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Windy Flying

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vladko92's picture
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Windy Flying

I don't know about you, but I would really love to have movement power which replace flight with windy flight.

Basic: Movement, Flying
Theme: Tornado Lifting
Effects: Winds swirl around your character, engulfing him/her in powerful winds which will push the player character up and held him/her through the whole time in mid-air, until this movement is turned off.

So what do you guys think?

And please people don't do it like the windy fly in Champions Online, it's ugly and not done right...

Lothic's picture
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Something like this can't

Something like this can't possibly "replace" the standard Fly power. But as another power that would exist "in addition to" the traditional Fly power I'd have no problem with it.

Would this version of flight work exactly like Fly (in terms of speed/endurance cost) or would it maybe be more like a hybrid of Fly and Hover (where maybe it allows movement that's slightly faster than CoH's Hover for maybe a slightly greater END cost).

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Tannim222's picture
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Or it could be a

Or it could be a customization option for fly powers with out chain g the operational aspect of the power itself.

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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

Or it could be a customization option for fly powers with out chain g the operational aspect of the power itself.

Yeah it could effectively be a variation of a "Fly Pose" for Fly or maybe this could be generalized to a player-selectable aura effect that's linked to the usage of a specific toggle power.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

vladko92's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Something like this can't possibly "replace" the standard Fly power. But as another power that would exist "in addition to" the traditional Fly power I'd have no problem with it.
Would this version of flight work exactly like Fly (in terms of speed/endurance cost) or would it maybe be more like a hybrid of Fly and Hover (where maybe it allows movement that's slightly faster than CoH's Hover for maybe a slightly greater END cost).

Well what I meant that it will be completely different movement power than fly, something like alternative to the main one, may be costing some coins or whatever will be the virtual currency... and by my knowledge and looking at you Stormy (Marvel Ororo Munroe a.k.a. Storm), this type of flight is suppose to keep you lift up all the time like the normal flight, however instead bending the laws of our world, you have help like being lift up by the winds, of course the animation of the way he/she moves and bends should be entirely different than the normal flight, because wind acts differently and as far as I know, Storm can fly with 300 miles per minute... so you can imagine for what type of speed we are talking... immense, unnatural... super powerful winds... may be it will act something like boost, and as fast as you want to travel (or example a charge and when you release chunk of your endurance will be taken) and you will be shoot forward with immense force and speed, and as you keep this speed... more of endurance will be taken from you, but in smaller amount the way I propose 5-7 endurance per second and if you have high restoration of that endurance like 4-5 then you will be capable of lasting much longer.

JayBezz's picture
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This is my most recent

This is my most recent understanding and I hope it helps*
The game plans on using:

Superjump and
SpeedJump (Un-super)

Unconfirmed Teleport and Digging/Swimming

- -

The animation sets will allow for different character animations (the way the character moves its limbs)
The FX sets will be available in the Costume creation kits (The Lights, Particles, Winds etc)

The activation of the FX happens when you create one of 3 forms: Out of Combat, In Combat and Travel. When you turn on the travel power, the costume that you've created for Travel power will activate along with the FX and Auras. The POSE of the travel power will come in the animation set.

Example: If you are human out of combat and turn to metal in combat then that will activate when combat is toggled. If you grow metal wings to fly that will activate when you turn on your flight.

*I am not a dev on the art nor tech departments

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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

This is my most recent understanding and I hope it helps*
The game plans on using:
Superjump and
SpeedJump (Un-super)
Unconfirmed Teleport and Digging/Swimming

Slight corrections, we plan to start with the old game's basics: Fly, teleport, super speed, super jump.
Fly and Sky Surf are basically the same functionality using different animations.
Swing / Zip Line is something we do plan on (uncertain if it'll be launch or not).
Acrobatics (our 'parkour' style movement) is also something we plan on.
Digging / Tunneling is on the list but uncertain is to if / when.

