I searched and didn't see this specific request, so:
Multiple selectable automatic flyposes with an option for them to randomly rotate each time you fly.
That is all :D
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
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I searched and didn't see this specific request, so:
Multiple selectable automatic flyposes with an option for them to randomly rotate each time you fly.
That is all :D
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
Elaborate a bit on what you mean by "randomly rotate each time you fly," please?
[color=#ff0000]Business Manager[/color]
I can tell you what I would want in this vein: you have Fly, the power, you can either puick a Fly emote to use every time you toggle Fly on, or you can select "surprise me" and it uses pseudorandom number generation to select an emote from a list. I don't know if that's what Empyrean had in mind, but it's what I have in mind now. And I'm for it.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
Yes different emotes for modes of travel would be very cool, perhaps as a reward for lvl/TF/random drop etc. I vote yes (sorry programmers) :)
(I think what Empyrean meant was that there would be a table that a RNG would choose from for those emotes)
I personally think selectable would be better than random.
They also serve, who only stand and wait.
At the very least, some clever binds we possible in Cityof to allow fly poses to change at the press of a key. I don't foresee an issue with us providing at least the same functionality, but with much of what we're looking to do, I'm sure we'll evaluate ways to turn it up a notch.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
Ah, okay, I get it now. For some reason, when I read "rotate," my brain cheerfully provided the mental image of the same pose, but literally randomly rotated in 3D wrt the axis along which you were flying. This was, obviously, comical, but I knew that couldn't be what was being asked for.
[color=#ff0000]Business Manager[/color]
Yep. Y'all got it. Either you pick one from a selection of poses to be your normal flypose, or you choose, as Radiac put it, a "surprise me" random selection mode. Maybe even choices for "hover" too.
In CoH, I had bindings to turn on certain powers when I flew because I wanted it to look like I USED my powers to fly, not just "up, up, and away" like Superman. But binding powers PLUS binding flyposes got kind of crazy.
Also, I always wished he could just fly a different way each time he took off, but trying to bind all of that was just... mind-bending.
So I was thinking that if this could be "in the game" somehow rather than needing binds, it would allow even more freedom of customization.
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
Just bear in mind there's a big difference between the way CoH ended up implementing "fly poses" and the way that everyone (including the CoH Devs themselves) actually wanted them to work. What we got in CoH was at best a limited, cumbersome compromise due to the restrictions the system placed on the Devs' ability to modify animations for powers.
You see CoH fly poses were simply specialized emotes that would only work as long as you flew in straight lines with no changes in direction or elevation. As soon as you changed your direction of flight the base animations would take over and you were forced to "repose" yourself. Apparently that was the only way they could be done because it was either impossible (or at least way too difficult) to actually change the internal animations of the Fly power to make them modifiable.
Hopefully whatever limitations that existed in CoH for this will not be a factor in CoT. Ideally powers like flight will be designed to have their entire core animation sets be "swappable" with multiple sets/styles so that we're no longer forced to rely on fragile emotes for this kind of thing.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Word. +1. And not just flight.
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
Considering that they intend to have different animation sets for the various power sets, I believe it is safe to say that different animations for travel powers are also on the menu.
If we take that to be a given, I dare say the more pressing concern becomes the ability to quickly and intuitively access these animations through the UI.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=http://cityoftitans.com/comment/52149#comment-52149]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
Sounds like a good component of the power customization interface. I like the idea of a "Surprise me" option, and think that could work well with a lot of other powers too.
With this the ideal scenario would be to have a GUI that would list all the possible "animation sets" for a given power that you currently have access to and then let you either pick the single one you always wanted to use or a subset (from two to the total number) of sets available that the game could "randomly" choose from. For instance let's say you have access to four choices for animation styles for the Fly power. With those four I should be able to choose any one I always want to use or maybe I like all but one of them so I should be able to have it randomly choose between 3 of those 4 sets.
The cool part of making animation sets "swappable" like this is that they can become a new class of thing (like costume items, auras or emotes) that could be potentially earned during missions or bought from the online store. A player could theoretically "collect" animation sets and expand the overall individuality of their characters. This would also allow the Devs to provide a few basic animation sets for the game's launch then over time seamlessly add new ones as time allows.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
This would be so amazing.
Think about something as simple as a Super Strength set. For each power you have it set for "surprise me" and the fighting style becomes varied and awesome! The only down side I can think of is that PvP people might complain about not being able to visually determine what attack is being used, but that would be the same for any varied animation situation, wouldn't it?
This would be a dream for me. You'd never know exactly how a certain attack chain would actually look and play out visually.
So much awesome. So much customization.
Ok, my small request just became a slightly larger request :P.
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
That would be neat, although I imagine it's also a fairly pie in the sky feature. The first thought that came to me is whether the game could randomly choose an [s]power[/s] animation set, and then find and play the animation for that power, quickly enough to avoid stuttering, lag, or other weirdness. Although if it does become possible to cherry pick [s]powers[/s] animations in this manner, I expect that it would only require a small additional step to achieve DIY animation sets.
Edit: fixed a brain fart that had me write powers instead of animations.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=http://cityoftitans.com/comment/52149#comment-52149]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
Powerset shouldn't change, but animation suite for that powerset could be non-fixed.
Be Well!
Well, if randomized powerset animations is too pie-in-the-sky, hopefully at least selectable animations is a safe bet, as many seem to think.
And hopefully that also means that built-in selectable fly poses is also not too much to ask--and perhaps a randomized selection option is more doable for flight than for powerset powers?
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
Lothic proposed pretty much exactly wht I had in mind as I read this thread. And re-iterating, anything that can come as a customization option can be something that is either earned or bought. Leads to more play time or greater revenue.
You want the "Lotus Position" fly emote? Go talk to Master Chen and get the "Tibetan Yeti" mission. Or you can just go to the Store and pay X amount of in-game currency. Failing that, if you want it from the get-go as a part of your character concept you can do an actual micro-transaction for $ and buy a "set" that includes it. Mind you, I want a ridiculous amount of free customization and anything that is bought from the store should be account-wide. But some of the more obscure stuff (and thereby more individualized) could be something that takes a teensy bit of effort.
I am Empyrean, the originator of this thread, and I approve it's use for revenue streams to support this game.
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
I would pay for more animations for all kinds of stuff, if I liked them. Also, the pseudorandom choice of animation doesn't have to be randomized right when you activate the power. You could have the game track a pseudorandom number (Civ used to do this for random outcomes of things) then access that number when you need to make a decision, then re-randomize the current number after the fact, thus reloading the random number for the next use, which might not be immediate. In this sense the program would always have the NEXT random number it needs pre-determined from the last time and the re-randomization would occur after you've animated the power, which would hopefully ameliorate the problem of lag or stutter in the graphics.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising