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Group Concepts

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Foolery's picture
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Group Concepts

I was thinking for the sake of inspiration and just for fun we could just write about simple concepts for hero/villain/vigilante/anti-hero/henchmen/sidekick/anti-villain groups

For example:

Government Funded Enforcers: A player group that could be a great deal like SHIELD or maybe even GI Joe.

Cults: Worshipers of Eldritch deities or maybe even run by a really charismatic evil leader or even a twist where it's a cult who worships some alien yet "good" deity and go off to hunt villains in order to sacrifice it to their god.

Criminal Organizations or Gangs: Be interesting to play as a Mafia Lord or even a gang of street punks that do a drive by and fight for territory.

They came from outer space!: Play as an alien empire from another planet, come to conquer, protect, or study the earth people!

That's all I got.

When life gives you lemons. SHOOT IT WITH LASERS!!!

Impulse King
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Anarchists: Every member has

Anarchists: Every member has base editing rights. (Actually did this in CoH. Twice.)

Brand X
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A group of anti-social

A group of anti-social/dysfunctional teen/early twenty metas brought together by a cold hearted wetwork trained corporate-style specialist to do the dirty deeds that need done...or dirty deeds that just pay well.


What? Dv8 was one of my favorite comics!

Mr Wizard
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Incarnations SG...

Incarnations SG...

I started this SG on Triumph and Protector servers...every hero was named and themed with an abstract concept...(ie. Order, Peace, War, Freedom [this was me as my 1st Uncle Sam alt], we also had Speed, Might, and Fun)...

I also started an Elemental Incarnations SG on Freedom with Dragon like characters...(ie. Magma Dragon [Earth/Fire Tank], Ice Drake [Ice 'troller], Smoke [Fire/Kin 'troler], Wylie [Plant/Emp]...we had a few others i forget their names)...the kool thing about this group was we maxed height & huge body type (except Wylie who was based of a Faerie Dragon, small and purple), add on wings with dragon heads and we were a sight to

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic...Arthur C. Clarke

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I had this idea for a long

I had this idea for a long while.

Military/Monster Movie Soldier group (ala Creature Commandos): Could have various monstrous characters made from experimentation or supernatural means

Tiger's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
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F.o.E.: Force of Evil

F.o.E.: Force of Evil

A group of villains whose sole purpose is to rule the world.

notears's picture
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The infected: A group of

The infected: A group of villains who suffer from a mind controlling virus

not my video just one I lke ===>


JayBezz's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

The infected: A group of villains who suffer from a mind controlling virus

I was just reading a study on zombie fungus earlier. After reading X-Men (the female team) I remember how awesome science is when combined with fiction.

Love this idea.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Tiger's picture
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After listening to the latest

After listening to the latest about the game: such as a single server allowing for multiple users the use of a name, and the plans to have duplicates as an option for the pet classes. I believe a villainous league of clones could become the greatest arch-villain in Titan City.

"We are Clone. Our number is limitless. Our power is Limitless. We are Clone!"

WarBird's picture
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Just before CoH announced the

Just before CoH announced the dissolution I had an idea for a Rock 'N Roll themed SG. Nothing serious, just a bunch of people who had cool punny names for their characters and wanted to group up and occasionally do team missions. Some of the toons I came up with as examples:

Fire Tanker with beard, stovepipe hat and frock coat (with flame sleeves) - Hot Rod Lincoln

Sonic Blaster female based on Van Halen song - Blue Eyed Murder

Anyone else...?

Foradain's picture
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Mark Meadows snagged a lot of

[url=]Mark Meadows[/url] snagged a lot of the good names for that idea...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Atom Basher
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Ironfighter wrote:
Ironfighter wrote:

I had this idea for a long while.
Military/Monster Movie Soldier group (ala Creature Commandos): Could have various monstrous characters made from experimentation or supernatural means

This gets a thumbs up from me. I love the Creature Commandos or the Howling Commandos led by Blade in "Ultimate Spider-Man".


