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The Opal Room Open RP

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Gladatoria's picture
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The Opal Room Open RP

Adalina Niccoli sighed.

Sitting placidly behind a oval two-seater table, sifting her the heels of her black fur trimmed thigh highs through the fingers of fog beneath the table as she pondered. The young head of the Venetian Costa Nostra was not there for the jazz or the company of her fellow rogues, but the comfort of information.

Recalling her beginnings within her father's empire and his many and often deadly lessons he taught, she recalled that the sharpest weapon a man could bring to a altercation was not his boot knife or glock, but information. And if the dark and deadly siren was anything, she was receptive.

Clad in a black fur trimmed corset underneath a cloak of the same material, she ran her midnight shaded nails across the edges of her feather lined formal opera mask that framed a porcelain face and was beset under waves of black, luscious hair.

Intending to be enchanting from the beginning to create the misconception that she is a overzelous villain, despite her relative newness to the practice as well. At the very least, it would draw facets of interest that she desired, and where interest was laiden, secrets were revealed.

And if afterwards, the grey eyed enchantress had to doll a hotshot pyro kinetic to do her bidding for awhile or simply send him into the line of fire of her Black Rose competitors to simply see what happened; so be it.

So Black Harmony waited, watching the door of the club full or villains and the scant, daring hero alike for the next entry to the Opal Room.


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Sharlfi Erghen listened to

Sharlfi Erghen listened to the warning given her by the coat-check girl, and made certain that the straps holding her pistols in their holsters under her jacket were secure. It might delay her getting the pistols into action by a half-second, but if the warning was not a bluff she wouldn't need to. If enough of the regulars believed it wasn't a bluff, she wouldn't need to. And if they didn't, well, that was why she had ballistic armor over her fur. Her ears pivoted as she walked to the bar, listening for conversations that might indicate someone needed to hire some firepower. She asked the bartender, "Do you have a drink called 'Root Beer'?" She seemed uncertain of the pronunciation.

Edit: added a bit of description ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Walking into the Opal when

Walking into the Opal when you have a hero rep was asking for trouble. So for a time the fellow on the Harley Davison across the street just sat there. Trouble was brewing, with the fifth orb found he couldn't play nice any longer. Ron got off the Harley and headed for the door, normally he wouldn't bother hiding his features. Letting the shock of seeing a walking undead shock and distract those around him. At least the one's that aren't used to it. Today was different he had a hoodie on and the hood up hiding his features abit. He even had on his Reaper mask. Something he hasn't done for years except for that one time when he helped Katrina. He told himself that was, it that was the last time. A sigh escaped his lips he wonders if he would believe that after tonight. Something about the mask like taking a cig after trying to go cold turkey. Deep inside you don't want to return, but you can't keep away. Besides he has to find the orbs. Now he was here, the pit fighter champion undefeated. Now was once again The Reaper was walking into the Opal Room.

At the hostess stand "A seat at the bar." The hostess nodded "Right this way sir" she led him to the bar where he took a seat and motioned to the tender. "Beer, dark beer Lager strong hops flavor, none of that cheap ale stuff." Listen, watch, pay attention, and above all look like you don't give a crap about anything, eventually someone will notice you.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Her nose twitched a bit as

Her nose twitched a bit as the man with the hoodie sat down a few stools away. Either he worked with dead bodies a lot or... no, that was too much. Even on this crazy world dead bodies didn't walk into a bar and order drinks... Did they?

