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Holy Superhero Renaissance, Batman... but what does it mean for us?

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Empyrean's picture
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Holy Superhero Renaissance, Batman... but what does it mean for us?

I THOUGHT we already went through the Superhero Renaissance over the past few years, but that seems to have just been the warmup.

With Agents of Shield, Green Arrow, The Flash, Daredevil, and upcoming Luke Cage, Iron Fist, AKA Jessica Jones and possibly the Defenders, etc.

Plus, of course, Ant-Man, Superman V Batman, age of Ultron, etc.

I mean, what exactly does this mean to CoT? Not much, business as usual? Or just serendipity? Or a movement we should somehow actively jump on?

I really feel like the next MMORPG that knocks the Superhero genre out of the park the way that CoH did could be able to ride this and be significantly more successful than CoH was.

But I also think it's going to have to be AAA+ game.

Because of that, I'm feeling even more glad that MWM had the stones to switch to UE4.

I don't know, it's just all so amazing for the genre right now and it seems like it must be significant--perhaps even vital--to CoT somehow.

But exactly how?

I'm not sure, what do you think?

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

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Yep. After watching a very good movie adaptation of a comic book hero... Comic fans will want to play the Game. ;)
For Batman v. Superman, if theres no standalone Console game, then DCUO will try to draw in those fans.

This is where MWM's marketing team gets together to hash out some deviousness to turn heads toward CoT.
Normally you would think to feature Heroes that have Similar looks or abilities as the movie adaptation..
..but that might not work in our favor, in the long run.

- Media outlets, Blogs, You-Tube'rs, etc... might pick this up and try doing a X Vs. CoT

- true DC fanboys might get ticked and badmouth CoT every chance they get, for a number of months.
- Sony or whoever is running DCUO, might get CoT to register on their radar, sooner than later. And others Hero game studio's might take notice too.

whiteperegrine's picture
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I would avoid ANY kind of

I would avoid ANY kind of comparison to the big two (dc and marvel). less chance of becoming entangled in legal battles from hell...

as far as being able to take advantage of this time of would be great IF the game was coming out soon....but it's not. in addition, they are not making any real waves to let people know that CoT is out here being developed. we can only 'hope' that this current trend continues and that marvel and dc can continue to out out engaging and entertaining movies for YEARS to come.

assuming they do...CoT could benefit greatly from this but only if they go pretty all out in advertising the doesn't mean much.


Lutan's picture
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I think the boom of superhero

I think the boom of superhero movies and series will benefit the game. When the time comes, there should be City of Titans commercials, especially around the time those movies and series are running. I do not know how expensive that will be though.

whiteperegrine's picture
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I am thinkin we can forget

I am thinkin we can forget any television commercials or spots prior to any movies in theatres....the cost will be well beyond the means of MWM barring some huuuuge donation by some super superhero geek. just a quick search....popular nation wide tv show 30 second spot, average 450k. that'll put a dent in yer wallet....

I would guess they will go the route of putting themselves out there for every willing and able MMO, and PC, website. interviews, reviews, previews, etc. cost is effectively nill and they reap the benefits of "free" marketing....this assumes these folks are interested.


revolution's picture
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The new explosion of

The new explosion of superhero mainstream-ness means big time interest in superheroes means interest in all things superheroes (including us) and big time expectations of what superheroes should be like.
We are aiming to fit into this interest and expectation very well. Actually, one of the things I am basing our sound design off of is the movies. What better source for super sound than an Avengers/Batman/Superman/Spider-man/etc/etc/etc movie?
The only con I can see really is if the boom busts. Even then we should have a great looking and playing game. I think the game industry of all the "new media" is the easiest to continue a genre even if the rest of media gets fickle.

[color=#ff0000]Sound Lead, Bullpen Writer[/color]


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It means... to me... that ?I

It means... to me... that I miss playing CoX more and more... watched all of Daredevil on netflix back to back with lots of coffee... unusual for me hehe ;) and afterwards i have dozens of alt ideas for CoH... but couldn't do one of them....

