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Standing there in silence for a moment ,he opened up the van and climbed into it ,and fiddled with some wires and boxes for a bit ,looking over his shoulder to see if she was still there..
--Formerly Jorortis--
Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...
Gazing between the news van and Nyghtshade, and Ron and Roxi, Sarah conveys a clear look to Sam as she awaits the next play, so to speak.
'Keep an eye on him and be ready to act, don't create a stir.'
Nyght sighed, but didn't budge. Ostensibly 'watching the game', she resolved to wait a bit longer in the shade of the van, to see if her suspicions bore fruit - or if she was just overreacting.
He grabbed a 5 pound disk, that had a turn dial on the top that the had connected to the boxes and small monitors inside the van and he set the dial to 30 seconds soon opening the van door and closing it behind himself ,walking past nyght shade, as he made his way toward the bleachers again ,simply awaiting for the 30 seconds to end.
--Formerly Jorortis--
Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...
Nyght watched as he left the van and walked away, unaware of what he had done inside. She had no idea at all what should or shouldn't be running inside a TV News-van, but it occurred to her that the news-station might be a help. Fishing her cellphone out, she dialed for Directory assistance and asked to be put through to the local news station, intending to ask if they could put her through to the tech who'd left so precipitously.
By the time he had returned back to the bleachers there were only 15 seconds left on the timer that he had placed in the van ,his arms once again folding as his hood hid most of his face ,his eyes watching the game as time continued to tick down.
--Formerly Jorortis--
Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...
It took a moment for Millie to don most of the contents of the case, the exception being for Marianne, who took the case afterwards. Clad in lab coat, safety goggles, utility belt, and jet pack, Tinker Belle walked casually up to the van. Pulling out a chemscanner, she checked for explosives.
Meanwhile, Marianne spoke into a dedicated com from the briefcase, loud enough for Lexi to hear. "There's a timer. Ten seconds left." She picked up the twins and moved to the far side of the rise from the van. Lexi sprinted to between the van and the group of civilians nearest to it, and extended her force field.
Abandoning casualness, Tinker Belle opened the door and sought the device with the timer...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Jorortis was turning just a bit ,his eyes cut toward the van as there was only 3 second left by the time the van door was open ,the devise at this point rooted itself into the base of the van ,becoming apart of the vehicle in the process ,he counted down in his head ,synced with the device ,his arms still folded as he was calm ,knowing what was going to happen.
--Formerly Jorortis--
Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...
Seeing the device, embedded in the floor of the van, Tinker Belle quickly generated a force
field around it, open at the top to direct the blast upward. It would have to be a powerful
charge indeed to break the force field, rather than simply venting though the roof of the v-
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Whipcrack slid a finger along the brim of his cap to acknowledge Lady Nova's message. As Roxi's ball went flying through the air, Sam made some exaggerated faces as he tried to snag it with strands, but he kept missing high or he was just behind it. On his last attempt, the strand went right through the sparkling ball and he turned on Roxi in mock outrage, shaking his finger at her like a parent scolding a child.
As he was 'scolding' Roxi, he looked over her shoulder to the news van and saw Tinker Belle throw the door open, then generate the cylindrical force field. He readied himself to go after the large man if something bad did happen.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
The dial hit zero,a combination of custom made chemicals started to fuse ,the outer casing of the disk peeled away as the temperature started to rise at a dangerously high rate,a massive explosion was created only to be repelled inward and up because of the field that surrounded it, blowing a hole clear through the top of the van ,a heavy grey gas breached the top of the van ,it was a cocktail of homemade chemicals as well blistering lungs and blindness a direct effect from the deadly gas that spilled from the van like a volcano ,and drew close to the crowd of people ,Jorortis never uncrossing his large arms as he stood there.
--Formerly Jorortis--
Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...
Shepherd noticed what was going on as he summoned his shield of faith and a forcefield surrounded the children and other civilians to protect them from the gas.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Ron could have teleported the van but that was not possible with Nightshade and Tinklebell there. So when the top of the van blew open like a volcano emitting some type of gas he opened the portal near the top so the supply of new gasses went somewhere out in the bay. "HEY THOSE THAT COULD MANIPULATE ICE! SEE OF YOU CAN COOL THOSE GASES INTO LIQUID OR EVEN ICE AS WELL!"
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Nyght , phone still pressed to her ear inside the hood, turned as Tinker Belle approached the van and started to scan it with a device, then pulled the van door open.
"Oh, Sweet Mama!!" Nyght exclaimed, yanking her hood nearly sideways to shield her face as the device in the van detonated, radiating heat and belching noxious smoke straight upwards. Much as she abhored fire, she actually forced herself to stay where she was, even to take a step closer, ready to grab Tinker Belle and leap away to a safer distance if needed.
