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The Feel of a Powerset

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Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 07/22/2014 - 22:17
The Feel of a Powerset

Not 100% sure this hasn't been brought up yet, but this is something I think is important.

There were certain ranged damage power-sets in CoH/V that lent themselves to certain playstyles. Some were "Spamm all the things!" Others were, "Prioritize targets by threat." There were a few others.

I personally loved my Dark/Dark corrupter. The feel that game me was "Make sure you're where you need to be." between the large numbers of cones and the PBAoE heal from Miasma, I was bouncing all over the field of battle, and loved it.

What are some other combinations that led you to love a particular toon, or some other combinations that you would like to see?

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Plexius's picture
Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
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I never got into Blasters or

I never got into Blasters or Corruptors too much, but I dabbled a bit in both. Defenders were more my thing.

My favorite Blaster was my [url=]Beam[/url]/[url=]Energy[/url] Blaster. He was a single-target specialist unlike anything I had ever seen, and he was the only character I ever found a good use of a snipe power with. Disintegrate + Piercing Beam + Penetrating Ray under the effects of a damage buff could drop purple bosses in seconds. Overcharge provided a decent AoE when the team needed it most.

I also had an [url=]Archery[/url]/[url=]Energy[/url] Blaster that I never leveled very far, and she was different. She would hover around the battlefield to line up AoE's and deliver a steady stream of damage at a safe distance. I guess she was your typical Hover Blaster™. She was much less effective at eliminating hard targets but better at wearing down entire mobs and continuously picking off weakened enemies.

Of course, I think every character had their own specialties. It was one of the beautiful things about CoX. You could build for how you liked to play and still be an asset to a team.

EDIT: Spelling.

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I was a huge fan of blapping.

I was a huge fan of blapping... I mean, I loved it for that reason though, I mean, my death doesn't penalize the team, but I got good at jumping into the fray with the blaster, jumping towards the healer or buffer. I flew, ALL the time near the end.

One thing I want for this would be some auto jump techniques that let you lunge forward or back based on the direction your facing, it would allow for quicker bouncy style...Fire toggle at the end, and now looking at Hybrid Incarnate could have gone more awesome. I also wished they would have made something for a scrapper who was already really good to branch our more, so the plan right now seems to be good for my near/far idea. Setting off nukes, throwing down blue insps...

I miss some of the old mechanics that got swapped out for blasters. When Defiance was based on your hitpoints, I could survive at red for SOOOOOOOO long... But so could a lot of others... It was kind of fun and insane and my friends made fun of it XD

Tobias was great at doing lots of damage and his range was used as introduction powers before I dove in with spines and stuff. Gold-Fire was Energy/Energy, no explosion power, but I still think I did well with my builds...

Winter's picture
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I loved my Ice/Ice/Cold

I loved my Ice/Ice/Cold blaster the most. The amount of control he was able to administer was a thing of beauty, paling only to the hard hits that followed from his ST blasts.

But there is something to be said for my Energy/Energy/Force blaster. "Oh, you want to get up in my face, close range? 'Power Push!' *waves bye bye* Oh, you too? 'Power Thrust!' *waves again* Oh ALL of you want to dog pile me? 'Energy Torrent' suckas!" Basically, the knockback was my favorite part. I know many melee players hated it, but I got the utmost joy in sending enemies flying into walls/away from me rag-doll style.

[size=15][b][i]A cold front is heading toward Titan City[/i][/b][/size]
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Closest I got to a Blaster

Closest I got to a Blaster was ... a Huntsman ... as you can see [url=]here[/url] ... who also doubled as a Crab Soldier. Ah ... Leggs ... how I miss you!

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

McBoo's picture
Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
Joined: 12/06/2014 - 14:03
I am with MindLeader on this,

I am with MindLeader on this, I loved my blappers! I had an Energy/Energy but my favorite was Storm Raven, my Electric/Electric/Electric blapper. He started out as a typical blaster and then at about level 12 or so I respec'd him into a blapper just to see what all the fuss was about. It turned out to be a better fit for me since I prefer the up close and personal approach. He was awesome before they added the Ancillary Powers but after that he became downright scary! I could charge into a group, take down their hardest hitter in two quick attacks and keep the whole group drained of of endurance while I finished them off!

