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Final art style?

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for me it is a computer issue

for me it is a computer issue. im on a cable connection at a 50gbps so it know its not my connection. just the gfx sadly are to much for my processor to handle on some of the newer games that are out... it is a older AMD daul core (its been a while but i believe its a AM2 socket so it is a few years old now) i just would hate to have this game come out and find out i have to rebuild my machine to play it. and some people just dont have the money to buy a whole new computer so if i was making the game i would make sure not to exlude them out just because i didnt want to use a few more key strokes and make a way for them to play, because even if that person dosnt buy a lot of things they may still spend some money on the game and that will result in more revenue and revenue will keep the game alive. (not trying to sound greedy or anything but sadly money makes the (MMO) world go round)


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Hellbender91 wrote:
Hellbender91 wrote:

for me it is a computer issue. im on a cable connection at a 50gbps so it know its not my connection. just the gfx sadly are to much for my processor to handle on some of the newer games that are out... it is a older AMD daul core (its been a while but i believe its a AM2 socket so it is a few years old now) i just would hate to have this game come out and find out i have to rebuild my machine to play it. and some people just dont have the money to buy a whole new computer so if i was making the game i would make sure not to exlude them out just because i didnt want to use a few more key strokes and make a way for them to play, because even if that person dosnt buy a lot of things they may still spend some money on the game and that will result in more revenue and revenue will keep the game alive. (not trying to sound greedy or anything but sadly money makes the (MMO) world go round)

Considering that the game is not scheduled to be out for 2 years, it is going to be fairly hard to actually predict how well the game will run on your system by then.

Hell, I hope that it would run better on my old laptop compared to how CoX ran...


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4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

1 eye archer
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The "realistic " look of CoH

The "realistic " look of CoH/V was very appealing to me. It helped get me more into feeling like I am there. Making costumes that might look a certain style or genera would be more appealing IMHO. Very much like out in the real world, people can dress the way they want, but it doesn't make the whole world conform to their style or look.

Deeds Not Words

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1 eye archer wrote:
1 eye archer wrote:

The "realistic " look of CoH/V was very appealing to me. It helped get me more into feeling like I am there. Making costumes that might look a certain style or genera would be more appealing IMHO. Very much like out in the real world, people can dress the way they want, but it doesn't make the whole world conform to their style or look.

Defintely would rather go the same comic style as CoH, its realistic, yet still really basic and fits the comic universe well. Champions Online looks far too "rubber" for me.

JayBezz's picture
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Was having a conversation

Was having a conversation with a friend about OverWatch and how much we love their direction of art style.

The thing about the CoH is that it was just somewhat... generic. Which was GOOD for a game where ANY concept works. I don't want to discourage anyones concepts but I really do want to encourage this to be a place where when I log in I see superheroes (people in tights, uniforms, capes and the like).You can be a demon, a werewolf, an angel, ... But is there any one style that works BEST for western comics?

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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

Was having a conversation with a friend about OverWatch and how much we love their direction of art style.
The thing about the CoH is that it was just somewhat... generic. Which was GOOD for a game where ANY concept works. I don't want to discourage anyones concepts but I really do want to encourage this to be a place where when I log in I see superheroes (people in tights, uniforms, capes and the like).You can be a demon, a werewolf, an angel, ... But is there any one style that works BEST for western comics?

I'm hoping 3 or so years down the road, Art Style Downloadable Packs can be gotten free (3 being free, from the in-game store)

Free ones can include:
- a Comics Art Style (bold outlines)
- an Anime Art Style (thin outlines, and stepped down color ranges)
- a Western Art Style (sepia color tints, with a sorta crumbled paper crease, a bit like Prince of Persia, last one?)

ex: Western Art Style like

Empyrean's picture
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Coming from a background of

Coming from a background of growing up reading silver/bronze age Marvel and DC comics, CoH's art was just... absolutely amazing. Sublime for a Superhero MMO of it's time.

What people don't realize is that classic comic art WAS trying to be realistic--on an insanely short deadline. This led to the most realistic art style that could be drawn QUICKLY. Which later lead to people trying to emulate classic comic art using a deliberately "cartoony" style, which misses the whole point.

The style that would most emulate classic comics would be "simplified realism"--like CoH had. Now, in the modern era of comics, some artists went for an intentionally "graphic" art style, but it still wasn't usually "cartoony".

But then we have to new wave of Superhero movies that are live action and so, while still bold and heroic, are extremely realistic in look--and this is where many if not most people who play CoT will probably come from.

