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subscription suggestion for COT

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Beautiful Maddie
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subscription suggestion for COT

Being a log time subscribing player of CoH/CoV if we subscribe to City of Titans on a monthly or yearly basis can you make it to where when we pay for our subscriptions that we get to keep our contributor rewards for example such as ninja run,angelic/demon wings strictly for your subscribers the reason i suggested this is because my character Maddie got ripped when CoH went f2p and the players that had f2p accounts got everything we saved for the last 5 years as their subscribers

Voldine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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So you want people that can't

So you want people that can't afford to subscribe consistently to have their costumes or mobility ruined despite the fact that they paid for them already?

Ninja Run was a power gained by buying a costume expansion set, not a subscriber bonus.
Angel/demon wings were veteran awards for having subscribed for X time. Losing them would be silly.

Now, had you mentioned invention sets or incarnate powers, you might have had a leg to stand on. Free players did NOT get everything a subscriber did. In fact, free players only retained things that had been purchased before the game went free or were retained due to veteran status... Both of these mean that the player PAID for those things in the first place and was being allowed to keep them. Incarnate powers were even strictly subscription only, so a player that dropped to free and had a character built specifically around how their powers interacted with the incarnate system essentially couldn't play that character.

Your suggestion uses faulty examples and bad logic.

The original Lady of Ysgard. -Virtue

Darth Fez
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You may be interested in this

You may be interested in [url=]this thread about subscriptions[/url].

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Voldine wrote:
Voldine wrote:

Now, had you mentioned invention sets or incarnate powers, you might have had a leg to stand on. Free players did NOT get everything a subscriber did. In fact, free players only retained things that had been purchased before the game went free or were retained due to veteran status... Both of these mean that the player PAID for those things in the first place and was being allowed to keep them. Incarnate powers were even strictly subscription only, so a player that dropped to free and had a character built specifically around how their powers interacted with the incarnate system essentially couldn't play that character.
Your suggestion uses faulty examples and bad logic.

Don't forget the Auction house as well in that list of "once you had spent enough, it became free due to veteran status". It was $90 total spend I believe, whereas the IO system was something like $405 dollars total spend to "permanently unlock".

I am of the mind though that *systems* should not be unlocked via the amount of time/money you had spent on the game.

This does not mean that you cannot differentiate between F2P/Premium/Subscriber players in terms of what limits there are, but having system "permanent" unlocks set as veteran rewards does rub me the wrong way. Infact the Enhancements were differentiated in this way as well.... smalls dropped for everyone, mediums for those who had spent X amount (or subscribed) and Large were even more money spent (and subscribers).

Hell, you could even do it so that for the AH the number of slots you had available to you were limited to the "tier" you were on. But this does not mean that the F2P/Premium player is *prevented* from using the AH... just that they wouldn't necessarily have the same number of slots as a subscriber would have.

You could then also sell extra AH slots on the market as well.

That was not a problem for me, because the subscriber could get access to the *full range* that the game offered. Now if it changed to smalls only drop for F2P players, Mediums for "premium" players, and Large were subscriber only... and you received ONLY those that your tier allowed you (ie a subscriber only got Large enhancements) then I would be against that ruling.

So I would have set IO/AH access as either "subscriber only" (similar to Incarnate powers) or "Premium and above".

Veteran Rewards in my mind should be either cosmetic or "limited use" only in terms of what they offered. As soon as you start putting in exclusive "system rewards" in there, you start to get the feel of "Pay 2 Win" even if it is only P2W on the surface and actually *isn't*.


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Lothic's picture
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Beautiful Maddie wrote:
Beautiful Maddie wrote:

[...] the players that had f2p accounts got everything we saved for the last 5 years as their subscribers

Gangrel wrote:

As soon as you start putting in exclusive "system rewards" in there, you start to get the feel of "Pay 2 Win" even if it is only P2W on the surface and actually *isn't*.

I totally hate the concept of "permanent exclusivity" in games. Here's what I mean by that: Let's say a given game has been around for 5 years. Obviously a player who's been playing it since launch is going to have more "toys" than the player who just started yesterday. But ultimately I think there should be a way for the new player to get everything the old-timer has, even if that means the new player has to pay extra for those things or maybe has to do extra things in the game to get those "toys" the old-timer didn't have to.

One of the major reasons I usually don't start playing any game that's been around for awhile is that there's usually no realistic way for a new player like me to ever "catch up" to having all the special permanently exclusive bonuses (like beta vanity pets, one-time badges, etc.). Even though these rewards seem cool they actually serve as a barrier to keep newer players from ever wanting to start to play.

I would like CoT to avoid (as much as possible) having a bunch of permanently exclusive benefits that you could get only if you were here years before someone else. My ego doesn't need to be stroked so hard that I must permanently have more "toys" than anyone else who might be newer than I am.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Radiac's picture
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I have to disagree with the

I have to disagree with the sentiment expressed in the original post. I feel that if they're going to be charging people money to download/install the game in the first place, they really need to encourage new players to join, not just reward loyalty with exclusive stuff that only the entrenched "old boys and girls network" can access. Permanent in-game stuff like costume pieces, etc should not, in my opinion, become "limited time offer, get them while supplies last" type stuff, because that only prohibits you from offering it to new people who didn't have the money for it or the inclination to get it the first time, and unlike the McRibwich or foil promotional Magic cards, this is stuff that doesn't cost money to manufacture in small batches and ship across the world, you just make it, and there it is in the game forever, as much of it as you want. As an 8 year subscriber of CoX it never bothered me that they were offering the vet rewards to newbies. I mean, they're not taking that stuff AWAY from the vets, so what's so bad about giving it to new players to encourage new people to play? The more the merrier, I say.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Lothic's picture
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

I have to disagree with the sentiment expressed in the original post. I feel that if they're going to be charging people money to download/install the game in the first place, they really need to encourage new players to join, not just reward loyalty with exclusive stuff that only the entrenched "old boys and girls network" can access. Permanent in-game stuff like costume pieces, etc should not, in my opinion, become "limited time offer, get them while supplies last" type stuff, because that only prohibits you from offering it to new people who didn't have the money for it or the inclination to get it the first time, and unlike the McRibwich or foil promotional Magic cards, this is stuff that doesn't cost money to manufacture in small batches and ship across the world, you just make it, and there it is in the game forever, as much of it as you want. As an 8 year subscriber of CoX it never bothered me that they were offering the vet rewards to newbies. I mean, they're not taking that stuff AWAY from the vets, so what's so bad about giving it to new players to encourage new people to play? The more the merrier, I say.

Exactly. I'm not against having "exclusive" things in games like this - I just don't like the idea of things being PERMANENTLY exclusive, especially when those things tend to negatively discriminate against newer players.

For instance I really liked the idea that the CoT Kickstarter introduced of having things being "exclusive for one year or four Issues". Being able to have something special that someone else can't have for ONE WHOLE YEAR should be more than enough time for anyone. After that if a newer player (a player I might add I'll probably never personally see or be affected by at all) wants it then more power to them. More than likely that newer player would have to pay real money for it, which would only help the game I care about - why on earth would I not want new players spending extra money here?

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

syntaxerror37's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 08/24/2013 - 11:01
You know, the non

You know, the non-subscription/newer players post freedom got the veteran rewards by dropping money on the store. They may not have paid over five years, but they still paid. Hell, I was a subscription player from July of 05 and I advanced my vet status a few steps by purchasing merits.

This is a moot point, however, as it has already been stated whatever you unlock stays unlocked even if you stop subscribing or buying stars.

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

Cinnder's picture
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I don't have a really strong

I don't have a really strong opinion about exclusive rewards, but I do kinda see the OP's point. I think it comes down to being very clear about the conditions of the reward and sticking to them. If a reward is stated as being granted exclusively for time subscribed but is then later given to others who are willing to pony up extra cash, that's not fair to the folks who earned it according to the original rules. If a company gives its employees a watch, say, for working there for 20 years, a new employee can also get that watch. All they have to do is work there for 20 years. That's the deal as stated. I was never able to get the 1st Year Anniversary badge (Celebrant) in CoX because I didn't start playing till after the 1st year, but I was ok with that because I didn't meet the criteria. Simple as that.

However, I take Lothic's point about how this might dissuade some newer players. Which means to me that a game just has to be clear from the outset what the rules are. As Lothic points out, some KS rewards were clearly stated to be "temporarily exclusive" while others were defined as permanently so (see Bright Lights Big City). I think the key to avoid being unfair to the playerbase is to be careful and sparing with exclusive rewards, set out the rules clearly, and then stick to these definitions and avoid altering the deal. ("Pray I don't alter it any further.")

Spurn all ye kindle.

Empyrean's picture
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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

You may be interested in this thread about subscriptions.

LOL, Darth is right- but...

Since this is the thread getting attention right now, I do want to bring up one point here.

The free-to-play model works better the more massive a game's playerbase is. I don't think CoT is looking at a relatively massive playerbase by MMORPG standards (though I hope I'm totally wrong about that).

Different business models work better based on different numbers of customers/clients. In general, you go broad or you go deep into a niche.

Let's use an example. Balleys hands out thousands of cheap memeberships that people sign up for because it makes them feel like they're going to do something to get in shape, and, hey, why not, it's dirt cheap. Then they ad plenty of à la carte things like personal training and other classes to get a bit more money from the 10% of people who are actually serious. This massive amount of people paying a little bit of money really ads up.

