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Personal sidekick?

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Tannim222's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 days ago
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Pet is a term with broad

Pet is a term with broad application but boils down to a simple meaning: any spawned entity with a function beyond that of the summoning entity.
A pc using an npc whether it is fully customizable or not that can engage in activities such as combat (which includes buffing, debuffing, etc...) is a pet.
A pc creating a durational location based effect over time such as a rain cloud that causes opponents to slip and fall is using a pet.

The unreal engine calls these pawns. To the outside viewer they may appear to be different things, under the hood their using the same base to start from in their design, the pawn system.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
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Radiac's picture
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I agree with Red's comments

I agree with Red's comments and would posit the following idea:

Work it like this, you can design a side kick and a nemesis if you want, they only ever show up in specific missions you can do which interact with them (so yes, my idea is basically Red's idea), sort of like how the Alignment/tip missions worked in CoX along with the storyline arcs involving Proton and Dillo, etc.. So you have a sidekick and/or nemesis you've created using the usual character creation tools, and then, and when you go to do the missions that interact with that stuff, your sidekick appears as a NPC inside the mission and joins you, or you have to rescue them from the nemesis, etc. So basically the sidekick ends up being Twin Shot and the nemesis ends up being Doc Quantum or someone. For making and leveling the sidekick and nemesis, to some extent I think the player ought to pick things like power sets and ATs and the game itself should pick specific powers and how to level them up, etc. This way your NPC sidekick isn't just an add-on you get to use whenever you want, but rather a specific part of a mission every time it shows up, and sometimes you have to rescue it and sometimes it has to rescue you, etc.

Edit: Then I'd sell the missions/arcs that interact with the sidekicks and nemeses for Stars/microsub, like SSAs or the alignment missions in CoX (which you had to be a sub to do).

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

Pet is a term with broad application but boils down to a simple meaning: any spawned entity with a function beyond that of the summoning entity.
A pc using an npc whether it is fully customizable or not that can engage in activities such as combat (which includes buffing, debuffing, etc...) is a pet.
A pc creating a durational location based effect over time such as a rain cloud that causes opponents to slip and fall is using a pet.
The unreal engine calls these pawns. To the outside viewer they may appear to be different things, under the hood their using the same base to start from in their design, the pawn system.

This definition is totally useless for the conversation we were having
It doesn't make the kind of distinctions were were making between different kinds of Subordinate NPCs.

Radiac wrote:

I agree with Red's comments and would posit the following idea:
Work it like this, you can design a side kick and a nemesis if you want, they only ever show up in specific missions you can do which interact with them (so yes, my idea is basically Red's idea), sort of like how the Alignment/tip missions worked in CoX along with the storyline arcs involving Proton and Dillo, etc.. So you have a sidekick and/or nemesis you've created using the usual character creation tools, and then, and when you go to do the missions that interact with that stuff, your sidekick appears as a NPC inside the mission and joins you, or you have to rescue them from the nemesis, etc. So basically the sidekick ends up being Twin Shot and the nemesis ends up being Doc Quantum or someone. For making and leveling the sidekick and nemesis, to some extent I think the player ought to pick things like power sets and ATs and the game itself should pick specific powers and how to level them up, etc. This way your NPC sidekick isn't just an add-on you get to use whenever you want, but rather a specific part of a mission every time it shows up, and sometimes you have to rescue it and sometimes it has to rescue you, etc.
Edit: Then I'd sell the missions/arcs that interact with the sidekicks and nemeses for Stars/microsub, like SSAs or the alignment missions in CoX (which you had to be a sub to do).

This idea makes sidekicks worthless.
If you're against the idea of sidekicks just say so and let it go at that.
I can totally accept being told no
but it's really frustrating to have people act like they just have a different idea, when they're really totally gutting the idea, and I can't imagine that they don't realize it.

If you're against it just say no..