SO, I'd say overall a clean, bold, heroic realism would just about fit. Not a gritty, bloodshot-eyed, armpit hair realism, but not at all cartoonish either. What I REALLY wouldn't want to see is cartoonish (which isn't going to happen, so phew!) OR an overly stylized graphic style.

When you go with a graphic style, you better get it right--because only the people who dig that specific style will really like it.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

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Empyrean wrote:
Empyrean wrote:

When you go with a graphic style, you better get it right--because only the people who dig that specific style will really like it.

And the "best"[1] look had better be the default. There are those out there who HATE (with a passion) the style of Champions Online, even though it can be changed quite a lot with the ingame options, to be more CoX style (less shiny, no glaring black outlines).

[1] Purely subjective of course. There are those who cannot stand the look of Borderlands....


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Brand X
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If it looks like Tony Daniel

If it looks like Tony Daniel's The Tenth, Adrenalynn and F5 comic art, then CoT will be golden!

Empyrean's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

If it looks like Tony Daniel's The Tenth, Adrenalynn and F5 comic art, then CoT will be golden!

I'd rather see it look a bit more classic like John Byrne or George Perez, but I like the way those that you referenced look, and if it ended up looking like those it'd still be awesome and I'd be thrilled.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Cinnder's picture
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I have to disagree on the

I have to disagree on the Tony Daniel style. We already have CO for art design that clearly doesn't understand the proportions of a human female body.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Interdictor's picture
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1 eye archer wrote:
1 eye archer wrote:

The "realistic " look of CoH/V was very appealing to me. It helped get me more into feeling like I am there. Making costumes that might look a certain style or genera would be more appealing IMHO. Very much like out in the real world, people can dress the way they want, but it doesn't make the whole world conform to their style or look.

I agree - CoH's world aesthetic would fit best - with nice HD textures and the like of course. More towards the "plausible" and "realistic". CO's art style was way too bright and cartoony for my taste - but then that's probably what they were going for - very comic-bookish (cell shading and all).

Empyrean's picture
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Yeah, the Tony Daniel was my
Interdictor wrote:

I agree - CoH's world aesthetic would fit best - with nice HD textures and the like of course. More towards the "plausible" and "realistic". CO's art style was way too bright and cartoony for my taste - but then that's probably what they were going for - very comic-bookish (cell shading and all).

I'll also ad that with the power and purported efficient resource usage of UE4, we should be able to go past CoH comic book realistic and move at least a little bit more towards Superhero movie realistic.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Brand X
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

I have to disagree on the Tony Daniel style. We already have CO for art design that clearly doesn't understand the proportions of a human female body.

Pffft. People said that about CoH's female models. People say that about every MMOs female models.

What is Tony Daniel's style? Comic book super hero! What CoH was! A super hero mmo! CoT is trying to be CoH!

oOStaticOo's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Cinnder wrote:
I have to disagree on the Tony Daniel style. We already have CO for art design that clearly doesn't understand the proportions of a human female body.

Pffft. People said that about CoH's female models. People say that about every MMOs female models.
What is Tony Daniel's style? Comic book super hero! What CoH was! A super hero mmo! CoT is trying to be CoH!

Nothing wrong with that in my opinion. I loved CoH's graphics. Could some things be improved, maybe. But overall I rather enjoyed the way CoH looked.

I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!

Izzy's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

CoT is trying to be CoH!

uhhh.. I dont know if i like the wording. :P

Is it:
- Heavily Influenced by CoH/V?

Or is it more:
- Imitating CoH/V?

revolution's picture
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Some will say imitation just

Some will say imitation just because of the genre, but it definitely will not be. I can't speak on the final style of the art, but I do know we have had discussions in which comic artists are mentioned and game art was not. Maybe that will change the gist of the conversation. I can say that there are no plans for cell shading.

[color=#ff0000]Sound Lead, Bullpen Writer[/color]


Izzy's picture
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Thank you for the response. ;

Thank you for the response. ;)

That makes me wonder if some 3rd party Comic Artists will try to push for their own Unique Art Style to be adapted in only their Content. :/
This would require days and days of tweaking from the Art team, and then the Tech team to get that right from the Shader(s) side. :/

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Izzy wrote:
Izzy wrote:

Thank you for the response. ;)
That makes me wonder if some 3rd party Comic Artists will try to push for their own Unique Art Style to be adapted in only their Content. :/
This would require days and days of tweaking from the Art team, and then the Tech team to get that right from the Shader(s) side. :/

Perhaps I wasn't clear on the artist part...
When I say we had discussions it was amongst ourselves about artists we liked and what the game may look like. I can't say if we have had discussions officially with anyone in the comic industry about anything. That statement isn't because of the NDA, either. I have no knowledge of anything regarding artists or writers, but I highly doubt I would be able to say anything otherwise if there were anything official. I do believe we have contacts/friends/supporters in the comic industry as well as (obviously) the game industry, however.

