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Sharing with Trolls

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Sharing with Trolls

Many of you have awesome character name and concepts and have obviously invested time/money to bring life to your characters through art. Are any of you concerned that someone may take your character name and concept when the game does launch one day because you shared your character for all to see? For instance what if you had 10,000 posts on this forum and everyone knew your name and thought your avatar and sig were awesome and were looking forward to seeing your character realized in game, then on launch day Johnny Troll swoops in and takes the name and concept you've spent hours, days, (even years), to establish before you are able to log in for the first time?

Lothic's picture
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I suppose there's always a

I suppose there's always a chance for that kind of thing. But after playing CoH for 8.5 years with dozens of characters I can honestly say that I only saw maybe 2 or 3 times where I saw another player out there who I thought had a costume and/or character concept that was even 80-90% close to one of my own. What you're talking about effectively never happened to me, YMMV of course.

Basically I figure the more original you are the less likely this kind of thing will happen, at least by accident. I mean if you choose to make a Superman clone chances are pretty good your Superman clone will be pretty close to dozens of other Superman clones if you know what I mean. You also have to account for the "global naming system" that CoT will be using that will ensure you'll get any character name you want. Does that still leave open the possibilty that your character (hypothetically named CaptainDude@ABC) will be copied by XYZ (who names his character CaptainDude@XYZ)? Sure that's possbile. But again I suspect if you're relatively original enough the chances of people "innocently" copying you is going to be remotely small.

Of course if someone ACTIVELY tries to copy you exactly and makes a point of making an arse of themselves while doing it you can always report them for griefing. Again I suppose that kind of thing did happen from time to time in CoH but I honestly never really heard of it being an overt problem.

P.S. You did mention the fact that many people have paid lots of money for custom character artwork. I've never really opted for any of that myself but I will admit that would probably add to my annoyance quite a bit if I were the "target" of a name/concept troll. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

RottenLuck's picture
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Any game that has a @Global

Any game that has a @Global name system can have that problem. Thought it seems very very rare if ever.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Lord Nightmare
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@Handle systems ARE flawed

@Handle systems ARE flawed however in that if the @handle is easily mimicked without an obvious difference, a lot of damage can be done.

Lord Nightmare@IAmTheNightmare vs Lord Nightmare@lAmTheNightmare

Second one has a lowercase L instead of an I.

Also, many people I know disable the @Handle in the chat so they can't tell if they're being fooled or not (and let's not forget CoH had it disabled by default)

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

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Lord Nightmare wrote:
Lord Nightmare wrote:

@Handle systems ARE flawed however in that if the @handle is easily mimicked without an obvious difference, a lot of damage can be done.
Lord Nightmare@IAmTheNightmare vs Lord Nightmare@lAmTheNightmare
Second one has a lowercase L instead of an I.
Also, many people I know disable the @Handle in the chat so they can't tell if they're being fooled or not (and let's not forget CoH had it disabled by default)

Yes clearly there's a potential for shenanigans with people taking advantage of character font tricks like you describe. I don't think any sane person ever claimed the @global naming scheme is 100% grief-proof. Still I think problems along these lines will be minimal and for the cases that do pop up the GMs will be able to police/arbitrate them accordingly.

P.S. For what it's worth you could always avoid using capital "i"s or lower-case "L"s in your global handle to make it harder to be griefed in the specific way you described. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Not the least bit concerned.

Not the least bit concerned.

The truth of the matter is that there are evils you can't prevent. I'm not one to live in a world where I cater to the haters.

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Even with out the handle

Even with out the handle system you still had people able to make copies. A troll if they really wanted to would find away. Having @Global or not having the Handle doesn't stop them.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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A person would have to create

A person would have to create a whole account and character and costume, Just to grief one person... That's a whole lot of work that could be undone with a single ban-hammering. Just not worth it.

I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but I doubt it would become a significant problem. Let's face it, the people in this game are more concerned with being Different and telling their own, unique story.

Be Well!

Lord Nightmare
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Indeed. Another reason I

Indeed. Another reason I pledged was to make sure I get to reserve the @Handle I want (spoilers: not what you think it is).

TO get back to the main point, there ARE people out there who will try to copy your outfits.. but sometimes it's just because they think it looks cool. I know in CO, a big thing is/was everyone having a Caliga costume. Just as long as they either note that it's not original or at least ASK you for permission, I see no harm in it.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Tiger's picture
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Copy Cats happen, in fact I

Copy Cats happen, in fact I was considering starting a super-group where everyone uses the default male character and use the name Clone. :)

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Off-topic, but you guys just

Off-topic, but you guys just reminded me of 2 AE missions made by some of my SG-mates. One was time-travel-based, where the player would team-up with smaller, younger versions of our mains, and the other had the player teaming up with alternate-universe versions of our mains, where they were similar but with major differences, like opposite gender.

