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(Not Even Going to mention it, you know the drill.))

Simply put, submit teenage hero concepts, either you have had, or those specifically in mind for City of Titans, like mine below! :D

Real Name: Rosella Bordelon

Heroine Name: Sorciera (Adapted from 'witch' in French.)

Age: 16

Appearance: Caramel cream skin, with a rather lithe yet fit build, dark hazel eyes and usually seen with long cascading locks of raven hair, or within a ponytail or French braid.


Rosella Bordelon was born within the French Quarter of quaint and ever mysterious New Orleans, a child of French Creole and Cajun heritage. The product of passion between a hunted witch and cursed Bokor, her magical if not muddled bloodline is the source of her spectral abilities.

In addition to her witchcraft and voodoo potential, Rosella is able to tap into the spirit plane for a number of powers, but only if she is on a righteous moral path, as the spirits she can summon or even embody will turn on her if she falls into the hands of evil and malice.

Raised in considerable wealth due to her family's 'gifts' for procuring wealth, Rose was constantly suppressed in her magical tutelage, for the fear of being persecuted or worse after her father fell under the thrall of a sadistic servant of foul Loa, a reanimated Baron La Croix. Baron La Croix, whose legend was once said to be benevolent, who took part in life's pleasure, is now the moniker of a man who delights in tempting those desperate enough to call on his aid to darkness and deceit.

Deciding that enough evil has been done and encouraged by the spirits the man has claimed in death, Rosella and her mother, Amina, have set a course for Titan City to hunt the Baron and finally bring him to justice, and to end her father's suffering.

Within her journey however, Rosella struggles not to give into vengeance amidst fighting such corruption and evil, and in order to do so as well as protect her identity, she has adopted the moniker of Sorciera.

Powers and Abilities

Witchcraft and Voodoo Potential: Due to her heritage, she can use either of these disciplines if needed to call on magic, but must abide to the time and preparation needed for a desired affect.

Cummonion with the Dead and Spirits: Acting as a sort of ever present second form of sight to Rose, she is able to visually pierce through the veil that blocks perception from this world to the next, and witness spirits. As such, she is also able to communicate with them if desired, but doing so risks possession if the entity has malicious intentions, so she uses this skill warily.

Intangibility: By dividing her spirit between this world and the next, Rosella can become incorporeal, intangible to most attacks. However, this state can be removed by certain spells, a lack of concentration, or catching her off guard.

Invisibility: Adheres to the same rules as her intangibility, but requires even more concentration, so this skill is not used often.

Ethereal Blasts and Constructs: She can summon energy from the Astral Plane and manifest it as physical blasts or creating constructs of spectral energy that can harm physical or mental beings. As such, she must maintain concentration to use these powers, and they drain her endurance if she extends herself.

Flight: Simply put, when becoming incorporeal, she can defy gravity, and float or fly to where she sees fit.

Spirit Summoning: Her most powerful but taxing ability, Rose can call upon spirits slain to aid her in combat, but doing so can weaken her physically and mentally if already tiring, so this is only used as a last resort in battle.

Possession: Lastly, Rose is able to, while incorporeal, inhabit the body of another either willingly with full awareness, or in the heat of battle force another out of his or her body to inhabit it. However, this leaves her own body vulnerable and without a spirit, and should she be unable to return to it in time before it expires or is trapped, she will remain stuck between the void between the living and the dead once expelled.

Due to the rather frightening implications of this possibilty, Rose has not performed this feat yet, and may never until she is more seasoned a witch and heroine.


Sleight of Hand/Thievery: A natural skill honed under the tutelage of her mother, Rosella is mildly skilled at sleight of hand tricks, distraction, and thievery, though this is something she is not proud of, and does not enjoy showing it off.

Acting: While having no other explanation other than a wealth of inspiration from her heritage, among other things, Rose is a talented actress for her age, and frequently flexes this skill within school drama productions at James Duncan High. To her ire however, she has not been able to beat Anthony Mercer in a musical number, and vows that she will one day, without supernatural aid!

Self Defense: Due to her lack of general physicality and strength, Rose has decided to take up Judo as a form of self defense that she could integrate into her power usage to better defend herself, and is currently an Orange belt in the martial art.

((Post away, guys! :) ))


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Toni and Setzer (or,

TFE Toni

Real Name : Anthony Mercer

Age : 16 (DOB : 19980313)

Born and raised in Titan City; until this past May the only thing different about Toni was how he preferred to spell his nickname and having no qualms whatsoever about playing Viola/Cesario in a recent high school production of [i]Twelfth Night[/i]. As to why he was asked to play Viola/Cesario, the drama advisor insisted he was the only person trying out who could be convincing in the role…

After the First of May, Toni has often been followed around by a black and orange cat who he calls Setzer, and disappears without notice from time to time (including during a recent algebra test ^_^)

Where, How, and What powers Toni has acquired remains to be seen, but most likely they will be Control or Pets related. Magical constructs will be the most common special effect. Flight involves leaving a trial like a rainbow. He can understand the speech of all animals, although the non-sapient ones rarely have anything interesting to say. Brawling is a skill he’s had for a while…

Toni's powers were acquired/awakened while Under the Hill (and perhaps beyond) over a period of a few months between 30 April 2014 and 1 May 2014 (there being a time differential ^_^). His ancestry includes some elves, which may turn out to be the source of his powers, as well as why he got snagged into Underhill. Why Rhythiel recently said there was a Knight of Summer in town may or may not have anything to do with Toni, or the cat.

