I wanted to know, does the account that we create on site, will serve us to play for the game? Ty
Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
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the 2024 End of the year development summary is live below. Watch the video and let us know on the comment page.
To purchase your copy of the City of Titans Launcher, visit our store at https://store.missingworldsmedia.com/ A purchase of $50 or more will give you a link to download the Launcher for Windows or Mac based machines.
I hope so.
It'd be very convenient to keep the same account for both, it also allows some advantages that CoH used for it's form.
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Avatar by MikeNovember
For the game itself we are planning on using a more secure authentication system than is here right now. (this one does not need to go over the network directly) However, the plan is once that is to happen, to migrate these accounts over to that. So, on one hand, the answer is no, but on the other yes.
Technical Director
Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider
Sounds good to me. A password and a math question aren't enough for many to put a credit card into :p
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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I don't know desviper 2+2 is tough to crack !?!
One of these days we're gonna ask you an A or B question and you won't respond with "Both!" :-)
Spurn all ye kindle.
In that case the answer will probably consist of a simple "Yes".
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_HUdf89hI8]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.
Like when at the supermarket they asked my mum if she wanted Paper or Plastic bags and she said "yes"...
The Phoenix Rising Initiative Rules Lawyer
That is a huge pet peeve of mine. People who respond that way usually just get a...
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Avatar by MikeNovember
I only use that answer when people ask the wrong question. ^_^
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=https://cityoftitans.com/forum/foradains-character-conclave]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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I assume that the Yes hand is the right one. (Got the joke :-) )
It would be really cool cause i really want to keep this epic name on game.
Original names are cool.
Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Technically, it's a valid answer. Yes, I do want paper or plastic. True, it doesn't indicate which I want, but it is valid as an expression of the fact that I want one of the other.
(*Kosh voice*) "At the Time of Scampering!"
[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78N2SP6JFaI]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]
Any news about this?
Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Outside of [url=http://cityoftitans.com/comment/61902#comment-61902]this one[/url], no. But does it need more?
The guy who chose a name that's copied straight out of J.R.R.Tolkien's writing says "Original names are cool." #Irony :)
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
(*Kosh voice*) "We are *all* Amerikatt!" :P
[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78N2SP6JFaI]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
I, for one, welcome our new Amerikatt Overlord. *grin*
Be Well!
You shall be richly rewarded in The New World Order, my loyal minion!
*anticipates the arrival of the Kytonian Battle Fleet sometime around Thanksgiving 2018*
*purrs with glee*
[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78N2SP6JFaI]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]
Of course, the New World Order in question is influenced by Discordianism, so we're all Overlords...
[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]
I can't even edit my account details on the site, a more secure system sounds good to me.
Careful. If you respond that way when asked if you want tea or coffee, you might get both in the same cup!
It is only when we stand up, with all our failings and sufferings, and try to support others rather than withdraw into ourselves, that we can fully live the life of community.
[color=#ff0000]Business Director[/color]
So we should temper our commentary in the hopes that we do not anger the multi-headed dev-ownership-demigod beast? Who should we fear in this scenario and who can we josh? Inquiring minds and such
"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit
Just this morning I had the opportunity to tell someone, "I like tea, just not in my coffee!"
- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=http://cityoftitans.com/comment/52149#comment-52149]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
Well, the devs are already working something out. They discuss this internally as security is an important subject for them.
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