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Gay/Gay-friendly Super Group.

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Impulse King
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Gay/Gay-friendly Super Group.

One of my most cherished memories about early CoH happened on the pre-beta forums. We knew little of the game beyond the concepts of superheroes in a modern city and some early lore when I started to explore the forums. Eventually I got brave enough to check out the supergroups forum. At last some actual lasting socialization could happen! I was eventually the 1st str8 member (but not the last!) of P.R.I.S.M. the Gay/Gay-friendly SG.

City of Titans is at a similar point in it's development, AND they have a similar forum. Anyone wanna help make a SG?

Update 8/21/2019: With the return from the dead of CoH, the CoH Pride Facebook group, which wants to focus on the largest CoH server, has gotten crowded. So today we announce the CoT Pride Facebook group! Dedicated to dispersing and discussing both CoT news and the greater rainbow of CoH news. If anyone wants to join this Super Team/League just post in this thread and ask. We check the thread at least once a day after all this time still.:)

Heartsong928's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Count me in! I may resurrect

Count me in! I may resurrect WonderPoof ;)

Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/28/2013 - 11:58
I am interested. I will

I am interested. I will bring back Sidetrack.

Impulse King
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Heartsong928's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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How do you envision it

How do you envision it working? Similar color schemes, or a single unifying costume piece? I know that Q Patrol had an actual uniform and you had to have one of your costumes as the Q Patrol uniform when doing SG missions. It wasn't a bad thing for feeling unified, though it did get a little confusing during missions figuring out who was who :)

Impulse King
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SG uniforms certainly aren't

SG uniforms certainly aren't a bad thing, but it might be a bit premature as we don't really have access to the costume creator yet. That said I did like how CoH gave us up to 5 costume slots plus the ability to alter colors while in SG mode. I'm also reminded of the time when I suggested color coded sleeves and armbands to denote AT based on the old handkerchief code. (I got a similar response.:))

Impulse King
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Oh and I am thinking of

Oh and I am thinking of bringing in Breaker's nephew.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 11/03/2013 - 20:08
I'm in, I was @Steel Taurus

I'm in, I was @Steel Taurus in the Pride channel :) Also had a gay themed SG on Virtue called "The Turing Machine" after Alan Turing

Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 11/09/2013 - 08:16
Knightengale may come back

Knightengale may come back from his time [i]Underhill[/i].

If so, he will be happy to join!

Comicsluvr's picture
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Count be in for my character

Count be in for my character Bi-Polar

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Impulse King
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Awesome! So far that makes 6

Awesome! So far that makes 6 and I know more are on the way!

But I'm going to take a moment here to be a good denizen of these forums and spill the beans on how we got 6 strong in under 2 days, which at this point seems like a fair achievement. After all I don't want others to get discouraged if they don't get similar results.

The short answer is we're all also currently members of the Facebook group CoH Pride (NOT required for membership!) and we've been getting motivated for this for nearly a month. We have rough plans for this SG through to beta and beyond. Everyone thus far is also a veteran of CoH (again, NOT required!) that has played with all or most of the others on at least a pick up basis through the global channel Pride.

So what ARE our plans you ask? Will we try to dominate a server? Rule PvP? Lobby for parrot shoulder pets?

Nah. I mean if any of those happen then okay, but those are far to narrow a goals to last us for 2 years. We simply plan to be a gathering point for any that did or might have joined Pride. In the meantime I would predict conversations across a range of topics like movies, TV, comic books, oh and this game. There could well even be collaborative fiction. If I can find any, I may share some of what P.R.I.S.M. did.:)

Comicsluvr's picture
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Talk to me about

Talk to me about collaborative fiction. Published author and all that...

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Impulse King
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Sweetness! I checked my old

Sweetness! I checked my old computer and unfortunately nothing from P.R.I.S.M. made it from it's predecessor. BUT somewhere I know I have a hard copy of our SG origin jam. (Printed it before I knew it was 33 pages.) But it could be some time before I find it.

