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Gluke's picture
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Drag option

Occasionally I'd like to be able to put female costume pieces on a male toon and vice versa. Viable?


Izzy's picture
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Any examples?

Any examples?

Like Skirts? but call em Kilts?

Gluke's picture
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Izzy wrote:
Izzy wrote:

Any examples?
Like Skirts? but call em Kilts?

No, because then it would be a Kilt. For examples, I mean let me put a skirt, frock, or evening dress etc on my male toon. Get the picture?


TheMightyPaladin's picture
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I've also wanted to put a

I've also wanted to put a skirt on a mail toon to be the bottom of a tunic
The kilts in COH were too specific to really look right used that way

Not really interested in doing Corporal Klinger, but why not let other people do it?

What if A guy was the only child of female superhero who got her powers from a magic costume.
Now she's dead or retired and to continue her crusade against evil, he has to put on her dress.
and since it's his mom's dress it adds an extra Norman Bates dimension.

Lutan's picture
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I can see this being useful.

I can see this being useful. When I look at the old City of Heroes character creator, it was actually not all that rare that my character concept could have been realised better with some costume parts or hairstiles restricted to the opposite gender.

It will bring us big hairy men in bright pink ballerina outfits, but I still think it is worth having.

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(No subject)


[url=]Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?[/url]

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Lothic's picture
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I'm hoping the better

I'm hoping the better clothing technology provided by tools like the Unreal Engine will make it more likely that certain items can "stretch" over either the male or female models better than before. The Devs of CoT have specifically told us they're going to try to make as many costume items available to both body models (male and female) as possible.

We'll see how that turns out, but I figure if they at least do a better job at it than CoH did we'll be doing well.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

doctor tyche
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This works under the

This works under the assumption that costume pieces will be limited by gender.

We have no such plans for segregated pieces.

Technical Director

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I'm hoping the better clothing technology provided by tools like the Unreal Engine will make it more likely that certain items can "stretch" over either the male or female models better than before. The Devs of CoT have specifically told us they're going to try to make as many costume items available to both body models (male and female) as possible.
We'll see how that turns out, but I figure if they at least do a better job at it than CoH did we'll be doing well.

You mean, using Cloth Physics? :P

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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

This works under the assumption that costume pieces will be limited by gender.
We have no such plans for segregated pieces.

I appreciate you may never have had any plans to arbitrarily segregate items based on gender and that's commendable.

But are you now telling us that you'll 100% guarantee that if a costume item exists in the game it will be able to go on either the male or female models regardless of any/all clipping issues or whether they even remotely "fit" on both models? That'd be totally awesome if you're prepared to assure us of that.

And just to be clear are you also saying this would apply to other things such as hairstyles or other items that aren't strictly clothing (like backpacks and such)?

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Izzy wrote:
Izzy wrote:

Lothic wrote:
I'm hoping the better clothing technology provided by tools like the Unreal Engine will make it more likely that certain items can "stretch" over either the male or female models better than before. The Devs of CoT have specifically told us they're going to try to make as many costume items available to both body models (male and female) as possible.
We'll see how that turns out, but I figure if they at least do a better job at it than CoH did we'll be doing well.

You mean, using Cloth Physics? :P

Yeah basically. Like Doctor Tyche just said they may have no predefined plans to limit items to one gender or the other but if the game can't make all those items adapt to the basic shapes of the two models then certain items might not be able to crossover just because they simply don't fit without unacceptable clipping issues and such.

If Doctor Tyche can clarify that there's no "functional" reason why any item can't fit both models then that'd be great.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

whiteperegrine's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

But are you now telling us that you'll 100% guarantee that if a costume item exists in the game it will be able to go on either the male or female models regardless of any/all clipping issues or whether they even remotely "fit" on both models? That'd be totally awesome if you're prepared to assure us of that.
And just to be clear are you also saying this would apply to other things such as hairstyles or other items that aren't strictly clothing (like backpacks and such)?

he did say they have to "plans" for that to occur...but you know better...things can change. I personally would be very surprised if there were a few pieces that gender X could not use. given they are still learning the new system I suspect we should hear more on this front in the future.

...that said, I would love to see all pieces available to everyone across the board.


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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

This works under the assumption that costume pieces will be limited by gender.
We have no such plans for segregated pieces.

By default, there will be no gender segregated costume pieces.

So now you want him to double-dog pinkie swear on it? I mean, seriously ... how insecure are you about being given a straight answer, Lothic?

