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shadow customization.

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shadow customization.

vampires have no shadow.
some people might have horns coming out of their head on their shadow, but have none on their head.
peter pan had a runaway shadow.
someone's shadow waves, when their avatar does not.

few things could be as creepy.

What a man thinks of himself, that is what determines, or rather indicates, his fate. - Henry David Thoreau

AlienMafia's picture
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Agreed. Would be cool to have

Agreed. Would be cool to have a speedster's shadow not move while character runs representing that even its own shadow cant keep up.

If we have multi-options for auras then this could fall under ground auras (non-running shadow, no shadow, etc.). The tricky part is if your just adding horns or wings or whatever to an existing shadow would have to fall under costume pieces. And option all by itself, something call shadow effects in which the pieces you select under this drop down menu won't show up on the character but code wise it will be on there but invisible to everyone visually.

-AlienMafia (Justice Server)
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Lothic's picture
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A few of these "shadow tricks

A few of these "shadow tricks" might be generically doable with creative use of auras, emotes and/or having the ability to manually adjust costume item opacity. But I suspect things like getting your shadow to animate while your body doesn't may be so uniquely specific that it'll not likely be possible (at least in this game).

It always boils down to the classic compromise between how much effort it would take the Devs to create something versus how many players would likely benefit from it. Some things may never end up being "worth it" no matter how cool they may be. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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I have a feeling that this is

I have a feeling that this is going to be "interesting" to implement, because it means breaking the built in shadowing system that Unreal 4 has as standard.

And by "interesting", I mean "write the whole code yourself, and say that X mob does not cast a shadow using the built in system".


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
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devil has a son. if you use a

devil has a son. if you use a flashlight on him, you see his horns. goto 7 minutes 25 seconds in.

is this effect worth it? in a game that will be a tiny bit more realistic than this? does the impact have feeling?

edit: my text grammar sure does drop when i am tired. darn dead of night posts.

What a man thinks of himself, that is what determines, or rather indicates, his fate. - Henry David Thoreau

Darth Fez
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To basically reiterate what

To basically reiterate what Lothic wrote, if this is something that MWM can put into the game with minimum fuss, perhaps as the result of some other work or update, then they should do so. Otherwise, in order to get something that other people might sometimes see, assuming they don't have shadow quality reduced or turned off, not so much.

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RottenLuck's picture
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I agree with Lothic. If it

I agree with Lothic. If it minimal fuss and something that could be done with ease. Sure, if it too much time for little benefit, well I can deal without my ghost character shadow doing shadow puppets.

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Radiac's picture
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Stuff like this with shadows

Stuff like this with shadows sounds cool looking and creepy or whatever, but this is not, in its heart and soul, a horror-genre game, and I think that belongs more to that particular niche. Just my 2 cents.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Lord Nightmare
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It's not?


It's not?

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Lothic's picture
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For the sake of discussion

For the sake of discussion the Devs might be able to figure out some clever way to give us special kinds of auras that could override/replace/deactivate the default shadows a character would normally cast. This might then allow people to have generic "shadow horns/tentacles/wings" of some kind. But even if this were possible I doubt these auras would be editable/customizable in any way so if you didn't like the specific shape/size of the hard-coded shadow appendages you'd probably be stuck. For instance unlike normal horns we'd probably just get one "shadow horn" aura and the Devs would have to hope it was good enough to satisfy as many people as possible.

As far as "animated shadow auras" go I again suspect there would be no real way to manually control/edit how they moved or looked. They would likely have to be hardwired to specific movement cycles that may not easily mesh with the character concepts people wanted these auras for in the first place. This may be fundamentally unworkable anyway given what Gangrel mentioned about Unreal 4 Engine's built-in shadowing system. For all we know it may be a relative PITA to attempt to force shadows work in non-standard ways under that environment.