Tannim222's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Tannim, any kind of "full time sidekick" will quickly be turned into a Game Balance Point that divides the Haves from the Have Nots. People with permanent sidekicks will have asymmetrical advantages over those who don't. My concern is that turning this into a potentially "universal" feature carries with it a factor that can destabilize game balance just as permanently.
So let's look at what purpose an NPC Sidekick is intended to serve.
On the face of things, an NPC Sidekick functions in much the same way as an NPC Nemesis for your character would ... they are a recurring character "participating" in the story of the character you are playing. Which makes me think that ideally you'd want to run any kind of Sidekick system off the exact same code base as any kind of Nemesis system (after all, why reinvent the wheel?). The reason for this is that both are NPCs that are "attached" to your character in some way, with the only major difference between them being Loyalty (in the US vs THEM sense).
My notion is that any sort of NPC Sidekick and NPC Nemesis ought to be ... confined ... to somewhat specific storylines and story arcs. Ideally, these would be "recurring characters" who appear for/against your PC with content specifically designed (and therefore, balanced) for the inclusion and participation of these NPCs. For extra bonus points (and replay value?) you could have 4 different "versions" of such storylines and story arcs be possible:
Solo PC
PC + Sidekick
PC + Nemesis
PC + Sidekick and Nemesis
The burden of content creation being what it is, I would assume that not every story arc would have all 4 options developed for it ... but simply having the intent and goal that storylines COULD have all 4 options, and with ongoing development and evolution of the game potentially might realize all 4 options at a future date, would I think be a wise choice for keeping the game relatively open ended. So long as content is created in an Easy To Modify fashion in the first place, you'd be able to produce Variations On Themes over time as resources permit. That way you don't have to get everything out the door on the first push.
The "baseline" for such stories, of course, would be the Solo PC experience, but if you DESIGN your content for "plug and play" (literally!) additions to that content that permit the inclusion of NPC Sidekicks and NPC Nemesis types as carryover/recurring characters that your PC interacts with ... well ... I'd say you were well on your way to providing the necessary space for a wide variety of playing styles and adventure themes.
I agree with you that any sort of Sidekick and/or Nemesis system ought to be purchased through Stars. I'd even go so far as to advise that such a service be subscription based ... pay X stars to enable access 1 Sidekick or Nemesis for 30 days. If you want both for one character then you're paying double. Sidekicks and Nemesis NPCs would be "bound" to specific characters, although there ought to be an option allowing for the "duplication" of such characters to multiple PCs (you'd just have to pay more Stars for the "privilege" of doing so). That way you can have either a single Grand Nemesis who opposes ALL of your PCs or have a "rogues gallery" of opposing Nemesis NPCs, each one tailored to each of your PCs. Likewise, you could have a single "omni" Sidekick who is loyal to all of your PCs (because of copy copy) or each one could have their own Sidekick who is unique to each PC. Add an "auto renew" feature onto the subscription of the service and you're good to go.

Radiac wrote:

I agree with Red's comments and would posit the following idea

The proposals as the stand are understandable in the sense that the concern is over game balance on a whole and the requirement of specific content design around the sk to resolve the balance concerns. I would say however that it is a very limited version of what is being sought after by what quite a few of posted about. Further more, if the system requires specific content in order ot engage it, there stands a chance that it will be very infrequent in receiving attention.

This is why I suggested that the sk if it is not a pet based on a tertiary set, that it require the use of a character slot and / or an additional account. And in addition to that, requiring that the SK be considered an actual team member and thus the content engaged automatically scale with the use of the sk. Another important note, if the sk earns xp but is never actively logged on (in the external system concept) then it will never be levelled up and have very limiteed functionality. This also does not take into consideration any mechanics with the use of the sk that limit its capabilities and also what may occur in the case when the sk is defeated.

Again, most of this is rather a moot point in being that the main course of action would first be to see if we can make a summons tertiary work well enough within the game.

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Radiac's picture
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My main reason for not

My main reason for not likeing the sidekick idea as stated is that it's just too powerful. I don't like the idea of being able to make one of my toons a sidekick to the other because for starters, pets in general are really good, usually, and borderline too good in large numbers or at very high quality. Assuming both the main and the sidekick get XP when I play them together, you're basically leveling two toons at the same time. Now I know that sounds really good, because it saves time, but that kind of time savings takes away replayability from the game. What you're basically doing is letting soloist power levelers power level two birds with one stone, so to speak. I don't see any reason for that.

I mean, in theory, nothing is stopping you from making "Bat Dude" and "Robin Dude" as separate toons in and of themselves, then playing them separately. They'd still be hero and sidekick in terms of story, but not in the sense that you could play one while letting an A.I. drive the other with that A.I. set to "heal/buff" mode, for example. Now if you DO want them to be able to play together, you need two accounts and you need to have the person driving the second account be someone you know who is willing to play sidekick to your hero.

