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every one the same

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kindar's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
Joined: 11/15/2014 - 16:02
every one the same

if there is one thing that I would like to see in this game, is a complete inability to distinguish between NPCs and players. that means, no tag over the character or other distinguishing marks.

the main reason I would like to have this, is that being able to tell who is a player and NPC takes away from the immersion for me. we don't particularly have to care about the NPCs since they wouldn't really do anything to us, unless they have been programmed to be a bad guy

but if we piss-off another player, they can make our life, in game, difficult

I feel that this is even more important if there is an aspect of PvP to the game.

anyway, just my thoughts

There is no such thing as reality

Radiac's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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I feel like any attempt at

I feel like any attempt at this by the devs will be almost immediately defeated by players themselves making toons that are most obviously not NPCs in every possible way (avatar, name, etc). I mean, I think any effort in this regard to make the NPCs and players seem the same would cause the devs to spend time trying to make the NPCs move and talk and behave in ways that require programming beyond what CoX had vis a vis mission giver NPCs who were always standing in the same place 24/7. And worse, that effort to make the NPCs more realistic will ultimately end in defeat as the player base will continue to make toons with outlandish costumes and names like "I_KEEL_YOU_1337" etc.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

oOStaticOo's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/24/2013 - 06:21
Yeah, I'm gonna go with a no

Yeah, I'm gonna go with a no on this idea. I would rather be able to distinguish who my friends are while playing the game. I know there are people that like to try to create PCs that look like NPCs for the fun of trying to fool people. If anything, you could maybe have an option to turn off names above the players on your end of the game.

I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!

JayBezz's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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I wouldn't mind the option to

I wouldn't mind the option to turn it off.. but I say all the time game first.

Games require rules and expected behaviors. I do hope for AI that acts more as players do and becomes more distinguishable. I do hope that powers affect PvP and PvE similarly.

If you love immersion then I say you find other players who love it too. You may be lucky enough to forget you are online!

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Lothic's picture
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kindar wrote:
kindar wrote:

the main reason I would like to have this, is that being able to tell who is a player and NPC takes away from the immersion for me. we don't particularly have to care about the NPCs since they wouldn't really do anything to us, unless they have been programmed to be a bad guy

but if we piss-off another player, they can make our life, in game, difficult

I feel that this is even more important if there is an aspect of PvP to the game.

If you want the "ability" to fool another player by doing your best to make your PCs look like NPCs then more power to you. But the game shouldn't be locked into making your attempts to trick people that way trivial via its GUI.

For people who don't mind knowing at a glance whether they are looking at a PC or NPC the game shouldn't strictly prevent that. If you don't want to see any tags or other distinguishing marks yourself because you think that breaks your immersion then you should have the option to turn those things off if you want. But doing that should always be an player "option" instead of something everyone is forced to endure.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cute Kitsune
Cute Kitsune's picture
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I like the idea of being able

I like the idea of being able to ONLY see the names of people on my friends list or in my SGs. I also like the idea or "muting" the avatars of all PCs in an area when it's lagging

The line between knowing and understanding is often blurred.
Cute Kitsune the Anti Villain of Phoenix Rising.
I have more fervor then empathy, I still like you.~Me to a friend
It applies here too, I'm passionate not hostile.

Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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Won't happen.

Won't happen.

cybermitheral's picture
Last seen: 10 months 1 week ago
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Menu > Settings > Game

Menu > Settings > Game Settings > [Interaction]
Show other player names = Always - Never - Friends/SG Only

Of course I would also expect the fact that my character running around with my powers on would stand out from the every day citizens/npc's.

The Phoenix Rising Initiative Rules Lawyer

syntaxerror37's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Cute Kitsune wrote:
Cute Kitsune wrote:

I also like the idea or "muting" the avatars of all PCs in an area when it's lagging

If by muting you mean suppressing the visual effects, then i agree.

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Rezelius's picture
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cybermitheral wrote:
cybermitheral wrote:

Menu > Settings > Game Settings > [Interaction]
Show other player names = Always - Never - Friends/SG Only
Of course I would also expect the fact that my character running around with my powers on would stand out from the every day citizens/npc's.

This is basically what I would like to see. The ability to toggle player names on or off in groups (as above "friends only, etc.).

It would be nice to be able to toggle power effects in the same way. Only being able to see effects from friends or your SG or everyone if desired. If something like that was possible it would be extremely helpful.

Izzy's picture
Last seen: 7 years 4 months ago
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Rezelius wrote:
Rezelius wrote:

It would be nice to be able to toggle power effects in the same way. Only being able to see effects from friends or your SG or everyone if desired. If something like that was possible it would be extremely helpful.

Maybe base it on a Radius or a Cone in front of the players camera, and use a Slider in settings to control how many should be show that are Closest to the player. ;)
This way, you dont have to lower the number of Particle Effects that should be shown total. So it becomes Quality over Quantity. ;D