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Warehouse 27 ((OPEN RP))

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Warehouse 27 ((OPEN RP))

Marge sat next to an older man at a desk in a dusty old room. "henry im going to run a defrag and reboot of the cameras" she said glancing her watch.
"that'll take hours. Why so soon after the last?" he questioned.
"well the next one is scheduled next week " she lied" and im hoping to go visit the grandkids then. Besides you never look at the screens anyway." and she gestured towards the little tv Henry was watching a blurry baseball game on.
"ok, ok whatever" he retorted with the wave of his hand, never looking away from the little screen.
She got up and headed to the front gate , glancing numerous times at her watch.

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AIko set one of her radios to

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] set one of her radios to the frequency Roxicon had given her. Setting her bear claw on a box, she selected a uniform and changed clothes. Recalling how much attention her mothers had gotten at the Maul, she left the top three buttons undone and used her force field generators to mimic the effects of a push-up bra. After making those adjustments, she prepared a file in her memory. It was an encrypted version of "The Shooting of Dan McJabberwok", and at the end she had added a postscript, apologizing for the lack of the file the reader was looking for, and assuring him that the file was still on the system. She signed it [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font]. She gave the file the name "54 Philly". Then she made a worm program to swap that file name with that of a file named "Omnilingual" in one hundred sixty-eight hours. After that, she ate her bear claw while looking up the address of the fourth nearest internet café to the warehouse.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Unknown had moved into the

Unknown had moved into the van's engine compartment savoring the heat energy from the internal combustion. The mass of microorganisms that was the collective rippled and pulsed with electrical charges as they spoke to each other. Much how the nervous system pulsed as neurons fired. They were still trying to really decide if adding this group was worth the risks. Of course anything to ease the vexing anger at the drug dealer that tortured Richard Sinclair and was responsible for the death of his sister.

That anger survived even thought the memories that triggered them were fragmented and nearly gone. The desire for revenge... it was all that was left of the Host. Revenge so desired that he gave up his life to an alien parasite for the chance to get it.

If this group of humans could speed up the gathering of information he needed to find the poisoner then so much the better.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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The van headed towards the

The van headed towards the warehouse at normal speeds. Barry, the driver was still not quite sure what to make of the two extra passengers he carried, one a young lady who filled out her uniform well he thought, and the other, having oozed its way into the engine compartment, was one of the strangest things he had ever seen.
"i thought we were taking two? " the man in the passenger seat named mike asked totally oblivious.
"it's a wonder you don't fall down more." Barry jokingly quipped realizing mike has missed the second passenegr entirely.
Mike looked at him with a look of puzzlement, then shrugged and grabbed another donut from the bag.
"hello all newcomers" a soft voice chimed over the frequency Roxicon showed Aiko, "heartseeker here, we're oficially on our own, no more lines of communication back to the grind" .....she was implying the secrecy of the mish. "we're around for emergencies...but should be a walk in the park."
The van's cd player played some old country music softly as it paced itself to the warehouse.
"she's gone......and took my dog....." barry sang softly along with the music.
"how can you enjoy this crap?" Mike asked almost annoyed.
Thats when they saw it....the smoke....smoke bellowed in the distance.....the sound of sirens far away.
"what the hell?" Barry exclaimed, and stomped the gas.

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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((we'll use daily grind's OOC

((we'll use daily grind's OOC for this as well , sound good? just put (wh27) in front. no need to make a ton of threads))

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Marge picked herself up from

Marge picked herself up from the floor. Stunned she crawled to the nearest corner. The blast took out the wall behind her and sent her flying. She knew she was hurt seriuosly. One of her legs she swore was broken, her right shoulder was useless and the flow of blood coming from her head wasnt stopping. Fumbling for her radio , which had been sent flying as well, she tried to regain what was left of her mental state.
Figures were marching around the building, sparratic gunfire was heard, and the sound of two maybe three helicoptors seemed to echo over the ringing in her ears.
The smoke was thick, and the fire was spreading.

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On hearing Barry's

On hearing Barry's exclamation,[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] started tuning another transceiver to police frequencies. She looked ahead and saw the smoke. On the frequency Roxi had given her, she sent in a voice modeled after a Japanese-American actress. "[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] here. Park is a war zone. Over." Unless they also had radios on this frequency, Barry and Mike would not have heard it.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
Barry drove as fast as the

Barry drove as fast as the tired old van would let him."mike, call it in!!"
Mike could barely grab the radio as the vehicle nearly spinning out of control a few times, sped towards thier destination .
The tires squealed, barely maintaining grip, and the contents of the van seemed to be a whirlwind of papers as the driver failed time and time again to avoid the curbs.
The massive bumps sent the boxes inside flying and flipping spilling the contents or just outright tossing it in the air.
"Hope your strapped in back there" Barry feigned concern , his real thoughts being on his friends at the warehouse .
As the vehicle sped its way to the scene, the airwaves were full of all kinds of signals. Police bandwidths, rescue radio transmissions, and another odd signal Aiko could
Pick , a slow pulse.
" Understood " came the familiar voice of Heartseeker, " We're en route, about 20 mins out!"
As the van came to the long , two laned road that led into the industrial com
plex, Barry started to slow down . The site was a horrific one . Men or what appeared to be men, dressed
In odd pale grey jumpsuits, full faced helmets , and carrying various weapons, were hindering rescue officials and had the few police that responded pinned.