In the meantime has everyone seen Night of the Doctor? If you haven't please take about 7 min to go see it.

JayBezz's picture
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While I am myself bisexual

While I am myself bisexual and my character is a lesbian I will likely be playing with my usual gamer friends with my character. That said, if you guys ever do put together a chat channel or community I'm very interested in voicing my support and being apart of the community.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Impulse King
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Awesome JayBezz! I've no

Awesome JayBezz! I've no doubt that whatever variation on global channels CoT has, someone WILL make a "Pride" channel. All the best to you and yours as well. Pop in here whenever ya like.:)

Impulse King
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Ok, while we are still

Ok, while we are still roughly 2 years away from launch and who knows how long from minimum or optimum system specs for CoT, there are still ways to prepare. 1st tip is for those with Significant Others (SO) that will want to game as well.

If you want your SO to enjoy gaming with you they will need their own system. That's a given. But more than just *a* system, for best results it should be equivalent to yours. (Got that tip from the old guides forum on CoH.) I followed that advice when I had the chance and "ultra mode" was on the horizon in 2010. The only difference between our systems originally was I had a newer and larger monitor. Since then we have both had our hard drives fail while under warranty and gotten larger capacity replacements.

Now since we are talking about gaming systems for our shiny new anticipated game the best way to get what you want is to build it yourself, or have a friend build it for you. We went the friend route last time, but next time I will build them. And I will do it with the advice and help of . They have a system guide that they update quarterly for 4 different price points they link to in the upper right corner of the front page. We used the econobox recommendations last time and have plenty of room to upgrade still. And as I mentioned earlier warranties were also considered when they came up with these suggestions.

Northie's picture
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I wonder how many shards

I wonder how many shards there will be or was the plan to run a single server? I can't quite remember what they said about this. Anyhow I used to belong to City of Gaymers on Victory (and its themed sub SGs) so I might be interested in this. Still a long way to release though so plans may change.

Impulse King
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Welcome Northie! No worries

Welcome Northie! No worries if plans change as we want everyone to be happy. In the meantime we will happily serve as an umbrella.

I believe the intended plans are to dedicate a server for each zone and flag players for preferences like PvP or RP and let them see others with the same flags.

Zombie Man
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Please note: There will be

Please note: There will be just one server.

Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator


Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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May I join? I'll get The

May I join? I'll get The Doctor in if you'd like?

Impulse King
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Thanks for the clarification

Thanks for the clarification Zombie Man! Please pop in when ever ya like or feel the need.:)

And this seems like an especially good day for(/of) The Doctor to join. Welcome! Are you ginger by the way? :)

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No.. Rude maybe, but not

No.. Rude maybe, but not Ginger.. Not yet! ( I do have a bow tie through, girls love the bow ties.)

Emancipist's picture
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Speaking of rude, allow me to

Speaking of rude, allow me to chime in. Is this topic even necessary? When forming an SG, we don't form a Hetero/hetero friendly SG. We just form an SG. Why create a division in the player base? It makes absolutely no sense to me. But, I've been known to be obtuse. I certainly don't mean to offend - but this sounds like a horrible idea to me.

Those who have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing. - John Cleese

Zombie Man
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Emancipist wrote:
Emancipist wrote:

Speaking of rude, allow me to chime in. Is this topic even necessary? When forming an SG, we don't form a Hetero/hetero friendly SG. We just form an SG. Why create a division in the player base? It makes absolutely no sense to me. But, I've been known to be obtuse. I certainly don't mean to offend - but this sounds like a horrible idea to me.

People are free to form groups based on any grouping they wish, geographical, philosophical, play style, parents, teens, etc...

Since this is a recruitment thread, questioning the existence of this thread or a group based on any organizing principle is actually off topic, and thus....

[color=#ff0000][b]Moderator Note Following....[/b][/color]

This sidetrack is to be considered closed. No one else should respond to it, it is off topic. You can make a separate thread if you'd like if you want to understand why this is an organizing principle. But if you want to argue this shouldn't be an organizing principle, that's a non-starter. By policy, people may organize as they wish barring hate groups or non-T-for-Teen topics or illegal activity groups.

Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator


Impulse King
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FINALLY got a chance to watch

FINALLY got a chance to watch Day of the Doctor. Yeah I'm a day late but the family I never see insisted they came 1st. The Doctor Who 50th anniversary show was AWESOME! While I may avoid posting spoilers for a bit, If you find yourself with an hour and 15 minutes to spare, it's WELL worth it. Whovians will get even more out of it of course but that's to be expected.

Anyone have any reactions they want to share?

Impulse King
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Nick The Great
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I know im late but i would

I know im late but i would love to join any lgbt groups in cot :)

~The Shadow's Are Coming~

Impulse King
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Welcome Nick The Great! Nah

Welcome Nick The Great! Nah you're not late at all. We still have plenty of time before we can play anyway.:)

Nick The Great
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Impulse King wrote:
Impulse King wrote:

Welcome Nick The Great! Nah you're not late at all. We still have plenty of time before we can play anyway.:)

Yay I feel fully welcomed now :V

~The Shadow's Are Coming~

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I'd love to join :) i was

I'd love to join :) i was @sinner68 on Pride Channel of Rainbow Alpha Force on Victory

Impulse King
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And we'd love to have you!

And we'd love to have you! WELCOME GeoM68!

Nick The Great
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Last seen: 6 years 7 months ago
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As pride month has started i

As pride month has started i think this could use a bump. Happy pride month to everyone :)

~The Shadow's Are Coming~

Impulse King
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Indeed! And it's a great

Indeed! And it's a great opportunity to extend invitations to any that may be considering joining. We seem to be ranked a solid 3rd in views and may get to 2nd in 4-6 weeks by my guess. And that's with not to much in actual activity in the thread. As we get closer to game launch, we can expect SG activity to increase here in the forums.

Kind of takes me back to pre-beta CoH. I remember having some trepidation about joining PRISM, but when I did I discovered that they were just an awesome group of folks.

And now I get the honor of continuing what they started. In their name I welcome you!

Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 06/19/2014 - 03:43
Im in. Im on pride.

Im in. Im on pride. @STTL4Lyfe here. It will b fun to get back with the team

Mind-Freeze's picture
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Greetings and welcome to

Greetings and welcome to Titan City can't wait to see everyone's character fighting side by side :-)

Heartsong928's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/23/2013 - 21:31
This is going to be so great.

This is going to be so great. No matter what games I've played since CoH went down, it hasn't been as fun.

Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/20/2014 - 22:47
Always love groups that are

Always love groups that are acceptant of all. Count me in.

Impulse King
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Welcome aboard!

Welcome aboard!

JayBezz's picture
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Question: If we (the fans not

Question: If we (the fans not the devs) declare a fashion district/ Q-friendly bar would you hang out there? Self association in games is both important and dangerous.. I would love a place where I could go and meet you guys.

If housing works in such a way (enough people can come and go as they please) I wouldn't mind someone leading the charge for such a place. Just throwing out ideas of how I can meet up with you guys without needing to join the SG proper.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/20/2014 - 22:47
I really like the idea, it

I really like the idea, it allows us to go beyond the confinements of an SG, because some people may opt to join a different SG instead. I have always been one to refer to it as the LGBTGBAS community (GBAS being gender-blind, asexual, and straight) because it encompasses everyone and puts everybody on equal ground. If we're going to have a Q-friendly area we have to find a way to me people feel welcome. I say the only people we ban from it are those who are inconsiderate and disrespectful.

Impulse King
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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

Question: If we (the fans not the devs) declare a fashion district/ Q-friendly bar would you hang out there? Self association in games is both important and dangerous.. I would love a place where I could go and meet you guys.
If housing works in such a way (enough people can come and go as they please) I wouldn't mind someone leading the charge for such a place. Just throwing out ideas of how I can meet up with you guys without needing to join the SG proper.