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Kiyori Anoyui
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If this is the case then I

If this is the case then I want to go one step further. I would like a robot cowgirl/boy xD

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Brand X
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Doctor Tyche wrote:
This works under the assumption that costume pieces will be limited by gender.
We have no such plans for segregated pieces.

By default, there will be no gender segregated costume pieces.
So now you want him to double-dog pinkie swear on it? I mean, seriously ... how insecure are you about being given a straight answer, Lothic?

Need to be fair. Things have been said and then backed out of. Sure, goes with the territory of what this is, but I'm sure people would like to get some 100%s. Personally, I think if it takes the same amount of time to make an outfit for both, great. If it's going to drag things down and be a waste of time/money for little return, then maybe it's best not to waste time on it.

Working on one outfit piece that 1% of players will use on one gender, but 50% on another gender, when they could work on a piece that 50% will use on the first gender, just seems the better idea.

But if all it takes is making the outfit for one model and then 1 couple minutes to transfer it over to the other...why not make it both!

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whiteperegrine wrote:
whiteperegrine wrote:

he did say they have to "plans" for that to occur...but you know better...things can change. I personally would be very surprised if there were a few pieces that gender X could not use. given they are still learning the new system I suspect we should hear more on this front in the future.
...that said, I would love to see all pieces available to everyone across the board.

Redlynne wrote:

By default, there will be no gender segregated costume pieces.
So now you want him to double-dog pinkie swear on it? I mean, seriously ... how insecure are you about being given a straight answer, Lothic?

I'm not insecure about getting straight answers - I'm just pretty sure we didn't get one here and was driving home that point.

To be clear I'm quite sure that Doctor Tyche has all the best intentions in the world to deliver a game that has no gender segregated costume items so I can totally believe him when he says they have no current "plans" to do that.

But exactly as whiteperegrine and Brand X suggested when the proverbial "rubber meets the road" and this game finally gets launched I'm frankly going to be amazed if there are absolutely no items that don't get relegated to strictly one gender or the other for a whole host of reasons/problems that are either within or beyond the Devs' control.

Basically what Doctor Tyche has told us is NOT a perfectly straight answer about this - or at least it's a very optimistic answer that glosses over the realities of software development. If the Devs manage to overcome my decades’ worth of reasonable professional skepticism and prove me wrong about this I'll be perfectly happy. But I don't really need him to be giving us any kind of answers that sound like unchangeable absolutes when in fact they are likely anything but.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Redlynne's picture
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So ... Doctor Tyche tells you

So ... Doctor Tyche tells you there are "no plans" to gender segregate costume pieces ... but because You Know Better you're just going to assume it will happen anyway despite the Best Laid Plans™. Therefore ... Doctor Tyche DID NOT give you a straight answer, because You Know Better.

From where I'm typing, that requires a [b][i]LOT[/i][/b] of Refusal To Accept what you have been given. Therefore, as far as I can tell, what you're doing Lothic bears a strong resemblance to [url=]concern trolling[/url].

You have chosen to Doubt First ... Believe After.
You could have chosen to Believe First ... Doubt After ... but where's the "fun" in that, eh?

In other words, if YOU don't believe Doctor Tyche gave you a straight answer about this, that's YOUR FAULT Lothic ... not his.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Lutan's picture
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To be fair, Dr. Tyches answer

To be fair, Dr. Tyches answer did only state that it is not planned to have segregation, but left open the loophole that it might be necessary to have it anyways.

I am okay with that, he needs to be that careful. If an unforseen obstacle comes in the way and there is nothing he can do about it, that will cause problems if he commited himself for 100%. But this also means that there are currently no obstacles in sight that could force them to have gender segregated costume pieces.

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

So ... Doctor Tyche tells you there are "no plans" to gender segregate costume pieces ... but because You Know Better you're just going to assume it will happen anyway despite the Best Laid Plans™. Therefore ... Doctor Tyche DID NOT give you a straight answer, because You Know Better.
From where I'm typing, that requires a LOT of Refusal To Accept what you have been given. Therefore, as far as I can tell, what you're doing Lothic bears a strong resemblance to concern trolling.
You have chosen to Doubt First ... Believe After.
You could have chosen to Believe First ... Doubt After ... but where's the "fun" in that, eh?
In other words, if YOU don't believe Doctor Tyche gave you a straight answer about this, that's YOUR FAULT Lothic ... not his.

Overly defensive much? I've already said I'll be happy to be wrong about this. Time will tell of course...