Toni is not shy, but wasn’t very outgoing, either, until recently. Because of his rather feminine appearance, Toni used to be a favorite target of bullies in Middle School, which in turn led to aikido classes, which made him less of a favorite target. Toni got involved in drama as a freshman mainly as an excuse to learn about makeup, and then found he enjoyed acting and singing.

updated 20140612-0505 ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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RottenLuck's picture
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Superhero name: (No code

Superhero name: Over Clock

Real Name: Robert Jones

age: 17

Appearance. White make 5'2" brown eyes. Shaved/bald head the back of his head where the spine meets the skull is metallic silvery shell. His spine silvery with glowing blue parts where the artificial nervous system could be seen. on his left arm he has a device designed like forearm armor that's a wearable computer connected to his own systems.

Before he was born his Mother and Father were in a car crash. His father died and his mother was wounded, but not life threatening. However he was born with Spina bifida thought it might not have been anything to do with the crash his mother took it as such. Robert would have been paralyzed for all of his life. His Mother an expert in robotics and nanotechnology went back to school to learn more about Cybernetics. At the age of five his Mother began her project to construct a cybernetic nervous system the first of it's kind. At the age of seven his mother performed the first operation and continued till his entire spine was replaced nanites designed to mimic and replace damage nerve tissue was used on his spinal cord. Unlike normal cybernetics his spine was made with nanite parts included so that it can grow with him. There was a side effect she never considered the nanites began replacing his nerve system completely. This resulted in him having super fast reflexes and being able to calculate information at computer speeds. The nanites are now augmenting his muscular system to Improve his body speed and agility. He also has a few data ports where he can connect to computers and other equipment on his arms and the back of his head. To help learn better control over his new found speed and abilities he has taken martial arts.

Seeing that the Nanites have gone beyond her original design purpose Roberts mother fell into depression. After all she now seeing the Nanites are augmenting her son's brain and could very well replace it entirely. If she destroys the nanites it will kill him because of the artificial nerves now control his body life functions.

Powers. Enhanced speed and agility, fast information data processing. Bluetooth and WiFi access!

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Mr. Geoffery Tade

Mr. Geoffery Tade

Hero name : Battle-axe

Job; History teacher , and CQB trainer, plus coach of the Atlas high memorial hockey team and baseball team, the Spartans? (not sure what the high school mascot would be)

Semi- retired hero who is teaching now at the high school. Was put here to ensure safety of the kids plus keep an eye on the school itself.
Primary powers are tech suit with removable and retractable attachments.

Since he had a degree in history before he became a hero, was asked to help oversee the school and imaprt tactical history lessons to the students.

6ft 2 in tall, brown hair, greying in spots and usually wears a big watch, (part of his suit) .

Vaness tade

Hero name : Shield maiden

Powers; super strength and some magical capabilities

Theacher; teaches science classes from biology to physics, and coaches the girls volleyball team, and swimming.
married to geoff, brown hair, 5ft8 with green eyes.
when geoff got offered postion she voluntarily came with .

she also teaches lab concotions for the heros in making .

Stormthrasher's picture
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1) Cody Willis, AKA Nanite.

1) Cody Willis, AKA Nanite. At only age 16, Cody realized that he possessed a very unusual ability. His brain, creates a near microscopic robotic organism, nanotechnology within his own body. With time and practice, Cody was able to learn how to program these robots which until then had just been harmlessly floating in his bloodstream. With a single program he wrote Nano1, he was able to program the tiny robots to preform nearly any task. In or outside of his body. The Nanites are able to exist inside his bloodstream, or within an area of about 15 feet around him. They can also combine or craft simple elements out of available materials.The major downside of Cody's power is that without a healthy supply of Nanites in his system, he is essentially powerless. And he can only replenish them so quickly.

Powers and reasoning behind them-
Peak of Human Potential+Rapid Regeneration
Using the Nanites, Cody can literally determine his bodies physical fitness level. The robots reinforce his bodies systems, massage muscles to cause growth. The Nanites can also substitute for stem cells in the promotion of healing, allowing him to recover from damage relatively quickly.

Telepathy and Telekinesis
Using the Nanites outside of his body, Cody can alter gravity to a limited degree, enough Nanites working together can increase the amount of upward force being applied to an object enough to overcome gravity's pull down. Then with enough force the object can be thrown. Nanites within another body, can be sent to the brain, where the bodies thoughts are formed by the use of the brains electrical signals, which the Nanites can intercept and interpret. (Can possibly be used offensively.)

