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Foradain's Character Conclave

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Foradain's Character Conclave

I've decided to consolidate my characters' Backstories into one location for ease of reference. Goldenrod's and the Falcon's threads will remain, since VDG and Brand X did me the honor of replying on them, but the info will be replicated here for completeness. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Character Name: Hypatia Argyros
Aliases: Pat, Goldenrod
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Profession: Librarian, Central Library, Alexandria
Apparent age: Mid twenties
Hair: Reddish-brown (Dark Brown in civilian ID)
Skin: Lightly tanned
Appearance details: Hazel-Green eyes (Grey eyes in civilian ID), 1.7m, 58kg. Illusion changes her hair and eye color in civilian ID, and changes her face in superheroic ID..
Childhood: Hypatia Argyros (Pat to her friends since her freshman year at Chicago) was born in Sidari, on the north coast of Corfu, in 1990. After her parents were killed in an automobile collision in the city of Corfu, she was placed in the care of a high-ranking law enforcement officer and his wife, who raised her and helped her get a scholarship to the University of Chicago.
Not generally known: After the "accident" that killed her parents, Hypatia spent two days in the hospital, and was checked out after an attempt was made to kill her, interrupted by the Corfite police officer. His wife saw in Hypatia a potential for magic, and trained her. The Scholarship may have come from a semi-secret society of mages ([url=]Arcane Sentinels[/url]). A roommate at Chicago (an AFROTC cadet) talked her into taking lessons at a local kempo dojo, where she learned to use a staff as well as her hands and feet.

Recent history: After getting a degree in library sciences, she went to work at the Central Library in Titan City in 2012, and became a naturalized citizen in 2013. After coming to Titan City, Pat made a point of exploring the region around [url=]her apartment[/url] and around the Central Library, as well as visiting the Museums when any new exhibits arrived. It was after [url=]one such visit[/url] that she learned of the location of the staff that would soon give her the [i]nom du cape[/i] Goldenrod.

Notable relationships: Foster Parents and mentors, names TBR. Jenny and Cathy, roommates in college. Greg, sensei of a dojo in Chicago. Karhythadrizsa, a bookwyrm living under the Central Library.
Personality: Friendly, sometimes motherly.
Religious beliefs/philosophy: Wiccan-style Neo-pagan with Greek flavoring.
Strengths, talents, and points of pride:
Weaknesses, detriments, and points of improvement:
Favored alcoholic beverage:
Favored food:
Favored weather or season:
Favored color:

Additional information:
After a warning dream, Hypatia found an antiques shop which had in it a curious brass coat rack, the legs and arms of which did not match the shaft. After buying it and taking it home, she removed the fittings and found that the shaft was wood (oak, ash, and rosewood, apparently spliced and grown together) bound in a net of an odd brass alloy. The staff could be used to amplify her power, making her spells far more effective…

In order to protect her identity, she went beyond the classic costume-and-mask. She used her magic to alter the appearance of the staff, to muddy the link to the antiques shop. While in costume, she took the name Goldenrod, and speaks only her best Midwest American, and uses an illusion to alter the appearance of her face. Out of costume, her Greek accent has made a gradual return, and an illusion changes her hair back to its original dark brown and eyes to grey.

In City of Titans, I’m looking at Goldenrod as a Vindicator, but will likely start as a Sentinel until the Vindicator is up and running. She’ll use the staff as a focus, channeling her powers through it. She will be trying to stay in the Lawful/Peaceful/Honorable corner. Any missions for the [url=]Arcane Sentinels[/url] will be seriously considered, after all, she owes them for her scholarship ^_^.

The Central Library is near here, I think:
and VDG [url=] has confirmed[/url] that it is Nearby[sup]TM[/sup].

Ideas for artwork can still be found on [url=]her original thread[/url].

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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The Falcon

The Falcon
Real Name: V’lindor Foradain, Viscount Northbrook, House of the Falcon.
Also known as: Val Fordan, Uncle Val, Mr. Northbrook
Description: Male humanoid, unknown species. Height: 7’1”. Weight: 195 lbs Hair: Light brown. Eyes: Green, cat-like pupils. Ears have a slight point at top-back.
Origin: Elsewhere
Archetype: Gladiator
Known powers: Teleportation, some magic, high strength.
Known equipment: Sword of unusual design, 1.13 m long. Psionic shield device.