For what it’s worth I don’t pretend to Know Better in all things, but decades’ worth of seeing Dev statements come and go does have its benefits.

For Doctor Tyche's sake he should know better than to make statements about absolutes so relatively early in the development process. How many times have we ALL seen that kind of thing come back to bite a Dev in the backside? I simply don't want him to make a habit out of it.

Lutan wrote:

To be fair, Dr. Tyches answer did only state that it is not planned to have segregation, but left open the loophole that it might be necessary to have it anyways.
I am okay with that, he needs to be that careful. If an unforseen obstacle comes in the way and there is nothing he can do about it, that will cause problems if he commited himself for 100%. But this also means that there are currently no obstacles in sight that could force them to have gender segregated costume pieces.

Exactly. If anything I'm only sorry that I might not have presented this sentiment as "diplomatically" as you just did.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

So ... Doctor Tyche tells you there are "no plans" to gender segregate costume pieces ... but because You Know Better you're just going to assume it will happen anyway despite the Best Laid Plans™. Therefore ... Doctor Tyche DID NOT give you a straight answer, because You Know Better.
From where I'm typing, that requires a LOT of Refusal To Accept what you have been given. Therefore, as far as I can tell, what you're doing Lothic bears a strong resemblance to concern trolling.
You have chosen to Doubt First ... Believe After.
You could have chosen to Believe First ... Doubt After ... but where's the "fun" in that, eh?
In other words, if YOU don't believe Doctor Tyche gave you a straight answer about this, that's YOUR FAULT Lothic ... not his.

I love it when people just assume people are trolling and love it even more when people pull the "concern trolling" card. Saying concern trolling, is like calling rape, it starts making others look at the target of the comment as a troll without any real proof that they aren't just infact, concerned.

This is a new game. Yes, things are going to change. We don't have to like it, we can disagree with things, and wanting to confirm a straight answer is not a bad thing. Also, what's wrong with being concerned? I know I have a few concerns about the game.

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Also, what's wrong with being concerned? I know I have a few concerns about the game.

"Begging the question" even after the question has been answered as directly as possible [i]at this time[/i] does not constructively serve anyone.

Doctor Tyche gave us a clear statement of Design Intent And Purpose.

Some people want to parse that statement as "saying" the opposite of what was explicitly stated, up to and including expressions of disbelief that the statement of Design Intent And Purpose was in any meaningful way "binding" upon the Dev Team. The [i]expectation[/i] that has been expressed by Lothic is that what Doctor Tyche said is really a Bait & Switch gambit (ie. something nefarious) rather than a clear expression of the direction being taken away from our prying eyes (ie. something virtuous).

This is totally an optimist vs pessimist interpretation of a clearly delivered message "from the President."

And all I'm saying is that people (such as Lothic) should not let their native and inherent pessimism control their understanding of the message that was sent. Or to put it another way ... try to look on the "bright side" for a change.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Lutan's picture
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If anything, I think Dr.

If anything, I think Dr. Tyche gave us as straight as an answer as he could, maybe even a bit more. The intent is clear, there is no doubt he means what he says. The doubts are if he and Missing Worlds Media are able to pull something like that off. They are clearly competent, but as far as I know it is something no other game has done before.

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

This is totally an optimist vs pessimist interpretation of a clearly delivered message "from the President.

I consider this more of a "teaching moment" for Doctor Tyche than anything else you're trying to spin this up as.

His message may have clearly stated that they have "plans" about things but without qualifying that "plans can always change" he left the VERY CLEAR impression that we should just reflexively assume that all things related to this issue are fully set in stone. I'm sorry Redlynne but no matter how optimistic I might be about this game (and trust me people on this forum have often accused me of being overly optimistic and/or full of wishful thinking) I simply can't drink that kind of Kool-Aid without just the tiniest grain of skeptical salt.

If you feel comfortable taking everything people tell you at "face value" and can get through life doing that then more power to you. I honestly don't know if we'll have any gender-locked costume items or not. I can't predict the future - but neither can Doctor Tyche. If he was being completely "up front" about it he would've of told us he's not "planning" for items like that but that he's not totally sure about it either. Even if by some miracle HE IS 100% SURE about it right now (because he CAN somehow secretly predict the future) saying that he's "unsure" about it would have given him the preemptive wiggle room he'd need to back out of the corner if his god-like psychic skills failed him.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lutan wrote:
Lutan wrote:

If anything, I think Dr. Tyche gave us as straight as an answer as he could, maybe even a bit more. The intent is clear, there is no doubt he means what he says. The doubts are if he and Missing Worlds Media are able to pull something like that off. They are clearly competent, but as far as I know it is something no other game has done before.