The assessment that my/Red's solution to this is tantamount to making it "suck" is, in my estimation a fair one, because I'm trying to take the "broken" out of it and leave you with something that feels like a sidekick. If you're not able to exploit it for added DPS or overall combat effectiveness for one player, then I'm okay with it, but I think the "broken" is exactly what some people want in the first place, and as far as that goes I'm against it. It's just too good. CLEARLY two full-blown player-made toons are going to be stronger than one, and if done right stronger than two identical copies of the same toon, if they have complimentary powers, and strategize their moves as a pair. As fun as that sounds it's also totally broken compared to the individual soloist or the teamup of two toons that aren't designed to synergize.

The pets that CoX had that could help you out were pretty darn powerful on their own. The jellomen and Incarnate Lore pets and even the PPD Hardsuits and Vanguard Heavies were really good. Upgrading that to something more powerful, on a par with a PC toon that's maybe a level or two lower than the main and making THAT toon a toon that can be played solo to boot is just synergy squared and as such it's way too good.

Just my opinion, but Masterminds were overpowered enough, and they were designed by the CoX devs. If you allow this, it turns the game into an Easy Button I think.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Izzy's picture
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So, after Dev get player

So, after Dev's get player requests to make SideKicks better.. might turn out to be more like this:
They will eventually have to gimp the Main toon to prevent Imbalances. :{

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
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thank you so much for you honesty
I assure you that this can be done in a way that will not break the game
Ive made several suggestions based on my experiences in Dungeons & Dragons Online
If these suggestions are followed we can have a sidekick that everyone can enjoy and that won't be too powerful

As I've said before. Play DDO
It's Free
Use a Hireling
You'll see for yourself that while it helps a lot, It's not a game breaker by any means
There are a lot of limitations built into them
you can't customize them at all
you just pick the class and level you want and it has to be equal to or lower level than you
They're mostly AI but also have a command bar so you can tell them some things to do
Also you have to pay them because they're hirelings
Most importantly: Hirelings can't be used on raids, in public areas, on solo only missions or in PVP, and you can't call them when your team is already full

In my original proposal, Sidekicks would work just like DDO hirelings and there would be a place in the game where you went to pick them up when you needed them
This kind of got hijacked by the personal sidekick suggestion
but I like person sidekicks even more and feel like they're more fitting to a game like this anyway
for personal sidekicks I'd be in favor of very limited customizing (mostly appearance, Class, and power Set) they would have fixed progression trees
In my proposal they'd have to be lower level than the player so you couldn't get them at all until 2nd, 3rd, or whatever level the devs thought was right
I'm not trying to break the game I'm trying to create something that will help to solo or fill up a team
I'm also trying to fill in a gap for certain types of characters who should have sidekicks

my own favorite toon Paladin has a sidekick named gadget
Another of my toons has an intelligent dove with healing powers that flies around with him
(It being a dove is probably not doable but I'd settle for a little kid with wings)

Fireheart's picture
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Whoah, accidental multi-post?

Whoah, accidental multi-post?

Be Well!

Radiac's picture
Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
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sarcasm/ I didn't understand

sarcasm/ I didn't understand TheMightyPaladin's points after the first three copies of the same post, but that FOURTH one really opened my eyes! /sarcasm

Just kidding.

The more you describe the DDO-style sidekicks, the more it sounds like what I was referring to before where you basically get a sidekick that ends up being Twin Shot or some other purely AI, dev designed toon as a sidekick. I'm fine with that, even the amount of choice the player has in the type of sidekick you get.their name, costume, etc. That's basically a pet-level type of thing as far as I can tell and so it's like having a jelloman or PPD Hardsuit temp power, which was good but not game-breaking. I also like the limitations on when and where you can use them that you described.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/27/2014 - 18:25
sorry I didn't notice the

sorry I didn't notice the multi-post. It was time to go to work and I was having connection problems.

I forgot to mention that there should probably be limits on what class a sidekick can be, (a sidekick mastermind sounds like an oxymoron) and on who can use them. Why would a mastermind need a sidekick?
You could also make some power sets not available to sidekicks
and sidekicks should only get one command bar
so when they get to higher levels you'll have to choose which abilities they can use and that will limit their usefulness
And dont forget that part of their command bar will be taken up with commands like "come here", "don't Move" or "interact with the targeted object".