Swimming hasn't been listed (yet). This has more to do with validity and necessity of the environment requirement. Which is to say, all characters will be able to swim. Various movement powers may improve the speed or maneuverability of swimming. Acrobatics might give it a speed increase with increased control, super speed will be fast but less control, flight may give it increased speed and control. At least that's the basic view that was used when we last discussed movement powers (which was granted a long time ago and we have to give them another pass when we circle back around in development).

What's pretty cool (to me) is that the basics of flight, teleport, super speed, super jump, and acrobatics pretty much sets up all the functions we need to create other types of travel powers, and with application of animation customization, each travel power can be set up to visually represent a number different travel powers.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
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Redlynne's picture
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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:


Okay. Now I'm wondering if there will be an animation option that will essentially involve pointing a Beam Rifle at the ground and using the energy blast from it like a pogo stick.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

JayBezz's picture
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My knowledge of the system

My knowledge of the system tells me that this would come from the Animation side of the programming but its only slightly more complex because it would require the animation to "fire" whatever combat weapon is being used (energy beams, poles, guns etc) at a fixed point on the ground. Not at all a bad idea to create a animation that does that then goes into a second animation once the character is airborne.

The animation sets will be a very welcome addition to peoples themes.

The FX sets will as well. It takes less programming and offers more customization. If you want to "Flame On" in flight/fight you can. Or you can just be CONSTANTLY on fire.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Garrilon's picture
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I would prefer it as a

I would prefer it as a character customization option, perhaps an earned one, rather than a replacement. That being said, I like the idea of lots of options in both appearance and powers/abilities, so as to encourage imagination rather than building the better mousetrap/copying a copyrighted character...

Foradain's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

JayBezz wrote:
Okay. Now I'm wondering if there will be an animation option that will essentially involve pointing a Beam Rifle at the ground and using the energy blast from it like a pogo stick.

Or using a plasgun for flight. But remember to [url=]always check your passenger's restraints before using your propulsion system as a weapon.[/url]

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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vladko92's picture
Last seen: 10 months 4 days ago
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So basically there will be 6

So basically there will be 6 or so main powers and from them you will create the other ones, exactly like the thing which I proposed. You have to have fly (normal) first, before being able to choose windy flight which will be just animation improvement and different bending when you take turns or landing for that matter... well as long as its considered and have high chance to be added I will be happy ^_^

whiteperegrine's picture
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vladko92 wrote:
vladko92 wrote:

Well what I meant that it will be completely different movement power than fly, something like alternative to the main one, may be costing some coins or whatever will be the virtual currency... and by my knowledge and looking at you Stormy (Marvel Ororo Munroe a.k.a. Storm), this type of flight is suppose to keep you lift up all the time like the normal flight, however instead bending the laws of our world, you have help like being lift up by the winds, of course the animation of the way he/she moves and bends should be entirely different than the normal flight, because wind acts differently and as far as I know, Storm can fly with 300 miles per minute... so you can imagine for what type of speed we are talking... immense, unnatural... super powerful winds... may be it will act something like boost, and as fast as you want to travel (or example a charge and when you release chunk of your endurance will be taken) and you will be shoot forward with immense force and speed, and as you keep this speed... more of endurance will be taken from you, but in smaller amount the way I propose 5-7 endurance per second and if you have high restoration of that endurance like 4-5 then you will be capable of lasting much longer.

the easiest way to implement this is just different animation effects. the nitty gritty math under the hood to make it work could just be taken from the base power of flight. while it would be kinda cool to have different types of flight (like CO does) I would place it very low on the priority list, if at all, especially since it can be effectively done with just some different animations.

just my wooden nickel.


Redlynne's picture
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Here's a different thought ..

Here's a different thought ... which any pilot who has attended ground school ought to readily identify ... Ambient Wind Speeds.