Technology Master, the Internet, Bioshock
The Nanites are able to interface with any electronic device essentially giving total control of the device over to Cody. As long as he has good line of sight to the machine, he can control it, or use the Nanites Fusing ability to craft improvements or upgrades. He has often said that each machine has a voice, and a personality, but they will usually all listen to what he tells them to do. After Cody established his powers, he established a wifi network in his own mind. He is his own hotspot, with security protocols and an IP address. He never needs a computer to be online, and with a Graphical User Eye Interface (GUEI) He can collect and process data using a combination of what his eyes see and the net can process. (The closest thing I can give to a comparison is something like Iron mans Head's Up Display from the movies, but without needing a helmet.) By focusing a lot of Nanites in an area, Cody can create an electrostatic Bio Shock of energy, which functions much like a bolt of lightning which he can aim within his line of sight. He has also been able to use his Bio Energy and nanites to form an energy shield.

Love is like a Rhino, short-sighted and hasty; If it cannot find it a way, it will make a way.
-Flavor text on Crash of Rhinos.

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Not sure about naming the

Not sure about naming the high school after the worst hurricane in living memory. Maybe Atlas Thirty-Three?

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 weeks ago
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That could work, or perhaps a

That could work, or perhaps a private school based approach, perhaps Paragon Academy or something to that affect? It's open brainstorming at the moment, so everyone can pitch in ideas! :D


Faceless's picture
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Xavier's school for gifted

Xavier's school for gifted youngsters

But serious, how about the principal has superpowers himself?

RottenLuck's picture
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I can see Cody and Robert

I can see Cody and Robert getting along often. They have similar natures having Nanites based abilities. Lol I can so see them in class doing work at the same time playing video games on their wifi connection. Thought I'm thinking Overclock needs a data viser / Google glasses to do such a thing.

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Gladatoria's picture
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Yeah, that's what I had in

Yeah, that's what I had in mind Faceless. The Principal,or rather Headmaster if the Academy route is agreed on could be a...hmm, without going to the obvious choice of telepathy what abilities should he have!

Oh, I and I can already see Rosella, Cody. and Robert getting into debates over magic vs science...:D


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Maybe he could have powers

Maybe he could have powers that could suppress the powers of other superhumans?
Also i'm coming up with a character myself.

summer-heat's picture
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I'd assume the whole staff

I'd assume the whole staff would have to be superpowered in some way then, or at least have some level of "super" compensation (technology, advanced combat, etc). After all, the principal can't be Wonder Woman. ;-)

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

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*Boob stare*

*Boob stare*

Gladatoria's picture
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Ha! But yeah, that would make

Ha! But yeah, that would make sense, so that the kids can't duke it out for all eternity...and perhaps the school is founded with a combination of super technology and monitored by magical means, like gargoyles and scrying pools in teacher's desks for those who are mystically inclined? :D


Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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the two teachers themselves

the two teachers themselves were heroes i introduced, usiong the logic that this school would be for super powered , to try and learn thier abilities more etc..... or ..another idea could be a normal school with the 'gifted' just trying to fit in, and not be different .

RottenLuck's picture
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Could be a special school for

Could be a special school for the "powered" Teens. Instead of risking harm to the normal students when a kid develops special abilities they get transferred. Power suppression tech could be involved somewhere in the school. As well as Gym being focused on helping the students get control of their powers.

Hmm as for Robert, Cody, and Rosella. Cody seems to be along the lines of a Mutant that generates nanite like beings. Where Robert pure Tech.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

summer-heat's picture
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This strikes chords with

This strikes chords with Jeremy's backstory.... I wonder if I left it open to interpretation (or easily retconned) if he went through gen-pop or powered schools.

I think I originally had it such that the city's public education system did not segregate powered vs non-powered based on historical landmark legalities. However, as a private school, they could be exclusive in who they enroll. Question is, which makes for more compelling platform?

I've had a teen character in my head, but in this genre he might come off as a bit too... Cyborg from Teen Titans.....

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

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Real name: Damon Blake

Real name: Damon Blake

Code name: Venomscale

Age: 17

Appearance: Damon Blake is a 5'8 feet tall humanoid reptile covered in dark forest green scales. From his neck downwards across the central area of his torso and belly he has got no scales, instead horizontally striped, hardened skin with a light yellow hue. His head resembles a lizard's head, he has also got a scaled tail, clawed hands and clawed feet. He can occasionally be seen protruding a forked tongue from his mouth and his eyes are red with black vertical stripes for pupils. Damon otherwise acts like a human and usually wears human clothing, except for any kinds shoes or gloves due to his claws.

Powers: In addition to superhuman strength, Venomscale's scales and skin are immune to acids, while also providing protection against physical assault. His reptilian DNA granted him the ability to regenerate limbs. He can also spit poisonous and acidic liquids from his mouth or inject them via fangs. Venomscale possesses the ability to evolve and adapt to environments, though this power has not been discovered yet.

Origin: Damon Blake was a scientist's son who had an obsession with reptiles, studying them and experimenting with their DNA on other kinds animals. Damon's father had lost a hand in a robbery performed by a swordsman wielding a katana. He wanted to create a mutagen that would regenerate his hand. During this time Damon was sick and needed a shot of medicine every day. One night when his father wished him goodnight, he had accidentally dropped the experimental mutagen on Damon's desk near his bed and in the morning Damon's mother mistook the mutagen needle for Damon's medicine and injected it. Damon's father busted in through the door, but it was already too late. Damon's parents watched as their son mutated into a monstrous humanoid reptilian and then jumped through the window only to run off to a manhole and fling the cover open, afterwards jumping down. A day later Damon had returned to his home in his reptilian state, his parents happy to see him despite his look. Damon's father gave up on his career as a herpetologist, but Damon himself decided he would want to use his new found powers for good. His mother however, disapproved and made him go finish school before becoming a crime fighter. She searched if there is a school specifically made for superhumans, if not she would send him to a normal school despite his look. (I really hope this turns out to be a school for super teenagers specifically.)