ArticulateT's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
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I once had an idea for a

I once had an idea for a villain group back in CoV. Called the Rogue Isles Movie Studios, it would be a group of villains who record and edit their exploits for the enjoyment of other villains, who, if they were feeling up to it, would co-star in these endeavours and would help make a name for themselves.

Want to rise through the ranks? For a nominal fee and a sign of this waiver, we'll set you up with an appointment with Statesman. When you win your fight (You ARE going to win, aren't you?) we'll compile the footage into a short film and throw in some music to back it up!

I do a DnD Podcast, which can be listened to here.

Additionally, I write up my sessions of a Teen Heroes game here.

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 08/27/2014 - 18:25
In COH all of my toons were

In COH all of my toons were in a group called the Knights of Saint George.
The founder of the knights was The Last Crusader.
The HQ was called the Crusader's Castle
We had a Chaplin who was an Empathy/Sonic defender named Father William
The group was Catholic.
You didn't have to be Catholic to be in the group, but you had to be cool with that, so you couldn't be anti-catholic.

The group had a history that did not fit in to COH game lore. (As I've said before, game lore just got in the way of the game I was playing inside my head.) Instead of Paragon City my group was set in Technopolis, a city built on the ruins of Norfolk Virginia, after WWII. The Knights were first assembled to fight off a Nazi invasion that destroyed the old city. I had created Technopolis years earlier and used it in my PnP games.

I was the only player in the group.
I only made the group so I could play with the base creator.
This made it difficult to get my toons into the group.
I'd keep having to get people to join just for a short while so they could invite a few of my toons, then they'd leave.
I would've preferred if I could send my new toons a group invite through in game mail.
Or better yet, if I had the option, on creating a new toon, to join any super group one of my other toons was leader of.
A nice perk for group leaders and officers.

Tannim222's picture
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We definitely intend to

We definitely intend to support players creating a super team based off of their global account if they so desire. With the option to opt in or not to opt into the global's super team by individual character.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Nyktos's picture
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Terrorists: Self-explanatory,

Terrorists: Self-explanatory, a villain group that has a lot of metahumans with destructive powers or humans that specialize in explosive/destructive weapons

Ancients: Old monstrous entities with exponentially destructive powers, capable of leveling cities (Giant Boss level mobs)

Terror Team: teams of sadistic serial killers (that are usually metahuman) that if sited in a city block or area civilians are required to evacuate from that encompassing radius immediately

Street Cleaners/Third-Party Funded Special Op Teams: Teams of trained vigilantes usually seen in combat with Terror Teams, gangs, villains, and on rare occasions...heroes

Phalanx: Team of heroes, occasionally used to combat Terror Teams and villains

Alien Invasion Squad: self-explanatory

I will admit I pulled two of these ideas from the Worm superhero/villain verse (because my god do you not want to be a civilian in that verse)

Formerly known as Bleddyn

[url=]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]

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Fire Away
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Silver Age Over the Hill Gang

Silver Age Over the Hill Gang: Still think they look great in spandex (And get offa my lawn).

Heroics (Dirty Deeds) Incorporated: Pay us and we will come through for you!

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
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Fire Away wrote:
Fire Away wrote:

Heroics (Dirty Deeds) Incorporated: Pay us and we will come through for you!

Here's what you gotta do
Pick up the phone, I'm always home
Call me any time
Just ring 36 24 36 hey
I lead a life of crime

Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap

JayBezz's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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While hilarious,

While hilarious,

I am so wary of how much "humor" is suggested in the game.I like comedy and all but when it comes to the game itself I hope it takes its lore more seriously. A comedic drama at best..

Crowd Control Enthusiast

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 08/27/2014 - 18:25
Just like the comic books I

Just like the comic books I enjoy, I hope it's mostly serious but once in a while there's a whole story done just for laughs.

