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Christopher Robin's Titanic Artz

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ChristopherRobin's picture
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Christopher Robin's Titanic Artz

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Well it's not the 606 but I guess this is home now.
[/color][/b][/size][/font][color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]***/em picks up the pieces and starts over***

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
Already posted in another thread but I'm putting him here as he was one of my favorite heroes to play
and I have some new art of him in the works (a surprise collab) and this is one of my favorite
artz this is Christopher Robin A.K.A Brahn Fuhrnos my Fire/SuperStrength/Regen Tank.
[/color][/b][/size][/font][color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
The pencils...

[color=#c95f02][b][size=14][font=Palatino Linotype] and the digital colors.

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Temperus's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 10/17/2013 - 15:45
Ah, this is making me

Ah, this is making me sentimental but in a new way...that make sense? Probably not ;)

Folks having their own threads and pushing a load of great art out. Just like old times, good job CR. :)

Tiger's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
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I love you work bro! :D

I love your work bro! :D

Catherine America
Catherine America's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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Nice! Which affordable or

Nice! Which affordable or open-source tools could a total amateur like myself pick up and find easy to learn?


([i]Currently developing the Sapphire 7 Initiative[/i])

KaosKitteh's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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GIMP! Free, open-source, and

GIMP! Free, open-source, and great tools =)

[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]

Catherine America
Catherine America's picture
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KaosKitteh wrote:
KaosKitteh wrote:

GIMP! Free, open-source, and great tools =)



([i]Currently developing the Sapphire 7 Initiative[/i])

ChristopherRobin's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 weeks ago
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Temperus wrote:
Temperus wrote:

Ah, this is making me sentimental but in a new way...that make sense? Probably not ;)
Folks having their own threads and pushing a load of great art out. Just like old times, good job CR. :)

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]It kinda does. I do miss my old NAWS (New Artz WIP's n Stuff) thread a lot. After three years, 100k pageviews and 1,632 posts I felt I had really built something worthwhile. I know it's just a collection of words and images but it was important to me and something I always looked forward to. I lost more than just the game the day NCSoft pulled the plug. :(
All of that said I can't help but feel hopeful with this new beginning.
Thanks Temperus.

Tiger wrote:

I love you work bro! :D

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Likewise buddy! :D

Catherine America wrote:

Nice! Which affordable or open-source tools could a total amateur like myself pick up and find easy to learn?

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Photoshop is the industry standard but @ $700 it is out of many peoples budget. Some good news though they sell PhotoShop Elements, which has about 80% of what PS has, for only $75 (I picked up a used copy for $30 online). Also Adobe is moving to a cloud-based service where you can rent the full creative suite for $30-$50 a month. Finally there are other lower cost alternatives like ArtRage, PaintShop Pro, PaintToolSAI and the newer Mischief and then there are completely free applications like GIMP, DA Muro and Lots of good choices for any budget.
You also might want to grab a tablet if you don't have one already.

KaosKitteh wrote:

GIMP! Free, open-source, and great tools =)

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Haven't tried it myself but I hear it's the most robust free option out there, good call KK. :)

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It really depends on your

It really depends on your definitions of 'affordable'.

If your a student - you can get the full [url=]Adobe Creative Suite for about $20 a month[/url], or just Photoshop for I think $14.95. Adobe also... has a deal where you can just get [url=]Photoshop CC and Lightroom if you're a photographer (seriously all it takes is you click on the link - and you get it at the price for Photography users)[/url] for $10 a month.

GIMP, is free of course - but it's not as full featured, and it last I checked still wasn't working with CMYK so for print not your best choice. Bottom line, it's got its pluses and people can get some great work out of it - but you kind of get what you pay for ;)

If you really want to be cheap ... Photoshop CS2 is ... actually available for free as a technicality - directly from Adobe as a download (with serial numbers and everything) ... It's meant for people who legitimately owned a copy of it ... since it's no longer 'supported'. Ethically speaking... you shouldn't download that unless you actually owned a copy. Which... does beg the question why they give you serial numbers for it... since if you owned a copy, you're have them wouldn't you? So -- take that information as you will. I won't say they're encouraging people to download it for free - but it does kind of seem that way. It is - also a 7 year old product. But frankly, I prefer it over say... a lot of the other free alternatives.

