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Meet Your Heroes Day!

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Nyghtshade's picture
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Nyght, still holding the

Nyght, still holding the little girl's hand, had reached the photo-station, but looked past it toward the Ferris Wheel, as some of the other Heroes moved to greet - or thwart - the new arrival.

"Now what?" she asked no one in general, adding to the child, "Shugah, we may need to wait a moment foah yoah picture."

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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"Kind of looks like that

"Kind of looks like that Unknown fellow. Wonder if it's another crystalline entity." he said softly and walked forward to join Nova and Whipcrack "Didn't that Unknown guy had memory problems as well? Oh well anyway I'm Ron Bolton also called Rotten Luck. We be glad to help anyway we can."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Faceless's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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The formally dressed man

The formally dressed man would turn his attention away from the creature, then beginning to glance over all heroes in sight. He'd be specifically looking for hints of cold or fire based heroes, glancing over those he thought were of this type a bit longer than others.

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Lady Nova eyes the creature

Lady Nova eyes the creature as she registered its confusion, adopting a reassuring tone.

"You will not be harmed here, rest assured. Do you have a name or moniker you prefer?"


Stalker's picture
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Rotten Luck's arrival almost

Rotten Luck's arrival almost instantly changed the dynamic of the situation. It wasn't because he was undead, or gave the appearance of it, but rather, because his physiology resonated similarly. Well, true, a zombie-man and a reptillian thing were completely different, it was in how their bodies stayed alive that was the important piece. The creature's eyes became fixed on Rotten Luck, unmoving, unblinking. He could feel the occult energies which fed into the undead before him, and, the felt like food. The Void creature was also of arcane origins, but rather than having the ability to recover his magic energy on his own... He fed on it. He was, unfortunately, more like a parasite than someone who could ever call himself a hero. And no amount of mental justification could change his nature.

If he could, he'd be salivating right now. Looking at Rotten Luck was like a putting a Steak dinner in front of a man who hadn't eaten in two days. Sure, any other nearby heroes with arcane abilities would look a little like food, but the nature of how the magics interacted: there was no lost power in converting the magic energies from one school into another. It was a magic of bodily animation transferring straight into another body that needed magic of animation. A small eldritch circle appeared in the creature's palm, and then, in a flash, that palm was out-thrust towards Rotten Luck's chest. The creature aimed to impale with it's clawed fingers, and drive a deep grip into the undead flesh. He wouldn't be able to take much. Not before everyone else reacted and threw him off. But he didn't need much for his head to get back in order.

Stalkers don't die: They simply... Disappear.

Faceless's picture
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The man thinking that the

The man thinking that the creature had attacked Rotten, would back off through the now panicking crowd and as he does so, he would unnoticably grab a child amidst the chaos, blocking his screams with his hand as he quickly disappeared behind a building.

Foradain's picture
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AIko had opened up her

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] had opened up her communications suite, just in case the newcomer communicated with radio, and left them listening even after he began speaking. Tinker Belle drew a scanner and turned it on in a passive mode, as there was no telling what it might be sensitive to. If his neural system was similar enough to humans, she'd find that out, and if he was emitting any radiation, she'd detect that, too.

Marianne relaxed, as attention was drawn away. She took the opportunity to retrieve the briefcase from the rise they'd been sitting on. On the way back something attracted her attention.

There was one fewer children present.

"Would every one please locate their children?" She called out. Making eye contact with each of the twins, she relaxed a bit, but left her hand on the odd pistol still at her hip.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Faceless's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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As the crowd of people

As the crowd of people started to somewhat calm down, the adults started to search for their children, many found theirs, but one woman approached Marianne. You could see tears beginning to pour from her eyes as she said in a sad tone:"My boy is missing."

Xnarl's picture
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Unfortunately for him, a

Unfortunately for him, a woman in spotted coat and cloak awaited - or rather, suddendly appeared to - him there.
"Cursed be the distractibility of mere mortals! But all of this will change when the Cephalopod Masters and Mistresses, who have choosen me as their humble Prophetess, will rise from the sea to bring about the Time of Tentacles!"
She started to emit light in mesmerising oscillation, while the alarms went of.

[url=] Save the endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus from Extinction![/url]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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What a meal he would have.

What a meal he would have. The untapped power of a norse god channeled through Rotten Luck, most of it was unusable to the zombie man himself. The result wouldn't be a steak to a starving man but more of an all you can eat buffet. Ron reacted like any self aware being would. "AGH Ouch." He thrusts out shoving the stranger as hard as he could which is a bit more than a normal human could. "Personal space man!"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Lady Nova instantly moves to

Lady Nova instantly moves to erect a shield over Rotten the second the lizard creature attacks, before spying within the chaos a suit clad man dragging a screaming child away. Not about to let one act of evil cloud another, she races after the kidnapper with a rage unseen before, her eyes blazing tongues of gold.

"HEY! Lay a hand on him, and I will eradicate you!" There is not a hint of false threat in her words.