The bartender opened a dark bottle for her and set it down. She looked at it before drinking, and snorted as she read the name of the maker. Last name was different though. She took a drink. The captain had been right, this was good. And no alcohol, which would be fortunate if she did find work here.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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The man parked his Harley

The man parked his Harley right out front of the place. He looked at the sign, and at the doors. He knew this was the place to seek out what he was looking for. As he stepped off the bike he removed his leather gloves, and placed them in his back pocket with the fingers hanging out. He adjusted his shades and ran his fingers through his shoulder length dark hair. His scruffy beard was speckled with grey. His boots wore worn and scuffed, and his dark colored jeans faded. He wore a solid colored t-shirt that was a faded dark purple to black under his old leather jacket. He opened the door and walked right up to the bar. "walker blue, neat"..he said to the bartender. "Four fingers"...he added.
He looked around after he received his drink. Noticing the others at the bar, and a few more interesting looking folks at the tables he thought to himself, "this'll do "

Gladatoria's picture
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The Mafiosa couldn't help but

The Mafiosa couldn't help but grin slyly at the sight of Sharlfi and The Reaper entering the club, taking a moment to run her nails across the edge of her glass containing her scarlet Chianti. The cadaver was clearly a fighter, and since he was still standing even from beyond the grave he was of use, possible muscle or a disposable hired gun or throwaway muscle. While not staying dead could be certainly useful to her affairs, his appearence and state of being could drive away customers.

And quite frankly, she only took on attractive killers or bodyguards, ugly aid projected a awful image, which is why she hand picked her personnel to replace the drones her father had had in place after his...accident.

Shifting her gaze to Sharlfi once more, she saw promise and shades of naivety, both could be exploitable and useful to her interests. Eyeing her more critically but under the guise of glaring down Opal with shreds of attempted intimidation to pass of the image of a foolish and haughty villain, she saw more. Sensing hints of her extraterrestrial nature garnered from her inquiry of such a mundane beverage, she decided to seize the oppurtunity.

Standing suddenly, Adalina moved across the room through the billowing opaque fog of the club with the grace of a black swan; she subconsciously made sure to time to clacking of her heels with the thrum of the jazz behind her for the alluring image she desired. Once she had reached the bar, drifting past the walking corpse and the new entry to the Opal Room, before speaking.

Her voice is instantly melodic, it's silvertongued capabilities blending with her soft but commanding light Italian accent.

"I will be paying for your drink, dear, if that is alright?" She also hopes to pull attention to the hopefully initiating conversation, to pan the reactions of her rogueish peers to determine their value.


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"Quite all right. Until I

"Quite all right. Until I find employment, my funds are limited."

She noted the mask, and the apparent lack of weapons. Perhaps this was one of the "metahumans", in which case even unarmed she could be as dangerous as any trooper in a battlesuit, or perhaps not as dangerous as Shari herself was, or anywhere in between. The safest course would be to assume more dangerous, and treat her respectfully. Additionally, she had a much more pleasant voice than any humans she'd spoken with before.

She held out her right hand as she introduced herself. "Sharlfi Erghen. But Shari will do."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Gladatoria's picture
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The canine-like

The canine-like extraterrestrial's right hand was met with the glove clad fur lined grip of Adalina's own, who shakes it cordially. Taking in the woman facing her curiously, the enchantress decides to draw more tidbits of Intel that her attire or demeanor does not reveal as she states in reply.

"Think nothing of it, Shari. I am Black Harmony, or Adalina Niccoli, head of the Venetian Costa Nostra." She leaves her introduction at that, deciding to add with a hint of her alluring voice to follow.

"I don't imagine you've heard of me?" Her intention through this question is to determine just how oriented Shari is with local and international news outlets, and to also see if she needs to add to her supervillainous repitoire, to build a larger false profile.


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Ron moved his mask just

Ron moved his mask just enough to drink. His eyes and ears open he was watching what was going on by looking into the reflection in a few mirrors and other such items. Two low ranking Black Rose members started whispering "It can't be.. he's dead isn't he?" "Heard he murdered his last opponent crushed his skull." Sigh escaped him he couldn't help it as memories flooded back. Why was he here he asked himself again. The Dragons would be a more logical group to seek news about magic, but he had no ties to that order. Then again all his contacts in the black rose are now over five years old.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Foradain's picture
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Sharlfi decided that honesty

Sharlfi decided that honesty with a potential employer was best. "No, I'm new to this planet. I'm lucky that languages come fairly easily to me, and that the captain of my ship came from this world, or maybe one nearby. I've adapted my communicator to connect with your internet, but I haven't had time yet for surfing."