RottenLuck's picture
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True Desegregation laws might

True Desegregation laws might go against the idea of a public school for powered types. Then again one must wonder if "Powered" people are considered another race. Or will they be treated via the school system as special needs.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
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Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 weeks ago
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First off, I like Venomscale

First off, I like Venomscale's origen Faceless, all for him in the RP. Second, I believe that while a private school could be good if it was introduced well, it's been done alot to this end, perhaps they go to a public non-segregated school and try to fit in...opens up a well for different scenarios. Third,I like the Gym Idea, and perhaps to further support the school's safety, along with power supression tech, stasis field generators if it gets too out of hand like used at Hardlock?

And Heat, maybe you can bounce his bio off of us anyway and we can help you tweak it to where you want it to be to possibly introduce him? :D

In short, I like what direction this is going, and keep the brainstorming up!


Gladatoria's picture
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I believe they would be

I believe they would be treated rather similarly to those with special needs simply because they do fall under a different and potentially dangerous classification. And on that note, perhaps this could be a point that teachers and staff debate even in the RP, as things occur: should powered and nonpowered students be separated for eachother's safety?

Perhaps as a plot down the line a advantageous human rights extremists demands to make this so, ala MRD or such?


Gladatoria's picture
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And Faceless, I do see the

And Faceless, I do see the point of a school for supers who is for a school for powered teens only vs integration into public school? ((Sorry, forgot to add this in my last post, just rolling with it.))


RottenLuck's picture
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I had to do some

I had to do some brainstorming to make Overclock less Cyborgish as well. Now he's more Spiderman in agility and reflexes. Even has hyper awareness as his brain goes into overclock mode and he can react and the world seems slower to him. Mainly because he possesses the information around him faster in that state. I also focused his cybernetics on the spine the rest of his body is normal human with Nanite lacing throughout his muscles and bones.

Besides if you do it right and RP your character in an interesting way. Who cares if he's like Cyborg from the Teen Titans.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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Rotten's right, my character

Rotten's right, my character could technically even be like Raven or Numina (Homage actually, favorite heroine.). What amtters is how you play them and if your past RP is any indication, you'll be fantastic!


RottenLuck's picture
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I'm leaning to the Public

I'm leaning to the Public schools with Special Powered classes including Gym.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

summer-heat's picture
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OK... here goes...

OK... here goes...

Real Name: Unknown (Adam)

Official Designation: Experimental Digital Genetic Augmentation Research (Codename EDGAR)

Age: 16

Appearance: Height: 5'7" Eyes solid black - (camera lenses) Hair bald Skin pale to almost white. Key features: Camera lenses for eyes, large metal panel on left side of skull, Full prosthetic left arm, full prosthetic left and right leg.

Powers and Abilities:
Synthetic Blood - 50% of Edgar's blood is composed of synthetic cells, serving the purposes of their intended components, but typically immune to viral and bacterial infections.
Synthetic Organs - All of the harvestable vital organs in Edgar have been replaced with synthetic components (kidneys, heart, lungs, liver, eyes, etc.)
VitalSigns HUD - Visual Display allows Edgar to get a visual sensor readout of his own and others vital data along with identification purposes (Terminator/Continuum style)
Machine-code Bilingual - Edgar understands and can interface with most computers running most machine code languages. This also makes him vulnerable to hacks and malware, but the Synthetic Blood usually protects against incursions.

Original Origin:
After reviewing the origin, I really can't use any of it in the City of Titans Setting. Too dystopian; want to dust off that manuscript and write in it again now...

New Origin: Edgar had been declared deceased, body harvested, and then turned into Frankenstein's monster sci-fi edition as an experiment to keep soldiers fighting in wars against superpowered terrorists. The experiment was considered a successful failure after legal ramifications. Edgar was then sent to reintegrate with the general populous since he had been declared sapient. (It needs some work to make sense why this would be in a public school.)

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

Gladatoria's picture
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I like the idea, original

I like the idea, original enough that it doesn't seem like anything but a homage to Cyborg. In that stead, I think it will work, and perhaps as an explanation EDGAR possesses a teen-like intelligence and willingness to learn and intergration to a large population like in a school could better prepare him for general pop. outside and in day to day life?


Faceless's picture
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I'm all for the super-powered

I'm all for the super-powered school. These teenagers can be very dangerous to common folk and may be scary, for example Venomscale is a humanoid reptile with sharp claws and whatnot. They would also probably be rejected by the normal teens, especially Venomscale, and could cause depression or something.

Gladatoria's picture
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That kind of treatment could

That kind of treatment could spark violent retaliation or worse by both sides a secular school seems viable, though I am going for what the majority votes with.