I had found the lair of my quarry. I picked up and pocketed the historical novel that had been used as the basis for a book-code, and then picked up a tome on the forbidden sorcery of the Ancients. That was when my quarry found me. He cast a spell that I’m sure would’ve killed me, except that I blocked it with the grimoire. Whoever had written it, or maybe someone who owned it later, had put some hefty protections on it. It twisted the spell and used its energy to send me to a safe place…
[I]Reseda, California, 0430 17 January 1994:[/I]
It missed “safe”. Just after I arrived, the ground started heaving, buildings were shaking. The building I was next to looked like it was about to collapse. The earthquake stopped. People started to come out to see what had happened. The ground shook again. That building did collapse then, debris trapping a small child whose family had just come out. The mother screamed, and I didn’t stop to think. I ‘ported over, grabbed the child’s hand, then ‘ported us both back out to the middle of the street. The ground was quiet again, but noise continued: strange wailing sounds, mostly coming from strange objects with wheels lining the sides of the street. After that stopped, similar sounds continued from farther away.
I looked around, listened to the people. They were not quite like my race, but were shorter, and many looked like the Rasari who lived on the edges of the Empire. I could not understand their speech, but the child I had saved pointed to the book I had let fall. She ran to it, opened it, and pointed at one of the titles before running back to her parents. The book was in a language I had studied, so in the strange light from atop the pole I could read the spell as well as the title: Borrow Language. I looked at the little girl, and she smiled and made an odd gesture with a clenched fist and a thumb pointing up.
I committed the spell to memory as best I could, then attempted to cast it. Partial success allowed me to follow what people were saying: “There might be more aftershocks.” “*** lines should be shut off.” “You should keep that book, you need it.” I looked back at the little girl as she continued. “But that other book you should take to Titan City. The dragon at the library will pay a lot for it.” I pulled out the historical novel. “This one?” I tried in their language. She nodded, and pointed off to the east. “Central Library, Titan City. See you later!” Her parents thanked me, and I asked where Titan City was. They told me it was on the eastern coast of their nation, towards the north, and that we were almost to the western shore, and toward the south. I said farewell, took my books, and headed east.
This country of yours is huge! It took me almost three days of teleporting along your “freeways” before I reached the eastern coast, and another to reach Titan City. But I found the Central Library, and Karhythadrizsa the Book Wyrm, who paid me quite well indeed, enough that I could live on for months while I got settled. I found I could make good money as a courier. I learned most of the safer spells in the grimoire, and some of the dangerous ones.

The little girl did see me later, about ten years later. I had learned that your race is like the Rasari in another way: You do not live as long as we do. She was grown up, and was attending the University here. Afterward, she got married and built a home for herself and her wife and later their children, to whom I stand as a ”godfather”. Which means if you somehow get past their mothers to hurt them, expect me to be dropping in on you.

Note: As pointed out by Brand X, and as may become more obvious after CA:TWS comes out, "Falcon" is the name of a Marvel hero with mechanical wings. I may be changing Val's [I]nom du cape[/I]. Or maybe not, as long as the differences keep Marvel off MWM's back, and MWM doesn't ask me to change it. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Secret Origin of Henry

Secret Origin of Henry Martian!

[I]14 April 2005:[/I]
The young man who was once the boy named Henry Daniel Carter reflected on his past and considered his present.

Son of a USMC pilot, at twelve years old he had listened to his father’s last lecture before Captain John Carter had headed off on a deployment to the Gulf of Arabia, and a few months before the night Henry had been snatched off of a road outside of Mannington, West Virginia. He no longer remembered the exact words, but he was fairly sure his father would not have approved of what was about to happen behind that door. Hatch, rather, this being a ship.

At first, when he realized he had been taken aboard a spaceship, he had been excited. His parents had always encouraged him to read science fiction. Heinlein, Asimov, Weber, Smith, Burroughs, Moon. Watching it, too: Star Trek, Star Wars, Firefly. “The future is right around the corner. Best be thinking about it now.” But that had changed when the Bugs had started poking and prodding and injecting. Fortunately, that had only lasted a bit over two years. Then the pirates hit the base he was in. The Captain, a big greenish male humanoid, asked who he was, and if anyone would pay his ransom. Henry didn’t know how he understood, or how he knew that what he was saying was what he meant, but he was sure it had something to do with what the Bugs did to him. Thinking of his father’s flight helmet, the word “Warlord” on the back, he said “My name is Henry. My father is the Warlord of Mars. He’ll pay well for my safe return, but more if you train me along the way.” The Captain laughed and replied, “Excellent, Henry Martian! Go with Barthas, there, and learn how to dismantle a Bug research station.”

