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Incidental Icarus Anachronism Incident(Open Steampunk RP)

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Incidental Icarus Anachronism Incident(Open Steampunk RP)

A large distinctly wedge shaped brass ship, roughly the size of a small battleship, fell through a swirling portal over Liberty Harbor. The green, purple and orange vortex winked out as soon as the brass ship soared through it. Two large 'pontoons, roughly the size of a civilian sail boat, issued green vapors that quickly turned white and disappeared. Glass panels could bee seen shattered, showing large spiraling green and gold devices, two paralell on each side, and a jet directly behind those spirals.

The ship continued to fall, somewhat controlled, turning towards Victory Beach as two of the jets on the Starboard (Right) side turned and issued a jet of green and orange flame. Ports on the lower decks were closing and broken glass covered by thick brass plates moving into place.

Inside the ship Aaron Thorn frantically moved around the bridge, lifting a martian off of a broken bit of the console and placing his robotic hand onto the green rock encrusted joy stick.

"Oh get out of the way Truffle! No, you're fine Shitake." Aaron nodded towards a martian working under another station nearby as he grabbed the flexible rubber tube to the 'comm system' "We've made it through... whatever that was! We're going down, prepare for a water landing! All bulkheads seem to be holding!" He reported before letting go.

The front of the ship had a gaping whole in it where the window of the officers dining hall had been blown out by weapon fire, the scene disappeared as four brass plates slid into place and sealed just as the ship cleaved into the water.

As the ship rocked and settled in the water the brass dome openned, segmented brass slats that made up the bridge shielding openned and settled into place rapped around the base of the dome.

Aaron turned and left dozen or so little green men repairing the consoles in the bridge and moved to the center of the bridge and took the right side of the Autolad down into the lower decks.

"Everyone alright?" Aaron shouted into the engineering section, expecting nothing but martian mental chatter.

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The answering call came not

The answering call came not from below, but above. "Skipper, we've got company coming!" called out Nicole Jones. She looked out with her binocluars at the approaching vessels, small but fast, and with red and blue flashing lights at their bows. The people aboard them were clearly wearing uniforms, armored by the look of them, and most were carrying weapons. On the nearer ones she could see a shield-shaped badge... "I think it's the local constabulary!" She panned up and down the harbor, noting the prevalence of stars and stripes on those vessels which bore standards, though with too many stars... "We may be in America! Sort of."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Xselcier's picture
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An irritated voice with a

An irritated voice with a clear Texas twang rang out from a pile of cloth bags in the officer quarters laundry room, one level down from where Aaron was sitting on the auto-lad. "Consarnit, Doc! What in tarnation did you do?!?" it demanded as the accompanying head poked out of the pile and looked around.

Jeb Tanner got to his feet and recovered his Stetson from the hallway. As he walked over to the auto-lad, he dusted his hat off and smoothly slid it onto his head. Pulling the brim low, he poked his head into the auto-lad shaft and looked up at Thorn. Before he could start chewing on him, Jeb heard Nicole's proclamation about constabulary and possibly being in America. "Well how 'bout that! Let's head fer Texas!"

He jumped onto the other auto-lad platform and rode it up to the observation deck, where he approached Nicole from behind. "Miz Jones." he said with a tip of his hat as he stepped up beside her and pulled a spyglass out of the pocket of his modified duster. He opened it up and took a look at the boats and coastline, his mouth promptly dropping open. "What in the nine hecks of Dante?!"

He then remembered he was in the presence of a lady. "Scuse ma language, Miz Jones."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"Excuse me! I was only trying

"Excuse me! I was only trying to pilot the ship through an impromptu test of a dangerous and untested martian alloy weapon!" Aaron sounded cross as he shouted down at Jeb and shook his head, he jumped off on the officers quarters deck and retrieved his hand canon from the captains quarters before going back up the autolad. He had also managed to find his glasses and hat while he was below deck, placing the latter with his left hand, while the right held onto the autolad handle. He shook his head at the shouts he heard from the rest of the crew.

"American Constabulary? How did we get there? We were just off the Kingdom of Hawaii!" Aaron quirked his eyebrows and poked his head out of the bridge dome to the observation deck. "I certainly hope we're not in the Confederacy... Confederates are still trying to blame me for parts of Arkansas!" He proclaimed, then stopped and wobbled on his feet. "America you said?" He stared and moved to adjust his glasses with his mechanical hand, but ended up breaking them on accident instead from astonishment. There was already a few groups noticing, of course the police force moving towards them, and a few heroes...

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"What in blazes!?" Jeb

"What in blazes!?" Jeb hollered, reflexively drawing his twin Colt steam pistols, as a flying woman in her unmentionables floated past the window. She had started to wave, but when she saw the guns pointed, she smirked saucily and blew a kiss at him. Jeb holstered his pistols and grinned goofily, suddenly remembering that she was his friend. It wasn't until she had been out of sight for several seconds that he shook his head.

"What the... why that brazen hussy! She done muddled ma mind! Where'd she go?" he demanded. Jeb walked over to the door and threw the wheel over, opening the door. As he stepped through the portal, he drew his guns and started to look up... only to promptly bounce off of something hard and unyielding. "Dagummit, who put a wall there?!" he yelled as he reached up to resettle his hat so it wasn't blocking his vision. Once he was finished, he looked up at the wall, only to realize that it was an absolutely enormous man in a gaudy costume who was studying him. Jeb just sighed and looked back through the door. "Hey Doc, ah think ya ought ta see this."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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As the flying people landed,

As the flying people landed, Nicole swung down from the observation deck. Her hand on the grip of her still holstered weapon, she stated, "It's impolite to board a ship without asking permission. Or at least announcing oneself." Her accent wasn't quite Oxford, but definitely British and educated.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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From below came a man dressed

From below came a man dressed in all black with brass buttons. Not an inch of skin showing, his hands in gloves and his head hidden by a brass mask, helmet combo. The eyes of the mask was two reddish gem stones that seem to shine from within. He moved up beside Miss Jones looking at the flying people as well his right hand on the hilt of his saber. "M'lady is correct. Please explain your presence on board this craft." Looking out to the city "And any information you might have on where we are? I don't recognize this city."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Jeb holstered his guns and

Jeb holstered his guns and stood up, dusting himself off as he stared down the giant hero, having to look up to do so. "Ya heard the lady, Tiny. Once Doc gits up here, ah think ya best be apologizin' for boardin' his ship without askin'."

The hero nodded his head to the cowboy, then stepped back so he could take in all three of them. He spoke very correctly, with a distinct but easily understood German accent. "You are correct. I do owe zee skipper of zis fessel an apology, vich I vill render as soon as zey arrive. But please understant zat my partner unt I vere tryink to determine zee reason for zee crash unt if anyone hat been hurt, as vell as vere it is zat you came from. I am Übersoldat unt zis is my partner, Mz. Lightheart."

As Übersoldat spoke, he motioned to the woman who'd encountered Jeb earlier through the window. She was coming in for a landing a few steps away from him. She was a tall, beautiful redhead with a megawatt smile and eyes like brilliant emeralds. Jeb immediately stepped towards her. "Ya painted harlot! Where do ya get off messin' with folks heads like that!?"

As Jeb confronted her, Ms. Lightheart looked over at Übersoldat questioningly. He said something in German and she nodded, then smiled back at Jeb, placing a friendly hand on his shoulder. She pointed to her mouth, then shook her head. Jeb peered hard at her. "Are ya tryin' to tell me ya can't speak?"