Lady Nova immediately springs into action as the explosion is semi contained and fully realized, generating a shimmering dome of cosmic golden energy over the crowds of panicking people, gaining strength in part due to working with Shepard's own shields. Occupied and without a way to engage their enemy unless she sacrificed their safety, she calls out.
"Check for anyone caught in the explosion! And someone stop him!" She emphasizes the last part towards Jatoris with a palpable malice.
The explosion over, Tinker Belle activated the force screen on her goggles to filter out gas. She said to Nyghtshade, "Doahn't breathe if ya doahn't have ta." She reset her main force field to gather a sample into a testing vessel, but that was for later analysis, it didn't collect much of the gas.
[Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] (no time to be Lexi now) pulled in her own force field, noted the wind, and called out, "Would every body who has to breathe please gather in the parking lot of the strip mall to the northeast, with the Titan Taco!" Her volume was a bit high, but it carried all the way across the park. "Avoid the gas from the bomb, and avoid the cyborg while we kick his ass into next week!"
Behind the rise, Marianne set the twins down and walked with their hands in hers towards the Titan Taco sign. The belt with the odd-looking gun on it shifted slightly on her shoulder.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Blue stood up and raised his hands. He watched the cloud of gas then started to send an extremely frigid blast its way. the temperature in the area was dropping rapidly. The gas clouds temperature was starting to fall as well. Hed make it as cold as it had to be to soidify. When roxi saw this, she immediately ran , towards him. She focused on the cloud and tried to surround it in a bubble. Her kinetic energy wasnt letting any escape . Down to the molecular level shed go, see each particle for what it was and move them to form a bubble and keep them in blue's cone of freezing air. " We got this " she said to the other heroes.. "GO GET HIM...."
The moment Nightshade got Tinker Belle out of the Van Rotten lowered the portal all the way sending it and the remaining gas into the bay. "There Van taken care of, the bay should defuse and disperse that toxins... if not I have a job to do in a few days cleaning that mess up." He then turned to the stands and focus on Jorortis "Ya must have wanted a fight, no other reason to cause trouble in a place with so many Registered Heroes. All ya had to do was ask now, however ya ran into some Rotten Luck."
That was when he charged for where Jorortis was Playtime was over it was time for action. He made a leaping kick for Jorortis.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Seeing as Roxicon and Blue have the gas contained and the crowds migrated to a safety zone, Lady Nova drops her shield and gathers her energy into her palms before releasing it into a blinding beam of concussive force intending to launch him slightly into Rotten's kick.
Eyeing him for a moment, she offers a similar sentiment.
"What could someone offer you to harm so many innocent people? Your hired help, a pawn."
once The crowd left Shepherd dropped his shield as a half dozen crossblades appeared in his hands. The Ghostwalker was ready to launch the blue energy blades if need be. He looked at Lady Nova and Rotten as he stood ready.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Jorortis used what little time he had to get away and exploded his legs off of the ground sending his large frame high into the air ,the power of his jump allowed for him to cross the length of 400 yards in a single bound ,he landed atop a roof of a building ,almost caveing it in, he turned and stared at the people ready to attack him ,his arms refolding again as he looked at them ,no emotion being showed under in mask.
--Formerly Jorortis--
Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...
Shepherd went in persuit as he teleported after him as lightning flashed on roof upon his arrival.
"You didn't actually think you were gonna get away that easily did you?"
Shepherd still held the energy blades in his hand ready to launch them if he thought about attacking.
"There were children there. You put their lives in danger, now you have to deal with me."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Whipcrack watched as the explosion took place and the others responded to it by blocking the gas and ushering the people away. With that taken care of, he had eyes only for Jorortis. He was about to fling out a strand to pull him towards the bleachers when Jorortis leaped mightily and flew skyward. Changing his tack, Whipcrack summoned his psionic armor and flung strands out to pull him in roughly the same direction as Jorortis.
As the big man flew through the air, Whipcrack used light poles, wires, and buildings to pull himself perpendicular to Jorortis's path and swing up around behind the metal giant and land silently fifteen yards behind him. He flung out flexible strands in either direction to create a slingshot, with himself as the payload. Stepping backwards, he pulled the strands taut and then shot himself towards Jorortis's back with energy-charged fists extended.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] followed Jorortis' leap only long enough to predict where he would land, then turned and sprinted for the building, leaping up to the top at the last moment, landing behind Shepherd. Considering the raw power needed to move that much mass, she set her force field to its maximum density. "An impressive leap. Will your trap be springing soon?"
Tinker Belle thanked Nyghtshade for the pull as the wrecked van dropped into the bay. She connected the sample bottle to her chemscanner, and let it run on automatic, a basic analysis would be in the Fire Department's email within minutes. Meanwhile she drew her sidearm, moving the change lever to the setting marked "electrolaser", and activated her jet pack and flew towards the cyborg . As soon as she was within a hundred meters, she stopped, hovering high enough to see her target. Holding her weapon in a modified Weaver grip, she took up the slack in the trigger and a dot of intense green light appeared on Jorortis' metallic shoulder. This was only the aiming laser, and could be considered a courteous warning. The dot scarcely moved at all once it appeared, as long as Jorortis stayed stationary.
