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Five Primary Powersets

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Titan's picture
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Five Primary Powersets

I am glad to see that we may be getting at least five primary powersets at launch. I recall getting by on four for a long time in CoH so five sounds pretty good to me. Who wants to guess what the five powersets will be?

I'll go first. I have no idea if the sets will be similar to CoH but that's part of the fun of guessing!

1. A generic set similar to Invulnerability (a mix of mitigation types)
2. Stone (high resistance plus other stuff)
3. Fire (regeneration or self-heals plus other stuff)
4. Ice (health buffs or temporary health plus other stuff)
5. I would love for the fifth to be something we haven't seen before like Growth but my bet is on a powerset that would imply high defense or dodging like Super Reflexes or a Shield

I recall reading that we may be able to choose the special effects for some powersets which is why I included what I think the powerset will do, in the event sfx like fire and ice are irrelevant.

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I'm thinking along somewhat

I'm thinking along somewhat similar lines...

1. Primarily Resist-based (Invul, Fire)
2. Primarily Defense-based (Ice, Stone, SR)
3. Primarily Regen-based (Regeneration)
4. Mixed mitigation - Buff-based (Willpower, Shield)
5. *wishlist* Mixed mitigation - Debuff-based (auras that reduce mob accuracy, damage, etc.)


Redlynne's picture
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Cutter wrote:
Cutter wrote:

Debuff-based (auras that reduce mob accuracy, damage, etc.)


Dark ...


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Titan's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Cutter wrote:
Debuff-based (auras that reduce mob accuracy, damage, etc.)
Dark ...

I never maxed out my Dark Tank. How did Dark hold up against end game supervillains?

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DA had mediocre resists to

DA had mediocre resists to the common damage types. Its best performance was against negative energy and psi, which were uncommon and (at least as I recall, perhaps with bias...) tended to be overly powerful because of their rarity. Its really unique features (Cloak of Fear and... crap, namefailed the disorient toggle) had no/negligible effect on anything stronger than a minion.

I suspect Redlynne is mentioning Dark in reference to the defender primary, which was geared more towards actively debuffing mobs rather than buffing the team. That was the basis for my thought (that and Rad, which also debuffed), but turning it around from mob-based toggles to self-based toggles.

Von Krieger
Von Krieger's picture
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Dark also had a pretty

Dark also had a pretty massive self-heal, provided you could hit a couple baddies with it.

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Vienna's picture
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I really liked how shield and

I really liked how shield and willpower both dealt with a mix of areas, but I am expecting a powerset similar to fire in that it is designed as an 'offensive defense' where you deal more damage, generate more aggro, and possibly have a self rez because its expected you will take a beating a lot worse than the stone tanker whos still laughing at full health, although that would pin this offensive tanker down into kind of an off tank/not for the heavy hitters but good at dealing with tons of lightweight minions

Redlynne's picture
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Vienna wrote:
Vienna wrote:

I am expecting a powerset similar to fire in that it is designed as an 'offensive defense' where you deal more damage, generate more aggro, and possibly have a self rez because its expected you will take a beating a lot worse than the stone tanker whos still laughing at full health, although that would pin this offensive tanker down into kind of an off tank/not for the heavy hitters but good at dealing with tons of lightweight minions

Congratulations. You have discovered the Fire/* Tanker.

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I said in my post that the

I said in my post that the idea was generated from the old fire tanker design >.>

Doesn't mean that CoT has to force the fire theme into this specialty, I'd love to see new ideas like a damage based radiation/energy set ect.

Redlynne's picture
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City of Titan's won't have a

City of Titan's won't have a FIRE powerset specifically, but it will have a BURNING powerset ... which could be Fire, or Radiation, or Energy, or whatever the heck you want it to be.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:


Only if they bake in coding that allows a 5-person team representing one of each set can summon Captain Planet!

Redlynne's picture
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What is this, a Sentai Show?

What is this, a Sentai Show?