The same conversation that reached the ears of the man who smelled of death reached Sharlfi's ears as well, as did the sigh. Maybe he was dead, after all?

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Glenshadow finished his drink

Glenshadow finished his drink and ordered another. He noticed Ron and told the bartender to send him a drink as well. He was checking out the coatcheck girl, as she interacted with a few newcomers. He then decided to go sit at a table. Finishing his second drink , he ordered a third to be sent to the table and then sat at the one farthest to the right against the wall. His back was to the wall and he waited and watched everything unfolding in the room in front of him.

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Marcus turned the corner

Marcus turned the corner around alley, and made his way towards towards the building with the large signs."Opal room eh?..I can dig that." Marcus placed his hat back a bit so that his face could be reveal and he walked in, getting greeted at the door, before, walking up to the bar a taking a seat ,about 3 stools away from the man who smelled of rotting flesh."Oh..that's nasty baby" He said to himself before requesting a drink of ginger-ale, and whisky.

By the time the drink reached him he had taken off his hat and placed it in his own lap, eyeing those who were in building.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

Gladatoria's picture
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Adalina smiled as she found

Adalina smiled as she found she was correct in her deduction, taking a moment to eye the Reaper himself as she debated internally. The fact that he can return after death, or so some urban legends and superstitious mafiasos claim could give her a trump card of sorts against her competitors in the criminal underworld, and that alone was a major benefit. But for now, she had another potential employ, so she did not split her focus as she engaged Shari further.

"I see. Well on the behalf of my fellow rogues welcome to Titan City, and by extension the Opal Room. And fortunate for the both of us that you know English as well, as well as your funds being low; for I have an employment oppurtunity if you are interested?" She directs the inquiry to the Reaper as well, as she does not seem to care to awknowledge Glenshadow yet.


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Shari nodded. "Yes, I would

Shari nodded. "Yes, I would like to hear about it. I suppose it is too much to hope that you have a starship that needs navigating?" She also smiled, but did not let much of her teeth show.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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The Black Swan chuckles, a

The Black Swan chuckles, a alluring and so far cordial sound that resonates about the table before she replies, taking a moment to emphasize.

"No, unfortunately, though I imagine that is not your only skill, given your armaments?" She gestures to the weapons holstered, hoping that through this she will reveal more of her origins, more information to compile in the future.


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"No, though it is my favorite

"No, though it is my favorite, I have other skills. [I]Dejah Thoris Maru[/I] is a relatively small ship, and cross-training improves survivability. And yes, combat is one of those skills, and I am quite good at it." Shari lets a bit more of her teeth show through the smile. While many omnivores find such a display of fangs unsettling, it seems appropriate at the moment.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Black Harmony smiles back as

Black Harmony smiles back as she goes on to inquire whilst running her black nails across the trim of the oval table in front of her.

"Dully noted. Would you be interested in a fully paid enforcer position, within my organization, performing operations as needed?"


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Shari noted the word

Shari noted the word "enforcer". She was sure that Black Harmony did not mean a law enforcement position. Still, she doubted it would be any worse than a position on a pirate's crew. "Yes, I would. And would I report directly to you, or to one of your officers?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Directly to me." Was the

"Directly to me." Was the instantaneous reply, as she adds with emphasis. "you would be serving the interests of my Costra Nostra, and your own should they not clash with the desires of my organization. Interested, Shari?"


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He finishes his beer then

He finishes his beer then started for the door. A few interesting conversations, but no leads that would aid in the search for the orbs.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Yes, I am. And if I should

"Yes, I am. And if I should find my interests clashing with yours or your organization's, I will discuss the matter with you to see if it can be resolved, when time permits. But until I do find a working starship, I doubt it will come up." Shari raised the dark bottle. "To the Venetian Costa Nostra."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Adalina grinned, finding this

Adalina grinned, finding this had been a bit easier than she expected, but did not question it internally as she raised her own glass of Chianti to meet Shari's own, as she replied cooly.