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Suddenly it looked as if the

Suddenly it looked as if the van lost it's oil as a big black puddle was left behind. That puddle then shifted into what might be a cheetah like figure and it started running at nearly 70 miles per hour. Being able to go across the ground Unknown reached the boarder of the complex faster then the van. Where he shifted again slashing out at the figures in Grey with whip like tendrils. Of course shots were fired at him the kinetic energy absorbed easily and the metal slugs just pop out of his back with no force. Trying to use the com system he got he spoke into it "Situation hazardous. Hostile forces are engaged their deaths wouldn't harm the greater collective of Titan City. Should we disregard order to not use lethal force?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
The van driver,Barry, watched

The van driver,Barry, watched in awe as the blur sped past the moving vehicle in some large cat form. All the commotion ahead , and the frantic scrambling by his partner to reach the radio made him totally oblivious to the large object running at high speed on a collision course with the side of the van.
"We've got hostile activity at ware......" Was all mike got out when , Wham!!!!! The van was hit on the left, non door side by some wrecking ball , or so it felt sized object!!!
It flipped sideways , over and over , at least three times in the air before it came crashing down and continued to flip on the ground . It finally came to a stop after sliding on its roof into one of the adjacent , abandoned buildings, leaving a trail of papers and broken parts and glass .
The massive man thing then charged the Unknown.

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[=lucida bright]AIko[/font

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] multitasked furiously. On the physical plane she braced herself with her force field and changed back into her civvies, while telling Barry and Mike, "Follow whatever your procedure is in these situations. I'm going to drop out the back and hope no one notices."
Over Roxi's channel she said, "Change of cover: I'm now a newbie hero who just happened to be in the area when this happened, and if anyone asks how I'm on your frequency, you have no clue." She changed what she'd been planning on saying to Unknown as she saw the black shape speed past the slowing van, and as she tossed aside the stocking mask from the duffel and slung it over her shoulder, she responded to his query. "Minimum force necessary to stop them. How much that is your call." She opened the door and was flung out as something hit the van. She rolled to her feet and brought her force field back in to maximum density, looking to see what it was.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
Barry was motionless. His

Barry was motionless. His seatbelt kept him hanging upside down. Mike was thrown from the vehicle as it was flipping in the air. He landed in a horrible contorted position , his body
Broken and bloody. Mike was gone.
The large man like thing completely ignored Aiko as it charged The Unkown. One of the helicopters that was hovering over the building had a channel 3 news logo on it . It approached the area Aiko was , hovered, and a red dot appeared on her chest. At the same time another unique , grey clad figure crept towards the van . It moved extremely fast and silent.

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Unknown turned after all how

Unknown turned after all how can you not notice a rampaging brute. Of coarse he was assessing the threat. Physical damage blunt force kinetic energy could be absorbed thought shock impact would cause disruptions in the cellular matrix. Unknown started charging at the brute as he did his silicon based cells started shifting reorganizing. As they do his form grows crystal spikes becoming both primary attack and defense. He leaped at the last moment throwing a clawed punch at the brutes chest.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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AIko saw thatUnkown was aware

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] saw that Unkown was aware of the brute, so she sprinted to engage the new one moving towards the van. As she leapt to take him in a flying tackle she sent over Roxi's channel, "Does anyone know why news copters would use laser pointers?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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The shot rang out and the

The shot rang out and the bullet whizzed past Aiko, nearly strking her. More came down, bullets missing thier mark but coming close.

The figure Aiko lunged at turned last second and nearly dodged her, if it weren't for her superior reflexes she would have missed entirely. It was obviously enhanced as well.
The two fell awkwardly, with the villain under Aiko, its strength , also a surprise started to lift the little one off of its body.

One of the motorcycles came to a swift screeching halt, and the rider leaped off dressed in a white spandex suit, with cutouts on the legs,and back. Red stripes ran down the length of the sides and accentuated the boots, gloves, and belt which matched the flashy red. The mask she wore just covered her eyes and was also bright red. her hair was dyed red and had white streaks flowing through it. The arrow she unleashed from the red bow soared through the air like a bright red missle and found it's mark, the chest of the gunman in the helicopter. The mark that gave her the nickname 'Heartseeker'....
"Thats because it's not a news chopper, it's been painted to look as such " she stated...

The other bike never slowed down. It's rider accelerated past the brute swerving to miss The unkown , and dumped it, while back flipping off, into the mob of armed villains that were still shooting at the Unknown.. The bike sliding now , bowled through them flipping, and sending the mob flying in all directions. The two left on the ends that were missed by the mayhem stood in breif stunned silence. The rider dressed in all dark green , from gloves, to boots, to the half helm he wore , unsheathed the broadsword he had strapped to his back, and charged them. "time to pick up the spare" he quipped in an over obvious , bad-joke kind of way.