"All things being even, I'll take impossible odds."

- Crash MacTavish

Empyrean's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
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My favorite play-style was a

My favorite playstyle was a Scrankster!

My main, Empyrean, was a Fire Tank with Energy Melee and the Fire Mastery Ancillary with the Pyronic Judgement. I could tank competently, put out bursts of Melee damage that a Scrapper would respect (bursts, mind you. I couldn't keep it up like a Scrapper), and in a pinch occasionally put out bursts of ranged damage that a Blaster wouldn't exactly respect but wouldn't sneeze at either.

This was the AMAZING freedom + game balance that CoH had.

I could tank with bursts of scrapping and less frequent but still awesome bursts of blasting. NOT like CO where you just can do it all constantly and so roles become meaningless. You still had to pick your primary role in CoH, but you could at least get an occasional taste of another role, and had that ace there when needed--which really made you feel powerful and super--but you couldn't fully step into another role.

Looks like CoT will have this feel. And I can't frikkin wait!

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
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I had a number of blasters

I had a number of blasters though overall they were in the minority among my characters, three standout to me. The first was the first one I really enjoyed after several failed tries at blasters, Soulfire Lily. A Fire/Energy who was definitely a blapper. Open at range with Fireball then as she closed using her increasingly shorter blasts until she got to the boss and laid into him with Bone Smasher. Next was a dedicated team with friends all of us AR/Devices whose name was Agent Topaz, hallways with 40+ tripmines and pulling entire rooms into the carnage fun! And last was a Electric/Fire blaster, Fused Response, an end hogging, glass jawed (initially .. had S/L capped build in the works at sunset) , PBAoE and melee AoE machine of destruction.

Izzy's picture
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Doomguide wrote:
Doomguide wrote:

... Next was a dedicated team with friends all of us AR/Devices whose name was Agent Topaz, hallways with 40+ tripmines and pulling entire rooms into the carnage fun! ...

oh Gawd... i just hated manually setting all those tripmines. If only the Tripmine power was actually a Toggle, and when i turned it on.. a pet like robot (zig zags like the Roomba) would randomly place the tripmines by itself... until i UnToggled the Tripmine power, then he diss-apears. :)
And if you're bored, highlight an already placed tripmine and be able to slightly move* it, limited by a certain distance from original placed position though.

Mendicant's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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I do miss playing my Elec

I do miss playing my Elec/ELec/Elec blapper. There was just something so satisfying about leaping into the middle of a crowd, taking away all of their endurance and then socking them in the jaw.

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 01/14/2014 - 21:05
He he, yeah normal placing

He he, yeah normal placing more than one or two tripmines even when solo or playing with one or two friends who were willing to take the time while one placed the mines was a rare thing. But on this team since we were all AR/Dev it almost became a little mini game of who could get the most placed (about 16) before they started to expire or what patterns we could get down while one of us worked on pulling the room etc.

Empyrean's picture
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My brother and I used to duo

My brother and I used to duo, with me on a scrapper and him on a AR/Devices Blaster. While still leveling one time we hit a Master Illisionist Elite Boss that we just couldn't kill--untill my brother used Hasten and Trip Mines to stack about 10 mines right on top of eachother. I pulled her into them and it one hit her. We cackled for 15 minutes and never forgot that mission.

Good times, good times. That game knew how to let you have FUN.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:53
Much like empyrean's

Much like empyrean's scrankster, my main was a bit of a wildcard. He was a dark/dark/elec blaster, and I don't care what people said about the lack of synergy with the dark/dark set, I had a power for every occasion! 3 melee single target, 3 melee AoE, 3 range single targets, 3 ranged AoE, top it off with a nova (preceded by that PBAoE dark damage siphon thing) and I could knock the groups down very quickly. With the electric Ancillary, I had a defensive toggle (which, seemed to me to be equal to like 2 or 3 scrapper secondary toggles), my most powerful AoE power, my most powerful hold and of course, top that off with a MoG power. The toggle and MoG made me pretty tough!

