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The Mighty Paladin

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The Mighty Paladin


Lee Walser saw a stranger being robbed and ran to help. He was stabbed in the fight but still managed to beat the robbers. When the fight was over, he realized that his wounds had already healed. Realizing that he had super powers he quickly ran away before he could be identified.

Because his shirt was covered in blood, from the fight, Lee decided to sneak into his house, so he wouldn't freak out his great grandmother who lived with him (His mom was at work so he wasn't worried about her) Sneaking into the house caused lee to discover his brother Eddie using drugs. Lee interrogated his brother, then went after the gang he that was selling drugs at his brother's school. Big long first adventure!

A few days later, the kid Lee saved from the bullies, Charlie Phillips, managed to track Lee down, using a notebook Lee had dropped at the scene. Charlie had inherited a supervillain's lab from his uncle who used to be the supervillain, The Firefly, and he offered to use his equipment and know how, to help Lee as his silent partner in crime fighting, Gadget.

Since then Lee has battled the forces of evil and become one of the most well known and beloved heroes of Birmingham: The Mighty Paladin !

Paladin is armed with a set of electrical nunchaku created by his silent partner Gadget. They have generators built into them so that they build up a charge when he spins them. He has to wear his insulated costume, to use them. If anyone else tries to use them, they will shock themselves. He also wears a bulletproof jacket. and night vision goggles.

Paladin is my own character. Lee Walser is my real name as well as his. He's the mascot of my game, Super Crusaders III and of a new game I'm currently developing. He's the star of the whole freekin show.

He appeared in a comic strip in the Birmingham Times news paper. He had his own comic book series twice, (Distributed soley at a few comic shops in Birmingham, Alabama) & If I ever do another comic book it's going to be about him, and it will be online. Paladin will always hold a special place in my heart.

Throughout the 80s and into the early 90s Paladin stayed the same age as me, but today he's become a timeless
teen like a lot of other superheroes, while I'm getting too old for this.

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Paladin's Arch Enemy, Steel

Paladin's Arch Enemy, Steel Head
another excerpt from Knights of Saint George.

Josiah Lance learned to use firearms from his father, a retired drill sergeant. When his mutant powers developed he found a use for his knowledge of weaponry. When Steel Head set out to fight crime, he was determined to make more of a difference than the usual costumed loonies, by putting criminals out of action for good; but his unrestrained use of deadly force has earned him the enmity of heroes and villains alike.
In his early career Steel Head was often forced to work along side Paladin, as they faced common threats (it turns out they lived in the same part of town). Later, he would team up with The Deadly Panther, and when he was forced to leave Birmingham (because Paladin revealed his secret I.D.) he teamed up with the Fanatic.

Steel Head was created by a player and, actually, became Paladin's arch enemy, in the course of playing. Paladin would always end up trying to stop Steel Head from killing people. I'm a strong believer in the silver age superhero code but some of my players were not. Since Steel Head could teleport, Paladin could never arrest him so our battles would usually turn into debates. We had lots of debates about legitimate authority and the use of deadly force, including capitol punishment, and separation of church and state. (Paladin's views were often colored by his religious beliefs).
Steel Head's battle cry was "I blow him away!" but he was just as often heard to say "The DM is a twit". He always used normal fire arms, even though most villains were bulletproof, or otherwise protected against guns. I reminded him over and over that if normal guns could take out super villains, then the police would handle them, and we wouldn't need superheroes. Of course he said "The DM Is A Twit".
You'll notice that Steel Head has fewer powers than most characters. That's because he was originally played in a game that penalized players for killing opponents, and poor old, mass murdering, Steel Head spent his entire career at first level. You know what he had to say about that? "The DM is a twit".

A running gag, that I loved to use, was having someone come close to guessing Steel Head's secret identity. Whenever this came up, someone would say, to Josiah Lance, with the utmost drama, "YOU MUST BE... STEEL HEAD !" Josiah Lance would cringe, in fear, at the mention of someone so violent. This, of course, made the accuser laugh and dismiss it.
Years later I tried to play a German secret agent, in another friends game. When I complained about how my weapons were useless, against the cosmic entities we were always fighting, my friend said. with the utmost drama "YOU MUST BE... STEEL HEAD !" and I replied with sullen bitterness "The DM Is A Twit".