I do a lot of Graphic Design and mockups so ... for me, paying for the full Adobe CC thing at $70/month is worth it. It didn't used to be when it was like $6k but the monthly cost I can kick out and then I recoup it later (I deduct it from my taxes as a cost of doing side projects by doing a few jobs on MiNeeds for logos, UX/UI and such). With that I get Photoshop, Illustrator, AfterEffects and you can even do a bit of 3D texture and other art now with Photoshop CC, AE now has Cine4DLite in it - so if you are a student... $20 a month is very cheap for all that.

[url=]Autodesk Sketchbook Pro[/url] is actually free - for students, or $60 for everyone else and there are a lot of artists which make use of this. It's - to me - pretty awesome when used with a tablet or sketchpad like Waacoms. Annd... speaking of them...

A Bamboo (new - nonebay) is around $100.

ChristopherRobin's picture
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Great info Mike! I know there

[color=#c95f02][b][size=16][font=Palatino Linotype]Great info Mike! I know there are some other artists from the 606 who bought off brand (non wacom) tablets they were happy with as well, if any care to chime in with their experiences, from $15-$50. They didn't have a thousand levels of pressure sensitivity but then not everyone needs that starting out. :)
[color=#c95f02][b][size=16][font=Palatino Linotype]More artz!
[color=#c95f02][b][size=16][font=Palatino Linotype][IMG][/IMG]

[color=#c95f02][b][size=16][font=Palatino Linotype]This collab was a pleasant surprise. I posted a birthday sketch last year of Caemgen's hero the Fenian to DA.
It caught the eye of an artist named Gemma in England who asked if she could use it for color practice.
I really liked the job she did and so asked if she would mind my punching it up a bit further.
Here is an animation showing the stages of our combined work. Enjoy!

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Stage1: My pencil drawing.
Stage2: Gemma colors over the top of my lines.
Stage3: I paint on top of Gemma's coloring to add my own touches to the colors.[/color][/b][/size][/font]


[color=#c95f02][b][size=16][font=Palatino Linotype]That reminds me I should start a collab thread over here as well! :)

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KaosKitteh's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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Speaking of tablets (since

Speaking of tablets (since you asked ;) ) I have a Genius PenTab i608x. It has issues, but at 40 bux from Frys I couldn't argue with the price. It works pretty well, but then I'm not a professional by any stretch of the imagination. For a nublet like me it's perfect. Cheap, comes with a mouse, stylus and 4 extra nibs.

[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]

Catherine America
Catherine America's picture
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Thanks for all of the

Thanks for all of the recommendations everyone!


([i]Currently developing the Sapphire 7 Initiative[/i])

ChristopherRobin's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 weeks ago
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Indeed I did thanks KK. :)

[color=#c95f02][b][size=16][font=Palatino Linotype]Indeed I did thanks KK. :)

[color=#c95f02][b][size=16][font=Palatino Linotype]You're welcome Catherine, quite a helpful group.
[color=#c95f02][b][size=16][font=Palatino Linotype]More artz!
A birthday present I just completed a few days ago for Sapphic Neko of her eponymous hero.
The cute anime style is one of the most challenging for me so I try to revisit
this picture every year or two to see how far I've come along.


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revolution's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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It just hit me that you are

It just hit me that you are the Christopher Robin who ran a gajillion artz CC's on Virtue. I was in a few of them crossing my fingers and toes for artz. Great job on those. Made the last days more fun.

[color=#ff0000]Sound Lead, Bullpen Writer[/color]


ChristopherRobin's picture
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Oh you mean this? http://fav

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Oh you mean this?