Ms. Lightheart held a thumbs up and smiled even wider. She then signed something to Übersoldat in ASL and he looked to Jeb. "Sche voult like to apologize vor usink her powers on you, Herr Cowboy. Sche voult also fery much like to know your name."

As Übersoldat relayed that, Ms. Lightheart winked at Jeb, whose cheeks immediately colored. "Well shoot, marm. 'Twern't no big deal. Ah accept yer apology and my name's Jeb Tanner." he said, finally smiling at her. He then took her hand and kissed it lightly. "It's a pleasure ta meetcha."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"I am Jebediah Sinclair, as

"I am Darryl Sinclair, as for why we are in these waters is kind of clear we crashed. As for how we crashed, well that is for the Skipper to speak about as the good Mr. Tanner stated." Jebediah made a slight bow then. His hand was still on the hilt of his sword.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Aaron gaped for a moment,

Aaron gaped for a moment, then looked down at the deck, which thankfully held because of the boyency of the ship, he was rounding the glass dome of the bridge, astonished by the sight of down town off of their starboard side. He then heard mention of the captain and realized he was needed, perhaps. Aaron walked over, buttoning up his currently blue vest with frayed gold embroidery. He tried putting his glasses back on but he had broken the nose piece... He groaned a bit and with his right hand as he crossed to the others, soldered them back together, pressed the metal between his robotic fingers and when cool put them back on his face.

"Ah, hello, may I ask why you've boarded our ship?" He asked, now that the captain was on this deck again the martians scurried about, five or six pushing a bit of metal that had gone through the observation deck back through. Several others were mending the broken wood. "Oh would you stop for now!" He snapped quietly at the martian crew, they looked up at him with their big black eyes and finished placing the board before running down below deck again, they never broke eye contact either. "As I was saying, I don't mean to seem hostile." He eyed the two quietly then politely stopped, attempting to keep an open mind... "I am Doctor Aaron Thorn, captain of this vessel, forgive me I was a bit in awe of this city..." He offered his right hand, to shake Übersoldat and then Ms. Lightheart.

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"And I'm Nicole Diane Jones."

"And I'm Nicole Diane Jones." She looked over both Ubersoldat and Lightheart. [i]If that woman is wearing a corset, I'll eat it,[/i] she thought, considering what her aunts had thought required apparel for a respectable woman. On the other hand, Nicole wasn't wearing a corset, either. A skirt over her trousers was as far as she'd been willing to go...
"Is that the flag of the United States of America on those vessels?" Way too many stars, even if they did insist on claiming the Confederate states...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Übersoldat and Ms. Lightheart

Übersoldat and Ms. Lightheart both shook Thorn's hand, then Ms. Lightheart went back to flirting with Jeb, which was a bit difficult since she couldn't speak and he didn't understand ASL. Übersoldat continued speaking to Thorn. "First, Keptin, I voult like to apologize for boardink your fessel vithout permission. But as I tolt your crew, my partner unt I vere tryink to determine zee reason for zee crash unt if anyone hat been hurt. Vee vere also curious about vere you came from, exactly. Is all ov your crew accountet for, Keptin?"

When Nicole asked her question, Ms. Lightheart nodded and stepped a little closer to her. Realizing she needed to break this communications block, she pulled out a small device and began typing into it with rapid movements of her thumbs. Once she was finished, the device spoke in a pleasant female voice. "I'm sorry, I don't enjoy using this thing, but sometimes it is necessary. Yes, that is the flag of the United States. Why do you ask?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Nicole was fascinated by the

Nicole was fascinated by the voder, most she had heard before sounded much more ...mechanical. But what was said was more important than how she said it... "Has there been expansion lately, or do the number of stars no longer reflect the number of states?" Her hand had come away from her weapon, indicating she accepted their claim of peaceful intent.

Nicole had learned a bit about the U.S. flag; something that had struck her as unusual about it was that they kept changing it subtly. Originally it had thirteen stripes and thirteen stars. At the time Napoleon the First ruled the French Empire, it had fifteen of each, after two more states had been added. By the time of the seccession of... one of the Carolinas? in 1860, they had thirty-three stars (for thirty-three states) but had gone back to thirteen stripes; when Nicole had been at the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire it had been 38 stars... Those flags had to have much more than forty stars... possibly around fifty...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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"Apology accepted, we've just

"Apology accepted, we've just come out of combat as you can see." He looked about, hoping no one else was left below deck... "Lets see..." He glanced around the ship. "Miss Jones, Mister Sinclair, Mister Tanner..." He frowns... "Oh, I don't see either of the Red brothers..." He frowned... "Though I believe they plummeted before the vortex..." He exhaled slowly... He rubbed his nose and inspected the two of them for a moment.

"It seems those who made it through the vortex are accounted for, though I haven't seen Matsutake..." Aaron looked around, a small martian peaked up from a port hole near by and snatched up a piece of metal, they were still trying to repair the ship with what they had. "Oh there he is." Aaron nodded towards the Martian.

"As for the how of our arrival, I am actually quite uncertain. Last we checked we were fifty leagues south-south-east of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Some pirates had been raiding king Kamehameha the fourth's trade ships..." He frowned quietly and thought a few more moments... "We were attempting to fire a Martian Alloy weapon I had been working on, a device that would have converted the aetheric energy of the green rock into a highly concentrated beam. However somehow when we fired a massive vortex appeared inches off the bow. The Red brothers were firing the canon through the window of the officers dining hall, since I hadn't mounted it on the ship. Obviously it needs more testing." He then glanced at Nicole and blinked, then checked the flag she indicated.

"Oh my, I haven't been away from the states that long have I, how could they have claimed..." He quinted and counted... "Oh! Twenty three new states? Did the confederacy collapse in the last two years?" He blinked.

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Ms. Lightheart cocked her

Ms. Lightheart cocked her head to the side and then began typing again. "The U.S. Flag has had 50 stars since Alaska and Hawaii were admitted to the Union within a few months of each other. That was in 1959 and the flag has not changed since."

She then looked over at Dr. Thorn after his estimation of twenty-three new states being admitted and typed some more. "The last time the United States had 37 states was just before Colorado's admission in August of 1876. When and where are you from?"

As this conversation was going on, Jeb was looking out over the rail of the ship while listening to it. He whistled slowly to himself and wondered what things were like in Texas.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"What I find interesting is

"What I find interesting is that there seems to be people who can fly without any means of gravity manipulation, or thrust. Given the flag is different and somehow the laws of physics are different than what we know, we aren't even on our own world anymore." He looked out to the city "I don't see any air ship docking bays, or repair sites. Thought some of the docks for floating ships might be fit for our use."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"The answer to both the 'when

"The answer to both the 'when' and the 'where' would seem to be 'else', Miss Lightheart. The closest answer I can give you for myself would be Great Britain, Eighteen hundred and Ninety-two. Or at least a version of it." Nicole looked around. "If Mr. Sinclair is correct, we come from what a traveller I once met would call 'a different line in paratime'."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Indeed, though I may not be

"Indeed, though I may not be so quick to suggest our physics are too far off, from one another, as there are still humans... You... Are human, correct? This is earth?" He blinked and stared out at the sky and the water... "And, we may not be the only travellers from our reality to venture this far..."