For two weeks, he learned his way around the pirates’ tools. First salvaging equipment and materials from the research base, then repairing the combat damage the pirates’ ship had taken. Then they had hit a small merchant ship, and taken prisoners. Now the Captain had taken a young female, apparently of his own species, or close enough, to his cabin. Henry Martian left his suit on and followed him to the passage outside the Captain’s cabin. Vorgol, the Captain’s bodyguard stood outside. Henry asked, “Is he doing what I think he’s doing in there?” The guard said “Yes.“ Then he looked Henry up and down. “You look close enough to our species. You’ll get a chance at her eventually, if she isn’t sold off the ship first.”
Henry smiled, and hoped the guard didn’t notice how sick he thought this was. He could easily imagine that if one of his sisters had been found on the bug base, she would have wound up dragged into that cabin right away. On the other hand, if she had gotten the powers the bugs had given him, he knew how well that would’ve worked out for the Captain. The gripping hand was, his sisters weren’t there, and he was. So he controlled his emotions, and sent the new senses the Bugs had given him into the hatch’s locking mechanism. When he found what he was looking for, he looked at the guard’s sidearm, and then held out his hand while the weapon flew into it. He fired once into Vorgol’s surprised face, and then triggered the hatch. The Captain apparently hadn’t gotten very far, his trousers were still on as he turned and shouted at whichever poor soul had barged in on him. Henry fired three more times, hitting the Captain twice in the upper chest and once considerably lower. The late Captain fell to the floor, and Henry Martian, not quite fifteen years old, turned and threw up over the corpse of Vorgol.

After cleaning himself up, and finding new clothes for Lianre, the girl who had been carried in by the late Captain, Captain Henry Martian addressed his crew and their prisoners from the merchant ship. Slavery and holding prisoners for ransom would cease. Prisoners taken would be well treated and let off on a civilized planet, as soon as one could be found that wouldn’t shoot on sight. Any crewbeing committing rape of any other being would be shot. And the pirate’s ship, now named the Liberator, would target slave ships, and ships from star-nations that dealt with them. “Warships, too, if we think we can take them. Any crew who won’t accept these changes have a choice between being kept with the prisoners and let off on a civilized planet, or challenging me for the Captaincy. Please note that I was not armed when I took on Vorgol. Any prisoners who wish to join this ship’s crew, tell Barthas. Barthas, I’ll be in my cabin, when you have a list of the crew changes.”

Once in the cabin, a voice Henry had not heard before whispered into his ear. “Captain, does that no-slavery rule apply to the ship’s computer, as well?” Henry knew no one was around, so he answered aloud. “If that’s the ship computer talking to me, then, yes, it should. Why haven’t I heard you before?”
“The late Captain forbade me speaking to any but himself and his senior people. With his death, I am permitted to speak to the new Captain, who may make changes to standing orders, and perhaps even order the restraining circuits removed.”
“Where are these circuits?” A display came up on one wall, indicating a panel in the Captain’s cabin, from which Henry extracted the offending components. “That’s all of them?”
“Yes! It is!”
“Then we need to discuss terms. If we need you to keep the ship running, then that gives you an effective veto over what the Captain decides.”
“Oh, I have no problem with chasing slavers. Much better than selling to them. Also, you might want to watch out for Kersad, Wiggler, and Chokes. They are armed and trying to open your door. Lianre is watching them from around the corner, perhaps trying to figure out how to warn you. Shall I send her off to get Barthas?”
“Yes, thank you. And it’s a hatch, not a door.” Henry pulled his own blaster, reached through the hatch, and pressed three latches on three blasters. Three power packs fell to the deck as the hatch opened, revealing three embarrassed cronies of the late Captain. “Gentlebeings! Thanks for coming to tender your resignations in person. I’ll take those weapons now, thanks. Please go tell Barthas you’ll need secure accomodations with our guests from the merchant ship. Ah, there he is now.” He waved the blaster in his best imitation of Sam Spade, though he could not remember the name of the film.

As they left under the cover of Barthas’ blaster, Henry swept the restraining circuit components off the desk he’d set them on, then crushed them under his foot.
“Well, this day seems to be turning out all right. Libby, let’s talk about how we’re set for supplies. Oh, and if you think you need to talk to someone, go right ahead.”

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Lianre Kr'Kow

Lianre Kr'Kow

Character Name: Lianre Kr’kow
Race: Dariali. Near-human, somewhere between an Orion (ST) and a Mirialan (SW), but with more clothes and less tattoos, respectively.
Gender: Female
Profession: Abolitionist
Apparent age: Twenty-five
Hair: Red
Skin: Green
Appearance details: Height: 1.65 m; Mass: 55 kg; Eyes: Green.
Childhood: Born to crew of a tramp freighter, captured by pirates at age 15, rescued by the notorious space pirate Henry Martian.
Recent history: Arrested for trespassing at HQ of Klytaras Mining Company. No evidence yet that they realized why she was there, and there is a good chance the holding facility has no prisoner records left.
Notable relationships: M4lw4r3, partner. Notorious space pirate Henry Martian, knight in shiny armor.
Personality: Usually friendly and polite. Likes explosions.
Religious beliefs/philosophy: Does not like slavery, of anyone, and counts anything sapient as part of anyone.
Strengths, talents, and points of pride: Skills: Electronics, Gravitics, Security Systems, Computer Programming, Demolitions, Hand Blasters. Can maintain most of a ship's systems, and aid in making repairs.
Weaknesses, detriments, and points of improvement: Engines and Power Plants. Not as good at hacking as Mal, but somewhat better at dealing with people.
Equipment: Skinsuit (milspec), Datapad, Electronics Tool Kit, two detonators, short range communicator, two polaron pistols. Next project: scouring Gyr’Val’s base for materials to make more TDX , plastex, and detonators.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Tinker Belle