The brute and The unknown collided like a head on collision. The energy from the charge was almost muffled, and a very small sound eminated from the collision was more like a ball hitting a pillow then two cars hitting at full speed. The brute tore, or tried to tear at the flesh of it's opponent with massive strength. only there was no flesh, the hard crystalline surface was ripping at the brute with every swing. The fist that struck its center tore a hole in it and should have been enough to stop it...should have..the attacks went on. The brute was weakening however but it kept swinging widly.

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AIko answered,"That explains

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] answered,"That explains the minigun. Force shield was selected to handle a Damocles mech, I should be all right. Others, though..." On the police frequency, she warned of the Q-ships, just in case. And her right hand sought under the edge of the helmet for either a strap or the edge itself, while her left grabbed at one of the wrists of her opponent. While she did weigh a bit more than she looked like she did, that difference alone wouldn't keep her from being pushed off...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

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Unknown was puzzled by how

Unknown was puzzled by how the brute kept on going. Time for change of tactics suddenly the brute would find Unknown's body soft and gooier too gooey it was now the consistency of tar sticking and oozing. The central mass moved covering the brutes face cutting off the air supply. If this brute was alive it would soon be suffocating.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
Aiko was easily able to grab

Aiko was easily able to grab hold of the inside of the helmet, it was not on very tight. The figure was starting to struggle more and it's helmet was being gripped tightly and its wrist simultaneously was clamped. The free hand grabbed the arm that held the helmet and began to squeeze....trying to break the grip of it's foe.

The brutes attacks were slowing as it was losing lots of blood from the many tears in its flesh from those nasty prodruting spikes. The hole in its chest seemed to release a torment of fluid...but it still came, trading blows with it' opponent in an almost pre-programmed manor.

Emerald , having charged the two remaing figures of the closest mob , ran wrecklessly at them. One got off a few shots right before a thrown , what looked like green glass, broadswoard came tumbling end over end at it and plunged deep into the upper right chest area , nearly cleaving the shoulder clean off. The other firing widly from an automatic pistol came close to hitting the man barreling at him before a fist to the front of the helmet where its face should be, sent its head snapping backwards and through it back a few feet where it lay motionless.

The hum of a machine gun from the news chopper sent Heartseeker realing back on her heels....The few arrows she was able to return did little to the flying machine as it rotated and swooped in a defensive pattern trying to protect the pilot and the other side gunner from the lethal strike that felled the first.\
"Where are the other police?" Heartseeker asked over the radio, Another burst from the gun sent her behind the one building..."why are the bands so quiet now.." and what is that pulsing?".......
The jamming signal was originating from one of the helicopters hovering over the warehouse itself, The odd pulse from the other, Aiko would have been easily able to determine given her superior triangulating abilities.Those helicopters were marked like emergency ones , each a different color pattern but both with a disinguisable red cross on them.

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Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
The brute last swing seemed

The brute last swing seemed to pass almost through its opponent......the massive beast nearly stumbled as the momentum took it almost sideways. The ooze on its arm left it confused and unsure. then it lost all sight. blackness....nothing, it frantically clawed at its own no avail. it swaggered and swayed....dropped to its knees....and then fell forward with a thud. It's lifeless form motionless in a pool of its own fluids , its head and shoulders covered in a tar like substance.

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"I think it's coming from the

"I think it's coming from the 'copters in back, painted like rescue 'copters." [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] brought her knee sharply forward between her opponent's legs, hoping to be able to distract him enough to let her remove the helmet. She also released his arm to get a second hand on the helmet. Not just to see his face, or remove his defenses. She needed ammo. As they struggled, she calculated a trajectory to put the helmet into the intake of the closest armed helicopter's turbine engine...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Unknown reformed into his

Unknown reformed into his humanoid shape and looked at the brute. It's death was irrelevant but puzzling. "Why are they using such force for... a storage location. Logical guess these are delay tactics."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Emerald collected his sword ,

Emerald collected his sword , and looked around, one mob still kept the few police pinned with heavy atomatic fire, another smaller mob of 5 was aiming and trying to figure the best way to attack the Unknown having witnessed his capabilities. The 'news' chopper was keeping heartseeker busy, and the other two choppers seemed to be potentially as unfriendly as the first. "And what the hell is going on 'inside' the warehouse?!" he said aloud.
At that moment, the wall around the doorframe burst and another brute sized figure came out...slightly larger than the last. It moved fast and in no time hurled one ofe burning parked cars towards the officers...
"i should keep my mouth shut.."he retorted and charged towards the fray.

The helmet slipped off into aiko's hands as the villain shoved her off,

Realizing thier guns were useless against the form they were facing, they pulled out short metal batons, and switched them on. they pulsed with an electrical current . thinking they had a fighting chance, not realizing they swapped one useless weapon for another , they ran at the Unknown..