Lothic's picture
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Everyone in this thread keeps

Everyone in this thread keeps raising the question of whether or not combat oriented sidekicks would be balanced or if they aren't then bringing up all sorts of game mechanic limitations/restrictions/kludges to try to make them work.

I'll just mention one more time the obvious alternative that would avoid practically all of these problems and make them simple enough to be viable: make sidekicks NON-COMBAT oriented NPC pets. I already mentioned one of many ideas that would make them useful/desirable to have (i.e. XP bonus pets) without making them something that would give players an overpowered advantage from an offensive combat capacity point of view.

I completely understand that other games have offered combat pets (i.e. DDOs Hirelings) but there's really no rule/law saying that sidekicks in CoT have to work that way. CoH already had the idea of "generic temporary combat pet" powers that you could get to help you solo missions. We don't need to waste the unique superhero concept of sidekicks on something as pedestrian as that.

Sidekicks should be NPC non-combat pets, period. As always if players actually want to RP being a sidekick to another player there's nothing stopping them from doing that. Other players like Masterminds are already going to have their own built-in pets so we don't need some kind of extra system that'll make everyone a "pocket Mastermind" with their own controllable combat pet.

If you accept the perhaps novel idea of having sidekicks be strictly non-combat oriented you'll solve/sidestep virtually every problem and objection anyone has with them and make them that much more likely to be implemented.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Other players like Masterminds are already going to have their own built-in pets so we don't need some kind of extra system that'll make everyone a "pocket Mastermind" with their own controllable combat pet.

Plus... the Devs wont have to deal with the Headache of maintaining both. :/
Just make One.. Awesome! ;D

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Everyone in this thread keeps raising the question of whether or not combat oriented sidekicks would be balanced or if they aren't then bringing up all sorts of game mechanic limitations/restrictions/kludges to try to make them work.
I'll just mention one more time the obvious alternative that would avoid practically all of these problems and make them simple enough to be viable: make sidekicks NON-COMBAT oriented NPC pets. I already mentioned one of many ideas that would make them useful/desirable to have (i.e. XP bonus pets) without making them something that would give players an overpowered advantage from an offensive combat capacity point of view.
I completely understand that other games have offered combat pets (i.e. DDOs Hirelings) but there's really no rule/law saying that sidekicks in CoT have to work that way. CoH already had the idea of "generic temporary combat pet" powers that you could get to help you solo missions. We don't need to waste the unique superhero concept of sidekicks on something as pedestrian as that.
Sidekicks should be NPC non-combat pets, period. As always if players actually want to RP being a sidekick to another player there's nothing stopping them from doing that. Other players like Masterminds are already going to have their own built-in pets so we don't need some kind of extra system that'll make everyone a "pocket Mastermind" with their own controllable combat pet.
If you accept the perhaps novel idea of having sidekicks be strictly non-combat oriented you'll solve/sidestep virtually every problem and objection anyone has with them and make them that much more likely to be implemented.

Yeah but no one wants them that way if they're going to be useless don't even bother.

Tannim222's picture
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I agree with sentiments

I agree with sentiments toward the concern of game balance all classifications having access to combat pets. It is our intent to make as many of our primary sets into tertiary sets as possible, this includes our Summons Sets. A couple of things to keep in mind in considering this possibility:

Masterminds were truly effective with their entire array of pets at their disposal and were typicall best suited for non-aoe-based encounters, or where the MM could direct attention toward themselves to leverage Bodyguard to help spread damage and keep their pets alive. Tertiary Sets won't have a full compliment of the Summons primary, nor would it have all of the tools of Primary set will have to augment their pets or use in addition to their pets. What version of pets the Tertiary summons set uses may not directly compare to the Primary version either - point in fact one concern is the possibility that the tertiary version pets could be too "squishy".

At any rate, this is something for testing way, way off from where we are at now and will be approached with extreme care when we do get to it. I would say it is a fair bet that if it doesn't work within the performance metrics we have established, it won't happen.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
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TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
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I don't want to summon

I don't want to summon freeking minions
I want a sidekick
It's NOT the same thing!!!!!!!!!!!!

Redlynne's picture
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I'd point out that DDO isn't

I'd point out that DDO isn't the only example of eternal hirelings on the market. Star Trek Online does something somewhat similar in that for ground missions you've almost always got a complement of Bridge Officers along for the ride. Depending on the "challenge factor" of the zone, you'll typically get either 1, 2 or 4 Bridge Officer NPCs accompanying your captain on ground missions (usually 4). This essentially turns every captain into something of a pet herder, and you have to equip your Bridge Officers with gear, decide their costume designs, allocate their skills ... and on and on and on. Bridge Officers in STO are rather broadly customizable.