Once Marianne and the twins had crossed the street, she released there hands long enough to put on the gunbelt. She then drew her weapon and checked the charge on the powercell. Satisfied, she holstered the weapon and waited, hoping to See the Other Shoe far enough before it Dropped to protect her children, and anyone else that might be in danger.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Lady Nova wastes no time in converging with her allies to assault the cyborg behemoth, streaking through the sky to rest floating just above Shepard, before launching a volley of six concussive energy discs at him, hoping to wear him down after Whipcrack reaches him. She then implores in the midst of her attack...
"What was your goal here?! That was stupidly brazen given the area...unless it's a distraction?!" Theorizes
Rotten was starting to think along the same lines of Lady Nova as he crashed into the stands where Jorortis was moment before. "Distraction or Taunt leading us somewhere big guy?"
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Nyght needed no encouragement to avoid inhaling, but couldn’t say so, as that would have required inhaling.
Instead, she nodded briskly to Tinker Belle, and then - seeing Ron rush Jorortis, and Jorotis spring to the top of a building, Nyght sprinted toward the building with unnatural swiftness and sprang up the side of it to land on a flanking rooftop corner from the other gathering Heros, readying a mental “punch” which she hoped would at the very least give Jorotis pause, if the big man resisted the others.
He unfolded his arms and rested them to his sides, the more metallic arm started to prime up his palm was soon engulfed in a red heat energy as his eyes faintly started to glow even with no flame in sight the intense heat was enough to make heatwaves from his own massive frame ,in he midst of his body being charged up ,he could feel the disks of energy slamming into his body ,the first two hitting him in the back causing him to turn toward the direction they came ,the third disk slammed into his right shoulder ,the final disks caused him to fall onto the already weak support of the roof , sending him Jorortis crashing though it.
--Formerly Jorortis--
Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...
A man clad in a black, open on the front, trench coat, black formal pants, dark purple shirt, which was visible due to his open trench coat, a pair of black gloves and a pair of black business shoes arrived from a nearby dark alley. Civilian screams were heard however, due to one oddity: the man's head was replaced by a floating skull set ablaze by an eerie, light blue flame. As he noticed the clash of titans on the rooftop of a building, he floated upwards and pocketed his gloved hands into his trench coat. He glanced over the battle and the various heroes, currently not choosing to act, but simply floating mid-air.
Whipcrack shot straight over Jorortis's head and on over the edge of the building as the giant man crashed through the roof courtesy of Lady Nova's energy discs. "Damnit, Nova!"
He caught himself by shooting strands behind him to yank him back towards the building and through a window. He strand-swung up to an intact portion of the ceiling and stuck there. He looked down at where Jorortis lay on the floor and proceeded to ruthlessly mock him. "Man, you must be a special kind of stupid to attack a hero festival. I mean really, do you WANT to go to jail? Maybe you like getting the snot beat out of you? I really can't fathom the depths of your idiocy."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Shepherd sensed the new arrival as he turned his attention to the ghostly looking figure. his eyes glowing intensly and blazing with a similar blue flame. he wondered whether the new arrival was here to help or was he another villain.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
The new arrival gave Shepherd his attention as well, but remained silent and floating in place.
With his body temperature continuing to rise ,the forces inside of his very being was beginning to stir, as he was insulted by Whiprack. he lay there atop a pile of rubble ,the energy had to get out ,by any means ,and it traveled through his core ,his circuitry and outer skin and blasted out in the form of bright red heat ,anything in a 60 foot radius was either melted or was sent flying outwards with a destructive and powerful wave of debris and red energy.
--Formerly Jorortis--
Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...
The skull-headed man didn't even twitch as the rubble flew his way, simply going through him as if he was insubstantial.
Nyght didn't know if the newcomer was a threat, but it was a sure bet the big guy who'd just dropped down into the building was.
As the blast of heat rocked the floor below, she moved to the edge of the roof-top cave-in and peered down and in. She winced from the heat, but did her best to target Jorortis and attempted to stun him with a focused mental blast.
"Oh shi...!" Whipcrack hollered as he bent backwards and shot two strands to pull himself farther into the building away from the blast wave. But the the leading edge of the blast still caught him and sent him tumbling head over heels to crash into the opposite wall 80 feet away from Jorortis. He stood up and shook his head to clear it, only to see that the blast had vaporized most of the other half of the building. "Now that was uncalled for!"