Man I miss that old game and that SG!

Spurn all ye kindle.

Lord Nightmare
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Crisis on Infinite Sexes!

Crisis on Infinite Sexes! Same thing only all the villains from the Gender Bender universe teamed up with the ones from ours.

...Believe me. Lady Nightmare was WAY worse than Lord.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Brand X
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One day I arrived in Cimeroea

One day I arrived in Cimeroea (sp?) when I saw another character that looked like mine. Same large boots, same hairstyle, same height, same outfit, only the colors where different and I sent a tell "Wow! I have that same exact look!" To which they replied, "I know! I saw your look and loved it! So I used it!" I was flattered :)

But I do recall when Exalted server came out, people were claiming popular forum posters known names for themselves.

I think it's the intent. And sadly we'll always see ill-intent.

Most people however, I believe, make homages of more established characters (or out right copies :p) and personally, I like seeing my characters drawn :) I feel most people do. Why I've surprised people with theirs being drawn with my main. One thing I was going to do with CoH, was get pics of my namesake with forum goers mains, sadly, when I was starting that, I only got one done before news of the cancellation :(

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I'm not familiar with the

I'm not familiar with the @Handle thing. What does that entail? Will you always see the @Handle after your name?

VDG's picture
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Just wanted to pipe in that

Just wanted to pipe in that your concerns are noted and we'll be keeping an eye on this topic.

JayBezz's picture
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ProfessorSpecter wrote:
ProfessorSpecter wrote:

I'm not familiar with the @Handle thing. What does that entail? Will you always see the @Handle after your name?

If the tech resembles other games that use this format, no you will not have to see the @ handle if you do not want to most times.. you can turn off the @handle when in chat, in game.. it is used for any account function however (like sending mails, trading, etc) in game because there are some places where anonymity does actually bring the potential for more harm than good.. I just don't think character concept sharing is one of those places.

To add friends, and any other "macro level"/account level things you would add their handle - For instance /addfriend @JayBezz would make us in-game friends .. if you were to write /addfriend Kontrol (the name of my character) it would not have the handle and thus come up with an error. Most games have active hyperlinking to the @handle of those in your party and sometimes proximity based too, however so keep that in mind. For the average player you would never need to see the @handle of anyone unless you desired interaction with the player behind the keyboard

Crowd Control Enthusiast

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VDG wrote:
VDG wrote:

Just wanted to pipe in that your concerns are noted and we'll be keeping an eye on this topic.

Thank you.

I think the general opinion is that it's going to be a rare thing, but it does have the potential for a lot of griefing.

Be Well!

Lothic's picture
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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

ProfessorSpecter wrote:
I'm not familiar with the @Handle thing. What does that entail? Will you always see the @Handle after your name?

If the tech resembles other games that use this format, no you will not have to see the @ handle if you do not want to most times.. you can turn off the @handle when in chat, in game.. it is used for any account function however (like sending mails, trading, etc) in game because there are some places where anonymity does actually bring the potential for more harm than good.. I just don't think character concept sharing is one of those places.
To add friends, and any other "macro level"/account level things you would add their handle - For instance /addfriend @JayBezz would make us in-game friends .. if you were to write /addfriend Kontrol (the name of my character) it would not have the handle and thus come up with an error. Most games have active hyperlinking to the @handle of those in your party and sometimes proximity based too, however so keep that in mind. For the average player you would never need to see the @handle of anyone unless you desired interaction with the player behind the keyboard

Everything JayBezz said here is correct but a "big picture" reason why they would do all this is because this game is planning to work on the "single mega-server" concept where everyone will effectively be playing on a single virtual server. By employing the @global name scheme it'll allow players to name their characters anything they want without worrying about name conflicts on this single big server because your global handle becomes the unique identifier.

Let's say your global is XYZ and you have a character named SuperCoolDude. As far as the game's concerned the character's full name is really SuperCoolDude@XYZ which would allow player ABC to potentially have their own SuperCoolDude as some point. This mitigates problems with people "camping" on names (either on purpose or via their leaving the game) and provides greater naming freedom for newer players who might otherwise been unable to get the names they wanted.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Thank you for the explanation

Thank you for the explanation. However, I like the idea of being the one and only person with a specific name. I remember spending hours upon hours in COH trying to come up with a name (as I started a year after release), a unique name that hadn't been taken and I was proud of some of the names I eventually came up with because I was forced to be more creative. I also remember the thrill of buying Champions Online the second it came out and requesting off work just so I could claim names I had been working on. I did the same for DC Universe Online as well. Having a unique name is very important to me. Also just for the record, Professor Specter is not one of the character's I am talking about, it's just a throw away name concept I had, I have many more that are better.