RottenLuck's picture
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Another case of Logic vs

Another case of Logic vs Story options.

Story wise a public school where some classes are normal Math, science, history, and such than other classes are just for the supers Gym, Ethics, modern day Magic theory. Could provide more story ideas, bullies on both sides for example.

Logic on the other hand would say it should be a private school or at least a segregation one for the power inclined. More control over the student population that way, suppressors face it it be to expensive to have them in every school or even in every location in one building. There also the question of Desegregation laws.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Foradain's picture
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I can see it going either way

I can see it going either way: Damon's parents could seek out a private school (in the U.S., this means a privately owned school) that specialized in superpowered students, in which case the parents who complain that little Timmy is scared by the guy with claws will be politely reminded that they were informed about school policy before little Timmy was enrolled; or Damon's parents could insist that it is Damon's right to go to a public school (which in the U.S. means a government owned school.) If there are enough cases like Damon's in Titan City, the Titan City Unified School District might be able to get funding for a public school specializing in superpowered students, but enrolling in that school would be strictly up to the parents. I can see some parents of scary children insisting on keeping their children in their local school, even if the special school is better for their children.

Back before I was born there was a lot of argument about whether or not segregated public schools (back then, in some states, Rosella and Toni wouldn't have been at the same school even if they lived next door to each other) violate the principle of equal rights, and even when I was in school there were programs in some areas in which students were bused at taxpayer expense to schools some distance away to desegregate schools that had student bodies primarily of one race because most of the families that lived in the area around the school were of that race. (According to [url=]this Wikipedia article[/url] some areas still do this, mostly to increase the choices available to parents.)

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Foradain's picture
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I think this would be my

I think this would be my choice: A Magnet School:
A public school, with excellent facilities and staff, power suppression equipment, etc. Transportation provided for students who need it (and for Little Timmy who got scared to go to a different magnet school without the super-power emphasis). Local students without powers can still go here, and superpowered students don't have to, that gets around the desegregation issue. Known superpowered students who do remain at other schools get watched more carefully, if they cause problems they may face a choice: Transfer or next time we call in law enforcement.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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summer-heat's picture
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I'd have to say the magnet

I'd have to say the magnet school option sounds the best and most likely to fit realism with super powers. Adds complexity of rival schools, bullying the superpowered and such as well.

I'm still toying around with the exact backstory. The character origin was so entrenched in a spider and fly plot it's difficult to then place him in somewhere that's not transient. It might be more.... I dunno, Frankenstein's monster learning the world sort of thing.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

RottenLuck's picture
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The Magnet school seems to

The Magnet school seems to fit. Be along the same lines of a Vocational and Technical Schools system. I went to one myself where half the day was normal classes the other half was the Trade classes. It was still considered Public school but you had to qualify to get in.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
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Gladatoria's picture
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Take your time Jeremy and ask

Take your time Jeremy and ask for our help if you need it, we're in the Asylum together! :D And alright, since we've decided on a magnet school, now it's time to come up with a name, mascot, and basic outline of classes, aside from basics.

Let the brainstorming begin!


Faceless's picture
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Well, super-powered gym from

Well, super-powered gym from previous posts could be one of the classes. I can't come up with a school name, mascot or anything, but i think we also need a location for the school.

Foradain's picture
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If the school was built after

If the school was built after (or perhaps rebuilt after) Hurricane Atlas, I'm going to vote for [url=]James Duncan[/url] High School. Mascot could be All-Stars; rivals schools may call us the Donuts :P

And if we do name it after American Star, Old Bradford (which looks like it's between Alexandria, Victory Beach, and Downtown) is the place to put it. Otherwise, the southern part of Aurora looks more central. ( )

Would known superpowers be a requirement? Or might they combine other Vo-Tech classes as well as the super-related ones? Maybe JROTC or Law Enforcement Explorers programs?

And we need a good drama club ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 weeks ago
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I like James Duncan High,

I like James Duncan High, feels very comforting...and perhaps it simply accommodates those who have abilities, excellently. And it should also have a Shadow your Hero day, among other events. Old Bradford works, as it seems quiant enough.

And of course a fine drama program. :)

Any objections or further thoughts.


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I was going to post one that

I was going to post one that I've had for a while now, but I realized that he's actually quite similar to the one in the OP, so I'll probably post another that I've got later on.

Here's a [url=]wiki page[/url] for one of his versions.

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
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I read over the page D-Pad,

I read over the page D-Pad, outstanding work! And no, don't hesitate, by all means post Wicket here, if anything I should work on fleshing out Rosella more, I think he would be a great addition to the gang! :D

And he would finally have someone to talk to about seeing the dead! :) Completely normal teen activities!


Faceless's picture
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I've also got a villain who

I've also got a villain who might be interested in not so experienced gathering of super-powered humans. Or do we want to keep this just as teen problems and casual role play?

Gladatoria's picture
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Let's keep your option in

Let's keep your option in mind Faceless, but for now we are going with the teen problems and casual RP until we get our feet off the ground so to speak. What exactly did you have in mind?


Faceless's picture
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A scientist who built an

A scientist who built an android composed of nano machines, which can replicate almost anything. ALL YOUR POWERS ARE BELONG TO US. So basically he sends his android in there and copies all the teenagers' powers, making his android very strong, but don't worry, it has weaknesses.

