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More brainstormin

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Light's Knight
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More brainstormin

Don't know if brought up before. Has a discussion been brought up about CoT doing special AT's down the line a la COX Khed's and spiders.

Thinking like a year one anniversary release.

What does the community feel would be a unique AT to fill the bill?

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
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If they do, I would hope the

If they do, I would hope the special builds would be more open to a variety of interpretations.
Kheds and spiders and black widows were all way too specific.
You couldn't really picture them as much of anything else at all.

Nyktos's picture
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Huh, I completely forgot

Huh, I completely forgot about the special archetypes in regards to CoT.

I am hoping there is some eventually at the very least (I wouldn't expect it at launch). I loved my shade, black widow, and spider.....

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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RottenLuck's picture
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I do miss my Warshade. I

I do miss my Warshade. I also vote for having the new Epic ATs be something more open for interpretation. I already tried to revision my Warshade for CoT and it changed into my new character Unknown. Mainly because I had no idea how to describe a Warshade any other way then a Warshade.

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RottenLuck's picture
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Now going with the

Now going with the Brainstorming...

What would be required for a good Epic Archetype? One more thing NO UNLOCKING TILL LEVEL 50! Sorry having the EATs open at level 20 seemed dumb to me. The EATs builds were very complex and needed more understanding of how enhancements worked then I view level 20 gets. Now we get off the rant train.

What would a EAT need to feel Epic? These are special archetypes things you get for the maga reward for all your hard work. Would all the powers be for that one type or could you choose powers from the other Archetypes just they have an enhanced boost.

What I mean is this that one way to get an Epic feel is that when you get a character to Level 50 you can get an Epic Taserary... er the Epic Class. So instead of making a Melee/Regen Scrapper type character you can make a Melee/Regen Epic Scrapper. Same basic powers but you have more powerful secondary effects.

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whiteperegrine's picture
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more open to interpretation?

more open to interpretation? as in origin/story wise? I am assuming you mean this as I found them to be completely open. Kheld's could be developed any number of ways to suit the players style of game play. I, for example, never used the squid or tanker forms and stayed purely human. this allowed me to write off the story that she had some kheld in her...but it wasn't enough to allow the change between forms. again, assuming you are talking about being locked into being labelled a "kheld"...well...all one had to do was change their origin in the bio section...would anyone know this without looking? nope, but then even if they kept it open as a generic alien people still wouldn't have known your a Granthall from the planet Dax'Theron unless they went into your origin.

if I am off in my assumption, please clarify. :)


Light's Knight
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I would want to stay away

I would want to stay away from the epic title. I remember peoples discord in thinking epic AT meant uber I win button AT. When CoX meant it for the story. I would label then Advanced AT.

revolution's picture
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Definitely not being a

Definitely not being a "Debbie Downer" but for the one year anniversary I imagine we will have to lower our sights a bit more than a special AT. We may be looking at finishing the list of AT's we have already set up (i.e. our pets classes) and some of the more elaborate powersets (or maybe new and unique ones). There is no telling were we will be at by the end of the 1st year. We definitely want to be in a place that something like a new special AT is shown, but I think historically the first anniversary is a finalization of the original plans.
Who knows, we may be able to do something even we can't see from here!

[color=#ff0000]Sound Lead, Bullpen Writer[/color]


Light's Knight
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Just picked the year

Just picked the year anniversary as a place holder kind of thing. Release an advanced AT as something special to mark a milestone vs. just another issue release. Keep up the good work.

TheMightyPaladin's picture
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Actually I was thinking about

Actually I was thinking about how the Special ATs really couldn't be anything else.
if you were a spider guy you had a spider backpack and your costume options were very limited.
Also each Special AT had just one set of powers. That was a super turn off to me because all of the standard ATs had a lot of choices.
as a result I never played any of the Special ATs and wouldn't even consider it.

If a Special AT was more of a combination of the Primary ATs you could envision a lot of different characters who fit
A character with scrapper primary abilities and controler secondary abilities could be interesting.
Or what if there was he had Defender Primaries but Tanker Secondaries?