Darth Fez
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ProfessorSpecter wrote:
ProfessorSpecter wrote:

Thank you for the explanation. However, I like the idea of being the one and only person with a specific name. I also remember the thrill of buying Champions Online the second it came out and requesting off work just so I could claim names I had been working on.

Evidently you're unaware, or have forgotten, that Champions Online uses the @global system. The only unique identifier you need be worried about is the @global since, as Lothic explained, everything else hinges off that. Consider this further anecdotal evidence that the likelihood that you'll see enough people running around with the same name that you've chosen for your character (the equivalents of Batman, Wolverine, or Punisher notwithstanding) to negatively impact your gameplay to be slim to zero.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!

Lothic's picture
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ProfessorSpecter wrote:
ProfessorSpecter wrote:

Thank you for the explanation. However, I like the idea of being the one and only person with a specific name. I remember spending hours upon hours in COH trying to come up with a name (as I started a year after release), a unique name that hadn't been taken and I was proud of some of the names I eventually came up with because I was forced to be more creative. I also remember the thrill of buying Champions Online the second it came out and requesting off work just so I could claim names I had been working on. I did the same for DC Universe Online as well. Having a unique name is very important to me. Also just for the record, Professor Specter is not one of the character's I am talking about, it's just a throw away name concept I had, I have many more that are better.

Many modern MMOs seem to be going towards using some version of the @Global naming system as many of them are adopting the single virtual mega-server approach. As Darth Fez mentioned Champions Online uses that system and if I had to guess (because I never played it) DCUO likely uses that scheme as well.

I would agree that one of the major downsides to the @Global concept is that it potentially allows other people to "re-use" and/or copy your current character names. But think back over all the time you played Champions Online and didn't even realize you were playing a game where that was already a possiblity. Did you ever once run across anyone else who ever shared a character name with yours? Again (as has been mentioned) the chances that it'll actually happen to you is vanishingly small, especially if as you say you take a little time to think of relatively creative names in the first place.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

ProfessorSpecter wrote:
Thank you for the explanation. However, I like the idea of being the one and only person with a specific name. I remember spending hours upon hours in COH trying to come up with a name (as I started a year after release), a unique name that hadn't been taken and I was proud of some of the names I eventually came up with because I was forced to be more creative. I also remember the thrill of buying Champions Online the second it came out and requesting off work just so I could claim names I had been working on. I did the same for DC Universe Online as well. Having a unique name is very important to me. Also just for the record, Professor Specter is not one of the character's I am talking about, it's just a throw away name concept I had, I have many more that are better.

Many modern MMOs seem to be going towards using some version of the @Global naming system as many of them are adopting the single virtual mega-server approach. As Darth Fez mentioned Champions Online uses that system and if I had to guess (because I never played it) DCUO likely uses that scheme as well.
I would agree that one of the major downsides to the @Global concept is that it potentially allows other people to "re-use" and/or copy your current character names. But think back over all the time you played Champions Online and didn't even realize you were playing a game where that was already a possiblity. Did you ever once run across anyone else who ever shared a character name with yours? Again (as has been mentioned) the chances that it'll actually happen to you is vanishingly small, especially if as you say you take a little time to think of relatively creative names in the first place.

The problem with what you said is "relatively creative" as if wanting to use something that would be more inclined to fit in with the superhero genre than something that isn't.

I get it, some people want to be OMG THE ULTIMATE UNIQUE AND ORIGINAL! \o/

A name like, Halo, is very inline with the genre, but also likely to be considered not creative. :p

As for CO, I don't usually run into characters with matching names all that often. Only a few times. So I think it's less a worry. What I find is sad, is even with that naming system we see xXxHaloxXx and the like, or names like IamPvPGoDOfDeth. :/

Fire Away
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I hope this doesn't become a

I hope this doesn't become a problem... because I really have my heart set on becoming Golden Girl.

Lord Nightmare
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Fire Away wrote:
Fire Away wrote:

I hope this doesn't become a problem... because I really have my heart set on becoming Golden Girl.