I of course slotted a lot of hold power into my dark hold and electric hold (the dark hold did a TON of damage as well), used a few of those rare/unique inventions to give my other ranged single targets a hold chance, slotted my incarnate alpha to do hold/damage and the interface had an immob. With all the hold, my wife and I ran ITF duo and at the end, she tanked all the nictus while I kept Rom Perma-Held to death!

The holds, immob procs and accuracy debuff (dark ability's secondary effect), I was very defensive while still dishing out damage like a respectable blaster :-) Between nova buffed with that dark PBAoE (supernova!) and the fire judgement incarnate power, I only had to fight bosses (which were always held) and every third group (while my two novas we on CD)

Oh and I almost forgot! The Incarnate Destiny power allowed me to pump my endurance back to full after a nova, which effectively eliminates the drawback to just running in and nova charging a group.

I loved that level of split focus, turning a blaster into a pretty tough and very controlly character! (I could do all parts of the Hamidon on one toon! Not at the same time of course)

Izzy's picture
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thormaeb wrote:
thormaeb wrote:

Oh and I almost forgot! The Incarnate Destiny power allowed me to pump my endurance back to full after a nova, which effectively eliminates the drawback to just running in and nova charging a group.
I loved that level of split focus, turning a blaster into a pretty tough and very controlly character! (I could do all parts of the Hamidon on one toon! Not at the same time of course)

Which build surprised me?
You wont believe this but it was a Warshade. I've never seen anyone do what this guy did with his Warshade, ever. I was in a group doing the Council Farm in PI and he was taking down group after group without really resting much after. The Fire/Kin Farmer on team was getting upset. ;D
I sure would have liked to have learned how he did that with a Warshade, and what kind of Enhancements he used... and his attack chain. and... etc.. ;)

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
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I never managed to get a

I never managed to get a higher level Warshade but I'd hazard to guess he had high recharge to get Quasar and his other heavy hitters back up quickly plus made liberal use of Stygian Circle. The later enabling him to pretty much refill his health and end bars completely from each spawn as he destroyed them. And yeah first time I was ever on a team with a Warshade doing similar it was amazing to say the least. I remember the first time he did it I wasn't facing him or the spawn (chasing a runner or something) and heard a 'Nova' go off without knowing which of my two teammates it was. In the brief seconds between me noting the effect and looking at their bars to see who/what had happened I couldn't tell as both their bars were essentially filled. It was my intoduction to Stygian Circle.

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As soon as my Warshade hit 22

As soon as my Warshade hit 22, I too discovered Stygian Circle. It completely changed how I viewed Ms Terry ... my Warshade. She was a NECROMANCER!

I even got to play a Dr Q TF with none other than "MFing Warshade" guide writer Dechs Kaison while playing Ms Terry. I had to "apologize" to Dechs that my build wasn't yet complete (I needed the Merits to buy recipes) and some of my powers were missing enhancements. He graciously said to not sweat it and we started facerolling through [b]Shop. Save. Rularuu.[/b]

So there's Ms Terry, not even at "full power" curb stomping her way through Rularuu as a tri-former and after a particularly brutal beatdown, I let off with my battlecry.

[b][i]Your soul is my chewtoy![/i][/b]

Next thing I see in the chat is Dechs saying, "MFing Warshade indeed!"

Remembering that still makes me chuckle. ^_~

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Nyktos's picture
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The Mastermind sets were

The Mastermind sets were pretty fun for the most part. I cannot find any other MMO with a pet class/archetype that was that enjoyable (despite all the pathfinding issues and squishiness of the Mastermind his/herself).

I especially enjoyed the Necromancer set and every single necromancer class I have tried since then was hugely disappointing as they usually would restrict you too one single undead pet....or 4 really bad looking ones (Guild Wars 2 disappointed me so much with the pets. The only one I liked was the Flesh Golem)

I regret not trying Warshade before I left CoX. Just watching that archetype fight was enjoyable

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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White_Glint's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 week ago
Joined: 02/24/2016 - 10:58
I went through SO many

I went through SO many prototype characters that were mixed with Dual pistols it wasn't even funny until I finally was happy with DP/Devices for Blaster along with Munitions mastery! I'll keep this short...