"To the Venetian Costa Nostra."


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Shari relaxed just a bit.

Shari relaxed just a bit. While she still might be required to fight for her living, at least she had some assurance that there would be food, and shelter from the random death in the life support system that the planet-bound called weather. "So, besides recruiting, what did you hope to do tonight, and what can I do to help?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Adalina's grin could rival

Adalina's grin could rival that of the Cheshire Cat as she muses languidly, amidst ordering a second drink by with a unheard and hazy whisper into the ear of a passing villain, who all but drops his own beer as he scrambles to purchase her drink.

"Oh, nothing much. Relaxing, scope out possible employees, simply enjoying the Opal Room's tidings. Your own hopes for tonight, darling?"


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Shari looked sideways at the

Shari looked sideways at the man who was bringing back Adalina's drink. Was that just his respect for her position, or was there something more? Either way, it meant this "Venetian Cosa Nostra" was not some two-credit operation. Good.

"Well, mostly I was looking to find a job. Now that that's done... Well, this world is new to me, and this seems as good a place to start exploring as any."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Adalina smiles to the man who

Adalina smiles to the man who scrambles back with her drink, pulling him in close as he carefully sets the glass of red wine down unto the table, as he diligently nods with a blank expression. Without a second thought, he rushes out of the Opal Room, and not two minutes later the din gunshots could be heard several blocks away. Shaking her head with a grin, she replies to Shari deftly.

"Sorry about that my dear, needed to tie something up. And you seem to have very good taste in both endeavors. Tell me, what made you seek out Titan City, among other locations, or was it not by choice?"


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Something more, then. No way

Something more, then. No way would mere respect prompt someone... Shari wondered briefly if Adalina was immune to their hostess' powers, or didn't believe in them, or if it was a loophole that permitted her to get away with it, perhaps because the overt violence wasn't played out where it could cause trouble here? The possibilities went through the back of her mind, but no trace of them could be found on her face as she answered. "At least partially by choice. Being in the vessel I came here in, a combination courier/lifeboat, I think, wasn't my idea. By the time I had gained control of it, it didn't have the range to get me back to where I wanted to go, or anywhere where I could hope to catch a ride. But there was this one world in its database, with the word "Earth" displayed next to it in English. I saw I could get to here, if only barely. The vessel's sensors could scan for fusion power sources, and I aimed for the biggest cluster I could find. My equipment protected me from a water landing, but the vessel itself... The hull was already letting in salty water when I left, by now it's full and most if not all of the systems are ruined. The hull might still be worth something for scrap metal, though."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Marooned then, not unheard

"Marooned then, not unheard of, but I also fear your spacecfraft may be beyond salvaging now, if the fishmen within the harbor or water hasn't ruined it beyond saving already, I hope you have most of your combat equipment." Curiously, she doesn't seem too concerned about what she had just done, even going as far to wave to Opal when she can be spotted within the club.


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"Oh yes, everything I went in

"Oh yes, everything I went in with I brought out, plus a few souvenirs. More than I can say for the bug that sent me off, through the porthole of the hatch I could see him getting shot, I'd guess by one of my former crewmates." Shari grinned at the memory, bittersweet as it was.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Good to know that comradarie

"Good to know that comradarie is still present, at the very least beyond humans." Adalina chuckles. adding. "And at the very least you saw a pleasurable image e you left, something to positively reflect on." She then inquires with a growing grin.

"Now, the question is, do you plan on returning when you can as soon as possible."