As bold and daring as every, a small fleet of steam-powered hover crafts were headed their way! The heroes would recognize them as being part of the Aether Pirates, La Cisna's band apparently! Aaron inclined his head towards the approaching ships and waved with his right hand, only to have the middle finger shot off!

"Ow!!" He gasped, drawing his gun, even as steam issued from his missing finger, and returning fire. "Take Cover!" Though he wasn't taking his own advice, rather standing boldly on the deck and firing, he looked absolutely furious, though it was obvious by the diminishing range of his teal lightning bolts, that the injury was a problem.

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"New world same problem,

"New world same problem, PIRATES!" He ran for the side of the ship to take control of one of the guns "We might not be airborne anymore but do we have some means of maneuvers? We are sitting ducks in the water here."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Nicole drew her weapon,

Nicole drew her weapon, switched off the safety, and her Darling Pistol sent a half-dozen .314 caliber steel jacketed rounds into the windscreen of the nearest hovercraft, where she expected the pilot to be sitting. The three barrels coasted to a stop as they cooled and Nicole assessed the impact of her burst.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Übersoldat and Ms. Lightheart

Übersoldat and Ms. Lightheart took off immediately and headed for the Aether craft. While Ms. Lightheart surrounded herself with a shield and began firing psionic blasts at any pirate that dared to poke his head out, Übersoldat accelerated and flew straight into the largest craft, his fists extended out in front of him. The combination of his invulnerability and his speed allowed him to punch right through the keels armor plating and blow out the stern. As he circled around, Aethers began firing on him with their steam rifles.

Jeb ran to a nearby rack attached to a wall, shrugged into a jump pack, and clipped his feet into spring boots. One of the nearby Martians jumped onto the back of the pack and fired it up, then yanked Jeb's hat off and fitted a helmet onto his head. The Martian slapped the top of the helmet to indicate he was good to go before jumping off and Jeb fired the steam jets, rocketing into the air. He flew through a parabolic arc and landed on the deck of one of the smaller airships, where he pulled his pistols and opened fire on the Aethers with a "YEEHAAA!"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Aaron groaned as the arm

Aaron groaned as the arm finally ran out of steam, he holstered his weapon and smacked the deadman switch on his arms attachment mechanisms. The device dropped to the ground like a lead weight while Aaron ran to the bridge. "Matsutake, bring me my arm!" He shouted while he took the manual controls with his left hand and spun the wheel. The gets at the side oft he ship suddenly drew in a gallons of sea water and started making a quick turn to starboard while the martians worked to bring Aaron his spare arm.

He grabbed a nearby speaking funnel and shouted into it. "This is Captain Aaron Thorn of the Independent Steamship Icarus, surrender peacefully and we-" His voice echoed out of the voxophone mounted at the top of the ship. With that three of the small bike-like crafts strafed the ship, peppering the glass dome, but thankfully the glass was thick. Darryl's firing took down three of the small hover crafts, two of their occupants jettisoned and started firing on them, only to have themselves of their jet packs blasted by Miss Jones, exploding in a fantastic manner or zooming off uncontrolably into the sky. There didn't seem to be a major flagship among the fleet that was now barreling down on the crew of the Icarus.

The ship Jeb was on swarmed and ceased firing as the gunmen abandoned their posts to draw their weapons; they didn't seem able to hit the broadside of a barn, one of them fell off the edge trying to dodge the bullets, only to be clipped in the shoulder and plummet into the river. Another didn't even draw her weapon before Jeb felled her. The third tried hitting Jeb, but the craft moved and thus she and her target with it, the bullets peppering a nearby craft.

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Though helping with repairs

Though initially helping with repairs belowdeck, as soon as Aurélie heard the fighting start, she immediately set to work on defending the ship. Jumping onto her hovercraft, she took off with lightning speed, up toward the bridge. Passing by Aaron's spare arm, she grabbed it and - as she flew past - dropped it by him with the single alert of "Capitaine!" The tiny young woman then zipped through the chaos, firing shards of ice and bolts of lightning, blocking bullets with either her board or a magnetic field.


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As Nicole emptied her

As Nicole emptied her magazine into the lead hovercraft's cockpit, not penetrating but at least hampering their vision, she observed, "Well, if Aurélie's board still works, we should be able to fix [i]Icarus[/i] eventually..." She pulled out the empty magazine and replaced it with one full of wolfram-cored trounds...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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"Mr. Tanner..." A man with

"Mr. Tanner..." A man with short and graying hair stepped out onto the deck of the ship. The man wore fine clothing of a french noble from their dimension, though not a single bit of green rock was on his person. The man was Count Cray, whom Aaron and the Icarus had a few dealings with over the last year in their dimension, before he suddenly disappeared. He chuckled quietly and pushed his hand forward, stopping the spray of bullets that came his way, manipulating the metal in them. When the bullets dropped he forced his other hand forward, trying to shove Jeb off of his ship by his jet pack! Though the pull of the metalokinesis seemed to be weaker than the jump of the jet pack!

He dropped his other hand to point at the floor as Miss Jones and Aurelie's shots damaged the ship, veins throbbed in the mans head as he basically kept the boat aloft.

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"CRAY, YOU SUMBITCH!" Jeb yelled as he triggered the pack, bouncing out of Cray's area of influence like a giant insect. He plummeted back towards the Icarus, firing the pack once to slow him, then landing on his feet and letting the spring boots absorb the shock. "Hey Doc! You ain't gonna believe it, but Cray's on that ship there!" he hollered, pointing out the airship he'd just come from.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"Cray? I was sure that you

"Cray? I was sure that you were joking when you told me about him..." Nicole aimed at another hovercraft's engine, and sent all twelve trounds from the magazine through the hull into the firebox. Bricks shattered, and heat began flowing out, away from the boiler tubes. Nicole paused to scoop up her brass. "And he can really control metals around him? Have any of you considered wooden bullets? Or maybe ceramic?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Hard for her not to miss Jeb

Hard for her not to miss Jeb's outburst about Cray, Aurélie turns her attention to the ship and spots the man, himself. She zooms in closer, circling around, though as not to breach too terribly far into his sphere of influence. "You should have stayed missing, Cray! Tu es bêtes comme tes pieds!"She then proceeds to take pot-shots with lightning strikes.


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Aaron's growled quietly and

Aaron's growled quietly and spun the wheel again the other direction. "Cray?! That malcontent? So this is where he disappeared to!" Aaron let go of the wheel and headed onto the deck of the ship in time to see Mouse attempting to blast Cray with lightning. Aaron drew his gun and started firing as well, while the assault from Miss Jones stopped the air ship dead in the air, the only thing holding it in place was Cray, who now had to put up a hand, sweeping across the deck and using the shell casings from Jeb's barrage to create a conductive path. The bolt scattered through the array of empty shells but still a few weaker arcs hit him. The distraction and the jolt caused him to lose hold on the airship and both started plummeting.

"You will not be rid of me that easily!" Cray shouted, putting his hands to his sides and redirecting his powers inward, manipulating the iron in his blood. "I'll have the Icarus and my martian subordinates again!" He shouted, flying off, while the Aether Pirates seemed to have decided this battle was a loss due to attrition. The few remaining steam pirates alive and with sufficient mobility tucked tail and ran.

"Damn it!" Aaron shouted, blasting after Cray.