The Blaster class for me was my ace out of all my other characters! I could keep a long distance and fire rounds in crowds of enemies along with the added effects of the swap ammo! Though I THINK I altered my character so he'd have an escape button and power to back it up if I got in a bad spot which honestly, I rarely did. To tell the truth, the only times I was in a bad spot was on Incarnate missions, those I had to actually try on...But anyway, even though I was a little idiot back then, I have to admit, I built my DP/Device Blaster with Munitions mastery and the final tier or whatever they were called for Incarnate powers! I also made my own style of the DP power! I never kept to just the fire type ammo, I kept swapping ammo every shot and got deadly results!

Fireheart's picture
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I always enjoyed a more even

I always enjoyed a more even pace, where I could examine my opponent and plan his defeat by drawing him away from his strong positions. So I played Tankers, Controllers, and Defenders, most often. Occasionally I'd get into a faster paced, more aggressive team, which was exciting, but sometimes exhausting. Although, a good team could make that Work really well.

I loved the way my Mind Controller could slip into some radical stronghold and dance through the place, leaving nothing behind to show her passage, but the bodies of the arrested. My Dark/Dark Defender would lay out her traps and lure brave warriors into screaming panic, shooting blind in the dark. And my Invulnerability/Energy Melee Tanker would show them all his shining white uniform, taunt them with a mocking smile, and grind them down with fists of light.

In all cases, I enjoyed being able to Move, to maneuver, pulling my opponent into situations where I was strong. Drawing them together into a tight cluster, where area effects and debuffs could ruin their days, and they interfered with each other, so they couldn't hurt me as much. Using speed and mobility to turn a large cluster of mobs into a long stream and then feeding that stream into my team's killing zone. Tactics, strategy, and forcing the opponent to defeat himself - That was fun for me.

Be Well!

Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
Joined: 08/28/2014 - 03:08
I believe that my absolute

I believe that my absolute favorite team oriented toon, was 'Deception- she was a kinetic/ice defender. I always loved being up in front, helping the melee, between Fulcrum shift, SB, and transfusion, no matter the difficulty I could keep our rooted tank alive and strong. The ice secondary was a great debuff, with a sniper like attack with blast, however it was much shorter in range, but couldn't be interrupted. Being that back then, I played on satellite internet, the ice was best for me, with latency and lag. The ice debuffs, holds and immobiles, the fast attack rates then coupled with the buffs and debuffs of kinetics, it was AWESOME! Super fun to play, and it kept me super busy which I have always loved. I left my super speed on thru battle, so i could zip around between powers and toss off heals to my 7 teammates and pets. I took the power pool that gave the minor rez power, in case we did not have a member with rez, (usu a pet wound up gaining aggro from another group, and its owner took the heat-damn those fire imps! If the imps didn't knock you off of a ledge first!). I thoroughly enjoyed the Target AoE powers. When I wanted to make influence, I ran my 'Destiny- a super strength/will power tank in AE missions, ramping up my difficulty to max, and offering 1mil each to players to join my team to ramp up my diff even more. Due to my extreme resist of psionics, i had a favored AE quest. A nice square, that I could round up and herd them and "eventually" defeat them. Then i would trade AE tickets for recipes etc, and sell them. And of course, another toon i loved playing was the MM, and my favorite was the one with the animals, the wolves, cougars, and lone dire wolf. Of course, since I had been playing the ENTIRE time the game was online, one of my VIP/Veterans rewards was for the panther travel power, which fit that MM perfectly. I miss holding costume contests and biography contests in Atlas Park. I miss the raids and sg raids. I miss the holiday events, and ritki invasions. I miss how immediate the devs and mngmt team responses were with problems-i find it difficult in current games, to find that fast response. I miss the ToT, and costumes to collect. I miss having access to every power you own, with a click of a button, right there, ready to be used (no switching out the loads like in most current games). I miss the rez's, or awakens, which many current games don't have (or there is a time limit). I miss not having the "cooldowns/recharge" on inspirations/potions. I miss the teaming and the comraderie. I miss the friends I made, and the home I lived in for nearly a decade, my IG home. The place like no other, where I could escape from troubles of RL. I miss the dance club, which also held events. I miss the VIP rewards that we received, for choosing to be a P2P, even when the game went F2P. It was a great feeling to be rewarded for loyalty. During my "life" with CoH/CoV, I never strayed. The game had so much content, I never felt the need. Nowadays, I have yet to find another game which I could call/feel home. I have tried many games, and I've yet to find the game with substance. I feel that CoH/CoV is a difficult act to follow and eagerly await for CoT. I have convinced my boyfriend to join me on CoT, altho it will be tough to tear him away from Pantheon, if Pantheon is released first... HURRY!!! (Don't fear, my feminine wiles will do the trick) ---PS. I am always looking for former CoH/CoV to chat with, so look me up sometime in Neverwinter Online- at "angel2fury" Guild member- Infernal Paragons (yes, I like the Paragon reference) and we play H1Z1 and many others, just waiting for our new game to be released...