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AIko found herself tumbling

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] found herself tumbling forward with the helmet in her left hand. So she rolled to her feet and immediately spun around to her left, flinging the helmet as hard as she could towards a point just in front of the intake for the helicopter facing down the archer. She didn't watch its flight, if it was on target the fan of the turbine would suck it in, wrecking fan blades and then turbine blades... If he didn't realize the danger in time to dodge, the pilot's best hope would be to shut the fuel off before it caught fire.

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] faced her opponent, and spoke to him for the first time: "If you mean more harm to anyone here, you must first deal with me." She extended her right arm, palm upright, and beckoned with just her fingers.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Unknown looked at the

Unknown looked at the approaching fighters "We shall give you one chance. Drop your weapons and surrender, or risk server temporary or permanent harm. Possible life termination. You humans are so squishy." He extended his arms and again those razor sharp crystal like blades appeared. "You saw what we did to that brute, you really think your little sticks will protect you?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
The pulsing from the two

The pulsing from the two other helicopters increased its rythm, The mob charged the Unknown, completely oblivious to the warning....

The helmet Aiko threw found it's mark . The pilot distracted at trying to dodge those deadly red missles Heartseeker was sending up regularly kept his focus elswhere.
The helmet wedged itslef for a second in the lower corner of the intake plate, then was sucked into the smoke immediately started to pour from the vents. the sound of grinding metal and fan blades reverberated over the chaos. Red lights flashed in the cockpit , the stick went stiff and the pilot tried to maintain control......
Heartseeker watched the spinning copter decend. The pilot held it still , trying to maintain control, holding still, .too long. A bright red arrow peirced the glass and imbedded in his chest. As he went limp the machine just came spinning down......
Heartseeker turned to asses the situation.

The villain staring at Aiko looked rather normal. His face wasn't some monstrous thing. his skin was normal, everything about him, execpt the almost drone like blank stare said human.He said not a word and pulled a small needle like knife from his pocket. He moved sooooo fast, reflexes were incredible, Then he lunged at her.

The car came crashing down behind the officers who were hiding behind the makeshift barricade of thier own vehicles. Vehicles now so riddles with holes they looked like piles of junk. They seemed trapped, thats when they saw the man charging the beast with a glass like looking sword held high.....The brute turned and roared an ungodly roar, it grabbed another burning car and tossed it at The Emerald knight....The twisted, burning heap of metal soared end over end towards Emerald. He ducked down as he ran and it went over his head, barely. He kept charging, another heap of metal nearly missed him. His swirving slowed his forward momentum..he was determined...."i'm going to gut you , you bru......" the last car clipped his right side, he wasn't quick enough. The jagged metal hit his padded armor suit , which probably saved his life that moment, and tore a hole in it . His protective suit was state of the art light weight armor, but the momentum of the object and the force it was thrown with was too much. He was knocked back and spun, he hit the gorund with a thud, bleeding and stunned. The brute charged his location.

"EMERALD!!!!!!" Hearseeker yelled, having witnessing the whole thing, She had just fired an arrow that landed in the chest of one of the figures charging The Unknown, she turned her bow towards the Brute and fired as she ran towards her fallen friend.

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The man with the blank stare

The man with the blank stare moved quickly enough that [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] could not dodge it. But she could lower her shield enough to let the knife penetrate, and then raised it again to lock the blade in place.

That was when she learned another advantage of being an electronic intelligence. [I]Pain did not need to hurt her.[/i] So she turned and sprinted towards the transmitting copters, knife stuck in the remains of a mass spectrometer that had been separating any deuterium from the coffee and bear claw, zombi dragged behind if he didn't let go...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

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Unknown went into attack mode

Unknown went into attack mode. He knew others would worry or care about how many he left dead. The collective awareness didn't it was simple survival need, they wanted to destroy him and so he would destroy them. They were simple minded in a way it bothered Unknown that they seemed controlled. At the same time the fact they were so mindless meant they weren't important in the grand collective (as he saw it) of Titan city and their deaths wouldn't cause much disruptions.

So those razer sharp blades moved with speed. Unknown wasn't indestructible he had weakness, he felt pain when he was struck. Just with no internal organs and no real bones the blunt force trauma was minor. Only large scale hits like the fists of the brute would disrupt the cells in his body enough to cause him to be stunned. The batons weren't enough to do that and the energy just feed the silicon lifeforms. "They don't register damage. They are mindless or at least so focused they ignore damage. Cause damage to vital areas and they bleed out with out trying to stop the flow."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
The four remaining, baton

The four remaining, baton weilding , 'drones' were easily dispatched by The Unknown. They lay around him with broken bones and gashing wounds, one still twitching as it lay there.

The villain that was attached to the blade held fast by aiko's sheilds, was drug for a few yards before letting go. It rolled harmlessly enough and then picked up the chase. The poison which should be now regisetering in Aiko's system had no effect at all, more than an observation that it was there.

Heartseeker fired arrow after arrow at the brute heading towards her injured friend. They stuck in it at what should have been critical spots, and all it seemed to do was ignore them for the moment. The brute roared again and noticed Aiko running in its direction, Heartseeker firing again at it, and the other figure that dispatched its predecessor and annhiliate some drones extremely quickly , and pounded its chest. It tore a couple of arrows out of its flesh and grabbed the nearest thing it could. The motorcycle that Emerald dumped into the original mob came flying end over end towards the unknown.