Heading to the cinema this saturday with the kids to watch the new Avengers film... they are dragging me... honest ;) but again.... after it I will probably be a little upset i can't get on and play something after.... oh well could always hijack my sons infinity 2.0 on his PS 4 i suppose just hate the controllers hehe

Empyrean's picture
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Revolution wrote:
Revolution wrote:

The only con I can see really is if the boom busts. Even then we should have a great looking and playing game. I think the game industry of all the "new media" is the easiest to continue a genre even if the rest of media gets fickle.

Yikes. I hadn't thought about a potential bust like the comic book bubble of the early 90's. Media do tend to latch on en masse like locusts to any new trend that makes money, and then exploit it till the earth is scorched and move on :(. It's like watching a shark feeding frenzy.

BUT, the Superhero genre has been around a long time and even if the movie/show media wear it out, the underlying niche will still survive, and perhaps we'll have picked up some of the new generation from all the media attention.

And, as you said, if we have a great looking and playing game, that'll stand on it's own regardless.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

whiteperegrine's picture
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the 'bust' will happen at

the 'bust' will happen at some point...once that saturation point is reached that no ones really cares. we can only hope that this wave lasts at least until CoT is released so some of that enthusiasm can bleed over to the newly released CoT. :)


Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
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Bear in mind that CoH lasted

Bear in mind that CoH lasted for a long time in such a relatively "busted" market.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Bear in mind that CoH lasted for a long time in such a relatively "busted" market.

Interesting factoid: According to Wikipedia, there were 21 films released on Marvel properties during the life of City of Heroes (just going by the year here, no finer tuning).

Just to get to the same number again (21 movies) released since the closure of the game (2013 onwards) we have to get to the start of 2018...


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
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3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Gorgon's picture
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There will be a game for the

There will be a game for the blockbusters, there always is. Not an MMO of course, a console-based game ported to PC.



The very existence of the taunting tank irritates, for it requires idiotic AI that obeys the taunt.

WarBird's picture
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whiteperegrine wrote:
whiteperegrine wrote:

the 'bust' will happen at some point...once that saturation point is reached that no ones really cares. we can only hope that this wave lasts at least until CoT is released so some of that enthusiasm can bleed over to the newly released CoT. :)

I was afraid I was seeing the beginning of the end with Ant-man. Seriously, Ant-man? OTH, I think Guardians of the Galaxy went out on a limb and that turned out alright. (Though it's comic-book, not strictly super-hero) And from the trailers I've seen (very few) it looks like they're going to put a humorous spin on poor Hank Pym. Again like GotG. Who knows, there's a lot of stuff in the pipeline. But it only takes a couple of stinkers to scuttle the movement.

Waiting for the Avengers to meet Black Panther. Jungle King coolness.

whiteperegrine's picture
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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Bear in mind that CoH lasted for a long time in such a relatively "busted" market.

not really.. Spiderman in 2002 and XMen in 2000...both had multiple sequels and they both did very well at the box office. I really wouldn't call the time period that COH was around a complete 'bust'. if anything it probably came out at about the right time (2004). although I will say...that the cinematic "gems" of Daredevil, Fantastic Four, Elektra and Hulk were all released during this time as well.... while these 'gems' did poorly....that's quite a few flics....sooo..COH in a bust period? naaah. If anything, it could be argued that CoH came out at the very beginning of the boom.


Interdictor's picture
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whiteperegrine wrote:
whiteperegrine wrote:

the 'bust' will happen at some point...once that saturation point is reached that no ones really cares. we can only hope that this wave lasts at least until CoT is released so some of that enthusiasm can bleed over to the newly released CoT. :)

Mmm - not necessarily - I mean have action movies "busted"? Have comedies? Horror films? Sure they may wax and wane, but they are still being made. Westerns are effectively dead, but the supers genre is MUCH more broad and versatile than them as it can bleed into other genres from espionage thrillers (Winter Soldier) to space opera (Guardians).

Brand X
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WarBird wrote:
WarBird wrote:

whiteperegrine wrote:
the 'bust' will happen at some point...once that saturation point is reached that no ones really cares. we can only hope that this wave lasts at least until CoT is released so some of that enthusiasm can bleed over to the newly released CoT. :)

I was afraid I was seeing the beginning of the end with Ant-man. Seriously, Ant-man? OTH, I think Guardians of the Galaxy went out on a limb and that turned out alright. (Though it's comic-book, not strictly super-hero) And from the trailers I've seen (very few) it looks like they're going to put a humorous spin on poor Hank Pym. Again like GotG. Who knows, there's a lot of stuff in the pipeline. But it only takes a couple of stinkers to scuttle the movement.
Waiting for the Avengers to meet Black Panther. Jungle King coolness.