Whipcrack jumped and swung back along the rafters until he reached where the ceiling now ended. He swung up and then kicked off a rafter to go flying towards Jorortis, fists glowing with explosive energy. As he reached melee range, he swung with all of his force at Jorortis's head.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Rotten jumped down into the hole landing on the glowing rubble his flesh starting scorching by the heat. "Ya heard of the Pits? It's an underground fight club, I was champion." With that Rotten charge throwing a fake right then a Left uppercut to Jorortis's jaw.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
At the point after the explosion he was on his feet his scanner like eyes monitoring everything the others were doing to attack him ,he just barely dodged out of the way of Nyghtshades blast , the blast smashing the ground beside him ,the uppercut that was thrown by Rotten smashed into Jorortis's jaw stunning him for a moment , before he ducked another attack ,and pulled rotten onto whipcracks thunderous punch.
--Formerly Jorortis--
Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...
Shepherd phase shifted letting the debri pass through his incorporal form before solidifying as the Ghostwalker launched the cross blades at the cyborg. the energy blades spun as they reached their target.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
The skull-headed newcomer had finally decided to do something. He mentally contacted Jorortis, though showing no visible signs of doing so. Jorortis would hear a whisper in his head:"Your thoughts are now mine and mine - yours. " The whispering stopped for a moment before it spoke again:"Tell me why are you fighting these heroes and i might consider helping you escape."
"Brighid bless!" cursed Tinker Belle as her target fell through the roof. She flew over to directly above, trying to get a clear shot. She noted the man with the flaming head, and the debris that flew through him, but as long as he wasn't helping the cyborg terrorist, or attacking anyone she was fairly sure weren't villains, she would let him be. As she came up over the hole, she looked down. [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] had jumped down into the hole, her force field protecting her from the debris and the heat.
[font=lucida bright]AIko's[/font] clothing was burnt anywhere that it hadn't been skin-tight, and there were a few tears in her plastiskin. But she jumped down and played her ace: four megawatt-seconds poured through a specially designed transmitter in her skull, generating an EMP burst focused on the cyborg's torso. Only her own shielding protected her comm gear and other components from being fried. Her batteries drained, the fusion cells in her arms and legs went to full output, and her reserve coolant system started pouring water out though her scalp...
Marianne noticed the new flying person just before the explosion, and took a photo with her phone for future reference. Then she led the twins over to the Titan Taco and placed an order for lunch.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
In the midst of dodging the blades that where flying towards him by leaping into the air towards the person who fired them , his large metallic arm blasting towards Shepard's face,he responded to the one communicating with him through his mind in his mind."Why?"
--Formerly Jorortis--
Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...
The whisper in Jorortis' head spoke up again to answer his question:"Chaos, my friend, chaos. You seem to spark it quite nicely."
Edit: I didn't notice that someone photographed Faceless at first so i'll add it here: The photo would only show the flying clothes, his skull was nowhere to be found in it.
A good part of the roof had been blown outward by the blast, and Nyght 's sturdy costume has been rent and seared in places. She clung to a twisted girder, trying to stay on her feet and focus again on Jorortis, who was embroiled in the melee below.
Nyght had no idea what he was, much less who, but thought that if any part of him was human, there'd surely be life-force to drawn on, and so she tried, hoping to drain enough life-energy to slow Jorortis and give the others a better chance against him.
Shepherd teleported and appeared behind him as his fists began to crackle wit lightning while The Ghostwalker focused his energy to his fists and hit him with an open palm to the back.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Jorortis could feel his body getting sluggish from both the attacks on his organic and cybernetics ,he raised his arm in a last ditch effort and sent out another wave of red hot energy from his metallic arm ,just to create a bit of separation from the heroes that bombarded him , still staying contacted mentally with the telepath."Alright ,it would be best if I accept your help."
--Formerly Jorortis--
Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...
Rotten staggered back from the blow "Nowt bad." He then charged forward and instead of a punch he drove a knee to his gut. Those that know Ron would note the slurred speech the heat and damage was draining him.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Shepherd got caught with the heat as part of his flesh melted off and the regeneration process began while he was stunned on the floor.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
With Jorortis' finishing word 'help', both him and Faceless would light up in eerie blue flames, disappearing in less than a second. Jorortis' body would leave a glowing pile of eerie ashes behind, while Faceless' did not. Jorortis would suddenly realize he was standing somewhere on the edge of the city in a dark alley. The whisper spoke again:"I will be watching you and interfering if needed." Then Jorortis would feel the presence in his head disappearing and the whispers no longer there.
"Wrrher he gu?" Ron looked around stumped with a dazed look on his face "Me hunngrrry we eart yet?"
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
[font=lucida Bright]AIko's[/font] supply of cooling water was almost gone when the cyborg vanished, leaving only ashes. She grabbed Shepherd and Rotten Luck, the two nearest heroes, and leaped out of the pile of rubble.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Nyght felt pretty spent, and to add insult to injury, her skin, where bared, was slowly reddening.