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Steel Head's First Partner

Steel Head's First Partner
The Deadly Panther
Don't even think about calling him a sidekick
When Allen Scoggins began developing powers, his catlike instincts drove him to erratic behavior. He started going out at night to explore the rooftops, looking for trouble. His hunter instincts were directed toward criminals and he soon became a partner to Steel Head.
As The Deadly Panther, Allen struggles to control his killer instinct and is often shocked at how casually his partner Steel Head kills.

Panther was inspired by the Cat Lord from the Monster Manual II. I created him both to be a companion to Steel Head and to express my own violent urges and teen angst. When I played him I always gave him a British accent. He sounded like Bigwig from Watership Down. That's right, the voice of my rage came from a fluffy bunny. But it was a really good movie.
Allen Scoggins is named after me. When I was born, my name was Morgan Leon Scoggins Jr. When my step dad adopted me, he changed my name to Allen Leon Walser. (Lee Walser). So Scoggins comes from my birth name and Allen is my current first name, that I never use.
It was mentioned in the game that Panther was an orphan who lived with his adoptive parents.

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Steel Heads Later Partner

Steel Heads Later Partner
The Fanatic
Little is known about Hassan, The Fanatic, except that he was a Muslim and came from somewhere in the middle east. As the Fanatic he had a magical sword that he said was the sword of Solomon and he partnered with Steel Head to battle Terrorism in the middle east. This was after Paladin had exposed Steel Head's secret I.D. forcing him to leave Birmingham for a few years. The fanatic was probably a friend of Josiah Lance's father.
He refers to his Multi-Target attack as his "Whirling Dervish Maneuver".

The Fanatic was created long before 911. It was still the 1980s and the Character was said to have fought the Russians with the Mujahedin.
During this period in his career, I actually started to like Steel Head, because his methods seemed more suited to a war on terror than to fighting crime.

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Paladin's Sidekick

Paladin's Sidekick
Charley Philips was Lee Walser's friend, Paladin's fan and the first in a series of partners to Paladin. At first he worked behind the scenes. As a Contact, he invented weapons for Paladin and would monitor emergency radio channels from his garage. Eventually he started to help Paladin more directly in his investigations, until he finally decided to put on a costume himself and become a Sidekick. His partnership with Paladin ended when Charley left to go to a college in Technopolis.

Charley was someone I knew in high school. He never knew about how I used him in my game or my comics. He appeared in the Paladin comic strip and the first Paladin comic book series but never got around to becoming Gadget in either. That only happened in my game, and when it did he was beaten badly on his first adventure and never put the costume on again. I've since made sidekicks a bit tougher. Gadget's battle cry was "AAAAH! MY LEG !!"

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Paladin's Girl Friend

Paladin's Girl Friend
Swan Song
Kim Brockman was a troubled teen who's powers got her into bigger trouble. Unable to control her sonic blasts (at first) she caused massive property damage, and fled from the police; until K.I.P. (another superhero, who's name is short for Knowledge is Power) calmed her down and helped her use her powers for good. Now as Swansong she's a part time member of the Knights of Saint George and a part time partner to Paladin.

Swan Song originally appeared in my game back in the 80s. Though she was always around, the biggest role she ever played was as the Panther's girlfriend. All that changed when she became Paladin's girl friend in the second comic series. Up to then, she had not even been given a secret I.D. or background story. I had mentioned a few times that her real name was Terry, but when she appeared in the comic book, she was given my wife's name.