And whatever power options they have, please don't limit their costume options.

Lutan's picture
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If we get epic archetypes,

If we get epic archetypes, the only role I can imagine that is left for them would be similar to the kheldians. A jack of all trades, able to fill multiple roles.

Brand X
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The reason they were EPIC ATs

The reason they were EPIC ATs was because they were tied to CoH Lore in some way. They weren't suppossed to be anything else. Though I did think they should have shared some of those animations to similar sets.

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
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Oh, well if that's the whole

Oh, well if that's the whole point then just forget what I said and enjoy your epic ATs that I won't be using, ever.

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Not even if they and only

Not even if they and only they use nunchaku?

Lin Chiao Feng
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Brighellac wrote:
Brighellac wrote:

Not even if they and only they use nunchaku?

Okay, that's just cruel.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

revolution's picture
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I never liked the special AT

I never liked the special AT's either. Never could get the hang of any of them and they seemed weaker than the regular ATs to me.
On the plus side, remember that the ways you can choose your powers in CoT will be very different than CoX and will hopefully be much more flexible.

[color=#ff0000]Sound Lead, Bullpen Writer[/color]


Tannim222's picture
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Another point to consider

Another point to consider when at least looking at VEAT equivalent classes, the versatility afforded by our Tertiary sets can be utilized with the right combination of a primary and secondary set (and clas mastery) to essentially mimic how the different VEAT builds operated.

Granted it may rake a while to get the proper mix of Primary and Secondary sets in the game but it is posible to mimic them without the requirement to respec in the midst of levelling no less.

EATs are a slightly different due to role performance switching on the fly. That part of their design would necessitate delay of design and certainly we are making our main classifications a priority.

None of the above takes the Lore aspects of the reasoning of the epic ats into consideration. I'm purely looking at the design aspects of function.

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Empyrean's picture
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Personally, I LOVED all human

Personally, I LOVED all human Peacebringers.

Well-built and with IO's they were the consummate blapper with really nice animations and only very slightly underpowered solo and a bit nuts on a team. I played mine as a (relatively) low-power cosmic hero.

But I personally didn't like their shape-changing (NOT to say I don't like shape-changing, I just didn't like theirs) or that they had a prefab origin.

But then, I do see what the Devs were up to, especially with the Battalion storyline coming. And lots of people did love the shape-changing and origin.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Interdictor's picture
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Empyrean wrote:
Empyrean wrote:

Personally, I LOVED all human Peacebringers.
Well-built and with IO's they were the consummate blapper with really nice animations and only very slightly underpowered solo and a bit nuts on a team. I played mine as a (relatively) low-power cosmic hero.
But I personally didn't like their shape-changing (NOT to say I don't like shape-changing, I just didn't like theirs) or that they had a prefab origin.

Amen - one of may favourite characters was a humanform Peacebringer. I suppose once we get Gunners in the game it might be possible to make a PB-feeling character, with the right masteries and tertiaries. I know it's not on the table at the moment, but if they ever come up with an Assault/Defense class/spec it would be even easier.

RottenLuck's picture
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Taking this idea and throwing

Taking this idea and throwing it into another gear.

Cosmic Entities like the Silver Surfer, Thanos, Darkseid and many others are vastly more powerful than the standard Hero/villains. So IF and that's a big if City of Titans will have an unlockable Archetype at max level. Could we call them Cosmic Archetypes?

So far many have said the same don't tie them to Lore. For me difficulty of getting the Kheldians or the SoA right was part of the fun of the type. That why I said unlocking them at level 20 was a dumb move. The Flexibility of the archetypes themselves opened up more possibility of poor slotting and poor power choices. They were harder to get a good combo but when you do it was Awesome. One example is this Warshade.


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TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
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OO unlocking cosmic

OO unlocking cosmic characters at level 50 sounds a lot like omething I suggested on my thread about the problem of levels
Hpe they don't lynch you.