Faceless's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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"Correction: 'try' to

The child kidnapper would be surprised at the appearance of the prophetess, but not surprised enough as he absorbed the child through his skin and said:"Strike me, strike him." The man maniacally laughed after that and started rushing behind another building.

Foradain's picture
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Marianne touched the woman on

Marianne touched the woman on her shoulder and let her power work. She Saw the child, a mans hand over his mouth, and the woman in the spotted cloak, and the child being absorbed into the man. Then the noise arose, and she sprinted behind the building, calling out, "Tink! Watch the kids! Shepherd! Think we can use you here!" She drew her weapon. It made an Ominous Hummmmmm as she switched off the safety.

The man had left the scene, but the mother's love provided a link for her Sixsight, and she ran not to where he was, but to where she would find him.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Faceless's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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The man would run into

The man would run into Marianne, but he grinned and said. "Give me your best shot." As he extend both of his arms outwards to his sides with the palms facing Marianne.

Gideon Cross
Gideon Cross's picture
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Shepherd aware of what was

Shepherd aware of what was gong on followed the man's spiritual signature as he caught up with Nova. seeing the child get absorbe through his skin infuriated the Ghostwalker as he teleported behind the building.

"I'm here"

Shepherd then looked at the man as his glowing blue eyes began to glow intensely with the blue heavenly that dwelled with in him. He looke at the man.

"Let the boy go or i'm coming in after him. Your choice>"

Shepherd then phaseshifted to his spiritual form as he now became transluscent.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Stalker's picture
Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
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The zombie could push

The zombie could push surprisingly hard! But, no that made sense. No limiting human safeties to get in the way. A barrier did get in the way, of the Warp Beast's attack, but acted more in a way that repelled the strike after the attack took a fraction of what he intended. Even still, there was so much raw, untapped energy in this undead. A fraction of the nibble he anticipated to get was more than enough to restore his mental capacity to relatively normal. The tall creature staggered back, pushed away both by the shield, and the undead's strength. He looked at his own hand, marred with the congealed blood of the undead he struck. He really just did that? He really lashed out an struck someone over... literally nothing? What just happened? He looked up towards the heroes who were, in all likely hood, glaring at him, and ready for a fight. The beast's muscles tensed, sliding one leg back to prepare for impact. His eyes darted back and forth between those still nearby. What would happen next?

Stalkers don't die: They simply... Disappear.

Foradain's picture
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Marianne smiled. "You picked

Marianne smiled. "You picked the wrong party to crash, pilgrim." She dropped the briefcase and holstered the pistol as she grabbed at the man's right wrist with her left hand, seeking to put him in a lock.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Nyghtshade's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
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"Sweet mercy, is this Meet

"Sweet mercy, is this Meet Yoah Heroes Day, or Callin' All Crazies Day??" Nyght muttered under her breath. She looked down to the little girl, adding aloud, "Shugah, wheah's yoah Mama? Ah need to get you to her and then go help out the otheh Heroes."

Faceless's picture
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As Marianne touched the man,

As Marianne touched the man, he became somewhat liquid-like, splashing all over Marianne. The man was not even a man, he became a sentient pile of green semi-transparent goo, even his clothes were mimicked. Marianne would feel her skin being eaten away by acid, but everyone including Marianne would see the boy unharmed. Any attempt of escape would be futile, as Marianne would be dragged inwards with super-human strenght.

Gladatoria's picture
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"No!" Lady Nova shouts as she

"No!" Lady Nova shouts as she sees the goo...thing tries to consume Marianne, and launches serrating discs of heated light at the creature hoping to distract and drive it back!


Faceless's picture
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The goo launched out the boy

The goo launched out the boy in front of Lady Novas discs, possibly killing him. After that, the goo took on a human shape, about 3 meters tall. Marianne would still be trapped inside.

Demrius's picture
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Jorortis ,making since of

Jorortis ,making since of what happened began to look around, priming back his technologically advanced organs and body structure as his whole form was as bright red and his body was being enveloped in the energy as he was sprinting at an impressive 90 mph with relative ease ,his massive frame finally making its way back to the heroes this time he was right behind the crowed ,using his limitless power he blasted buildings with his burning energy , but there was a reason for this ,the buildings fell in a giant circle , trapping every hero civilian or other wise.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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"Get the kid I can take care

"Get the kid I can take care of Mr touchy feely here." Ron looked at the face of his attacker was that puzzlement he saw when the warp beast looked at his own hand. "Okay I give you one brake. What the hell was that felt like I was punched someone with superstrength took about that much energy as well."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
Gideon Cross's picture
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The moment the boy was

The moment the boy was launched out Shepherd teleported in front of the boy and got hit by Nova's disks as he held the boy behind him and teleported upon impact holding his torso as he appeared next to Lady Nova wih the boy as he began to regenerate.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Knowing that the child was

Knowing that the child was outside, Marianne aimed the weapon slightly away from her leg and pulled the trigger. A five megajoule bolt of plasma ripped through the ooze down toward the ground.