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Aurélie - though tempted to

Aurélie - though tempted to race after Cray - turned back to the Icarus and landed on the deck, casually stepping off her board im the same motion. She picks it up and places it under her arm. "How did he get here?" She speaks to no one in patricular, but she would certainly like an answer!


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All the time that was

All the time that was happening Darryl was at one of the working guns keeping the pirates at bay. He was tempted to use a grappling hook to swing over till he heard Cray was there. "Cray..." A flashback to a fight where Cray used the metal of the pipes and the blast of steam that nearly killed him. His fist bashes into the wall before he took a deep breath to calm himself.

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2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"As soon as we figure out how

"As soon as we figure out how we got here, I might venture a guess, Aurélie. Until then..." Nicole shrugged, pocketed her brass, and reloaded again.

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Aurélie looke to Nicole. "He

Aurélie looke to Nicole. "He may have arrived here similarly. Maybe deliberately so? Une chance... he may know of a way to return."


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Aaron shook his head and

Aaron shook his head and grimaced, returning his gun to it's holster, the smell of hot ionized air still clinging to the area...

"He's a warlock, part of a large coven too, so he may have used some form of spell, which could still be quite useful." Aaron added, glancing at Darryl he walked over and put his hand on the man's shoulder, recalling the gruesome incident in question... "We'll apprehend the cretin... " He assured them...

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"Thank you my friend." He

"Thank you my friend." He tugged on his shirt regaining or at least restoring the mask of the calm navy officer. "At least we know this world seems well protected from the likes of him."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"And likely has more of him,

"And likely has more of him, if this battle says anything," Aurélie purses her lips and moves the goggles from her eyes up to her forehead, "What other reason would they have such protection, no? We should get to work on repairs. Rapidement. A moving airship is a safer airship."


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Jeb walked back over to the

Jeb walked back over to the jump-pack mounting rack and placed his pack back on it to start charging again. He left the spring boots underneath the pack and the helmet over it, then reclaimed his boots and hat. He then set to work assisting with repairs.

Übersoldat and Ms. Lightheart tried to chase after Cray, but neither of them were particularly fast flyers, so his ship soon outdistanced them. They returned to the Icarus to help however they could to get the steamship working so that it could be gotten out of the harbor. Ms. Lightheart stuck pretty close to Jeb and it was fairly obvious she was rather taken with the rugged cowboy.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"Sir we need to find a

"Sir we need to find a drydock. Take stock of what supplies we have, as well as who didn't make it to this reality." It was back to business better than reliving old pains. "I also recommend finding out the state of things in this city. We might have ended up in a proverbial fire. True they seem nice, but looks can be deceiving. Customs and laws might end up us being arrested for something we didn't know was wrong here."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"I think we must first find

"I think we must first find out about money. Do they use bank-notes or coin precious metals? Or do they have some other medium of exchange? I rather doubt they rely on barter, it would make the bookkeeping very hard..." Nicole's thoughts drifted off topic slightly. "Books, like an almanac if they have them, though we should take care that it is more like Whitaker's than Poor Robin's..."

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"Money a big problem. Not

"Money a big problem. Not what they use, but what can we use. Are we willing to trade tech? Information? There also the bigger issue of can return home, that would have to wait till we he have a drydock to make repairs in."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"So we make it to the dry

"So we make it to the dry dock, then we send out a landing party. Perhaps these two who aided us can aid us once again?" Aurélie seemed unsure about that part. She didn't even know their names, yet.


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"Funds, yes... I thought we'd

"Funds, yes... I thought we'd be done with them once we started this endeavor..." He groaned quietly waving a hand at the state of the ship. "Alright, to dry dock, in theory..." He said, listening to the others as he went to the bridge again and placed his mechanical palm on a control plate. "I should hope we can trade precious gems and minerals, there are plenty in the bay from our excursions..." Aaron commented.

"I hesitate to sell any technology reliant upon the Martian Rock, there are likely few experts on the substance on this plane of existence and given their growth rate under the right conditions, we wouldn't like to contaminate this world..." Aaron narrowed his eyes as the ship turned around and began chugging away from their position. There were already police en route, Aaron assumed they were fine to defend themselves, but he worried for the various weapons, samples and specimen on his ship. Though he didn't have many animals or plants, the rock samples were hazardous and he didn't want them confiscated. "I just hope that Count Cray doesn't have a sample of the black rock..." He added.

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A few hours later

[i]A few hours later[/i]

It had been a while since Karhythadrizsa had been farther out of her lair that the Central Library's front doors. Longer still since she had been out over the Atlantic. And then, she hadn't been deliberately small. But here she was, approaching an oddly designed steamship. [i]Icarus[/i], proclaimed the legend across its stern. [i]Just the ship I was looking for[/i], she thought. As if there was likely to be another vessel from another continuum for her spell to lock onto. She contiued to approach across the wavetops until she judged she was within voice range. Then she popped up to deck level and called out, "Ahoy, Icarus!"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Aaron had steered the ship

Aaron had steered the ship out of the bay as quickly as he could, turned out that at top speed even with their main levitation out the ship as massive as it was, could hydroplane and make amazing time. He didn't explain, just piloted them to a small cave up the coast where it became rocky and hard to traverse, though there were lanes that the ship barely fit through until they came into a cave. Inside was a rickety looking dock, but the cave had sheltered it from most of the weathering.

"I took a bet." He shrugged as the Martians went about rigging the ships moorings. "This was a place we stopped when I was on the Vetruvian, a pirate dwelling in our time, it seems in this world, thankfully, it had similar uses as well." He sighed quietly and dreaded going below deck to see how bad off his ship was. Much less the prototype weapon that the Red brothers had died attempting to use.

Aaron turned, since they were just settling in it was confusing, but none the less he waved. "Ahoy?" He returned, stepping towards the stern. He didn't ready his weapon but by the same token his mechanical arm hovered just in case while he waved.

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Jeb poked his head out of a

Jeb poked his head out of a hatch near the stern. He was sweating profusely and his face was smudged by grease. He'd swapped out his Stetson for a bandanna, which he pulled off his head to wipe his face and neck down with.

Ms. Lightheart, or Cassie, as she had asked Jeb to call her, poked her head out as well. She'd elected to don coveralls at some point and her face was equally smudged, her red hair tied back in a tight bun. It turned out she was pretty handy with tools and fixing things, having grown up around cars. However, there was a huge difference between internal combustion and steam power, so she couldn't work on any of the more advanced machinery. But she could still turn a wrench.

Jeb looked aft and his mouth dropped open just a bit. "Huh... a talkin' dragon. Well, thar's sumthin' ya don't see every day."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Hovering just off the aft

Hovering just off the aft gunwale, Karhy noted the man with the mechanical arm. According to her contact in the TCPD, that was the captain. "Good afternoon, Captain. I am Karhythadrizsa, a collector of books. Rare, by preference. I wonder if you might have brought any books with you with which you might be willing to part? I can pay in local currency, gold, information... Might I come aboard?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Aaron was stunned silent then

Aaron was stunned silent then his arm went a little lax as Karhy went on. A talking lizard, no dragon? He gaped and then exhaled, waved at the deck smoothly with his right arm. He'd been working as well, when not plotting through the seas, his arm was in a much more armored fitting.

"Please, come along. I've got copies, in fact, of most of my text." He nodded, smiling, glad his horde of books in his study and the cargo hold wouldn't be a complete waste. He actually had them because he happened to ruin them often. Burning, exploding, dropping into miniature black holes, he'd lost dozens of them.