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Thanks Revolution. Yeah that was a crazy weekend. I gave away 16 billion +
in influence and nearly 7 billion in items out of my own pocket and also several
thousands of real dollars worth of art (which was donated by the artists themselves).

[/color][/b][/size][/font][color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]I felt the game community (and the art forums in particular) deserved
a better send off then we were getting and I had been doing
mini contests for years in-game and for the last 3 years
on the forums so I thought why not one huge
contest to bring it all to a close?
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]I was up all hours of the morning coming up with all those events and puzzles and coordinating everything (the maximum number of PMs you could receive on the CoH forums is 2,000 if anyone was curious) but it all came together and the events went off with barely a hitch (thanks to a lot of help from Darth Delicious) and there were a lot of people who told me it helped make the games fate a little less sad so it was all worth it. I've gotten so much from the game over the years... that was my way of giving something back.

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Amerikatt's picture
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ChristopherRobin wrote:
ChristopherRobin wrote:

A birthday present I just completed a few days ago for Sapphic Neko of her eponymous hero.
The cute anime style is one of the most challenging for me so I try to revisit
it every year or two to see how far I've come along.

*squees at picture of Sapphy*

Great job -- as always -- CR! :D

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

ChristopherRobin's picture
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I think she might be getting

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Thanks Amerikatt. I think she might be getting tired of seeing it though.
It's the same piece being redone again and again for her birthday.

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Amerikatt's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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I can't imagine her ever

I can't imagine her ever getting tired of your artz.

Tell you what, I will happily sacrifice myself to be your perpetual model. Nobody else needs to apply.

There! Problem solved! :P

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

ChristopherRobin's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 weeks ago
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Lol I think Caemgen might

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Lol I think Caemgen might (cat?)fight you for that position. ;-)
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Just a heads up people, 5th down and we are into the final stretch!

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Darth Delicious
Darth Delicious's picture
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Good to see you here CR! And

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Good to see you here CR! And thanks for the heads up! [img][/img]
Ooh! Neko's drawing turned out very pretty indeed! Eventhough it's been redone over and over by several artists... I bet she's happy with all of 'm!

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

Cosmic-Robot's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
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Guess who!!

Guess who!!

Hmm, actually, <--- that big picture of me, next to my name might give it away... :P.

Good to see a new CR thread growing mate, always enjoyed your original one ...home again, home again :)


''HENRI by NAME, HENRI by... erm... nature''...

...should have thought that through a bit more.

ChristopherRobin's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 weeks ago
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Heya DD glad ya made it over

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
Heya DD glad ya made it over! Other than Pyro collab-coloring
it once with me did someone else remake it that I am not aware of?
[/color][/b][/size][/font][color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
Sup H3nRi! Actually your picture isn't showing at the moment
but I watch your DA and remember you were thinking of that as a new name (I'm still
gonna call you some variation of Henri though cuz there can be only one CR! *cue highlander music* ).
This forum is new enough it still squeaks and glitches happen from time to time.
(Sidenote: when are they going to get pageviews up and running???)[/color][/b][/size][/font]

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]***wanders off to poke Bobby, Alex, Liz, Wassy and a few more artists again***

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Amerikatt's picture
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Darth Delicious wrote:
Darth Delicious wrote:

Good to see you here CR! And thanks for the heads up!
Ooh! Neko's drawing turned out very pretty indeed! Eventhough it's been redone over and over by several artist... I bet she's happy with all of 'm!

*hugglecates and headbonks DeeDee!*


It's nice to see your smilies kissing, just like in the old 606 forums! *purrs* *blushes*

Henri's here, too?!

*headbonks Henri*

Welcome to the City of Tabbies forums! ((Well, what did you *think* CoT stood for?! *snickers*))

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

revolution's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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The CoXso was great. Nice to

The CoXso was great. Nice to see your cohort, Dee Dee, here as now as well! Hopefully you guys will be able to run some awesome CC's in the near future!