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Von Krieger
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Cutter wrote:
Cutter wrote:

JayBezz wrote:

Only if they bake in coding that allows a 5-person team representing one of each set can summon [s]Captain Planet[/s] Agent Earth!


Also FTFY.

[color=green]BIZZARO MEDIA FOLLOWER[/color]


Felix's picture
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Dark Armor was one of the

Dark Armor was one of the most fun powersets to play if it got kitted out right. Because of Cloak of Shadow, it wasn't too hard to softcap defense, and with its resists.... It was very strong.

Oppressive Gloom was the disorient toggle, and while it alone wasn't spectacular, you could combine it with some disorient offense and it was nice.

Guardian Felix was my first 50, a 50+3 DA/SS/Dark.


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I know many people didn't

I know many people didn't like physics but I think if balanced it would be a good power set

Smoker6- Fire/Ice blaster-Protector
Avenger of Heroes- Broadsword/inv Scrapper- Protector

Redlynne's picture
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Felix wrote:
Felix wrote:

Oppressive Gloom was the disorient toggle, and while it alone wasn't spectacular, you could combine it with some disorient offense and it was nice.

Actually, a hilarious option with Oppressive Gloom (that was really counterproductive, but still funny to see) was to slot it with the Proc IO from [url=]Stupefy[/url] ... which meant that Foes within the PBAoE would just randomly fly out of it "Yoda Jedi Master" style for no apparent reason. Unfortunately, this then meant they stopped being Stunned after a few seconds ...

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Fireheart's picture
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jmurray8245 wrote:
jmurray8245 wrote:

I know many people didn't like physics but I think if balanced it would be a good power set

I can totally get behind a 'Physics' powerset.

Newton's Laws in action, applied Thermodynamics, and maybe a little E=MC^2.

And then I'll get out my Gravity Controller and break all the 'rules'. *grin*

Actually... Damn, imagine all of the powers of a Gravity Controller, only melee-range, and coupled with Tanker-class defense...

Tag a goon and slam him to his knees with a gravity-flux, tag the next one with the opposite polarity and fling him (crash!) into the ceiling. Drop an anchor-point in a handy corner, then run out and gather up a crowd of thugs... then Wormhole yourself and all of your new 'friends' into the pocket (Wham!)... And then there's your Pet Singularity...

That could be a lot of Fun!!!

Be Well!

jai jobi khan
jai jobi khan's picture
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Bio armor looked interesting

Bio armor looked interesting so I hope it makes an apperance. Didn't get too test out that absorb ability, but hope to create a prototype character with similar abilities

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I'm gonna go with:

I'm gonna go with:


These were by far the most popular and probably the most basic of powers to go by. I'd love to see Shield and Electricity myself, but I'm pretty sure that will be added on a little later down the line.

I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!

Spectator's picture
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I, for one, would welcome

I, for one, would welcome fire, ice, swords , melee/might tank (or its equivalent in CoH) and magics.
I didn't play CoH (sorry, boss), and I don't knw how enjoyable which powerset was, these are just the powers I'd like to see, they seem to be pretty versatile when it comes to concept, except for the lack of guns.

Where is my mind.

Ankhammon's picture
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Dark armor was an awesome set

Dark armor was an awesome set for either tank, brute or scrap. It had a different mechanic than the other sets, but had a higher ceiling with IOs in place.

One of my favorite combo's for a tank was DA/Ice. Huge amount of control and de-buff that made the whole tanking experience different and he was very sturdy.

Though I'm still holding out hope for a nice Bio/Staff combo so I can recreate one of my last characters... the one who never made it to live. :(

Robertt Steel
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Technology based powersets

Technology based powersets would be nice I.E: Exo-skeleton Invulnerability, Shoulder mounted rocket launchers/gatling machine guns, rocket boots (for flying), Nuclear air support (imagine a plane dropping a nuclear bomb to the mobs! and destroying some of the envionment) Maybe Tank support for indoors, Or Tank specialist (being inside of an actual Tank).

An "Ironman" based powersuit basically....

Technology is a SUPER power nowadays...