It would in fact be a fairly amazing and (as far as I know) completely unique MMO accomplishment without precedent. Forgive this poor soul for having just the tiniest bit of doubt this will actually come to pass as "planned". *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Redlynne's picture
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Hey ... we're decoupling

Hey ... we're decoupling Powers animations from the Powers themselves, bringing ala carte options to how Powers will animate. I'd prefer to think that MWM is extending the same kind of "do it right the first time" thinking to gender exclusivity for costumes by designing things to be non-exclusive in the first place. Furthermore, I'd prefer to think that the Unreal 4 Engine is what allows them to accomplish both of these firsts.

Ambitious? Yes.
Possible? Perhaps ...

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Lothic's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Hey ... we're decoupling Powers animations from the Powers themselves, bringing ala carte options to how Powers will animate. I'd prefer to think that MWM is extending the same kind of "do it right the first time" thinking to gender exclusivity for costumes by designing things to be non-exclusive in the first place. Furthermore, I'd prefer to think that the Unreal 4 Engine is what allows them to accomplish both of these firsts.
Ambitious? Yes.
Possible? Perhaps ...

I would "prefer" to assume all these things will happen in CoT as well. I threw what some might consider a ridiculous amount of money at this game through the Kickstarter so I really have no good reason other than to be one of its biggest cheerleaders. But sadly I've been around far too long to mindlessly assume that all of the "wishful thinking" that goes along with this phase of a project actually makes it to become fully implemented features.

Having no gender-locked costume items is a "Holy Grail" goal that would be amazing to see in any game. It's not my personal tip-top number-one priority but it's clearly a big deal for a game that could very well sink-or-swim based largely on the strength of its costume creator. The very fact that it's NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE should lead even the most insanely devoted fan towards a moment of reflective doubt.

I wish nothing but the best for this game and if they can accomplish even half of what they say they will I'll be appropriately amazed. But frankly "planning to do something that no other game has done before" is not something I need Doctor Tyche to be focusing on to the point of making it sound like it's already an absolute certainty. Stick to the path without promising the moon - if the moon ends up in the game anyway then that'll be icing on the cake.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

The very fact that it's NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE should lead even the most insanely devoted fan towards a moment of reflective doubt.

Three words.


Three more words.


And if that isn't enough, I'd point out that MWM and the Unreal 4 Developers seem to be living in a somewhat symbiotic relationship at this point. In other words, what may have been impossible before may be possible now ...

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

JayBezz's picture
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I know a bit more about the

I know a bit more about the systems being used by the software they are using. Clothing in CoH and CoV and Champions are like molded plastic that replace parts of the body like joints of a action figure. That is not the basis of the software MWM is using. Being able to share a shape across body polygons requires that, and it's a concept from initial design.

Those of you who are imagining this system in terms of how Cryptic Studios did are in for a mind opening experience. This is why Tyche can assert that there is no functional difference because the tech doesn't work under those limitations 9f making clothes that replace the model, but many pieces are actual cloth (or other materials) draped over the form.

Go look at the dress for the Rooks from a previous update. It's not a Frankenstein of body parts, it's a dress. That will go over and stretch on the body form. The pieces are stiched and sewn . The cloth is not a Mr Potato Head where you Frankenstein the body parts together like Cryptic used.

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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

I know a bit more about the systems being used by the software they are using. Clothing in CoH and CoV and Champions are like molded plastic that replace parts of the body like joints of a action figure. That is not the basis of the software MWM is using. Being able to share a shape across body polygons requires that, and it's a concept from initial design.
Those of you who are imagining this system in terms of how Cryptic Studios did are in for a mind opening experience. This is why Tyche can assert that there is no functional difference because the tech doesn't work under those limitations 9f making clothes that replace the model, but many pieces are actual cloth (or other materials) draped over the form.
Go look at the dress for the Rooks from a previous update. It's not a Frankenstein of body parts, it's a dress. That will go over and stretch on the body form. The pieces are stiched and sewn . The cloth is not a Mr Potato Head where you Frankenstein the body parts together like Cryptic used.

