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Forum Dictionary

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JayBezz's picture
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Forum Dictionary

Reading IS fundamental.

I see in almost everyone's posts they are referencing some abbreviated version of things from other games. While you may think the signal is being sent with adequate detail let me tell you that my receiver cannot transcribe the signal.

People writing about IPs and EBs and INF (countless others), please recognize that you are speaking to more than the CoH forum community. So much of what you're writing is simply lost in translation and I'm sure that's not intended.

I've seen many arguments being made about game systems because of our lack of common understanding.

- -

While you can say "Supergroup" and expect people to know what you mean ... others may be more understanding what a "Guild" is..

Gear is universally understood.. and we have no concept from CoT what gear will look like, or be called in CoT.

Raids are large content for usually more than a single team of players.

- -

Until we are on universal terms for City of Titans, I'm asking the community to be mindful and inviting of those who are not simply here for the City of Heroes

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 7 months 4 weeks ago
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Well, ParagonWiki does have a

Well, ParagonWiki does have a sort of glossary of terms from City of...

One could look there for explanations.

Be Well!

JayBezz's picture
Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
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Joined: 10/08/2013 - 14:54
Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Well, ParagonWiki does have a sort of glossary of terms from City of...
One could look there for explanations.
Be Well!

I know of this resource and thank you for posting it, but the purpose here is to speak a language more universal than that of City of Heroes provided.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Cinnder's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
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I think words are important,

I think words are important, because they inform our impressions of and reactions to all sorts of things. The fact that in CoX they were "missions" and not "quests", "TFs" and "trials" instead of "raids", "enhancements" instead of "gear", "supergroups" instead of "guilds", etc was more than just a quirk of vocabulary. It reinforced that CoX was not just a "me too" MMO riding on the coattails of other MMOs. What we had was special and different; sometimes overtly, sometimes subtly. I think the terminology was an important factor in maintaining this difference, and I hope MWM continues to do this with CoT. I also think, for the same reasons, that MWM is wise to use even newer terms for the concepts that are significantly different from those in CoX, e.g. Augments and Refinements.

While I don't specifically want to alienate any non-CoX-players, I think -- given there's a simple solution as provided by Fireheart -- that such an issue pales in comparison to the greater danger of using the same terminology as other MMOs and thus beginning to dilute the very uniqueness that keeps many of us here, eagerly anticipating a distant launch day.

Spurn all ye kindle.

JayBezz's picture
Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
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Joined: 10/08/2013 - 14:54
I speak for myself.

I speak for myself.

1) It is not unique to City of Titans.. it's unique to City of Heroes
2) It is alienating and hard to decipher
3) It leaves more voices out of the discussion that are important than are included.
4) It sets an expectation of City of Heroes systems to appear in City of Titans.. of which it is already apparent CoT is not attempting to remake

City of Titans is going to need to attract more than refugees. I hope that a superhero MMORPG can finally appeal to gamers of the MMORPG genre (without apology). I think this is best supported when people accept that City of Titans is its own game.

I'm pretty sure people are here to be understood, and a basic understanding is much more possible in comprehensible terms

Crowd Control Enthusiast

HornetsNest's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
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I speak for myself

I speak for myself

If you believe that the members of this forum are speaking in confusing jargon, please make a dictionary

I have no idea about what ideas you want to communicate. And even back when CoH/V was running only about 5% of the player base read the forums. Perspective customers for this game are probably going to be wooed more by demos than this forum

Lay your hands on me
While I'm bleeding dry
Break on through blue skies
And take it high

whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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CoH terminology is perfectly

CoH terminology is perfectly fine, IMO. this is a superhero MMO and not a fantasy based one. given this the terminology should be different, otherwise the expectations of the reader could be seriously mislead. an example would be 'gear', CoT will not be using Gear in the traditional sense (physical clothing that one wears). as such, why refer to something that it's not? I actually think that has the potential to be more confusing that calling them what CoT will be, which really is nearer the mark given what they do.