But then you have smaller, more focused fitness systems (Crossfit, Core Barre, Pilates) that have fewer people but charge a good bit more and give much better service and attention and tend to get better results. You'd think this was for the "rich people" but, in general (you can look this up, I'm not going to cite), it isn't richer people, it's people who are more serious about getting fit that do these types of programs.

One is not better than the other, it's not a matter of right or wrong, but they are different and they both work. What tends not to work is vaguely floating in the middle--neither truly massive nor deep in a small niche--or trying to do one like it's the other (Balleys trying to charge more or Core Barre trying to charge less).

My point is (I really do have one), that IF the reality of CoT is that it doesn't end up being a truly massive MMORPG by MMORPG standards, this will need to be admitted and accepted and they'll need to go relatively deep into their niche. What will not work is a strategy that works for truly huge games with gigantic playerbases if we don't have one.

If, as I suspect, CoT will be much more like a "niche" game, then whatever the sub strategy is it will need to reflect that, or rather than complaining about an expensive game, people may be complaining about a dead game. What precisely does that mean in terms of a sub policy? I'm not exactly sure, but these basic business principles are sound and ignored at peril.

I know some people aren't going to like this one and I'll catch some flames for it, but a rule of thumb is that if no one complains about your prices, they're too low.

Just throwing that out there because I think it's important to at least take into consideration. But, just my 2 inf. What do I know :P?

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Lothic's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

I don't have a really strong opinion about exclusive rewards, but I do kinda see the OP's point. I think it comes down to being very clear about the conditions of the reward and sticking to them. If a reward is stated as being granted exclusively for time subscribed but is then later given to others who are willing to pony up extra cash, that's not fair to the folks who earned it according to the original rules. If a company gives its employees a watch, say, for working there for 20 years, a new employee can also get that watch. All they have to do is work there for 20 years. That's the deal as stated. I was never able to get the 1st Year Anniversary badge (Celebrant) in CoX because I didn't start playing till after the 1st year, but I was ok with that because I didn't meet the criteria. Simple as that.
However, I take Lothic's point about how this might dissuade some newer players. Which means to me that a game just has to be clear from the outset what the rules are. As Lothic points out, some KS rewards were clearly stated to be "temporarily exclusive" while others were defined as permanently so (see Bright Lights Big City). I think the key to avoid being unfair to the playerbase is to be careful and sparing with exclusive rewards, set out the rules clearly, and then stick to these definitions and avoid altering the deal. ("Pray I don't alter it any further.")

I'm not necessarily against the idea of "sticking to the rules" as far as how these things are established in games like this. Like your 1st Year Anniversary badge example I'd agree that based on how that badge was originally offered that you didn't "meet the requirement" for it so you shouldn't have been able to get it at a later date.

My point is that the idea of having any rewards that work like the CoH Anniversary badges did (ones that would by definition be unobtainable by newer players) are fundamentally flawed and unacceptable in the first place. My contention is that a new game like CoT could have been clever enough to come up with a wide range of rewards that didn't have any "one time windows" associated with them. Unfortunately CoT already missed its chance to strictly do that by offering the "Kickstarter" badge that presumably will be unobtainable by anyone else in the future.

So I'm not against following the rules once they are set in stone - I'm just for making sure the rules won't discriminate against newer players before they are established.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cinnder's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

My point is that the idea of having any rewards that work like the CoH Anniversary badges did (ones that would by definition be unobtainable by newer players) are fundamentally flawed and unacceptable in the first place.

I probably don't need to do this, cuz I expect you'll understand, but just in case I'll restate that I don't have a strong feeling one way or another about this kind of badge. I want to be clear I'm not arguing, but trying to understand the objection.

What if the devs want to use badges as a reward in order to increase participation in specific scheduled events? To get more people to log on during holiday events, expansion launches, or for specific load tests -- like the badge (that I can't seem to find on ParagonWiki) they gave us for logging into Infinity when they were testing increased server capability? Don't those have to be available only in a specific window in order to achieve their purpose? Or would you suggest some other way of encouraging such participation?

Spurn all ye kindle.

Lothic's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Lothic wrote:
My point is that the idea of having any rewards that work like the CoH Anniversary badges did (ones that would by definition be unobtainable by newer players) are fundamentally flawed and unacceptable in the first place.

I probably don't need to do this, cuz I expect you'll understand, but just in case I'll restate that I don't have a strong feeling one way or another about this kind of badge. I want to be clear I'm not arguing, but trying to understand the objection.
What if the devs want to use badges as a reward in order to increase participation in specific scheduled events? To get more people to log on during holiday events, expansion launches, or for specific load tests -- like the badge (that I can't seem to find on ParagonWiki) they gave us for logging into Infinity when they were testing increased server capability? Don't those have to be available only in a specific window in order to achieve their purpose? Or would you suggest some other way of encouraging such participation?

The CoH Holiday badges were available every year - if you missed them one year you had a chance to get them again. A badge for special beta testing or expansion launches could be generically called "Beta Tester" or "Launch Day" and be available every time special beta testing or expansion launch events occur. Even the "Anniversary badges" could easily be morphed into "Character Birthday" badges so that eventually anyone could have recognition for their X year old characters if they played long enough.

I hope you get my point here: There's really no reason ANY badge would ever have to be made to be strictly "one time only" based on a specific calendar date or event. It may take some extra creativity but it would be far from impossible to do.

P.S. The badge you may have been thinking of was [url=]Bug Hunter[/url], which had the dubious disctinction of being the only subjectively awarded badge in CoH based solely on the whims of the Devs. Despite its questionable method of reward it at least had a generic name so that it could be applied to all sorts of events/situations.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cinnder's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 16:24
I hear what you're saying,

I hear what you're saying, but if a badge like "Beta Tester" (just to look at the one example) were available on multiple occasions, doesn't that dilute its usefulness, if we assume the purpose is to get a large number of people to log on at once? If the majority of players log on for the first test, then there is no further incentive, badge-wise, for these players to log in on the next occasion. Such a badge would fire most of its payload on the first event, if you see what I mean, and I could see the same happening for holiday events, etc.

I like the idea of character birthdays, but that wouldn't be the same thing as encouraging a lot of people to log on on the game's birthday. (I have no idea if that was their purpose in the anniversary badges; if not, it does seem just like a flawed design decision as you suggest.)

Maybe there are other incentives to encourage specific event participation, but it would seem to me that even a non-badge reward would have to be either unique to the event or cumulative to be an effective incentive, and I think either of those would still fail your test for newer players, correct? Is there any incentive you can think of that would be of equal value for each event (i.e. a way of encouraging someone to participate in subsequent events after they got the reward) without being exclusive to that event?

(I'm not really sure how significant an issue it was for the devs to try to encourage participation in a limited window, so this may not be something that would be required very often, but I think it's interesting to consider in case the occasion does arise in CoT.)

P.S. Thanks, but it wasn't Bug Hunter. It was a badge awarded when they were testing the newly-increased server capacity and asked as many people as possible to log onto -- no, wait, it wasn't Infinity; it was Freedom server! Rats: that still doesn't help me find it on ParagonWiki. The only reference I can find is in the 3rd post on this thread ( but it doesn't tell us what it was called.

Spurn all ye kindle.

syntaxerror37's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 08/24/2013 - 11:01
Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Unfortunately CoT already missed its chance to strictly do that by offering the "Kickstarter" badge that presumably will be unobtainable by anyone else in the future.

I'm of a split mind on that one. On the one hand, it is a badge that will not be atainable by players who missed the KS, but on the other as a backer (don't let the lack of a “K” fool you, I'm the other half of a Dynamic Duo) I do want some recognition of that fact in game.


The CoH Holiday badges were available every year - if you missed them one year you had a chance to get them again. A badge for special beta testing or expansion launches could be generically called "Beta Tester" or "Launch Day" and be available every time special beta testing or expansion launch events occur. Even the "Anniversary badges" could easily be morphed into "Character Birthday" badges so that eventually anyone could have recognition for their X year old characters if they played long enough.

That's a great idea on how to handle limited time badges without badge-blocking newer players.

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

Last seen: 1 month 3 days ago
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Joined: 09/15/2013 - 15:14
Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Cinnder wrote:
Lothic wrote:
My point is that the idea of having any rewards that work like the CoH Anniversary badges did (ones that would by definition be unobtainable by newer players) are fundamentally flawed and unacceptable in the first place.

I probably don't need to do this, cuz I expect you'll understand, but just in case I'll restate that I don't have a strong feeling one way or another about this kind of badge. I want to be clear I'm not arguing, but trying to understand the objection.
What if the devs want to use badges as a reward in order to increase participation in specific scheduled events? To get more people to log on during holiday events, expansion launches, or for specific load tests -- like the badge (that I can't seem to find on ParagonWiki) they gave us for logging into Infinity when they were testing increased server capability? Don't those have to be available only in a specific window in order to achieve their purpose? Or would you suggest some other way of encouraging such participation?

The CoH Holiday badges were available every year - if you missed them one year you had a chance to get them again. A badge for special beta testing or expansion launches could be generically called "Beta Tester" or "Launch Day" and be available every time special beta testing or expansion launch events occur. Even the "Anniversary badges" could easily be morphed into "Character Birthday" badges so that eventually anyone could have recognition for their X year old characters if they played long enough.