By now the building's fire alarms were tripped, and blaring, but she did her best to shout above the din to the others, "This buildin's taken a hell of a beatin'. We should make shoah everyone's out." She sprang off the rooftop to the ground below, and felt an ankle twist as she landed.
"Perfect!" Nyght grimaced. "Just perfect." Gritting her teeth, she shrugged her bedraggled cape around her torn costume and limped toward the front entrance, where citizens were starting to rush out.
Lady Nova would have attempted to speak as he falls through the roof.
"Well I'm sorry I didn't estimate his weight-" She would be sent flying back by the force of the blast, managing to weather the heat amidst being propelled upward, dazed. By the time she recovered, he was already spirited away from the scene by Faceless.
With that done, the fight over, she lowered herself to the ground slowly as she surveys the damage done, internally frustrated as she makes her way to her allies.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid...and I don't suppose we have any idea who that demented candle was?" States hardly.
Shepherd looked at Lady Nova as his flesh was still regenerating but regained his bearings
"I dunno who he was but I have no doubt he was behind the appearance. there was something about him when i looked at him."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Whipcrack hauled himself out of the hole and trotted over to where the other heroes were gathering. "You're not stupid, Nova. That asshole was stupid. I can't believe he'd attack a festival held by the city to celebrate its heroes. In full view of a multitude of heroes!"
Frustrated, he shook his head and walked off towards the gates of the Fairgrounds to see if he could convince the families who were packing up and leaving that it was safe to stay.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Nyght paused at the front entrance, contemplating how bad the interior structual damage might be, but realized if there were anyone trapped inside, it was a moot issue. She squared her shoulders and gimped in, staying to one side as the building's occupants streamed past her toward the exit, and headed up the stairwell, determined to check each floor and make sure everyone was out.
Ron was drooling really drooling and looking at AIko. "Yar smmmell wrrong. Mee eatt not." He then staggered for the now abandoned food venders ignoring anything but the offered food.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Blue and Roxicon , having dealt with the gas observed the battle with great curiosity. They wanted to step in and help but figured too many chefs. They maintained thier vigilance over the crowd to be sure nothing else would happen. As whipcrack was urging families to stay , an Audi SUV pulled up. The driver got out and said " jeebus , what the hell happened ?" The driver wore jeans and sandles. Her tight t-shirt was black and orange and matched her shoulder length hair. "Anyone hurt? " Lilly asked as she waved to blue and Roxicon. She saw a few of the heroes blue had told her about and went up to them to offer some assistance. Recognizing shepherd , she walked over and touched his arm. Her healing energy sped his regeneration 10 fold.
As Lilly went about tending to the heroes and introducing herself along the way to the ones she didn't know, Roxicon sent a mental communication to al the heroes here. "Blue had an idea while watching the game. You all had different fan clubs if you will cheering you on . His idea was simple. We brought a printer an a laptop and are going to make some cards and offer pictures , big glossy ones they can hang on thier wall if you'd all oblige. " She was hoping the idea would breathe a little life back into the festivities. She walked up to a couple getting ready to leave and asked the parents if the kids wanted a picture card and a poster of anyone. The parents were hesitant at first then agreed. Roxicon bent down and asked the little girl "'who would you like my dear? " Her eyes lit up. "LADY NOVA!!!!! PLEASE...and and and .... Him " she pointed at rotten.
The kids started lining up. They seemed so exticed. " Can I have a poster of the shepherd guy?" One asked. " and her the lady there . " motioning to Aiko. " and he whole family of cool people!!!" Another chimed in. " I wanna be WHIPCRACK !! " a younger boy said as he took a heroic stance. "I like the mysterious one " another chimed in. The kids were all gathered around just beaming.
Marianne and the twins approached Rotten Luck, Shepherd, and [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font]. They were carrying Titan Taco bags and a tray of large drinks.
"So, five carnitas Titan tacos, four Titanic burritos, go ahead and grab those two teas, Lexi... and two more iced teas"
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Lady Nova sighs as she surveys the damage wrecked, simply nodding at Whipcrack's statement as she shakes off her residual anger and moves to help move along the shaken civilians back to the fairgrounds. However, when she heard her named being yelled so loudly and rather jubilantly, her face lights up much like her namesake as she strides over to the abforementioned child with a dazzling smile.
"I'm so sorry about all that trouble, it's alright now, I promise. So did someone call?" She grins as she assures and kneels by the said girl.
Shepherd sat there n disbelief at the actions of that psychopath. there were children there and he was willing to kill them. that moment he felt a little hand pat him on o the knee as he sat down. It was the little boy the litle boy he saved on his first day of patrolling the city. Shepherd smiled, not wanting the little one to see him sad as he took the food that was offered. Shepherd had completely healed from his injuries and was happy the little boy or any of the other children didn't see hi when he had the flesh burnt off his face and arm. The boy then looked at Lil.