Tinker Belle noticed more buildings falling. Gaining altitude, she drew her own weapon and again and set it on "PC". She looked for the cause of the destruction, and on spotting Jorortis, launched her own attack, a UV laser ionizing the air to make a path for the devastating bolt of relativistic particles. On "Electrolaser", this would have stunned most people. On "PC", it could take out a main battle tank...

[font=Lucida bright]AIko[/font] gathered as many children towards her as could fit into the maximum 3.5 meter radius of her force shield.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Demrius's picture
Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
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He slammed his open palm

He slammed his open palm towards the ground ,not only did the force blast a gigantic crater where it struck but it also raised a a protective shield of his red energy around 10 feet of his body ,just as the laser slammed into his protective shielding he curled the shield upwards and sent it flying towards Tinkerbell along with the laser she had blasted towards him , letting up a slight grunt as he hoped to sent this nuisance dropping from the sky.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

Faceless's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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The human-shaped goo would

The human-shaped goo would have a part of him evaporized by the plasma, but he then quickly overwhelmed Marianne with the rest of his mass, applying enough force to break each and every bone in the arm she used to fire the weapon. Afterwards the goo spews out the weapon besides him.

Xnarl's picture
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Having spent much of the

Having spent much of the battle in disguise, analysing the entity she ambushed, the Prophetess made herself visible again, projecting a psychedelic pattern that, if her calculations were correct, should severely inconvenience it.

[url=] Save the endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus from Extinction![/url]

Faceless's picture
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The goo would look at the

The goo would look at the produced pattern, but did not react to it in any way. He then turned to rush towards Shepherd, launching an arm at him from a distance to grab the boy and pull him back inside of the goo.

Gideon Cross
Gideon Cross's picture
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Shepherd grabbed the boy as

Shepherd grabbed the boy as he summoned the shield of faith and a forcebubble appeared around himself and the boy protecting boy and allowing the Ghostwalker to heal at a faster rate while in the bubble.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Faceless's picture
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Marriane at this point would

Marriane at this point would have her skin gone, the acidic ooze starting to slowly eat at her flesh. Meanwhile the goo man reattracts his arm back to himself and approaches the bubble. He forms his hands into two big hammers as he makes his molecules in his hands solidify. He then begins smashing the force field around Shepherd repeatedly with both arms.

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd new if he kept this

Shepherd new if he kept this up the shield would break. the Ghostwalker then hugged the boy who was crying as he phaseshifted turning into his spiritual form as he and the boy now became transluscent as the boy who Shepherd held onto was now in spirit form as they stood i the plain between the spirit world and the world of the living. The ooze would not be able to grab the boy in this form and Shepherd decided to remain in this form with the boy until it was safe.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

RottenLuck's picture
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"See this is why we can't

"See this is why we can't have nice things. Can't we all just get along..." Shakes his head he takes off running football tackle style to Jorortis "Someone get those cops to disband the event this is becoming a battlefield!"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Faceless's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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The ooze growls and enhances

The ooze growls and enhances his acidic properties, making Marianne bubble and fizzle more than before. He makes his hands liquid again and forms them into human-like hands. "I'll just have to deal with this woman then..." The goo would now turn to rush away from the scene, disappearing from view if not stopped.

Xselcier's picture
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As Rott told him to go help

As Rott told him to go help with the kidnapper, Whipcrack saw Jorortis reappear and start blasting buildings. The blasts appeared to be surgical as they were causing the buildings to fall towards the gathered crowd.


Whipcrack threw out a strand to swing towards the crowd and as soon as he was over them, without conscious thought, he expanded his psionic armor into a bubble of force. The bubble encapsulated the entire crowd of over 300 people as the buildings fell inwards and formed a shell of debris that buried the valiant young hero and the people he was trying to protect. Not knowing how he was doing it, Whipcrack strove to keep the bubble up as hundreds of tons of debris pressed inwards on it. The people were screaming and crying and Whipcrack raised his voice. "Quiet! Please be quiet!"

The crowd eventually started to settle down and look around. The light from the bubble faintly illuminated the area. Whipcrack spoke up. "Look around! Find some way to get us out of here!"

From near the edge of the bubble a voice rose. "A manhole, there's a manhole here!"

Whipcrack tried to raise his voice again but failed. He was rapidly losing strength as the sheer weight of the collapsed buildings pressed inwards on his bubble. It felt like someone had settled a vice around his head and were slowly tightening it. "Get... them out..."

He vaguely registered the K-CHUNK of a manhole cover being lifted and moved. As he dropped to his knees, the crush around him began to lessen as more people were funneled down the manhole and into the water pipes underneath it. Several tried to help him stand and move towards the cover, but he wouldn't because he wasn't sure if he could move and continue to support the tons of debris above them.

Finally, as he looked around, he saw that he was the last one still inside the bubble, which was starting to shrink. Summoning all of his remaining will, Whipcrack stood and made his way slowly towards the manhole. A head was still poking out and encouraging him and he hallucinated that it was Sarah. As he moved, the bubble behind him slowly collapsed while he concentrated on maintaining the space between himself and the escape into the water pipes. Once he was over the manhole, he let the bubble shrink to a fraction of its initial size and then dropped into the pipes below. A strand shot back up out of the hole and snagged the cover, pulling it back into place.