Guild Wars/Guild Wars 2 do this, although it isn't with a badge, it is with a pet that you receive. So for the 1st year "birthday" all players will get the same pet in game. Doesn't matter if they made the character in 2005 or 2010... they would receive the same pet.

I have no problem doing it this way, because it *does* avoid the whole "missing out on the start". The only thing you would miss out on would be the stuff that is *ahead* of you, if the game ever closed down... but it does give you a nice feeling of "Yay, something for another year!"


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Lothic's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 00:27
Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

I hear what you're saying, but if a badge like "Beta Tester" (just to look at the one example) were available on multiple occasions, doesn't that dilute its usefulness, if we assume the purpose is to get a large number of people to log on at once?

I see your concern about the possibility of "diluting" the usefulness of awarding badges in these situations. But I honestly believe you're ascribing too much significance to the idea of needing unique one-time only badges for every single case.

To begin with over the course of 8.5 years CoH never actually awarded -any- badge to all testers along the lines of a "Beta Tester" anyway. There were no badges in the game at all until Issue 2 (so thankfully nothing equivalent to a pre-launch Kickstarter type badge) and there were only a handful of "[url=]badges for buying expansion X, Y or Z[/url]" badges. Basically CoH for the most part wisely minimized the "do something outside the main game to get a badge" badges.

People who like to beta test usually beta test regardless of needing a carrot like a badge regardless.

Cinnder wrote:

If the majority of players log on for the first test, then there is no further incentive, badge-wise, for these players to log in on the next occasion. Such a badge would fire most of its payload on the first event, if you see what I mean, and I could see the same happening for holiday events, etc.

CoH already established the precedent that all of its older Holiday badges were available every year. The method it used to "keep people coming back" was that in later years they added new badges to many of the events so even if you already had all the badges from previous years you were still motivated to get the newer ones.

But focusing back on "rewards for beta testing" I think it’s pretty obvious that there's all sorts of non-unique things you could give players to get them to participate. Badges are simply bad for this kind of thing specifically because they lead to the trap of becoming "one-time only".

Cinnder wrote:

I like the idea of character birthdays, but that wouldn't be the same thing as encouraging a lot of people to log on the game's birthday. (I have no idea if that was their purpose in the anniversary badges; if not, it does seem just like a flawed design decision as you suggest.)

I'm sure it's not going to surprise you to hear that I hated the "must log on within a certain period of time to get a badge" concept. This is why having badges for "character birthdays" makes more sense because the game would simply keep track of the given date and reward the badge to the character the next time it's logged in. No need to log in on the exact date - it just happens automatically.

The main annoyance of the Anniversary badges was having to log on every single character to get them because they were not account-based. My "character birthday" idea avoids all that and also avoids the more important problem of screwing over newer players. Sure a player who's been playing for five years might always have characters that are older than a player who just started yesterday. But at least that new player will always have the POTENTIAL to get all those badges eventually. Missed Anniversary badges were forever beyond a new player's reach.

Cinnder wrote:

Maybe there are other incentives to encourage specific event participation, but it would seem to me that even a non-badge reward would have to be either unique to the event or cumulative to be an effective incentive, and I think either of those would still fail your test for newer players, correct? Is there any incentive you can think of that would be of equal value for each event (i.e. a way of encouraging someone to participate in subsequent events after they got the reward) without being exclusive to that event?

(I'm not really sure how significant an issue it was for the devs to try to encourage participation in a limited window, so this may not be something that would be required very often, but I think it's interesting to consider in case the occasion does arise in CoT.)

Again I'm not sold on the idea that awards must always have some kind of unique connection to a specific one-time event. I think this leads back to the more fundamental misconception that something described as "exclusive" means it will be PERMANENTLY exclusive forever. I think MMO players in general have gotten too used to assuming that exclusive rewards automatically imply they would (and even should) be exclusive forever. I disagree with that notion.

Bottomline there are always alternatives to "one-time only" awards: Things like in-game store credit, free t-shirts or other real-world prizes, a choice of vanity pets (that may even be "temporarily" exclusive for some period of time), head-start access to new features, etc. All these things again avoid screwing over new players in the long run.

Cinnder wrote:

P.S. Thanks, but it wasn't Bug Hunter. It was a badge awarded when they were testing the newly-increased server capacity and asked as many people as possible to log onto -- no, wait, it wasn't Infinity; it was Freedom server! Rats: that still doesn't help me find it on ParagonWiki. The only reference I can find is in the 3rd post on this thread ( but it doesn't tell us what it was called.

The only other badge that ever came close to be being awarded for logging into and/or "switching" servers was the [url=]Passport[/url] badge.

The original idea behind the Passport badge was that you would get it if you transferred a character from one server to another. But that concept was conceived literally years before server transfers actually became a reality. In the meantime the Devs decided to "repurpose" the badge to be related to people transferring their NA server characters over to the EU servers. This is why theoretically no NA character was ever supposed to have Passport, but in reality a very tiny handful of NA players got awarded Passport via some kind of bug/accident and were allowed to keep it.

As I said before there was never really actually -any- badge that was awarded for beta testing other than Bug Hunter. There were rumors that such badges existed in the pigg files, but if there were they were never used.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Gangrel wrote:
Gangrel wrote:

Lothic wrote:
Cinnder wrote:
Lothic wrote:
My point is that the idea of having any rewards that work like the CoH Anniversary badges did (ones that would by definition be unobtainable by newer players) are fundamentally flawed and unacceptable in the first place.

I probably don't need to do this, cuz I expect you'll understand, but just in case I'll restate that I don't have a strong feeling one way or another about this kind of badge. I want to be clear I'm not arguing, but trying to understand the objection.
What if the devs want to use badges as a reward in order to increase participation in specific scheduled events? To get more people to log on during holiday events, expansion launches, or for specific load tests -- like the badge (that I can't seem to find on ParagonWiki) they gave us for logging into Infinity when they were testing increased server capability? Don't those have to be available only in a specific window in order to achieve their purpose? Or would you suggest some other way of encouraging such participation?

The CoH Holiday badges were available every year - if you missed them one year you had a chance to get them again. A badge for special beta testing or expansion launches could be generically called "Beta Tester" or "Launch Day" and be available every time special beta testing or expansion launch events occur. Even the "Anniversary badges" could easily be morphed into "Character Birthday" badges so that eventually anyone could have recognition for their X year old characters if they played long enough.

Guild Wars/Guild Wars 2 do this, although it isn't with a badge, it is with a pet that you receive. So for the 1st year "birthday" all players will get the same pet in game. Doesn't matter if they made the character in 2005 or 2010... they would receive the same pet.
I have no problem doing it this way, because it *does* avoid the whole "missing out on the start". The only thing you would miss out on would be the stuff that is *ahead* of you, if the game ever closed down... but it does give you a nice feeling of "Yay, something for another year!"

Sure if a game shuts down then the newer players won't get access to the later things. But at that point since EVERYONE is screwed over because the game is shutdown I don't really see that mattering too much. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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syntaxerror37 wrote:
syntaxerror37 wrote:

Lothic wrote:
Unfortunately CoT already missed its chance to strictly do that by offering the "Kickstarter" badge that presumably will be unobtainable by anyone else in the future.
I'm of a split mind on that one. On the one hand, it is a badge that will not be atainable by players who missed the KS, but on the other as a backer (don't let the lack of a “K” fool you, I'm the other half of a Dynamic Duo) I do want some recognition of that fact in game.

I understand there's a certain amount of "coolness factor" to being able to show off something like a pre-launch badge. But as a long time CoH badger I saw the negative ramifications of people getting screwed by those sorts of things as well.

I was lucky enough to have started playing CoH from essentially Day One - I had badging characters who had every "limited/one-time only" badge the game ever offered. But I had good friends in the game who, through no fault of their own, started playing the game some time after the start of CoH.

Some of them became avid badge hunters but were forever screwed because they weren't around to get some of the earliest one-time only badges. It was an annoying sticking point that dogged them for years and it ultimately casued several of them to quit the game because they knew they would never be able to "catch up" to other older players. It was an unfortunate sitution that was entirely avoidable with a little better foresight on the part of the Devs.

So yes while it might be nice to "show off" if you're in a game from the beginning it also permanently relegates newer players into an almost "second class" limbo that doesn't really help anyone.

syntaxerror37 wrote:

The CoH Holiday badges were available every year - if you missed them one year you had a chance to get them again. A badge for special beta testing or expansion launches could be generically called "Beta Tester" or "Launch Day" and be available every time special beta testing or expansion launch events occur. Even the "Anniversary badges" could easily be morphed into "Character Birthday" badges so that eventually anyone could have recognition for their X year old characters if they played long enough.
That's a great idea on how to handle limited time badges without badge-blocking newer players.

Thanks. Again I think with a little cleverness pretty much any "one-time only" award/badge can be avoided in general.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I understand there's a certain amount of "coolness factor" to being able to show off something like a pre-launch badge. But as a long time CoH badger I saw the negative ramifications of people getting screwed by those sorts of things as well.
I was lucky enough to have started playing CoH from essentially Day One - I had badging characters who had every "limited/one-time only" badge the game ever offered. But I had good friends in the game who, through no fault of their own, started playing the game some time after the start of CoH.
Some of them became avid badge hunters but were forever screwed because they weren't around to get some of the earliest one-time only badges. It was an annoying sticking point that dogged them for years and it ultimately casued several of them to quit the game because they knew they would never be able to "catch up" to other older players. It was an unfortunate sitution that was entirely avoidable with a little better foresight on the part of the Devs.
So yes while it might be nice to "show off" if you're in a game from the beginning it also permanently relegates newer players into an almost "second class" limbo that doesn't really help anyone.