Here's some advice I offered about funny villains in my game, Super Crusaders. Edited for the purposes of this forum:

Think about the comics you've read where the bad guys were funny. You had a good laugh reading them, but did the hero have any fun? No he didn't. That doesn't mean this can never work, but you have to be really careful using funny villains because they stop being funny really fast, especially once players take damage. The best way to handle them is to make sure the players aren't the butts of the joke. Let the villain be funny enough that he doesn't have to belittle the heroes. And funny attacks should always cause Status Effects, not Damage!

Fire Away
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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

While hilarious,
I am so wary of how much "humor" is suggested in the game.I like comedy and all but when it comes to the game itself I hope it takes its lore more seriously. A comedic drama at best..

Why so serious JayBezz? Actually, I think you are probably right when it comes to canon lore. But with supergroups in a video game where the objective is to have some fun I can see a little more latitude on the humorous side. Besides, there are lots of wisecracking heroes and to a lesser extent villains out there in comic-land. But to each his (her) own. No question about it.

Greyhawk's picture
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

We definitely intend to support players creating a super team based off of their global account if they so desire. With the option to opt in or not to opt into the global's super team by individual character.

This would be superlative!

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Demrius's picture
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How about a music based group

How about a music based group with some one from each styles of singing, like ranged are heavy metal, the tanks could be classic hip hop, controllers, classic boy band, ( insync, backstreet boyz.), melee dmg powers could be like opera, and I guess you could fit pop and country in there some where. they all have microphone emblems..

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
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what a horrible sound they

what a horrible sound they would make together.
it would be better to have several different musical groups each with it's own style.

Demrius's picture
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I think it could sound good

I think it could sound good if done right..

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

sev171's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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A group of scientists that

A group of scientists that captures meta-humans and drains their power in order to augment themselves with powers. They'd each have powers from multiple power sets.

sev171's picture
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Demrius wrote:
Demrius wrote:

How about a music based group with some one from each styles of singing, like ranged are heavy metal, the tanks could be classic hip hop, controllers, classic boy band, ( insync, backstreet boyz.), melee dmg powers could be like opera, and I guess you could fit pop and country in there some where. they all have microphone emblems..

+1 could be really cool to hear all of these styles harmonized

Demrius's picture
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I mean the Gorillaz is pretty

I mean the Gorillaz is pretty good, they have a mix of all types of music.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

whiteperegrine's picture
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a group of heroes who

a group of heroes, and villains, who narrowly escaped an imploding world due to the callous actions of a faceless corporation hell bent on chasing the all mighty dollar. facing a new world these bond to become a team of superheroes dedicating to saving the world, while those of a more nefarious nature steal off one night to take advantage of their new found freedom. they all face the trials and tribulations of being forced to work off the grid, as they are not from this world initially, and the potential to face off against themselves dependant on what choices their mirror selves have taken on this new world....



ArticulateT's picture
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I'm really waiting for the

I'm really waiting for the nigh-obligatory Super High School group, as I feel that it's part of the bucket list of things I have yet to accomplish in any given Superhero MMO.

I do a DnD Podcast, which can be listened to here.

Additionally, I write up my sessions of a Teen Heroes game here.

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

We definitely intend to support players creating a super team based off of their global account if they so desire. With the option to opt in or not to opt into the global's super team by individual character.

I never even thought of that as a viable option but I would love something like this. Would it show how much you as a global name contributed(prestige or whatever the case is) to the group or just the individual characters? And would your global be the name that shows up on the ranking system or would it again be the individual characters names?

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Foradain's picture
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ArticulateT wrote:
ArticulateT wrote:

I'm really waiting for the nigh-obligatory Super High School group, as I feel that it's part of the bucket list of things I have yet to accomplish in any given Superhero MMO.


Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Redlynne's picture
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ArticulateT wrote:
ArticulateT wrote:

I'm really waiting for the nigh-obligatory Super High School group, as I feel that it's part of the bucket list of things I have yet to accomplish in any given Superhero MMO.


[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Brand X
Brand X's picture
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ArticulateT wrote:
ArticulateT wrote:

I'm really waiting for the nigh-obligatory Super High School group, as I feel that it's part of the bucket list of things I have yet to accomplish in any given Superhero MMO.

