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Discuss! Topics for future Updates

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VDG's picture
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Discuss! Topics for future Updates

[i]Copy-pasta'ed from Facebook[/i]

Are there any topics you'd like us to cover in the future, as part of our weekly updates?

What sort of things do you want to hear about from our department heads and team members?

(Don't forget, as well as the obvious things like tech, art and lore, we have things like HR, marketing, PR, business and legal.)

Which updates do you like the best? What specific topics would you like us to cover?

Your feedback will help us to create the kind of updates you'd like to see in the future (although we can't promise you we can accommodate EVERY request, we will listen to what you have to say :) )


JayBezz's picture
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I want all the things you're

I want all the things you're not ready to say yet.

Namely game mechanics conversations. Which systems you are priorities, which are like to haves, which are the "not really".

Stats? (END, INT, STR etc)
Framework Type?
FX choice? FX coloring?
Pronoun choice?
Costume Layering?

Oh.. and some in-game art? lol.

I'm being honest because that's what will get me most excited to give you feedback (and hopefully in the affirmative)

Crowd Control Enthusiast

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HR, business and legal are

HR, business and legal are area's that I am *personally* not all that interested in.

Marketing/PR I think would be more appropriate closer to release.

Like Jay, I am more of the "nuts and bolts" kind of updates. Which is why I actually enjoy the CCP dev blogs because they tend to do the background for the change/update, how its changing, and give examples.

Even if the update is not due to hit live for a couple of months (or the next expansion) they will sneak in images of what they are aiming for (ie when they released different skins for the Scorpion battleship, they showed them all in a single screenshot, even if the update wasn't due out for a few months)


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Cinnder's picture
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Yeah, the stuff that you are

Yeah, the stuff that you are probably not ready to say yet, like how combat will work, more specifics on alignment, pretty much anything on actual game mechanics. Also very much looking forward to seeing what characters will look like, when that's ready. The KS updates that got me most excited were the ones talking about the alignment matrix, missions that let you choose your tactics, and the clue system.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Foradain's picture
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Maps and lore for me ^_^

Maps and lore for me ^_^
And maybe ETAs for when the input will be requested for the various KS perks and pledge levels that need backer input.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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VDG's picture
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*reviews notes*

[b]*reviews notes*[/b]

[b]*nods head*[/b]

Well, what I can tell you is [b][redacted][/b] and [b][redacted][/b] are on the update schedule. At the moment we're a bit bogged down with working on [b][redacted][/b] but by [b][redacted][/b] we should be a little bit more "available."

[i](/end jk)[/i]

In all seriousness, we do have things planned but we're well aware we don't have a crystal ball that can see into your minds ([i]or do we?[/i]) in regards with what you want to hear about. Updates that show the "nuts and bolts" of the game design process are some we are [b]definitely[/b] eager to do - but, as to quote one of my role models:

[i]"These things must be done delicately."[/i][/center]

So, use this thread as the place to let your voice be heard and know you can always ask specific questions at:

[i]Side note[/i]: Are there any specific updates that we have done before ([i]KS? Dev Blog? Facebook?[/i]) that you'd point to as something you'd like to see more of?

Baalumbral's picture
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I actually would be

I actually would be interested in hearing what plans are in place legal-wise should NCSoft decide to get litigious and trying to pull the same stunt that Marvel pulled against CoH, that the quickest way to obtaining a new superhero MMO was to sue an existing one and take it as their own. Is there a legal team that is looking of CoT development and making sure the game is removed enough from CoH to be, well, nothing is lawsuit-proof, but as close as possible?

My nightmare scenario is NCSoft gaining control of CoT and then putting it in the same cold storage as CoH.

Most what I *want* to hear about is game mechanics and powersets (and costume options. and badge hunting. and the logistics of looking-for-team improvements and matchmaking). But what I'm needing to hear are the steps being taken to make sure all that yummy stuff doesn't get trampled on.

Fireheart's picture
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I have an interest in Lore.

I have an interest in Lore. I'd like to get to know the neighborhoods, groups, and history. I don't expect all of the fun stuff to be revealed, though.

I read quite a bit on the MWM forums and I'd love to join in a discussion of developing [b]The City[/b]. I mean, [b]The City[/b] is going to be the biggest, most complicated 'character' we'll be interacting with in this game.

Be Well!