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Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
"Mind control!" AIko

"Mind control!" [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] exclaimed over Roxi's frequency. "Unknown, if you can reach it, absorb everything electromagnetic the helicopter nearest to you is putting out."

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] poured all the energy she could into the artificial muscles of her legs, leaping towards the other helicopter. As she flew towards it, she shifted power into her transmiters, burning them out as she sent a massive pulse in front of her...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
The pulse hit the chopper and

The blast from Aiko hit the chopper and all the electronics went haywire....the pulse stopped. The helicopter started to spin and the pilot struggled to regain control......

In the building, with smoke everywhere, the few drone like beings that remained inside stopped for a second, they started to move more freely but continued on with thier mission. The smoke and flames that didnt seem to deter them before seemed more of a barrier but they pressed forward. The box they sought was within thier reach.
Finding it they removed the contents and headed downstairs. The hole in the back wall, was thier way out...........

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Unknown heard Aiko and looked

Unknown heard Aiko and looked up at the chopper. Flying wasn't easy there was to much mass to get good clearance. That said he shifted into his cheetah cat form and ran leaping up onto the buildings then another leap his forearms extended becoming bat like wings. The momentum plus higher altitude gave him the lift he needed to begin the clime to the chopper. There he shifted again extending tendrils grabbing the chipper and starting absorbing any energy emotions he could. He figured the best way to block the transmission was to cover the choppers body so he begin spreading out he ignored places where he didn't think a transmitter would be broadcasting from like the engine compartment. Inside the chopper he tried to restrain the pilot and anyone on board.

That wouldn't be much given he was stretchering himself as much as he could to cover the chopper. The tendrils had a second use they were seeking out the transmitter.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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The flying motorcycle missed

The flying motorcycle missed the unknown as he shifted his form. the brute itself stopped when the pulse stopped only for a second, then seemingly more aware , went to charge its target only to have it leap and bound and shift again and cover the chopper. Being somewhat confused as what to do next, it turned to be met by a bright red arrow that peirced its right eye. It staggered, and was hit again, and again. More arrows...all hitting marks that should cripple anyone or anything. it staggered, swayed, and fell over. The lifeless mass of flesh exhaled its last once poweful breath in a muttled gurgle.

The chopper Aiko hit was on what looked like a controled crash course with the ground, Having all its electronics wiped out, the pilot struggled to maintain control without fly by wire assistance, and just the basic hydrolics.

The other chopper covered in a black substance , started to climb. The pilot not being able to see didnt want to collide with anything. the tendrils snaking around the interior were distracting, but climbed it did.

The transmitter itself was located on the belly of the chopper and could easily be distinguished as the source of the transmisions by The Unknown, giving off the most radio energy.

The muffled jamming frquency now was near useless. radio signals from the police started coming in. "We're en route, say again en route'.....was heard over the comms.
The fire trucks and emergency vehicles that responded to the visual pillar of smoke earlier were starting to send out transmisions. They were on thier way still,
"whats the situation like? can we proceed unhindered?" one of the voices shouted through the radio, "say again, are we clear?!?!'

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AIko couldn't here the

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] couldn't hear the activity on the emergency frequencies, her only dedicated receivers had been burned out by the pulse she'd sacrificed her transmitters to send out. But the chopper had clearly been affected, she could only hope their transmitter was out as well. As she impacted the side of the chopper, she told the crew, "If you can land this, consider yourselves under arrest."

Her bones having survived making the leap, she was sure they would handle the now shorter fall. She let go of the hand hold, and used all four limbs and the force field to cushion her impact, and made a note to thank ALX-32 sometime. Then she sprinted to Heartseeker. "That creature wouldn't be trusted to find anything. There must be more inside, and if not, we still need to check for the people that work here. I'm fusion powered, so I'm elected. But my radios are all out. Do you have any spares?" She swung the duffle around to take stock of what was available.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Unknown saw his target and

Unknown saw his target and flowed into the choppers compartment and sent those crystal blades into the device ripping it apart. He then reformed into his humanoid shape "This craft will go down. We can survive a fiery crash, you can't. The choice is yours land or die."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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The pilot of the chopper hit

The pilot of the chopper hit by the blast from Aiko worked hard to maintain control....The systmes were fried, the stick seemed to stiffen with no give, and the pedals became soft and unresponsive. "Dammit heroes, you all can kiss my...."The chopper hit the ground hard and one of the legs bent, tilting the body slighlty but enough to have the blade start tearing into the asphalt sending peices of it and itself flying into the back of the building where it 'landed'.

The second chopper, was higher than the other. It had climbed to avoid hitting a building when it's pilot was blinded by the unknown. Being able to see and seeing what The Unknown was capable of, the pilot decided to land. The second person in the chopper looked more like one of the drones and was operating the jamming machine. The machine the Unknown just ripped to peices. Now having no purpose, it simply slumped over, white foul smelling foam started to appear from under its helmet.