Whipcrack stood below the cover to reinforce it and its frame as the debris collapsed inwards when he released the bubble. Once he felt it was safe, he released the reinforcement, then promptly passed out.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova sighs in relief as

Lady Nova sighs in relief as the boy is saved, but cries out in horror as she witnesses Whipcrack fall to the rubble with numerous civilians trapped with him, and she falls to her knees in grief. When she rises however, something appears to have snapped inside; her eyes now blaze with the intensity of a star, her hair, once a caramel brown now glowing and twisting like a solar flare.

Her fair skin now permeates a unearthly and agonizingly powerful heat, the very asphalt under her feet melting and bubbling in her mere presence. Enraged and believing her best friend and partner dead, speaks with a echoing tone that rattles the area about them in sheer volume.

"You killed him. You killed those people...innocent people." Her voice is distant, airy, as if she is a vibrant, heated breeze.

"I used to hold back on people like you. But your not a person, your a cyborg, a mechanical beast...a dog." She hisses as the air around her is that of a furnace, civilians clearing out of her way and gawking in terror, as she begins a slow, frightening stride towards Jatoris, her palms radiating solar power.

"And dogs are put down." She promises, as her allies realize that whatever was left of Sarah is fleeting fast.

She is a literal nova unhinged.


Gideon Cross
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Shepherd and the boy soon

Shepherd and the boy soon solidify as he teleports the boy to his mother and sends them somewhere safe. He then appears in front of Lady Nova. He looks at Lady Nova as he tries to calm her. He was the only one of the heroes besides Rotten that could take what ever she dished out if she lost control.

"He's not dead. They are not dead. If anyone would have died, I would have felt them pass to the other side. You are putting more lives in danger."

Shepherd looked into her eyes as he spoke.

"If you go supernova and lives are lost you will regret it for the rest of your life and not be able to live with yourself"

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Demrius's picture
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Jorortis was tackled to the

Jorortis was tackled to the hard ground ,only to use both of his massive feet to launch Ron,off of him and into a pile of rubbed behind them ,soon standing to his feet as he watched Lady nova start to slowly slip from her own sanity ,his own hood fell from his head ,his fully metallic skull ,jutting out short spines as the "skin on his tattooed arm, also had metal spines burst through ,his metallic arm, gaining a large clawed hand that was constantly radiating with energy that looked something like red lightning.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Lady Nova's expression

Lady Nova's expression crosses to that of anger and confusion, as she implores.

"But what will stop them from causing more chaos?!" Despite this, the temperature around her slightly decreases, though Shepard may not be able to get through to her alone.


RottenLuck's picture
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Falling into the rubble a

Falling into the rubble a steel support wire drove through his body. Ron wasn't even fazed as he got up and pushed it through. "Wonton destruction. reckless endangerment. and a bad attitude. You're under arrest." That was when Rotten switched tactics and instead of charging into the hot zone he opened a portal under Jorortis's feed and the exit about 30 stories high in the air.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd sighed as he looked

Shepherd sighed as he looked at her.

"We will stop them."

Shepherd then turned to Rotten.

"Try to keep her from going Supernova. If I don't get in that crater and do something fast, Whipcrack and those people will die."

The Ghostwalker then teleported into the crater ready to port Whipcrack and civilians out to save them. As Shepherd inside the crater, his glowing blue eyes could be seen through the darkness as if it were some beacon due to how intensely it glowed.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Demrius's picture
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As Jorortis fell the 30

As Jorortis fell the 30 stories he started to re orient himself and opened his clawed hand wide , a growing concentrated ball of the pure energy that was forming on the giant palm with so much uncontrollable force that Jorotis needed to grip the forearm with his other hand just to keep it straight, his aim as he was falling was directly onto rotten and nova as he did something that was rare for the large man ,he was getting angry.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

RottenLuck's picture
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"Shepherd Normally I'm the

"Shepherd Normally I'm the one that loses it! But I do my best!" He looked up "Nova Three o'clock High!" He looked around trying to spot the telekinetic... damn what was her name... the power drain already affecting his mind. "Shepherd see if ya can find that woman with Kinetic powers she could help clear the rubble."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Nyghtshade's picture
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Nyght had lost time trying to

Nyght had lost time trying to reunite the littler girl with her mother, no mean feat in the increasing chaos, but she certainly couldn't leave the child there alone. She'd scooped the girl up into her arms and leapt halfway across the field toward whether the other fair-goers were being gathered. Amidst the pandemonium, the little girl had shrieked "Mama!! Mama Mama Mama!" as they passed over a woman who began waving her arms at them in turn.

Nyght backtracked, and the mother and child were reunited. "Pardon me foah dashing off again, but things are getting crazy heah," Nyght apologized hastily. "Stick with the rest of the crowd, yo'ah probably safest theah."

With that, she looked around, just in time to see buildings begin to collapse, and Whipcrack's heroic intervention. Nyght leapt away just before the edges of his force bubble dropped solidly to the ground, and headed for the rubble of the last building to go down, looking for the author of this carnage, to try and stop him.