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The Crime Lord of Birmingham

The Crime Lord of Birmingham
Danny DeLasco

Danny Delasco was born with telepathic powers that he has always used to manipulate others. By his teen years he was stealing peoples secrets and blackmailing them. As an adult he has risen to the head of a large crime syndicate and controls a number of lesser criminals, such as Buzz and the Executioner. His minions often threaten people with the slogan "Big Brother is watching you !"
Unlike many crime lords, Delasco no longer has a clean public image. He skipped out on a bond in the middle of a trial, because the Executioner failed to silence a witness, and now he's a wanted man who runs his empire while in hiding. Everyone in Birmingham knows he's the city's crime boss. He still manages to stay in charge and collect money because he's got a lot of secrets, that he uses to manipulate influential people.
Delasco lost a finger on his left hand in a particularly brutal encounter with Steel Head, and is now forced to control his empire from a hidden base deep underground. This is making him increasingly paranoid and tyrannical. He's posted a $2,000,000 dollar hit on Steel Head. The Shadow once managed to collect the bounty by pretending to kill Steel Head. Steel Head tried to assassinate Delasco as he was handing over the money, but Paladin foiled his plot. Delasco is grateful to Paladin and feels that he owes him a favor so He didn't (and won't) use his powers to find out Paladins Identity. That way everything between them is fair. After that Delasco Put a hit out on Shadow, who had already left town, and he spent a good deal of time entertaining various costumed assassins out to collect these bounties.
Delasco once Kidnapped Doctor Giant from the Birmingham Jail to find out the secret of the drug that gave him his powers but Doctor giant escaped and went on a rampage that took Paladin and the Vulcan's Heroes to Stop.

This character has been the big crime boss for my game since 1983 and has no connection to the baseball player. I'm not a fan of the game and never would have known about him if I hadn't Googled the name out of curiosity.
Delasco is supposed to be a classic Italian gangster, but I made the name up myself, so one day I Googled it, just to find out it really is an Italian name. Much to my surprise there was an Anthony "Ham" Delasco mentioned in Wikipedia who was a boxer, from New Jersey with connections to the Lucchese crime family. Who knows maybe I heard of him at some point and only half remembered it.

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Paladin's Martial Arts

Paladin's Martial Arts Teacher
and a Ninja Assassin
The Shadow
Billy Herring was recruited into the Shadow Dragon Society because of his great martial arts skills, but he was never considered a real ninja because he isn't Japanese. Regarded as expendable, he was sent on a number of suicide missions, but he succeeded and survived. The Shadow's greatest mission was to infiltrate the Knights of Saint George and kidnap Lady Dove for Vlaad the Slayer. He even fooled Lady Brain (the Telepath) with whom he had a close relationship, as Billy Herring. She has no Idea that He is the Shadow.
Shadow is no longer a member of the Shadow Dragon Society, because he finally failed a mission and refused to commit suicide. He doesn't talk about his past and we're not sure what the mission was. Originally from California, he moved to Alabama to hide out.
Big Brother Hired him to kill Steel Head. Instead he made an agreement with Steel Head to faked killing him, so he could get paid, then Steel Head tried to kill, Big Brother. Now Shadow is hiding in Florida hunted by Big Brother who wants his money back and by the Shadow Dragons who just want him dead, but this time he has $2,000,000. He might live happily ever after.

The shadow originally appeared in my comic book in his secret I.D. Billy Herring. He was Paladin's martial arts teacher and the one who first encouraged him to use his powers to fight crime. I planned all along for him to eventually appear as the Shadow, but I never got around to it. When Paladin first saw him in costume he thought "that can't be a real ninja. He's too tall".
Billy Herring is a real person. In the comics and game he's at least 10 years older than I am but in real life he's the same age. He really did teach me some martial arts moves, and he was the first person to teach me how to use a sword.

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Paladin's Evil Clone

Paladin's "Evil" Clone
Dark Paladin
When Paladin fought The Executioner, one of his hands was cut off. The Shadow quietly took the hand from the scene, and while Paladin's hand grew back in about an hour, the severed hand, in the care of the Shadow Dragon Society, grew into a whole new person, in a few weeks. Trained by the Shadow Dragon Society, Dark Paladin is a deadly assassin, with all the powers of Paladin (except those electric nunchaku and tracer devices). He also has a strange link to the original Paladin that gives him some of Paladin's memories and personality.
When The Shadow was kicked out of the Shadow Dragon Society, they sent the Dark Paladin after him. At the time, Paladin was angry at Shadow for involving him in Steel Head's plot to kill Big Brother, so when Dark Paladin came after him, he thought it was Paladin and decided to strike back. Paladin and The Shadow fought each other across the rooftops of the city until Steel Head pretended to kill The Shadow, throwing Paladin and Dark Paladin both off the trail.