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"Absolutely. And while it

"Absolutely. And while it may seem unlikely, it may still happen that something will become available. I just have to make sure I'm around to get passage. And with at least five separate large-scale fusion sources here - I'm talking about a hundred thousand times that bulb there," Shari pointed to one of the LED bulbs scattered around the club's ceiling, drawing about ten or fifteen watts, "and across the bay, I'm thinking the odds here are actually pretty good."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"You mean in the form of a

"You mean in the form of a nuclear reactor?" She inquires with growing curiosity, eager to see just what the canine hunter's aspirations are.


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Shari nodded. "There might

Shari nodded. "There might be more, smaller sources, but the gear I had would have trouble picking them up. And fusion bombs would only be detectable when they went off, but you wouldn't need the fancy gear to notice them. The biggest ones, I'm thinking are research reactors, either for testing the engineering out or for running experiments. But there's one, smaller, at the threshold of detection, that is at a small airport west of here."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Adalina pondered for a moment

Adalina pondered for a moment, before inquiring. "And that is your target? And what do you intend to do once there?"


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"It may be. It depends on

"It may be. It depends on what it is. Just because it has a power plant doesn't mean it can get out of the atmosphere. Then there's the problem of traveling about thirty-six hundred light-years. The system we use requires some massive engineering at each end to the jump. I'm still not sure how the Bugs do it, but they do, so that proves it can be done. What I'd like to do is find an excuse to be there that won't spook whoever owns it. Then take a look." Shari sounded guardedly hopeful, like she didn't quite dare believe it might work.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Adalina grins, as she replies

Adalina grins, as she replies, offering a solution. "Seeing as your already doing me a favor in working under my employ, perhaps I can do you a favor in lending my own, personal resources to aiding you." She then adds, and those around her would be able to feel the trum of hypnotic power in her voice, briefly.

"Sometimes all you need to do, is ask nicely."


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Shari felt the power in

Shari felt the power in Adalina's voice, but perhaps more importantly she consciously heard it as well, robbing it of some of its subliminal power. "Thank you for the offer, but I think it would be best to wait, and find out what I can on my own. Then, perhaps, if there is need and security which I cannot breach on my own, I will ask for help."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Adalina smiled, noting Shari

Adalina smiled, noting Shari's resistance, and now has indeed found a worthy enforcer for her group. While it may not be a cadre of metahumans or tech soldier like IFRIT, it was more than enough to get her feet wet in Titan City.

"Understood Shari, and you will be alerted when your work will begin, rest assured. Would you like my phone number, if you possess one?"


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"Not yet, but when I do I'll

"Not yet, but when I do I'll call to let you know. But I have set up an email account." Shari gave Adalina the address. "I'm fairly sure it's not as secure as you would like, but it should be enough to let me know when you need me."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Adalina smiled as she slyly

Adalina smiled as she slyly took the address within her palm, as she offered. "I can get you into contact with certain individuals, that can help secure you a location as well as your electronic devices, per your specifications, if need be?"


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"That would be appreciated,

"That would be appreciated, yes." Shari didn't actually need that help, she already had an eye on several listings for basic lodging. But it was likely Adalina's people could get better lodgings on shorter notice, simply because of superior local knowledge. And until she knew what they considered adequate electronic security, she wouldn't know whether or not hers was actually better.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Adalina smiles, as she

Adalina smiles, as she replies deftly. "For lodging, I was considering offering a suite in Grayson Tower, and don't worry, your not suppose to have heard about it even from those who know it exist, it's a haven for...our kind of people." She allows Shari to ponder this before making a decision.


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Something about the name made

Something about the name made Shari uneasy, but she couldn't quite put a claw on it. No matter. A comfortable place to rest up and recuperate, especially one not known to others, was too good on opportunity to pass up. "Sounds good. How do we get there?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Adalina smiled as she replied

Adalina smiled as she replied, already anticipating that Shari would agree. "I can have my men drive us there, or rather near there for now, until the condtions are met for your stay. And don't worry, I imagine you could determine whether I am lying or not, and no harm will come to you."