Most games, including City of Heroes, made an assumption that the domains of Land, Sea and Sky were all basically "inert" environments where movement only really happens because the Player keys it to happen. There are no "currents" in the water or in the sky. The fluids (both liquid and gaseous) do not "flow" in a way that can drag a PC (or an abandoned vehicle) along with them.

What if City of Titans didn't take that shortcut?

What if all waters and aerial flights had vector movements built into them (including, potentially "zero" current flow)?

Well, for one thing, you'd be able to do Hot Air Balloons drifting over the city (as Hot Air Balloons are wont to do) simply riding on the winds, rather than using a Flight Power to propel them. It's kind of like the subtle difference that made the fireworks experiment last year something of a success. Set up the initial parameters, but then let the physics engine do the rest.

Note that under actual "high wind" conditions (ie. weather effects) there could effectively be a Slow Fly SW and Fast Fly NE net result possible. You'd also open up the possibility of the same thing happening with respect to "swimming upstream" and so on. If you go swimming off the beach, the sea current would drift you past the coastline, and so on.

Fortunately, land doesn't move very fast ... usually ...

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Tannim222's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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We would create a wind actor

We would create a wind actor that behaves that way including using anwind as a tail wind to fly faster. It comes down to how many actors we can have on a map there is a finite number where foing over does bad things. It becomes a matter of prioritizing actors for desieed game play and I would harbor a fair guess that such wind effects affecting flight may be. Low hanint fruit but its a thought that may prove intersting in certain scenarios.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
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Redlynne's picture
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Actually, Tannim, one thing

Actually, Tannim, one thing that you could do with wind actors is have different layers at different heights so that wind speed increases the farther above ground you get. For simplicity you could have like 3 layers of wind. Street level would be a "slow" wind, highrise level would be a "moderate" wind, and skyscraper level would be a "high" wind. Depending on which way you want to go, it could be more advantageous to fly high rather than to fly low, even though flying high adds extra distance to the trip. That sort of thing. Let Players work out for themselves the advantages of flying at different heights and just turn 'em loose.

And just to be clear, I'm talking about really simple wind actor modeling, as opposed to "Chicago style" wind tunnel effects modeling using [url=]Venturi Effect[/url]s and so on to make the wind blow faster in narrow streets and so on. However, one side effect of doing this would be ... particle drifting for falling leaves from trees.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Greyhawk's picture
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

JayBezz wrote:
This is my most recent understanding and I hope it helps*
The game plans on using:
Superjump and
SpeedJump (Un-super)
Unconfirmed Teleport and Digging/Swimming

Slight corrections, we plan to start with the old game's basics: Fly, teleport, super speed, super jump.
Fly and Sky Surf are basically the same functionality using different animations.
Swing / Zip Line is something we do plan on (uncertain if it'll be launch or not).
Acrobatics (our 'parkour' style movement) is also something we plan on.
Digging / Tunneling is on the list but uncertain is to if / when.
Swimming hasn't been listed (yet). This has more to do with validity and necessity of the environment requirement. Which is to say, all characters will be able to swim. Various movement powers may improve the speed or maneuverability of swimming. Acrobatics might give it a speed increase with increased control, super speed will be fast but less control, flight may give it increased speed and control. At least that's the basic view that was used when we last discussed movement powers (which was granted a long time ago and we have to give them another pass when we circle back around in development).
What's pretty cool (to me) is that the basics of flight, teleport, super speed, super jump, and acrobatics pretty much sets up all the functions we need to create other types of travel powers, and with application of animation customization, each travel power can be set up to visually represent a number different travel powers.

*happy dance*

I can haz flying carpet? *puppy dog eyes*

(I'm assuming Sky Surf with a carpet will be possible, not asking for something special.)

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So long as it doesn't wind up

So long as it doesn't wind up being a Persian Catgirl Flying Rug ...

/em [url=]rimshot[/url]

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Greyhawk's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

So long as it doesn't wind up being a Persian Catgirl Flying Rug ...
/em rimshot

You mean something like this?