I just wanted to clarify my position on that, I am literally split on my feelings about the KS award. I was a badger, well on one character anyway, and I missed the first anniversary badge by 2 months. So I know how it feels to be forever without a badge. As for wanting the badge half of me; it was more about the personal pride of having the KS badge, rather than showing off or raising my badge total by 1.

Now, I will say if MWM runs another fundraiser before launch and gives the KS badge to those who missed the original kickstarter campaign I am fine with that; it does not decrease the meaning of the badge to me at all. In fact that is a much better idea than offering a second backer reward badge.

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

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syntaxerror37 wrote:
syntaxerror37 wrote:

Now, I will say if MWM runs another fundraiser before launch and gives the KS badge to those who missed the original kickstarter campaign I am fine with that; it does not decrease the meaning of the badge to me at all. In fact that is a much better idea than offering a second backer reward badge.

I'd agree that morphing the "Kickstarter" badge into a more general "Founder" badge that could be applied to ANY fundraising effort (Kickstarter or otherwise) might be a good idea.

But an even better alternative would have been to have made this particular "reward" non-badge based to begin with, or at least a badge that could have been generic enough that it could have been re-used at any time either before or after the game's launch.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic, I appreciate your

Lothic, I appreciate your detailed response, but I fear I have not been communicating very well, because most of your specific replies seem to be to thoughts I didn’t intend my words to convey. On the assumption that it’s my usual wordiness that is to blame, I’ll try to clarify in a more concise form:

I’m not particularly for or against exclusive rewards. I can see how they can be a useful tool for devs, but I also realise some folks are passionately against them. My primary goal in this conversation is to be able to understand the objection and how that weighs against the advantage. I believe that you, as one of the more calm and reasoned people on this forum, can help me overcome my lack of comprehension.



The devs can use exclusive rewards such as badges to encourage participation in time-specific events. Obviously, this wouldn’t be the majority of badges, but only if/when they want to increase the number of concurrent players, whether for PR purposes or technical ones.*

If the players know from the outset that the badge will be available again in the future, then the incentive to log in for the event is diminished, and the devs do not get what they were looking for. If we’re told that the badge will be only for this event and then later it’s made available to all, that’s unfair to the people who actually participated.

CON (This is where I need your help to flesh this out):

People who missed the event won’t be able to get the badge.


I don’t mean to be argumentative; I just honestly don’t understand why the Con is so bad. That seems to me to be a fact of life in our current space-time model. I’m sure we all can think of things we’d like to have been able to achieve/experience in life but missed out on. If I turn up to a concert an hour late, I don’t expect the band to start their set over from the first song. I would have liked to have seen Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address speech in person, but I wasn’t around then. ...OK, OK, I admit I’m straying into hyperbole now. :-)

For a more practical example, let’s look at a shop that wants to maximise the number of customers coming in for a specific sale at a specific time. So they say the first 100 customers get a free toaster. If I don’t roll round to the shop till 3pm, I don’t expect to still be able to get a toaster. And if I’m the 500th customer and they decide to give me a toaster anyway, that’s not fair to the folks who got there on time and waited in the queue to be part of the 100. Also, the next time the shop wants to run such a promotion, people will say, “Don’t bother getting up early; you’ll still be able to get a toaster just before closing time,” and thus the shop loses the benefit of offering the incentive to begin with.

Again, I’m not suggesting this should be for all or even the majority of rewards (badge or otherwise), just that it can be a useful tool for the devs in a small number of instances.

That's the core of my quest on this particular thread. If you can help me understand, I'd be grateful.

* The badge I was thinking of was [url=]Defender of Primal Earth[/url]. (Thanks to Codewalker for finding it for me!) It was a reward linked to a specific window of time in order to test increased server capacity.

Spurn all ye kindle.

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[I'm going to respond to some

[I'm going to respond to some specific points here for clarity's sake, but if this conversation is becoming tiresome feel free to ignore this post; it's the previous one that I'd really like to understand better.]

Lothic wrote:

I see your concern about the possibility of "diluting" the usefulness of awarding badges in these situations. But I honestly believe you're ascribing too much significance to the idea of needing unique one-time only badges for every single case.

Sorry, I didn't mean to say (and don't think I actually did) that one-time-only badges are needed in every case. Just that they have a usefulness in particular instances.

Lothic wrote:

To begin with over the course of 8.5 years CoH never actually awarded -any- badge to all testers along the lines of a "Beta Tester" anyway.

Again, my bad: I didn't mean to argue the merits of a specific "Beta Tester" badge; I just picked your first example as a random name. (But also, see the reference to the Defender of Primal Earth badge above.)

Lothic wrote:

CoH already established the precedent that all of its older Holiday badges were available every year. The method it used to "keep people coming back" was that in later years they added new badges to many of the events so even if you already had all the badges from previous years you were still motivated to get the newer ones.

That's kinda my point: once they made the holiday participation badges available retrospectively, they lost their "oomph". If the devs were trying to get more people to play during the holidays and away from competing products, knowing that "Oh I can always get that badge next year" removes the incentive (badge-wise) to log on [i]this[/i] year.

Lothic wrote:

I think this leads back to the more fundamental misconception that something described as "exclusive" means it will be PERMANENTLY exclusive forever. I think MMO players in general have gotten too used to assuming that exclusive rewards automatically imply they would (and even should) be exclusive forever. I disagree with that notion.

You've used that word "misconception" in this context before, and it always makes me uncomfortable because it implies that your preferred definition (temporarily exclusive) is the correct one. Would it not be fairer to call it "ambiguous"? Isn't the problem that the term "exclusive" on its own can mean either permanently or temporarily so, and that devs should specify which one at the outset?

Lothic wrote:

Bottomline there are always alternatives to "one-time only" awards: Things like in-game store credit, free t-shirts or other real-world prizes...

1) The problem with real world items is the increased cost for the devs: it's a lot cheaper to put together a bit of artwork and text one time for a badge that can be copied than it is to give one of these rl rewards to each participant.

2) Would not these rl rewards be subject to the same objections if they were awarded as "one time only"?

Spurn all ye kindle.

Scott Jackson
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I won't speak for Lothic, but

I won't speak for Lothic, but I believe one general objection to the use of exclusives (badge or otherwise) is that the desired effect (time-sensitive participation in event P) can almost always be obtained through a different technique, with zero downsides. Your toaster example demonstrates this; it is the -free- aspect that's the draw. The customers can buy toasters anywhere (toasters are not exclusive), but this is the only place to get a free one, at least during the early sale period.

Another general objection is that the exclusive may not be desirable to the target group of customers, and thus may require supplemental incentives to reach them. For example, giving out 100 exclusive toasters signed by Scott Jackson would only motivate my biggest fans to visit the shop, but a 50% discount on any item would attract the interest of all potential customers. Exclusive badges only attract a portion of the playerbase, unless very cleverly named or as part of a larger package of rewards.

I prefer the use of store credit bonuses, free in-game items that would otherwise require some work to obtain, costume unlock codes, temporarily boosted item drop rates, and similar non-exclusive rewards as the means to encourage participation in testing / surveys / events.

I'm not saying that exclusive rewards are ineffective; they can be very effective if the goal is one-dimensional; purely to get X customers. However, there is usually a secondary goal - to have all the customers feel fairly treated, even if they didn't "win". The feeling of fair treatment is put at highest risk when a permanently-exclusive, untradeable, artificially-scarce digital item is used as a limited-time reward, since the customer may not get a fair shot at obtaining the item due to military duty, illness, ISP downtime...and there is absolutely no alternative allowed. Even in the physical world, where scarcity is more easily justified, exclusive limited-time reward offers are seldom "person/account-bound" like badges. You noted the exception - where the reward is an experience and is thus unique by the nature of spacetime and human perception.

oOStaticOo's picture
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I'm with Cinnder on this one.

I'm with Cinnder on this one. I don't see the problem with having badges that are offered for a limited time and are exclusive. I think of badges as trophies. Some people like to have them, others don't really care. I don't have a Super Bowl Trophy. I don't have a baseball Pennant. To me it almost sounds like kids sports where everybody that participates gets the trophy whether you win or lose. Yay you! I understand that there are completionists out there and it drives them absolutely nuts that they can't complete every badge known to man because they were unable to perform or participate in some event. I'm sorry. Suck it up buttercup. Having a special badge, costume item, or title is special. People who have those accomplished something for it. As such they deserve to be rewarded for it. Didn't do it? You don't get to have the reward.

I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!

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I'm going to try to address
Cinnder wrote:

The devs can use exclusive rewards such as badges to encourage participation in time-specific events. Obviously, this wouldn’t be the majority of badges, but only if/when they want to increase the number of concurrent players, whether for PR purposes or technical ones.*

If the players know from the outset that the badge will be available again in the future, then the incentive to log in for the event is diminished, and the devs do not get what they were looking for. If we’re told that the badge will be only for this event and then later it’s made available to all, that’s unfair to the people who actually participated.

I'm going to try to address what I see is you main "thread of thought" on this subject and hopefully this time I'll hit the nail on the head to help fully explain my position here.

