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Sweet Miss Skaldi's Not so Random Thoughts

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Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/25/2014 - 06:01
Sweet Miss Skaldi's Not so Random Thoughts

I couldn't find the right topic, not even sure if there is a right topic so here goes...

Powers and Travel

Okay next thing kind of crosses right into travel powers, I want to thank my friends who when I brought this one up shouted ideas at me for over an hour. :) Awesome friends, and since you want to know about animations, well we can't help but consider adding some more particularly with travel and being animated. :)

Moving back with the cannon idea, the idea of having a cartoonish 2d character running around with one of those super-large hammers that looks like it would do nothing but actually acts much like a regular hammer. One of my friends was swearing up and down if they could have a cartoonish super-powered character they would sell the ipad and go for a gaming computer just to play. :)

I think some people might be horrorfied at the thought though, but that could be an amazing way to add real horror in a teen rated game. :)

Moved all mention of travel powers to one sweet ride:

oh my, my, my some notes on powers.
Classification>Specifications>Mastery>Minor Powers

this link for details:

So to redefine things so I'll understand them when I try to think about it next time.
Profession/Class/Spell School = Classification,
Prestige Class = Specification
Feats/power stunts = Mastery

Part 2 Powers

Highway to the Danger Room

Main Power>Augment>Refinement
Main Power = Specification
Augment = Mastery I
Refinement = Mastery II
Power Set Augment - the flavor of powers

I think I got it now :) Just need to get grape-flavored powers approved :)

Imaginitive young lady looking for clients, talents are imagining the realistic possibilities of practically anything, and applying new technologies to practical applications in all types of business.

Sweet_Miss_Skaldi's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/25/2014 - 06:01
Chemistry post.

Chemistry post.

So after writting a mega-post for highway to danger zone, I caught myself deviating far off topic with a very serious and personal request, so I yanked it out of the post and I'm dropping it here. Please discuss.

oh and I know this hasn't come up yet, but when you do super-techy crafting maybe with that cube thing in the library but I can't recall exactly what it did, but anyways, could you pretty please make it based on basic chemistry equations because I want to remmember but I'm getting rusty, and if you say no, I'd be fine with that too.

By this I mean the player would be presented with unbalanced chemical equations and need to balance them with numbers and gases and heat, and water vapor and vaccum and condensation and gravity. *ducks imagined hailstorms of bullets* and you would be doing the most rare thing of making basic chemistry part of a a fun game! Infact! No one would realize you had taught them chemistry until they took a chemistry class and mentally put it all together. Kind of like how Wonderland taught me about all the manufacturing processes behind crude oil and how all kinds of other things including chemicals were made, without me realizing it because it was so integral to the game. You needed to make crude oil, and convert it into gasoline if you wanted your car to go whizzing down the street. They even included some very basic chemistry lessons on combination, combustion, and transformation. Not that I want to turn CoT into a Wonderland replica. BUT. I thought it was absolutely awesome how they had a fun, interactive game and hide all of that other stuff in there. especially at the age when children want to be heroes around 8 or 12 years of old and would be interested in learning to play the game. AND, you just know what a hard topic chemistry is for most people, very few highschool students even understand it, let alone going to your parents and asking them to remember from 20+ years ago how to do it right. Also home chemistry sets have become a banned product in the States. But if a game were to emerge that taught children Basic Chemistry, and made it super-fun every parent would be buying and paying the subscription fee so their kid could play.

Imaginitive young lady looking for clients, talents are imagining the realistic possibilities of practically anything, and applying new technologies to practical applications in all types of business.

dawnofcrow's picture
Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/31/2013 - 08:56
if i were u SMACK friends for

if i were u SMACK you friends for shouted at you

whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster and when you look into the abyss, the abyss also look into you, -Friedrich

Sweet_Miss_Skaldi's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/25/2014 - 06:01
If I did that I never would

If I did that I never would've heard the five fantastic ideas for super powers that came afterwards. :) Which reminds me to ask where do you post super powered suggestions?

Imaginitive young lady looking for clients, talents are imagining the realistic possibilities of practically anything, and applying new technologies to practical applications in all types of business.

syntaxerror37's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 08/24/2013 - 11:01
Here is a thread on power

Here is a thread on power suggestions

But I recommend you check this out first

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

dawnofcrow's picture
Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 10/31/2013 - 08:56
syntaxerror37 wrote:
syntaxerror37 wrote:

Here is a thread on power suggestions
But I recommend you check this out first

ty for post it

whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster and when you look into the abyss, the abyss also look into you, -Friedrich

Sweet_Miss_Skaldi's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/25/2014 - 06:01
yes, thank you, it led to

yes, thank you, it led to lots of more interesting threads!

Mystery game

I will lay out a super case of mystery, and it's up to the viewers to ask questions! Team game, all viewers on the same team.

You may ask any question related to the mystery. This is NOT cannon. This is FUN.

I may answer: Yes, No, Yes and No, Please clarify what you mean by?, and I don't know (meaning doesn't pertain to case), I will answer by quoting people and relaying the appropriate answer below.
If you recognize the game please don't spoil it for others who have never played!!

Case 1

A dead Super washes up on the shores of Titan City, he has no identification, but wears a spandex suit with unregistered markings. What happened?

Imaginitive young lady looking for clients, talents are imagining the realistic possibilities of practically anything, and applying new technologies to practical applications in all types of business.