Redlynne's picture
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Cosmic level characters are

Cosmic level characters are just about curb stomping. It's like taking a Level 50 and cruising around Atlas Park, golfing lowbies into the pond. Plus, it's the very definition of Overpowered ... which is probably why Players want it (for free?).

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Empyrean's picture
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Cosmic LEVEL, yes. Cosmic

Cosmic LEVEL, yes. Cosmic TYPE, not necessarily, though usually.

When I played my Human Peacebringer, I played him as someone who could manipulate cosmic energy to some extent and who could and did survive and travel in space, but who's power level was not above the more powerful non-cosmic heroes. In my mind around Eternal level.

It is true that most cosmic type heroes are cosmic level in power, but but not all. Star Lord, the Eternals, and members the Sh'iar Imperial Guard are all considered Cosmic "type" heroes by Marvel, but Star Lord and the Eternals aren't THAT powerful and neither are most members of the Imperial Guard.

But I'm not advocating any particular type of EAT. With all of the power options and customization options, making a Cosmic-type hero will be easy peasy in CoT.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Lin Chiao Feng
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Hmmm... so if there are EATs,

Hmmm... so if there are EATs, should there be NOTs (Nominal Other Types)?

(Bad joke, sorry.)

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Ysangard's picture
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Oh yeah !! Finish all the ATs

Oh yeah !! Finish all the ATs already planned. And moreover, the MASTERMIND !
And i'm agree with Revolution, i didn't like special ATs.
MWM always impressed me so much. They make all my days since already 1 year !! Keep going guys, such a great job !

whiteperegrine's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Cosmic level characters are just about curb stomping. It's like taking a Level 50 and cruising around Atlas Park, golfing lowbies into the pond. Plus, it's the very definition of Overpowered ... which is probably why Players want it (for free?).

I like playing golf on rare occasions....sue me. :p


Brand X
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Cosmic level characters are just about curb stomping. It's like taking a Level 50 and cruising around Atlas Park, golfing lowbies into the pond. Plus, it's the very definition of Overpowered ... which is probably why Players want it (for free?).

I actually prefer to stay around Spider-Man level (which is a lot of the Marvel universe). Though, from a PnP stand point that can go a lot of ways in how you spend those equal amount of points.

When I do touch on the cosmic side of things for a cosmic level of powers, it's always a "there but not in use" style of things. Like Jean Grey and the Phoenix Force.

TheMightyPaladin's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Cosmic level characters are just about curb stomping. It's like taking a Level 50 and cruising around Atlas Park, golfing lowbies into the pond. Plus, it's the very definition of Overpowered ... which is probably why Players want it (for free?).

Actually I like to think that cosmic level characters would go out into space and have cosmic adventures. That's why I want them. That's also why when I originally proposed them I also suggested they have a different starting place and different contacts from the down to earth toons but everyone freeked out. "That would split the community".
Nevermind that with thousands of players crowded onto one server some splitting will actualy be NEEDED, to avoid overcrowding at public utilities. (I can see the crowds clustered around the trainers and shops already).

Redlynne's picture
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Kinda hard to have

Kinda hard to have intergalactic space adventures within the city limits on a single planet. Not impossible, mind you ... just difficult. It's all a matter of scope and scaling. Single city sized adventuring has a problem scaling upwards into cosmic power levels in scope and size. That's not a knock on the city or the cosmos, it's just a matter of "load balancing" such that things don't get out of hand.

This is why a Spiderman scaled character is fine for an urban city environment, while Galactus is not (see: eating planets). It's the same reason why [url=]The Doomsday Machine[/url] is an appropriately scaled threat for Kirk, Spock and the NCC-1701 Enterprise to encounter, yet wildly inappropriate for a planet bound "urban" hero.


[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

TheMightyPaladin's picture
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True but despite the name of

True but despite the name of the game it doesn't ALL have to be set in the same city.
The marvel universe is a real complete universe (Multiverse even) but it still manages to keep New York as the MAIN setting.
And I never really felt like Ouroboros was IN Paragon City.
I know Praetoria wasn't.