[color=#ff0000]Sound Lead, Bullpen Writer[/color]


ChristopherRobin's picture
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Yes! Now all I need is four

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Yes! Now all I need is four more Centuries and we shall have
our Roman military unit equal to one full Legion!
Then we shall go forth! Our shields interlocked
and our sp... oh right the other kind of Cohort... [/color][/b][/size][/font]

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]...yeah that works too I guess. Ahem.[/color][/b][/size][/font]

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]If you mean in-game yeah I plan to go right back to hosting contests along Atlas(Phoenix?) Plaza platform
as soon as I can generate some influence($?) to give away (being a rare items marketeer
for many years I was fricken loaded in CoH!).[/color][/b][/size][/font]
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
If you mean contests on the forums for art prizes well that depends on how soon
we get something like a costume creator(avatar builder?) to play with.
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype][color=red][size=17]Update: Didn't wait for the AB... the contests have begun! :)[/color][/size]

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Darth Delicious
Darth Delicious's picture
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ChristopherRobin wrote:
ChristopherRobin wrote:

[font=Palatino Linotype][B][size=15][color=#c95f02]
Heya DD glad ya made it over! Other than Pyro collab-coloring
it once with me did someone else remake it that I am not aware of?[/font][/B][/size][/color]

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] *giggles* I thought you said people did that...[img][/img]

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Henri! Amerikat, it's so good to see familiar faces pop here! *dances around happily*

Revolution wrote:

The CoXso was great. Nice to see your cohort, Dee Dee, here as now as well! Hopefully you guys will be able to run some awesome CC's in the near future!

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Thanks! [img][/img]. I'm happy to see that CoXso is not forgotten!
Well, I'll be happy to assist in CC's again! Doing that with CoXso was awesome! Though I did have a yetlag after as we are on total different timezones [img][/img]. Was totally worth it though. [img][/img]

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

ChristopherRobin's picture
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Lol. Well I'm people... some

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Lol. Well I'm people... some of the time at least.
Nah I just meant I revisit that piece over and over as kind
of a benchmark to see how my "draw cute anime" ability has progressed.

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]That's just because you are living in the future on the wrong side of the ocean.

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Also gonna put Shieldara up here as well.
She's my Martial Arts/Shield Defense Scrapper.

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ChristopherRobin's picture
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Wooohooo $600,000 just hit!

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Wooohooo $600,000 just hit! And with over $3,000 pouring in per hour on average $650k is a real possibility
in the next 26 hours! More details in my continuously updated journal entries here --->

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Also I've got some more art to port over from the old forums. This a bust of one
of my main heroes an Illusion/Empathy/Fire controller called Xllusya.
In game she was the goddess of illusions sunlight and lightning.

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Darth Delicious
Darth Delicious's picture
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. I'm loving the fact that

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] [img][/img]. I'm loving the fact that CoT is doing so well with funding! You gotta love our community! [img][/img].

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] You'll be pretty busy uploading all the art you did *giggles*

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

ChristopherRobin's picture
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Don't think I'll upload it

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]We'll see how it goes.

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ChristopherRobin's picture
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I haven't done any Birthday

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] I haven't done any Birthday Artz in a while and I don't think I ever did one
for Deegarr before so here is her hero Supa Dee. Happy Uterus Expulsion Day Dee!
[URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
I went without the rectangle frame glasses she wears in some images but
I may add them in later if Dee says they are critical (like she can't see without them).
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]About 1 ¾ hours of pencil work and another
20 or so minutes in Photoshop tweaking.

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Tiger's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
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Great job bud! *two thumbs up

Great job bud! *two thumbs up*

Fireheart's picture
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Lovely! Be Well! Fireheart


Be Well!

Darth Delicious
Darth Delicious's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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That is absolutely stunning!

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] That is absolutely stunning! [img][/img]. ... or should I say.. Dee-licious [img][/img].