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"In that case, whenever you

"In that case, whenever you're ready to leave. Meanwhile, I think I shall get another of Mr. Weinhard's excellent beverage." Shari returned to the bar, and got another root beer.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Adalina chuckles, replying as

Adalina chuckles, replying as Shari returns to the table, standing gracefully. "I will have some shipped to your room, at your leisure, if you so desire? And actually, perhaps you may go on ahead while I scope out the club for more possible employees?"


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"That sounds like a good plan

"That sounds like a good plan. Sooner I get settled in, the sooner I can get to work. And yes, a case of this would be nice." Shari returned to the bar to settle her tab.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Adalina nods, instantly

Adalina nods, instantly whipping out a solid black smartphone, scrolling to her VERY large lists of contacts, and clicking one, speaking to the man in rapid fire italian before hanging up. Turning to Shari afterward as she returns, stating so low that only she may hear.

"A limousine will arrive shortly to pick you up, and will take you a block away from the Grayson, so you can memorize the area for reference. If desired, you can ask for an escort inside, since you will be the new 'meat' within the building, but I doubt you'll need that. Are you ready, any questions?"


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"Yes, and No," Shari said

"Yes, and No," Shari said with just a bit of a grin. She had caught several words that had seemed almost English, and looked forward to learning whatever language that was. "I'll call you when I have a phone number, and check my emails frequently in case I'm needed before then." She then gave a sharp salute that looked remarkably like that of the U.S. armed services, and headed out to catch her ride. "Limousine" was usually the long black vehicles, if she recalled correctly....

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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A black man dressed in a

A black man dressed in a silvery suit with blue tie walks in. Glenshadow would remember him as Phantasm. Indeed the light bender was now sitting at the bar "I have a long island ice tea." He smiles as he glances around. In truth he was technically blind his eyes didn't possess light, this was just a technicality because he does have that energy awareness. In some ways it was better than sight so when he got his drink he toasted in the direction of Glenshadow. "Cheers" Then he takes a drink.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Glenshadow acknowledges

Glenshadow acknowledges Phantasm with a nod then pushes the seat out opposite the small table he was sitting at as in invitation to join him.

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Grace Harper aka Flux came to

Grace Harper aka Flux came to a rough landing. It was her first time flying and it showed. She stumbled as the air cushion, air board dissolved then she walked to the door. Okay she was here, she got away from those teenage heroes. Now what? Heck she was barefooted and in clothing she got out of the dumpster. Oh and she almost forgot she snapped the plastic bracelet off her wrist by forcing the molecules apart. A deep breath she walked into the Opal room. The Hostage looks up "Hello, table for one?" She glances down seeing Grace's bare feet. "I'm sorry is there, a reason for your bare feet? We prefer shoes on our customers thought some do have exceptions." Grace swallowed great in the door for less than a minute and already having trouble. "Um.."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Glenshadow saw the awkward

Glenshadow saw the awkward fitting clothes and the shoeless girl enter the door. He watched for a moment as she stammered with the man trying to reason with her. He got up and walked to them. "She's with me" he said bluntly as he slid a c-note tucked in his plam into the man's front suit pocket. The man caught sight of the bill and then backed down. "Of course" he stammered, " My apologies". As he backed away , Glenshadow looked at flux and said, "My tables' in the corner there, if you'd care to join" he then turned and headed back to where he was seated.

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She looked out the door then

She looked out the door then to Glenshadow. Marching over trying to be braver than she really was "First thing Thanks, second thing I'm not selling anything I have. Third the only thing I have is my body. Get the picture, I'm not going to be some wealthy man's entertainment. Now that's out of the way, I'm Grace Harper and thanks." She blinked dawning on her she repeated herself.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Easy there girl" Glenshadow

"Easy there girl" Glenshadow trued to calm her down." I wasn't propsitioning you like that". He swished his glass full of walker blue, and ordered another. When he ordered his drink he looked at her as if to say do you want to add anything while the waitress is here. Then he shoved the seat out across to him. "It looks like you have one hell of a story to tell" he looked around the room, "I'll listen". then he added," pleasure to meet to you Grace Harper, im Glenshadow".