Those would be cool concepts JayBezz. I would choose to hang out there as soon as my toons could navigate there safely. CoH had eventually developed 2 or 3 different answers to those questions.

Pocket D was a nightclub in an interdimensional and neutral territory that was accessible from hero and villain sides. In the D your toons could meet face to face and some holiday events would launch missions from there. Eventually the only barriers to access the D was knowing enough to not barrel into mobs on hero side or figuring out no one attacked swimmers in Mercy villain side. The D was well known ingame due to game events.

Global channels eventually supplanted and took over many of the social aspects of SGs. These channels could be setup in a few ways. Pride was open for anyone to join and members could talk immediately. The only downside was global channels were optional and never required by gameplay so a player could go for years without any functional knowledge of them. (Although we would advertise Pride during our organized events.) Pride was great for conversations and pretty decent for finding teams although mostly on Victory and Virtue servers. (Servers aren't an issue we will face in CoT however.) In my opinion global channels were used enough that I would guess a 70% chance of them being available at launch without doing research.

Arenas, while intended for PvP, could be used for social gathering. Probably not a 1st choice though.

Oh and an honorable mention for formally allying SGs with coalitions. Coalies shared a channel, but if you didn't have all the same ally SGs, you could hear half of a conversation.

... And I almost missed the 500 lb gorilla, these forums! Chances are if you're on them now, you'll keep tabs on them when the game is live. The forums are most useful for planned events. Some Pride events got CoH favorable media coverage!

Jester's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
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My Friends call me The

My Friends call me The Confused Lesbian ((I dont know what that even means..xD)) I am Dating boys and a momma of two Amazing lil girls, But The ladies are Very nice too look ((Open minded Party-er if thats ok?))


Impulse King
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Hello Jester. You are quite

Hello Jester. You are quite welcome here! I have 3 kids myself.:)

Nick The Great
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Last seen: 6 years 7 months ago
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I'm so happy to see this post

I'm so happy to see this post active! all we need now is a drag queen :P

~The Shadow's Are Coming~

Impulse King
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Nick The Great wrote:
Nick The Great wrote:

I'm so happy to see this post active! all we need now is a drag queen :P

Heh. Well if it happens, cool.:) I'm happy that so many have already joined and look forward to welcoming many more!

I mean, who WOULDN'T look forward to the fun we will all be having?:D

Jester's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
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^.^ I'm all for Fun, with a

^.^ I'm all for Fun, with a hint of crazy


Comicsluvr's picture
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Nick The Great wrote:
Nick The Great wrote:

I'm so happy to see this post active! all we need now is a drag queen :P

I'm a Gemini so LOTS of personalities to play with in my mind!

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 07/22/2014 - 22:17
Count me in! I'm the

Count me in! I'm the cheeriest guy on the frontier!

What do you mean that's now what it means any more?

THAT'S what it means?!

Oh, um *cough* excuse me. I'll just be grabbing my horse and leaving...

All kidding aside, good luck to you. Don't let idiots put you down, and keep it light (in the loafers)!

[i]Notice: Author of this post has been noted as having an inappropriate sense of humor and will be lowered into a vat of acid barring some bizarre plot device the acid-vat operators are blissfully unaware of.[/i]

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Impulse King
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Our thanks and best wishes to

Our thanks and best wishes to you as well Sand_Trout!:)

Impulse King
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Quick Pride month posting. We

Quick Pride month posting. We still check this thread at least once a day and are accepting new members. Happy Pride month everyone!

Hero_Zero's picture
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One of the best people me and

One of the best people me and my room mate played with was totally gay. I think his screen name was Naya. I'd totally be interested in the SG, but i would be torn if we had a more generic SG for all of us early commenters on the forums. Wonder if we could allow multiple SG membership...


Impulse King
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Well CoT is aiming to be a

Well CoT is aiming to be a spiritual successor to CoH where the only membership restriction was per toon. I had several toons in my main VG and several in others. While we won't have a similar server setup, there should still be multiple slots for alting. So don't worry about being torn, just do what sounds like fun!

