I'm curious. What server did everyone play on and who were some of your characters?
I played on Virtue. Some of my characters were:
Anton Sendarius
Jeffrey Travers
Mini Aerial 42
Sunset Sin
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Naughty Nina
Notorious Nina
Cosmic Nina
Lil' Nina
Nina Doll
Spirit of Motown
There were also versions of Naughty and Notorious on all the other servers, just in case I wanted to run around where nobody knew me. Like being on vacation ;P
Phoenix Rising's Model Citizen
Ms Givings
Ms Terry
Autumn Turning
Leggs [i](because, on a Crab Soldier, nothing beats a great set of ...)[/i]
Ku No Ichi
Golden Blonde
Sidhe Bang
... and some more that I'm probably forgetting now with the passage of time.
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
I only played for two relatively short times, as a free player, never reaching beyond Level 27 (in part due to deleting many), and each time, my account seemed to have disappeared...
Therefore, each time new characters, all on Zukunft.
First period:
Professor Unbesiegt, a heroic Super Strength/Invulnerability Brute
Second period (near the End):
The Atavist, heroic reptilian swordsman.
[url=http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/] Save the endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus from Extinction![/url]
Those names are somewhat familiar. Probably saw you in the Pocket D during DJ Aerial's shows.
I played on every single English server.
Be Well!
Molly Magma
Abnormal Isotope
Shining Jade
Mental Megaton
Xanti Solanum (Scientific name for purple nightshade reversed, not a World War Z or Zombie Survival Guide reference.)
Galaxy's Vengeance
Stygian Variolus <- Main, see signature.
T. Sparkle
Pinkamena Dianne Pie
Rarity Belle
Rainbow Crash
Rainbow Beams
Rainbow Splash
Dublin Over
Sanguine Sanction
Sanguine Splatter
And likely a host of others I can't directly recall
Rot that Walks <- First 50, Necro/Pain
Suzanne Snyder
Kolsen'shea Orbb (See Signature, mentally remove crab legs, widow. Pun name: Forgotten Realms Drow language for 'Pull the legs off a spider'.)
Blade Kitten
Chilong Taijitu
Charged Claymore
(The Amazing and Stupendous) Tim
Candace Caine
And more I've forgotten, I'm sure.
The original Lady of Ysgard. -Virtue
Champion, mostly.
Heroes include Windows 3000 Sux Man, Lin-Si, Mors Ninjarum, Nimble Fox, Great Kaiyotiser and many others.
Villains include R. Matey, the Supa Skul, Rodinia, and others.
Started off on Guardian, but eventually migrated to Freedom.
Characters included:
Interdictor (FF/EB Defender)
Storm Lord (SS/IB Defender)
Victor Prime (IN/SS Tank)
Brawl Bot (WP/EM Tank)
Gestalt Entity (Peacebringer)
Frostblade / Frozen Torment (IA/IM Tank)
Entropomancer (GC/Kin Controller)
Tenebromancer (Warshade)
Terminal Velocity (MA/SR Scrapper)
Guardian of the Ages (TM/PB Defender)
Skelebot MKI (EB/TR Corruptor)
Radiated Skull (RB/RE Corruptor)
plus a WHOLE lot more that were created and played to various levels, some deleted, some at perpetual level 1 just cause I liked the name. But the ones listed above were the ones I mostly played - most of them were 50+ Incarnates.
You could also look at this old thread of introductions.
Freedom server!
*many others*
Freedom was always such a sprawling mess :D of a lovable server. Although I started with heroes, eventually I just played villain side.
I'm from Freedom!