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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

We would create a wind actor that behaves that way including using anwind as a tail wind to fly faster. It comes down to how many actors we can have on a map there is a finite number where foing over does bad things. It becomes a matter of prioritizing actors for desieed game play and I would harbor a fair guess that such wind effects affecting flight may be. Low hanint fruit but its a thought that may prove intersting in certain scenarios.

This would be really cool as part of a weather system. Wind actors plus rain/clouds/overcast effects. And it could just be a scaled up version of how things work in weather-based power sets. Some wind actors could simply be unidirectional within their area of influence, and others could be rotational (think cyclones).

And wind doesn't just affect the flying (though it's a lot more obvious); it should affect those on the ground, too. If you've got some kind of system in place for knockback/knockdown that takes into account the "mass" and "stability" of actors (PCs, NPCs, newspaper racks, whatever) then you can use that data to determine how much something moves (if at all) given a certain amount of wind, and whether the wind picks them up or knocks them down.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

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Why do I have visions of a

Why do I have visions of a [i]Nor'Easter[/i] coming up the east coast and seeing VEHICLES getting blown around the streets of Titan City?

Citywide [b]Evil Overlord Melodramatically Overacted Laughing™[/b] sound FX optional, of course ...

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Greyhawk's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Why do I have visions of a Nor'Easter coming up the east coast and seeing VEHICLES getting blown around the streets of Titan City?
Citywide Evil Overlord Melodramatically Overacted Laughing™ sound FX optional, of course ...

Oh, hey, I like this idea! Maybe something like this:


City of Titans, Issue 7, Storm of the Century:

For the first time in over a century multiple storm fronts over the Atlantic collide and combine into a supercell, tearing through the quiet streets of Titan City bringing terrifying wind damage and a devastating storm surge along with dozens of all new powers that work together in surprising ways! Join the heroes struggling to rescue citizens from a flooded downtown, fight back strange sea creatures blown in on hurricane winds, or join Anthem and her team as they work to redirect the storm's fury back out to sea. But every disaster brings opportunity as Titan City's underworld moves into action selling subpar survival rations, toxic bottled water, and defective equipment pulled from industrial disposal sites.

Will you be the hero who saves the day, the villain who takes advantage of the storm's destruction, or carve a path between the two?

Anyone can make it in Titan City!

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Foradain's picture
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Greyhawk wrote:
Greyhawk wrote:

Redlynne wrote:
Why do I have visions of a Nor'Easter coming up the east coast and seeing VEHICLES getting blown around the streets of Titan City?
Citywide Evil Overlord Melodramatically Overacted Laughing™ sound FX optional, of course ...

Oh, hey, I like this idea! Maybe something like this:
City of Titans, Issue 7, Storm of the Century:
For the first time in over a century multiple storm fronts over the Atlantic collide and combine into a supercell, tearing through the quiet streets of Titan City bringing terrifying wind damage and a devastating storm surge along with dozens of all new powers that work together in surprising ways! Join the heroes struggling to rescue citizens from a flooded downtown, fight back strange sea creatures blown in on hurricane winds, or join Anthem and her team as they work to redirect the storm's fury back out to sea. But every disaster brings opportunity as Titan City's underworld moves into action selling subpar survival rations, toxic bottled water, and defective equipment pulled from industrial disposal sites.
Will you be the hero who saves the day, the villain who takes advantage of the storm's destruction, or carve a path between the two?
Anyone can make it in Titan City!

It would have to be pretty bad to top [url=]this[/url]. OTOH, that was the storm of the [I]last[/I] century.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Greyhawk's picture
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

It would have to be pretty bad to top this. OTOH, that was the storm of the last century.

Now that is an awesome comic! Tiger hasn't been around for six months. Anybody know where he vanished to?

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When he drew that comic, he

When he drew that comic, he didn't have that red and blue circle under his picture, or the "[color=red]Comic Book Lead[/color]" under his .sig. So I'm hoping it's just that he's busy earning them. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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