Only bad part about that, is your character grows up and do you have them leave the group you started or not? :p

ArticulateT's picture
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Just start them at the age of

Just start them at the age of 16 or something a little younger. Then you have a few years to figure that out.

I do a DnD Podcast, which can be listened to here.

Additionally, I write up my sessions of a Teen Heroes game here.

Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
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Nothing like Skye High,

Nothing like Skye High, though. "This week, in Math class, we cover Block Transfer. Androids and other robotic students will be working on alternative lessons."

And SHACC... Skye High Alien Control Commander. Little old man who sat behind a low Japanese table, sipping tea. Always. No matter when you dropped by. Never got up to use the bathroom. Just drank tea. And the rest of the faculty were pretty much scared to death of him.

The underground train station which was done entirely in bathroom tile. Floors, ceiling, walls, doors, all of it. We all worried why.

The parking lot which was a simple white box painted on the asphalt. Anything parked outside the box would be removed. Not towed, just removed.

Best TFOS game ever.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Cavalier's picture
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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

While hilarious,
I am so wary of how much "humor" is suggested in the game.I like comedy and all but when it comes to the game itself I hope it takes its lore more seriously. A comedic drama at best..

So, I'm not allowed to pick on Sarge anymore?

Brand X
Brand X's picture
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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

While hilarious,
I am so wary of how much "humor" is suggested in the game.I like comedy and all but when it comes to the game itself I hope it takes its lore more seriously. A comedic drama at best..


ArticulateT's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

JayBezz wrote:
While hilarious,
I am so wary of how much "humor" is suggested in the game.I like comedy and all but when it comes to the game itself I hope it takes its lore more seriously. A comedic drama at best..


Double agreed. It was quite hard to find anything compelling in Champions with all that comedy around, which was kind of a major contrast to the source material, come to think of it.

I do a DnD Podcast, which can be listened to here.

Additionally, I write up my sessions of a Teen Heroes game here.

Fallout1's picture
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I had started a group called

I had started a group called The 52 (not to be confused with the DC story). The members were all different playing cards. I had the leader, Ace of Spades, Jack of Clubs, and 2 of Diamonds. Left things open for powers, just wanted to keep to the black white and red color scheme.

Comicsluvr's picture
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I had a Mastermind named

I had a Mastermind named Major M.E.N.A.C.E. who ran an organization called (you guessed it) M.E.N.A.C.E. It stands for Mean, Evil, Nasty And Cruel to Everyone. The Major was a complete nutball villain with delusions of grandeur. I designed a story arc on the AE that involved him trying to take over the city (again) and even his back-story was funny in that tragic, creepy, Joker-esque sort of way. His minions were described as 'zombie robot cowboy ninjas'.

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Hatut Zeraze
Hatut Zeraze's picture
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Demrius wrote:
Demrius wrote:

How about a music based group with some one from each styles of singing, like ranged are heavy metal, the tanks could be classic hip hop, controllers, classic boy band, ( insync, backstreet boyz.), melee dmg powers could be like opera, and I guess you could fit pop and country in there some where. they all have microphone emblems..

Some friends and I started a group in CO that didn't end up going anywhere, but I loved the concept: every character had to be inspired by a band or a specific song. That would be fun.

Fireheart's picture
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I was and still am in the

I was and still am in the Legion of Catgirls.

Be Well!

Fallout1's picture
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I once tried to start a

I once tried to start a themed group called The Arsenal where each character would have some sort of weapon in their name. Like I had my blaster character Warhead. It leaves things pretty wide open.

Fallout1's picture
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In my RPG days playing

In my RPG days playing Villians & Vigilanties, I came up with a religious based super group where the members felt their powers were gifts from God and and were brought together with this common thread. I started with characters based on christian rock bands. I had Petra, a stone skinned brute, White Heart, an emotion controller, and Stryper, a hero that could shoot both yellow and black bands of energy the yellow being sort of laser like and the black being more of an energy drain. Then I added a female named Guardian Angel.