Dark Paladin is an Idea my players came up with, but they said that there should be a lot of them popping up all over the city, from every drop of blood Paladin ever lost. I decided that was silly, and said that without the Shadow Dragon Society taking care of it, the hand never could have grown into another person.
Dark Paladin envies Paladin, because he has a home, a real name and a family. All Dark Paladin has ever known is the Shadow Dragon Society, which he hates, for training him to be a killer, and insisting that suicide is the price of failure. Notice that he does not have a suicide code.
I'm sure this character will eventually turn on the society and try to destroy them. After that, he'll probably stay in Japan, and probably become a superhero.

Strangely it was while posting this stuff on this website that I noticed a major flaw in the timeline.
The Shadow was supposed to be in hiding before he moved to Birmingham, but he gave Paladin's hand to the Shadow Dragon Society.
I guess he didn't really break from them until later.

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(No subject)


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Vlaad Vulpes, was once a holy knight, given power by the Romanian Orthodox Church to fight Vampires. He was so successful that he drove all of the Vampires out of Transylvania. Unfortunately that's when his pride took over. He turned his power against the government and "liberated" Romania. As Overmaster of Romania, he became a cruel, Fascist tyrant and a threat to the whole world. Vlaad rules from Dracula's Castle.

The Iron Guard is the ruling political party in the Romania of my game world. In real life they were a fascist political party that existed in Romania before WWII. The official name of the party is actually The Legion of Saint Michael, the Iron Guard is just what they call their shock troops, but to the public at large they're all The Iron Guard.

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someone accused me of being dangerously ignorant of history.

Johan Schwert was born in Lorrach, Baden-Wurttemberg in 1080.
Born to a minor noble family he trained to be a knight.
He was always a pious young man and when Pope Urban II called for the first Crusade (in 1095) He jumped at the opportunity to fight for God.
Joining the first Crusade, he received his knighthood, after the battle of Dorylaeum (in 1097). It was right after being knighted that he had his vision of the Holy Grail, and was promised that he would remain alive on Earth until Christ returns.