(01) Vistana - Controller
(02) Pyretha - Tanker
(03) Aya Zoland - Controller
(04) Sakura Mido
(05) Talya - Blaster
(06) Verandah Ethane
(07) Shi No Kyoumei
(08) Keili - Defender
(09) Talbrina - Tanker
(10) Pyre Shi - Tanker
(11) Magami Yochi - Controller
(12) Tsugiri Myobi - Defender
(13) Zaiaku Keiri - Defender
(14) Azriel Syn - Tanker
(15) Kyuuten Mitsukai - Blaster
(16) Triela Hilshire - Controller
(17) Koden Hakumei - Scrapper
(18) Saiya Azeriel - Corruptor
(19) Rina Lynn - Corruptor
(20) Akashia Moka - Brute
(21) Kumori Odoriko - Scrapper
(22) Ankoku Shikyo - Corruptor
(23) Naraku Kisaki - Controller
(24) Akki Ookami - Arachnos Soldier
(25) Doeru Oite Kurayami - Controller
(26) Hinote Mei - BLaster
(27) Yuukai Sokkenai - Defender
(28) Faye Blackhex - Mastermind
(29) Llandra - Brute
(30) Olestia - Corruptor
*sigh* I really miss CoH
I was mainly on the Drunk Server (Pinnacle).
EightOfWands (Necro/dark MM)
The Byzantian (Broadsword/regen scrapper)
BrokenCrown (Stone/stone tank)
FlareFly (Fire/fire tank)
and a Fire/kin 'troller who's name I'm ashamed to say I can't remember.
and way back when...
TylwythTeg (Emp/electricity defender)
Enoch (Energy/Energy blaster)
Of course there were an absolute ton of alts but those were the ones that lasted. By the time I got around to wanting to rebuild Tyl someone else had already taken that name. Please don't take it right away in CoT. I will want it.... *Please*.
The plan is for non-unique names if I recall correctly. So no worries.
I started on Freedom, but I found a home on Guardian.
Superon: 50 Willpower Tank. (IO'ed)
No. 1 Pick for: Shard TF's.
Miss BeHavin': Fire/Ice Blaster.
She had him at HELL-Owwwwww! ;D
Blue Gem: 50 Stone(Blue Crystals) Melee / Willpower Brute. Ran Tips Blue-side. (IO'ed)
No. 1 Pick for: Positron TF's. (Or Any actually, since build was Very Good for Most TF's)
Why so good when exemp'ed down? One word: Fissure! Mitigation Plus Willpower Aura that -ToHit's and +Self Heal.
Most Tanks couldn't keep alive like he did. ;D
Tiny Mighty Mouse: Stone Tank.
Ehhhh.. I plead the 5th! ;D
DelightMan: 50 Shields Tank.
Devious Diva: 50 Dark Melee/Fiery Aura Scrapper. (IO'ed)
No. 1 Pick for: Ran Tips Blue-side. Farmer. Scary Good once IO'ed. Just as fast as a Fire/Kin 'troller.. but less fear of death when 2 or more +4 Bosses were in one group and Alpha hits.
Officer Spanks: 50 Thugs Mastermind. A blond leggy female Officer.
No. 1 Pick for: Soloing when no teams found.
Charina: 50 Fire/Kin 'troller.
No. 1 Pick for: Farming. :/
Frikassee: 50 Fire/Kin Corruptor. A flashy red outfit with yellowish fire stripes. (IO'ed)
No. 1 Pick for: Damage! Lots Of It... FAST! Speed Runs.
Crack Jaw: 50 Street Justice Scrapper. Guile'ish yellow flattop hair and green'ish camo pants. :) (maybe IO'ed)
No. 1 Pick for: FUN! When bored, looked at the Pretty UpperCuts. ;)
Ms Laura: I forget.. maybe Dual Pistols/Devices??? Genericed once from Tomb Raider! ;)
Ms P.O.W.: 50 Martial Arts Scrapper. POW like BAM! ;)
Damn it... shes not a Prisoner of WAR! >:(
I tried Kinetic Melee Numerous (5+) times. Found it fun for 20+ levels, but never stuck it out to 50, and always deleted the toon. If I had to guess why??? errr..
No. 1 Reason for deleting a Tank/Brute Toon: Felt like the toon was just another one of the Supporting Cast... instead of feeling like the toon was a Leading Actor. :P
Rick DaRula
Tanya B.
