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"Named" Heal/Buffing Police officer(Released.)

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LeadWanderer's picture
Last seen: 2 months 22 hours ago
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"Named" Heal/Buffing Police officer(Released.)

I'd like to offer this idea I had shortly after story incident with the COP Suits. The idea is that by some fancy contraption or plot device, in the future the TCPD (or TC EMTs?) develop a COP Suit for healing and assisting heroes in the field.

Not sure if this is necessary for them to use this, but just in case:

I, LeadWanderer, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of November 1, 2014

Name: (Classified) Michelle Westin

Moniker: Inspector W.

Age: (Classified) 29

Date of birth: (Classified) January 9, (9 years before events of current CoT)

Ethnicity: (Classified) Russian/Arabian

Her MEDIC Suit model: V. 5.32

Current models: 0.8 to 1.25

Occupation: Police Detective with High degrees of medical training(She holds a doctorate in medicine and the equivalent of a bachelors degree in criminal psychology. (Taken as a minor only because she wanted to be able to work field trauma))

Background/personality: Michelle through some accident of physics or general lack of care for personal well being, fell through a time vortex and landed in the year (Insert proper year here, as I'm not clear on when CoT takes place). She didn't know this would happen, nor was she entirely prepared to travel back in time, she promptly reported to TCPD and explained the situation as vaguely as she could. They filed off everything but her rank (Inspector, or equivalent to detective in some cities) and every other identifying mark on her streamlined MEDIC (Medical Emergency Direct Intervention and Combat) Suit, then promptly sent her to work in the field. She's boisterous and active, and mostly forthcoming about who she is and what she does, while making jokes about her knowledge of the future and actually lacking quite a bit of useful knowledge about the subject.

Design: She looks a bit like you would expect a Medic to look, White or silver armor that's streamlined and obviously feminine. A Caduceus on one shoulder, a Red cross on the other with her rank insignia on the right side of her chest.

Other MEDIC Suits: While there are other MEDIC suits in prototype, concept, or selectively field tested, hers is far more advanced than the current models that rely largely on modern medicine to treat them.

Her Powers: She works quite a bit like star-trek medical technology, shoot a laser at someone and boom they're healed! This also works in reverse, she can shoot a laser at someone and temporarily paralyze them, do minor 'illusion' damage and purge a team of ailments. Most of her powers leave behind a minor buff to resistance, defense, regeneration or stamina.

Current Models: Probably work similarly to a mix of the Poison powerset and the Trap power set. I'm not very knowledgeable about real first aid and such, but this is probably just a step above what a combat medic would be designed for.

Uses: She could be a summonable temporary power granted by an introductory mission, she could tag along or randomly interfere with player missions when COP suits are involved to make things more interesting, humorous or actually help the player.

Reason: I don't know if there are very many of this sort of hero in the main 'cast' of any given series, or in CoT (I've read most of what there is but don't recall a healer/buffer being among them, could have missed it.) I also like strong quirky female characters. She occasionally bungles things like any NPC, she's meant to be a mid to high level plot device when high numbers of injuries and casualties are involved, perhaps even a quest granting NPC.

Cute Kitsune
Cute Kitsune's picture
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Every time I see the

Every time I see the stereotype female == healer I get ruffled feather's then I realize that's exactly what I am and feel the need to shut up. I love the concept but I'd like to see them break the gender role a little and make it a male. Kind of like they did with Anthem. Good over all either gender you put in it. I also realize making it a male falls into the cop = male stereotype too. Not even sure how you could get around it short of making it a she-male, Of course then who would even know and how? Ok I just went way off track I'm going to work now.

The line between knowing and understanding is often blurred.
Cute Kitsune the Anti Villain of Phoenix Rising.
I have more fervor then empathy, I still like you.~Me to a friend
It applies here too, I'm passionate not hostile.

LeadWanderer's picture
Last seen: 2 months 22 hours ago
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Joined: 10/13/2013 - 22:41
Yeah, that was the problem I

Yeah, that was the problem I ran into thinking her up, honestly she's just the named boss, and honestly since you only see her chin in my concept of her, she could be something else for all we know! Though I do agree that Female=Healer is very over played, Male=Cop was the other dichotomy, so I decided to go for subverting one and appeasing the other, because either way I would have to fall into one trap or another.

Though I want to be clear, she is more than a healer, she buffs, debuffs and does minor damage (But not much since she's just designed to support or give missions)

Edit 2: One more thing, the other MEDIC units that are from present day could be any gender too, in fact I'm pretty sure the COP suits are huge hulking things.

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 9 months 3 days ago
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I think a Heal/Buff bot

I think a Heal/Buff bot should be at the Hospital and not a police officer.