RottenLuck's picture
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Going with TheMightyPaladin

Going with TheMightyPaladin here.

If again we do have such an unlockable Cosmic AT. Well have them start on the moon base or Orbiting Space station! I have heard that a moon base would be a goal of the Devs. To not have the split in the community there should be easy access to go from the base to Titan City and back. Just a ride on the Space Elevator to the Orbiting station. The Station could serve as the Watch Tower (Justice League Unlimited version) watching for Alien and Cosmic threats.

What this turning into is after all the Main Game features such as all the planned ATs, Zones, and threats. Then there an Issue with the Cosmic ATs, Space Based Zones (Station, Moonbase, fight on asteroid?, or even out among the stars via Green Lantern Core style. A whole Issue of Cosmic type adventure. Still accessible to those none Cosmic types. Fighting Intergalactic threats was not an issue for Batman shouldn't be an Issue for Generic Hero 347! Really I made a character for gag named Generic Hero 347.

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oOStaticOo's picture
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"That's no moon. It's a

"That's no moon. It's a space station!"

I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!

Light's Knight
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All I thought when I saw

All I thought when I saw Generic Hero 347 was hmm, maybe he/she should make a CoT appearance. If he/she does I shall know the creator.

You have had even spidey involved in cosmic events at times and superman involved in stopping muggings.

Brand X
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Light's Knight wrote:
Light's Knight wrote:

All I thought when I saw Generic Hero 347 was hmm, maybe he/she should make a CoT appearance. If he/she does I shall know the creator.
You have had even spidey involved in cosmic events at times and superman involved in stopping muggings.

That might be one thing people tended to forget about CoH.

As you went up in levels and moved on to different parts of the city, you were taking on enemies designed to take on more powerful heroes.

CoH wasn't really about staying the lowly street level vigilante for long.

whiteperegrine's picture
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to do "cosmic" right, imo..

to do "cosmic" right, would need to have several zones that are out in space. these locations would have to be accessible for the ground pounding heroes, whether this was done via a portal or some sort of shuttle craft doesn't matter. the other things that sets cosmic apart is the fact that there are times when the "hero" will be in space itself, so he will need to have some sort of locomotion if he doesn't have flight or teleport. additionally, cosmic type adventurers "typically" involve beings of immense power and the scale of their operations spans huge swaths of the galaxy/universe...Galactus, Thanos, Darkseid, The Celestials, etc. given this power level it would make sense that these zones would be limited to upper level heroes only.

while I think it would be very cool to have cosmic adventures available, I think they should be bypassed for now. perhaps make CoT: Cosmic Titans it's own expansion down the road do to the amount of material that would be needed to make it work right.


TheMightyPaladin's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

That might be one thing people tended to forget about CoH.
As you went up in levels and moved on to different parts of the city, you were taking on enemies designed to take on more powerful heroes.
CoH wasn't really about staying the lowly street level vigilante for long.

I never forgot that.
And I never forgave either.

RottenLuck's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Light's Knight wrote:
All I thought when I saw Generic Hero 347 was hmm, maybe he/she should make a CoT appearance. If he/she does I shall know the creator.
You have had even spidey involved in cosmic events at times and superman involved in stopping muggings.

That might be one thing people tended to forget about CoH.
As you went up in levels and moved on to different parts of the city, you were taking on enemies designed to take on more powerful heroes.
CoH wasn't really about staying the lowly street level vigilante for long.

That one of the things CoT wants to change. Path wise you should have a street level hero go from 1 to 50 on street crimes.

I can see how it happened in CoH time, money, and resources at the time CoH was created had limits. How CoT tackles the problems would result in different content. Money always a problem, Resources UE4 has a lot of power, and we have that army of volunteers so more man power, Time is like money a problem that not going away.

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Light's Knight
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More powerful heroes does not

More powerful heroes does not always equate to cosmic/superman overpower.

A martial artist with a green belt is powerful against a thug's street brawling. A martial artist is more powerful then that same green belt, yet can't take on a human wall of brick.