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True to her name, Mouse was

True to her name, Mouse was inside a wall, working tirelessly to fix some pipes not far from Aaron's study. The only thing letting them know she was in there was her ever-present hoveboard and a small maintenance hatch, from which the sounds of busy tools were coming. One of the captain's aforementioned books was laying there, beside the hoverboard - coved in dust so thick, it may have become a permanent aspect to it. Assumedly, the book must have found its way behind the wall at some point in the past.


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"Sir thought I am sure we can

"Sir thought I am sure we can trust this ... Um.. Lady's Honor. Some of our books have information about our technology. Reliant as it is on the Martian rocks, it be hard to reproduce. But do we want to run the risk. Thinking on it I believe that why we were attacked by those pirates as soon as we appeared. If that... Scoundrel working with them, I believe he doesn't have a supply. So he sent his allies to retrieve some."

"Like I said Miss I trust your Honor, but information can lead to temptation. You read about a device in our books, think you can improve it or use it to improve something else. Then you be here asking for one of our power sources." Sinclair said as he nodded to the Dragon. They saw people fly without any sign of devices, now a Dragon. Clearly what ever this reality was, myths and legends are more real here.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Karhy followed the Captain,

Karhy followed the Captain, and nodded to The Man in The Mask. "Quite right. While it is unlikely I would try to use, let alone improve, your technology, being more of a magic type of dragon, I keep myself in book money by trading in information, so it might be others who come seeking one of your power sources. On the other claw, I personally prefer literature and history. So I would not be [I]too[/I] disappointed if you decided not to part with some of your technical material."

Nicole Jones came up from below decks, and was as surprised as Jeb was to see a dragon. Fortunately, it was only a small one, and it didn't seem to be inclined towards breathing fire... Still, she decided to keep an eye on it...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Jeb was busy watching the

Jeb was busy watching the dragon interact with Aaron, so Cassie punched him in the arm to get his attention. "Ey! Y'know, it ain't very lady-like to go 'roun punchin' folk." he griped.

Cassie punched him again in response, harder this time, then gestured back down the hatch. She pointed starboard, held her hands in the shape of a circle, grabbed her wrench, then whistled a high tone in imitation of a steam-pipe leak.

"Yeah yeah, ah know we gotta get back ta that thar pipe leading outta tha pontoon. Ah jes' wanted ta get some air an' see what tha ruckus was." he said, still griping as he headed back down and Cassie closed the hatch behind them.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Aaron nodded quietly as

Aaron nodded quietly as Darryl mentioned the technology exchange problems...

"Well, if technological manuals aren't your interest, we do have a library or rare tomes, though I'm not sure how many I or Miss Jones will be willing to part with. Surely there exists a duplicate aboard the ship if there's one. " He paused as they got to the crew deck and grabbed one of the voxophone tubes, basically shouting through the whole ship.

"Souris? Could you come and help me find the extra tomes and manuscripts we had stored, and I'm sure you've found a few in the walls, bring them if you can?" He hooked the tube back to the wall and grabbed a hand hold on the auto-Lad.

"My first mate's right, information and currency would be most welcome, we have our own, and I am curious if that is of any value to a traveler such as you, Miss Karhythadrizsa? I'm sure inter continuum exchange rates are quite a strange affair." He seemed to ramble into a tangent for a bit. "In any case, mystical tomes are not my own to give, I use them for inspiration, we'll see if the others have claim or wish to part with them, shall we?"

He nodded, landing on the deck of the cargo bay, which had everything from sheets of glass to lab area, to a burnt out device, and then trunks of things in another corner.

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Kahry shook her head. "Oh, I

Kahry shook her head. "Oh, I'm not a traveler. This trip is the farthest I've been from my horde in almost a century. I do have a cousin who collects currency, but he lives in the Alps. I can't think of anyone else who might be interested in your currency, people who deliberately travel between dimensions seem to be rare here. Or maybe they just don't draw attention to themselves... And copies can be made if you only have one of a volume, though I'd pay more if I got to keep the original and you the copy."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Aurélie, hearing the summons,

Aurélie, hearing the summons, quickly finished repairing what she could of the pipes and crawled out from behind the wall. Packing up her gear and the book, she made her way to the cargo deck. She may have been difficult to see under the dust and smudges, but she seemed oblivious to it. She set her hoverboard up as if it were a table, trapping it in place, and put both her toolbox and the dusty book on top of it.

Then, she notices the dragon. She blinks, gives her gauntlets a quick once-over, then turns to Aaron. "Capitaine, has someone been toying with the green and blue rocks?"


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"Oh don't worry, I personally

"Oh don't worry, I personally enjoy having a first edition as well. If I can I have multiples, perhaps a bit spoiled but I lose them on occasion. Ah thank you Mouse!" He smiled at her and took the manifest off the top of the tool box. "Ah, no, this is no illusion, this is, Karhythadrizsa," Aaron was very careful to pronounce it, they may have mangled it once. "And forgive me, I forgot to introduce myself from shock. Last dragon was... pleasant, to a point and left through a volcano and some martian rock... I have no idea what happened, maybe similar circumstances, though at the time we just thought magic and... um.... dragon stuff..." Aaron cleared his throat, pushed up his glasses and flipped through the manifest for their cargo.

"I'm Aaron Thorn, this is Aurélie Tolbert, my assistant and fellow engineer. Or Mouse as the crew sometimes call her, Aaron, or Captain, whichever you prefer." He exhaled slowly. We've had a bit of a row getting in, and while I am eager to see if you have information or other books to trade, ah here." He pointed to the page with their extra book manifest, then started leading towards the area at a respectable pace. "I would like to know how you knew we were here, specifically this cave, I imagine our initial arrival was hard to miss... The rest, very good information network, or other remarkable skills."


Off in the ship the Martians had dawned a new set of uniforms that had been in storage in case the currents wore out. These were all very specific, only Aaron knew how to tell them apart without the jumpsuits, but they weren't clear to begin with. Matsutake? Or perhaps Chanterelle, there was Portobello, he was easy to tell apart. The jumpsuits had little colored mushrooms with wide, flat or evenly spread out caps, in green, white or yellow. No reds.

The martian the suit was still skin tight and silvery, though not too form fitting, had a white flat cap, behind him was another with a yellow evenly spread out cap, probably Matsutake and Chanterelle, Aaron was either mad when he named them. He never explained why or how, and the martians didn't seem to mind, but sometimes the wrong martian came when you thought you were talking to the right one, but that one still knew what was going on. Right now, Matrutake and Chanterelle were carrying a few parts and tools Jeb and Cassie needed. A few other martians were scattered about.