[color=#ff0000]Sound Lead, Bullpen Writer[/color]


Brand X
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Izzy wrote:
Izzy wrote:

Brand X wrote:
CoT is trying to be CoH!
uhhh.. I dont know if i like the wording. :P
Is it:
- Heavily Influenced by CoH/V?
Or is it more:
- Imitating CoH/V?

Boosters which are suppossed to be like enhancements only, slightly different. Is what I'm hearing so far. CoT AT's look to be like CoH ATs so far with maybe a few combinations of Power Sets not available in CoH but lacking some that where in CoH.

But to be fair, I've been worried that the CoT team would go after some lousy Elder Scroll or Black Desert Online style of art over FFXIV, TERA, Blade & Soul or even Wildstar or WoW (if a more light hearted style is wanted).

And all those I mentioned would just feel better as a superhero mmo (to me admittedly) than *shiver* ES or BDO.

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

But to be fair, I've been worried that the CoT team would go after some lousy Elder Scroll or Black Desert Online style of art over FFXIV, TERA, Blade & Soul or even Wildstar or WoW (if a more light hearted style is wanted).
And all those I mentioned would just feel better as a superhero mmo (to me admittedly) than *shiver* ES or BDO.

From what's been said--and there hasn't been a lot said yet--I think you're going to be ok. It doesn't seem likely they'll go highly graphically cartoonish like Wildstar or WoW, but it's even less likely that they'll go for gritty ultra-realism either.

It'll probably end up somewhere in between but lean slightly towards a graphic style. Sort of a "graphic realism" or "lightly graphic" style like, well, you saw in silver/bronze-age comics and in CoH. Sort of a "realistic drawing" look.

Just a guess based on little info yet, though.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

revolution's picture
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Caveat: I am a member of the

Caveat: I am a member of the Art Department, but only as far as sound. Petalstorm would be the one to answer this thread's underlying questions with authority.

Project Phoenix has been Silver Age inspired from the start. We aren't looking to "copy" CoX really, but we are looking to stay in the stay realm art-wise (updated, of course). Put it this way; two of our biggest inspirations since the start have been CoX (duh) game-wise and Astro City comic-wise (kind of no-brainer when you are looking at a city of heroes). Ross (who did the covers for AC), Byrne, Giordano, Ditko, Perez, Adams, Cockrum and, yes, even Kirby have been bandied about by all of us (I also want to throw in Don Newton since we have the same last name :) ). What do these great artists mean to CoT? We will see what their inspiration actually brings about when the final designs are done, but I can't see the graphics sucking, that's for sure. ;) It will not be cartoony and you won't mistake it for reality (probably). For lack of a better example you could say CoX with more detail, customization and better proportioning.

BTW, none of the art you are seeing right now is "final". True CajunCatfish is doing our style sheets (or the bulk right now at least), but even her very, very, very nice art is not the final product (dat Anthem doe...).

[color=#ff0000]Sound Lead, Bullpen Writer[/color]


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One of the things i liked

One of the things i liked about City of Heroes was you could have a team consisting of (costume wise): a standard spandex outfit, middle ages armor, a robot/power armor, mystic robes,and a guy in a trench coat & hat; and they all looked ok standing next to each other. as long as the final art style allows for that (and it sounds like it will), I will be quite happy.

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whiteperegrine's picture
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personally, I am hoping for a

personally, I am hoping for a generic style, as CoH went with. it would allow for the most versatility when creating our characters. if the art style leans to heavily on one particular style it will hamper the ability to make our characters as we see them.

...and just as a general question/statement...shouldn't the art direction already be sorta nailed down? given the point we are at it seems kinda strange that it's still sorta up in the air on how character will look in game. I dunno, I could be missing something.


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whiteperegrine wrote:
whiteperegrine wrote:

... shouldn't the art direction already be sorta nailed down? given the point we are at it seems kinda strange that it's still sorta up in the air on how character will look in game. I dunno, I could be missing something.

I believe someone from MWM stated that they would try to use many of the pre-existing shaders that are already optimized by Unreal Engine 4... and later add further tweaks where wanted. Or at least, that's what i'm hoping they do. ;D

Plexius's picture
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If the latest art update is

If [url=]the latest art update[/url] is any indication, I think we can expect to see a generic style that's not too realistic and not too cartoonish. I'm personally pleased with what we were shown in that update, and I'd be pleased if the game was rendered like those screenshots. Maybe a little more grime here and there wouldn't hurt, but that's just my opinion.