"I want one of Shepherd, Lady Nova, Rotten Luck and Whipcrack"
He knew them all by name since they were there the day the mystical bomb was planted in the apartment building he lived in.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Roxicon smiled and thanked lady nova for coming over. She asked her to pose for a few shots and then sent them to the printer. It slit out 4 different poses of lady nova on a sheet and Roxicon cut them into cards. " ok now for the poster". The little girl stood next to her favorite hero as Roxicon snapped the last pic. The printer put out a full 8 by 11 glossy of the 2 and Roxicon handed them to the little one. She giggled and screamed at the glossy shots , so happy to have a special momento. Then Roxicon handed her the pen. Her eyes lit up again as she looked at her favorite hero and offered her the poster and pen. " The names Katie " she said excitedly
Lilly took the child's hand and led him to the line of kids at the back of the car. All of them so excited after the they saw the cards and poster Katie got.
Blue dialed his phone " Hey syl. Can you bring another printer down and grab more paper and everything , were going to need it " he panned over the sea of kids all calling out hero names .
Shepherd looked at Lady Nova, Rotten luck and whipcrack. He then looked at the little boy. He then looked at Roxicon.
'Can you take a picture of me, Rotten, Nova and Whipcrack with the boy"
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
"Of course " she answered. " pose how you like ok and say ready when you are "
The building's occupants had apparently paid attention to fire drills, and evacuated in an orderly fashion all on their own. Nyght hiked up to the upper level anyway, just to be sure, and did find an elderly woman hobbling toward the stairwell with a cane and a shoulder bag that could well have housed a bowling ball. "Good lord, what happened to you?" the woman exclaimed, catching sight of Nyght.
"There was an explosion," Nyght began.
"I already know that! I can't believe that everybody just dashed off like that, without even backing up their files!" the woman grumbled, shoving a flashdrive into the depths of her bag as she kept moving briskly toward the stairwell, cane thumping out a staccato beat against the ominous groans of the ceiling above them.. "Are you some Superhero?"
"Um... well, yes Ma'am, that's why Ah'm heah, to help you down and out befoah anythin' worse happens." Nyght gamely offered the woman an arm, and got a bit of a glare instead.
"Looks like you need this cane more than I do," the woman huffed as they started down the stairwell.
"Ah'm OK, really."
"Don't be silly, you've got the worst sunburn I've seen in ages. You need to get that looked at!"
"Yes, Ma'am," Nyght promised meekly, as she escorted the woman the rest of the way down and out.
Once her charge was safely out and away from the building, Nyght excused herself and headed off toward the gathered Heroes and fans at the other end of the field, hood once more securely pulled up over her head. Her limp gradually began to ease as she moved, and had vanished by the time she caught up to the other Heroes, although the ‘sunburn’ was going to take a good bit longer to heal, she knew. Fortunately, it looked as though the other Heroes injured seemed to be doing OK now. And the enthusiasm of the kids crowding around them brought a smile.
She looked around to see who might have a moment to speak with her. With the kids and the crowds, it might take a bit, she thought, but Nyght very much wanted to learn if any of them had recognized the bomber or had any idea what he had really wanted.
Seeking out a meager scrap of shade on the side of the field’s bleachers, she wrapped her bedraggled cape a bit more securely, and settled to wait till one of them might be free.
Gideon summoned his sword as he went down on one knee as if in prayer with his sword in front of him. The little boy stood next to him. Shepherd then called out to Rotten, Lady Nova and Whipcrack.
"Come on guys, this is special pic. he is the little boy I saved on my first day on patrol when i met you guys in the burning building with the bomb."
He then looked at Lady Nova.
"You should remember him this was the boy I was protecting with his mother that day we met in the alley."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Hearing the giggles and squeals of delight, Whipcrack had made his way over to where the crowd had gathered. Hearing his name said by Shepherd, he gently pushed his way through the crowd to where the impromptu photo session had come to life. As Shepherd beckoned for the others to join him, Whipcrack wondered which day he was talking about. He'd never helped with a burning building that had a bomb in it.
Shrugging, he stood behind the boy and summoned his armor, but with lighter color than usual to make sure he could still be seen underneath it.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
If you consider that Rotten's skin was nearly charred off and even what muscle tissue was see able looked even more dried and baked then normal then Ron was okay. He was crazed with hunger so when someone said Tacos he punched grabbing them and stuffing them in his mouth as fast as he could. Nearly to fast to even swallow, but his body kept up with the pace converting the bio matter into magical energy that went to repairing his wounds. Bones snap back into place tissue repair and regenerate then he blinks hand full of smashed barretto. "Um...that was close. Thanks for the grub."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"Not a problem, pilgrim." Marianne handed him the bag with the burritos next, then offered an iced tea.