Knowledge, skill and experience can also make a hero/villain more powerful.

Also staying at a street level vigilante my appeal to some, would eventually lead to game stagnation. Batman, Spiderman and Daredevil maybe considered street level heroes but still have the likes of the Joker, Green Goblin and Kingpin.

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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For some reason I never

For some reason I never enjoyed the special AT's as much as the regular AT's. The power sets/options just didn't speak to me. I'd take a controller ALL DAY!

I am super big into the character customization so the widows and spiders were definitely not my favorites

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Lutan's picture
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I tried a peacebringer once,

I tried a peacebringer once, but somehow it felt way too overpowered to be comfortable with. The thing was that I created him to play in a team with a good friend. He made a scrapper and we always played together. So I had a permanent damage buff and at sometime I even stopped slotting enhancements into my powers at all. It did not help, I still did way more damage.

Light's Knight
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I loved the backpack melee

I loved the backpack melee animations for the soldiers. Also liked the unlock at 50, opened another gameplay aspect to me. Could do a special power set unlock instead of an AT. Even go so far as to Make an AT or 2 that can combine 2 established AT's power sets, a la scrapper primary and controller secondary. The amalgam AT.

whiteperegrine's picture
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Light's Knight wrote:
Light's Knight wrote:

More powerful heroes does not always equate to cosmic/superman overpower.
A martial artist with a green belt is powerful against a thug's street brawling. A martial artist is more powerful then that same green belt, yet can't take on a human wall of brick.
Knowledge, skill and experience can also make a hero/villain more powerful.
Also staying at a street level vigilante my appeal to some, would eventually lead to game stagnation. Batman, Spiderman and Daredevil maybe considered street level heroes but still have the likes of the Joker, Green Goblin and Kingpin.

true. although I will say that typically, when Cosmic is mentioned in the superhero genre it is in reference to powers and abilities beyond that of your average superhero.


Gluke's picture
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For a neutral AT, how about

For a neutral AT, how about just using the Titan City Police Dept in a similar path to the Arachnos AT but with ability to go either blueside or red or stay in the middle?
Using the NYPD as a rough template, you could maybe have levels 0-9 as a uniformed Patrol Cop/Street Cop answering NPC contacts via radio dispatch or at a Precinct, with the option from 10 to 19 either to stay in uniform or go plain clothes officer as an AntiCrime Patrol Cop instead, with small scale undercover/disguise missions.
Then from 20 to 40 your path branches widely, each route bringing differing abilties and rewards as you can either join the Emergency Response Unit in an Damage-Controller-Tank role (becoming a SWAT team cop, hostage negotiator, sniper, dog handler and stuff you find in real-life emergency service unit of NYPD), or join an Air and Sea Mobile Unit in a Defense-Damage-Support role (like aviation and habour patrol unit combined) or the Detective Bureau as a plainclothes detective in a Damage-Support-Controller role, or instead stay in uniform as a Street Cop with a Defense-Control-Healer role (covering a certain Precinct area in open world with TCPD mission contacts etc, but also going on other missions as per any other player).
You'd get a set of customizable but regimented powers, abilities and uniform costume pieces (unless you're a 'tec), each dependant on the Unit career route you choose, and including the ability to summon back-up in the form of other cops and fellow special squad members, basically making each AT path a multi-skilled Master-Mind.
From 40+ you get assigned full or part-time to Major Crimes Unit or equivalent of Titan city, and endgame content begins, but you could still run missions and raids as per any other character.
You also get to go follow any Path or alignment route you want, with some content reflecting your choice, eg you could deal positiviely or negatively with corrupt officers or supervillains trying to buy you and be as dirty as you like (remember Gary Oldman in Leon? That) and even if you stay blueside you could follow rules of your NPC superiors to the letter (be Murtaugh) or disregard them (be Riggs/almost every other hero-cop ever), or you can go in-between (be Commissioner Gordon).

Is this too close to CoV AT model for Arachnos, given the idea seems to be to avoid trying to replicate CoX, or is it do-able?