Pyromancer's picture
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No love for energy aura? lol

No love for energy aura? :( lol I loved tanking stuff with that on my brute and the beautiful look of it.

And yah, Dark Armor was really good all round. It could debuff mobs like no other. And if you went Dark/Dark you had two major heals on short cooldowns. Not much could hurt a tank that was siphoning back 20% life every 8 or so seconds with a full heal every 20...

I would say the five they need in at launch for tanks would be: Invulnerability, Fire Aura, Ice Armor, Dark Armor, and Electric Armor. (or whatever their versions are called). That way all types of damage would have a set that specializes in negating them. Everything would be covered.

Every villain is a hero in their own mind.

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I contend that 'Technology'

I contend that 'Technology' is too broad a category to be enclosed in a single powerset.

What about the guy whose 'superpower' is his talking car? Or the Tele-operator? Robot Mastermind? The Soldier with his multifaceted Rifle? The Hacker who plays "Overwatch" for the team? These are all 'Technology Heroes' too! Not just your rich playboy in a super-suit.

Technology is an Origin for powers and Armored-Suit is a Costume.

Be Well!

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Absolutely this^

Technology advanced enough allows you to do basically anything and is therefore an origin of superpowers.

Perhaps you were looking for a mounted munitions powerset, complete with wrist launcher and back mounted minigun..

Every villain is a hero in their own mind.

Brand X
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Robertt Steel wrote:
Robertt Steel wrote:

Technology based powersets would be nice I.E: Exo-skeleton Invulnerability, Shoulder mounted rocket launchers/gatling machine guns, rocket boots (for flying), Nuclear air support (imagine a plane dropping a nuclear bomb to the mobs! and destroying some of the envionment) Maybe Tank support for indoors, Or Tank specialist (being inside of an actual Tank).
An "Ironman" based powersuit basically....
Technology is a SUPER power nowadays...

Exo-Skeleton Invunerability would be Invunerability with a costume that looks like an exo-skeleton.

Redlynne's picture
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Pyromancer wrote:
Pyromancer wrote:

I would say the five they need in at launch for tanks would be: Invulnerability, Fire Aura, Ice Armor, Dark Armor, and Electric Armor. (or whatever their versions are called).

Invulnerability ... pairs against ... [s]Vulnerability[/s] Willpower
Fire Aura ... pairs against ... Ice Aura
Dark Armor ... pairs against ... Energy Aura
Electric Armor ... pairs against ... Radiation Armor
Shield Defense ... pairs against ... Stone Armor

Basically thinking of the "opposites" in the defensive schemes.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Tibit's picture
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im just glad someone making a

im just glad someone making a good super hero game)

Tiny bot of def

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Robertt Steel wrote:
Technology based powersets would be nice I.E: Exo-skeleton Invulnerability, Shoulder mounted rocket launchers/gatling machine guns, rocket boots (for flying), Nuclear air support (imagine a plane dropping a nuclear bomb to the mobs! and destroying some of the envionment) Maybe Tank support for indoors, Or Tank specialist (being inside of an actual Tank).
An "Ironman" based powersuit basically....
Technology is a SUPER power nowadays...

Exo-Skeleton Invunerability would be Invunerability with a costume that looks like an exo-skeleton.

This is more of an important point than people tend to think.

NOT defining, and thereby letting YOU define, what a certain game mechanic actually IS for your character is a great way to have customization and flexibility without having to work hard for it--like someone said above--a set called Burning could be fire, radiation, acid, or, hell, ice giving you frost bite, whatever you want as long as you can make it look like what you want.

Rather than the Dev's having to make a power for anything and everything you can possibly imagine (which they can't), allow the look to be customizeable and the "reason" behind it open to interpretation, and we can go to town with flexibility with relatively few choices.

Basically, it would allow you to pick the game mechanics you enjoy playing and make it look and BE in your mind and story what you want. Now, there are some limits even to that, but far fewer. I personally think it would be silly to take flight and a damage resistance set and put your fingers in your ears and say "la, la, la, it's really superspeed and agility" (and I've seen people do stuff like that more than you'd think--one guy I saw took kinetics and insisted it was "insect control"), but, hell, you pays your sub and you do what you want.