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

ChristopherRobin's picture
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Joined: 10/12/2013 - 02:58
Thanks Fireheart and Tiger!

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Thanks Fireheart and Tiger!
@ DD Inorite? There's gonna be two lady artists (if I can lure
her here ) with names that start with Dee... oh the pun-tential.

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Darth Delicious
Darth Delicious's picture
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InDeedlyDee! Bring on more

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] InDeedlyDee! Bring on more Dee's! It's gonna be pun-tastic! [img][/img]
Also.. keep on drawing Dee's, cause you draw them so stunningly! [img][/img]

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

Darth Delicious
Darth Delicious's picture
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Happy Birthday! Well.. I'm

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Happy Birthday! Well.. I'm early, but I won't be around much tomorrow and probably won't have the chance for this.. so... here you go! Hope you like it! [img][/img]

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

ChristopherRobin's picture
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That's awesome DD! Thanks for

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Ahh now I see why you wanted that high rez scan of the DD drawing I did a few years back. That's awesome DD! Thanks for the early present, I love it.

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Lol now I have to do more work on your present or it's going to look simple in comparison. Oh no it's the Sheldon gift giving hypothesis.

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Tiger's picture
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Very awesome!

Very awesome!

ChristopherRobin's picture
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That's half the fun of a

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] That's half the fun of a birthday.

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Darth Delicious
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You're very welcome! It's a

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] [img][/img] You're very welcome! It's a great looking desktop wallpaper too! [img][/img]. I may still so a bit of tinkering on it every now and then because of... well... you know... you taught me! [img][/img]
It was fun (and quick [img][/img]) coloring. For the first time I used the burn and dodge tools [img][/img]. [/color][/b][/size][/font]

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Heh, I actually just claimed to someone on DA I never did any pencildrawings anymore... I guess I can go ahead and take that back huh?

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

ChristopherRobin's picture
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Hahaha didn't meant to pass

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Hahaha I didn't mean to pass on my neurosis as well.
They are quick and fun ways to get variation and contrast but they can mess with the colors sometimes.
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Heh yep. I wonder if there will ever come a time when no one
remembers what a piece of paper or a pencil was?[/color][/b][/size][/font]
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
Jenny: "So wait they took this stuff made from trees that had black stuff in the center and rubbed that black
stuff onto thin white thingies also made from trees and they thought that was art back then?"
Me:"Well yeah but way more awesome than you are making it sound!" "...yes Billy?"
Billy: "What's a tree?"
Me: *facepalm*

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Darth Delicious
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How I Met Your Mother 2!

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] How I Met Your Mother 2! *giggles* - I'm gonna watch that! [img][/img][/color][/b][/size][/font]

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

ChristopherRobin's picture
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Something new in the works...

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Something new in the works...


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Amerikatt's picture
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Gorgeous, CR! ((And the

Gorgeous, CR! ((And the artwork's not bad, either! RAWR!))

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

JayBezz's picture
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Yum i'm not kicking him out

Yum i'm not kicking him out of bed. Even if he cut me with his diamond chiseled jaw!

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Tiger's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 21:43
Looks great!

Looks great!

ChristopherRobin's picture
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Thanks guys (and kitteh), I

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Thanks guys (and kitteh), I probably should say that it's another birthday artz, this time of Celtic Bolt.
I've wanted to draw him for some time and went with a blend of the classic CB with an updated
jacket and mask. He also is sporting a bit of grey at the temples of late. [/color][/b][/size][/font]
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
Billy is currently working on a full fledged comic and the newest iteration of
CB now wears shades instead of a mask, he has a sidekick/daughter (Redshift) as well.

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Darth Delicious
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That is a brilliant start CR!

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] That is a brilliant start CR! *waits patiently for follow ups*

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

Bobby Aquitania
Bobby Aquitania's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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Nice work CR... CB will love

Nice work CR... CB will love this...