Gladatoria's picture
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Hmmmm...that would be

Hmmmm...that would be interesting to see them tackle and defeat...similar to Amazo. I think we can weave that into the story, if anyone else is interested in this being a plot further down the line?


Xselcier's picture
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Real Name: Andrew "Andy"

Real Name: Andrew "Andy" Donovan

Alias: Tempus

Age: 16

Appearance: With a below average height of 5'6", Andy was always the short guy in class. Consequently, he was picked on a lot. When he was 12, he began a weight training and martial arts program. Since then, he's filled out to an impressive 200 lbs. With auburn hair, ice-blue eyes, and pale skin, Andy stands out just a bit.

Powers: Temporal Manipulation

When Andy began studying martial arts, he started with Aikido. Very quickly becoming fascinated with the concept of qi, Andy delved deeply into its study. Through meditation and manipulation of qi, Andy accidentally unlocked his mutant potential, the ability to bend time to his will.

Time Stop - Within a 5-foot radius, Andy can bring time to a complete stop, but only for a little over a minute.
Fast Forward - By focusing on a person or object, Andy can speed up their passage through time by up to 100x.
Rewind - The reverse of Fast Forward.
Quickness - With focus, Andy can speed up the flow of time in his own body. From his perspective, everything around him seems to be moving at a crawl while he moves at normal speed. Anyone watching him would only see a blur. He can also use this ability to accelerate healing.

Skills - Andy has earned the rank of Shodan (1st) in Judo and the rank of Nidan (2nd) in Aikido. Over the summer, he begun studying Bojutsu, a martial art centered around use of the Bo. He has begun working on blending his martial arts training with manipulation of his powers.

Origin: Andy comes from a stable home with a loving and attentive family. He has an older sister, Nikki, who's starting her sophomore year at Titan University and twin brothers, Jacob Jr. and Will, who will be starting 6th grade. His mother, Dinah, is a Nurse-Anesthetist at Bradford Memorial Hospital. His father, Jacob, is a recently retired Marine Colonel. An unarmed combat instructor, Jacob opened a dojo soon after retiring. Andy teaches there when he can find the time (ba-dum tsssh!).

Andy has not hidden his abilities from his family and his parents have been looking for a school where he could fit in. Near the end of last school year is when they heard about [School Name] and began the process of getting Andy transferred and enrolled. He will be in his sophomore year.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
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Glad to see you could join

Glad to see you could join the party Xel! Great entry, he'd fit right in to James Duncan High! :)


Foradain's picture
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Xsel, I had decided last

Xsel, I had decided last night that Toni had been studying Aikido (see [url=]my updated post[/url]), so he needs a local dojo to have studied at. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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summer-heat's picture
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Don't get me wrong, I love

Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of a villain! Villains in the high school setting take on every shape and form imaginable and create oceans of conflicts to drive story and development. I just want to make sure we all know what to expect in the setting and I think villany can exist in this school setting (Sky High?).

The situation with an outside villain can get disruptive and somewhat... self-finishing if a villain-poster gets so strong that either a couple of superstudents and superstaff are seriously injured. There'd be pursuits, SWAT, etc. ending in jail time and then the villain/bully would logically have to be out of the RP... I don't want that as the only solution. That's my only real concern.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

RottenLuck's picture
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On top of that there is no

On top of that there is no reason to assume that ever powered teen is a good guy. A super powered bully lol and I'm thinking the villainous kids from sky High as well. Yeah there be countermeasures.

Like one question would replicating powers work in a power neutralizing area? Could say a Technopath be able to reprogram the nanite Android?

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summer-heat's picture
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There's a lot of techies for

There's a lot of techies for a technopath to wreak havoc with! LOL

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

RottenLuck's picture
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Yup almost tempted to make

Yup almost tempted to make said Technopath.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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Yeah, who said those mean

Yeah, who said those mean girls in the corner aren't psionically linked to eachother? But I certainly see your point Summer-heat, and share it. In the beginning we will simply start off getting a feel for our characters, the setting, and go on from there.

Sound good?


RottenLuck's picture
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Best way to do it. I never

Best way to do it. I never have a solid laid out plan way to often the Rp I been involved in went way off course to even try to force things.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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I generally practice the same

I generally practice the same idea, save for adding a story catalyst like you did with your orbs. Anyway, I think this is shaping up to be something good, so I think all we need now is James Duncan High's history..and I think we're good?

Brainstorming Time!


Faceless's picture
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If you're concerned about me

If you're concerned about me dropping out of the RP because my villain got defeated, then don't worry, Venomscale is here too.
And, well, technically it's a lot of small machines working together to replicate things, it's not really a super power, but there are other ways to stop it.
A technopath would maybe be able to talk to the android without anyone else hearing, but he has got protection against reprogramming. The only one who can reprogram him is his creator.
And yeah, i didn't really mean that the android attacks in the beginning, besides, i got Venomscale to RP.

Xselcier's picture
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Awesome, Foradain.

Awesome, Foradain.