Of course, when you team up with other Players, the number of Bridge Officers each Player is contributing to the fight gets reduced ... until in a team of 5 captains you've got zero Bridge Officers along for the ride.

So there are precedents for this kind of thing.

The problem, from my perspective, is the "Pocket Empath" heal/buff bot that allows people to create Tank Mage duo combinations. Note that the reverse is also true, where a "Squishy" PC could have a "Pocket Tank" as their sidekick designed to inhale all aggro and give the "Squishy" PC free reign to unleash havoc. As Radiac mentions, the opportunity to create "perfect"ly complimentary sidekick duos is just too seductive to ignore ... hence my point concerning the Haves vs Have Nots.

As for Tannim's point about using another PC as a Sidekick, that sounds substantially like a [url=]Leveling Pact[/url] to me, with the added privilege of not needing a human to "drive" the Sidekick. On the face of things, I can envision a few too many ways to exploit such a relationship, including Radiac's already mentioned Power Level concern.

Perhaps the best way to express my qualms is that I suppose Sidekicks ought to only be PCs ... not NPCs.

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Tannim222's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

The problem, from my perspective, is the "Pocket Empath" heal/buff bot that allows people to create Tank Mage duo combinations. Note that the reverse is also true, where a "Squishy" PC could have a "Pocket Tank" as their sidekick designed to inhale all aggro and give the "Squishy" PC free reign to unleash havoc. As Radiac mentions, the opportunity to create "perfect"ly complimentary sidekick duos is just too seductive to ignore ... hence my point concerning the Haves vs Have Nots.
As for Tannim's point about using another PC as a Sidekick, that sounds substantially like a Leveling Pact to me, with the added privilege of not needing a human to "drive" the Sidekick. On the face of things, I can envision a few too many ways to exploit such a relationship, including Radiac's already mentioned Power Level concern.
Perhaps the best way to express my qualms is that I suppose Sidekicks ought to only be PCs ... not NPCs.

Noted. I would counter this with repeating again that the more ideal scenario is using our tertiary summons sets as it is far more controllable what types of combinations are possible.

The pc version sk is like a leveling pact, and was purposefully mentioned as such as a possible means of providing a service for something that has consistently been requested - a way to purchase increased levels. Only this gives more of an in-game reason for it and adds the possinlility of a more social aspect to making a side kick from another pc's account.

Exploitation would only occur if what is being done is outside the bounds of what is intended for the game. One such example of the heal-bot: if it can only heal at particularly set times and imposes far lknger cool downs when in npc mode, and also requires that the npc mode use attacks, sonit ca. Also be set to stand away from combat to heal.

Apply a tethering range and even a moral system that causes the sk to not ne as effective if it builds too much threat, gets too low on health, gets defeated and suddenly it becomes more of a issue of really keekping tabs and coordinating with the npc mode of a pc as an sk. Other impositions such as limited number of accessible powers, limits on how effective those powers are and it can be far more...workable within accepted bounds.

If players want to experience a full pc version of playing with another character, I agree it should be by playing with another player or fo the multi-boxing route. Hence why itnis far more preferable to provide the possibiluty of an npc ally that is "under" the pc through the tertiary sets.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
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JayBezz's picture
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Because most of the CoT

Because most of the CoT nomenclature is still in flux I think it an apt time to point out what we are talking about*.

Social Systems - Sidekicking is a way to bring up new players and encourage teaming. It creates player bonds and goes a great way toward player retention.

Combat Systems - Sidekicks are pets that unlike minions are stronger, presumably more durable and important to keep alive (although the Unreal Pawn system has an option to use this pet as a non-attackable)

Player Generated Content (PGC) - A sidekick is an NPC created by a player for story content. They can be captured, hospitalized, threatened etc for mission purposes allowing unique characterization. Also this would be the system for using characters in personal and supergroup bases.

*The same general nomenclature could apply to Nemesis and other systems. I personally want a Social System of Nemesis (finding a villain player and being able to continually foil their dubious plots) over a PGC Nemesis system.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Brand X
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FFXIV gives you a sidekick.