Andrea S. Faulte
Napalm Lip Balm
Rick King Coal
I started on Freedom, moved to Infinity for a bit and ended up on Justice which is where I found my home.
Rigel X
Lagrange Point
Plymouth Arrow
Cryo Havoc
Sound Barrier
Trauma Hawk
Alabama Power
Cosmic Wraith
Chief Sitting Still
(and many more that I tried and either deleted or never played much)
"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."
That still feels a little misleading to me. Your character's name will be character name @ global right? And presumably that would still be unique..
Longtime City of Heroes player, longtime writer. :) Working in Nebraska.
COT: Mission tips writer, studying Cinema 4D animation program
Well - your global (or account name) will be unique - but you can name your individual characters whatever you like.
My server was Victory for years, but when my wife started playing, we found a home in Guardian:
Midnight's Illusions
Midnight's lllusions
Midnight's lIlusions
.... etc
We had some other toons, but those are the ones people would recognize
Of course, like anyone who played CoH for a while, I had more toons than I could ever name
(P.S. the repeat names would be less cool with the non-unique name thing! You know, if everyone saw your global all the time)
Chaos Controller
Micky McPain
DBL Shots
Chaos Medic
Mr. Prickels
And so many more alts lol
Infinity was my home
I had way too many, but here's what I remember off the top of my head:
Joe Insanity
Ezeriah Insanity
Meryl the Medic
Sapphire Chill
Denim Knight
Black Sakura
Generic Ninja Girl
Taylor Durden
Potential Difference
Charlotte Swebb
I did play on other servers as well, Notably on Triumph and Pinnacle where my Wednesday night group had their hero and villain groups set up. And I had a few odd-ball toons on other servers from before server slot expansions, the better ones I was slowly moving to Infinity.
I never set anything on fire accidentally!
The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame
Started on the Guardian server then switched to the Protector Server.
Vitality: WP/SS Tank and switched to SS/WP Brute when the AT was available on the hero-side.
Guardian Server
My Mains were
Teensie (Fire/Rad Controller)
Slim Jim (Dark/Reg Scrapper)
El Burro De Fuerte (Earth/Therm Controller)
Dr. Petrov (Kin/Pistols Defender)
Penny Western (Time/Pistols Defender)
Gosh, I can't even remember all of them...I'm ashamed
[color=#FF0000]Recording Engineer/Foley Artist[/color]
St. Aegis
ARC Centurion
Centurion AMP
Centurion EMP
...and a bunch more...
I played on all servers, but for the last few years my home server was Victory, a few of my 250 toons from my main account:
Tweenage Rampage (transferred from Justice)
Mr Minotaur
Toxic Texan
Hand of Bast
The pocket rocket
Death crackle
No brain no pain
Your ex from hell
Pom poms o'doom
Black hole sun
Baron von Tollbooth
Bob the BouIder
Brazilian whacks
Eastgate bay Ray
HeIena Handbasket
Intravenous de Milo
Mental Flossie
Stupyd Cupyd
T0wer of p0wer
Yeti's bride
Airhead heiress
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]
Level 50
Mithral Warrior (SD/BA Tank)
Pure Bane (Bane Spider)
Pure Force (KM/EA Brute)
Forcefull Effect (Nrg/Nrg Blaster)
Ilex (Spines/WP Scrapper)
Critical Attack (Claws/Inv Scrapper
Aranae Sicarius (Crab Spider)
ArchChronos (Beam Rifle/Time Defender)
Sa'Kage (DM/SR Brute)
Roar Power (Inv/FM Tank)
%Forgotten the name% (FF/Nrg Defender)
Too many to list :)
The Phoenix Rising Initiative Rules Lawyer
Triumph (am I the only one?)
All of the toons mentioned below are heroes, I never redsided with any great frequency. My one serious attempt at a villain was a robot MM named Prof. Servo, who I got to about level 25 before the game went dark.