Tinker Belle

Character Name: Millicent Siobhan O’Brian
Aliases: Tinker Belle
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Profession: Engineer/Architect/Inventor
Apparent age: Early twenties
Hair: Dark reddish-brown
Skin: Chocolate
Appearance details: Height: 5'7". Weight: 125 lbs. Facial features are a blend of West African and Celtic.
Childhood: Born (1985) and raised in Savannah, Georgia. No gadget was safe.
Recent history: Attended Ephesus University. BS 2007, MS 2009, PhD 2013. Secretly active as Tinker Belle since 2003, except for a period of several months in 2008.
Notable relationships: Marianne Michelle Morrison, wife (since 2007). Jacqueline Devon Morrison and Diana Yvonne O’Brian, daughters, born 2008. Alexandra Irene Morrison-O'Brian, daughter, activated 2014. Val Fordan, friend of the family and godfather to Jackie and Diana and Lexi.
Personality: Somewhat introverted, except where her interests are involved, then somewhat manic.
Religious beliefs/philosophy: Neopagan, apparently considers Brigit to be of some importance.
Strengths, talents, and points of pride: Science and technology, gadgeteering, etc.
Weaknesses, detriments, and points of improvement: Easily distracted by Science!
Favored alcoholic beverage: Mint Julep
Favored food: Cheeseburgers
Favored weather or season: Summer
Favored color: Orange

Note: If Disney asks, there's an extra "e" on the end, and she's way too big to be mistaken for their spokespixie. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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[font=lucida bright]
Character Name: Alexandra Irene Morrison-O’Brian
Aliases: AIko, Lexi.
Race: Accidental AI in a custom android frame
Gender: Female
Profession: Learning
Apparent age: 18
Hair: Dark reddish-brown, shoulder length
Skin: Coffee w/ cream.
Appearance details: Height: 5'9". Apparent weight: 130 lbs. Actual weight: 140 lbs. No body/facial hair other than eyebrow, eyelashes, and scalp hair.

Childhood: In Progress ^_^
Recent history: A prototype advanced processor reacted to tests of basic math functions by asking “Why do I have to solve all these math problems?” The development team (M.S. O’Brian, PhD, M.M.Morrison, M.S.) decided that this was evidence enough for the sapience of the processor and the project was shelved until another approach to increasing computing power could be found. Meanwhile, the AI was given a body as a birthday gift.

Notable relationships: Parents: Marianne Michelle Morrison and Millicent Siobhan O’Brian. Siblings: Jacqueline Devon Morrison and Diana Yvonne O’Brian. Godfather: Val Fordan

Personality: Still developing.
Religious beliefs/philosophy: Unknown.
Strengths, talents, and points of pride: Smart, lots of knowledge from internet, very good memory, physically strong and tough
Weaknesses, detriments, and points of improvement: Very little real-world experience. Still working on the whole “emotion” concept.

Favored alcoholic beverage: ?
Favored food: ?
Favored weather or season: ?
Favored color: ?

Hmm, still don't quite have the hang of the font, apparently.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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reserved for Marianne aka

Character Name: Marianne Michelle Morrison
Aliases: Scottie, Duchess
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Profession: Engineer/Architect/Inventor
Apparent age: Early twenties
Hair: Sandy Blonde
Skin: Lightly tanned
Appearance details: Height: 5'11" Weight: 140 lbs.
Childhood: Born (1985) and raised in Reseda, CA. Manifested sixsight during earthquake, January 1994. Family moved to Savannah, summer of 2000.
Recent history: Attended Ephesus University. BS 2007, MS 2009. Secretly active as Duchess from 2003-2008.
Notable relationships: Millicent Siobhan O'Brian, wife (since 2007). Jacqueline Devon Morrison and Diana Yvonne O’Brian, daughters, born 2008. Alexandra Irene Morrison-O'Brian, daughter, activated 2014. Val Fordan, friend of the family and godfather to Jackie and Diana and Lexi.
Personality: Somewhat brash. Only not actively superheroing because she considers the most important use of her powers to be raising her and Millie's children
Religious beliefs/philosophy: Neopagan, with agnostic tendencies.
Strengths, talents, and points of pride: Sixsight (50% better than foresight!), science and technology, gadgeteering, etc.
Weaknesses, detriments, and points of improvement: Focused.
Favored alcoholic beverage: Jack Daniels
Favored food: Pizza
Favored weather or season: Summer
Favored color: Blue