Heartseeker was standing over Emerald when Aiko approched, "he's going to need attention soon, but he should be ok, I've managed to stop the bleeding."
"here, " emerald said as he handed his small headset to aiko, "it survived , better than i did"
The duffle contents were: two pairs of tight leather gloves in black, three concussion grenades, a modded and very powerful laptop with a set of many different leads, all kinds of small wire clamps, a 9mm parabellum military issue sidearm, silenced with 2 extra clips, a small bendable Infa red light, and a pair of goggles that could be switched to see in different light spectrums.
"ill be fine , you two go.. hurry" Emerald said coughing. "i can come with you, heartseeker said " she pulled what looked like a rebreather out and placed it in her mouth, she then tapped the side of her mask and the eyeholes were instantly covered with thin red lenses.

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AIko tried on the goggles,

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] tried on the goggles, and found they had a bit more range into the infra-red than her own eyes, and as much into the ultraviolet. She put them on, set for infra-red, but raised, as she cold shift the spectrum her own eyes were using at will. She put the earpiece in, and as she examined and loaded the Berretta, she tried the earpice out: "Testing, testing, [I]ichi, nii, san, shi, go.[/I]" She looked at Heartseeker for confirmation that it was working, then added "Unknown, when you get down to the ground again, please make sure the medics can get to the wounded, then follow us into the warehouse." She put the Berretta in her right hand (more for access to the safety than for accuracy)and held the infrared light in her left. Swinging the duffle back behind her, she nodded to Heartseeker and headed into the warehouse...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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The two headed in the burning

The two headed in the burning building, smoke would have made it hard to see had it not been for the devices aiding each of them. " shall we split up?" Heartseeker asked.
"i can head upstairs if you want to go downstairs. Heartseeker was talking as she checked one of the old guards laying in the corner of the room" he's gone". The rebreather she was wearing over her face muffled her voice some , but she was still able to talk semi-clear.

The chopper pilot brought the last chopper down in the parking lot in front of the burning building, there was more room with the cars being scattered about as they were. He didnt want to look back at The unknown, He just opened the door , hopped out and ran like hell, afraid not sure what was going to happen.

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"Sounds like a plan." AIko

"Sounds like a plan." [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] brought up the schematics she'd gotten from Roxi's tablet, and moved towards the stairs to the basement. On the way she noted the markings on the shelves. She moved over one row, opened two boxes on either side, finding one already empty. After closing both boxes, she continued downstairs...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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The figure that Aiko was

The figure that Aiko was origianlly wrestling with, slinked into a a corner of the abondonded building the van had hit. It was unsure of its next move having no orders coming to it. Alone and without purpose it bit down on something in it's mouth and fell over forward. The foamy froth flowed from its open mouth as its lifeless form lay motionless.

The fire on the upper levels was too severe, heartseeker was having a hard time just moving forward. "hello, anyone there?" She tried to yell over the sound of burning papers and crumblin g debris. this building being a city 'paper dump' only fueld the inferno as it raged on and intensified with every passing moment. Having no clear path and hearing no replies Heartseeker gaveup on trying to head upstairs. " I can't get through, it's too much" she said over the small mic peice she wore in her ear. " I see no signs of life , the few iv'e come across were gone" ..she said this as she broke a window near her with an old metal chair to let some of the smoke out. As she did she saw three of the drone like figures running out the back of the building. One of them carried something and ran up and gave it to a Powerful looking figure who was waiting off in the distance standing infront of a large black limosuine. "outback" she exclamied, "something or someone, not sure...... anyway , Aiko? hows the downstairs?".

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Unknown let the pilot run.

Unknown let the pilot run. He was no longer important to Unknown's goals. "Heading to back to intercept." He shifted into his feline cheetah form and starts running for the back of the building. The layout of the complex was easy for him, it was after all made for transport trucks. So it wasn't long before he turned the corner to the back of the building.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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AIko looked around downstairs

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] looked around downstairs. There was no movement except for the flames as she scanned the room, but there was a hole in the far wall, as if someone or something had broken in from underground. Several bodies lay on the ground, none breathing. [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] answered, "They killed the guards down here, as well. I think they came and went through this hole." Ominous creaking noises came from above. Moving towards the computer, she pulled out the cables from the duffel. "This structure is not safe. I'll meet you outside."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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The limo sped away from the

The limo sped away from the scene, turning up the end road that led out of the industrial complex. The man inside held onto the book tightly. "we have it" is all he said as he hung up the cell. As The Unkown rounded the turn, he faced what was left of the drone figures standing there brandishing , some makeshift, some literal weapons. Two had assault rifles, two had electric batons, and the last three held bits of debris used as clubs. The assault rifles fired away in the direction of The Unknown. The others waited as the cat like figure sped thier way.

"Is the computer still operational?" Heartseeker asked , almost coldly. "If so can you reach it?" she was heading down the flight of steps as peices of the ceiling were coming down. The burning debris was starting to come close to her. "We need to get out of here soon, the whole thing is coming down"... She turned the corner and hopping over a fallen beam, she started heading downstairs after Aiko.