Radiac (Rad/rad Def, my main)
Dr. Maelstrom (Strom/electric Def, my first toon, which I deleted eventually, before respecs existed)
Dr. Lightspeed (Grav/kin Troller, took forever to get to 50)
Capt. Supernova (All human PB, for favor purposes, never ever took the lobster or squid forms)
Fire Bird (Fire/energy blaster, kind of Wonder Woman meets Sofia Vergara, here battlecry was "B-B-B-BURNski!")
The Mud Marine (stone/stone tank)
Tin Star Jonny Ozark (Pistols/dark corrupter, sort of an undead wild west sheriff. intended to be similar to Stone from Deadlands: The Weird West)
Manservant Hecubus (demon/fire MM hero. Based on a character played by Dave Foley on an old comedy show called The Kids in the Hall)
Notes on Radiac: I made him because I wanted to make a non-healing oriented defender who could blast and heal himself, because I felt that would be useful. In the early going (circa year 1-3 of CoH) I got a LOT of "Healer Heal!" followed by idiots saying stuff over team chat channel like "This boss is easier than last time, for some reason.... It must be that SO I just put in Brawl". That's right, kid, it had nothing to do with Rad Infection, Lingering Rad, or any of the other debuffs I was throwing, your SO did all the work.... :/ Then later on, when Rad debuffs became vogue, I got a lot of tells asking me to help people defeat Infernal and/or the Clockwork King from an alternate dimension (which was an early Portal Corp. mission).
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
Triumph (so no, Radiac, you're not the only one):
Thug Two (first character)
Beamrider (source of username)
Lady Lagome
White Orion
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
Server: Freedom
SG: Dark Fallen
Mains: Leader Ace(BS/SR Scrapper)
Mindy Mindcontrol (Mind Control/ Force Fields )
SG: The Legion of the Lost Planet Airmen
Leader: Airman America
Server: Liberty
Also played on the side on Guardian
I had a group called the Knights of Saint George with a pretty awesome base
My characters were:
Paladin (fought barehanded because the game didn't have nunchuks)
Last Crusader
Kung Fu Lee
Lady Brain
Silver Streak
Captain Future
Father William
Robin Hood
Defender (He was a tank not a defender)
Red Raven
Thunder Knight
Triton (I always said he could breath underwater)
and a host of others that I tried out from time to time
First Champion, then mostly Virtue, although I had alts on most of the servers.
Stellar Flair
Solar Guard
Jade Jewel
Kid Cougar
Kid Magus
Madame Crimson
Brimstone Justice
Queen Bea
Server: Infinity
Main SG affiliation: Statesman's Watch
All Blue-side
Dr. Tessla (Formerly Diet Dr. Thunder) (Elec/Elec Blaster)
Sonic Salvance (Emp/Sonic Defender)
Bounty Hunter Willie (Kat/Invul Scrapper)
Prestidigitationist (Fire/Kin Corruptor)
originally Triumph, alted to most other servers.
Triumph mains were
Accelerator Ray (kin/rad defender)
Stygian Flame (dark/fire tank)
Amber Wisp (time/elec defender)
Virtue exclusively.
Here are some of my toons I remember. I must have deleted between 30-50 Lvl 50's over the years.
Omni Lord (name sake toon)
Lord Omni (primary redside)
Elemantar (primary blueside)
Cespenar the Imp (Dark/Demon MM that I almost got to the point where he could solo start a rikti raid - was able to down 15 of 17 pylons before respawn)
Hoss Delgado
Impervium Enforcer
Vitalis Infinitus
Null Cascade
Empyreal Flare
To name a few. . .
They also serve, who only stand and wait.
Union server mostly.