Seeing Ron charging off across the rubble, she changed direction to follow, and saw him tackle Jorortis. As the two wrestled, Nyght landed as close as she dared, ducking behind a mound of rubble to take cover and try to figure out the best way to help.

As Jorortis threw Ron off and rose to reveal himself, Nyght chewed her lip. “Sweet mercy, Ah am SO outgunned,” she gulped, but she wasn’t going to run. And perhaps, by draining life-force from this menace, she’d gain a little power herself - and if she was really lucky, slow him down.

Before she had a chance to, though, a portal of some kind opened and Jorortis fell through it. “Well dammit!” Nyght exclaimed, and then looked up as Jorotis reappeared high above, and began his plunging descent.

Xselcier's picture
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As Shepherd appeared inside

As Shepherd appeared inside the force bubble, Whipcrack did not notice the other hero because his back was turned and he was just dropping through the manhole. But his psionic energy still extended upwards to support the shrinking bubble. Just after the strand whipped up out of the hole to grab and reposition the manhole cover, the bubble winked out of existence, leaving the rubble to come crashing in on Shepherd's head if he didn't immediately phase or teleport away!

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gideon Cross
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While in the crater Shepherd

While in the crater Shepherd did as Ron askd as he pulled out his cell and texted Lil.

"Lily, find Roxi In crater looking for victims. Could use help"

He continued to search in the crater. as he began porting the rubble to try and remove it as fast as he could to get Whipcrack and the others out. He noticed the rubble coming down as he ported out in time.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Nyghtshade's picture
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If no other portals appeared,

If no other portals appeared, it looked like Jorortis would hit the ground not far from Nyght. She gripped the rubble, concentrating intensely, hoping to hit him with a life-force drain the instant he was close enough. And if she was really lucky, she could drain a huge burst of life-force from Jorortis, weaken him, perhaps even confuse him - just before he hit the ground. "Oh Fatheh, please, help me aim," she murmured fervently, eyes locked on the plunging villain.

Faceless's picture
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A streak of blue flame

A streak of blue flame appears on a nearby building. Faceless has come again. He immediately connected his mind to Jorortis' mind. "You need help again?" Jorortis would hear Faceless speaking in his head.

Demrius's picture
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With a loud primal roar,

With a loud primal roar, Jorortis slammed into the ground between Ron and lady nova,the first few bursts of his energy were nothing compared to this as the red lightning was splayed out along with the force of him smashing into the ground and the shock wave of his now infinitely powerful crimson energy sent out in all directions,the explosion was likely to burst the eardrums with thunderous sound ,and blinding light that came from this all or nothing attack ,with his mind now weakened from the attack on it he had to rely fully on his cybernetic intelligence ,the gas that was released from the bomb earlier that day was seeping from him open mouth and even his eyes as he was slow back to his feet.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

Nyghtshade's picture
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Just before Jorortis hit the

Just before Jorortis hit the ground, Nyght attempted to drain away a burst of his life-force.

RottenLuck's picture
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Of the Titan Legacy team

Of the Titan Legacy team Rotten was the meat shield the most. Wasn't really planned Lady Nova had grander defence, just how it played out. What the worst someone could do kill him? Not only that he didn't really have long range attacks except throw stuff and using portals and those cost more magic energy then he care to waste.

That said Rotten's mind was slipping as he charged again for Jorotis with a few jab for the cyborgs chest.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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Jatoris would be met with a

Jatoris would be met with a energized uppercut of solid energy bearing the brief concussive force of a Bunker Buster missile, as Nova is sent flying down the street in a rolling heap, landing just before Nyghtshade, dazed. Her appearance however is now normal, and with her fears laid to rest by Shepard, she rises swiftly as she turns to spot the Ghostwalker's dilemma.

Acting immediately, she erects a large oval shield over Shepard, keeping the rubble off him as she shouts.

"I got you covered, do what you have to!"


Demrius's picture
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The upper cut sent his body

The upper cut sent his body spinning back as Jorortis rolled back of the hard ground, only to find himself being barraged bay the fists of rotten to his large chest ,a few strikes staggering him back a bit ,only for his large hand to wrap around rottens wrist ,his smaller hand opening wide as he blasted him square in the face with his open palm ,then throwing the body as hard as he could into lady nova , think out to the flaming skull having man." Join in if you wish, they have a telekinetic as well."

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

Faceless's picture
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A jet of some kind would

A jet of some kind would suddenly whizz by above the city, it appears as if the jet would have dropped a nuclear bomb or something very similar. It starts to fall towards the ground. While Faceless says to Jorortis through telepathy: "The bomb is not real, but you need to act as if it were. It will cause a distraction."

Stalker's picture
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It seemed Rotten Luck had

It seemed Rotten Luck had Given the Reptillian a freebie. He was still confused by all the going ons, but the excitement of battle was all too familiar. Something so primal, that it resonated even in his unfamiliar state. He didn't want a fight at the moment, and at the first chance, planned to get some distance to collect himself. Think properly, stop hyper-ventilating, all that.