RottenLuck's picture
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I'm with Fireheart here. I

I'm with Fireheart here. I want to know our new Home. Would love to see a map or two so I can visualize going from place to place. There should always be things hidden but what a normal Civilian would know in the world we the players should know as well right?

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Darth Fez
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Specifically, I'd like to get some idea of the intended scale of the city. Is going to be large, really large, and is the dev team feeling constrained by considerations such as "it probably shouldn't be larger than New York City"?

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!

Foradain's picture
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Actually, Darth, you're

Actually, Darth, you're Fourthing. ^_^

# 5, # 8, # 9, # 10. Just in case anyone's counting. (This one shouldn't, if we're already counting # 5 ^_^)

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

syntaxerror37's picture
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Lore, specifically of the

Lore, specifically of the various groups and factions we will be fighting alongside/against. Marketing and PR wise, I'm interested to know what is being planed to get new players interested in the game (as opposed to us former CoXers).

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

Empyrean's picture
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Any and all of the above, but

Any and all of the above, but I'd love to know your business and legal strategies too--what your target playerbase is, plans for if it's MUCH bigger, plans for if it's smaller, etc.

UNLESS, or course, there is a real strategic reason for not making this public in too much detail, which I would understand, and if so then I'd go with lore n stuff like everyone else :).

PS- The only reason I'm curious about this stuff is I really really really want y'all to succeed and I know that--even though everyone is excited about the game itself--the game is just the visible tip of the iceberg as far as the things that matter for the actual success and long-term continuance of the game.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Mageman's picture
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What I'd really love is some

What I'd really love is some sort of interactive walk-through. I realize that the game is still in it's infancy, but something we could download and just walk around the inside of a building would be great.

Mageman's Rules:I love my wifeI miss CoXWhen in doubt, refer to rule 1

Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
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open alpha... (is there

open alpha... (is there something before alpha? idk) ... idea of walkthrough... lets debug it together, more ppl is better.. is secrecy an issue?
hmm, basically what mageman said is same as open alpha... or weekly alpha releases would be fantastic
weekly fan/player art/content contest ... winners ideas get in the game somehow
hope i am not repeating something i am just overlooking in all the vast content on the forum already :)


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I'm always up for more

I'm always up for more information about powers. I'd really like to see a "Power Suites for Dummies" update or similar. Or a walkthrough of how a character goes from idea to level 1 starting character. But that latter one wil probably not be until the character creator part is at least somewhat close to ready.

JayBezz's picture
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McNum wrote:
McNum wrote:

I'm always up for more information about powers. I'd really like to see a "Power Suites for Dummies" update or similar. Or a walkthrough of how a character goes from idea to level 1 starting character. But that latter one wil probably not be until the character creator part is at least somewhat close to ready.

I absolutely want to see the framework system as soon as possible.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Scott Jackson
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A rough mock-up of the

A rough mock-up of the process for character creation and powerset selection/customization, please? I understand that we'd likely be getting more of a text walkthrough or artistic impression of the process, but even that "storyboard version" would be fascinating.

It would be especially nice to visualize the "simple process" (that someone would follow if just wanting to start quickly) contrasted with the "complex, 5-hour, tweak every knob process" that I know at least a few of us will do. Heh.

Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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I absolutely want to see the framework system as soon as possible.

As do I. We're starting out without pets, and a cap of level 30.

In CoH, a Controller usually got the critter at 32--Will CoT follow the 9 tier powersets and level progression? I got...rather ATTACHED...

The plastic tips on the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets; their true purpose is sinister.

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Cymmetri wrote:
Cymmetri wrote:

I absolutely want to see the framework system as soon as possible.

As do I. We're starting out without pets, and a cap of level 30.
In CoH, a Controller usually got the critter at 32--Will CoT follow the 9 tier powersets and level progression? I got...rather ATTACHED...

even more of a question, is 40 meant to be the *intended* level cap, but they just didn't have the funds for it, or do they have plans to initially go even higher ie up to Level 50.

This does raise an interesting question, because depending on the MMO, you either get more "oh crap" buttons (like WoW) or you get more "optional" abilities so that you vast majority of your build and what not is *already* in play at an earlier stage.

Controllers in CoX were one those real "late game bloomers", because of when they got their pets, which made playing them *solo* a lot less of a chore, whereas a scrapper/tanker/brute/blaster started off pretty well, and levelling up just made them work *better*


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Izzy's picture
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Gangrel wrote:
Gangrel wrote:

even more of a question, is 40 meant to be the *intended* level cap, but they just didn't have the funds for it, or do they have plans to initially go even higher ie up to Level 50.