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She sat down "Not much to say

She sat down "Not much to say, when my family found out I was different my dad threw me out of the house. Turned to robbery to survive. Got caught and sent to Steel Mercy. You have heard it was attacked and burnt down right? Well either I didn't want to return to a cell somewhere... so I'm here."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Glenshadow took her short

Glenshadow took her short story in and smirked. " So you'd be willing to do some work for hire?" he asked bluntly. He was looking to bput together a small band to do a job that had come to him. He knew he couldn't do it alone, and needed a few more to team with.

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Nodding "I don't like hurting

Nodding "I don't like hurting people, I fight if I must. I won't kill at least not if I have an option not to. There are many types out there that enjoy that kind of work, not me I'm just a homeless seventeen year old freak. If your job sneaking into places, robbery, or just taking something apart I'm game."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"how about distracting?"

"how about distracting?" Glenshadow said. "Oh and what are your abilities?" he asked bluntly "You say you're a homeless freak" he paused a second, what makes you a freak? especially in this city?"....

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"That my Father an anti

"That my Father an anti-powered extremist. He's part of a group that calls itself the Human Purity, lot of hate mongering. So when his own daughter showed signs of being more than normal..." She shrugged her shoulders "I can manipulate molecular structures, the greater density the harder to manipulate. For example I can manipulate the air around me without touching it. I have to force a brick wall apart with my hands moving it apart as if it was clay."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"So you'll be perfect"

"So you'll be perfect" Glenshadow said as he ordered another drink. "Simple job, we're hitting an armored car" he received his drink and sipped it. "Seems some of the locals have been laudering cash through a hedge fund corporation" he started to talk lower, "We've isolated the company and pretty much shut them down, but not before they tried to liquidate some assets" He looked around again." so we are going to relive them of thier excess". He then looked at her to see how shed react.

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She thought about it "I

She thought about it "I really don't care if the truck was from a normal bank. Heck even if it was for starving children in whoknowswhere, most of the money from those charities don't even go to what they raised the money for anyway." Her eyes look to the menu then back to him "The big question is what my cut? Could I get some in advance, consider it a signing bonus."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Glenshadow smiled. "Your cut

Glenshadow smiled. "Your cut would be 20%" he glanced at the waitress and gestured for her to come over. "if we did our homework properly, there is about 2.3 in the truck , the rest gets turned over. " the waitress arrived and looked at the two " get her whatever she wants on us" glenshadow said as the waitress nodded. Then he slid an envelope with some cash in it to her " Here, consider this a small advance" the envelope contained 20k in hundereds in two bands of 10k. "use it to get whatever you may need for the job, we meet here tomorrow night 9 p.m. ok?" with that he stood and turned to leave.

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Glenshadow looked at his

Glenshadow looked at his watch, 8:30. he sat on his bike outside the opalroom, across the street. hoping his ally would show up, he knew they were n a tight schedule.

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Marcus had been lisning to

Marcus had been lisning to Glenshadows whole conversation and fallowed him out. Over night he thought it over and decided that was going to meet and talk with him the next day..standing astray behind him as he waited on his. Bike for the girl t.o show up. "Hey brotha...I want in." He had a smoking cigar in his mouth.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

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Dressed in a new outfit. A

Dressed in a new outfit. A wind braker jacket, blue shirtt, jeans, and new running shoes. She was traveling on another air pocket and landed infront of glenshadow. "Alright I'm here."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Glenshadow had noticed marcus

Glenshadow had noticed marcus waiting, almost skulking, but hadn't said anything. When he spoke up Glenshadow turned and said. "I was wondering when you were gonna speak up." he looked at marcus and asked" so you know the target?" hoping he had heard about the job completely. Thats when Grace showed up. Glenshadow smirked when she got there, and glad there was now three.
"Ok , the truck itself is on its way into the city, it has an escort, the pickup following it, looks old, used to throw off , well people like us"......"we need to get to it before it gets into the city" he showed marcus and grace a point on his data pad. " can you get here in 30 mins?" as he asked he was looking at the cars parked on the street, "Or do we need to borrow a ride?"