Whoops! No time! A large explosion ripped into the ground: Jorortis' Crimson Thunder Punch. (trademarked perhaps?) A crack in the air, and the reptillian was out of harms way, stepping backwards into a portal, and landing on top of a building's outcroppings. Something like what a gargoyle would be nestled on top of. From the new vantage point, he could see the explosion's aftermath. Tiny figures scrambling around, throwing lights at one another. A blue flame whisped into existence on some other structure. Undoubtedly, the figure within the flames noticed the creature as well... But perhaps they were both content to remain temporarily neutral for the time.

An airstrike: possibly military, was incoming. Was... was this building top safe distance? The reptilian sent a long hard look at the thing known as "Faceless" a few blocks away on another structure. He seemed ominous enough to recognize a real threat. If he high-tailed it, then the teleporter would make some distance as well. That was the combat sense returning. But still, how would he explain his outburst earlier. Would he just... Apologize and hope for the best? Or was he going to be labeled a villain on the 6 o'clock news? In any regard, they'd more likely cover the story of the cyborg leveling an entire block than of a dinosaur attacking a single zombie. Still, what would he introduce himself as? His old name carried some bad Karma, if nothing else...

Stalkers don't die: They simply... Disappear.

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd appeared above the

Shepherd appeared above the crater as he saw the chaos unfolding around him. the stress of seeing all these people in danger and seeing the children panicking and crying was getting to him. He was trying everything he could to protect them.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Nyghtshade's picture
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Nyght was knocked from her

Nyght was knocked from her feet by the concussive force of Jorortis' impact, and sound seemed heavily muffled now. However, feeling a rush of power from her drain of Jorortis' life force, Nyght scrambled back up and released some of the energy in Nova's direction, hoping the gift of life-force washing over Nova might help heal her somewhat from Jorortis' latest attack.

Encouraged by the success of this, Nyght concentrated again, pupils dilating as she sought to hungrily drain more energy from Jorortis.

Demrius's picture
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He look ahead and noticed the

He look ahead and noticed the jets dropping things from the sky ,and played it well, his cybernetic legs moved his 425 pound frame at an incredible 300 mph for a short time ,in this time he sought out the blue headed man and darted up the building that his ally stood, the force smashing the windows from said building as he rested atop it standing beside the fire headed man ,his arms crossing over one another as he stood there ,watching the people and heroes scramble.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

Nyghtshade's picture
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He was too fast, this villain

He was too fast, this villain, and escaped before Nyght could drain him again. "Ah don't seem to be helpin' heah!!" she shouted to Nova, unsure if she could be heard any better than she herself could hear. Nyght pulled herself to her feet and looked around to see where-else her rather limited abilities might be of any use.

Faceless's picture
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Faceless started maniacally

Faceless started maniacally laughing as he formed a flaming blue force field around himself and Jorortis, as the bomb was closing in on the ground. Faceless' eerie laugh would echo throughout half of the city.

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd saw the bomb

Shepherd saw the bomb descending in a fast rate. He had to think fast That was when he teleported to the bomb as he prepared to summon his shield he realised he was falling as the bomb wasn't really there for him to teleport on to begin with.

"Oh dip!"

Was all he could say as he saw himself falling at an excelerated rate and teleported again before he reached the ground

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Faceless's picture
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The fake bomb impacts with

The fake bomb impacts with the ground and nothing seemingly happens at first, but then a thick, black smoke erupted from the impact position, covering half the city in it. For Jorortis the thick, black smoke was merely a very, very thin fog, he could almost see perfectly as if there was nothing at all. Faceless looked to Jorortis and said: "Strike now." as the force field around them disappeared.

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd realized something

Shepherd realized something was up when he couldn't feel the bomb and fell right through it instead of ending up on top of it when he teleported. If it were real he would have been able land on it when he did but the smoke seemed real enough to anyone that wasn't near the bomb like he was.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Stalker's picture
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"Well... (expletive deleted)"

"Well... (expletive deleted)" That was about all the reptile could muster when the two villains raised a barrier. The reptillian looked down at the heroes below, likely scrambling to save who they can. They didn't have the capabilities to stop a bomb, did they? No, not unless they had a handy-dandy pocket dimension ready. But... He could. Was it worth risking his life for a group he'd just met? That's what this was about. Would he be forgiven if he did this, or would it be all for naught? ... ... ... Too late, another hero warped to the bomb... Which was either phased, or an illusion. And then came a smokescreen. A suspicious eye shot back towards the villainous duo. "Not bad... But impractical..." He commented aloud. Personal experience perhaps? What the hell was the reptile doing anyways? Commentating? Didn't matter. He couldn't see crap anymore. If he was right though, there was about to be a LOT of friendly fire in a second, courtesy of Mr. Illusion over there...

Stalkers don't die: They simply... Disappear.

