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Desired Powersets

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Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 07/22/2014 - 22:17
Desired Powersets

Before you get carried away, remember that power-sets =/= animations. Your rifle can shoot ice or acid, or [url=]cute fuzzy puppies[/url], provided the power-set is available. Alternatively, you can shoot bullets out of your eyes, if you're into that kind of thing. Power-sets are the effects you that lay out to either help or harm the target, and in CoT, they're independent of how you deliver them.

But, lets get to the issue at hand, shall we? When including a desired powerset, remember to consider what kind of theme of [i]effects[/i] you'd like to achieve, and how they would, at least theoretically, balance against the other sets. I will go ahead and list out the practical default we've come to expect:

Fire: Fire/thermal damage, Extra DoT, but limited control/debuff compared to other sets. Weak single target DPS, but strong Area of Effect DPS

Ice: Cold/thermal damage, More control/debuff focused with cooldown reduction, freezing, etc. Not sure where the Single-target/AoE balance should be on this one. I tend to think it should be more single-target.

Energy: Energy or mixed (energy and physical) damage, control via knockdown/back. Strong single target DPS, but limited AoE DPS.

Firearms/ordinance: Mostly physical damage, balanced mix of single target and AoE, and mid-level of control/debuff

Psychic: Weak theoretical DPS, but bypasses many defenses.

These are the ones we all pretty much know we're going to get, though my views on how they will be implemented balance and theme-wise is naturally only my own wild donkey guess.

Any other ideas?

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 07/22/2014 - 22:17
Some of my wishlist sets:

Some of my wishlist sets:

Chemical: Powers each do a single type of damage, but each does a different type. Alternately, the powerset includes a set of toggles that allow the player to switch damage types of their abilities. Heavily AoE biased.

Electric: Multi-target energy damage, perhaps with a "static buildup" effect that triggers extra damage after X abilities land.

Shadow: Relatively weak DPS, but lots of debuff/control and AoE effects.

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Darth Fez
Darth Fez's picture
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Have you seen the other power

Have you seen the other power set related threads, especially [url=]this one[/url]?

- - - - -
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Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 07/22/2014 - 22:17
I've seen them scattered

I've seen them scattered around the other classification forums, but I hadn't noticed that one in the general classifications and powers forums.

Asking it separately in each Classification forum seemed more appropriate, to me, because each classification is likely to have its own signature type of powersets. Discussing the equivalents of Super Strength and Empathy in the same thread doesn't seem productive, but if that's where the community is, then that's where the discussion is, I guess.

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 01/18/2015 - 11:19
a better mental manipulation

a better mental manipulation set: wide range of powers

Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 01/18/2015 - 11:19
Sun ,lunar,stellar powers

Sun ,lunar,stellar powers

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 1 day ago
Joined: 08/27/2014 - 18:25
Wow! another thread for me to

Wow! another thread for me to shout Nunchaku at.
Nunchaku! Nunchaku,
That is all I want from you

But seriously one thing I've always forgotten to mention (though you might've gotten it from my picture) is that I want one pair at a time like Enter the Dragon or Game of Death, not 2 like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. If using 2 pair at a time is also available, that's totally cool, but please don't let that be the only way. The animations for one pair at a time will be easier for you anyway.

Empyrean's picture
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Cedd66 wrote:
Cedd66 wrote:

Sun ,lunar,stellar powers

I like those too, but with color customization I don't think they have to be actual power sets.

My final main in CoH had sun powers and he was fire/energy colored gold-white. It might be hard for the Devs to come up with a separate powerset for every possible theme, so they may have to have less defined sets and let us decide if our fire is Hellfire or Sunfire and our energy is Negative/Death energy or Sunlight.

Plus, you actually end up with more control over your theme that way.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Noctoral's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
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I always really liked the

I always really liked the idea of archery. The archery powerset in CoH never seemed to be popular, but I enjoyed it.

I just found [url=]this video[/url] on Youtube, and was really impressed with this guy's archery skills...And conversely it made me really want to have archery as a skill/powerset in CoT.

Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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a mechanic that allows us to

a mechanic that allows us to mix powers into one like dark(neg)+fire(fire)= darkfire(fire&neg)

Tannim222's picture
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Cedd66 wrote:
Cedd66 wrote:

a mechanic that allows us to mix powers into one like dark(neg)+fire(fire)= darkfire(fire&neg)

See our update on Augments. Particualrly part about Power Set Augments where it may be possible to socket a damage change augment that changes a portion of your set's damage type to another damage type,

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Gor Coron
Gor Coron's picture
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Honestly, I brought it up in

Honestly, I brought it up in CoX and they were actually about to release it but they ran out of time.

I'd like to give my baby another chance. The biotic armor.
A defensive set based on HP/Regen (a bit of resistance) but mainly damage absorption.

This is how it came out of the devs hands. Although this is sort of what I had in mind, the idea of working with damage absorption seems to have passed. Ofcourse this could have multiple reasons.
- It might be a pain in the butt to create
- It might not be as good as I think as having a huge sack of HP sort of results in the same outcome.
- It might just be an awefull idea

However I was filled with joy to see this set coming up. Everything changed when NCSoft stole my cookie.
It really is to bad that I misplaced my personal notes about it.

If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.

Fireheart's picture
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In other games I've played,

In other games I've played, since the fall of the City, I've loved having a pet, or a trap, to distract the enemy and hold them at range, so I can [s]murder[/s] defeat them without suffering too much damage. I've also enjoyed having enough armor to survive, while I pew-pew them down. Switching from Ranged to Melee-weapon has been gratifying Only when faced with a Boss-type enemy and only when I have the defenses to face them mano-a-mano anyway.

Any time I've been stuck with the old 'glass-canon' theme, I've hated getting dead... over and over. Because, 'just range', is not enough defense. Not unless one can output enough damage to one-shot an even-con and two-shot a tougher one. Because, by the time you uncork that third shot, you're getting punched in the nose and your 'glass' is being kicked.

The Only time I've been comfortable as a 'glass canon' is when there's a Tanker on the team, taunting the spawns to ignore me. And we can't/shouldn't depend on the presence of a Tank, in order to be fully effective.

So, I guess my 'Desired Powerset' includes more effective defenses than 'just range', whether by control effects, armor/hit-points, or, if all else fails, a way to boost damage reliably and often.

Be Well!