I agree that CoH had it right. The same style with newer graphics would be fantastic.

Brand X
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Plexius wrote:
Plexius wrote:

If the latest art update is any indication, I think we can expect to see a generic style that's not too realistic and not too cartoonish. I'm personally pleased with what we were shown in that update, and I'd be pleased if the game was rendered like those screenshots. Maybe a little more grime here and there wouldn't hurt, but that's just my opinion.
I agree that CoH had it right. The same style with newer graphics would be fantastic.

City looks great. Character model still has me worried as trying to look something akin to Valiant Online (which is ugly to me).

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Plexius wrote:
Plexius wrote:

I think we can expect to see a generic style that's not too realistic and not too cartoonish. I'm personally pleased with what we were shown in that update

I agree, and I think that if you're going for mass appeal (as you should) you should avoid over stylizing. People are easily turned off by that sort of thing.

I think the art in the update captured the feel of COH perfectly.

One thing I liked in COH, was that you could choose a more gritty or cartoony look by adjusting your graphics options.

High end graphics don't impress me, and my game always looked pretty cartoony because if the graphics weren't turned way down, the lag would get so bad I could barely even walk.

Please, make sure the game is playable without spending a ton of money on my computer's graphics. I can turn the options down.

Oh and Please make the graphics options available on the first screen you can interact with. That way I can get it going without having to stagger and sputter through the tutorial.
In DC Universe online, I couldn't adjust the graphics until after I struggled through the character creator and the tutorial. AAAAA!!!!!!!! only after all that did I realize that no amount of adjusting was going to make it work right on my computer and I had to delete it.

Next year I'm planning to buy a new computer, after windows 10 comes out.
Since it's going to be a new computer, I'm hoping I wont need a graphics card also.
If I do need one, I might not be able to get it till 2017!
Please don't make me wait another year before I can play this game. It would especially suck since it sounds like you're not going to have a FTP option so I have to pay for at least a month just to try it.

I know you'll tell us what the minimum requirements are so that we won't buy it if it won't play but I'm not going to understand all that technical stuff, I'm OLD Dadgummit!

Izzy's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

City looks great. Character model still has me worried as trying to look something akin to Valiant Online (which is ugly to me).

Yea.. I wouldnt worry about the Character models too much.
If you remember, when i was working with UDK (Unreal 3), I imported a model and didnt change a thing. and it still looked 4 times better than what Unity3D would have done. ;D

from UDK:
video Link:

Interdictor's picture
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Plexius wrote:
Plexius wrote:

If the latest art update is any indication, I think we can expect to see a generic style that's not too realistic and not too cartoonish. I'm personally pleased with what we were shown in that update, and I'd be pleased if the game was rendered like those screenshots. Maybe a little more grime here and there wouldn't hurt, but that's just my opinion.
I agree that CoH had it right. The same style with newer graphics would be fantastic.

I'm pleased as well - this is the kind of style I was hoping for - a little squeaky-clean maybe - but still looking good.

whiteperegrine's picture
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like Brand X, I am a lil

like Brand X, I am a lil anxious regarding the character models themselves. while the city pics themselves look pretty awesome what really matters, to me at least, is the character models. again, I am hoping for something pretty generic...ideal being a look more along the lines of CoH...but updated. I really do prefer a generic style in MMO's as it allows for the most creativity on the part of the player.

I am awaiting, both eagerly and anxiously, for our first peak at what a character will look like in game.


Empyrean's picture
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I've played CO, DCUO, and TSW

I've played CO, DCUO, and TSW, and I just spent an hour looking at gameplay footage from various current popular games--GW2, FF, ESO, etc.--and then I went back and looked at later-year gameplay footage from CoH.

Maybe my glasses are rose colored, but I thought CoH stood up VERY well. The movement was much more natural and exciting, and it was clean, clear, and stylish. Definitely not typical in any way.

In characters, world, windows, and screens, it just looked better to me than other things I've seen. NOT that the engine or graphics were as powerful as more modern games, I just mean the design.

So, I'll be happy if CoT takes it's role as spiritual successor seriously as far as visual style. CoH was old, but well done.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Redlynne's picture
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City of Heroes had a very

City of Heroes had a very [b][i]CLEAN[/i][/b] design sense to it ... in animations, in sound design, in user interface design ... pretty much the whole package. A lot of that was a side effect of the LIMITATIONS that the original design team was working with. You couldn't get excessively ornamental and "fancy" with your design simply because you didn't have the resources (on computers 13+ years ago!) to be able to do all of that. So they simplified everything into being smooth and functional instead of being sheer eye (or sound) candy loaded down with excessive ornamentation (just because you can).