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"Perhaps you can provide us

"Perhaps you can provide us with some information as well. We seem to be here for a while till Aaron figures out how we got here in the first place, if and how to reverse it. Our supplies won't last long so we need means to restock, as well as pay for parts to repair the ship. I'm sure you offer a good deal for those books, just that I doubt that would last long. We need a means of sustaining a regular income. Would your vast knowledge know of means we can achieve that?" Darryl might be showing why he was on the crew now thinking of both short and long term problems and trying to solve them. Where Aaron would rush into a new discovery it was Darryl who looks at it with caution first.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Yes, my network is very good

"Yes, my network is very good. As for locating you, earlier this year, I developed a spell to pick out extra-dimensional auras. Objects from other realms retain traces of their origins for a time. When I heard about your arrival, I cast this spell and followed the largest new trace." Karhy looked over the list, then pulled her tablet out of - somewhere - and put two caps on her right thumb and foreclaw. From an image of the manifest, a character recognition program generated a document, which Kahry then had to correct...She made some notes, and then showed the tablet to Aaron. "The ones I've highlighted in green are titles I have, I'd need to read them to find out if they were different before I could make an offer on them. In yellow are the ones I don't have; my offer to the right side of the screen is in grams of gold." One title, [I]Paris au XXe siècle[/I], by Jules Verne, 1883 edition, was highlighted in green and yet there was a fairly hefty price to the right...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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To Darryl, Karhy shook her

To Darryl, Karhy shook her head. "Unfortunately, I'm not sure of what your capabilities are. Transport would seem to be indicated, but that would likely be rather boring for you. Is your vessel capable of flight beyond the atmosphere, or submerging below the surface of the sea?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Aurélie seemed transfixed by

Aurélie seemed transfixed by the tablet, though not because of the offer. "What is this contraption? How does it function? Words on glass, affected by a simple touch..." She has the look of someone who likes taking things apart just to put them back together.


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Aaron was actually transfixed

Aaron was actually transfixed. He stared for a moment and held the tablet like it was an oracle, then opened his mouth once, maybe to speak, but mostly just inhaled with a short w syllable. Then he cleared his throat and delicately touched the tablet with his flesh hand, then switched to touch it with his robotic. The robotic one responded just before the metal tapped it but he managed to look through what she high lighted and the prices.

"Oh, this is fascinating, apologies, we're apparently... " He glanced up around the tablet and noticed all sorts of details, like time and date... "A hundred and twenty years behind, give or take... My first mate is quite correct, I think these prices thoguh should fetch a decent starting fund, with information, not sure what that's worth in gold." He cleared his throat again, and handed the tablet to Darryl, the prices were quite fair, and even in their time gold was stil the currency, martian rock was a tool, though some traded in it.

"Lets get these volumes out and let you have a look. There have been multiple deviations in timelines, I think we're likely some parallel..." He paused, a couple martians and a ladder helping him get the book crate down. "Slower, reality?" He shrugged and unlocked the crate. "I can touch interface with my ship, but that's more like moving a very bulky arm, with lots of little fingers... Five hundred and ninety eight, last I checked... May have lost one or two in the fight." Aaron muttered, picking through the books...

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"Sorry, it's electronics,

"Sorry, it's electronics, which means it's as mysterious to me as magic is to most humans in this world. But it's fairly easy to learn to use, even if one has no clue of how it operates. This one cost me about thirty grams a few years back. The same price for current models would get one that can hold about twice as much information. I even know of some people who keep their libraries on such devices. I prefer my books in more tangible form..." Karhy tapped the screen and looked at the information displayed. "No signal out here. If we were closer to civilization I could show you how to use the Internet; it would be an excellent way to find what you need to make your repairs..."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"I must invest in one!"

"I must invest in one!" Aurélie seemed wide-eyed with wonder, still staring at the screen. "To figure out how it operates. And it stores information? Oh, imagine having copies of all of our notes, books, and blueprints in it. Accessible, all in one place! What is this internet you speak of? You make it sound like some sort of market."


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Aaron winced and stood up. "I

Aaron winced and stood up. "I must say, we can attempt to reverse engineer what we can, but I would like to say, as time and dimensional travelers it might be morally reprehensible to contaminate our timeline with future technology. Anymore than it may already be if Cray comes around before we do." He exhaled and sighed. "Thirty? Honestly that's quite a bargain..." He added, thinking of it as a part. "We should definitely invest in one to take apart." He nodded, stacking volumes of the books she'd seen first, in case of differences due to time line. "We haven't anything newer than eighteen ninety two, anno domini." He made it clear, never know what date system a new universe might use.

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At Thorn's comment about not

At Thorn's comment about not being able to take the technology back with them, Aurélie seems deflated - perhaps almost heartbroken.


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"Of course we could study

"Of course we could study this technology wile we are here. As for contamination... well it seems these folks haven't been invaded by our Martians so the timelines are vastly different already. There no proof that this tech would even work in our reality, or is compatible to our tech. We made great strides in advancements after the invasion we might not be as far away from this level of tech then you first thought Aaron."

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2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Aaron nodded, tilting the

Aaron nodded, tilting the tablet a bit and holding it still very gingerly. Usually with his flesh hand. "Yes, as I suspect, there feels like a lot of magnetic material. I can't tell the type, just the tingling in my fingers." He waves the hand. "But with some study it might be possible to replicate with the martian rock, the ship is already innervated with the stuff, works a bit like a brain, and she's a bit fickle, to be frank, but she could probably manage the storage system..." He muttered, thinking out the design, handing it back to the Karhy. "The magnetic parts would be damaged the first time we hit a magnetized zone Souris, the disappointment was now or later, most likely." He smiled understandingly.

"But we can work on one of our own..." He grin with quite a bit of enthusiasm, too much to be sane curiosity; he checked through the books for the extras, they had second editions, Aaron would do... He exhaled a bit slowly as he sorted through the ones he wanted to keep, ones that weren't his, etc. Books went with books, he didn't care whose they were, the library was very meticulously kept as a modified part of the officers dining area, since the ship was halfway between being a mansion built on a warehouse, built on a hydrogen burning 'harmlessly psychic' engine. "I can honestly say if we can work out this technology I can do with getting rid of a few copies, and just being careful with the bounds." He pointed his thumb upstairs, getting out more books, from another crate the martians were working down a series of ladders. The martians were, white a flat cap on his jumper, that made sense he was a bit white and short, another green with a round top, he was rather shiny, but definitely not slimy. The third and forth may have come from the same clutch, though one was short, though both were yellow with flat white stripped caps.

"Ah, thank you Shiitake, Portobello, Hygrocybe and Licentipes." He smiled at the four mushroom men and patted them on the shoulders as they walked by. He actually introduced them along the way too, which he rarely did, but he did like the new jumpsuits, not sure where the martians got them. The Martians just swiveled around keeping a set of eyes in every direction.

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Karhy looked with passing

Karhy looked with passing interest at the Martians. They didn't seem to be the type to invade, but then, there was usually a lot of variation in personality in any sapient race. And maybe they had been desperate. "To me, information is worth what I can sell it for, plus any use I might have for it personally. One factor is how easy it would be for my potential customers to find out from other sources. Regrettably, the sort of information you want, where can you get materials and supplies, is readily available; in good conscience I can't charge you for that. Well, readily available if you have access to the Internet...The internet is all the devices like this tablet, and larger computers, devices with similar functions, that are connected by communications links. Mostly cables, and some radio links. The result is a very great deal of information of various sorts being passed around, with varying degrees of security. Some people only use it to keep in touch with friends and family, some use it to play games, some use it to advertise, some use it to place orders for delivery. The advertising is easy to find." She picked up the copy of [I]Paris au XXe siècle[/I] as it was sorted out. She opened it carefully, sniffed at the bindings, and began leafing through it. Her claws didn't so much as scratch the cover. "In this continuum's version of this book, M. Verne predicted something very similar to the internet. But it didn't get published until 1994..."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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At the explanation of what

At the explanation of what the internet was, Aurélie was once again amazed, "Incroyable..." She turns to Aaron, "When can we go to the city proper? If this is just one small piece of this reality's technology... I would very much like to see what else there is to see."