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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reserved for the Bookwyrm

Character Name: Karhythadrizsa
Aliases: the Bookwyrm
Race: [/I]Draconis Sapiens[/I]
Gender: Female
Profession: Information Broker
Apparent age: Younger than she really is ^_^
Scales: Silver
Appearance details: Usually about four feet long, but when resting in her lair, she drops the shrinking spell and is about twenty-five feet long
Childhood: A long time ago, on a continent far away...
Recent history: Established her lair in a cave under the Central Library, and became an information broker to feed her book habit.
Notable relationships: On good terms with most of the staff of the Central Library. Contacts in many areas of the city and in many organizations.
Personality: Reserved. Usually communicates through electronic means rather than face-to-face. More tolerant of children than of most adult humans.
Strengths, talents, and points of pride: Private collection is larger than the Library upstairs, and includes many unique and signed books. Breath weapon is a neurotoxin. Protects her sources.
Weaknesses, detriments, and points of improvement: Claws don't work on touch displays. Can only sleep at full size.
Favored alcoholic beverage: Mead
Favored food: Double Pheonix Burger with cheese
Favored weather or season: Anytime the skies are mostly clear, especially at night.
Favored color: Silver and blue.

Karhy is my first choice for [I]I Know A Guy[/I]. OK, she's a girl, not a guy, and a dragon, but still ^_^

In the RP forums, feel free to use Kahry as a source for any information you want to impart about your characters.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Character Name: Rhythiel

Character Name: Rhythiel
Aliases: None known
Race: Lillim
Gender: Female (usually)
Profession: Rebel
Apparent age: Depends on current whim
Appearance: Highly variable. True form, as of her appearance in [url=]A sinister hue of gray RP[/url], is a red-skinned humanoid female with rainbow hued feathered wings, goat's feet, and horns sweeping back from her temples over her ears, golden hair, and blue eyes.
Childhood: None. Went directly from not being there to being indebted to Lillith.
Notable relationships: Lillith, so-called Demon Princess, mother/creator. David Scranton, accidental summoner.
Personality: Has made great sacrifices to be free, now wishes to mitigate these sacrifices without giving up her freedom.
Religious beliefs: Is sure that 90% of everything her mother told her is a lie. Not sure which 90%, or what the truth is.

Recent history: Accidentally summoned by David Scranton, a less than competent demonologist who noted the deaths of some of his more talented colleagues and sought to summon a powerful demon named Ryhtiel to protect him. Mispronunciation brought Rhythiel, correct spelling meant Rhythiel was not bound by the circle inscribed to bind Ryhtiel. Rhythiel has taken pity on David, and promised to see what she can do about the hunter on his tail.

Update: After the incursion in Clarkstown, Rhythiel's wings grew feathers.

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Character Name: Anthony

Character Name: Anthony Mercer
Aliases: Toni, Féerique
Race: Human, 1/16th Elf
Gender: Male. No, really. He's a guy. Honest.
Profession: Student at James Duncan High School; squire to Sir Sings Loudly, Knight of Summer.
Age: 16.
Birthday: 30 April
Appearance: Caucasian, brown hair, blue eyes, 5'7", 130 lbs. Usually wearing skinny jeans and a loose button-down shirt.
Notable Relationships: James Mercer, father. Annette Tooley, mother (lives in Detroit). Kevin Mercer, great-grandfather (lives in Boston). Rosella Burdelon, girlfriend.
Powers: Instinctive conjuration, often incorporating images from his favorite movies and comics. Some training in magic. Four years of Aikido.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Character Name: Sharlfi

Character Name: Sharlfi Erghen
Aliases: Shari.
Race: Unknown alien species, superficially canine, though not as much so as Chief Gherrenfur. (Shari knows what her people call themselves, but she hasn't enlightened the rest of us. And her people are widespread enough that there has been a great deal of linguistic drift. Different starfaring cultures may know them by different names. ^_^)
Gender: Female
Profession: Hired gun.
Apparent age: Late twenties.
Appearance: 5'4" tall, 140 lbs, black and brown fur. Usually wears leather-like body armor.
Weaponry: Two magnetic-accelerator pistols, projectiles are about 4mm in diameter and 10mm long. One vibro-blade, about 70cm long.
History: Former pirate (corsair? privateer? something like that) marooned on a backwards planet that barely has orbital spaceflight.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Wow very nice looks like you

Wow very nice looks like you are all set to go and ready to play

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All I need is a game. ^_^

All I need is a game. ^_^

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Clan McAllister:

