The pool of valid "big name" gaming websites just got a little bit smaller.
As of 3rd February, Massively/Joystiq are going to be no more.
Why should you be bothered?
Because Massively supported the CoH community over the years, with a weekly column whilst the game was running ([url=]A Mild Mannered Reporter[/url]) and generally being a relatively good site for staying up to date with what was happening in the MMO World. They even covered the closure of the game, and gave support to the player base (even though the thoughts might not have been well received by all off us, they did try).
They also covered the kickstarter, and the other stuff that has happened with THIS project (even if some of their staff might have doubts).
Whilst there is out there (and other sites), was my first port of call each and every single day.
Ah well... maybe another site will step up and provide the quality and width of coverage that it had[1]
[1] All my own opinion of course
1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.
Wow, I agree. Sad news indeed.
Spurn all ye kindle.
Yes, very sad to hear. They were good friends and a valuable service to all who gamed. Their closing is an ill omen for the industry in general--but heroes do not fear ill omens.
And villains frickin love em...
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
The worst part of all that, is that they state a 40% growth in readers every year and they're still being shut down.
And working for a big corporation I have no doubt they're telling the truth and the company is still doing something like that.
It seems it's not staying dead
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]
I'll give Massively credit for at least trying to give a balanced approach to some of the more controversial MMO issues in recent times. For example, I noted that after the announcement of the sunset of CoH some websites turned more in the direction of "cult" than "community". When charismatic leaders start issuing manifestos on how others should react to a situation... well a line has been crossed... regardless of how noble the cause. I hold no animosity to those who followed this direction (indeed I continue to hold many these folks in high regard). It just wasn't the path for me. I found the diversity of opinion as expressed in places like Massively the best way to formulate my own ideas in the case of CoH and in other areas. So yeah, I see a need for outfits like Massively and I wish them much success with their Kickstarter effort.
Massively Overpowered.
That is all.
Crowd Control Enthusiast
Darn.. i was gonna say they should have changed the name to "MegaPowa". :)
why MegaPowa?
Currently trapped inside the Speed Force...