I think the only thing that will kill Ant-Man is the name of the hero. The movie I have a feeling will be really good. Though it makes me wonder, maybe they should've gone with Wasp. A female superhero!

revolution's picture
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You do know that Evangeline

You do know that Evangeline Lilly is playing Hope Van Dyne, right? If there is a Yellowjacket in the movie, who wants to bet Wasp doesn't show up sometime? I know what you mean though. I guess Cap. Marvel will have to be the first female lead Marvel movie. Unless you count AKA Jessica Jones....

[color=#ff0000]Sound Lead, Bullpen Writer[/color]


whiteperegrine's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

I think the only thing that will kill Ant-Man is the name of the hero. The movie I have a feeling will be really good. Though it makes me wonder, maybe they should've gone with Wasp. A female superhero!

stay tuned true believer! [b]Captain Marvel[/b] is underway!
[I]I actually prefer her as Warbird. that black costume is sooo her and sexy ta boot.[/I]

regarding Antman....not feelin it at the moment...rather see big screen of Iron Fist (although he is getting a Netflix series) or better yet...Richard Rider aka: the Human Rocket aka: a Man called NOVA! ...le sigh... ....wait...where was I? oh yeah...Antman...I much preferred Hank when he was Yellow Jacket.

marvel, has A LOT of properties to choose addition to A LOT of really cool story lines. it seems strange they choose....Antman over scores of others...


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whiteperegrine wrote:
whiteperegrine wrote:

Brand X wrote:
I think the only thing that will kill Ant-Man is the name of the hero. The movie I have a feeling will be really good. Though it makes me wonder, maybe they should've gone with Wasp. A female superhero!

stay tuned true believer! Captain Marvel is underway!I actually prefer her as Warbird. that black costume is sooo her and sexy ta boot.
regarding Antman....not feelin it at the moment...rather see big screen of Iron Fist (although he is getting a Netflix series) or better yet...Richard Rider aka: the Human Rocket aka: a Man called NOVA! ...le sigh... ....wait...where was I? oh yeah...Antman...I much preferred Hank when he was Yellow Jacket.
marvel, has A LOT of properties to choose addition to A LOT of really cool story lines. it seems strange they choose....Antman over scores of others...

Just so people are aware:

Daredevil has already been greenlit for a 2nd season.

Just 11 days after it's initial release.

Now that is something I never expected to happen so fast.


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Brand X
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Oh, we have Scarlet Witch and

Oh, we have Scarlet Witch and Black Widow, not to mention what we've seen in the various series. I just think the name Wasp sounds better movie wise than Ant-Man. With Ant-Man, they seem to acknowledge the terrible name. The other bonus of Wasp instead was it would be a female Superhero.

I am hoping for good things for Captain Marvel. I worry her outfit will suck (don't like her current one).

sev171's picture
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whiteperegrine wrote:
whiteperegrine wrote:

Brand X wrote:
I think the only thing that will kill Ant-Man is the name of the hero. The movie I have a feeling will be really good. Though it makes me wonder, maybe they should've gone with Wasp. A female superhero!

stay tuned true believer! Captain Marvel is underway!I actually prefer her as Warbird. that black costume is sooo her and sexy ta boot.
regarding Antman....not feelin it at the moment...rather see big screen of Iron Fist (although he is getting a Netflix series) or better yet...Richard Rider aka: the Human Rocket aka: a Man called NOVA! ...le sigh... ....wait...where was I? oh yeah...Antman...I much preferred Hank when he was Yellow Jacket.
marvel, has A LOT of properties to choose addition to A LOT of really cool story lines. it seems strange they choose....Antman over scores of others...

Really? I've wanted to see Antman since iron man 1. I mean he's supposed to have NAMED the avengers and build ultron. Plus Pym and Wasp are badass imo.