Your main idea here seems to be that among the wide spectrum of different things the Devs of a game could do to motivate/encourage people to participate in special events some of those things could legitimately include (but wouldn't be limited to) rewarding people with unique, one-time only badges. Now I will readily admit that in the "quiver of tools" the Devs have that offering special one-time only rewards do pack a certain short-term motivational punch and are obviously accepted by the industry to be pretty effective given that many MMOs have been routinely offering things like this for years now.

My main point here is this: even though one-time only rewards can be effective tools for the Devs I contend that they are not strictly needed for ANY situation. I believe that ANY situation where the Devs might reflexively say "OK let's attach a one-time only badge to this X, Y or Z event" that they could easily come up with an alternative reward that would be (by all rules and definitions) NOT a one-time only reward and have it be just as motivationally effective. Essentially the premise that the short-term "motivational boost" that one-time only awards provide is always worth the negative long term effects of screwing over future new players is false. Quite the opposite is true: the more one-time awards a game uses over time the more likely that newer players will be screwed out of more things in the long run. It's a sort of death spiral that games like CoH have trouble digging themselves out of (e.g. the [url=]controversy[/url] over releasing Prestige Power Dash, Quick, Rush and Surge as [url=]Vet Awards[/url] but not include Prestige Power Slide as one).

We all know MMO players can be a fickle bunch and choose to do things in games for all sorts of reasons. Some people do special events regardless of what "reward" is given to motivate them to do it. My contention is this: if the Devs NEVER used one-time only rewards as carrots what would actually be lost? How do we really know the Devs would "not get what they were looking for" if they don't toss out a one-time only reward? We don't.

Cinnder wrote:

I don’t mean to be argumentative; I just honestly don’t understand why the Con is so bad. That seems to me to be a fact of life in our current space-time model. I’m sure we all can think of things we’d like to have been able to achieve/experience in life but missed out on. If I turn up to a concert an hour late, I don’t expect the band to start their set over from the first song. I would have liked to have seen Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address speech in person, but I wasn’t around then. ...OK, OK, I admit I’m straying into hyperbole now. :-)

Yes you might be an hour late to one specific concert, but one could reasonably assume there might be another concert in the future. Are you suggesting that MMO events can NEVER be repeated for future audiences? There are plenty of examples of old-time bands (e.g. Rolling Stones) who put on shows for people today who weren't even alive when they first started as a band. As for the Gettysburg Address if a MMO allows for time travel don't you think a newer player would eventually be able go back in time just like an older player? Hyperbole is fun isn't it? ;)

Cinnder wrote:

For a more practical example, let’s look at a shop that wants to maximise the number of customers coming in for a specific sale at a specific time. So they say the first 100 customers get a free toaster. If I don’t roll round to the shop till 3pm, I don’t expect to still be able to get a toaster. And if I’m the 500th customer and they decide to give me a toaster anyway, that’s not fair to the folks who got there on time and waited in the queue to be part of the 100. Also, the next time the shop wants to run such a promotion, people will say, “Don’t bother getting up early; you’ll still be able to get a toaster just before closing time,” and thus the shop loses the benefit of offering the incentive to begin with.

Right... but I could go across the street and likely be able to buy the same toaster from a different store. Toasters aren't unique, one-time only rewards - and neither would badges for events ever have to be. Besides we all know stores can and do change the terms of their deals almost continuously. I would offer that unless the "toaster" in your example was something huge like a Lamborghini (or in MMO terms something like a free max level token) that it's "exclusiveness" or lack of "exclusiveness" is not really as huge as motivator as you're making it out to be.

Cinnder wrote:

Again, I’m not suggesting this should be for all or even the majority of rewards (badge or otherwise), just that it can be a useful tool for the devs in a small number of instances.

It's a flawed mindset that one-time only awards are ever needed regardless if used in small doses or not. Their short-term usefulness does not outweigh their long term negative consequences, period.

Cinnder wrote:

The badge I was thinking of was [url=]Defender of Primal Earth[/url]. (Thanks to Codewalker for finding it for me!) It was a reward linked to a specific window of time in order to test increased server capacity.

Yes but if you'll look closely that "one-time reward" overtly broke your own "rules shouldn't be changed after being established" concept. That badge was initially meant to be for a 3 hour Freedom server only thing. It got expanded to a multi-day any server thing.

Either the original "exclusiveness" of that badge didn't really matter (because the Devs got more people to participate in their test than they expected) or it became clear to the Devs that they had made that badge a bit TOO exclusive to begin with. Regardless my conclusion would be that the need for such a one-time only badge in that situation was questionable at best.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Radiac's picture
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I suggest that one-time-only

I suggest that one-time-only stuff could exist, as long as the badge hunters all agree not to consider that stuff "canon" in terms of badge collecting. Assuming you don't actually CALL these event things "badges" but something else, like "mementos" or something, it think it's okay. The complete set of canonical "Badges" per se should be limited to things that the new player CAN possibly get somehow, but events can still reward stuff that you had to be there to get.

Edit: I would also recommend that the game itself track badge hunting stats in a public way in the game overall, going by what the devs consider canonical, lest the players say "to heck with that noise, I gotz more mementos than you, so I'm counting it!"

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Lothic wrote:
CoH already established the precedent that all of its older Holiday badges were available every year. The method it used to "keep people coming back" was that in later years they added new badges to many of the events so even if you already had all the badges from previous years you were still motivated to get the newer ones.

That's kinda my point: once they made the holiday participation badges available retrospectively, they lost their "oomph". If the devs were trying to get more people to play during the holidays and away from competing products, knowing that "Oh I can always get that badge next year" removes the incentive (badge-wise) to log on this year.

So let's take the Halloween Event badges as an example: By 2012 there were 29 Halloween badges that would repeat every year. Are you suggesting that instead of having any of those 29 repeat every year you would have wanted the Devs to have to come up with say 20 or 30 new unique badges every year (e.g. Hunter 2010, Hunter 2011, etc.)? What would you really be gaining with that? If you'll recall people strongly complained about having to log in all of their characters just to get the yearly Anniversary badges - could you imagine how much bitching there would have been if you had to re-get all the event badges again on your characters if they simply tacked on the new year number to the old badges?

Regardless of your answer to that as a badger I never once heard anyone tell me "Oh I'm not going to bother to get event badge X, Y or Z this year because I could always just wait AN ENTIRE YEAR for it to come around again". You’re honestly sounding a little desperate with this particular line of reasoning.

Cinnder wrote:

Lothic wrote:
I think this leads back to the more fundamental misconception that something described as "exclusive" means it will be PERMANENTLY exclusive forever. I think MMO players in general have gotten too used to assuming that exclusive rewards automatically imply they would (and even should) be exclusive forever. I disagree with that notion.

You've used that word "misconception" in this context before, and it always makes me uncomfortable because it implies that your preferred definition (temporarily exclusive) is the correct one. Would it not be fairer to call it "ambiguous"? Isn't the problem that the term "exclusive" on its own can mean either permanently or temporarily so, and that devs should specify which one at the outset?

I don't have a "preferred" definition of exclusive because the word "exclusive" has no inherent time period associated with it. The problem you're pointing out is that too many MMO players have deluded themselves to thinking that the word "exclusive" automatically implies something will remain exclusive forever. This leads to people getting upset when a game eventually "changes the rules" (using your phrase) and let's newer people have access to things they "assumed" newer people would never have access to.

I agree that games in general ought to be more careful when they throw around the word "exclusive" because without being precise on how long they intend a period of exclusivity to last they will only end up making the old-timers mad for no good reason. This is why I would suggest, for the sake of reasonable expectations, that if you're going to want to assume that the word "exclusive" has an implied time period that your first assumptions ought to be for the thing in question to be temporary/repeatable, not permanent. If games started to avoid "one-time" awards I feel people overall would be less inclined to mistakenly jump to a false expectation of permanence.

Cinnder wrote:

Lothic wrote:
Bottomline there are always alternatives to "one-time only" awards: Things like in-game store credit, free t-shirts or other real-world prizes...

1) The problem with real world items is the increased cost for the devs: it's a lot cheaper to put together a bit of artwork and text one time for a badge that can be copied than it is to give one of these rl rewards to each participant.
2) Would not these rl rewards be subject to the same objections if they were awarded as "one time only"?

There are almost countless alternatives to "one-time only" badges. Obviously some of those may have other disadvantages that would make them less desirable. While real world items may be more costly there's no reason why something like say the design for a t-shirt couldn't be reused. Why would they have to create "one-time only real world items" ever? You really need to step back and ask yourself why you're hung up on the absolute NEED for there to be "unique" things like this in MMOs.

It's also funny that you countered my "real world item" alternative with digital badges considering it would be EVEN EASIER for the Devs to simply reuse/reoffer older generic badges again rather than having to come up with new, unique one-time badges for every individual event. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Darth Fez
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MWM has already established

MWM has already established that certain 'rewards', as it were, are exclusive for a limited time. Personally, I would consider a costume piece, pet, pet skin, etc. to be much more enticing than a badge. After three to six months, I very much doubt that I would care that this item would become available to everyone else.

Heck, make it an interesting and fun temporary power. I'm there.

If people will only participate in events if they can get something that those who did not, or could not, participate in those events cannot get then, I have little sympathy for them. If participating in the event itself was not special enough then, to quote Static, "I'm sorry. Suck it up buttercup."