I forsee a problem in the event that [url=]GG[/url] decides on a whim to try CoT. Just saying, IIRC she's very protective of the name.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Fire Away
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Lord Nightmare wrote:
Lord Nightmare wrote:

Fire Away wrote:
I hope this doesn't become a problem... because I really have my heart set on becoming Golden Girl.

I forsee a problem in the event that GG decides on a whim to try CoT. Just saying, IIRC she's very protective of the name.

Yeah I know about GG and that was kind of my point. I was at a CoH meet and greet once and Matt Miller was trying to feel the crowd out on their views of this whole unique naming thing. In RL I have a fairly common name so I was in the camp of "so what multiple people have the same name". Then a guy in the back of the room pipes up "I want to called Positron!". The crowd chuckled... and I gained an entire new perspective on the issue... not that I have any magic suggestions other than what has been said here.

Lothic's picture
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Lord Nightmare wrote:
Lord Nightmare wrote:

Fire Away wrote:
I hope this doesn't become a problem... because I really have my heart set on becoming Golden Girl.

I forsee a problem in the event that GG decides on a whim to try CoT. Just saying, IIRC she's very protective of the name.

I'm sure GG will be fine with it as long as your version of her looks something like this:


Yep, there wouldn't be any problem with that at all... ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Lothic's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Lothic wrote:
ProfessorSpecter wrote:
Thank you for the explanation. However, I like the idea of being the one and only person with a specific name. I remember spending hours upon hours in COH trying to come up with a name (as I started a year after release), a unique name that hadn't been taken and I was proud of some of the names I eventually came up with because I was forced to be more creative. I also remember the thrill of buying Champions Online the second it came out and requesting off work just so I could claim names I had been working on. I did the same for DC Universe Online as well. Having a unique name is very important to me. Also just for the record, Professor Specter is not one of the character's I am talking about, it's just a throw away name concept I had, I have many more that are better.

Many modern MMOs seem to be going towards using some version of the @Global naming system as many of them are adopting the single virtual mega-server approach. As Darth Fez mentioned Champions Online uses that system and if I had to guess (because I never played it) DCUO likely uses that scheme as well.
I would agree that one of the major downsides to the @Global concept is that it potentially allows other people to "re-use" and/or copy your current character names. But think back over all the time you played Champions Online and didn't even realize you were playing a game where that was already a possiblity. Did you ever once run across anyone else who ever shared a character name with yours? Again (as has been mentioned) the chances that it'll actually happen to you is vanishingly small, especially if as you say you take a little time to think of relatively creative names in the first place.

The problem with what you said is "relatively creative" as if wanting to use something that would be more inclined to fit in with the superhero genre than something that isn't.
I get it, some people want to be OMG THE ULTIMATE UNIQUE AND ORIGINAL! \o/
A name like, Halo, is very inline with the genre, but also likely to be considered not creative. :p
As for CO, I don't usually run into characters with matching names all that often. Only a few times. So I think it's less a worry. What I find is sad, is even with that naming system we see xXxHaloxXx and the like, or names like IamPvPGoDOfDeth. :/

No naming system is going to prevent "silly" names regardless. ;)

And I get the point that in a perfect game we would get to have our own unique names that no one else could ever use. I myself implied the @global system is not optimal, but of all the alternatives I think it has the most "pros" and the least "cons" going for it.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Darth Fez
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So long as there are people

So long as there are people who think Ampersand makes a good name for a child, or name their child things such as Audio Science Clayton[color=red]*[/color], it's putting the cart before the horse to argue that the problem lies with any naming system.

[color=red]*[/color] Seriously.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!

Brand X
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Brand X wrote:
Lothic wrote:
ProfessorSpecter wrote:
Thank you for the explanation. However, I like the idea of being the one and only person with a specific name. I remember spending hours upon hours in COH trying to come up with a name (as I started a year after release), a unique name that hadn't been taken and I was proud of some of the names I eventually came up with because I was forced to be more creative. I also remember the thrill of buying Champions Online the second it came out and requesting off work just so I could claim names I had been working on. I did the same for DC Universe Online as well. Having a unique name is very important to me. Also just for the record, Professor Specter is not one of the character's I am talking about, it's just a throw away name concept I had, I have many more that are better.

Many modern MMOs seem to be going towards using some version of the @Global naming system as many of them are adopting the single virtual mega-server approach. As Darth Fez mentioned Champions Online uses that system and if I had to guess (because I never played it) DCUO likely uses that scheme as well.
I would agree that one of the major downsides to the @Global concept is that it potentially allows other people to "re-use" and/or copy your current character names. But think back over all the time you played Champions Online and didn't even realize you were playing a game where that was already a possiblity. Did you ever once run across anyone else who ever shared a character name with yours? Again (as has been mentioned) the chances that it'll actually happen to you is vanishingly small, especially if as you say you take a little time to think of relatively creative names in the first place.