It's that very "smoothness" that comes across so clearly, and yet subliminally, when watching City of Heroes footage ... whether it be a video of actual gameplay, or a Samuraiko Productions video.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

whiteperegrine's picture
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it is that "clean" look I am

it is that "clean" look I am really hoping to see replicated in CoT. clean and generic means more freedom for the players. when things get complicated, or to detailed, then the uses of items becomes limited.


Brand X
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Just going to have to

Just going to have to disagree, I'd like really nicely animated martial art moves and chain whips and not really boring moves.

CO has martial arts and chains and most of the martial arts moves are boring and the only really fun chain animation is a hold that's pretty weak.

whiteperegrine's picture
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my clean and generic was in

my clean and generic was in reference to just the artistic style itself. in regards to favs were the dual pistols and staff...they were very sexy, imo. I miss LIonseye and her dual pistol animations...I can only hope that CoT will have something along those lines...gunfu is so much cooler than reality.

most of the others were pretty generic, which is ok I suppose, but they could have used an update to give em a bit more "flash". that said...some just don't have the ability to have any real "flash". this is not everything can have "omg! that was so friggin cool!" animations...


Empyrean's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Just going to have to disagree, I'd like really nicely animated martial art moves and chain whips and not really boring moves.

I'm pretty sure noone is requesting boring animations :P.

When I mentioned movement above I meant fluidity of movement in animations was good (whether the choreography was that great or not) and travel powers made things more exciting than just running around.

But better animations--sure!

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Redlynne's picture
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If memory serves, the

If memory serves, the animation artist who developed Dual Pistols essentially designed the movements as "sword katas" to get the posing right and then substituted in pistols and did the rest of the work to make it shooting guns. Hence the GUN-FU is truly what you were looking at.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

whiteperegrine's picture
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however it was

however it was likey! hopefully we will see something similar again. :)


HornetsNest's picture
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What I especially liked about

What I especially liked about CoH was the vistas.

I could have stared off into the distance in the Hollows or Port Oakes for hours. And so many interesting single locations too. The radio tower on the Hollows mountain top. The fountain plaza in Founder's Falls. The dimensional portals on Peregrine Island, as long as the sound was turned down. I adored Bloody Bay. Best architecture in the Rogue Isles as far as I'm concerned. Too bad there were all those Shivans bringing down the property values. St Marshal at night was just a wonder. Nostalgia can become addictive

The little details that give the world a sense of wonder. As long as they incorporate them, and don't make everything a lag fest, I'll be very very happy

Lay your hands on me
While I'm bleeding dry
Break on through blue skies
And take it high

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Joined: 03/16/2014 - 07:51
HornetsNest wrote:
HornetsNest wrote:

What I especially liked about CoH was the vistas.
I could have stared off into the distance in the Hollows or Port Oakes for hours. And so many interesting single locations too. The radio tower on the Hollows mountain top. The fountain plaza in Founder's Falls. The dimensional portals on Peregrine Island, as long as the sound was turned down. I adored Bloody Bay. Best architecture in the Rogue Isles as far as I'm concerned. Too bad there were all those Shivans bringing down the property values. St Marshal at night was just a wonder. Nostalgia can become addictive
The little details that give the world a sense of wonder. As long as they incorporate them, and don't make everything a lag fest, I'll be very very happy

This point is no small point.

I remember when I got my first Hero (who just so happened to be DE origin) high enough level to get into Eden.

I SJ'ed up to the highest building near the entrance, looked out over the endless ocean of treetops a the the Hive, and I just...

I was hooked.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

JayBezz's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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Joined: 10/08/2013 - 14:54
I do not consider animations

I do not consider animations a apart of a games art style. Where one animations style may look anime it doesn't make the entire Animation of the game amine

Crowd Control Enthusiast

whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 06/19/2014 - 14:49
oh I dunno, I think animation

oh I dunno, I think animation can affect the overall art style of the game. if you go for really basic moves it gives the game a different style than if you use more energetic based animations. there are varying degrees from the very basic all the way to the crazy fantastical animations that could be chosen. the trick is find the style of animation that fits the style and tone you are attempting to enforce. ...and, imo, some animation styles do not mesh all that well with certain actual art styles, so in essence animation can affect the overall art style, to my eye at least. :)


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Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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Joined: 10/08/2013 - 14:54
I'm personally seeing

I'm personally seeing something akin to Skyforge in terms of graphics.

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