Brand X
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He may have named the

He may have named the Avengers in the comics, but he may not have been the right choice to start their cinematic universe.

sev171's picture
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I guess... Still think he

I guess... Still think he should have at least gotten a cameo in phase 1 though. I mean him and wasp are the only original members that got left out. And I always thought that they added a great dynamic to the team. Plus... GIANT MAN.

Empyrean's picture
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Pym deserves respect.

Pym deserves respect.

He's generally considered the second smartest hero in Marvel under Reid Richards and above Bruce Banner (all three of which are generally ranked above Tony Stark). And he's been 5 different superheroes.

Eternity called him Earth's "Scientist Supreme", sort of the scientific counterpart to Doctor Strange.

He's been through a lot, too. Had his ups and some serious downs. Even been a villain at times. He's an interesting character.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Brand X
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I have no hate for Hank Pym.

I have no hate for Hank Pym. No love either, but no hate at all. :p Yellowjacket would've also been a better hero name. Would've maybe also kept a way from the "Yeah...I know my name sucks." moments :p

whiteperegrine's picture
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I too am hopin for good thing

I too am hopin for good thing from Carol Danvers. She's my fav amongst Marvel's female hero types. Warbird/Ms Marvel....the black costume, yellow bolt and red sash....more please! the current look is that trend to make the gals more is also a nod back to her former friend Captain Mar-Vell....the original Captain Marvel.

in regards to Hank. he's a nice fella an all, but juuust not the guy I would have picked for the big game is all. I think I would be more intrigued if they went the other way with him....Giant Man! that could be interestin.

eitherway...I know I'll see the flic and if it's even half way decent I'll pick it up. I just hope hope hope they keep the chucklefest flics to a minimum...thankfully Daredevil is not and was pretty durn good. I have high hopes for Iron favorite martial artist in the comics universe.


sev171's picture
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But he talks to ants..... man

But he talks to ants..... man XD

whiteperegrine's picture
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...oops....sorry hank! >:p


...oops....sorry hank! >:p


Empyrean's picture
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Poor Hank. You pick the

Poor Hank. You pick the wrong bug for your first Superhero name and there's no living it down : /.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Brand X
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whiteperegrine wrote:
whiteperegrine wrote:

I too am hopin for good thing from Carol Danvers. She's my fav amongst Marvel's female hero types. Warbird/Ms Marvel....the black costume, yellow bolt and red sash....more please! the current look is that trend to make the gals more is also a nod back to her former friend Captain Mar-Vell....the original Captain Marvel.
in regards to Hank. he's a nice fella an all, but juuust not the guy I would have picked for the big game is all. I think I would be more intrigued if they went the other way with him....Giant Man! that could be interestin.
eitherway...I know I'll see the flic and if it's even half way decent I'll pick it up. I just hope hope hope they keep the chucklefest flics to a minimum...thankfully Daredevil is not and was pretty durn good. I have high hopes for Iron favorite martial artist in the comics universe.

They would've been better off just giving her black with yellow lighting bolt some leggings, than the nod to the awful outfit. :/ But yes, it's the much better outfit.

I don't mind adding the leggings, though I'm tired of seeing it happen to every outfit. :/ Though on my main in CO, I now have a leotard and unitard version of her outfit.

Personally I prefer Spider-Woman, but I don't even know who owns the rights to her for the movies :( Probably Sony.

Nyktos's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

I have no hate for Hank Pym. No love either, but no hate at all. :p Yellowjacket would've also been a better hero name. Would've maybe also kept a way from the "Yeah...I know my name sucks." moments :p

Oh goddammit why did they not call him that? Ant-Man sounds like a joke character from a wacky kid's cartoon....

That name would fit him so much better

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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whiteperegrine's picture
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there is a Yellow Jacket in

there is a Yellow Jacket in the movie....but they made him a bad guy. regarding Antman...turns out its not's Scott Lang.


Empyrean's picture
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Yeh. And, typical hollywood

Yeh. And, typical hollywood bullcrap, they screwed the pooch:

Could still be a good movie, but, damn...

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Lothic's picture
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Empyrean wrote:
Empyrean wrote:

Yeh. And, typical hollywood bullcrap, they screwed the pooch:
Could still be a good movie, but, damn...