Nyktos's picture
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I'll consider this supergroup

I'll consider this supergroup. I am honestly straight but I could care less about sexuality as long as your friendly and endearing to play with

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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Impulse King
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That's all we can ask! Heck

That's all we can ask! Heck it reminds me of all the stuff I said in the OP.

JayBezz's picture
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I know a few friends of mine

I know a few friends of mine who have been waiting on today for about 4 years. I just wanted to share how elated I am for those couples who are ready and are now able to marry in the Unite States.

Together we can change hearts.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Impulse King
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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

Together we can change hearts.

I like that! Thank you for the kind post!

Please give your friends our best!

Louis Garou
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I would hope that all

I would hope that all supergroups are gay-friendly, though I realize I might be an optimist in this regard.

Impulse King
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And in a more perfect world

And in a more perfect world that would be the case, but we aren't there quite yet. Some people just don't want to have to explain it to new members repeatedly. There is a good deal of comfort in knowing that here it's just assumed.

As an aside the "gay-friendly" portion of the title (copied from the pre beta CoH forums) is meant to describe str8 folks like myself. :)

Louis Garou
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Oh, I wasn't being critical,

Oh, I wasn't being critical, just morose.

Nyktos's picture
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Louis Garou wrote:
Louis Garou wrote:

I would hope that all supergroups are gay-friendly, though I realize I might be an optimist in this regard.

You might get your wish for all we know. People in CoH for the most part were very friendly. I didn't see as much hostility as I would see in another MMOs. Whether or not that stretches to there tolerance of other types of other sexualities remains to be seen.

I would still gear yourself up though just incase. Homophobia and bigotry as concepts befuddles me to this day and they seem to always show up everywhere sadly enough

Formerly known as Bleddyn

[url=]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]

[url=] My characters [/url]

Comicsluvr's picture
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At least they can get married

At least they can get married now. We can have in-game marriages as well

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Impulse King
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Happy turkey day everyone!

Happy turkey day everyone!

Impulse King
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Thought I'd take a quick

Thought I'd take a quick moment to mention that we are still accepting new members and that we try to have someone check the thread at least once a day.

One of our many distinctive features is our sense of "What's past is prologue". At present this thread is an overall umbrella for what I've no doubt will become many different SGs. I say this because it has happened before. As we get to open beta, some will discover their playstyles mesh better with some than others and they will form their own SGs. This is anticipated and accepted. At worst we will all still be able to talk to each other on the Pride global channel. Through Pride we will be available for teaming, advice, and a whole range of conversations.

And if you wish to join, we welcome you!

Zesty Marmalade
Zesty Marmalade's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 12/16/2015 - 04:08
Count me in :) I used to be

Count me in :) I used to be on Paragon's server as my fire controller. Can't wait to see this game in action, and to make new friends :D

Impulse King
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Welcome aboard Zesty

Welcome aboard Zesty Marmalade! Anyone else that wants to join is welcome to do so! :)

Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 12/16/2015 - 19:21
count me in

count me in

Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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count me in

count me in

Impulse King
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Welcome, welcome!

Welcome, welcome!

Impulse King
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A fond memory for Valentine's

A fond memory for Valentine's day. My fiancee and I were at home playing CoH side by side on our matching systems when she decided she wanted to do an invasion event in Sharkhead. So I told her to invite me and off we went. Once in Shark we picked up anyone else looking for an invasion team.

But some of the team members were having a little trouble and I knew how to correct it. I told her to have the team form on her. (She was on a Dark/Rad Cor and her PBAOE buffs helped prevent any more team deaths.) After the invasion event the team was happy and everyone thanked her for the invite.

Then I leaned over and told her congratulations on running her 1st team.
She tried to tell me she hadn't done anything. "That's not what they think." I said.
Happy Valentines day everyone! From me and to you and yours!