ChristopherRobin's picture
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Followups coming soon. :)

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Followups coming soon. :)
Might put it in the collab thread when I'm done with
the pencils since that thread is blowing up now.
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Thanks Bobby, I hope he does, that man has done a lot of great
art for a lot of people, plus he did a prize piece for my coXso event.

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Darth Delicious
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(No subject)


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ChristopherRobin wrote:
ChristopherRobin wrote:

Hahaha I didn't mean to pass on my neurosis as well.
They are quick and fun ways to get variation and contrast but they can mess with the colors sometimes. Heh yep. I wonder if there will ever come a time when no one
remembers what a piece of paper or a pencil was?
Jenny: "So wait they took this stuff made from trees that had black stuff in the center and rubbed that black
stuff onto thin white thingies also made from trees and they thought that was art back then?"
Me:"Well yeah but way more awesome than you are making it sound!" "...yes Billy?"
Billy: "What's a tree?"
Me: *facepalm*

Consider the following bizarre thoughts:
In my life time and possibly yours they stopped ...
[*]making gum erasers out of actual gum... and then stopped making other erasers out of rubber trees.
[*]making velum paper from ... 'organic / biological' material - it's plastic. So is 'parchment'.
[*]Using carbon paper for making copies.[/list]

And if you actually do remember any of that ... you may begin sobbing now...

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 9 months 1 week ago
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I remember carbon paper and

I remember carbon paper and mimeograph/ditto machines that cranked out Purple copies.

Be Well!

ChristopherRobin's picture
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I've been posting so much in

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] I've been posting so much in the collab thread I've hardly done anything for my own here.
Until I can complete one of my larger projects here is something quick and silly to tide ye over.
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Got more than a few fans of the Kirby lines Bobby did for the three way collab prize art won by TDP.
A couple on a different forum wanted more Kirby artz but since it wasn't me who drew it (I only
did flat colors) and it's not a style I know I pointed them to Bobby's DA and new blog. [/color][/b][/size][/font]
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
That said, I thought I would try and give them a little bit of Kirby anyway...
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
Yep, uh huh, I went there. [IMG][/IMG]

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Tiger's picture
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Kirby for the win!

Kirby for the win! <(^-^)>

Bobby Aquitania
Bobby Aquitania's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 11/01/2013 - 12:02
Alas I never got any messages

Alas I never got any messages CR, not on DA or my blog... which you would have to comment on individual pieces in order to ask me...

Probably here in PMs would be better to ask, if at all.

ChristopherRobin's picture
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Ah well all I can do is let

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Ah well all I can do is let them know who is responsible for the linework
and give em your contact info, can't make them act on it. Sorry nothing came of that yet.

Tiger wrote:

Kirby for the win! <(^-^)>

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] lol a syntax Kirby, that's clever.

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Something new I'm working on.

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Something new I'm working on...


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Darth Delicious
Darth Delicious's picture
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Intriguing! Must see all of

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Intriguing! [img][/img] Must see all of it!

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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I have to second DD...the ole

I have to second DD...the ole curiosity is peaked and ready to see more!


Foradain's picture
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He looks angry. *takes cover*

He looks angry. *takes cover*

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Tiger's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
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General Ross makes a phone

General Ross makes a phone call to the President. "I'm requesting a National Command Authority override. Angry Man is unsecure."

ChristopherRobin's picture
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Lol thanks guys. I assure you

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Lol thanks guys. I assure you the subject doesn't test positive for gamma radiation...
actually on 2nd thought I have no idea what his official backstory is yet.
Ummm it's not the hulk. [IMG][/IMG][/color][/b][/size][/font]
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
I finished the detailing on the other side of his face, working on his hair
now and mocking up a pose/body for him. Progress so far.