Speaking of Joss Whedon and missed opportunities I still wish we could have seen his version of a Wonder Woman movie get made. I have no idea if the current cinematic plans for Wonder Woman are going to be any good but at least if Joss Whedon had been involved there would have been a reasonable expectation of success.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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Well, we knew there were

Well, we knew there were changes to the MCU versus the main comic. So, I won't cry out to much on that, even though I wish they'd TRY to stay closer to it all. Look at Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, they're not even called mutants (are they calling them Inhumans?)

Then the question will be, will they be recasting or just killing/passing the torch for some of these heroes?

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I think comic books are a

I think comic books are a very American lore and I think kids who remember these stories are now adults who accept this new medium.

The western was the predominant lore of my dad's age (even as a black kid) because comics weren't cool yet. I'd say soldier lore too but America doesn't really own war (as much as we actually kind of do).

Just as samurai was and now mecha machines were to Japan; just as dune riders was and now pirates are in Northern and Eastern Africa; just as Grimm tales (warewolves, vampires, etc) was and now Spy tales are for Western Europe..

- -

What does this mean for MWM?

1) Keep on trend and market to the 25-32 demographic that loves the current predominant American Lore
2) Follow and integrate the upcoming American lore when marketing to Americans
3) If MWM wants to seek foreign markets be sure that the basis of the game supports it (CoT may not really support modern spy stories and before any big release in Europe perhaps think about expansions supporting it)

and MOST importantly...

4) Stake your claim! Make the Titans Universe one that can go toe to toe with modern reboots of Marvel and DC. Let the lore and stories be compelling. Get character stories out to the masses at every turn. Go to comics conventions and tout your lore (and even player created lore depending on EULA) so that people are excited to engage in the Titans Universe just as Marvel Heroes is capitalizing on the Marvel Universe(s)

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Brand X
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I think superhero comics just

I think superhero comics just suffers from the same thing as cartoons. Before it was something for adults as well as kids. Adults went to see Looney Toons. Then one day, they just decided it was all for kids. Same with comics.

Izzy's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

I think superhero comics just suffers from the same thing as cartoons. Before it was something for adults as well as kids. Adults went to see Looney Toons. Then one day, they just decided it was all for kids. Same with comics.

Yea... Same for me.
With age, my interest changed, and instead of buying comics, I started to look through Graphic Novels for more gritty/serious interpretations of known comic characters. But, there weren't enough of those made fast enough, and i get bored and just look for other ways to get my fill. More so than not, certain Games did that. :)

Lothic's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

I think superhero comics just suffers from the same thing as cartoons. Before it was something for adults as well as kids. Adults went to see Looney Toons. Then one day, they just decided it was all for kids. Same with comics.

I mostly blame Disney for brainwashing the US (and then most of the rest of the world) into collectively thinking that comics/cartoons were "only meant for kids". When both of those forms of media first started in the US there were no rules or preset expectations that only a child could enjoy cartoons or comic books. The earliest examples of these things weren't specifically geared for "kids only" or "adults only" - they were more or less age-neutral.

But as soon as Disney started to dominate the overall animation market the mindset got established that these things were primarily kid oriented. Comics followed suit and became primarily kid oriented through the 40s and 50s. It's only in the last say 10 or 20 years has the "damage" Disney caused finally been reversed enough to make it "socially acceptable" for adults to like these things too.

This "Disney-fication" of comics and cartoons never really reached a few places like Japan. Sure the Japanese always had various media that was specifically "meant for kids" versus "meant for adults". But at least they maintained markets for ALL ages as opposed to socially restricting it all to only kids.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Izzy's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Brand X wrote:
I think superhero comics just suffers from the same thing as cartoons. Before it was something for adults as well as kids. Adults went to see Looney Toons. Then one day, they just decided it was all for kids. Same with comics.

I mostly blame Disney for brainwashing the US (and then most of the rest of the world) into collectively thinking that comics/cartoons were "only meant for kids". When both of those forms of media first started in the US there were no rules or preset expectations that only a child could enjoy cartoons or comic books. The earliest examples of these things weren't specifically geared for "kids only" or "adults only" - they were more or less age-neutral.
But as soon as Disney started to dominate the overall animation market the mindset got established that these things were primarily kid oriented. Comics followed suit and became primarily kid oriented through the 40s and 50s. It's only in the last say 10 or 20 years has the "damage" Disney caused finally been reversed enough to make it "socially acceptable" for adults to like these things too.
This "Disney-fication" of comics and cartoons never really reached a few places like Japan. Sure the Japanese always had various media that was specifically "meant for kids" versus "meant for adults". But at least they maintained markets for ALL ages as opposed to socially restricting it all to only kids.