For what it's worth I'm actually fairly well aware of the differences between what CoT is working with costume technology wise versus how those other games handled similar issues. How many times do I have to remind this forum that I actually work in software engineering and have been professionally involved with what computers can and can't do in general for decades? With this background I can reasonably deduce and/or speculate what the capabilities of CoT will be from what I've read and been directly involved with over the years.

Just because the technology CoT is using makes it less likely that they'll have to lock specific costume items to a gender oriented model doesn't automatically guarantee that's never going to happen regardless of what Doctor Tyche or any other Dev might say and/or plan for. I really don't understand why people here seem so eager to completely abandon any and all reasonable doubt and blindly assume that unforeseen engineering problems or policy changes in this area can or will never happen. Overly-hypish things that Devs promise literally years before the launch of a game almost never survive 100% intact into the finished product - history has proven this time and time again.

I will plainly state once again that I HOPE what Doctor Tyche says about this issue will come to pass even when the odds are stacked against him on this. I'm not going to consider this game a failure if we end up with a handful of gender locked items because if it turns out to only be a "handful" then that'll be a huge improvement on pretty much any game that came before it.

Whatever happened to the time honored rule of thumb of believing in something when we see it? Doctor Tyche has decided to make a relatively bold claim/promise here - I see no disrespect in waiting to see if he can actually deliver "the goods" before I praise him for a job well done. Frankly if he actually pulls it off he'll get more meaningful appreciation for it from someone like me because it always means more to a person to have their skeptics have to eat crow than to have their "yes men" reflexively applaud them. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Whatever happened to the time honored rule of thumb of believing in something when we see it?

Always with the negative waves, Moriarity! Always with the negative waves.

Have a little faith, baby. Have a little faith ...

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Brand X
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Lothic wrote:
Whatever happened to the time honored rule of thumb of believing in something when we see it?
Always with the negative waves, Moriarity! Always with the negative waves.
Have a little faith, baby. Have a little faith ...

I think people start losing bits of faith when goals start not being met. People who helped fund it are going to be a little more edgy about it, not all are going to have complete faith.

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Begging the question means "assuming the conclusion of an argument", a type of circular reasoning. This is an informal fallacy where the conclusion that one is attempting to prove is included in an initial premise of an argument, often in an indirect way that conceals this fact.
Source:Wikipedia. but also several other sources on the google search said the same thing.

It doesn't mean what you seemed to think it means.

Lin Chiao Feng
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Lothic wrote:
The very fact that it's NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE should lead even the most insanely devoted fan towards a moment of reflective doubt.
Three words.
Three more words.
And if that isn't enough, I'd point out that MWM and the Unreal 4 Developers seem to be living in a somewhat symbiotic relationship at this point. In other words, what may have been impossible before may be possible now ...

Four more words.


So if it's gonna be late, make it rock. As I tell folks at work, the customer will hold "broken" against you far longer and stronger than they will hold "late" against you. IMHO that's one of the reasons Tabula Rasa died: it was pushed out the door in a barely-past-alpha state. MWM doesn't have NCSoft twisting their arm like TR did.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Lothic wrote:
Whatever happened to the time honored rule of thumb of believing in something when we see it?
Always with the negative waves, Moriarity! Always with the negative waves.
Have a little faith, baby. Have a little faith ...

Even though it's a backhanded honor to be associated with one of Donald Sutherland's greatest on-screen characters I sort of prefer this reference for this situation...


If Doctor Tyche can "Han Solo" his way though this little asteroid field he tossed out for himself it'll be great for all of us. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Never tell me the odds.

Never tell me the odds.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Redlynne wrote:
Lothic wrote:
The very fact that it's NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE should lead even the most insanely devoted fan towards a moment of reflective doubt.

Three words.
Three more words.
And if that isn't enough, I'd point out that MWM and the Unreal 4 Developers seem to be living in a somewhat symbiotic relationship at this point. In other words, what may have been impossible before may be possible now ...

Four more words.
So if it's gonna be late, make it rock. As I tell folks at work, the customer will hold "broken" against you far longer and stronger than they will hold "late" against you. IMHO that's one of the reasons Tabula Rasa died: it was pushed out the door in a barely-past-alpha state. MWM doesn't have NCSoft twisting their arm like TR did.

To a point. I don't mind if CoT ends up being late if they manage to deliver a polished, solid game with all of its key critical features in working order. But if we were to discover that they delayed this game because they wanted to make sure they could get the last few troublesome costume items working for both genders then I would personally scream bloody murder over that.

Delays for critical functionality are one thing, delays for extra fluff is something else...