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Darth Delicious
Darth Delicious's picture
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I just love the way you work

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] I just love the way you work with wrinkles! You add them and the dude instantly becomes older than what the heroes (or villains) are usually drawn in. How he becomes more mature with just a few lines.
Oh.. lol! It justt occured to me.. he kind of looks like Spike... the vamp from Buffy the Vampire Slayer!

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

Mind-Freeze's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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Great picture ! Looks like me

Great picture ! Looks like me when I don't get my coffee in the morning :-)

Amerikatt's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Nomtastic (as always!), CR!

Nomtastic (as always!), CR!

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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someone definitely pee'd in

someone definitely pee'd in his Wheaties...


Tiger's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 21:43
The first thing that comes to

The first thing that comes to mind is James Marsters. :)

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Yeah, DeeDee mentioned that

Yeah, DeeDee mentioned that earlier ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

ChristopherRobin's picture
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Darth Delicious wrote:
Darth Delicious wrote:

I just love the way you work with wrinkles! You add them and the dude instantly becomes older than what the heroes (or villains) are usually drawn in. How he becomes more mature with just a few lines.


Mind-Freeze wrote:

Great picture ! Looks like me when I don't get my coffee in the morning :-)

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Lol the dreaded Pre-Coffee face.

Amerikatt wrote:

Nomtastic (as always!), CR!

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Thanks Amerikatt. [IMG][/IMG]
Say, where did you find the shiny new avatar?

whiteperegrine wrote:

someone definitely pee'd in his Wheaties...

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] And from the look of it he's not a fan of yellow Wheaties (it's the breakfast of Champions not Cham-pee-ons! [IMG][/IMG])...

Darth Delicious wrote:

...............................Oh.. lol! It justt occured to me.. he kind of looks like Spike... the vamp from Buffy the Vampire Slayer!

Tiger wrote:

The first thing that comes to mind is James Marsters. :)

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Looking back retrospectively it reminds me more of [url=]Brian Fury[/url] minus his
severe widow's peak but then I've only ever seen one episode of Buffy
(the musical one) but have spent many many hours parting the
brave yet foolhardy from their quarters on Tekken. [IMG][/IMG]
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Neither resemblance was intended but
both are kinda cool anyway.

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Amerikatt's picture
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ChristopherRobin wrote:
ChristopherRobin wrote:

Say, where did you find the shiny new avatar?

It's from "Saturdays with Streaky" #67, then I did a bit of MS Paint magic on it (no lightning bolt on Streaky's side) and cropped it so Supergirl didn't show up.

Here is the original image:

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

ChristopherRobin's picture
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Hmmm it's missing a little


[color=#c95f02][b][size=16][font=Palatino Linotype] Hmmm it's missing a little something in my opinion.
What about...

[/color][/b][/size][/font][color=#c95f02][b][size=16][font=Palatino Linotype]
I know technically this is a reduction in orangeness (and therefore overall
awesomeness) but I think I can make an exception in this case. [IMG][/IMG]

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JayBezz's picture
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I KNEW that kitten looked

I KNEW that kitten looked familiar

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Amerikatt's picture
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ChristopherRobin wrote:
ChristopherRobin wrote:

Hmmm it's missing a little something in my opinion.
What about...

I know technically this is a reduction in orangeness (and therefore overall
awesomeness) but I think I can make an exception in this case.

*squees with delight*

That's a really nomtastic and nomworthy avatar, CR! Thanks!


[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Lord Goat
Lord Goat's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
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Very nice work!

Very nice work!


Darth Delicious
Darth Delicious's picture
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ChristopherRobin wrote:
ChristopherRobin wrote:

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Hah! That saves me the trouble! *giggles* I was thinking of doing that myself, but didn't have the time yet, cuz of visitor. [img][/img]. I approve! [img][/img][/color][/b][/size][/font]

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

ChristopherRobin's picture
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Cheers Amerikatt!

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Cheers Amerikatt!
It suits you. (pun intended)
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Thanks LG. The color changes and reshaping were fairly simple, the trickiest
part was all the tiny little stars but having a good star pattern already cut out from
Fighting Patriot's design helped. It was just a matter of resizing, coloring and placing them.