For me.. Batman: Animated Series sorta felt like it was trying to reach an older audience too. :)
And power Rangers just got Worse, it was trying to reach more younger audience. :{

Lothic's picture
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Izzy wrote:
Izzy wrote:

Lothic wrote:
Brand X wrote:
I think superhero comics just suffers from the same thing as cartoons. Before it was something for adults as well as kids. Adults went to see Looney Toons. Then one day, they just decided it was all for kids. Same with comics.

I mostly blame Disney for brainwashing the US (and then most of the rest of the world) into collectively thinking that comics/cartoons were "only meant for kids". When both of those forms of media first started in the US there were no rules or preset expectations that only a child could enjoy cartoons or comic books. The earliest examples of these things weren't specifically geared for "kids only" or "adults only" - they were more or less age-neutral.
But as soon as Disney started to dominate the overall animation market the mindset got established that these things were primarily kid oriented. Comics followed suit and became primarily kid oriented through the 40s and 50s. It's only in the last say 10 or 20 years has the "damage" Disney caused finally been reversed enough to make it "socially acceptable" for adults to like these things too.
This "Disney-fication" of comics and cartoons never really reached a few places like Japan. Sure the Japanese always had various media that was specifically "meant for kids" versus "meant for adults". But at least they maintained markets for ALL ages as opposed to socially restricting it all to only kids.

For me.. Batman: Animated Series sorta felt like it was trying to reach an older audience too. :)
And power Rangers just got Worse, it was trying to reach more younger audience. :{

There's nothing wrong with various shows/books being specifically geared for kids and/or adults. The weird part comes when an entire artform (like comic books) is socially restricted to only be acceptable for one age group over another. Like I said there were no laws or rules that forced cartoons to become practically taboo for adults yet somehow that became the norm for decades.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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They aren't taboo for adults

They aren't taboo for adults though. Look at Futurama, Archer, the 1980's movie Heavy Metal... the list goes on. There's lots of cartoons and comics geared towards adults.

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Well, we knew there were changes to the MCU versus the main comic. So, I won't cry out to much on that, even though I wish they'd TRY to stay closer to it all. Look at Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, they're not even called mutants (are they calling them Inhumans?)
Then the question will be, will they be recasting or just killing/passing the torch for some of these heroes?

To be 100% honest, Marvel/Disney are prohibited from calling Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch mutants in the current MCU due to how the contract with Fox is setup.

Calling them mutants, would put them into the X-Men realm (by a valid argument) which would break the contract. So it is bit of a sticky wicket.

You have to remember though, that these contracts were made back in a time when the future of Marvel was not certain.

I bet you that some of those same people are kicking themselves at how the contract was written now....


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
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4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Brand X
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Last I recall, Fox got all

Last I recall, Fox got all the X-Men rights including Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch (because they are mutants) and after some failings by Fox, they were able to snag the rights to still use Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch (since they are Avengers) but couldn't call them mutants.

I can understand that, I'm just curious if they're going to be called Inhumans now, since that looks to be the MCU's way of handling the mutant storyline.

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Speaking of Joss Whedon and missed opportunities I still wish we could have seen his version of a Wonder Woman movie get made. I have no idea if the current cinematic plans for Wonder Woman are going to be any good but at least if Joss Whedon had been involved there would have been a reasonable expectation of success.

I would have agreed with you had I not gone to see Ultron this week. I thought I could trust Whedon. Apparently not. :-(

Spurn all ye kindle.

Brand X
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Lothic wrote:
Speaking of Joss Whedon and missed opportunities I still wish we could have seen his version of a Wonder Woman movie get made. I have no idea if the current cinematic plans for Wonder Woman are going to be any good but at least if Joss Whedon had been involved there would have been a reasonable expectation of success.

I would have agreed with you had I not gone to see Ultron this week. I thought I could trust Whedon. Apparently not. :-(

You think Avengers2 is terrible and will fail or you just didn't like his take on Ultron the character?