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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oOStaticOo wrote:
oOStaticOo wrote:

I'm with Cinnder on this one. I don't see the problem with having badges that are offered for a limited time and are exclusive. I think of badges as trophies. Some people like to have them, others don't really care. I don't have a Super Bowl Trophy. I don't have a baseball Pennant. To me it almost sounds like kids sports where everybody that participates gets the trophy whether you win or lose. Yay you! I understand that there are completionists out there and it drives them absolutely nuts that they can't complete every badge known to man because they were unable to perform or participate in some event. I'm sorry. Suck it up buttercup. Having a special badge, costume item, or title is special. People who have those accomplished something for it. As such they deserve to be rewarded for it. Didn't do it? You don't get to have the reward.

I'm not talking about handing out badges to everyone like your silly "participation trophies" analogy. I'm talking about every player in the game having the OPORTUNITY TO PLAY TO EARN badges REGARDLESS of when they started playing the game. No one's talking about the equivalent of "free handouts" here.

Lets run a little hypothetical scenario here that'll explain why you're very off-base here: Let's say a game runs an event that you joined in on and offers a badge for participating in it called "Defender of the World 2014". Now let's say a new player comes along 5 years later. Obviously the new player wasn't around for the event in 2014 so there's no logical reason he/she should ever be able to get the "Defender of the World 2014" badge.

But here's where you have to ask the question: Why were the Devs compelled to uniquely name the badge "Defender of the World 2014" with the date hardcoded in the badge name in the first place? Why couldn't the Devs have named that badge "Defender of the World" WITHOUT the date and make the event something they could run on a periodic basis so that the newer player could have the SAME OPPORTUNITY you did five years ago to earn the SAME badge?

Where is this obsessive, self entitled need for old-timers to have things that newer players can never have coming from? If you can answer why that concept is actually healthy for a gaming community to have then I'll be impressed.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

I suggest that one-time-only stuff could exist, as long as the badge hunters all agree not to consider that stuff "canon" in terms of badge collecting. Assuming you don't actually CALL these event things "badges" but something else, like "mementos" or something, it think it's okay. The complete set of canonical "Badges" per se should be limited to things that the new player CAN possibly get somehow, but events can still reward stuff that you had to be there to get.
Edit: I would also recommend that the game itself track badge hunting stats in a public way in the game overall, going by what the devs consider canonical, lest the players say "to heck with that noise, I gotz more mementos than you, so I'm counting it!"

When Matt Miller (a.k.a. Positron) first established the Gladiator badges in CoH he made it known that he didn't feel they were like the other "badges" in the game and that badge collectors shouldn't treat them as such. That sentiment lasted for about one millisecond before all the major badge tracking websites had the Gladiators listed in the rankings along with every other so-called "normal" badge in the game.

I guess what I'm saying with this is that if the CoT Devs still really want to give us "one-time only" rewards for things they would probably be better off not letting them be in any way, shape or form anything like "badges" at all.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

When Matt Miller (a.k.a. Positron) first established the Gladiator badges in CoH he made it known that he didn't feel they were like the other "badges" in the game and that badge collectors shouldn't treat them as such. That sentiment lasted for about one millisecond before all the major badge tracking websites had the Gladiators listed in the rankings along with every other so-called "normal" badge in the game.
I guess what I'm saying with this is that if the CoT Devs still really want to give us "one-time only" rewards for things they would probably be better off not letting them be in any way, shape or form anything like "badges" at all.

I know I went out of my way to get them.

Really, there are much more tangible rewards for one time events than badges. Rare salvage, enhancements, temp powers, limited time boosts, could even be a few stars to spend at the store. Things that would definitely be nice to get, but could be purchased/earned in other ways.

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

MWM has already established that certain 'rewards', as it were, are exclusive for a limited time. Personally, I would consider a costume piece, pet, pet skin, etc. to be much more enticing than a badge. After three to six months, I very much doubt that I would care that this item would become available to everyone else.
Heck, make it an interesting and fun temporary power. I'm there.
If people will only participate in events if they can get something that those who did not, or could not, participate in those events cannot get then, I have little sympathy for them. If participating in the event itself was not special enough then, to quote Static, "I'm sorry. Suck it up buttercup."

This is a key concept I've never really understood about the "permanent exclusivity entitlement" mindset: After a few months not only would I not care if a newer player got access to things I ALREADY had (it's not like I'm going to LOSE any of the toys I've collected) but the chances that I would even be aware of the existence of that newer player in the game is effectively 0%. How on earth can the enjoyment of other players getting access to things bother or affect you in ANY WAY whatsoever other than the perceived reductions of your imaginary e-peens?

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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syntaxerror37 wrote:
syntaxerror37 wrote:

Lothic wrote:
When Matt Miller (a.k.a. Positron) first established the Gladiator badges in CoH he made it known that he didn't feel they were like the other "badges" in the game and that badge collectors shouldn't treat them as such. That sentiment lasted for about one millisecond before all the major badge tracking websites had the Gladiators listed in the rankings along with every other so-called "normal" badge in the game.
I guess what I'm saying with this is that if the CoT Devs still really want to give us "one-time only" rewards for things they would probably be better off not letting them be in any way, shape or form anything like "badges" at all.

I know I went out of my way to get them.
Really, there are much more tangible rewards for one time events than badges. Rare salvage, enhancements, temp powers, limited time boosts, could even be a few stars to spend at the store. Things that would definitely be nice to get, but could be purchased/earned in other ways.


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Scott Jackson wrote:
Scott Jackson wrote:

I won't speak for Lothic, but I believe one general objection to the use of exclusives (badge or otherwise) is that the desired effect (time-sensitive participation in event P) can almost always be obtained through a different technique, with zero downsides. Your toaster example demonstrates this; it is the -free- aspect that's the draw. The customers can buy toasters anywhere (toasters are not exclusive), but this is the only place to get a free one, at least during the early sale period.

Thanks for the reply. You're right: to be more effective my example should have included some sort of toaster of which there were only 100 available.

Scott Jackson wrote:

Another general objection is that the exclusive may not be desirable to the target group of customers, and thus may require supplemental incentives to reach them. For example, giving out 100 exclusive toasters signed by Scott Jackson would only motivate my biggest fans to visit the shop, but a 50% discount on any item would attract the interest of all potential customers. Exclusive badges only attract a portion of the playerbase, unless very cleverly named or as part of a larger package of rewards.
I prefer the use of store credit bonuses, free in-game items that would otherwise require some work to obtain, costume unlock codes, temporarily boosted item drop rates, and similar non-exclusive rewards as the means to encourage participation in testing / surveys / events.

Your alternate reward suggestions make sense to me. Though, as you suggest, any reward has the potential to attract less than 100% of customers, which would suggest to me that your list of rewards plus an exclusive reward would cover all the bases.

Scott Jackson wrote:

I'm not saying that exclusive rewards are ineffective; they can be very effective if the goal is one-dimensional; purely to get X customers. However, there is usually a secondary goal - to have all the customers feel fairly treated, even if they didn't "win". The feeling of fair treatment is put at highest risk when a permanently-exclusive, untradeable, artificially-scarce digital item is used as a limited-time reward, since the customer may not get a fair shot at obtaining the item due to military duty, illness, ISP downtime...and there is absolutely no alternative allowed.

OK, I think this is getting closer to my primary question of why exclusives are seen a bad thing, because I don't see how offering everyone a chance to get something on a particular date is unfair. To use my silly example from earlier for illustrative purposes, my personal circumstances (of not being born) prevented me from attending the Gettysburg Address. That's a bummer, but I don't see anything unfair about it. I didn't meet the criteria (like being alive and in Pennsylvania at the time) so I didn't qualify. Sounds perfectly fair to me.

That's the bit that isn't computing for me: I never got upset about the badges I could never get in CoX, so I don't understand why others get upset by it. If anyone can explain the upset reaction to me, perhaps I can understand the whole argument better.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Darth Fez
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

That's the bit that isn't computing for me: I never got upset about the badges I could never get in CoX, so I don't understand why others get upset by it.

And therein, as the saying goes, lies the rub.

Why should there be badges (or anything, really) that you could never get? As Scott Jackson pointed out, this is an artificial scarcity. The limitations set upon such items are completely arbitrary. There are no limited numbers. There is no cost to ship or stock them. There is only, "Eh, we don't wanna."

If time travel were available, and people had gone into the past to attend the Gettysburg Address, but the operators of the time machine decided that you did not get to go, would that still sound fair?

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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Scott Jackson wrote:
Another general objection is that the exclusive may not be desirable to the target group of customers, and thus may require supplemental incentives to reach them. For example, giving out 100 exclusive toasters signed by Scott Jackson would only motivate my biggest fans to visit the shop, but a 50% discount on any item would attract the interest of all potential customers. Exclusive badges only attract a portion of the playerbase, unless very cleverly named or as part of a larger package of rewards.
I prefer the use of store credit bonuses, free in-game items that would otherwise require some work to obtain, costume unlock codes, temporarily boosted item drop rates, and similar non-exclusive rewards as the means to encourage participation in testing / surveys / events.

Your alternate reward suggestions make sense to me. Though, as you suggest, any reward has the potential to attract less than 100% of customers, which would suggest to me that your list of rewards plus an exclusive reward would cover all the bases.

But now you've made the false assumption that an "exclusive" reward would automatically attract "everyone" else, or at least whatever remaining percentage non-exclusive rewards don't manage to accomplish.