FFXIV gives you a sidekick. Yeah, it's your chocobo, but there you go! My only hope is, if one queues up for a taskforce in CoT one can use their sidekick while waiting for the queue to pop!

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Is it a jerk move to point

Is it a jerk move to point out how themightypaladin feels free to take a directive tone to the devs when he doesn't have a K by his name?

Oh, well, guess I just did.

And, yes, I'm aware I don't have a K either but neither am I using that tone

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
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Sorry I just needed to vent

Sorry I just needed to vent some serious frustration.
Don't worry I won't be posting on this thread again
and I probably wont have a sidekick either

Segev's picture
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I'm frequently amazed by how

I'm frequently amazed by how "well, this obviously is the last word on a game that isn't out yet and will go through many revisions and alterations throughout the years while it is running; I'm out" seems to come up so frequently.

If you had high hopes at one point, keep them. We try to be as clear as we can, and create as good a depiction of what it might be like as possible, but we're human and, frankly, we don't have the complete picture in our own minds, yet. Because it does change as we implement ideas, see things that do or do not work, or come up with a last second innovation based on how the systems we're employing can be exploited more effectively to build a smoother, richer game.

Don't get discouraged if you don't like something you're hearing. It may or may not really make it to the final game. Likewise, feel free to discuss what you'd like to see; just be aware that we're at a stage where almost anything we don't already have some sort of plan to include is going to go on a back burner for "maybe in an expansion." Not because things are set in stone, but because we're working on pruning DOWN our wish lists to make sure we get the core of the game put together and, most importantly, [i]know when to stop designing for the first release[/i]. Because one of the big things that I know software designers often mess up on is not knowing when "good enough" is ready to release.

A lot of development hell games got stuck there because the designers wanted perfection before they released anything.

[color=#ff0000]Business Manager[/color]


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We're still just

We're still just brainstorming ideas around anyway. I'd be willing to wager that something like 90% of the good ideas (however you personally define good) and hopefully a larger percentage of the bad ones will not be in the game at roll-out and maybe never, depending on money and priorities. Heck, CoX didn't even fix the Hamios until like a few months before the end. I think people (and I'm guilty of this myself, I think we all are really) just get frustrated when someone disagrees with them and then backs up their opposition with a cogent argument that illustrates how the idea might lead to problems down the line. I also contend that sometimes people on these forums have a tendency to try to win the game in the design phase.

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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

I think people (and I'm guilty of this myself, I think we all are really) just get frustrated when someone disagrees with them and then backs up their opposition with a cogent argument that illustrates how the idea might lead to problems down the line.

It's a bad habit of mine, I know. I'll stop doing it one of these days ...

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oOStaticOo wrote:
oOStaticOo wrote:

Just look at the differences between a Controller from CoH vs. a Master Mind from CoH. Brutes were not considered the Tank class of the Villain side, Master Minds were. Bots/FF Master Minds were almost the norm when it came to building a Master Mind, unless you were building based on some kind of concept or were just tired of playing the FotM.

Although I agree with the rest of the post, I would have to correct this as the bot/dark MM was considered the "I win" combo at first and remained a strong choice to sunset. I say this as a player who's main red was bot/FF.

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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

Do not want.
I think friendly NPC's serve great purpose in PvE (and PvP) but frankly if there's a story to be told with another player I don't want it substituted by an NPC player. (Yes I'm one of those people who advocated socialization over solo play at every turn as it's not just better for the player (to have a social group) but it's also good for the game.)
People who play MMORPGs to solo perplex me. There's a whole system full of players. If you want a partnership I think it's healthier to have a Player than an NPC.
When it comes to playing the "damsel in distress" that's a great place for an NPC (as no player wants to play as a useless NPC)

Well call me "Mr Perplex"
I solo in CoH to build my character up, I work on my weaknesses and slot my powers accordingly. A group of strong solo players is a force to be reckon with, by the way there was "Batman" before "Batman & Robin". More examples: "Iron Man", "HULK", "Thor", "Captain America" before "The Avengers", and if you say "Xmen" then I'll say "Wolverine" because that's who I would be. You don't have to understand my decision, just know this, a solo player like me would never join a group if he or she is not ready. Because a solo player like me would never need a tanker to keep the aggro, or a defender to heal me ( It would be great if they do, but it's not needed ).

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kamikaze wrote:
kamikaze wrote:

In my situation (not being able to play at normal times and so on) it would make the game better. I can see you're point too. I wouldn't want it to be a mandatory thing but more options are always nice.