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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

I would have agreed with you had I not gone to see Ultron this week. I thought I could trust Whedon. Apparently not. :-(




But, he did do "Cabin in the Woods".

You can USUALLY trust Joss, but he isn't perfect and can be a bit uneven. But anyone who bats about 50% genius with the rest usually about 25% good to decent and 25% decent to meh is still amazing.

I'll still go see it. About the only Superhero movie I've skipped are the Wolverine Origins movies and Iron Man 3.

How bad is it?

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

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I don't know enough about

I don't know enough about what everyone wants from their superhero movies to recommend for or against. To give you some idea of what I like, my two favourite superhero films are Avengers and Cap2. I was looking forward to this film for more than a year and felt like a 5-yr-old on his birthday as the lights went down in the cinema... and when the lights came back up, like a 5-yr-old whose parents had forgotten the day.

If you don't mind spoilers, I think [url=]this review[/url] sums up every problem I had with the film. I'm not familiar with the author, but he hits every one of the key points for me.

If you don't want to risk the spoilers, I'd just say if your favourite thing about superhero films is lots of fighting and (sometimes rubbery) CGI, you may love this film. If you're like me, and you prefer all that stuff to serve only as a vehicle for character development and interaction, you may come away as disappointed as I am. I thought the essence of what made Avengers so good was epitomised by the scene where Natasha interrogates Loki, followed by the outstanding argument in the lab. When I first saw how Whedon interleaved these two scenes, I realised I was watching something more than Itchy & Scratchy in capes. Sadly, there's nothing like that in Avengers 2. If I hadn't known otherwise, I'd have said it wasn't a Whedon project at all, but executed by someone who just watched the first Avengers and tried to duplicate it without really understanding it.

As for Ultron himself, I found him to be quite uninteresting, especially compared to Loki. I thought the bits of him we saw in the trailer were more compelling than anything he did in the actual film. Maybe that's because most of his dialogue in the trailer was made up of jigsaw sentences with individual words cut from various scenes. Plus, I wouldn't say the CGI folks will win any awards for Ultron's appearance.

I dunno, maybe Whedon had a brilliant idea to take this film in a new direction and the suits said, "No, just give us more of those long fights peppered with quips!" Maybe that's why he said he was quitting doing Avengers films. I just thought when he said it that he meant [i]after[/i] Ultron, not during.

Spurn all ye kindle.

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I'll go see Avengers 2.

I'll go see Avengers 2.
I was hoping Ultron was more like a Virus that was spreading uncontrollably, and the Heroes would have to be physically pushed to their limits before they break.
I'm not expecting many mind games, like Loki might, since Ultron is a baby still and might not think its fun to toy with people in that way, Yet! ;)

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Nah. I'm like you.

Nah. I'm like you, Cinnder.

Character development first, plot second, action (love it, but) third. Always in that order.

Any movie where there's just enough plot and dialogue to serve as an excuse for action is going to be eminently forgettable.

But boy, you can sure make lots of money that way.

It must be hard to do good work in any part of the entertainment industry--books, movies, music, games...

Not impossible, as we've seen, but hard.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

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JMS of Babylon 5 fame had to

JMS of Babylon 5 fame had to explain something along these lines to one of his actors once, after the actor felt that their performance on the day hadn't been reflected in the broadcast.

There's the story AS WRITTEN on the page.

There's the story AS SHOT on the day.

And there's the story AS EDITED after the actors have all done their thing.

And it's entirely possible for these three versions of the story to be quite different. And remember, that although the Director gets to make the first edit, they don't get to make the last ... hence why there are Director's Cuts with different editing than what gets released in theaters (usually with more material).

It's entirely possible that the Director's Cut of Ultron will be a better film than the Producer's Cut that got released in theaters, and the differences between those edits might be why Joss Whedon is terminating his association with the franchise. Pure speculation on my part, since I haven't seen the film ... but it's possible.

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Brand X
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I wonder if some of the

I wonder if some of the complaints I've heard isn't be because Scarlet being pregnant. Much like how Halle's part in X-Men got cut a lot because of her being pregnant, they might have had to do her part in such a way than originally planned.