The problem with what you said is "relatively creative" as if wanting to use something that would be more inclined to fit in with the superhero genre than something that isn't.
I get it, some people want to be OMG THE ULTIMATE UNIQUE AND ORIGINAL! \o/
A name like, Halo, is very inline with the genre, but also likely to be considered not creative. :p
As for CO, I don't usually run into characters with matching names all that often. Only a few times. So I think it's less a worry. What I find is sad, is even with that naming system we see xXxHaloxXx and the like, or names like IamPvPGoDOfDeth. :/

No naming system is going to prevent "silly" names regardless. ;)
And I get the point that in a perfect game we would get to have our own unique names that no one else could ever use. I myself implied the @global system is not optimal, but of all the alternatives I think it has the most "pros" and the least "cons" going for it.

I know, and I agree.

Though I do think with active GMing we can have a lack of silly names, but it's one of my least worries. I teamed with them in CoH, I teamed with them in other MMOs, including CO.

Though I will say, I never understood it in games with the ability like CO to have whatever that fits the game.

Minotaur's picture
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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

So long as there are people who think Ampersand makes a good name for a child, or name their child things such as Audio Science Clayton*, it's putting the cart before the horse to argue that the problem lies with any naming system.
* Seriously.

There are limits, but in general some silly names go with the genre.

[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]


VDG's picture
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Minotaur wrote:
Minotaur wrote:

There are limits, but in general some silly names go with the genre.

[b]*lives in New Jersey*[/b]


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Heheh... if anyone copies

Heheh... if anyone copies anything I do, I consider it a compliment. It does happen. I've had dozens of toons which I had to rename over the years I was in COH. Got pretty used to just coming up with something new.

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

One day I arrived in Cimeroea (sp?) ..............

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Spelled Cimerora.

Lothic wrote:

...............P.S. For what it's worth you could always avoid using capital "i"s or lower-case "L"s in your global handle to make it harder to be griefed in the specific way you described. *shrugs*

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Or just fix the font. Much easier if the devs do it by default but since that didn't happen in CoH I just modded the game client and replaced the ingame font (mont_demibold if memory serves) with one I found called "comic book" which was more appropriate, looked better, was easier to read at a glance and had the bars at the top and bottom of a capital I. There were no two characters that could be mistaken for another in my font of choice.[/color][/b][/size][/font]
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] It was a client side mod (only affects my computer and no one else sees it) as were all my others so there was no problem and as a result I was immune to that bit of naming nonsense.
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]The astute might notice the same problem with the forum font (i L) which is one reason I rarely ever use the default font/color/size etc settings. A global fix for everyone is obviously the ideal but as long I am allowed to "fix" things for myself I can deal with poor default choices.

ProfessorSpecter wrote:

.............................Are any of you concerned that someone may take your character name and concept when the game does launch one day because you shared your character for all to see?...........................

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Well I contributed a considerable amount to the KS and plan to be there the moment the game goes live so I have no fear I will catch my global name and major characters I plan to resurrect from CoH. Also I purposely use unusual spellings (i.e. Brahn sounds identical to Brawn but is less likely to be copied exactly) and have yet to find anyone copying my character names exactly or even wanting to (Xllusya anyone? ).
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Their costumes on the other hand, yeah that happened quite a bit.[/color][/b][/size][/font]
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
I've hosted well over a hundred costume contests under the Atlas statue, every Saturday early on (there was nothing else to do with my influ once I hit 50 but give it away... until Wentworths came along ) and again nearing the end to give away the tens of billions I had aggregated and [url=]go out on a high note[/url]. Since people brought out their best looks copying was a frequent occurrence. It became habit to walk down the Atlas steps after a CC and hang out to chat with people about costumes and I often hovered in front of the new hero "spawn point" while doing so, I was greeted with a mirror image of my costume popping into existence right in front of me on more than one occasion.
[/color][/b][/size][/font][color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] I've even come across professionally commissioned artwork on DA that looks like it was done of my character but turned out to be someone else's.
Half of me was disappointed and the other half was flattered... in the end I was was like hey it's beautifully done art that didn't cost me a cent.
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] So yeah costume copycats were inevitable... until I started modding. Once I began making custom faces, emblems, capes etc for my characters that people could not duplicate I was able to be truly unique if I so chose.