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Impulse King wrote: A fond
Impulse King wrote:

A fond memory for Valentine's day. My fiancee and I were at home playing CoH side by side on our matching systems when she decided she wanted to do an invasion event in Sharkhead. So I told her to invite me and off we went. Once in Shark we picked up anyone else looking for an invasion team.But some of the team members were having a little trouble and I knew how to correct it. I told her to have the team form on her. (She was on a Dark/Rad Cor and her PBAOE buffs helped prevent any more team deaths.) After the invasion event the team was happy and everyone thanked her for the invite.Then I leaned over and told her congratulations on running her 1st team.
She tried to tell me she hadn't done anything. "That's not what they think." I said.
Happy Valentines day everyone! From me and to you and yours!

Aww! That's beautiful!

I'll keep this group in mind. If nothing else, I'll see y'all in the club district.

Khione, Boreal Princess of Phantoms/The Riveter, Hammer of Liberty/Rosa Amarillo, Sweet Belle with a Six-Shooter

Magical Girl in a Marvel Comics World

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Awesome! Looking forward to

Awesome! Looking forward to it!

Ysangard's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
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Joined: 04/12/2014 - 06:58
Here to play in your super

Here to play in your super gay Group, or to learn english (french inside ^^)

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Great to have you Ysangard!

Great to have you Ysangard!

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Alright this seems about the

Alright this seems about the right time to remind folks we are still accepting members. If you haven't yet seen the progress on the character creator then check out the announcements section. It's cool stuff!

Grognard_87's picture
Last seen: 6 years 7 months ago
Joined: 01/27/2016 - 08:25
I wouldn't mind joining such

I wouldn't mind joining such a SG myself. I always loved the community CoH brought.

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Welcome aboard Grognard_87. :

Welcome aboard Grognard_87. :)

Grognard_87's picture
Last seen: 6 years 7 months ago
Joined: 01/27/2016 - 08:25
Hope I'm remembered when the

Hope I'm remembered when the game is started up :D

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Grognard_87 wrote:
Grognard_87 wrote:

Hope I'm remembered when the game is started up :D

When the game is started up? Certainly!

When this game is done and the next is on the way, you may be the one that tells of this day.
For what's passed is prologue and this prologue will be past. And if long ago someone had asked,
"Who will tell of what came to be?" I never would have said "It will certainly be me."
So remember when playing to both study and try. In time it could be YOU welcoming the new guy.

Nick The Great
Nick The Great's picture
Last seen: 6 years 7 months ago
Joined: 02/15/2014 - 09:01
Well, Its been about two

Well, Its been about two years.... But I'm still patiently awaiting this game and meeting you all

~The Shadow's Are Coming~

Grognard_87's picture
Last seen: 6 years 7 months ago
Joined: 01/27/2016 - 08:25
Nick The Great wrote:
Nick The Great wrote:

Well, Its been about two years.... But I'm still patiently awaiting this game and meeting you all

Wow, two years already? I hadn't noticed that...hopefully I can save up some more cash and start donating to both projects.

Ysangard's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
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Joined: 04/12/2014 - 06:58
Only CoT diserves it.

Only CoT diserves it.
And for the gay Friendly SG, do we have something to regroup us? A forum guild..?

Grognard_87's picture
Last seen: 6 years 7 months ago
Joined: 01/27/2016 - 08:25
Ysangard wrote:
Ysangard wrote:

Only CoT diserves it.
And for the gay Friendly SG, do we have something to regroup us? A forum guild..?

Only CoT, huh? Why do the Circle of Thorns need any support? They probably crawled out somehow, knowing them.

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Ysangard wrote:
Ysangard wrote:

Only CoT diserves it.
And for the gay Friendly SG, do we have something to regroup us? A forum guild..?

Right now we are gathering in this thread. It is expected that several SGs will spring from this and that they all will at least connect through a Pride global channel.

This is turning into one of our distinguishing features. Our assumption that folks will play with those that suit them best in the way they want. No pressure to do anything else and help is waiting in the Pride channel for when and if it is wanted.