Remember, more options make it better for more people...
Some Mmo's have minions/hirelings available for in game cash + in game Cash-over-time, and, if it fits your character idea, and, you pay for it with an option, so as to keep your power level in line with other players, what is the harm?
Basically make it a character designed "Pet Option" with similar power-sets... Both are not as powerful as a solo hero, but, net effect is same output...

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I played many Mastermind

I played many Mastermind characters in CoX. It was the Mastermind Primary that finally provided the game with a level of challenge and complexity that I found enjoyable. I really don't see much difference between "sidekick" and "pet" in the way the terms are being used here.

One of the aspects of Guild Wars that fascinated me was the ability to hire help. If you found yourself soloing and the material was tough-going, you went back into town and hired what you needed. A Tank, a Ranger, or a Cleric. Or even all three. The AI for these mercenaries was pretty well done, although the Cleric did tend to get stuck in the landscape more than the other two for some reason. The mercenary took some of your loot, but none of your experience. If your found yourself outleveling them, then releasing and rehiring them in the next town brought them back up to your level. It was an interesting option for solo players.

I do a lot of soloing when I play. I tend to play at odd times when there are few people around. Also, I often find myself surrounded by immature, foul-mouthed people who make for very unpleasant gaming partners. When you log on at midnight and play until sunrise it is not uncommon to find yourself surrounded by inebriated or exhausted players. Our Villain Group had one member who was constantly falling asleep in the middle of missions. We dubbed her the "Keyboard Ninja". At one point she even made an alt with that name.

However, in addition to soloing I also organize or join PUGs quite often. One of the things I disliked about CoH is that only the team leader could see the dialogs. It was infuriating to not know what was happening. I came over to the heroside very late, a short time after Dual Swords/Willpower came out. There were many times when I would get onto a PUG for a TF that everyone else had run dozens of times so they knew every step along the way without even thinking about it. I was forever asking, "Where am I supposed to be going?" or "Why the heck do we have to farm these particular enemies and how many do we need?" As a result, if I was running with PUGs I tried very hard to make sure they were PUGs I organized and led, especially on the heroside. The only hero I ever got to level 50 was my Dual Swords/Willpower Scrapper, and that took months, right around a full year, as I recall.

CoX also had Veteran's Reward pets. The first couple were just for show, but later on the pet had a small buff it applied. Of course, the buff was very small and the pet was very weak, but they were still nice to have tagging along.

The idea of having one of my own alts as a sidekick fascinates me. I never would have imagined such a situation. If this is implemented it will make for a variety of very interesting experiments.

The number one mistake any MMORPG can make is to force players to do something. It does not matter if the game is forcing them to level, forcing them to group, forcing them to join raid parties, or whatever. The moment a player has no choice in your game it gives them a very good reason to play a different game. Avoiding dictating player choices and behaviors is vital. One of the reasons I avoided the heroside was because in CoH unless you were a Scrapper or a Tank, you basically needed to team in order to accomplish anything. Blasters could do more than Controllers or Defenders, but even Blasters did not have much fun trying to solo Hazard Zones. One of the things that appealed to me about CoV, and especially about the Mastermind, was that it more or less eliminated the need to team and did so intentionally. A Dominator could survive almost anything and in skilled hands really could dominate an entire mission on the hardest settings in the game. I never could manage to get the hang of Controllers. It was quite shocking to me how differently they performed.

Very far along, somewhere around a year and a half before the servers were shut down, I made an Empathy/Archery Defender. She started out as a Valentine's Day joke character but over time she became quite enjoyable to play. Small teams of three or four were best. Larger teams just wanted her to spam heals, very boring. In a smaller team the minor bits of damage the Archery put out came in very handy. Solo with this character was a complete nightmare. I only brought her out when I knew I would have at least one other player to team up with. I suppose I was using other players as "sidekicks", or maybe I was the sidekick and they were the hero.

The sidekick idea, therefore, seems to me to have a certain value. It would have to be playtested and balanced, of course, but I suspect it would prove quite popular. Just about anyone who is going to prefer using a full sidekick (might as well say, "single pet") secondary is probably looking for a pet-class anyway. Certain magic classes in Lineage II have single pets they use as they level up, although I understand that nowadays those classes are far less popular than they used to be. Conversely, being able to hire an NPC to come along and compensate for your weaknesses (as in Guild Wars) could also prove beneficial for many players. If my Emp/Arch Defender had been able to summon a DPS or Tank (or hire one) I probably would have taken her on more solo runs. Maybe she would have seen more stories and progressed more easily that way. She was right around level 30 when the servers were shut down. After a year and a half!