I would imagine that we would have learned from past expectations... and anticipate max cap level jumps by +5 (maybe 10, since an Even number might fit better), to the max level cap. But before that can happen, they would have to work out all the balancing details as well as have time to create additional animations for new powers, even create new powers for the existing powersets to even them out to match newly planned powersets in the future that will start out with allot more powers from the get go.

RottenLuck's picture
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Even CoH found away to go

Even CoH found away to go beyond level 50. The whole incarnate system could be seen as another form of leveling beyond the level cap.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Cinnder's picture
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Gangrel wrote:
Gangrel wrote:

even more of a question, is 40 meant to be the *intended* level cap, but they just didn't have the funds for it, or do they have plans to initially go even higher ie up to Level 50.

That's a really good question. I liked CoX because it was planned from the start with a fixed max level. In other MMOs where they increase the level cap later, there usually seems to be a bunch of awkwardness around the previously-max-lvl stuff that players have been grinding endgame or dailies to acquire.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Izzy's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

... I liked CoX because it was planned from the start with a fixed max level. In other MMOs where they increase the level cap later, there usually seems to be a bunch of awkwardness around the previously-max-lvl stuff that players have been grinding endgame or dailies to acquire.

Just Dont!
We cant have that kind of thinking or we might not see CoT for another +3 years! :<

i rather have CoT now, with a few semi unbalanced powerssets and let the Devs rebalance the powersets with a future update/expansion.

I know the argument that we should think about making a stable foundation and take a long time to build on it... but honestly.. do we really know what that entails? :/ i a programmer myself and I cant predict all the changes that might be wanted down the road. I just make sure the code is modular enough to be reusable in a bunch of ways with different objects.

As long as the community sees a potential for the games success, they wont shy away from it... even if its not up the latest / greatest MMO standards.

I would rather have an Alpha( 300 articulant users / testers ) / BETA ( Open to All ) phase and let us give our perspectives on whats working, whats not, whats almost there, what hits the nail on the head. etc...
..So that we can feel like we actually had a part in making the game great, even though we didnt make any of the assets or any of the story lines, or even any of the coding done ourselves.

Izzy's picture
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Baalumbral wrote:
Baalumbral wrote:

My nightmare scenario is NCSoft gaining control of CoT and then putting it in the same cold storage as CoH.

If that happens, just sell CoT to their Competitor. Or Threaten Them with that. ;) See if they wanna play chicken. >:)

Cinnder's picture
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Izzy wrote:
Izzy wrote:

Just Dont!
We cant have that kind of thinking or we might not see CoT for another +3 years! :<
i rather have CoT now, with a few semi unbalanced powerssets and let the Devs rebalance the powersets with a future update/expansion.

Sorry, Izzy - I'm not quite sure what you mean. Power sets can always be balanced in the future regardless of level cap. And the game doesn't have to be [I]released[/I] with access to max level, as long as the max level has already been planned. CoH and CoV were each released with a level cap of 40 that was raised with a subsequent issue, but the system was planned for 50 from the start, so raising the level cap didn't require any retconning. That's all I'm saying.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Izzy's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Izzy wrote:
Just Dont!
We cant have that kind of thinking or we might not see CoT for another +3 years! :<
i rather have CoT now, with a few semi unbalanced powerssets and let the Devs rebalance the powersets with a future update/expansion.

Sorry, Izzy - I'm not quite sure what you mean. Power sets can always be balanced in the future regardless of level cap. And the game doesn't have to be released with access to max level, as long as the max level has already been planned. CoH and CoV were each released with a level cap of 40 that was raised with a subsequent issue, but the system was planned for 50 from the start, so raising the level cap didn't require any retconning. That's all I'm saying.

Later when the level cap is raised, and new powers are introduced... Devs might need to re-balance a number of powersets. Hmm I only started playing CoH around issue 3. :/
I wouldnt know about the 40 level cap. :P

Plus, as you might have guessed it... players usually want AOE based attacks when they are close to the MAX level cap. Its normal to want to feel powerful. But AOE based powers i presume can take quite a while to get right (balancing the powerset with the AOE's in it).

summer-heat's picture
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I'd like to see more on lore

I'd like to see more on lore (who are these npc heroes and villains and factions?), more on the neighborhoods/city/maps in terms of neighborhood themes and design, more on the factions, more on the gameplay (planning, combat, non-combat, dreams, etc), more on the character creation (power selection process to costume limitations and iterations)...But really I'm happy to get whatever updates we get currently as long as the devs don't go completely silent.