Darth Delicious wrote:

Hah! That saves me the trouble! *giggles* I was thinking of doing that myself, but didn't have the time yet, cuz of visitor. . I approve!

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] First!
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]...errr I mean great minds think alike?

[url=] What every Costume Creator needs...[/url] [url=]V2[/url] [url=]V3[/url]


Darth Delicious
Darth Delicious's picture
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(No subject)

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] [img][/img]

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

ChristopherRobin's picture
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So I posted above the

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] So I posted above the birthday gift I made for Dee (the other one)
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
and shortly after I did she came back and added her colors to it which I hadn't posted here yet.
Looking through the thread I have some other stuff to update and some new stuff in the works coming soon.™
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]So here then is her colors on my lines, yet another collab.

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whiteperegrine's picture
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I likey! :)

I likey! :)


Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 9 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 13:45
Look! Two two-dee Dees!

Look! Two two-dee Dees!

And not DeeDee.

Be Well!

Darth Delicious
Darth Delicious's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 10/30/2013 - 14:10
- Me thinks you have a double

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] - Me thinks you have a double post there, CR [img][/img][/color][/b][/size][/font]

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] It is Dee-licious! No but seriously, when I saw that drawing the first time I was like.. wow, that is stunning! [img][/img][/color][/b][/size][/font]

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

ChristopherRobin's picture
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Joined: 10/12/2013 - 02:58
Thanks WP. Deegar really gets

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Thanks WP. Deegar really gets the credit here though, her colors really brought it to life.
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]A doubling of Dee's you say Fireheart?
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Forum bug I think. Or perhaps a new "feature."
The last 5 or so times I've posted it's done that whenever I make a correction or add a link. I've been deleting
them as they happen but this one must've triple posted cuz I got rid of one extra and
it seems there is still a duplicate. It never used to do that.
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] So here is something new that I just started working on.
I have another triple collab going with DD and CatiC (the same two I worked on Mystique with)
But Cati was having a bit of artblock and I hadn't posted anything (other than a T-Rex sketch) in a while
so we gave each other homework assignments I gave Cati a very "familiar" face from the forums
to draw and she gave me... I guess you could call them a "former" human.
Here is stage one.
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]


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Darth Delicious
Darth Delicious's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 10/30/2013 - 14:10
Yay for homework! . I told

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Yay for homework! [img][/img]. I told her on FB that when I had an artblock I turned to collabs to get my mind of things and to be able to focus on "just" one thing instead of a whole drawing. It slowly got me out of the block until I was ready to start a project on my own again [img][/img].
I can't wait to see further progress of both your assignments! [img][/img]. This is looking promising already [img][/img][/color][/b][/size][/font]

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

ChristopherRobin's picture
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I'll have an update later

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] I'll have an update later today then... hmmm methinks the eyes be not Asian enough.

[url=] What every Costume Creator needs...[/url] [url=]V2[/url] [url=]V3[/url]


ChristopherRobin's picture
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Update: fixed the eyes, added

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Update: fixed the eyes, added more shading and started in on the hair. Any guesses?


[url=] What every Costume Creator needs...[/url] [url=]V2[/url] [url=]V3[/url]


whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 06/19/2014 - 14:49
the butler, with the

the butler, with the candlestick in the pantry!

aka: no clue... :p


Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 9 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 13:45
Something about that mouth

Something about that mouth/smile does seem familiar...

Be Well!

whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Something about that mouth/smile does seem familiar...

aka....she doesn't know either. :p


Nyktos's picture
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Nice art

Nice art

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 9 months 1 week ago
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Um, sir.
whiteperegrine wrote:

aka....she doesn't know either. :p

Um, sir.

No, I mean it's a really big smile. Almost a Geena Davis smile. And I could swear I've seen it in a drawing before.

Be Well!