[url=] What every Costume Creator needs...[/url] [url=]V2[/url] [url=]V3[/url]


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ChristopherRobin wrote:
ChristopherRobin wrote:
Lothic wrote:

P.S. For what it's worth you could always avoid using capital "i"s or lower-case "L"s in your global handle to make it harder to be griefed in the specific way you described. *shrugs*

Or just fix the font. Much easier if the devs do it by default but since that didn't happen in CoH I just modded the game client and replaced the ingame font (mont_demibold if memory serves) with one I found called "comic book" which was more appropriate, looked better, was easier to read at a glance and had the bars at the top and bottom of a capital I. There were no two characters that could be mistaken for another in my font of choice. It was a client side mod (only affects my computer and no one else sees it) as were all my others so there was no problem and as a result I was immune to that bit of naming nonsense.The astute might notice the same problem with the forum font (i L) which is one reason I rarely ever use the default font/color/size etc settings. A global fix for everyone is obviously the ideal but as long I am allowed to "fix" things for myself I can deal with poor default choices.

Modding your client side text might have made it easier for you to see when people were being "clever" with the default I's and L's but it wouldn't have protected you if someone else was actually trying to copy one of your names using those tricks. To everyone else who wasn't using text mods your names and their potential copy-cat ones would have still looked identical on their screeens leading to potential confusion for other people. Just driving home the point that the only real "fix" to this would be your idea of having the game and forums use a default font that didn't have this trouble in the first place.

ChristopherRobin wrote:

So yeah costume copycats were inevitable... until I started modding. Once I began making custom faces, emblems, capes etc for my characters that people could not duplicate I was able to be truly unique if I so chose.

While client-side costume mods were fun for a few months the very fact that no one else could see them (except for friends who were using the same mods) ultimately made them a little pointless, at least for me. I started to find that I'd rather see on my screen what everyone else was going to see so that I could better control my looks and their reactions to it. YMMV of course.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Agreed a global fix is best

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Agreed a global fix is best but what can you do if that suggestion gets ignored?
You know there are a few times when I actually got a "fix" put through by the devs almost immediately.
Usually it would happen when I found a legit bug during closed beta, there would be a small update within 24hours and the problem was fixed (if only I could have that level of access to the devs ALL the time). Other times it would take years to get a bug fixed (granted some bugs were sporadic and hard to duplicate or prove) and some, like the text or the color swap button never got addressed regardless of how many times I suggested it, PM'd it to the correct dev, or talked about it.

Lothic wrote:

While client-side costume mods were fun for a few months the very fact that no one else could see them (except for friends who were using the same mods) ultimately made them a little pointless, at least for me. I started to find that I'd rather see on my screen what everyone else was going to see so that I could better control my looks and their reactions to it. YMMV of course.

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] I must admit my mileage did vary. I loved my custom looks and game mods. Yes they only happen on my screen (and those of friends and SG mates whom I gave the files to) but really it's the only screen that matters since it's the only one you will ever see the game through. Honestly the few times I did see a default copy (like when I installed CoH on a custom computer I built for a client) it just looked and sounded wrong.[/color][/b][/size][/font]
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
The text was small and bland, the windows (yes windows!) and hanging artwork in my SG base were missing, keyboard shortcuts didn't work, heroes didn't move right or kept running out of end (missing my auto movement binds) and the jukebox played the same dozen tracks it had since the beginning of time instead of tunes from my own MP3 collection. [/color][/b][/size][/font]
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
Really right from the moment I didn't see my custom login screen I couldn't wait to get back on my machine. [/color][/b][/size][/font]

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Besides, if I ever did need to "see what everyone else sees," like when I'm about to host a costume contest, I only had to hit my fast disconnect shortcut key, hit my desktop shortcut to goto the CoH folder, delete the data folder (had backups of course), and restart the client.[/color][/b][/size][/font]
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
On my fast computer I could be out and back in before the 30 second timer had counted down.

[url=] What every Costume Creator needs...[/url] [url=]V2[/url] [url=]V3[/url]


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ChristopherRobin wrote:
ChristopherRobin wrote:

Agreed a global fix is best but what can you do if that suggestion gets ignored?

The fonts used in CoH weren't changed (as far as I know) for 8.5 years - after a few years I came to the resonable conclusion they weren't going to change so I moved on to worry about other things.