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I lost count of how many

I lost count of how many times I rerolled Rotten Luck. There was the Zombie Mastermind, the dark blaster, the Axe (shovel) tank, but it wasn't till they came out with Street Justice / Willpower brute that I found the powerset that FIT. That was the ideal powerset for Rotten and I took him to 50 and beyond.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Lothic's picture
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RottenLuck wrote:
RottenLuck wrote:

I lost count of how many times I rerolled Rotten Luck. There was the Zombie Mastermind, the dark blaster, the Axe (shovel) tank, but it wasn't till they came out with Street Justice / Willpower brute that I found the powerset that FIT. That was the ideal powerset for Rotten and I took him to 50 and beyond.

I had a couple of characters over the years that I re-rolled when new powersets were introduced to the game but I never really got rid of the originals. I just rationalized that the new versions were in "alternate universes" or whatever.

The main thing that usually kept me from completely deleting an original character in favor of a new one were the badges. I was enough of a badge collector that I hated the idea of a "reimagined" character not having the same time-based anniversary and/or event badges my original had just because the game didn't have powerset X or Y until 5 or 6 years after launch.

This is why I have suggested the idea for CoT that all "real world" badges (in other words badges that are based on real world events like holidays or game anniversaries) be account based instead of character based. That way if you've been playing CoT for say 5 years your account badge list would reflect every event badge that you got during that time without having to worry about those kinds of badges being "trapped" on old characters. The net result of all this would be that we'd be more free to re-roll an old character without having to worry about any time-limited badges that would no longer be obtainable. When you think about it the "real world" badges have more to do with what you did as the player than they do with any single individual character anyway - it's not like your Captain Awesome Guy has any concept that he's actually a fictional character in a computer game that's been around for X number of arbitrary years.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Oh, I didn't quite get rid of

Oh, I didn't quite get rid of the other versions of Rotten. I just moved them to other servers!

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Lothic's picture
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RottenLuck wrote:
RottenLuck wrote:

Oh, I didn't quite get rid of the other versions of Rotten. I just moved them to other servers!

Sure there was always that. I was just pointing out that if the badge thing wasn't a concern then it would have been easier for some people to make a full jump from playing one version of a character to another.

Actually since CoT is supposed to be going with the "single megaserver" approach it might not be quite as easy to "archive" an old version of a character like that. I know the global naming system will allow us to have any character names we want but will it allow for having two identically named characters on the same account?

It'll be interesting to see how we'll be able to handle these issues in CoT.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Mendicant's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

RottenLuck wrote:
Oh, I didn't quite get rid of the other versions of Rotten. I just moved them to other servers!
Sure there was always that. I was just pointing out that if the badge thing wasn't a concern then it would have been easier for some people to make a full jump from playing one version of a character to another.

The badge thing was a concern to me, too. Which is why I completely agree that player-related badges like anniversaries be account-based rather than character-based.

Lothic wrote:

Actually since CoT is supposed to be going with the "single megaserver" approach it might not be quite as easy to "archive" an old version of a character like that. I know the global naming system will allow us to have any character names we want but will it allow for having two identically named characters on the same account?
It'll be interesting to see how we'll be able to handle these issues in CoT.

I suspect that having two identically named characters on the same account won't be possible. I could be wrong, and if I am I'm sure someone will correct me, but I believe that the combined 'Name@accoutnname' is a unique identifier, much as just the name was in CoH. If so, then duplicate character names on the same account wouldn't be possible.