Johan fought in most of the Crusades, and in continual battles in between.
Durring the 3rd Crusade, he joined the Teutonic Knights and afterward traveled to Prussia to fight against the pagans along the Baltic coast.
He missed the 4th Crusade entirely, which was probably for the best anyway.
He left Prussia in 1213 and lead a small mission to Egypt to rescue children, taken into slavery after the Children's Crusade.
Then he joined the 5th, and 6th Crusades. He was Captured again when Jerusalem fell in 1243, But escaped in time to join the 8th Crusade.
He was captured and ransomed along with King Louis IX, and became his lifelong friend. When Acre fell in 1291 he went to Rome to try to Appeal for a new Crusade, but found the political situation impossible. Forced to give up on freeing the Holy Land he instead focused his efforts on fighting Pirates in the Mediterranean and rescuing Christians from slavery, in Muslim lands.
In 1346 King Philip VI requested Johan's help in Fighting the English.
He fought alongside the French for quite some time, but in 1378 He left France in protest over the French king's support for the anti-pope in Avignon.
Johan went to Rome to pledge his support to the true Pope.
While he was away the French suffered their terrible defeat at Agincourt.
In 1417 the Schism ended, and Pope Martin V Sent Johan to France to be reconciled with the Dauphin.
Johan was at the French court when Joan of Arc came and he instantly fell in love with her.
Unable to woo her, because of their situation, he stood by her side, as a defender.
When she was captured by the Burgundians he was taken with her, but he was not handed over to the English. He learned of her Death after he was ransomed by the French. Devastated, he left France wanting to make a fresh start, somewhere else.
By 1453 he was in Constantinople and witness the fall of the city to the Turks. Afterward he Continued to fight a loosing battle, slowing the advance of the Turks in the Balkans.
During this time, he met Vlaad the Impaler, Whom he would later meet again.
Considering the Balkans lost, unless help could be found, Johan journeyed to Spain, to ask for help from Ferdinand and Isabella.
But before he could meet with the King and Queen, a case of mistaken Identity lead to his arrest by the Spanish inquisition. He was interrogated by Torquemada.
When he was released, he was convinced by Christopher Columbus to join him in a Journey around the world. He accompanied Columbus on all 4 of his Journeys and stayed at his side when he died in 1506.
After Columbus died Johan returned to the Balkans and learned that Vlaad the Impaler had returned again. This time, to his extreme horror, Johan discovered that Vlaad had become a vampire.
Rallying the locals, Johan lead a peasant army to attack Dracula's Castle and put an end to his reign of terror.
The people tried to make him their prince but a new ruler was imposed on them by the Hungarians.
In 1515 Johan returned to his native Germany for the first time in several hundred years.
He stayed in a monastery near his birthplace and wrote his memoirs, while studying theology and philosophy. He also wrote a lot of poetry including a number of love poems, in memory of Joan of Arc. Johan's influence, through his writing, spread across southern Germany so that, when the Protestant Reformation began, he played a major role in keeping those lands Catholic.
When the protestant revolts turned violent Johan again took up his sword to defend the Faith. He set about rescuing priests and religious from violent mobs and protestant rulers. He even rescued a group of priests and the Holy Grail from England, and became a friend of Emperor Charles VI.
In 1538 Johan was captured by John Calvin and burned at the stake. When the ropes binding him to the stake finally burned through, he broke free and walked away. The sight of him burnt and burning as he walked was so horrifying that no one stood in his way.
In 1541 Johan left Europe with St. Francis Xavier on a missionary journey. He traveled around Asia for several years afterward, working with the Jesuits and eventually ending up in China.
But in 1570 Pope Pious V made an urgent plea for him to return to Europe to help with the crisis of a growing Turkish naval threat. Johan joined Don Juan of Austria in his famous victory at Lepanto. He continued to work with Don Juan until 1581 when the Jesuits made another attempt to reach China and he was called to join them.
During this stay in China he studied kung fu with Shaolin monks.
After the Shaolin temple was destroyed, by the Manchu (Qing) army in 1647, Johan returned to Europe, where he became a permanent guest of the Emperor of Austria.
While staying there he fought to enforce the laws, uphold justice and defend the people from supernatural threats, acting very much like a modern superhero. He stayed there until the French Revolution.
When the revolutionaries in France began to take over, Johan went to France and worked to protect nobles and clergy who were being victimized.
He even met the Scarlet Pimpernel and worked with him to save some people from the guillotine.
When Napoleon came to power Johan left France to avoid being caught up in a vast political struggle, in which he really had no interest.
He went to Rome, to seek comfort at the seat of the Church, but there he was plagued with news of anticlerical violence. When Napoleon came to be crowned Emperor, the Pope sent Johan to America.
Johan wasn't happy about coming to a protestant country and, even worse, a land with no king. Even today Johan is very critical and suspicious of democracy.
In America he went about doing missionary work among the Indians and eventually became involved in the Underground railroad.
He joined the union army during the Civil War. He was granted Honorary American citizenship after serving in the war. After the war he moved to Virginia to help with reconstruction, He has lived there ever since.
World War I was a particularly frustrating experience for Johan. He was never certain which side was right and didn't fight in the war at all.
After the war he often traveled to Germany, to help the poor, but as the Nazis started gained popularity he began to feel less welcome.
During WWII Johan joined the French resistance, before America entered the war.
When he learned about the death camps in Germany he went to try to rescue people.
After a few successful missions he returned to America to tell People about what was going on, hoping that America would enter the war, but almost as soon as he arrived at his home he was greeted with news of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
He went to his home in Virginia to rest a little. He was planning to return to Germany, but that's when a group of Nazi Super villains lead by Der EisenMeister (the Iron Master) launched an attack on the United States.
Landing in Norfolk Virginia they planned to make their way up the Chesapeake Bay to Washington D.C. but they were stopped by Johan and a newly formed superhero team The Knights of Saint George.
The Knights of Saint George seemed like the perfect way for someone like Johan to serve the modern world. He created a costume based on the what he wore in the Crusades and called himself The Last Crusader.
He and his team went on several missions together in Europe but in 1944 he was captured in Germany.
When his captors realized who he was he was given a special distinction and was even taken to meet Hitler in person.
Hitler had given himself super powers and was eager to test himself against so famous an adversary, Especially since there could be no shame if he lost against a fellow German of such fame as a warrior. Johan beat Hitler in an arena match but after the battle he was taken to Auschwitz and buried alive. By the time Johan managed to dig himself out, the war was over and he found himself in Soviet occupied Poland.
The Russians took him prisoner and eager to test the metal of their own super agents decided to put him in their own arena in hopes of proving that their technology could defeat religion.
Their plan was to have him fight several of their Heroes until one of them finally beat him then, use the film of his defeat in their propaganda, but word that he was there was leaked to the United States and, after a few matches, The Knights of Saint George came to rescue him. None of the Soviet Super Agents had managed to beat him.
Last Crusader uses his fame to promote various charitable causes but he only gives money to the Church.
He is loudly opposed to abortion, and supports Israel, but has no interest in politics. He doesn't vote because he doesn't believe in democracy and he often argues with Defender about it.
Johan is in love with Lady Dove, but wont admit it, even to himself, because she has a strong resemblance to Joan of Arc, which makes him very confused about his feelings.