Frankly the default fonts didn't bother me that much. The only time the "1", "I" and "L" thing really got me was when I ran across several jokester characters who were all named "llllllllll" with mixed versions of ones and 'elles' to make it confusing on purpose. If I had bothered to mod my fonts I wouldn't have seen the joke in that case. ;)

ChristopherRobin wrote:

I must admit my mileage did vary. I loved my custom looks and game mods. Yes they only happen on my screen (and those of friends and SG mates whom I gave the files to) but really it's the only screen that matters since it's the only one you will ever see the game through.

I tended to see mods for costume items a bit differently than those for the UI.

The way the game looks on your screen when you play is a completely different issue than what other players see when they see your costume in game. I finally decided I wanted to make sure my characters looked the same for me as they did for everyone else so that there was no confusion for anyone. But just because I came to that decision doesn't mean I got rid of all my UI mods. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

The fonts used in CoH weren't changed (as far as I know) for 8.5 years - after a few years I came to the resonable conclusion they weren't going to change so I moved on to worry about other things.

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Correct. I suggested it many times but it didn't happen globally so
I just fixed it for myself and those around me and then moved on. ;)

Lothic wrote:

Frankly the default fonts didn't bother me that much. The only time the "1", "I" and "L" thing really got me was when I ran across several jokester characters who were all named "llllllllll" with mixed versions of ones and 'elles' to make it confusing on purpose. If I had bothered to mod my fonts I wouldn't have seen the joke in that case. ;)

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] I ran across an entire SG made up entirely of Ill/Rad's where everyone's name was the Illogical Illusionist.
I still got the joke. :)

Lothic wrote:

....................I finally decided I wanted to make sure my characters looked the same for me as they did for everyone else so that there was no confusion for anyone................

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Heh, that's what screenshots/video clips are for.

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Foradain's picture
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ChristopherRobin wrote:
ChristopherRobin wrote:

The astute might notice the same problem with the forum font (i L) which is one reason I rarely ever use the default font/color/size etc settings. A global fix for everyone is obviously the ideal but as long I am allowed to "fix" things for myself I can deal with poor default choices.

Still trying to figure out how you do it, though. The "span style comments" I see when I use the Quote button don't seem to work for me.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Tiger's picture
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My favorite villain to play

My favorite villain to play is Silver Skull, with the "I" & "L" font type looking the same, it allows me to play different archetype and powers, but still have the same name and appearance.

ChristopherRobin's picture
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

Still trying to figure out how you do it, though. The "span style comments" I see when I use the Quote button don't seem to work for me.

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] It's just the brackets with equals [ = ] so if you put the word color in front of the = and the word red after the = you get red text (just remember to cap it off with the [ / color ] command, without the spaces, to close off the red text) same thing goes for changing the font or making a quote or any other parameter.
I have a little program that I set up and it fills in everything for me before and after and moves the cursor to the middle so I just hit my CoT Text button and then start typing and the size, font, color, ect. is all typed in for me. Pretty much what I did for making binds in the game... first you learn the syntax, then you learn to automate it's creation.
A handy thing when your heroes have 500 - 1000 pages of binds each. <--- I can even add a "non-official" smiley like this, hosted on a separate website, with only one keystroke.
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Now all I need is to find a way to easily multi-quote. There doesn't seem to be a button for it like the CoH forums had... I do it manually with a 2nd tab in my browser but there must be a better way.

Tiger wrote:

My favorite villain to play is Silver Skull, with the "I" & "L" font type looking the same, it allows me to play different archetype and powers, but still have the same name and appearance.

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Having the I and L not look the same on my screen doesn't stop you from using the same name in that scenario it just means if I have to manually invite you to team for some reason that I'll get the spelling of your name right no matter which same-named character you are on.
Or, since you are on a villain, it will let me quickly set up a bind to target you.

[url=] What every Costume Creator needs...[/url] [url=]V2[/url] [url=]V3[/url]


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Thanks! The problem was that

Thanks! The problem was that the quote button edited what you had in the brackets. But now I can be sure that people know that [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] is not Alko ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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De nada.

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] De nada.
Oh yeah I see that now. Not sure why it does that.
Right on. :)

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ChristopherRobin wrote:
ChristopherRobin wrote:

Or, since you are on a villain, it will let me quickly set up a bind to target you.

Bring it on! "Muhahahaha!"

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(No subject)
Tiger wrote:

Bring it on! "Muhahahaha!"

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Have you learned nothing from the lesson of Ed Gruberman?


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Yes. We have learned that

Yes. We have learned that anger is a weapon, only to one's opponent. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

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ChristopherRobin wrote:
ChristopherRobin wrote:

Tiger wrote:
Bring it on! "Muhahahaha!"