As for the side topic on max level, I get the resistance because a system gets bogged down when it tries to balance at L90 for a game originally released to L60, requiring such a massive overhaul and number-squish. The upside to that would be not only giving players new content to run and progress and improve, but it equally provides a way to churn out boosts and such that can get highly optimized if left to plateau. I would be interested to know the 1.0-10.0 plan regarding max level: if it's got a set point or if it's open-ended.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

Cyclops's picture
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Conception Art. More please.

Conception Art. More please.


Pyromantic's picture
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While I recall it being

While I recall it being suggested that we've had a lot of mechanical updates lately, I think it's more accurate to say we've had a lot of [i]technical[/i] updates--things like how the maps are constructed or character rigs. While it's interesting and inspiring to see these things, I would truly love more details on gameplay mechanics. We have had peaks into things like momentum, masteries and augments, but I think it's been quite a while since we've gone in that direction. With that in mind, assuming you didn't just decide it's too early to discuss these things, I would love updates like this:

[list][*]What does a powerset look like? A complete listing of all powers in a planned set would be fantastic.
[*]How is experience and character progression intended to work? Are things like critter/mission reward bonuses in a similar ratio to CoH? Teaming bonuses? When do characters get access to new powers and tertiaries?
[*]What does combat look like? Do we anticipate something like 3 even-level minions as the "default" assumption for a solo player? Is this default intended to change as you progress to higher levels? (Not that this last thing was intended in City of Heroes as I understand it, at least not originally, but in practice it's what happened.)
[*]What about hit mechanics, crowd control mechanics, buff/debuff mechanics (e.g. are there many buffs that you cannot apply to yourself, like City?) and the like?
[*]Anything else mechanical you want to share![/list]

For me, this is the stuff that will truly make or break the game as something that will capture my attention. Any updates you have on these topics would be greatly appreciated.

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

Cyclops's picture
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I would like a Concept art

I would like a Concept art update. Give the starving artists the limelight for a bit.
show us a pizza place hangout for supers, more ideas for the iconic heroes, more of the major NPC (like the McGruff dog police captain), and of course more Villains!


Cyclops's picture
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Thank you! in the last Twitch

Thank you! in the last Twitch I got to see concept art! Hooray.

what I would like to see next would be FACES. Handsome men and pretty girls. Hair styles. make-up...EYES.
and various masks...the human head and emotion emotes if we have them. 50% of the character is right there.


TitansCity's picture
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Thank you! in the last Twitch I got to see concept art! Hooray.

what I would like to see next would be FACES. Handsome men and pretty girls. Hair styles. make-up...EYES.
and various masks...the human head and emotion emotes if we have them. 50% of the character is right there.

indeed, a complete super-hero theme would be a cool thing :) Afterall, we have almost see armors and one cloack ^^ But, as a successor of the first super hero theme MMO, it seems we saw a few things about super-heroes :) where are they ??! Gimme spandex ! :D

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Hero_Zero's picture
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Some ugly faces might be good

Some ugly faces might be good too. I'm thinking from Jonah Hex and the hunchback to the Grinch and Popeye.


Cyclops's picture
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OK the consensus is for Faces

OK the consensus is for Faces, the good the bad and the ugly.
and hair
and masks....................all the good stuff.


Redlynne's picture
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Gotta have masks, because

Gotta have masks, because some of those faces are UGLY.


[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Wolfgang8565's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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I want to see more concept

I want to see more concept art of locations. From a first person point of view.


[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]

Cyclops's picture
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on the Lore aspect...I would

on the Lore aspect...I would love to hear more about Doctor Tyche. He is THE most interesting character.


Safehouse's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
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I agree about wanting more

I agree about wanting more deets on Doctor Tycho.

I also would really like to see more about major characters both heroic and villainous that we can expect to encounter in game.

And the big wish I have is seeing a bit more in game rendering of stuff we’ve been hearing about. I wanna see how integration is going! *whines*

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.

Godling's picture
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I agree with Pyromanticits a

I agree with Pyromanticits a new year so lets leek another power from each of the power sets or a list of planned tertiarys.

[URL= [/IMG][/URL]