As the photo session continued, Marianne tried to keep herself and the twins out of the pictures, but it was quickly apparent that it was a lost cause. Too many had seen her and the twins with Tinker Belle and [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] before the fight. Ah, well, at lest no one had recognized her as the Duchess. Yet.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
The little girl took blues hand and whispered. Blue bent down to hear what she was saying over the chaos of all the kids. " well , lets go ask her politely " She was a shy one this little girl , the only reason she even approached blue was the three little dogs that seemed to be a comfort in the presence of him.
Blue leading the girl over to where Nyght was standing . He looked at her and smiled " Excuse me , but I believe you have a fan ."
A few other older kids approached Aiko and the family. The oldest looking tween spoke up " do you mind if we get pics with you?"
Nyght smiled in return, and dropped to one knee to speak to the young girl. "Hello theah, Shugah, nice to meet you." She offered a gloved hand to the child. "Are you enjoyin' the day so far?"
The little girl shyly took her hand and asked " ccan you take a picture with me ? "
Nyght looked startled by the request. "Um... mah costume's kind of tore up, Shugah. Ah'm glad to take one with you, but are you shoah you wouldn't ratheh have one with some of the otheh Heroes?"
Ron washed down the last of what he consumed "Alright Ya all, I got myself under control. Thought that fellow messed up my favorite trench coat." He brushed off some dust and went to the other Titan Legacy members for photos.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Fortunately, [font=lucida bright]Aiko's[/font] force field had protected more than enough of her clothing to leave her at a T-for-teen rating. So neither of her mothers objected to pictures, after a quick cleaning of soot from her face, though Marianne seemed to have some reservations.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
"No ma'am. I think you're neat. You're like me you like to hide. " she took the light sweater she was carrying and draped it poorly over her head. She looked at Nyght with big eyes.
Nyght's smile became a little wry, but she rose and held out her hand to the little girl. "And heah, Ah thought you weah just a big fan of purple. Well, Shugah, let's go get you a picture." As they began to walk toward the epicenter of the Heroes and fans, Nyght dipped her head in thanks to Blue for the inclusion.
Blue smiled back at Nyght and said. " she insisted "
The all-too familiar, generic sound of a teleport splitting the air ripped through the fairgrounds just above the Ferris wheel. The tall rhombus opening split wider, revealing an black-oily interior. A nothingness reflecting light away from entry. The figure which stepped out could have been human, or at least partially, but it was also accurate to think it looked like a monster. It stood upright, had two arms, and two legs, but it sported a spiked tail, and digitigrade legs, like the hind legs of a hound. Large claws tipped it's hands and feet, and slick scales covered it's body. Along it's form were what looked like tiger stripes, however, they pulsed an umbral violet in sync with it's breath. Opaque Crystaline protrusions extended from it's back, and it's lower jaw almost seemed to be entirely crystalized. Several hardened plates protectsit's abdomen over what would be a human's pectoral and abdominal muscles. Perhaps it's anatomy was derivative of human physiology? A series of horns, or spikes gave this creature a decorative crown, also pulsing to it's breath. Was this a violent abomination? Or... an emissary from somewhere afar? Who's to say.
The creature wore no clothing: but it had no apparent genitalia to display indecency. As this world's gravity took hold of the creature's 8 foot tall form, he was sent down on top of one of the ferris wheel carriages with a thump, and the sound of cheap metal suddenly giving way under nearly 500 pounds of weight. As the wheel-ride began to move, the creature's eyes widened, and leapt into another portal, appearing on top of another Ferris wheel carriage which now sat at the highest point. This teleporter in the very least had good control of it's movements. It's soft landing in contrast to it's uncaring arrival was proof to that. The operator quickly stopped the ride with the emergency lever and started fuddling with his radio. A simple police officer raised his smartphone and opened up an app, then took a quick snapshot of the creature's face. A spinning wheel meant the app was searching, and then a red X appeared on his screen. "Well, he ain't doing much right now, But whoever or whatever he is, he ain't a registered super."
The creature's eyes scanned over the crowds of gawking individuals and seemed to be thinking. It slowly rose and stood upright again, pondering where this was. But like the thoughts were scattered, and hard to come by. Off in some direction there were plumes of smoke, and the obvious damage to a structure. It seemed familiar, but in a way this thing couldn't place. A cluster of creatures were the center of attention for several lesser creatures over in some direction. The creature couldn't help but stare at them. Why were they special?
Stalkers don't die: They simply... Disappear.
Lady Nova smiles as she recognizes the child and remembers that day, moving gently through the crowd to pose alongside Whipcrack with one arm draped across his shoulders in a friendly manner. Smiling wide with genuine happiness shining about, Sarah can't help but blink as she takes sight of the large creature's arrival, and turns to the others...
"He looks...interstellar. If so maybe I can negotiate with him, given my background?" She emphasizes this to Whipcrack in particular.