Have you learned nothing from the lesson of Ed Gruberman?

*Boot to the head!*

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And to get in the first shot!

And to get in the first shot! GET HIM GUYS!

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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****fades back while Rotten

****fades back while Rotten [I]et cie[/I] get booted in the head****

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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syntaxerror37's picture
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Put me in the "not really

Put me in the "not really worried" camp. With a @global naming system, I can always get the name I want. Chances are if I run into someone with the same name it's more a case of great minds thinking alike than malicious intent. If someone wants to copy my costume, it's more of a complement than an insult. If a troll really goes so far out of their way to recreate a costume and name just to run around posing as one of my avatars for the sole purpose of defaming me, I can certainly go though the trouble of reporting them for abuse.

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

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syntaxerror37 wrote:
syntaxerror37 wrote:

Put me in the "not really worried" camp. With a @global naming system, I can always get the name I want. Chances are if I run into someone with the same name it's more a case of great minds thinking alike than malicious intent. If someone wants to copy my costume, it's more of a complement than an insult. If a troll really goes so far out of their way to recreate a costume and name just to run around posing as one of my avatars for the sole purpose of defaming me, I can certainly go though the trouble of reporting them for abuse.

After reading your post the only thing I could think was, "There are 36 other syntax errors out there?" I don't know whither I should feel concerned or nostalgic.

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Here and there I run into a

Here and there I run into a syntax error, so I began adding a favorite prime number to the end years ago :)

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

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Joined: 03/20/2014 - 00:35
ChristopherRobin wrote:
ChristopherRobin wrote:

ProfessorSpecter wrote:
.............................Are any of you concerned that someone may take your character name and concept when the game does launch one day because you shared your character for all to see?...........................
Well I contributed a considerable amount to the KS and plan to be there the moment the game goes live so I have no fear I will catch my global name and major characters I plan to resurrect from CoH. Also I purposely use unusual spellings (i.e. Brahn sounds identical to Brawn but is less likely to be copied exactly) and have yet to find anyone copying my character names exactly or even wanting to (Xllusya anyone? ).Their costumes on the other hand, yeah that happened quite a bit.
I've hosted well over a hundred costume contests under the Atlas statue, every Saturday early on (there was nothing else to do with my influ once I hit 50 but give it away... until Wentworths came along ) and again nearing the end to give away the tens of billions I had aggregated and go out on a high note. Since people brought out their best looks copying was a frequent occurrence. It became habit to walk down the Atlas steps after a CC and hang out to chat with people about costumes and I often hovered in front of the new hero "spawn point" while doing so, I was greeted with a mirror image of my costume popping into existence right in front of me on more than one occasion. I've even come across professionally commissioned artwork on DA that looks like it was done of my character but turned out to be someone else's.
Half of me was disappointed and the other half was flattered... in the end I was was like hey it's beautifully done art that didn't cost me a cent. So yeah costume copycats were inevitable... until I started modding. Once I began making custom faces, emblems, capes etc for my characters that people could not duplicate I was able to be truly unique if I so chose.

This is why I want there to immediately be a way to donate money to reap similar benefits of the Kickstarter and support the game. I want to be able to contribute a sizable amount of money to guarantee that I will be one of the first people to play and secure my names. It's a bit unfair that I found out about a 30 day Kickstarter too late to benefit from the perks.

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ProfessorSpecter wrote:

This is why I want there to immediately be a way to donate money to reap similar benefits of the Kickstarter and support the game. I want to be able to contribute a sizable amount of money to guarantee that I will be one of the first people to play and secure my names. It's a bit unfair that I found out about a 30 day Kickstarter too late to benefit from the perks.

There's a [URL=]thread[/url] in which

Doctor Tyche wrote:

We are beta-testing the shopping system right now. Considering this would need to be handled internally, we want to be absolutely certain everything works first.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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ChristopherRobin's picture
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ProfessorSpecter wrote:
ProfessorSpecter wrote:

This is why I want there to immediately be a way to donate money to reap similar benefits of the Kickstarter and support the game. I want to be able to contribute a sizable amount of money to guarantee that I will be one of the first people to play and secure my names. It's a bit unfair that I found out about a 30 day Kickstarter too late to benefit from the perks.

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Sorry you missed out Professor, I did my best to notify
everyone I could with notes, email, and social type stuffz.
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]Heck even the people just watching me on DA who saw any
of [url=]the last half dozen or so journal entries[/url] got an earful about it... [/color][/b][/size][/font]

[url=] What every Costume Creator needs...[/url] [url=]V2[/url] [url=]V3[/url]