some things are just unique to the superhero genre so new folks will just have to learn the terminology/abbriviations like we all did when we started to play MMO's. it's not all that hard to get the gist of what is being said if one pays attention and if they still have questions they are always welcome to ask! we don't bite.....nibble...maybe...bite? naaah. :p

as was mentioned earlier...forums are visited by a very small population of players. so most common folks will just visit the website when the game is announced/advertised and these rarely use slang/abbreviations so new folks aren't instantly confused. given CoT is a couple years out, so I would hazard a guess, that MOST of the folks out there don't even know that CoT is in development it is just us lovers of CoH that are here for the most part. :)


Foradain's picture
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Perhaps an NPC in the

Perhaps an NPC in the Tutorial area who can explain the slang?

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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heh...I believe Jay was

heh...I believe Jay was referencing the slang/abbreviations/etc used here in the forums...could be a long wait for that dictionary if they have to wait for the tutorial! :p


Plexius's picture
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whiteperegrine wrote:
whiteperegrine wrote:

some things are just unique to the superhero genre so new folks will just have to learn the terminology/abbriviations like we all did when we started to play MMO's. it's not all that hard to get the gist of what is being said if one pays attention and if they still have questions they are always welcome to ask!

I agree. City of Heroes was my first MMO, and it took me some time to learn the lingo. I didn't start out knowing what aggro is, or what an SK was, or an SG, or PL'ing, or any of that jargon. It didn't mean that I wasn't able to discuss the game with other players or felt excluded from the community; it just meant that I had to add some terms to my vocabulary.

I think newcomers to City of Titans will be OK if we continue to be helpful and kind. Links to ParagonWiki can help explain the more arcane references that context doesn't clarify, but I don't think we need any kind of policy or protocol for how to express our ideas here. Let everyone use the terms they're familiar with and we'll develop a dialect together.

If anything, maybe we could start a campaign amongst ourselves to advertise ParagonWiki and other helpful references in our signatures. A dedicated glossary thread here in the forums would be nice to have for this. The dissemination of references along with the solidarity of those of us willing to bear a common signature could aid in discussions and make everyone look more helpful all the while.

Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
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I think the other thing to

I think the other thing to remember is not to get to worked up if people *do* use the "wrong term" (especially if they typically have played other style of MMO's recently) which have a different lexicon.

Sure, City of Heroes called em "Missions". Tabula Rasa called em something else (i forget). Eve Online called them missions as well. Other games (not just "fantasy ones" though) might call them quests. But the core of it is that no matter what, they are all dealing with the *same* goddam content.

What was the difference between a task force and a Trial? Just the length of it when you get down to it?

Dungeons and Raids... Raids are pretty easy to get across, they are multi group events. Hell, even CoX players used the Raid term occasionally (Mothership raid for example, or Hami Raid). Dungeons are "harder" team only instanced content (if going by the rule of other games).

But in CoX it was called an Incarnate Trial.... but a normal trial was just limited to 8 players maximum. So a Trial in cox could actually mean *two* different things, it all depended on the what level you were talking about.

Zone events, pretty self explanatory though.

But the thing is, when I play Wildstar/GUild Wars 2/Eve Online/Elite Dangerous and do content there (yes, Elite *does* have content to run believe it or not) and I am talking to someone else, I can say "I am getting the next quest/mission/job". And no matter what, they STILL know what I am talking about. I might say that I am going to change my ships build/gear/swapping out equpiment on my character... once again, across several different genres, people still get the basic idea of what I am saying.

Getting wound up just because players are not using the "correct language" is a bad thing.

It makes you look stuck up for starters.


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 52 min ago
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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 09:27
And further, all this

And further, all this discussion of a standard dictionary is kind of moot until the City of Titans devs declare what [i]they[/i] are calling things. Because [i]those[/i] are the terms we should be using.

As it stands now, we'd have no idea what terms to translate things [i]to...[/i] Is the reader familiar with fantasy MMOs? Science fiction? CoX? Each case would need different "translations".

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]