Demrius's picture
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Jorortis grabbed onto his

Jorortis grabbed onto his metallic wrist and aimed his open palm at Shepard , charging the same blasts as before , blasting a super heated beam towards him from atop the roof the beam was about 3 feet wide ,and coming out at blinding speed , and like a surgeon he was precisely aiming right under his pectoral muscles.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

Faceless's picture
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The Reptillian would hear

The Reptillian would hear someone speaking through the smoke to him rather closely: "Impractical? Maybe, but enough to make you blind." With each eerie and echoing word coming from a different direction.

Gideon Cross
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This just wasn't his day. he

This just wasn't his day. he got burned by the cyborg, blasted with Lady Nova's discs almost had the rubble in the crater fall on top of him as he failed in finding Whipcrack and the people with him falling right through a phased bomb or illusion of a bomb. Shepherd began to feel like a failure a the frustration started getting to him.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Nyghtshade's picture
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Nyght couldn't see for spit,

Nyght couldn't see for spit, but she knew there was a huge relatively open field in the center, surrounded by rubble from fallen buildings, and she had a good sense of where she was in relation to things when the blinding mist settled. So, she began carefully making short leaps toward what she figured, best-guess, was a straight line to the collapsed buildings on the edge, trying to reach the collapsed buildings and leap up the rubble to clearer air, where she could see and find a target.

It worked, sort of. She made several hops, and then slammed into the wall of a building. It took her a second to regroup and shake the impact off, and then she leapt upwards and slightly forward, hoping to clear the top or at least land on a level high enough to see what was going on.

Stalker's picture
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At this point, it was obvious

At this point, it was obvious to not trust one's senses when dealing with an illusionist. Instead, the glance went back to where the two villains had been latched on to the other building. "I think you misunderstand--" Began the scaled super. "The smoke works. That's great. The impractical part was the jet, and the bomb." It was somewhat true in a sense. The heroes hadn't done anything risky enough like burn out their reserves to stop something that never came, so just creating a smoke screen suddenly would have gotten a much better position for a surprise attack for the Cyborg. But that was a matter of a gamble perhaps. It depended as well on how much effort it took to concoct these illusions.

Finally the Reptile turned his head away from the spot the two villains had perched at just a moment before, laughing to himself. "You were never over there, were you?" He asked aloud. His laughter, not to misunderstood, was directed at his potential naivete rather than anything else.

Stalkers don't die: They simply... Disappear.

RottenLuck's picture
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Blind sure but he was not

Blind sure but he was not human well not anymore. Worst now he was hungry, then again he was always hungry. Using his other senses both sound and smell he homed in on the cyborg Jorortis a glow of light from some kind of weapon was all he needed and the brutish Rotten Luck charged again opening a new round of attacks with a right hook. "BRAIIINNNNS"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Faceless's picture
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Faceless emerged from the

Faceless emerged from the black thick smoke to approach the reptile creature. "You can never know things for sure. Maybe i was there, to make you think i'm not actually there."

Demrius's picture
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Jorortis was focusing another

Jorortis was focusing another blast , this time at nyghtshade ,but before he could git proper aim her was punched in the face ,this caused the beam of energy to blast off right in front of Nyghtshade, but he soon recovered from the punch ,tackling rottin and holding him in a crushing bear hug ,jumping about 8 feet into the air and throwing him down onto a car while still in the air ,dropping both of his feet down toward rottins chest.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

Stalker's picture
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The reptilian waved his hand

The reptilian waved his hand dismissively. It didn't matter really. He knew how this theoretical "what if" game played out. He could throw out a "but what if I knew you knew, and only said so because I knew you'd come forward and say that you knew, so you'd be distracted long enough that I could do something, but then I knew you would know I was trying to distract you so I could this, and you could that: What it inevitably came down to in a real fight were the honed reflexes: actions that could be performed without having to think or plan them out. A perfectly calculated plan could always be tricked by simply doing the irrational. "I just want to see how this pans out. If they can't do it, I want to fight the cyborg. Might be fun."

The visual cues were terrible, but audio cues still came between the sirens and screams. Fzzzt~ Bwaaaaaainsszzzz~ KKCKCssssh! FREEEM!!~ Vrrrr-vrrrr! KACHUNK!-SMASH! "Sounds like Mr. Roboto's still got the edge."

Stalkers don't die: They simply... Disappear.

Faceless's picture
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"Hey, if you're interested in

"Hey, if you're interested in fun, call me sometime, we can cause some chaos." Then the figure of Faceless left, walking on air and disappearing into the smoke, but a card of Faceless' phone number was dropped by the reptilian's feet. The card was very much real.

Nyghtshade's picture
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Nyght couldn't see, but she

Nyght couldn't see, but she could hear just fine, and the racket Rotten Luck was making was clear as a bell. She turned and leapt toward where he was battling Jorortis, senses alert for the life-force signature she'd fed on just a moment ago.

Landing at what at least felt 'near-by', Nyght allowed herself to 'feel' again for the cyborg's life-force signature, and finding it, attempted yet again to feed, to drain his energy, slow him and with luck dizzy him at least somewhat.