An alternative to messing around with how shadows work might be allowing players to set certain costume items (like horns) invisible. I think this is what AlienMafia was alluding to earlier in this thread. This way you'd have your choice of horns, wings, etc. on your character but they would only be "visible" in terms of the shadow they cast. While this might be a solution in certain cases it may open up a whole world of other problems, not the least of which is dealing with the possibilities of people figuring out how to get naughty "nude" characters (via invisible costume parts) into the game.

Either way even though the topic of "customized shadows" is interesting it's likely one of those problematic can-of-worms the Devs either can't or won't want to deal with.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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people are always worried

people are always worried about devs attention for other things. but then why bother with costumes? they are not required for play.....

so, what to do? make the horns a costume item, that are there, but are invisible. they would pop a shadow because they are there, but not appear on the head. that solves one version without much work. hopefully.

they rest would need some serious attention. but at least horns could be pulled off.

What a man thinks of himself, that is what determines, or rather indicates, his fate. - Henry David Thoreau

Lothic's picture
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masterghostartist wrote:
masterghostartist wrote:

people are always worried about devs attention for other things. but then why bother with costumes? they are not required for play.....
so, what to do? make the horns a costume item, that are there, but are invisible. they would pop a shadow because they are there, but not appear on the head. that solves one version without much work. hopefully.
they rest would need some serious attention. but at least horns could be pulled off.

I realize everyone has their own cool ideas/opinions about what they wish to see in CoT and there's really nothing wrong with that. The only problem with all those great ideas is that some of them are much harder for software people to code than others. If a hypothetical Feature X would take 10 hours of effort to make and another Feature Y would take 1,000 hours it's easy to see that Feature X is much more likely to make it into the game than Feature Y. Oftentimes engineering compromises like that are just that simple.

For what it's worth I actually like your basic idea about "shadow horns" and it seems like they'd be relatively easy to implement in the form of a uniquely hardwired "invisible" costume item. I have a couple of CoT character ideas that would likely make use of something like that for some of their costumes if it were available. Even the idea of being able to manually turn off a character's full shadow is probably a fairly simple suggestion not only for your "vampire" example but also for those people who might not want to have a shadow regardless for whatever reasons.

On the other hand I suspect the general idea of having "animated shadows" that could move independently of the body is probably far too complex for it to be worthwhile (at least in a game like this). Again they might be able to fudge a few simple versions of that with special auras, but like I said before there'd be a lot of problems with making that work effectively for most people.

Bottomline I'd be fine with the CoT Devs giving us the "easy" shadow-based suggestions and holding off on the harder ones indefinitely.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Lord Nightmare
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Artists can draw helmet

Artists can draw helmet crowns. Being able to draw them is just one more step closer to being able to render them. As far as I'm concerned, my costume requests are fulfilled ;)

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

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Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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now .......turning off a

now .......turning off a shadow, and coloring one's own costume solid black, and hit "/em dance", and you have another look.

or, have one person be normal with the shadow off, and another person look exactly like them, but with their costume all black. so you have bob. and bob's shadow.

you may call be genius now.

What a man thinks of himself, that is what determines, or rather indicates, his fate. - Henry David Thoreau

Voldine's picture
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masterghostartist wrote:
masterghostartist wrote:

now .......turning off a shadow, and coloring one's own costume solid black, and hit "/em dance", and you have another look.
or, have one person be normal with the shadow off, and another person look exactly like them, but with their costume all black. so you have bob. and bob's shadow.
you may call be genius now.

Noob and Saibot much?

The original Lady of Ysgard. -Virtue

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Voldine wrote:
Voldine wrote:

masterghostartist wrote:
now .......turning off a shadow, and coloring one's own costume solid black, and hit "/em dance", and you have another look.
or, have one person be normal with the shadow off, and another person look exactly like them, but with their costume all black. so you have bob. and bob's shadow.
you may call be genius now.

Noob and Saibot much?

if it works, it works.