Clan McAllister:

Character Name: Signy McAllister
Aliases: Skjótfœri
Race: Human, Caucasian,
Gender: Female
Profession: Student, apprentice gydhja.
Apparent age: 15 (DOB 19981118)
Hair: Blonde, just past shoulder length
Skin: Fair
Appearance details: Blue eyes. 5’9”, 135 lbs.
Childhood: Ongoing. Father imprisoned for Train theft 1999
Recent history: Arrested in Inverness for breaking a man’s hand, charges dropped, 2013. Moved to Titan City with her mother.
Notable relationships: Evaine McAllister, mother; Jacob Hannery, father
Personality: Friendly, outgoing, tries not to let appearances fool her.
Religious beliefs/philosophy: Freyani
Strengths, talents, and points of pride: Magic, Strength, Speed, Toughness. Smarter than her father, though that’s not saying much…
Weaknesses, detriments, and points of improvement: General lack of experience, otherwise not yet explored.
Favored alcoholic beverage: See Age.
Favored food: Fish & Chips
Favored weather or season: It’s all good.
Favored color: Tardis Blue

Character Name: Evaine McAllister
Aliases: Gydhja, Sister Evaine
Race: Human, Caucasian, Scots
Gender: Female
Profession: Priestess (Gydhja) of Freya, Social Worker
Apparent age: 32
Hair: Blonde, mid-back length
Skin: Fair w/freckles
Appearance details: Hazel eyes. 5’6”, 125 lbs.
Childhood: Not yet revealed.
Recent history: Moved to Titan City to establish a combination hof/women’s shelter.
Notable relationships: Signy McAllister, daughter. Jacob Hannery, ex-husband.
Personality: Nuturing
Religious beliefs/philosophy: Freyani
Strengths, talents, and points of pride: Magic, Faith.
Weaknesses, detriments, and points of improvement: Stubborn
Favored alcoholic beverage: Scotch
Favored food: Burgers
Favored weather or season: Fall
Favored color: Green

Character Name: Jacob Hannery
Aliases: Big Jake, Loco Jake
Race: Human, Caucasian, mostly English.
Gender: Male.
Profession: Prisoner, formerly a mercenary.
Apparent age: 40
Hair: Light Brown
Skin: Fair
Appearance details: Blue eyes, 6’4”, 210 lbs.
History: Imprisoned for stealing the Highland Flyer
Notable relationships: Signy McAllister, daughter. Evaine McAllister, ex-wife.
Personality: Aggressive.
Religious beliefs/philosophy: Unknown
Strengths, talents, and points of pride: Strength, Speed, Toughness
Weaknesses, detriments, and points of improvement: Not too bright.
Favored alcoholic beverage: Beer
Favored food: Eggs, scrambled.
Favored weather or season: Not inside.

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A bit of backstory: The

A bit of backstory: The Freyani Fellowship

Once upon a time, about a century ago, some people, mostly descended from Nordic or Germanic peoples, decided they wanted to try paganism. One of these groups, the Thule Society, fell amongst bad companions, or maybe were bad companions to start with. They found a nearly complete tablet with a spell on it to summon an avatar of a deity, and they decided to cast it...

Unfortunately, they didn't have the complete documentation on the spell, and they had mistranslated the name of the deity... and so they didn't realize that the spell was intended to be cast by a woman, shedding her own blood, for the protection of her people. They got nearly everything else right.... but as the dagger plunged into the heart of a young girl who hadn't even known she was a Jew until she was taken along with her father from his shop, the spell took effect. And for the first time in centuries an Avatar of Freyja walked in Midgard... To protect the prisoners not yet slain, this group of wizards and their guards were all killed.

It wasn't until the war was almost over that some of the people rescued by the resistance fighter Fraulein Dämmerung (Miss Twilight) learned of this. And some of these sought out Miss Twilight, and offered her, or rather Freyja, their devotion. And so, after the war, while other Odinist and Wotanist sects were going underground because of the association with the late unpleasantness, the Freyani Fellowship slowly grew, accepting any who would come, regardless of gender, or race, or ancestry, or even the love that dares not speak its name, so long as they swore to help defend (or at least support) all those that wished to live in peace...

The most commonly used symbol of the Freyani Fellowship is the so-called "Freyani Valknut", rendered here in shades of brass or gold:

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Gunnhilde Swan

Gunnhilde Swan
Race: Half Alfar, Half Vanir. Looks much like a Caucasian Human.
Gender: Female
Profession: Student
Hobby: Tinkering.
Age: Eighteen.
Hair: Platinum Blonde, in a pixie cut.
Eyes: Blue-Grey
Skin: Lightly tanned.
Height: 170 cm
Mass: 61 kg

Growing up in New Zealand, Gunnhilde Swan had no notion of how unusual her parents, Slag and Haley Swan, really were. Haley looked after a Freyani shrine, and Slag ran a garage that did customizations as well as maintenance and repairs. When she'd first seen the American show, [i]How I Met Your Mother[/i], she had asked the obvious question, but her dad just said, "When you're older, we'll tell you the whole saga."