Stalker's picture
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Lacking pockets, a tiny

Lacking pockets, a tiny portal was ripped from the air. there was no exit for the portal. It was a neat little trick a sufficiently skilled teleporter could pull off. You stored things in the in-between place, the void, as it were. Basically a pocket dimension, but public access if others knew the general space your portals tended to occupy. That was very tricky to find another teleporter's stuff, but he had found at least a hundred missing socks piled up or so. Perhaps a teleporting hero that went insane and stole socks? who knew. "Fun, huh?" He smirked to himself. Was he really getting right back into the old feelings that easily? Was... was fighting just who he was? All this uppity "I can reform" nonsense, was it just that? nonsense?

Maybe... It'd take some time to figure out. Until then though, he listened to his new found "radio" below.

Stalkers don't die: They simply... Disappear.

Demrius's picture
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His hand gripping rottins

His hand gripping rottins throat and his fist raised up ,his head violently turned toward nyght , feeling his organic muscles weaken. He decreased his organic power but boosted that from his cybernetics almost completely and using his free hand sent 4 blasts from his hand towards the one looking to steal his power ,soon returning to pummle the zombie man.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

Nyghtshade's picture
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Rubble exploded around Nyght

Rubble exploded around Nyght as the blasts struck, the force of their impact lifting and flinging her back. She landed heavily, face down amid the debris, and did not rise.

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The blasts made Roxicon dodge

The blasts made Roxicon dodge as she was coming back to assist Nyght. Her speed and agility nearly failed her as one came too close.

RottenLuck's picture
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It was to much Rotten hit

It was to much Rotten hit zero point. His body went limp and lifeless nothing more than mummified remains. That was also if anyone knew the signs was when things went wild. The netherworld magic from the domain of Hel rushed back into him flesh that just moments ago was burnt ripped and torn suddenly remitted. The bones Jorortis broke snapped back into place as Rotten body was revived but the mind was still out it was now pure Zombie horror action Jason style as an regenerated hand grabs the fist of Jorortis and Rotten's Head went to Bite the exposed organic flesh.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
Roxicon scooped up Nyght and

Roxicon scooped up Nyght and took off. Behind her Lilly was hovering about 50 feet up. Seeing this she dove towards where Roxicon stopped .

Faceless's picture
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Since the smoke had been some

Since the smoke had been some-what made useless now by the heroes who were fighting Jorortis, it disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. But then everyone would hear Faceless' voice speak in their head. "You all now know that was an illusion, but is this an illusion? Look ... up." Those who looked up could see something falling from the sky, a boulder ablaze by the same eerie blue flames which surrounded Faceless' skull.

Nyghtshade's picture
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Nyght stirred and slowly

Nyght stirred and slowly pushed herself up to hands and knees. "And Ah just wanted to go watch a few Hero Q&A Panels today," she grimaced. She could sense another life-force close by her, but didn't want to draw attention to it - or herself. After a few seconds of not being attacked, she reasoned it was probably another of the Heroes... or a hapless civilian caught in the cross-fire. "Um... hello?" she whispered.

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"Lil get down here and take

"Lil get down here and take care of her. I'm gonna put a stop to all this insanity "
She left Nyght as Lilly landed and started to attempt healing .

Demrius's picture
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Jorotis felt the bite and let

Jorotis felt the bite and let out somewhat of a grunt as he forcefully tore his hand out from the zombies mouth, his eyes locked with that of the zombie man and jorortis knew that he was a different than before, if he had lips he would be smiling as he got an idea, he grabbed the zombie around the neck with his now healing hand and threw the zombie with all his might toward roxicon and nyght.
To fallow up with that he sent out a few more blasts right after he tossed rotten with his metallic hand letting his the cybernetic in his body to slowly force the tendons in his hand back together.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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"Take it from me, shut the f*

"Take it from me, shut the f*** up!" Shouts the enraged Lady Nova as she streaks toward Faceless in a golden haze, hoping to send him flying across the street with a staggering spinning backhand only IF he is tangible. Whether the hit connected or not she responds by forming the barest beginnings of a force field in her hands before meeting the concrete below with a two fisted strike.

The attack triggered is a blinding but simply concussive midrange repulse of cosmic energy. It's intent is to rattle and send her opponents flying, but primarily to clear the obfuscating fog hampering their vision.


Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Blue came up behind the

Blue came up behind the reptilian figure in a blink. Having heard what he said about wanting to fight him he stated
" I'll give you 2 to 1 you can beat him "

Faceless's picture
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Faceless was nowhere in sight

Faceless was nowhere in sight for Lady Nova to attack him, but the meteorite set ablaze by light blue flames was drawing closer.

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Roxicon slowed the zombie

Roxicon slowed the zombie missile with her kinetics. Her speed took her just out of harms way to avoid those energy blasts. One barely clipped her right leg and would have sent her tumbling end over end had it not been for her powers. She stopped , still having caught Rotten with her kinetics , and dropped herself and him to the ground softly. That's when she felt the pain. Her leg was burned. Her jeans had a hole in them burned by the blast.

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Roxicon saw the meteorite and

Roxicon saw the meteorite and then looked at lady nova. In a blink she was standing by her.