I think the main disconnect here is that there's no certain way to quantify if one-time only awards are always, or even mostly, more effective than non-exclusive ones. Even if we have to agree to say something arbitrary like "one exclusive award packs the same motivational punch that two non-exclusive ones do" then what's wrong with ALWAYS choosing to go with two non-exclusive rewards?

Basically you haven't really established the actual necessity for one-time only rewards beyond "they seemed like a good idea at the time". *shrugs*

Cinnder wrote:

Scott Jackson wrote:
I'm not saying that exclusive rewards are ineffective; they can be very effective if the goal is one-dimensional; purely to get X customers. However, there is usually a secondary goal - to have all the customers feel fairly treated, even if they didn't "win". The feeling of fair treatment is put at highest risk when a permanently-exclusive, untradeable, artificially-scarce digital item is used as a limited-time reward, since the customer may not get a fair shot at obtaining the item due to military duty, illness, ISP downtime...and there is absolutely no alternative allowed.

OK, I think this is getting closer to my primary question of why exclusives are seen a bad thing, because I don't see how offering everyone a chance to get something on a particular date is unfair. To use my silly example from earlier for illustrative purposes, my personal circumstances (of not being born) prevented me from attending the Gettysburg Address. That's a bummer, but I don't see anything unfair about it. I didn't meet the criteria (like being alive and in Pennsylvania at the time) so I didn't qualify. Sounds perfectly fair to me.
That's the bit that isn't computing for me: I never got upset about the badges I could never get in CoX, so I don't understand why others get upset by it. If anyone can explain the upset reaction to me, perhaps I can understand the whole argument better.

Yeah sometimes you can't have everything you want IN REAL LIFE. But guess what? We're talking about a computer game here... a computer game no less about roleplaying fantastical beings with powers and abilities that don't exist IN REAL LIFE. Why must there be anything in such a game that couldn't be accomplishable by ANY player regardless of when they started to play?

That's the bit of your position on this that isn't "computing" for me (pun intended)...

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Radiac's picture
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For the competitive badge

For the competitive badge hunter, I agree with the idea that whatever is being collected or hunted be available to everyone, somehow, some time. But there is the desire among people to have a t-shirt or button or something that says "I attended the BLANK, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" as a keepsake. I mean, in the military, they have campaign badges to represent which military campaigns you were involved in. People who joined the marines in 1990 did not get any WWII campaign insignias to wear, because they simply weren't there.

While it's true that I don't like telling newbie badge hunters that there's something they'll NEVER be able to get, I DO like the idea of being able to wear my "Rikti Invasion of 2011" t shirt, badge, memento, insignia, etc once in a while, when I want to let people know how much of a veteran pro I am at defeating Rikti.

In this regard, I submit that badge hunters are their own worst enemies, and you can't save people from themselves. I think making one set of "Badges" THE canonical set to collect, and all other "non-Badges" operate along similar principles, which are meant not to be collected by players in a competitive way but simply as a way to remember stuff you did, in the "I have in fact been there, and did in fact do that" sense.

And to ensure enforcement of this as the officially accepted badge hunting hobby, I would stipulate that the game itself keep track of these stats as the official word on who is where in terms of badges. Comparing someone who has collected a lot of old stuff from campaigns of the past to a new recruit is apples to oranges anyway so I don't think you can really expect the newbies to be able to compete, and if people are apt to do that despite the obvious flaw in the logic, that's their problem.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

For the competitive badge hunter, I agree with the idea that whatever is being collected or hunted be available to everyone, somehow, some time. But there is the desire among people to have a t-shirt or button or something that says "I attended the BLANK, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" as a keepsake. I mean, in the military, they have campaign badges to represent which military campaigns you were involved in. People who joined the marines in 1990 did not get any WWII campaign insignias to wear, because they simply weren't there.
While it's true that I don't like telling newbie badge hunters that there's something they'll NEVER be able to get, I DO like the idea of being able to wear my "Rikti Invasion of 2011" t shirt, badge, memento, insignia, etc once in a while, when I want to let people know how much of a veteran pro I am at defeating Rikti.
In this regard, I submit that badge hunters are their own worst enemies, and you can't save people from themselves. I think making one set of "Badges" THE canonical set to collect, and all other "non-Badges" operate along similar principles, which are meant not to be collected by players in a competitive way but simply as a way to remember stuff you did, in the "I have in fact been there, and did in fact do that" sense.
And to ensure enforcement of this as the officially accepted badge hunting hobby, I would stipulate that the game itself keep track of these stats as the official word on who is where in terms of badges. Comparing someone who has collected a lot of old stuff from campaigns of the past to a new recruit is apples to oranges anyway so I don't think you can really expect the newbies to be able to compete, and if people are apt to do that despite the obvious flaw in the logic, that's their problem.

Ironically enough (given the position I've been arguing in this thread thus far) there have been a number of times in the past (on the old CoH forums) where I proposed the idea of separate listings for "account-based badges" and "character-based badges".

The simple distinction between these two types of badges would be that account badges are ones that are not character specific: things like anniversary badges, pre-order badges, vet badges, etc. whereas character-based badges are ones where you actually had to "play" a specific character to accomplish an in-game goal: defeat badges, TF badges, mission badges, etc.

The listing of account based badges (being the ones that are general to the player regardless of which character you're playing) would show up "linked" to any character you're logged into at the time. Obviously on the other hand a particular listing of character based badges would only show up when logged into a specific character. Thus when an old-time player creates a brand new character all of their long-time account badges will "carry over" while playing the new character because those badges aren't really tied to any given character - they are tied to the player themselves.

I feel organizing badges into these two categories addresses many long standing problems badge collectors had with the CoH system and I can only hope the CoT Devs will consider something along these lines. Regardless I would still recommend the awarding of account-based badges be kept to an absolute minimum in favor of keeping the system as character-centric as possible.

As to whether CoT badge collectors would consider only character-based badges when compiling ranking lists or count ALL badges again like they did in CoH is anybody's guess. Ideally they would consider account-based badges as "non-canonical" as you put it, but sadly I suspect that wouldn't be the case and we'd be right back where we started from.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Scott Jackson
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

That's the bit that isn't computing for me: I never got upset about the badges I could never get in CoX, so I don't understand why others get upset by it. If anyone can explain the upset reaction to me, perhaps I can understand the whole argument better.

I think it hinges on several factors:

(1) Unlike that unique-in-spacetime Lincoln speech, exclusivity in badges is caused by a human's decision to make them artificially scarce. Lincoln had no intent to make it impossible for you to hear his address, but it is someone's decision to create a digital item and then design a set of rules for obtaining it. They have the power to design those rules well, or poorly. If a noticeable fraction of the players are unable to get the item through no fault of their own or are put are a severe disadvantage compared to other players (timeframe very narrow, must do a delicate task solo and the slightest latency makes it impossible, must log in from Australia, must buy the $200 special edition before launch day, etc), the designer can start taking flack from those players who perceive unfairness - whether the designer intended the create that feeling or not - because the designer is responsible for the rules and thus mostly responsible for the situation that results.

(2) Badge systems are mostly designed so that with sufficient in-game effort, any player can obtain them (or get help from others to obtain them). If designed this way, the badge system holds a general appeal to many people - it offers an equal opportunity playing field for competing and collecting. Creating even one exclusive time-limited badge tarnishes this appeal, unless the "badge" is somehow made non-canon or not treated as a badge (Lothic pointed out that it can be tough to get the playerbase to accept that logic even if it comes from the devs).

In the eyes of the beholder, both factors combine. A deviation from what was originally (or at least offered a hope for) an equal opportunity system (2)... via possibly-intentional, seemingly-unjustified strictness (1) of the rules for obtaining a new item that costs nothing to copy... which makes it feel unfair to more people than the Lincoln example. Lincoln's limitations were imposed on all of us, unintentionally, by the universe, and we've been accustomed to operating under that system since birth...neither (1) or (2) are present.

While I don't care enough about my own badge list to take a personal stand for or against exclusives, I think a game has broader appeal when it keeps a level playing field for collectibles like that. There may be a short-term disadvantage to the devs (inability to draw a few more players into event P who aren't drawn by other means) that is worth absorbing to maintain a long-term benefit...drawing more players to the game by offering a clearly-fair badge system.

oOStaticOo's picture
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Still sounds like a petulant

Still sounds like a petulant child throwing a tantrum because Billy has a shiny that Timmy doesn't have and Timmy wants it, wants it NAO!! It's not fair that Billy has the shiny and Timmy can't have it! We can't all have Geese that lay golden eggs.

I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!

Foradain's picture
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oOStaticOo wrote:
oOStaticOo wrote:

Still sounds like a petulant child throwing a tantrum because Billy has a shiny that Timmy doesn't have and Timmy wants it, wants it NAO!! It's not fair that Billy has the shiny and Timmy can't have it! We can't all have Geese that lay golden eggs.

If by "wants it, wants it NAO!!" you mean is willing to work and/or pay for it just like
Billy did, then yes.

And when the Goose that lays the Golden Eggs is just a file in the servers,why can't we all have one, if we're willing to pay in time or treasures?

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Cinnder's picture
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Well, I started typing a

Well, I started typing a detailed reply, but the sheer number of times my words have been misinterpreted or misrepresented sapped my will to continue a discussion that seems to involve more passion than logic. One can type "But I never said anything of the kind" only so many times before one realises the futility of an attempt at balanced conversation. If anything smacks of "desperate" it's the need to distort the other person's words to make a point. (My sincere thanks to those that refrained from this behaviour.)