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The keyboard and monitor had

The keyboard and monitor had been trashed, and it looked deliberate. [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] ripped open the casing and pulled the hard drive. "No, and yes, respectively. I have the drive." She attached a cable to the drive and dropped it into the duffel, inserting the other end into the USB port behind her right ear. As she proceeded down the tunnel, she sought out file "54 philly"

(note: edited post numbers [url=]38[/url] and [url=]41[/url])

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"What every they wanted they

"What every they wanted they got. A vehicle is moving away from our location and I can't intercept due to delay tactics of hostiles." Unknown looked at the approaching drones and resumed his humanoid form just in time to get hit with the gun fire. The rapid fire did disrupt the internal signals abit as he started to head to the drones the crystal blade on his left hand grew slower as a result. Thinking perhaps he shouldn't kill them all he went for their arms and legs trying to cripple and immobilise them.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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The pile of drone's lay

The pile of drone's lay around The Unowns feet , having easily dispatched them. they didnt work in unison as well as they did before, some even seemed a bit clumsy. All of them but two however seemed to have some bad smelling foam coming from inside thier helmets. The two that didnt were knocked cold, and couldnt react in any way to anything.

Having heard Aiko had the drive, heartseeker said over the comm, "can you just take the whole thing ? This building is becoming more unstable by the second!"..she was standing near the hole in the wall and witnessed The Unknowns fight. She was impressed at the fluid movement, and alsmot grace at which the drone figures were dispatched.
Noticing no real harm done to him, she said over the comm again " Aiko? you ok? we gotta go!"....

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Thinking Heartseeker hadn't

Thinking Heartseeker hadn't heard,[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] turned and sprinted for the stairs as she replied, "Repeat, I have the drive, and I'm heading up now. Don't wait, I'll see you outside."
She ran her decryption software on the file as she went up the stairs...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Hearseeker should have heard

Hearseeker should have heard her the first time, she was too busy watching The Unknown, "sorry" she said, "im out as well..."
She went out the front door wanting to check on Emerald. Seeing him standing now, leaning on his sword like a cane, and an EMT arguing with him that she needs to look at his wound... she walked more casually. As she passed the pile of drones that were tossed around by the motorcycle, she went up and took off one of the helmets, looked puzzled, then another, and another...."clones"..she said over the comm...."all look alike ..even the big ones look like a twisted form of the others. What is going on here? And what did they take? Was the system deliberately smashed or damaged in the fire? "....

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AIko hadn't expected the file

[Font=Lucida Bright]AIko[/Font] hadn't expected the file to be quite so large, but that made it easier to decrypt. She stored the decrypted version on her own memory as she answered Heartseeker. "They took the book, or swapped the book for what they did take. The hard drive from the computer is intact and readable." She would have stopped at Box 106 again, to check its neighbors, but the flames were already consuming them. She headed out the door, backing up as much of the hard drive as she could, starting with Box 106.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Unknown knelt down and

Unknown knelt down and started going through the pockets of the drones searching for anything that might give them another clue. "Survival instincts of these carbon based life forms are minimal to none. They barely register being harmed."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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" Clones...why clones? And

" Clones...why clones? And who sent them,?" the questions heartseeker was asking aloud but more to herself.

As the unknown searched the fallen foes he would have detected something odd. The back of thier heads under thier hair was a small scar, something has been implanted in them. No energy or signal eminating anymore, not since the pulse was stopped, just a small scar.

The data Aiko was loading contained what seemed like a bunch of irrelevant information. Names of long since deseaced officers, and detectives. The logging numbers of mulitple locations of files that were more reduntant then anything. Loads of useless data that really held no answers. ...except,, the mention of a crystalline orb. Buried over in the text itself was what appeared to be some sort of coded message. Aikos ability to pick up on reduntant phrases worded slightly differently, over and over to make an old fashioned R code , that was used in the late 40's and 50's . mispelling words to look like typos, inverting other, all make a cobination of words and letters that end up with a mass of information that then needs to be decoded with a bar key. Aiko should be able to do it........

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Spotting the scars his right

Spotting the scars his right pointer finger tip changed to a small blade and he begin to cut a square on one of the clones removing the tissue to see what was under the scar and if he could remove the implant.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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AIko unplugged herself from

[Font=Lucida Bright]AIko[/Font] unplugged herself from the drive and returned all the gear to the duffle bag as she exited the warehouse and rejoined Heartseeker. "It seems a
crystalline orb was found in Cairo by a Dr. Ralph Mason, in 1948. There are other possible explanations of the number, but a date seems most likely.There are also several choices of Cairo."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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The small blade inserted by

The small blade inserted by the unknown easily carved out a very tiny chip. The chip being around pill size, was attatched to the base of the brain. As he stood there, one of the drones who was knocked unconscious started to stir.