What a man thinks of himself, that is what determines, or rather indicates, his fate. - Henry David Thoreau

oOStaticOo's picture
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I'm with the others on this

I'm with the others on this one. If the devs can find a way to pull it off with minimal effort then cool. If not then I'm okay without it. Another thing to consider is the angles of the lighting. Some angles you'll be able to see all those tiny details, others you'll just have a formless blob. Question is, how often will the angles be just right so you can see all those details? If the answer is not that often then I don't see a real need for this to be implemented.

I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!

Interdictor's picture
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Considering shadows/shadow

Considering shadows/shadow effects are usually the first thing people turn down in order to improve performance - I can't see the devs putting too much effort into this. If it's a simple matter to implement? Fine! Maybe as part of an aura? But if it requires a great deal of coding - I really can't see it being high on the devs to-do list - if at all.

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it would be easy to stand

it would be easy to stand near a wall with the light hitting you.

you see the person, but their shadow has wings.

in a game where people would spent hours on costume contests and customization, with decade old tech, this might mean alot.

What a man thinks of himself, that is what determines, or rather indicates, his fate. - Henry David Thoreau

Izzy's picture
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I never tried it myself, but

I never tried it myself, but googling for it.. it might be possible.
Someone made a Shader called InvisibleShadowCaster:

It might be possible in Unreal too, but I dont know what sort of unwanted side effects could come from doing it like this. :/

Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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cool link. thanks!

cool link. thanks!

shadows might happen more if say, a flaming sword gave off a source of light.


imagine a boss turns out to be this tiny little guy. but if you shine some light on him, he has a huge shadow of a dragon, lol.

a old npc civie lady, walking on the sidewalk, has a slinky succubus shadow.

so many creepy things to play with, if it gets pulled off.

What a man thinks of himself, that is what determines, or rather indicates, his fate. - Henry David Thoreau

srmalloy's picture
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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

To basically reiterate what Lothic wrote, if this is something that MWM can put into the game with minimum fuss, perhaps as the result of some other work or update, then they should do so. Otherwise, in order to get something that other people might sometimes see, assuming they don't have shadow quality reduced or turned off, not so much.

Looking at it from a programmer's perspective, it would need to be set up as part of the character meshes. For example, an option for a particular 'piece' of a character's costume that flagged it to prevent the mesh for that piece from being rendered when the character was displayed, but would still be considered when rendering the shadow. Unfortunately, because MWM's working with a pre-existing game engine, a feature like that would be engine-specific enough that you would have to know the actual internals of the game engine pretty well to be able to say whether it's a) possible, and b) easy. I suspect that the support for various forms of transparency aren't going to be particularly amenable for the purpose.

Lothic's picture
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srmalloy wrote:
srmalloy wrote:

Darth Fez wrote:
To basically reiterate what Lothic wrote, if this is something that MWM can put into the game with minimum fuss, perhaps as the result of some other work or update, then they should do so. Otherwise, in order to get something that other people might sometimes see, assuming they don't have shadow quality reduced or turned off, not so much.
Looking at it from a programmer's perspective, it would need to be set up as part of the character meshes. For example, an option for a particular 'piece' of a character's costume that flagged it to prevent the mesh for that piece from being rendered when the character was displayed, but would still be considered when rendering the shadow. [color=red]Unfortunately[/color], because MWM's working with a pre-existing game engine, a feature like that would be engine-specific enough that you would have to know the actual internals of the game engine pretty well to be able to say whether it's a) possible, and b) easy. I suspect that the support for various forms of transparency aren't going to be particularly amenable for the purpose.

Just to quibble with your point I don't really think it's "unfortunate" that MWM is using new tools like Unreal Engine 4. UE4 is arguably one of the lastest bleeding-edge gaming engines out there. I strongly suspect that implementing these shadow "features" would likely be easier to accomplish under something like UE4 than it would be under many other alternatives.

That's not to say I think these effecte are guaranteed to happen by any means - just pointing out that we are actually "fortunate" that MWM is able to use the most up-to-date tools that would make things like this at least plausible to consider.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012