And I do remember a guy who colored darkness perfectly so it looked like sand and said he was a desert spirit. And he looked good! You could tell it was supposed to be sand even before you read his bio. So, more power to him.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Green Myst
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1 Willpower- the set was a

1 Willpower- the set was a great all around and provided a happy medium of defense, resist and heals so they wont skip over it
2 Stone/invulnerability- for tanks, there needs to be a set that is practicality unkillable, thats where these come from
3 Fire/electric armor- I pit these together pirely because there more offensively built, but they should be made in different ways, fire is fine the way it was in coh, but ele could be changed for the better, I kind of think of it as a healing/recharge focused powerset as opposed to fire's just pure damage, imagine a toggle taunt that decreased their rech rate while increasing your own, more focused on making your other attacks better
4 debuff centered tanker- this could be dark like coh but it doesnt have to be, something focused around debuffing enemies
5 health absorbing- basically a tank that rotates around taking health from the enemies for themselves

This is what I hope this will kind of be like, yanks that have their own specialities and it relates to their powers

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Void (Dark)
Energy (Force)
Demonic power
Angelic Power
Techno Armor
Genetic modification
Psi Armor

This is all I got for now

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Green Myst wrote:
Green Myst wrote:

5 health absorbing- basically a tank that rotates around taking health from the enemies for themselves


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From the way they have been

From the way they have been talking about powers. Id say it would be more like.

Ones I expect:
Resistance-(Invulnerability, Force Shield, ect.)
Avoidance-(Agility, Shield,Spectral ect.)
Rejuvenation-(Regeneration, Willpower, ect.)

More or Spit Balling and Wish Listing:
Absorption:(Parasitic, Dark, ect.)

Good is not something you are, its something you do.

ArticulateT's picture
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I'd say fire could go two

I'd say fire could go two ways, rather than primarily being resistance based with quick heals. Some might make the argument that Fire could equally benefit from higher defences due to the intangible nature of Fire, but that really depends on if you're setting yourself on fire or actively turning into it.

Other than Invulnerability, the various elemental auras, the use of a personalised forcefield and heightened regeneration and defences, not much comes to mind.

I will say that, perhaps, an alternative DPS based defence set (perhaps to be used better by an Enforcer) would be a Reflective set, something like a kinetic shield that reduces the damage coming your way and flings that back at the source. I see it as not being particularly defensive, but great for a DPS role.

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Cutter wrote:
Cutter wrote:

Its really unique features (Cloak of Fear and... crap, namefailed the disorient toggle) had no/negligible effect on anything stronger than a minion.

Yeah, but a Dark/Stone Tank could stack Stone's area stun with Oppressive Gloom and stun everything short of an AV pretty much indefinitely.

Sometimes, when I am playing "modern" games and using a skill that stuns only some enemies and only for 3 seconds on a 20-second cooldown, I think back to COH.

Captain of Phoenix Rising

JayBezz's picture
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Just a note:

Just a note:

When thinking of a framework, think MORE on how the "set" performs and less on the aesthetic. "Stone Armor" is not a set needed.. you can choose your battle form to be a "Stone" type of look and choose your powers' FX to be Stone..

but the set itself will likely just be "Armor".

I wish the devs had a place for us to put our desired Aesthetics and Animations seperately from where we talked about what mechanics we'd like to see.

- -

As for a personal set I'd love to see it's one that is greatly resistant to debuffs and accepts buffs/heals better. Making it somewhat weaker on its own but harder to kill in that it keeps most status effects at bay. It's really hard to kill things that are not able to be slowed, weakened, or have their resistances removed.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Redlynne's picture
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Gravity Tanker.

Gravity Tanker.

[url=]Think about it ...[/url]

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Fireheart's picture
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Gravity Control Tanker!

Gravity Control Tanker!

Be Well!

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