Be Well!

Starhammer's picture
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At least it's not the Female

At least it's not the Female Redheaded Archer stereotype that always seems to jump out at me, at least since Cattie Brie.

Anyway, I like the idea. I also disagree that it should be limited to being in a hospital. That level of healing tech, you need in the field where it can make a difference between "Back on your feet" and "Dead on arrival." You wouldn't want powered armor lumbering around a hospital anyway, and if they really needed that level of tech for something they couldn't handle otherwise, they could certainly ask her to come in.

LeadWanderer's picture
Last seen: 2 months 22 hours ago
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As previously mentioned, she

As previously mentioned, she was made after I considered the scenario we saw in the Ironport Fiasco. If she was just a NPC designed to rez people at the hospital like CoH had, then yeah that would fit. Plus, she's not really intended for that. She(Or rather her suit) is designed to heal and support officers and heroes in the 'hot zone' and to patch up the same in 'warm zones'. She's designed like Starhammer said, to ensure that there are as few "Dead on Arrival"s as possible.

I did a bit of research on the subject and from what I've read most of the time EMT's and field medics tend to go into 'warm zones' which I think means there's potential for danger, but not as much as a 'hot zone', cold zones being places where the danger is eliminated. I could be wrong, I'm not really an Emergency medical expert, just skimmed a few links. Terms are probably a little obvious. :shrug:

Scott Jackson
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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An alien zoologist acting as

An alien zoologist acting as a doctor could be somewhat of a mold-breaker, and provide both humor and a very different (sometimes shockingly non-human?) perspective on whatever is the current situation. This alien could be super-intelligent and thus quick to understand Earth species' physiology, or at least appear to be very capable as a result of support from a computer system developed for this purpose.

The idea as proposed in the OP is fine too; I don't wish to detract from it. It makes sense for the government to have health experts supporting the peacekeeping and crimefighting units. There's hopefully room for several named NPC "healers" throughout the game. I've just been intrigued by stories that place a decidedly non-human individual in the role of caring (or at least seeming to care) for humans. Would such an alien explore developing personal bonds with us, or would the human patients be treated more like pets or the animals in zoos? Would the alien walk a fine line between the "doctor" role and the "veterinarian" role? Would we be seen as equals, curiosities, or subjects to be studied?

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 9 months 3 days ago
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Army has Field Medics to take

Army has Field Medics to take into conflict, because they expect bad things to happen. Police don't expect such bad things to happen every day. Fire Department responds to dangerous situations regularly, so they have Medics on staff. Ambulance responds to medical emergencies, so they are all Medics, obviously. Hospital, as well.

Titan City is a world of Supers, who go into conflict daily. It makes sense that there would be Medic stations scattered about town and Super-Science based Medics on staff. I just think this service would be more an extension of Hospital/Ambulance or Fire services, rather than Police.

Be Well!

Cute Kitsune
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Mortal Police facing Supers

Mortal Police facing Supers that can throw cars with their minds and set everything on fire. I'd be damned if I'd serve as a cop in that city if we were denied a field medic but the fire department got one. The fire department can deal with The Human Torch's evil clone I'll stick to thugs. After all the fire department has a medic and water.

Or to rephrase in a way that sounds less antagonistic. The MEDIC suit in the field healing the COP suit can be a police officer. It could be police trained and certified extension of the hospital for hot zones. It is not a difference that makes a difference other then in the lore. The ideality of it is, these departments have a common goal. So the question is what does lore say is reality and does this MEDIC suit wearer care about normal conventions or do they do what is right even if it upsets people?

So to the Devs, how does this idea even fall on the lore front anyways? I'm actually getting really curious how the various departments interact.

The line between knowing and understanding is often blurred.
Cute Kitsune the Anti Villain of Phoenix Rising.
I have more fervor then empathy, I still like you.~Me to a friend
It applies here too, I'm passionate not hostile.

LeadWanderer's picture
Last seen: 2 months 22 hours ago
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Joined: 10/13/2013 - 22:41
Yeah, I can see the validity

Yeah, I can see the validity of all departments having access to the medic suits, what's more if the police are the first on the scene and no MEDIC suit from the EMT's or fire department has arrived, they're kind of SOL. I imagine they would all have one or two medic suits on hand. It's probably a job that crosses the department structure with a bit or autonomy. A MEDIC Corps so to speak. Inspector W just happens to be a police officer with the medical training to operate the TCPD MEDIC suit.

I'd like to hear the devs take on the idea as well, ya know, that being the initial goal of the suggestion. I am open to suggestions and modifying the idea, or them modifying it to fit lore, since I obviously don't know everything they have up their sleeves.