"That or something mystical. Worth a shot it hasn't done anything yet." He looked to the officer "might want to guide the civilians away just in case. We already had one surprise today."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Everything had indeed happened so fast - quickly descending into chaos after the eruption of the van, the face off with the metal man and then the subsequent disappearance after the collapse of a near-by building due to the super powered battle.
Shiantar had not been close enough to the scene to be much help in smothering the gas and or in the pursuit of the villain responsible though she had been able to direct the wind away from the crowds of civilians that were being herded in opposite directions from the cloud. Once the fight had concluded and people were beginning to make haste in their exit just to her right a large rent in the air opened up exposing a very unfamiliar interior. What stepped out was most definitely not human from her studies in bio-chemistry.
Throngs of people were moving out of the way quickly, perhaps afraid this may mean another super powered encounter thus getting in her way as she made her way over to the small but growing crowd of heroes. Nodding to a couple she recognized from earlier in the day she ties her hair back in a high pony and secretly regretting having worn her favorite skirt and heels in case the situation required action. For a super-powered Ivy league beauty queen whose only real experience in battle is when she faced off against her criminally insane super-powered mother things seemed to be getting quite real.
'Gosh I hope all this battling isn't a hero 'thing''- She thinks to herself quietly assessing the likelihood of keeping some modesty whilst in battle wearing a mini skirt and stiletto heels.
Shiantar Frost
'The Ice Queen'- Keeper of Winter
A clearing started to form in the area around the foreigner. People were slowly pushed away with "awwws..." from little kids, and nervous thankyous from parents. One or two muttered something along the lines of "There's always gotta be a villain to ruin a hero day..." A reporter or two showed up after just briefly covering the scuffle with the cyborg earlier in an attempt to get the first scoop on the unregistered super. They even started spurting out premptive names to try to beat the headlines. "Standing hear live at the appearance of a new Super to Titan City! We don't know who he is or where he came from, but he's here now! What will this Warp-Beast, this Jumping-Lizard, this Creature from the Void do next! Brought to you first by channel 12!" The scattering crowds did garner the creature's attention, and in a brief moment, it leapt from atop the ferris wheel and landed on the packed dirt ground. Deep footprints marked where it landed, but the creature seemed mostly un-phased by the impact of the fall. Nothing too special in a city where a few people could kick a car into orbit... An abandoned picnic table was decorated with what could have been called food, became the creature's focus. Hotdogs, cotton candy, popcorn, fried dough, staple fair foods. All giving off pungent smells that mixed in the most bizarre of ways.
The camera crew backed off just a little bit, relying more on their zoom lens than proximity now that the crew and the creature were on the same elevation. The reporter became silent for a moment, then began whispering. "It seems this visitor is now observing our simply fairgrounds food. If he goes for the popcorn, then perhaps he won't crave human flesh after all-" The creature glanced up at the reporter briefly. She stopped talking and left him to his curious behavior.
Stalkers don't die: They simply... Disappear.
When Sarah looked over at Whipcrack, he was already gone, having started moving in the creatures direction. Stepping laterally, he got between the reporter and the creature. His amber-colored psionic armor was still up from the picture, so he dissipated it around his face and head. Once he'd gotten a little closer to the creature, he stopped when he was about eight feet away.
"Hello. I'm Whipcrack, one of the heroes of Titan City. If you're here peacefully, I'd like to be one of the first to welcome you." he said, looking the creature in the eyes, his arms spread wide, hands open and palms facing the creature.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Shepherd looked at this new creature that arrived as Whpcrack approached it.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
A man dressed in a formal black suit, a red tie, formal shoes and sunglasses would arrive at the scene. The man's hair is dark brown and cut short. He walks towards the center of attention - the newly arrived teleporting beast, but stops a distance away, watching the situation from within the crowd of civilians.
Lady Nova moves to stand beside Whipcrack as she greets the creature, formally.
"And I am Lady Nova, a heroine of Titan City and the current bearer of the Cosmic Heart, and emissary of the Solarians within Sector 2313. We welcome you with open arms to Earth."
'Hello. Heroes.' These two words seemed to resonate the most with the reptilian. It turned to face Whipcrack, a fistful of popcorn callously gripped in one hand. His other arm extended, offering a single piece of puffed corn to the man before him with the other. Behind him were the remains of a squished hot dog, a spilled soda cup, still dripping between the boards of the table, a quickly-dissolving cotton candy, and various other snacks that remained unmolested.
He turned to face Lady nova as well, listening to what she said. Cosmic heart? Emmisary? solarian?Sector blahblah? None of those words resonated with any memories slowly unmuddying themselves. He hesitated for a moment before his mouth opened. "I am--" He couldn't find the name he wanted. It was lost. Or perhaps taken. However, it was apparent in the least that it spoke english, odd as that may seem. "Sorry-- Can't think."
Stalkers don't die: They simply... Disappear.