one in the.... wait- no. Sorry, that's not right. First is my favorite, and the bottom is still on the table though just barely.


[url=]Corvus' Clutch of Original Character Profiles[/url]