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Now see, I soloed Trollers,

Now see, I soloed Trollers, Defenders, and Blasters on missions (ran them on teams in TFs) just to show it could be done, and it could. One was a Force Field Defender, not exactly debuffing and adding damage to oneself there (my Dark/ Defender did better and Radiation/ was never as good as many said, imo).

I'd say it was less that it couldn't be done, but more that it took more patience. Not anymore than a Tank imo, as I soloed a WP/EM Tank (just wasnt easy to always get people to join you when it was non TF...this was one of those case) and talk about slow! My Defenders went faster.

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I played City of Heroes solo

I played City of Heroes solo very very often. I preferred teamplay, but often had to play from work if I wanted to play at all. I was allowed to, but had to stop immediately when something came up. I did not want my team to suffer from my very frequent afk- times. At the same time I did not want to miss City of Heroes.

While not everyone might find themselves in situations like that, but many might have their reasons to play solo. And while it was possible to solo controllers and defenders, it was not really much fun for me. In fact a friend of mine stopped playing City of Heroes because he was so frustrated by the solo experience of his controller. Having hired help available would have made a big difference. Not only would it have been a lot easier to solo those archetypes, but it would also have enabled you to really play out that archetype. Controllers and defenders were build for teamwork, I found they felt awkward alone, with no one to support.

So I am highly in favor for some kind of sidekick, mercenary or a temporary pet summon power. I would limit that to be only usable during solo play though and maybe have the earned rewards reduced a little so that playing without the sidekick has advantages too.

But then again, I have read every classification is supposed to be fully able to be played solo. Maybe something like that is not even necessary.

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Lutan wrote:
Lutan wrote:

I played City of Heroes solo very very often. I preferred teamplay, but often had to play from work if I wanted to play at all. I was allowed to, but had to stop immediately when something came up. I did not want my team to suffer from my very frequent afk- times. At the same time I did not want to miss City of Heroes.
While not everyone might find themselves in situations like that, but many might have their reasons to play solo. And while it was possible to solo controllers and defenders, it was not really much fun for me. In fact a friend of mine stopped playing City of Heroes because he was so frustrated by the solo experience of his controller. Having hired help available would have made a big difference. Not only would it have been a lot easier to solo those archetypes, but it would also have enabled you to really play out that archetype. Controllers and defenders were build for teamwork, I found they felt awkward alone, with no one to support.
So I am highly in favor for some kind of sidekick, mercenary or a temporary pet summon power. I would limit that to be only usable during solo play though and maybe have the earned rewards reduced a little so that playing without the sidekick has advantages too.

I know I said I wouldn't post on this thread again
but I say a lot of impulsive things

Anyway I like most of what Lutan said except I don't think sidekicks should be limited to solo play.
I do however feel that you shouldn't be able to call a sidekick when the team is already full
and there are other situations where they should be forbidden, like PVP, Task-forces and Solo only missions if you have any.

Lutan wrote:

But then again, I have read every classification is supposed to be fully able to be played solo. Maybe something like that is not even necessary.

As for this. Needed or not it's wanted and I believe that it can be kept in balance.
Heck just not allowing it in PVP should be all you need to keep it in balance.

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Actually limiting them to

Actually limiting them to solo play is more a compromise I am willing to make then what I want. A very small one, because I would rarely use sidekicks outside of sole play, except maybe in situations where the team is missing something and summoning my sidekick would remedy that.

And yes, I do want to have something like that too. Not only that, I also think it woul be a lot easier to have some sort of NPC help available for solo play than to balance every classification that it could be played and enjoyed to be played solo. That way you can have dedicated team supporters and still get along fine on your own, if you want or need to.Could save some developing time, I suspect.

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What if your use of a

What if your use of a sidekick were limited? For instance, you solo through a mission, kill all of the henchmen in a building, but the Boss is tough. So you call on the customized sidekick. The sidekick is available for ten minutes. Then it's not available for a set amount of play time afterward, so you have to be sparing with how you use it. Also, other characters on your account could be your sidekicks. This way you could play as them and with them at certain times without having to create separate accounts and multi-boxing.