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
So this April Fools day I

So this April Fools day I played a prank on the store I work at. All the available videos played upside down and were subtitled. (It's a real challenge to come up with an effective prank that won't get you in trouble.)

In CoH I played the occasional prank as well. At one point I grew annoyed with hearing one half of a conversation on coalition chat. So I made up half a conversation of my own. Excerpts included:
"Well donkeys are gonna do that."
"You'd think that would void the warranty."
"How did the cheese sauce get in THERE?"

Years later another player complained about rubberbanding as we waited to begin an Eden trial. I double checked that he wasn't running to many other programs and assured him that sometimes the servers just hate us. Nothing to worry about unless he just found himself moved for no apparent reason.

Then I used Team Teleport. :)

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Thought this looked cool.http

Thought this looked cool.

And we are always taking new members.
Have a fabulous day!

Dztblk's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 12/07/2013 - 18:09
I'd be interested. The game

I'd be interested. The game seems no where near done. I'm not sure how far away we are from an alpha run, if that's even happening. However, I do miss the community so so much. It would be nice to be part of a cool SG again.

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Welcome! It's true no one but

Welcome! It's true no one but the devs really know how far away the game is, but we are all happy to support them and keep the community going. Glad to have ya onboard.

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Hello again everybody. June

Hello again everybody. June is Pride month so I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge that and reaffirm what we are doing here. This thread is a pre-launch gathering point for anyone that would be inclined to join a Pride global channel in the live game. We are always accepting new members so no need to be shy. We want to welcome YOU! I try to check this thread at least once a day and often it happens a great deal more.

Hope to see you all in game!

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
So as I write this, it's

So as I write this, it's about a week after some defective person walked into a gay nightclub and opened fire in Orlando. He killed 49-50 (reports vary) and wounded over 50 more. I'll never really care to know the reasoning of that mass murderer but it seems evident he didn't like the way folks there laughed, loved, and lived.

So he ended many lives.
And for a while, he ended the laughter.
But the love never stopped.

The morning after hundreds (note the plural) of people lined up to give blood. And I read an article that [url=]brought a tear to my eye.[/url]

So we won't end the love here either. The gunman may not be worth naming, but new members are. We look forward to meeting both our members and everyone else in game!

Dztblk's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 12/07/2013 - 18:09
Nicely written.

Nicely written.

Impulse King
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:55
Thank you Dztblk.

Thank you Dztblk.

We're now on the last day of Pride month, but nowhere near the end of accepting new members. Just drop a line in this thread.

Going back to my last post, I feel there are some things about it worth highlighting as a good community member. Quite frankly I personally feel I skated close to a few forum violations and I don't want the mods to have to come down on others for being influenced by what I wrote. So in some kind of order...

1. I waited a week before posting about this tragic event. This is important for SO many reasons! Firstly because while there are folks that can write brilliantly while being overwhelmed by emotion, most will not and Mod attention is not the attention that is likely wanted. Secondly there were 2 other SGs that had recently posted and I felt strongly that they should have a decent slice of time at the top of the forum. It's just good form in my view. (In CoH, nobody liked the SGs that hit their broadcast recruit macro 2 seconds after another SG had broadcasted.) And thirdly time lends perspective. I had time to watch and read several reports and recompose them into what I wrote.

2. It was in the SG forum only because we have an obvious link and I only focused on that one (1) link. The events in Orlando also sparked conversations on Islamophobia and gun control. While I can say I'm against Islamophobia here, gun control is a topic that has no place in this thread excepting passing mention. Most SGs would be hard pressed to find themselves related to a national headline over a year after being created. And that's as it should be.

3. I linked it to ongoing SG business with member recruitment.

Alright, now only a wildly successful post would warrant that kind of deconstruction and in terms of thread views, it plainly was. In the week following our views increased by 10% of our previous total. We even outpaced one of the lore updates! That. Is. CRAZY. (Sorry but my inner marketing nerd had to mention it!)

Oh and last but not least, if the CoT team want to use that post, or any of my others, please feel free!