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Well... I took the kids to

Well... I took the kids to see it, they enjoyed the film, so did I, but.... it did feel like the film was more of a prologue for what is to come. Wasn't as good as Avengers Assemble or Cap 2, but it was enjoyable and held my kids attention for the whole run time.

I was reading the other day that JW did have to cut an hours worth of film from the moving to even bring it in a 2h20m, so much of the character development has probably ended up on the cutting room floor.... so we may have to wait for the DCut to get the real "Vision" of JW.. ( see what I did there hehe)

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I saw it again last night

I saw it again last night with the family, and I have to (somewhat grudgingly) agree with Battler's assessment. Going in without the expectation of A1 or Cap 2, I can accept it as a adequate Biff-Bang-Pow film -- though I still think there are some atrocious moments of dialogue and CGI.

To put it in a bit of perspective, my gf actually liked it, while my daughter was as disappointed as I was. For context: to the gf the MCU films are movies where brightly-coloured people fly about and 'doof' each other. The daughter, on the other hand, is studying literature and film at university, and actually wrote a paper analysing the use of dialogue, camera shots, and music in the first Avengers. The gf asks questions afterwards like, "What was the point of the red guy?" whereas the daughter says, "That character arc seemed awfully forced."

So I guess it comes down to what one is looking for in a superhero film.

Spurn all ye kindle.

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sev171 wrote:
sev171 wrote:

They aren't taboo for adults though. Look at Futurama, Archer, the 1980's movie Heavy Metal... the list goes on. There's lots of cartoons and comics geared towards adults.

As I specifically said only in the last 10 or 20 years have "cartoons" become widely acceptable to be geared directly towards adults in the US. Basically for a good 50+ years (1930s - 1980s) cartoons were either specifically meant only for kids only or were directly made by Disney for at best the entire family. Even semi-revolutionary shows like The Simpsons and South Park (which were finally aimed solely at an older audience) didn't really seriously take off until the early-mid 1990s.

Yes there were a few notable exceptions during the "Disney" period such as Heavy Metal and the various films from [url=]Ralph Bakshi[/url] like his version of Lord of the Rings, Wizards and even Fritz the Cat. But all of those examples were either extremely "on the fringe" and/or rated X and thus were seen by effectively no one at the time.

I think it can be safely said that practically no one in the general public or mass markets of the US considered "animation" as a medium for stories to be aimed at adults until roughly 20 years or so ago. Now of course you have you many examples (such as Sealab 2021, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, etc.) but that was clearly not always the case.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Lothic wrote:
Speaking of Joss Whedon and missed opportunities I still wish we could have seen his version of a Wonder Woman movie get made. I have no idea if the current cinematic plans for Wonder Woman are going to be any good but at least if Joss Whedon had been involved there would have been a reasonable expectation of success.

I would have agreed with you had I not gone to see Ultron this week. I thought I could trust Whedon. Apparently not. :-(

Eh, even if the new Avengers movie isn't perfect I would still err on the side of trusting Whedon on something sight unseen. His "batting record" so to speak is high enough for me to give him the benefit of the doubt on almost anything - especially where it would come to "empowered female main characters" like Wonder Woman. Heck I even found parts of Dollhouse to enjoy if that tells you anything.

But to be perfectly honest I haven't been all that hyped to see this new Avenger's movie even despite Whedon's involvement. I've liked the other recent Marvel movies in general but frankly the Avengers as a "loose superhero grouping" never really was my absolute favorite from the comics to begin with. I'm quite sure we'll see this new one eventually, but since I'll probably be going into it with a relatively "meh" attitude to begin with I'll probably not be overly disappointed by it.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

As I specifically said only in the last 10 or 20 years have "cartoons" become widely acceptable to be geared directly towards adults in the US.

You can thank anime and manga for the change in attitudes in the US. Yes, it took a foreign import to get the job done.

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Izzy wrote:
Izzy wrote:

I'll go see Avengers 2.
I was hoping Ultron was more like a Virus that was spreading uncontrollably, and the Heroes would have to be physically pushed to their limits before they break.
I'm not expecting many mind games, like Loki might, since Ultron is a baby still and might not think its fun to toy with people in that way, Yet! ;)

Agent Smiths Monologue ([url=]video[/url]) makes me think of what Ultron might say/think. I can't get past it. :(