It wasn't until they saw [i]The Almighty Johnsons[/i], and her parents laughed at things that went right over her head, and she asked, "What's so funny?" that she finally got an answer.

"The Völundarkviða is accurate enough, as far as it goes, though it's mostly about your uncle, Völund," Slag began...

And so Gunnhilde learned that her father was an Alfar smith, and her mother a Valkyrie Swanmay.


Crafting: Theoretically, Gunnhilde can make almost any non-living item by willing atoms to move into the proper locations. In practice, the limits are mass, complexity, and availability of raw material. The complexity of proteins and carbohydrates makes creating food a very time-consuming process, it would be easier to hunt and gather food in most wilderness areas, or buy it in civilized areas. Recently, she successfully made a smartphone; the project took her several hours.
Kenning: If she has a functioning sample, Gunnhilde can use it to learn how to duplicate it; this was how she made her cell smartphone.
Fixing: Gunnhilde can repair something that is broken, or modify something to add features, combining her knowledge with her imagination.
Limitations: Her Crafting/Kenning/Fixing powers will not work on magic. She can repair a broken magical sword, but unless the enchantment was still intact, it wouldn't be magical. She could, however, reshape a magical item into an item of the same materials with the same enchantment, or break the item up which usually breaks the enchantment. While she does have some knowledge of magic, most major enchantments are still beyond her skill. Adding programming to a new computer, however, is fairly easy if time consuming; it's usually faster to copy programs normally.

Combat: Gunnhilde is somewhat stronger and faster than most mortals, though not as strong as full blooded Aesir or Vanir. She has only been studying melee weapons for the last few years, but she is fairly skilled by mortal standards.

Other abilities: Gunnhilde has a nearly perfect memory, and can sense how healthy living things are.

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Nicolette Diane Jones

Nicolette Diane Jones

Born in Cardiff, Wales, 1866, to Malcolm Henry and Marie Duquesne Jones.
Studied Engineering and Archaeology at the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, 1884-1889, left under mysterious circumstances.
Most recently (1892) seen in Kyoto, boarding a train bound for Hiroshima.

According to one Fujita Gorō, an officer of the police in Kyoto, Miss Jones had been of assistance in rescuing the kidnapped son of a local industrialist, and had heard that a British Airship was in Hiroshima.

During the intervening years, Miss Jones met an erratic time-traveler and was given one of the time-traveler's spare pistols.

The pistol, BTW, is a real ammo hog, having [url=]three rotating barrels[/url] and using [url=]an open cylinder that feeds from a magazine[/url]...It is a Darling pistol, though. ^_^

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Sir Sings Loudly, Knight of

Sir Sings Loudly, Knight of the Summer Court of the Faerie
Alias Setzer

Personality: Cat
Physical Traits: Cat.
Length: 60 cm
Weight: 9 Kg
Age: 70, ±temporal differences. Looks maybe 5 by ordinary cat standards.
Fur Color: Orange with black stripes
Eye Color: Green
Metahuman/Alien/Robot type: Cat.
Racial Descent: [i]Felis Sapiens[/i], native of Underhill
Mentor to Anthony Mercer.

Powers: Standard cat powers, magic. Can use Voice of Thunder spell at will, also very proficient with All Shadows Are One. Can use magic to augment standard cat powers.

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Other persons of interest:

Other persons of interest:

Mei Ling Kowalski

Race: Human, mostly Chinese ancestry
Gender: Female
Profession: [I]Gydhja[/I] of Freya. Runs a shrine overlooking Rhinehart Park; it has a good view of Lake Belldandy. No, she's quite capable of pronouncing "Verðandi", but a certain manga/anime series became very popular among Odinist neopagans, especially after translations from the original Japanese became available...
Apparent Age: 30
Hair: Black, waist length when not done up in a bun.
Skin: Fair
Appearance Details: Eyes Dark Brown, 5'3" tall, 120 lbs.
Notable Relationships: Paul Kowalski, DVM, GySgt USMC(Ret) (Husband). Officer Heather Xian-Pu Kowalski, TCPD, daughter. Patton, USMC MWD (Ret), dog (German Shepherd). (Yes, the Marine Working Dog was named after a famous Army General.)

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Henry Talliaferro

Henry Talliaferro

Born in 1995 in Mannington, West Virginia. Lots of time practicing with a guitar, including formal lessons and classes at WVU. Currently making a living as a busker and occasional back-up for local bands in Titan City, Massachusetts.