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I just don't know what to say

I just don't know what to say

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Say it's Awful

Say it's Awful
Say It's Awesome
Say "who gives a crap?"

Say, Say, Say What You Want,
But Don't Play Games With My Affection.
Take, Take, Take What You Need,
But Don't Leave Me With No Direction.

All Alone, I Sit Home By The Phone,
Waiting For You, Baby.
Through The Years,
How Can You Stand To Hear,
My Pleading For You Dear?
You Know I'm Crying Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh.

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It's a whole lot of world

It's a whole lot of world building for an avowed soloist

It's an interesting way to play with yourself

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Most of this stuff was

Most of this stuff was originally written for my pen and paper games.
It's just online that I don't like teaming.
In fact the only online groups I've ever made a habit of teaming with included a friend that I know in person, and have played pen and paper games with.

I actually considered turning the Last Crusader story into a novel but I could never think of an ending.

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I'd urge you to submit at

I'd urge you to submit at least some of your characters to the devs for inclusion as NPCs. Given your relatively well-known profile here on the forums, and your support of the game, I think you have a chance of them doing so.

Am I right, internet?


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I Thought that was what I was

I Thought that was what I was doing by posting them here.
What do I need to do?

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TheMightyPaladin wrote:
TheMightyPaladin wrote:

I Thought that was what I was doing by posting them here.
What do I need to do?

It wasn't the impression I got that the Background forum was for that purpose, I thought this was just for users to post their own player character profiles and origin stories for RP and just to show them off, pre-launch. Although I just read the FAQ again, and I see the wording suggests the whole forum is for contributions of all kinds, so I see where you're coming from. To be sure, I've just sent an email to the suggested contact:
I wouldn't want to post anything up here, partly because the characters may (probably will) be subject to tweaking depending on what the devs are looking for and if they already have similar character/s, and simply because I don't want to spoil the surprises -- most (in fact all) of the characters I've got for this so far have complex backgrounds and motivations etc, and this could come out naturally in their associated gameplay and be displayed in their in-game/on-site bios. Suffice to say there is about half a dozen heroes, villains and neutral characters (each, not all together) plus supporting characters, and categorized by origin/source of power: natural, technological, psionic, scientific, magic. Hopefully something to appeal to everyone. Assuming they are accepted at all, that is.


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I've just received a reply to

I've just received a reply to my email, and sadly they already have more than enough characters, so are not looking for any more submissions. :(

Still, there is Valiance Online and Heroes and Villains who may be interested.


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I like the Paladin. Works for

I like the Paladin. Works for me.