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"Thought in other ways we

"Thought in other ways we seem to be ahead. Those ships the Pirates used are below our standards, and I don't see larger airships being used. We should visit the City's authorities first. We can give them information about Cray they bound not to have, clear up any lingering fears about us. Perhaps we could even aid in some bounty hunting, lest threat of contamination, on the other hand higher risk of personal harm."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Jeb accepted the parts from

Jeb accepted the parts from the Martians and thanked them, then turned back to face the crawlspace that led underneath the AutoLad. The lift wasn't broken, but a few of its pieces were showing either wear and tear or damage from the transition. He handed the parts to Cassie as he assigned each part a number, intending for her to give them to him in the order he asked. Once that was taken care of, he settled down onto his back and pulled himself into the crawlspace.

They had to use the numbering system because Jeb was up in the guts of the AutoLad and couldn't ask for a part by using any sort of signs, nor would she be able to hear him very well. But after a few false starts, he and Cassie got the numbering system worked out and proceeded with the repairs.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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The crawl space under the

The crawl space under the autolad allowed Jeb to see what few did, the strange almost bicycle chain mechanism that moved the auto-lad up and down. There were a lot of gear and gunk between him and the ignition piston, an orange rock dust-spring. The Martians usually stayed out of the way or just maintained and cleaned. They had completely lost Autolad, but it was certainly slow to start, primary ignition systems. The Martians retrieved a few more gears, one or two broken from the assault, related to the safety hatches.


Aaron inspected the book she had for a moment. "Oh," He paused and glanced at Darryl. "You're quite right again my friend, our hasty exodus may have caused some unwanted assumptions to rise..." He shook his head. "Would you prefer a signed edition?" He asked, nodding at the book Karhy was holding. "It's a first edition as well, I keep it in the library, our Autolad is down presently, I'll have one of the martians retrieve it."

"We must take trips inland to research, we may be able to form hypotheses from their technology and science as to how we got here, and how to return, I do think bounty hunting would be a fine method, the risk to health may only be slightly higher than our usual margin...." He said, flipping through more books, until a Martian crawled out of the wall and presented the other copy. Their version of the novel seemed very similar, though Martians were present throughout, Micheals father breeds Martians, and Micheal is still a scholar, but a historian and author, but the arts are not as appreciated, in favor of driving only towards more technology, at any cost. Verne has a decidedly Martian sympathetic view. "Though I supose if information is more your interest a signed copy is no more valuable than an unsigned, hm?" He pondered, leafing through the book, already considering whether this might be a likely future in his world. Though in his world the book was obviously published much sooner.

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"Signed by Verne himself?!

"Signed by Verne himself?! Well, his analog, at least! I'd pay triple the price of the unsigned copy. And by the way..." Karhy accepted her tablet back, increased her offer on the book in question and changed the highlighting to yellow on that line. "I think the differences warrant that much more. The offer here is for the unsigned copy, of course. I may have to actually look over the other titles I recognized... And I may be able to connect you with people who hire bounty hunters: Insurance companies, bail bondsmen."

Nicole couldn't stay back, the combination of the technology and the idea of the "same" book being different in each continuum drew her in. She leaned in and looked over Captain Thorne's shoulder at the tablet. Her eyes went wide at the total at the bottom of the screen. "I'll be right back!" She went down towards her quarters...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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The last thing to do before

The last thing to do before the AutoLad would be fixed was to check the ignition piston. Jeb had to stick his arms into the guts of the AutoLad up to his elbows, but he was just able to reach the piston casing. With a few deft twists, he unlocked the casing and swung it open. What he saw inside the casing was not what he expected. After peering at it for a few seconds, he closed the casing back up, then began disassembling the AutoLad.

Once he got to the point where he'd disengaged the piston, then removed it and its casing, he wriggled out with it in his hands. Cassie eyed the pile of parts he'd steadily handed her over the past half-hour, then looked at Jeb with a bewildered look on her face. She tapped something out on her keypad and the pleasant female voice emerged from its speaker. "What's wrong, Jebediah? You look worried."

Jeb set the piston casing down and pulled the bandana off his head. He took a slug of water, then wet down the bandana and rubbed it along the back of his neck. He looked over at Cassie after her question. "Ah ain't got no clue, darlin'. But sumthin' ain't right with that there piston. Ah gots ta talk with Doc."

He grabbed the piston off his maintenance cart, then began climbing the maintenance shaft that paralleled the AutoLad shaft. Cassie followed right along behind him. He emerged on the floor with the library and headed on in. The dragon was there along with Doc and her had to dodge Nicole as she bustled out of the room.

"Hey Doc, ah think we might have a problem here." he said, setting the piston casing down on the table and opening it to reveal the piston, which was now silver instead of orange.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Under his mask he raises an

Under his mask he raises an eyebrow seeing the piston. "I never seen or heard of Martian rock turning Silver." There was a slight wheezing to his voice now and he rolled up his sleeve to look at some gages there. "If you all excuse me seems I need to plug myself in." He lowered the sleeve and headed to his cabin. Once inside he removed his shirt revealing the cyborg components around his chest. He went to a chair where there was a device with tubes. He connected the tubes and power cord to the connectors and let the machine work. The Superheated steam that would have killed him if it wasn't for Aaron scarred his lungs as well. The artificial lungs in his chest does the work, just they tend to start to fill with moisture and need to be cleaned from time to time.

Sitting there he removed his mask plunging himself into the word of darkness of being blind. Flashes of memories from the last thing he saw flickered across his mind... Cray. He found him alive, after hearing about that criminal disappearing he dared to hope he was dead. "Cray I swear before we return to our world. You will die."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"What?" Aaron blinked,

"What?" Aaron blinked, astounded by the price increase, followed by Nicole and Jeb entering and Darryl Leaving he had to pause for a moment to piece it together. "Yes, I'm quite willing to part with the signed edition if it means supplies for my crew. And monsieur Verne is still alive, time to get another one signed." He smiled and held up the other edition. He then blinked, finally processing the information from Jeb and Darryl, trying to be a good host and barter distracting from being a good captain and scientist!

"Silver?" Aaron took pistol and swirled the liquid around a bit, oddly enough the liquid didn't seem to reflect images back, even though it shined like a mirror. The side which his robotic arm touched seemed to have changed colors, though swirling back to silver and never staying within any one for long. "Oh that is odd..." The metal hand and the martian rock seemed to be reacting... "It doesn't seem to be dangerous..." He winced and shook his head. "Better safe than sorry... We'll test this out soon, the canister is sealed enough to keep us safe it is noxious..." Aaron put the cap back on and exhaled quietly... "Though I doubt it..."

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Aurélie stares at the piston

Aurélie stares at the piston with calculating eyes. "Hmm..." She looks up to Aaron, "Shall I take this up to Research?"


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Aaron nodded and shook his

Aaron nodded and shook his head, thinking about the Martian Rock, quicksilver? "Martian Quicksilver?" He muttered... "We'll have to study the properties... I hope this hasn't happened to all of it, I can't imagine has, half the ship could liquify if this happened..." He peered at the cylinder again before Aurélia took it away. He turned back to Karhy and smile. "Apologies, we're still getting the ship in order... " He licked his lip and then nodded.