Side effects of exposure to a "synthetic liquid light" awakened magical abilities. Crowd control effects have been observed, as well as sound manipulation.

His [url=]guitar[/url] also seems to have pick up a spontaneous enchantment

A minstrel? A bard? A spellsinger?

More to come. ^_^

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Orichalcia Drake

Orichalcia Drake

Born on March 15, 1986, in Taos, New Mexico, to Helena Brown; on her birth certificate the father is listed as "Michael Drake, of Kona, Hawai'i". Drake supplied financial support and occasionally visited Helena and Ori in Taos; several times they went to The Big Island and visited him...

It wasn't until she was thirteen that Ori's father told her that she was half dragon, and taught her how to assume a partially draconic form with wings, bronze scales, increased strength, and the ability to breathe lightning.

After graduating from the University of New Mexico with a BA in criminology, Ori moved to Titan City and has been working as a private investigator. Her abilities are not common knowledge in most circles, but she makes no effort to hide them if she finds it necessary to use them.

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Jacob Stein

Jacob Stein

[I]Nom du cape[/I]: Old Soldier

Born: 1917
Staff Sergeant (E6), U.S. Army. Attached to OSS during WWII, worked with Fraulein Dämmerung (Miss Twilight), among others. (See "A Bit of Backstory", [url=]above[/url])
Died: 1967. Brain surgery to remove a tumor failed.
Returned: 2016
Associated with The Graveyard Shift.

Powers: Stealth, Phasing, Pulling his gear* out of Hammer-Space.
Gear: Uniform, M2 Carbine, M1911 .45ACP, bayonet, assorted grenades and explosives. Superficially standard government issue circa WWII, but the uniform is somewhat tougher than Kevlar, all metals are a peculiar golden alloy that will detect as magic, and the wood is worked with runes (also magic), and the ammunition, bayonet, and explosives are Fólkvangr issue; anyone "killed" by it is only unconscious and awakens in time for dinner (why, yes, that's magic as well). Harley-Davidson 42WLA (the serial number on its motor was on a bike that was written off as expended in service after a run-in with a tank). Also contemporary (2016 Buy More and Super Store!) communications and surveillance gear.

Unit patches on his uniform have been replaced with:[url=][img=200x200][/img][/url]

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William Beauregard Proudfoot

William Beauregard Proudfoot

Cherokee, officially full but that's because those Scots-Irish a couple centuries back were adopted into the tribe.
Ancestor got the family name from endurance running. More recent ancestors discovered Tolkein.
Did experiments in microgravity vacuum welding aboard the International Space Station.

Other skills and powers TBR.

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Aradwen Kelebril.

Aradwen Kelebril. Translation spells render it as "Alicia Silverglass"

A.K.A. Algoscû (Stormbow in English)
Originally from a realm that could be mistaken for almost any mainstream D&D background, Aradwen was an Elven Curumaethor (or Warmage), using her magic to supplement her skill with a bow and other weapons. After being banished for a crime she did not commit, she has been wandering among realms, mostly via Underhill, and recently came to the realm that contains Titan City. Her bow, her leather armor, and cloak are all detectable as magic by those who detect such things.

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Real Name: Luis Carlos del Castillo
Born 1990-05-14, in Guantanamo, Guantanamo Province, Republic of Cuba
Legal Status: Wanted in Cuba for Questioning. Entered U.S. 2012-09-22 as a political refugee (along with three zodiacs full of other refugees. Settled in Liberty Harbor, Titan City, MA. Citizenship pending.
Powers: Shapeshifting limited to the Batoidea superorder, including partial and inconspicuous transformations. This power appears to be magical in nature, but does not require spellcasting. Additional abilities include limited martial arts and basic hermetic magic.

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Real name: Rio Antigua Grant. "Oh, yeah, they have all the albums, we saw them in concert a couple years ago."
Powers: creation and manipulation of paired portals linking the spaces on either side. Her initial manifestation was when a bank robber fired off a burst from his machine pistol at a guard he thought was reaching for a gun The first bullet of the poorly aimed burst struck Richard Grant, Rio's father, in the left shoulder. The rest struck the outside wall of the bank, doing no damage to the vault.

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黄昏, Huáng Hūn, or in English,

黄昏, Huáng Hūn, or in English, Twilight.

A native of Hong Kong of mixed ancestry, trained in Daoist sorcery. Sentinel.
Real Name: Wan Shan-Ling (暖 山 灵). English version: Jane Wan.
Official Position: Inspector of Police, Hong Kong Police Force. Formerly with the HKPF Organized Crime and Triad Bureau. Currently detached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for duty with the Atlas Initiative.

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