For example, I've been accused of overstating the value of exclusive rewards, which I find fascinating given that I have said only that they can be useful and never once claimed to know the magnitude of that usefulness. (In fact, I quite specifically stated that I didn't know.) Having said that, if I can return to the Defender of Primal Earth badge: Lothic correctly points out that the window for obtaining the badge was widened. This was because so many people logged on during the specified window that many players who were trying to meet the conditions of the badge were unable to get access to the game. So the devs, seeing that it was the game's fault and not the players', made the badge available for longer. Note that they didn't extend the server load test event, just the availability of the badge -- which means it was the badge, not the event, that people truly wanted. I find it hard to come up with a better example of how useful a tool such an exclusive tied-to-event badge can be.

I'll say one final time that I'm not advocating either the use or the disuse of permanently exclusive rewards. It wouldn't make much difference to me if all or none of CoT's badges were event-tied permanently-exclusives. I still don't understand why some people feel they should be able to have access to everything throughout the entire span of the game (and do get a chuckle from claims that it's the folks in favour of event-tied-permanently-exclusives who are the "entitled" ones).

However, it's not I who needs to be convinced, but MWM. So I'll wish you luck in your campaign and just suggest that you might want to tone down how important it is to get ALL the shinies, because I can't think of any argument that more strongly indicates to a developer how powerful a tool such rewards are if they ever want to... say...for example... encourage a surge in event participation.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Minotaur's picture
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I've only scan read all the

I've only scan read all the posts above, so this may have been suggested before. What I thought they should have done with the anniversary badges is that you only have the latest one, so while I have the 8 year badge and you have the 2 year one, we both only have one badge on our count.

[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]


Darth Fez
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I hit on this succinct

I hit on this succinct summary of my thoughts and, it being succinct, I thought I might as well share it:

"Persistent rewards only through persistent game play. Temporary rewards/exclusivity for temporary game play."

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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

However, it's not I who needs to be convinced, but MWM. So I'll wish you luck in your campaign and just suggest that you might want to tone down how important it is to get ALL the shinies, because I can't think of any argument that more strongly indicates to a developer how powerful a tool such rewards are if they ever want to... say...for example... encourage a surge in event participation.

I'd like to thank you for this last comment, Cinnder. I would be hard pressed to find a better way to suggest to this group of devs that they may wish to take into account fairness when deciding whether or not it is necessary to [s]skirt the edges of extortion[/s] pressure badge hunters to encourage a surge of event participation.


Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Empyrean's picture
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

Cinnder wrote:
However, it's not I who needs to be convinced, but MWM. So I'll wish you luck in your campaign and just suggest that you might want to tone down how important it is to get ALL the shinies, because I can't think of any argument that more strongly indicates to a developer how powerful a tool such rewards are if they ever want to... say...for example... encourage a surge in event participation.

I'd like to thank you for this last comment, Cinnder. I would be hard pressed to find a better way to suggest to this group of devs that they may wish to take into account fairness when deciding whether or not it is necessary to skirt the edges of extortion to encourage a surge of event participation.

Come on, Foradain. Considering limited access badges is a widespread, common, accepted, and perfectly legal practice, calling it "skirting the edges of extortion" is a bit hyperbolic.

I see your point, but phrasing it in such an over-the-top way doesn't strengthen your point, it weakens it. Just say what you mean--that you think that limited badges are unfair and a bad way to encourage participation.

I personally disagree that it is unfair, but I do agree it's far from top of the list of best ways to encourage participation.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Darth Fez
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Empyrean wrote:
Empyrean wrote:

Foradain wrote:
Cinnder wrote:
However, it's not I who needs to be convinced, but MWM. So I'll wish you luck in your campaign and just suggest that you might want to tone down how important it is to get ALL the shinies, because I can't think of any argument that more strongly indicates to a developer how powerful a tool such rewards are if they ever want to... say...for example... encourage a surge in event participation.

I'd like to thank you for this last comment, Cinnder. I would be hard pressed to find a better way to suggest to this group of devs that they may wish to take into account fairness when deciding whether or not it is necessary to skirt the edges of extortion to encourage a surge of event participation.

Come on, Foradain. Considering limited access badges is a widespread and common practice, calling it "skirting the edges of extortion" is a bit hyperbolic.

One could call it a question of perception. Some people do feel that strongly about such a subject. Imagine if, instead of something like a badge, the reward were a costume piece/set, or animation, etc. I think this thread has shown that this issue is more likely to be fueled by emotion than logic. Fortunately many at MWM are former CoH players, and their number undoubtedly includes badgers, so there's every reason to hope that they'll approach the issue with more tact than a 'mere' developer.

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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Empyrean's picture
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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

One could call it a question of perception. Some people do feel that strongly about such a subject. Imagine if, instead of something like a badge, the reward were a costume piece/set, or animation, etc. I think this thread has shown that this issue is more likely to be fueled by emotion than logic. Fortunately many at MWM are former CoH players, and their number undoubtedly includes badgers, so there's every reason to hope that they'll approach the issue with more tact than a 'mere' developer.

Ok, once again, touche, Darth (STOP DOING THAT! :P).

But just to clarify what I meant, I'm pretty sure when it comes to throwing a word like extortion around--even accusing them of "skirting" it--it doesn't come down to how strongly anyone feels about it, but whether it is legal or not. And limited access badges, no matter how strongly anyone feels about it, isn't illegal.

So I'm not at all debating Foradain's point, because I'm not a badge-hunter at all (though I have been outside paywalls or totally excluded from things that I wanted in games before) and so really I have no significant input into this particular argument. I just wanted to point out to him that he wasn't really helping his argument with that.

Nuff said from me, I'm not a badge guy. I don't need no stinking badges (sorry, sorry, had to say it.)

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

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You do have a point, Empyrean

You do have a point, Empyrean: Even with skirting, "extortion" was too strong a word. "Pressure" would be a much better fit.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Empyrean's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
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Joined: 03/16/2014 - 07:51
Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

You do have a point, Empyrean: Even with skirting, "extortion" was too strong a word. "Pressure" would be a much better fit.

For the record, I like your posts. I like what you have to say and I'm glad you're on the forums.. And I get carried away too sometimes. Your point is valid and relevant, your verbiage just got a little extreme :). No biggie.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Darth Fez
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Empyrean wrote:
Empyrean wrote:

But just to clarify what I meant, I'm pretty sure when it comes to throwing a word like extortion around--even accusing them of "skirting" it--it doesn't come down to how strongly anyone feels about it, but whether it is legal or not. And limited access badges, no matter how strongly anyone feels about it, isn't illegal.


I hadn't considered it with a view to any suggestions or implications about legal ramifications. From that perspective it is a very strong word to use.

We've both touched each other. Is it time for a group hug or group therapy?

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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Empyrean's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
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Joined: 03/16/2014 - 07:51
Honestly, could use a group

Honestly, could use a group hug right now. Had a rough night. You in, Foradian :P?

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Foradain's picture
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
*zen group hug* ^_^

*zen group hug* ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Darth Fez
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(No subject)


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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Segev's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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It is likely that exclusive

It is likely that exclusive badges will continue to be offered, if only in the form of "I participated in X event" memorabilia. Commemorative versions may eventually be offered later, either labeled with the "Xth Anniversary" marker or without the date-marker of the original or something. They won't be identical, but you can have a fairly complete collection anyway.

I do understand the concern about feeling like you "missed out" because you weren't around at the time. However, it is true that exclusive event-memorabilia has the purpose of increasing turn-out at [i]that event[/i], which can be desirable.

We really do, on some level, need to look to how M:tG manages its events and hand-outs...and make sure we understand [i]why[/i]. We're not identical, but there are lessons to be learned from their successes, both as a business model AND as a game/community that depends on player participation and interest.

[color=#ff0000]Business Manager[/color]


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If you want to try to learn

If you want to try to learn from Magic's successes over the last 2 decades, I recommend reading everything that Magic's Head of Research and Development, Mark Rosewater, has written in that time, and there's a ton of it on the Magic website (which is currently in an abysmal state of in-navigability, I'm sorry to say). Rosewater constantly writes about designing Magic card, games in general, etc and has been the lead designer on like a billion magic expansion sets, the good, the great, the bad and everything inbetween. They've changed rules, changed them back, changed them AGAIN, etc and weathered through all of it.

One thing that seems to be a common thread among Magic's storied past is the competitiveness that the entrenched veterans have and the problems that causes. For example, there was a time, early on, when the rules were written in this tiny little booklet that came with the starter packs. It was self-contradictory in the sense that in one place it reads "When a creature attacks, you must tap it. Attacking causes creatures to become tapped." Then later on it read "Tapped creatures deal no damage in combat." which was preposterous, because those two statements would lead you to believe that no creature would ever deal damage in combat, and combat was the primary place where the damage was supposed to be happening in the first place. So a kid gets attacked into in a tournament and cites that specific rule and wins, so the game is totally stupid for like a year after that with people tapping down creatures that were ALREADY TAPPED due to attacking, etc. The veteran players wanted to be able to continue to use this as a gotcha to win games cheaply over newbies entering tournaments, but the rules honchoes at Wizards of the Coast eventually cleaned it up anyway.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising