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Intentionally difficult terrain

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Radiac's picture
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Intentionally difficult terrain

Remember places like Perez Park, Faultline, and the Shadow Shard in CoX, or even the "underground" areas of Brickstown?

Do we want this kind of stuff in CoT or not?

I do. I especially want sewers. Not that the CoX sewer system was athat all-fired difficult to navigate, but it was pretty big and somewhat labyrinthine and nonetheless really cool.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Darth Fez
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Sewers? Yes, please.

[url=]Sewers[/url]? Yes, please. (Especially the bit where parts of the sewers are their own city / ecosystem.) Also, I wouldn't object if the sewers made full use of all three dimensions for the layer effect.[color=red]*[/color]

I did kind of like the CoH sewers, as well, because they were relatively large but not so labyrinthine that one could not find the way out with relative ease. The underground/basement areas of Brickstown annoyed me because, especially with a travel power active, it was very easy to bounce from one dead end to the next and lose track of where is where. Admittedly, I never bothered to learn the layout of that little place because I only went there perhaps half a dozen times in my CoH career.

[color=red]*[/color] Quick and dirty, non-sewer, example that may be familiar to some:


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Radiac's picture
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It might be cool to have a

It might be cool to have a sewer system that's more claustrophobic and confined, like if the tubes connecting rooms are so narrow you can only fit one person through at a time, not the whole team abreast of each other, but then also have some kind of forest type map on the outskirts of town that's more easily navigated by whole teams, like the CoX sewers were. Of course that sort of thing would most likely allow for fliers to scout around without having to follow the trails I guess....

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

5 OClock Shadow
5 OClock Shadow's picture
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Hopefully not like the circle

Hopefully not like the circle of thorn caves lol. That was the worst. Or perhaps it was worst because there was always one mob hiding somewhere on a defeat all mission--which I hear MWM is working to prevent. I'm all for difficult terrain though. I love exploring and jumping around obstacles.

5 OClock Shadow
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Preatorias Underground wasnt

Preatorias Underground wasnt so bad. ;)

Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 07/24/2014 - 15:16
i want it all.

i want it all.

and some sewers should be bigger. the king of cities, new york, really does have huge areas. sewers, abandoned subway stations and tunnels (the abandoned subway stations are so clean, and full of tile pictures, beautiful, lol and better the the used stations) and even secret underground rooms that raves take place in.

i even want to slaughter a sweet candyland. or santas workshop. ill smush those elves, even if it is a dream level taking place in my meanie head.......

What a man thinks of himself, that is what determines, or rather indicates, his fate. - Henry David Thoreau

Radiac's picture
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Yeah, on second thought, the

Yeah, on second thought, the claustrophobic blue cave maps from CoX were a good example of something I NEVER WANT TO HAVE TO GO THROUGH AGAIN. So I like the more "elbow roomy" sewers just fine. In CoX the sewer maps were probably my favorite type of mission map. They were probably the easiest to navigate of all the mission maps. WAY more so than Orenbega, the office maps, and the blue sciencey lab maps. I guess the brown "new" caves were pretty good for that too, and the warehouses weren't bad.

The Perez Park and Eden style forest mazes were annoying, but they had character. They also rewarded you for taking a vertical travel power, which I think the game should do.

People who only care about combat tend to skip travel powers that don't offer a combat buff of some kind, then complain that there are areas you need a travel power to get to in any easy way. I think the solution to that is to make MORE areas that are only easily accessible via travel powers just to make the travel powers that much more valuable.

Another idea: what if there was a maze type thing someplace that the map changed for it periodically? Like once a year or something it get's re-arranged by the devs and they put a badge in there in a different place for people to find.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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As masterghostartist said, "I

As masterghostartist said, "I want it all." I would hate to see all difficult terrain absent, but I would prefer it to be a small percentage. Personally, although I hated the layer-cake room, I liked the narrow CoT tunnels. Except for the wall torches on which my character would inevitably get stuck when chasing or fleeing a mob.

Spurn all ye kindle.

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Personally while certain maps

Personally while certain maps were a huge pain especially the first few times you had to navigate them (and doubly so if I was on a still leveling squishy and find myself dropped, unexpectedly, in front of some very ugly mob through some hole in the terrain I could barely see on my screen) I'd much, much, much rather deal with most of them than have too many of the same bland relatively feature free caves all conveniently nice and wide. Learning to navigate (or just plain pinballing off walls) was just part of the experience curve involved. Or in short I'd rather they err on the side of annoying me with an occasionally memorably and aggravating map than be bored fighting and navigating on an endless series of 'parking lots of convenient movement' maps.

So bring on the Sewers, the forests of Eden, the woods of Perez, the maze of Terra Volta and the unreality of the Shadow Shards..

Lord Nightmare
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As long as we can avoid Sewer

As long as we can avoid Sewer King


[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

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Voldine's picture
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Troll caves were fun as well as some of the more claustrophobic cave designs used for Rikti missions. Oranbega/Orangebagel was unique and fun except for those damned portals that could send you to random places on the map without your team nearby.


The original Lady of Ysgard. -Virtue

Comicsluvr's picture
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I don't mind difficult

I don't mind difficult terrain depending on WHY it's difficult.

I dropped missions to the CoT underground because the torches would snag on EVERYTHING.

I dropped cave missions because I'm navigationally challenged and tedium does not equate to fun for me.

I don't want maps with jutting physics, senseless layouts (unless it's the Mad Hatter's place)or stuff like that.

You want bridges collapsing, lava to avoid, falling debris and gun turrets? I'm all that

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Superpersonage's picture
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I loved difficult terrain. I

I loved difficult terrain. I especially liked zones that presented challenges to travel, like the Hollows and Faultline. I enjoyed the cave maps (blue, brown and CoT) because you had to move carefully to avoid missing a side passage or to avoid falling through a crack in the ground (yes even the "layer cake" rooms). Getting stuck on a projecting structure was pretty annoying, but that's a collision issue that MWM could prevent. I second (or third?) the idea of claustrophobically narrow passages. I was thinking about public transportation recently: CoX had the monorail of course, which was kind of retrofuturistic (they had frickin' lasers at the stations! [touches pinkie to lips]) even though Paragon itself was not. If Titan City had a more conventional subway system...

In large cities, subway stations and platforms tend to be a haven for crime, especially in bad parts of the city. Maybe low level players would be called on to move gangs out of the subway (maybe higher level characters would be required in higher level zones). Maybe monsters occassionally move into the tunnels and would have to be driven out (wasn't there such a battle in the first Hellboy movie?). Maybe supervillains have secret hideouts built into abandoned tunnels (like Lex Luthor in Superman 1). Maybe you hopped the express to get to a mish in another zone, but you're delayed by a hostage situation or an assault taking place on the platform or on one or the trains (like a D&D wandering monster chance of such an occurrance)-you could ignore it, but that's like leaving spawns for someone else to clean up.

Sewer maps were a little too plentiful in CoX imo, and you had to wonder why people with other options would congregate there (Vahzilok made sense; the other factions, not so much). Subways, however, could provide a lot of believable options.

DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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There are places that should

There are places that should be difficult to navigate (… unless you do some things to mitigate that) and places that should not. For example, an office building where nobody could possibly have found their way to their desk in under half an hour just doesn't really work.

On the other hand, if that office building required convoluted navigation because some group had broken into it and deliberately set it up to be as obnoxious as possible to make it through without being exposed to taking fire all along the way, well, that makes rather more sense.

Suffice to say that if we don't make use of having a truly 3D map space available to us, I will be very disappointed… but that isn't the same as making it impossible to complete a mission because you can't find the stupid git of an enemy who fell down a crevice and halfway through the geometry of the world.

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Yes Plz

Yes Plz

Stay Frosty!

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As long as Pets and non-enemy

As long as Pets and non-enemy players are able to walk through each other.
Any type of enclosed corridor (office/sewer/cave/etc) with a MM was impossible to move around in. Get two of the pets near a door and they lock themselves and anyone else behind from getting through. While this can be funny for first time or two after a few years of playing it gets a bit tedious.

While I can type in Team chat "Hey %Player% please move to the side so I can get through the doorway" its all to easy to miss something in chat while in combat.

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It would have been nice if

It would have been nice if CoH/V could let you target the stuck enemy in the wall and type /isStuck and a routine is run to check and reset the targeted enemy position.

Fireheart's picture
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Rather than forcing us to

Rather than forcing us to find and target the stuck enemy, precipitating it into the fusillade of PC fire, what if there was a routine call like /npcStuck that checked all NPCs against the geometry and re-spawned any that were clipping, or fallen through? I do imagine there might be a way to exploit such a command...

Still, it could return a number for NPCs the routine affected. If it returns '0' and you still have objectives to complete, then you obviously missed something - go look again. If it returns a number other than '0', then you have at least that many targets to find. Go Look Again!

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I do remember accidently

I do remember accidently getting my sidekick killed in a Croatoa mission (instanced but outdoor map) once. I'd gotten stuck in the terrain and typed /stuck (figuring it pop me out nearby). It didn't, it placed me back near the entrance and well out of mentoring range .. sk got instantly killed, oops. Maybe the program was trying to get even for all those npcs popped out in front a full team readied to pounce :p

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DeathSheepFromHell wrote:
DeathSheepFromHell wrote:

There are places that should be difficult to navigate (… unless you do some things to mitigate that) and places that should not. For example, an office building where nobody could possibly have found their way to their desk in under half an hour just doesn't really work.
On the other hand, if that office building required convoluted navigation because some group had broken into it and deliberately set it up to be as obnoxious as possible to make it through without being exposed to taking fire all along the way, well, that makes rather more sense.
Suffice to say that if we don't make use of having a truly 3D map space available to us, I will be very disappointed… but that isn't the same as making it impossible to complete a mission because you can't find the stupid git of an enemy who fell down a crevice and halfway through the geometry of the world.

If the person who owns the business / building also wants to make it dangerous to heroes who might interfere, or just happens to be insane/ eccentric, would that also justify odd layouts? Not even a need for break-in there.

When I read the example here, the first thing I thought of was, "What if it were hit by a natural disaster?"

I would go further on your last statement and say pretty much anything falling off the world is probably a bad thing. Maybe if it was City of Aether.

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Voldine's picture
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DeathSheepFromHell wrote:
DeathSheepFromHell wrote:

There are places that should be difficult to navigate (… unless you do some things to mitigate that) and places that should not. For example, an office building where nobody could possibly have found their way to their desk in under half an hour just doesn't really work.
On the other hand, if that office building required convoluted navigation because some group had broken into it and deliberately set it up to be as obnoxious as possible to make it through without being exposed to taking fire all along the way, well, that makes rather more sense.
Suffice to say that if we don't make use of having a truly 3D map space available to us, I will be very disappointed… but that isn't the same as making it impossible to complete a mission because you can't find the stupid git of an enemy who fell down a crevice and halfway through the geometry of the world.

You know where my brain went the instant I read this? "What a great time to have a /storm to blow away all these light obstacles." Please tell me there are plans for knock effects to detect solid versus flimsy barriers? I want to be able to blow cubicles apart with an explosive attack like frag grenade...not to mention blow out windows and then send thugs out through the gaping hole.

The original Lady of Ysgard. -Virtue