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"I heard enough to know what

"I heard enough to know what to do." He said as he inhaled his cigar smoke none of it ever seeming to escape his body." The names Marus Cain you probably heard of mt brother..Demrius, and if you mean stealing a ride..then daddy I'm all for it."

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

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Glenshadow smirked and marcus

Glenshadow smirked and marcus. With that he opened a small pack on the back of his bike, he pulled out a small device and started pressing buttons. As he walked down the line of cars, one of them finally flashed its lights and he opened the door. "Shall we?" he said as he hopped behind the wheel of the newer style 535.

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Marcus opened up the back

Marcus opened up the back door and dropped in, leaving the passenger seat for the female if she had planned on getting in.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

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"Better idea" Glenshadow said

"Better idea" Glenshadow said as he hopped back out.."You drive, I'll take my bike. we can spilt up if need be....but we gotta get going...."

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"Yeah best I ride in the car.

"Yeah best I ride in the car. I just learned to fly and have no idea how fast I can go safely." She hopped in the passenger seat "Um... big guy you take the wheel. I didn't have a drivers license."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Jourgun phased in a puff of

Jourgun phased in a puff of ember like smoke, now sitting in the drivers seat both of his hands on the steering wheel."Well lets be out then, but I should tell you, I will off any guard in my way...and I will work for 15% less then the sister." With that he dropped his foot onto the gas and sped off in the direction they were headed.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

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"Is offing the guards really

"Is offing the guards really necessary? I can just knock them out, a little bubble over their heads and no air. Out cold and no lives lost."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"They will get 1 warning from

"They will get 1 warning from me, and if they don't comply then we are going to have a problem besides that means there is 0 chance of have a witness."

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
The car sped along the road

The car sped along the road with Glenshadow tailing it on the bike. At one corner he caught up to the car and was beside it. When they stopped at the light, (they were stopping now as to not draw attention) he leaned down and said, " Next light , make that right and head out of going to go this way and circle behind the truck following ok?" he looked to make sure they understood. The road he asked them to head down would eventually run right into the smaller road the truck was on. "Be prepared to stop the truck, can you manage that?" he asked looking forward.

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"Oh yes I can." He started to

"Oh yes I can." He started to drive until he got to the next light and turned down the right lane as he extited the city and drove down the road until he slowed down as he mergebehi e the truck and looked at the girl. "You want to take it out?"

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

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"Yeah I can take the truck."

"Yeah I can take the truck." She focused her powers on creating two strong gust of wind one at the top of the truck the other under it. The result would be air lifting the truck and pushing it on it side.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Marcus's foot was already on

Marcus's foot was already on the gas when she said she could take it,, and slowed to a complete stop, and turned the car off, before getting out.'Nice work mamma." He walked toward the side of the truck and folded his arms smoke slowly emulating from his body." Alright fellas lets take this easy, no one gets hurt."

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

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Flux got out as well and

Flux got out as well and looked around for Glenshadow. A job was a job, and time was short. She was already drawing air in to throw. "What the big man said. Down on the road hands behind your heads, face down. Or find out what happens when one thousand pounds of air pressure is shot at you at bullet speeds." She looked at Marcus "I get the door."

She let the air go as she walked to the back of the armored truck. Her fingers sliding into the metal as if she was pressing them into thick clay. "This may take a few moments, it's reinforced a lot of density."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Marcus had his hand in the

Marcus had his hand in the form of smoking embers like shards he aimed them."Take all the time you need, these fools ain't going no where."

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...