Andy's father Jacob teaches what he learned in the Marines, which is MCMAP (Marine Corps Martial Arts Program), MAC (Modern Army Combatives), and ACJ (American Combat Judo).

The dojo has three other full-time instructors:
Jacques, a French Nigerian, teaches Savate and Muay Thai.
Benjamin (Benji), a native of Titan City, teaches Krav Maga.
J.D., a Canadian, teaches Western Boxing and Grappling.

Andy instructs in Aikido three times a week, generally Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
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On that note Xel, is it

On that note Xel, is it alright if I could have Rose study under Andy's father in ACJ at the dojo? :D


Xselcier's picture
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What would Rose be looking to

What would Rose be looking to accomplish with her studies at the dojo? Offense, defense, or a mix of the two?

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
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A mix of the two, her goal is

A mix of the two, her goal is to learn a fighting style that she could integrate into her ability of intangibility, her main defensive skill, but also use in a pinch for swift takedown when all else fails.


Xselcier's picture
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Then I would suggest Krav

Then I would suggest Krav Maga, instead. It's an Israeli self-defense style that specializes in combining offense and defense, with the goal being a swift takedown of your attacker.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
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Hmmm isn't it also more

Hmmm isn't it also more ground with fight for survival techniques too? Regardless I think I will go with Krav Maga then, though I stayed away from it mostly because other characters of mine use the style, but I suppose it doesn't really matter.


RottenLuck's picture
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I could see Robert doing some

I could see Robert doing some MA classes. To better control his hyper fast reflexes.

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2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Xselcier's picture
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Straight from the Wiki's

Straight from the Wiki's mouth

[b]Basic Principles:[/b]

Krav Maga encourages students to avoid confrontation. If this is impossible or unsafe, it promotes finishing a fight as quickly as possible. Attacks are aimed at the most vulnerable parts of the body, and training is not limited to techniques that avoid severe injury; some even permanently injure or cause death to the opponent. Drills provide maximum safety to students by the use of protective equipment and the use of reasonable force.

Students learn to defend against all variety of attacks and are taught to counter in the quickest and most efficient way.

Principles of Krav Maga include:

[b]1.[/b] Counter attacking as soon as possible (or attacking pre-emptively).
[b]2.[/b] Targeting attacks to the body's most vulnerable points, such as: the eyes, neck or throat, face, solar plexus, groin, ribs, knee, foot, fingers, etc.
[b]3.[/b] Maximum effectiveness and efficiency in order to neutralize the opponent as quickly as possible.
[b]4.[/b] Maintaining awareness of surroundings while dealing with the threat in order to look for escape routes, further attackers, objects that could be used to defend or help attack, and so on.

Training can also cover situational awareness to develop an understanding of one's surroundings, learning to understand the psychology of a street confrontation, and identifying potential threats before an attack occurs. It may also cover ways to deal with physical and verbal methods to avoid violence whenever possible.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
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.....Guess Rose is going with

.....Guess Rose is going with Krav Maga then! :D


RottenLuck's picture
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Sounds perfect for Robert as

Sounds perfect for Robert as well. Honing that lighting fast reflexes for best results.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Faceless's picture
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So when is this RP starting?

So when is this RP starting?

Gladatoria's picture
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Well, on that note...are you

Well, on that note...are you guys ready? :D


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ready for what?

ready for what?

Gladatoria's picture
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For the RP to begin as soon

For the RP to begin as soon as I start the thread? :)


Gideon Cross
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been considering having

been considering having Shepherd join to tutor Rose and Toni but dunno.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
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Hey, that'd be great! In fact

Hey, that'd be great! In fact, as part of the superpower accommodating curriculum, every Monday a guest hero is invited to the school for a week of sponsored tutoring in a sense, shadowing on patrols and the like. :)

Perhaps he could join the program?


Gideon Cross
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Would be fun. :D

Would be fun. :D

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

RottenLuck's picture
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Looking forward to it.

Looking forward to it.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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Alright, so without further

Alright, so without further ado, time to start the thread! :)


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James Duncan High Thread was

James Duncan High Thread was officially posted guys, get to work! :D


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Noir (Villainess):

16 year old Jessa Bowden didn't think she was anything special (well, she DID, just not SUPER-special), until one afternoon spent serving detention (for the seventh time. Not bad, for only the first quarter). About 3:30, a strange woman appeared to her, claiming to be her real mother. Jessa thought it was crap, but the claimant's pale skin, black pupilless eyes and thick midnight hair, and slightly pointed ears (plus the fact no one else could apparently see her) made the delinquent pay attention. Supposedly, the woman was a Shadow fae who had gotten bored and seduced Jessa's (loser) dad, giving birth to a daughter, whom she left with her one-might lover, blanking his and his wife's memory of the whole thing.

Needless to say, Jessa was still skeptical. Until Aerlen- the fae- offered to prove it. "Walk over the to light switch, and turn 'em off. You can go where you want then."

With nothing to lose, really, Jessa did. And she could, vanishing from her school-shaped prison, and appearing in the cool shadows under a pedestrian bridge in a nearby park, one of her favorite cut-day hangs.