Gor Coron (SS/Fire brute)
Century Child(Demon/Pain MM)
Davaron(Dark/Dark Troller)
Fanaticism (shield/Kin Tank)
Operative Brightstar (Fortunata)
Operative Midnight (Bane Spider)
Captain Shieldain (Invul/SS Tank)
Crumbling Fury (Stone/WP Brute)
Swift Kick (MA/SR Scrapper)
Darbus (Fire/WP Brute)
Selene Whisper (Dark/Pain Corr)
+2 Who have sadly been forgotten ;(
But also Virtue
Capital B(SS/Invul brute)
Alex Carter(Elec/Thorns Domi)
+1 Who will never rest in peace due to bad memorie
If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.
Freedom: All Wabbits ((well most))
Jester Wabbit (Main)
Shoota Wabbit(Second)
InYourFace Wabbits
Killer Wabbit
Wabbit Season
DeathBy Wabbit
LilSissta Wabbit
Razor Point ((My Hero Spider back up))
and Bob Boooooob Boo Bob <----((I dont remember how many O's but you get the idea, I came home drunk and poof Boob Bob was born....Good Times)) Mostly seen him around Pocket D He was my lets get stupid toon MM/Rad ((Many wipes with him....lol))
Something on nearly every server but mainly on Pinnacle, Freedom, Virtue, Justice, and Victory which between them held all my level 50's and a multitude of under 50 alts.
Pinnacle: GRETA-001, Silhouette, Serene Wisp, Dark Lightning, Cometfall, Grissom and Tryth were the ones I was on most often, with Greta being my 'Main of mains', badger and 1st character who probably saw more time in game than my next ten major alts across all servers combined. She is a Claws/SR scrapper and GRETA is an acronym for Genetically Resequenced and Engineered for Tactical Assault.
Freedom: Home to Reyna and Rianna my main Empathy defenders in Green Machine (Emp/Rad and Emp/Sonic) and a whole bunch more alts in and out (mostly in) the RO Network. While I had a couple Empaths not in RO and not on Freedom (Dark Lightning and Tryth on Pinnacle plus Crunchtime Kayla on Virtue redside who was in RO) Green Machine and Freedom was the home for my plethora of Empathy defenders as I went about pairing it with every secondary available.
Virtue: J. Stormbringer, Crunchtime Kayla, Agent Topaz, Tressa, Mariko 13
Justice: Sister Whysper, Siesmic Susurrus, Sister Malificent
Victory: Mistress Irina, The Dreaming Lass, Sidhe Howler. All the characters on Victory were redside,
I started on Infinity, eventually moved to Justice and finally Freedom. I can't remember all the alts I made but the main ones were
Silver Blade
Icy Grave
Nightmare Lazarus
Shadow Summon
I started with Infinity as Mr. Maverick but moved to Virtue for the RP!
I played as Peter Chess (British shaman/detective) and Delta (juvenile delinquent technopath) mostly, with several excellent RPers.I feel awful that my personal life forced me to drop City of Heroes and I probably left a lot of my SG friends hanging. I'm hoping to be less of a jerk in City of Titans!
- [url=https://cityoftitans.com/forum/dr-harlan-p-loveless]Dr. Harlan P. Loveless[/url]
I was The Waitress and had my own vanity supergroup, Real Trolls -- Real, Huge, Stinking Trolls, on Virtue (I think) so I could make a gigantic base to my heart's content.
I was in the Freaky Deakies coalition.
The very existence of the taunting tank irritates, for it requires idiotic AI that obeys the taunt.
Solarverse: Energy/EM Blaster, Justice, then moved to Freedumb
DEBTINATOR: Fire/Stone Tank, Protector
Wraiven: Spines/SR Stalker, Freedumb
And then countless other characters on various servers.
My home server was Liberty! Sonarr was my primary character, and the last member standing of the supergroup U.S.E.L.E.S.S., and maintained assocations with the supergroups known as SOLUS and The Sisterhood!
My other characters were:
WarSparrow (an actual full-on member of the Sisterhood)
Random Act
Doctor OHM
Pastel Knight
Blonde over Blue
My only villains worth mentioning were:
Master Mime
The Butler
Lion's Paw
About a bajiollionty others....