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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TheMightyPaladin wrote:
TheMightyPaladin wrote:

What if A guy was the only child of female superhero who got her powers from a magic costume.
Now she's dead or retired and to continue her crusade against evil, he has to put on her dress.
and since it's his mom's dress it adds an extra Norman Bates dimension.

Sounds like someone's been watching Shezow.


Lin Chiao Feng
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

But if we were to discover that they delayed this game because they wanted to make sure they could get the last few troublesome costume items working for both genders then I would personally scream bloody murder over that.

Well, you'll be screaming on your own, then.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Lothic wrote:
But if we were to discover that they delayed this game because they wanted to make sure they could get the last few troublesome costume items working for both genders then I would personally scream bloody murder over that.
Well, you'll be screaming on your own, then.

Yeah, you're just speculatively borrowing trouble at that point. Seriously, that's a WHAT IF? of practically zero useful value at this stage. Worry about it all you want on your own while the rest of us concern ourselves with more important matters.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Brand X
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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Lothic wrote:
But if we were to discover that they delayed this game because they wanted to make sure they could get the last few troublesome costume items working for both genders then I would personally scream bloody murder over that.
Well, you'll be screaming on your own, then.

No she won't and it's foolish to think she will. :p

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lothic wrote:
But if we were to discover that they delayed this game because they wanted to make sure they could get the last few troublesome costume items working for both genders then I would personally scream bloody murder over that.

Well, you'll be screaming on your own, then.

Yeah, you're just speculatively borrowing trouble at that point. Seriously, that's a WHAT IF? of practically zero useful value at this stage. Worry about it all you want on your own while the rest of us concern ourselves with more important matters.

OK then... as a PURELY HYPOTHETICAL you would be fine with waiting to play this game for say 3 extra months while the Devs spent that time making sure the last "Bra number 17" could fit on the male model without clipping? Waiting for something as tangential as that wouldn't annoy you just the tiniest bit? If that's the case "[url=]You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din[/url]."

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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TheMightyPaladin wrote:
TheMightyPaladin wrote:

What if A guy was the only child of female superhero who got her powers from a magic costume.
Now she's dead or retired and to continue her crusade against evil, he has to put on her dress.
and since it's his mom's dress it adds an extra Norman Bates dimension.

Sounds like someone's been watching SheZow.


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Let's burn that bra bridge

Let's burn that [s]bra[/s] bridge when we get to it, shall we? Getting worked up over it NOW is pretty much the definition of wasted effort and ... [i]premature exasperation[/i] ... (pun unavoidable, sorry).

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Let's burn that bra bridge when we get to it, shall we? Getting worked up over it NOW is pretty much the definition of wasted effort and ... premature exasperation ... (pun unavoidable, sorry).

For what it's worth I wasn't the one who got hyperdefensive over a little bit of "constructive criticism" I aimed at Doctor Tyche. I'm sure he's a big enough guy to have taken it (or disregarded it) without your help making this thing far bigger than I ever intended. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Hero_Zero wrote:
Hero_Zero wrote:

TheMightyPaladin wrote:
What if A guy was the only child of female superhero who got her powers from a magic costume.
Now she's dead or retired and to continue her crusade against evil, he has to put on her dress.
and since it's his mom's dress it adds an extra Norman Bates dimension.

Sounds like someone's been watching Shezow.

No, just had the same idea on my own.

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Some costumes will affect the

Some costumes will affect the models, but many of the costume pieces that are not "attached" to your character are APEX clothing. They drape the body, not simulate a form.

Again this is tech that Cryptic Studio did not use (in CoH or CO).

- -

I think people have fears of execution, and I share those. But the software itself has fewer limitations.

To understand what parts are built on the model and which parts will be APEX I recommend checking out this video:

Crowd Control Enthusiast

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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

Some costumes will affect the models, but many of the costume pieces that are not "attached" to your character are APEX clothing. They drape the body, not simulate a form.
Again this is tech that Cryptic Studio did not use (in CoH or CO).
- -
I think people have fears of execution, and I share those. But the software itself has fewer limitations.
To understand what parts are built on the model and which parts will be APEX I recommend checking out this video:

I don't actually "fear" new software technology or its execution - I'd be more or less out of a job if I did that.

I simply have a healthy skepticism about it because many times new technology "promises the world" but then proceeds to fall short in unexpected ways. I have no doubt that in the long run things will be better in this area in CoT than they were in previous games. But the proof will be in the pudding as they say.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012