Jes hasn't seen a lot of the woman she snarkliy calls 'mom' since then, but once in a while Aerlen will pop up to offer advice. Pushing 17, Jessa mostly uses her power for minor mischief- petty larceny, minor vandalism, and scaring the crap out of people- but as she grows stronger, she may pose a serious threat.


Darkwalking: Given a dark enough environment, Jessa can take a single step, and be miles away in another shadowed spot. It takes a minute of concentration to 'home in' on her landing point, but after that, it's pretty effortless.

Nightmare: Things go bump in the night- and she's getting rather good at showing them to people. At the moment, she can't actually hurt anyone, just send them running. But she's practicing...

Lighteater: It's a stretch, and usually leaves her with a pretty bad sunburn, but Jess can actually absorb light from around her, dimming an area to allow her to either Shadowwalk away, or set up an ambush.

Aerlen every so often will give her supposed daughter a hint towards other skills she may have, so expect her to get stronger as she gets older.


Light-sensitive: Very bright lights can actually stun and burn her, if she has no warning, and she's far more sun-sensitive than usual since she started playing with her powers.

Snarky: If there's a way to piss someone off, Jessa will find it. This gets her in most of the trouble she finds herself in, and could get her killed if she starts playing in the big leagues. Unless she gets a lot stringer, as well...

Not the sharpest tack: While she's cunning, and by no means *Stupid*, Jess is pretty ignorant about a lot of things, which leaves her open to being tricked, or at best looking like a complete fool.

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

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19-year-old Dina Rouse is an All-American track and field star, former Junior Olympian, and Olympic alternate. in between meets and classes, she volunteers with her local Neighborhood Watch; she's not a superhero so much as a hardbody with a sense of social justice. Tall and chiselled, with a short mop of red hair, Dina loves cats; spends time she should be sleeping hang-gliding, swimming, and free-climbing; and would love to find a Significant Other, if only she had a free moment...


Enhanced Endurance
Enhanced Strength (minor), Speed (minor), Agility (minor)
Thrown Weapons (mastery): Dina's main events are javelin and discus; she's adapted these weapons for non-lethal street use, including bolos and boomerangs. She uses a staff for close-in fighting, but it's not her strongest suit.


Tough as she is, she's only human, and doesn't wear any sort of outlandish body armor or other equipment- it would make it too hard to run down the bad guys. She can be hurt, pretty easily, in fact.

While by nature a team player, Dina tends to rely too heavily on her physical abilities, and underestimate the threat posed by certain opponents.

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Gladatoria's picture
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^-^ Yes! We needed some girls

^-^ Yes! We needed some girls in here, not that I don't mind an occasional sausage fest, but here is some refreshment! Looking forward to both of your characters time at James Duncan High.


RottenLuck's picture
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Seems like you hit on a good

Seems like you hit on a good idea Gladatoria we are getting more RPers!

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Faceless's picture
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Well, at first i thought i

Well, at first i thought i would include Faceless' daughter in this, but then i came up with a new character completely.

Gladatoria's picture
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I know, I'm glad to have

I know, I'm glad to have started this! SO many plots to weave!


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The girl I was going to bring

The girl I was going to bring in instead of Connor might make an appearance, depending on whether or not the moment to insert her appears. I'll post a short summary of her concept when I get back on a computer.

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

RottenLuck's picture
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Well seems the High school

Well seems the High school now has a poltergeist Girl! Misty just couldn't stay away!

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2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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The other person I'm thinking

The other person I'm thinking of bringing in is a slightly modified incarnation of [url=]this character[/url].

Edits and things to know:

-- Various locations and organizations in the wiki entry will eventually be changed to their Titan City counterparts (when we know what they are).

-- Does hero-work as part of a reformation program. Only allowed to attend school due to her use of limiter equipment (bracers and belt), and because the school has several superhuman teachers that can keep an eye on her (and potentially put her down if need be). Most students tend to stay away since she's not considered "safe" to be around.

-- Has troubles with power-control. Her main abilities (superhuman physiology and energy manipulation) come from her Force of Will, and are therefore directly affected by her emotions. As a result, she displays minimal emotions, and often comes off as a boring person.

-- Silent and mostly reserved.

-- Pretty !$@#ing powerful. Not one for showing off, though.

-- Just wants to be normal, or at least treated as such. More often than not, she doesn't get that chance, especially since her appearance alone gives away her superhuman nature.

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
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Sounds very good, D-Pad! I

Sounds very good, D-Pad! I enjoyed reading the bio, by the way, very well constructed! And on that note maybe down the line I will introduce a similar, new character, but first things first!

By all means, go ahead!


RottenLuck's picture
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The trouble maker that Misty

The trouble maker that Misty is I can see her trying to push a few characters to far just to see what would happen. She's not evil just a trouble maker.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
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Gladatoria's picture
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Interesting...though that

Interesting...though that would also warrant a few official mystics being caused to exorcise her should she become enough of a nuisance. :)


RottenLuck's picture
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Well sounds like fun. More

Well sounds like fun. More so when she would target the bullies of the school.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 weeks ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
In that case all would be

In that case all would be forgiven...kinda! :P


RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
Like I said she's not bad

Like I said she's not bad just not really good either.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 weeks ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
So she is in her own shades

So she is in her own shades of grey morality, a bit like Talon?