Now, if they decide to assign a randomly generated unique code to each character and use that as a unique identifier, that would work as far as the back end goes. There still might be problems with other players being able to make the distinction with regard to mail, SG invites, etc.

Lothic's picture
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Mendicant wrote:
Mendicant wrote:

I suspect that having two identically named characters on the same account won't be possible. I could be wrong, and if I am I'm sure someone will correct me, but I believe that the combined 'Name@accoutnname' is a unique identifier, much as just the name was in CoH. If so, then duplicate character names on the same account wouldn't be possible.

Now, if they decide to assign a randomly generated unique code to each character and use that as a unique identifier, that would work as far as the back end goes. There still might be problems with other players being able to make the distinction with regard to mail, SG invites, etc.

Yeah my "question" about having identically named characters on the same account was mostly rhetorical in nature because I pretty much assume it will not be possible. Even if the game generates a separate unique tag as a character's true system identifier it probably still won't allow us to have duplicate local names just to prevent any unforeseen problems that might cause, not the least of which might even be for griefing/trolling issues.

So that leaves us with how we might be able to "archive" any old or re-rolled characters in CoT. Without other servers to move them to I guess we might be forced to rename old characters so that we can recycle their names for new characters. Not that big a deal assuming that it doesn't cost too much (or anything) to simply rename a character. Here's hoping they'll allow us to have a YUUUGGE number of character slots on this one mega-server.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Joined: 09/26/2013 - 11:27
Oh yes. I may not be the most

Oh yes. I may not be the most prolific alt-aholic, but I have dozens of characters I want to make. Some from CoH, some new that I've come up with since then.

RottenLuck's picture
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I was never a big badger

I was never a big badger anyway. Still I agree that badges that you can't get in the game world (location and such) should be account based like the anniversaries.

That is a good point about the same name for more than one version of a character on an account. Even in the RP I bounce from the Brute version to a Necromancer version depending on the story need. So I can see me doing the same in game.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Radiac's picture
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The two toons I had that

The two toons I had that required the most distinct styles were Radiac, the Rad/Rad defender, who basically just putt he debuff AoE anchors on the Boss every time, and my Kin/Electric sapper Defender, originally names Arc Angel, then changed to SlylArc due to CoX legally-required name nerfing. My Peacebringer was parobably worht mention here too, as he was strictly human form only. No Crab, no Squid, never.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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Joined: 08/22/2013 - 05:26
Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Actually since CoT is supposed to be going with the "single megaserver" approach it might not be quite as easy to "archive" an old version of a character like that. I know the global naming system will allow us to have any character names we want but will it allow for having two identically named characters on the same account?

Probably not - but I guess it ultimately comes down to how characters are stored in the database. You might have to change the "old" character's name slightly first, then roll the new character and use the original name, or use something else to distinguish it. For instance, I had several versions of the same robotic character with MK I, MK II, MK III, and so on. I even had a "Warborn" and a futuristic "Warborn 2099". But in any case the ability to rename characters might allow for some kind of archiving.

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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 00:27
Interdictor wrote:
Interdictor wrote:

Probably not - but I guess it ultimately comes down to how characters are stored in the database.

Yeah once again that was mostly a rhetorical question. This is what happens when you respond to earlier posts without considering what the most recent posts say. ;)

Interdictor wrote:

You might have to change the "old" character's name slightly first, then roll the new character and use the original name, or use something else to distinguish it. For instance, I had several versions of the same robotic character with MK I, MK II, MK III, and so on. I even had a "Warborn" and a futuristic "Warborn 2099". But in any case the ability to rename characters might allow for some kind of archiving.

One important point to consider is that under the CoT global naming system individual character names are no longer going to be quite as "special" as they used to be so it should not cost much if anything to change them.

Think of it this way: In CoH everyone had to have unique names on the server so it made sense that to change a name was a relatively big deal that required you to buy a [url=]Character Rename token[/url]. But now in CoT character names are no longer so special (because technically everyone could have their own "Captain Awesome" or whatever) so the idea of needing formalized Character Rename tokens almost seems pointless. Basically the folks at MWM can't really justify charging much (if anything) for renames if character names are no longer unique on the server.

Perhaps this'll mean it'll be much easier (and/or cheaper) to change names when needed. I guess we'll see.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012