"So we have info on the file, and the book?" Heartseeker said as she was helping Emerald to the nearest ambulance.
The scene was one of controlled chaos. A helicopter was crashed and burning near the main road , there was an engine near it containing its blaze. The building known as the paper dump, was a massive inferno, the fire trucks did'nt even try to put it out, rather they doused the nearest buildings to contain it. They knew it would eventually run out of fuel and the fire would be more manageble. They had already declared it a lost cause as well as anything or anyone left inside.
Behind the building another chopper had had a hard landing causing it to bend and twist its blade and imbed it in the asphalt. The third helicopter landed and was empty of all occupants , its rotor still were mangeld and looked as though they had been in a war zone, some riddels with holes, others tossed about as though they were toys.
"Looks like a war zone" Emerald said to heartseeker as he hobbled into the back of the vehicle. "how did our new allies fare? They ok?"...
"yes, theyre no worse for ware"..Heartseeker replied. As she glanced around the scene that unfolded before her, so many questions came to her mind.
Who or what were they? Why did they do this? Why not a simple in and out, the building had such lazy security, no need to really destroy it. What was it they grabbed?
"Aiko, Unknown,? You there?" she spoke into her comm...." Emerald is being taken to a nearby hospitol, he'll be fine, we need to regroup and try to get some answers, then head back to Rox. You two outback?"

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"We found a device in the

"We found a device in the back of these beings necks. Retrieving one... those we didn't terminate are starting to recover the authorities should get over here soon to take them into custody. We also retrieved some skin tissue for testing." Unknown looked around "Indeed we are out back."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Walking up to Heartseeker,

Walking up to Heartseeker, [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] unslung the bag and said, "No, I'm here. The drive is in the bag. Unless they swapped the book for whatever they did take, they took the book; Box 106 was empty."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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" I wonder what it really is,

" I wonder what it really is, that book. And if it has anything to do witht the file?." Hearseeker said to Aiko, " they went through an awful lot of resources to recover it, and cost them plenty, " she then paused and thought for a moment, " and us" she said thinking of the contacts she knew here. She puased to think a moment and glanced over at the wrecked van. Paramedics were pulling a sheet over the driver as she spoke. "Oh god, barry didnt make it either"....her tone changed, more angry now, " and i wonder who THEY are"...

As they stood pondering...a silver Audi suv pulled up to the scene...."What the hell?" The short driver said as he hopped out of it. "man you werent kidding, some scene"
Steel walked up to Aiko and asked?" how are you faring little one? none the worse for wear i see, and where is the shapeshifter? " steel's genuine concern for them was barely masked behind a front of staunchness. He was concerned, having sent them, unknowingly of course, but still the same into what looked like a hellish situation. He looked around at the mess and said, " any clues as to why this happened?" ....

The figure stirring near the Unknown removed its own helmet , the helmet itself was cracked and the visor was shattered, It looked around puzzled and then sat there more confused than anything , not knowing what it should be doing now. The blood trickling from its mouth gave an indication that it took a blow that was strong enough to knock a few teeth out and would have been near fatal had it not been for the helmet. He was wounded, the drone, one of its ankles was broken by the contorion of its foot, and many other small cuts bled . But it showed no signs of pain, no real anything excpet confusion, and a look of being lost. Not being able to get up, or really know what do , he just sat there staring at nothing.

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Unknown went over and picked

Unknown went over and picked up the drone carrying it with ease as he head over to where the others were located. Spotting the group near the Silver Audi he stride over "This one is alive thought now seemed lost. No control orders are coming in, perhaps something in it's memory could lead us to the cause of this. We could infect it assimilate it's mind."

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2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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A slight smile came to Steel

A slight smile came to Steel's face when he saw the Unknown heading towards them. "There he is, Jayde will be happy to hear your ok, he joked" truth was, he was just as happy they both werent harmed.
"that sounds like a plan, just not here....." He said, "lets head back to the grind, we've got friends coming"

Heartseeker said, "i'll meet you there" She walked over and hopped on her bike, Before she started it, she checked everything, "Wow, not a scratch...."
The bike engine revved real high than she took off, spinning the back wheel in a cloud of smoke.
Steel looked at Aiko and the unknown, then opened the back hatch with a press of the fob. " toss him in there, he'll be fine" he said to the Unknown, " you two ready to head back?"

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He set the confused clone in

He set the confused clone in the trunk then shifted to his more human looking appearance. Then he got in the car. "Their weapons were not designed for a being of our construction. Thought they would have been devastating to a carbon based life form."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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AIko hopped into the SUV.

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] hopped into the SUV. Rummaging through the duffel, she came up with a thumb drive, which she briefly inserted behind her ear. "Here. Translations of the Philly File and the catalog entry on the book from box 106. It's called 'The Darkweal', and if the Bookwyrm doesn't already have a copy I'm sure she'll pay a lot for it. And this knife may be worth examining ." She took the knife out of her abdomen and looked for something to wrap around the blade.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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The suv pulled away from the

The suv pulled away from the mayhem. The Fire department and police were everywhere now. The barricade that was put up to keep others out of the area came up on them fast. Steel slowed the vehicle and approached the officer standing next to it. He pulled a small black wallet from his pocket and flashed it to the man in uniform. With a quick gesture two other men moved the wooden beam, and waved the car through. "thank god for small favors" he muttered as he pulled out onto the main road and headed back to The Daily Grind.