Then he turned to Jeb and took off his glasses. "The only strange phenomenon was the vortex after the 'weapon' malfunctioned, we can only assume that was the cause, what we thought would release a large amount of energy may have converted Martian Rock to this... I think the vulnerable portions are likely the objects with less shielding close to the officers dining hall where Rufus and Gules were testing the weapon on the smuggler ship. The nervous system of the ship should be safe since there's rubberized tubing to protect it, this is shielded to keep it from arcing out never considered interference from outside, this is the start of the circuit after all..." He shook his head.

"We should have enough rock to repair, we'll have to start seeding the caves." He nodded. Then he turned to Aurélia once more before she left. "Put your safety equipment on as well Souris, remember the black rock, I don't trust the silver to be much better..."

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Aurélie wonders at the

Aurélie wonders at the substance, "Hydrargyrum?" She nods at Aaron, "If this is some form of mercury, then it may be toxic. Have no doubt that I will be careful." She leaves for the research deck.


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"Sorry!" called Nicole as she

"Sorry!" called Nicole as she continued down the inert auto-lad. In her quarters she opened her locker, and pulled out the lone book. She had had this book with her when the Traveller had picked her up, and had kept it through adventures that had seemed quite strange at the time, though somewhat less so, now. She returned to the deck to hear the Captain's admonition about safety equipment. "Silver Martian rock? I'm not familiar with that one. Miss Karhy, do you know this title?" She held out her copy of Mark Twain's [I]Roughing It[/I].

Karhy nodded. "Oh, yes, Sam wrote that one here as well. Does your version include the chapter 'Assaults by the Unabridged'?" Both human and dragon began giggling. A deal was struck, a copy of both versions and some gold for Nicole and Nicole's original for Karhy. Then Karhy addressed the Captain. "Captain Thorne, did I hear you correctly? You intend seeding the caves? To make more Martian Rock?" There was a slightly worried tone in the dragon's voice.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Jeb nodded along as Aaron ran

Jeb nodded along as Aaron ran through the likely circumstances of the changes to the Martian Rock.

"Ah'll git ta checkin' on tha other unshielded rocks in that area. C'mon Cassie." he said, turning towards the door. As he did this, the wrench hanging on his belt swung out and hit a floor lamp, knocking it over. The lamp fell over, smacking into the table with enough force to dislodge the lampshade and break the bulb. But the filament remained intact and ended up in contact with the silver Martian rock just as electricity arced through it.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"Perhaps, but even still

"Perhaps, but even still related or not orange and black can be a danger." He nodded, though Aurélia already knew that.

"Yes, provided the right elements. We can't expect to make it home without the rock to power the ship." He was a bit confused by her tone he saw the wrench coming and couldn't stop it, but he snatched up the top to the cylinder by the plunger rod and jammed it onto the top of the canister, pressing it down while he hit the switch under his vest to detach his arm and drop it, the arm pulled the canister away from Aurélia after hopefully only seconds of contact.

He was knocked back a bit as a bit of electricity discharged into him, but he was used to it, his weapon shot lightning, and he had anticipated some, though not that much, discharge. After a few seconds he'd twitch and get up, scrambling over to Aurelia and yanking the lamp out of the outlet. Their outlets seemed to be square, one green rock rod and another third flat prong.

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Hit by a surge of electric

Hit by a surge of electric discharge, Aurélie drops, unconscious.


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Jeb spun again as things went

Jeb spun again as things went all wrong behind him. He threw himself forward and just managed to catch Aurélie before she whacked her head on the table. He carried her over to a reading couch and gently laid her out, then turned to Cassie and asked to get some water. The redhead nodded and quick-stepped out of the room. "Ah'm sorry, Doc. Ah didn' even notice ah was so close to tha lamp. Is everyone else alright?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Aaron checked her pulse when

Aaron checked her pulse when they got to the couch, he wasn't that kind of doctor, but he knew the trick. "She's still breathing..." He touched her forehead with his palm to see if she was overly warm. "I think she's just stunned..." He let out a sigh of relief. "It's... alright..." He shook his head. "Things are all out of sorts right now..." He sat on the ottoman and his shoulder twitched like he was planning to move his missing arm...Then he covered his face with his other hand and laughed at himself, looking around for the lost arm. "I'm starting to think the ship wasn't so ironically named." He laughed a little.

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Nicole grabbed a blanket from

Nicole grabbed a blanket from nearby equipment locker and spread it out over Aurélie. She held Aurélie's wrist, checking to see if the pulse was fast, or erratic, or weak, and if it was getting steadier or stronger...

"Well, I think I'll let you get your ship together. I'll just take a few books with me..." Kahry slipped the Verne and the Twain and a Shelly into wherever the tablet had com from, then set the tablet on the table. "No more room... I'll be back, with your copies of these and payment for them, in a few hours, we can finalize transportation arrangements. If you need to move, you can leave a message for me at the Central Library in the Alexandria District. That's the peninsula just northwest of the amusement park on the shore closest to where you first arrived..."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Cassie got back with a cup of

Cassie got back with a cup of water and knelt down next to Aurélie. She set the cup down, removed her work gloves, and laid a gentle hand on the girl's forehead. Cassie focused and sent a wave of healing energy through her. Diffuse green light pulsed around the red-headed heroine, then traveled down her arm and into Aurélie. She didn't seem to be hurt, but the energy would help her body recover from the shock much faster.

Jeb whistled and shook his head, then noticed the tablet on the table. He picked it up and peered at it curiously.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Hearing something that almost

Hearing something that almost sounded like something falling he shut off the device and disconnected the hoses. It took just a few moments more for him to put the mask back on and secure his shirt before he headed to the lab. "I heard a commotion what happened?"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Electric lamp knocked over,

"Electric lamp knocked over, broken bulb, shock. Fortunately this ship isn't so big it needs alternating current for the lamps. Aurélie's pulse is steady and getting stronger, I think Cassie's helping her recover..." Nicole summarized.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Aurélie would soon be

Aurélie would soon be completely stablized and simply needs rest.


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"Yes... Everythings fine...

"Yes... Everythings fine... Just a minor accident, thankfully. We've struck a good deal with the Karhythadrizsa, she'll be back." He explained the rest of the situation, standing up and going over to his arm to pick it up and put it on. "Lets get to work stripping out the transmuted cylinders." Aaron said, heading over to Jeb.

"Oh, yes, that's facinating. We're going to work on replicating something like it!" He grinned almost madly and looked for his glasses... They were crushed when he scrambled across the floor after the shock. "I think I'll be needing new glasses as well..." He sighed...


A few hours later, Aaron had his arm set up to be presentable, the Martians were in the process of exploring the caves, and Aaron was weighing out the gold. "I do hope they accept gold as legal tender in this age..." He muttered, sitting in the officers dining hall eating lunch as he made preparations for their trip into the city today. He pulled a tube down from nearby and spoke into it. "Jeb, Darryl, do either of you wish to venture into the city with me? If so we'll be taking the hovercycles into the city, over." He waited patiently...

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Over the speaking tube came a

Over the speaking tube came a reply. "I can't speak for them, but I intend to accompany you, myself," said Nicole. "And don't forget that Karhy mentioned that permits are required for citizens to carry weapons. So I advise concealing them."

At the other end of that tube, Nicole looked herself over in the mirror. While wearing the petticoats, there was no sign of either her Darling pistol or the slit in her skirt that allowed her to reach it.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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