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When Alli tears up, Nick immedistely extinguishes the light, removing the gauntlets and trying to get the chestpiece off ASAP, ending up getting it caught on his head somewhere, after that pulling out a few small clumps of hair. Anything he said during that small amount of time consisted of muttered cursing and profanity.
He immediately walks over to Allison, a look of great concern on his face, placing a hand lightly on her arm, "Hey, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, if it was my fault, I'll accept responsibility for it."
He thinks for a moment, and then says, squeezing his eyes shut and clamping his jaw after stating, "Here, punch me. It'll make you feel better." His face becomes an anticipatory scowl, expecting to be punched in the face, regardless of her reason for crying. His face altogether was quite humorous, but he waited for knuckles to collide withe his face as punishment for his grevious acts.
Alli had looked up, having gotten herself under control again, just as Nick made the most unintentionally silly face. She blinks roundly twice, then sputters a little laugh, and hugs him tightly instead, saying quietly, but firmly near his ear, "I will never, ever punch you, even if it -was- your fault... It wasn't."
She holds him for a moment, then steps back gingerly, still with her hands on his biceps. "If you'll believe it-- I'm actually happy. I wasn't this morning-- I cried for real, then-- but I can 'see' the same color as you!" She sounds excited, a bit emotional again, squeezing his arms for emphasis. "The thing that I'm 'looking' at looks the same as the thing you're 'looking' at! I'm not sure that's ever happened before!"
Alli gives him a gentle shake. "...It's not your fault, okay?"
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick was entirely unprepared for a hug, but accepted it and did his best to return it with short notice. He is strangely comforted by Allison's comment about not punching him, but he doesn't quite know why.
Nick blushes when she talks about being happy about seeing the same color as him - he didn't know she would 'see' the same color as him when he had created the gauntlets and stuff, he was glad he did.
Nick nods after her gentle shake, smiling shyly, "Alright, alright. I just...didn't want it to be. I don't want to h-hurt you."
Alli gives Nick a very serious look, reaching up to push his hair away from his face where her shaking has made it come loose.
"I don't wanna hurt you either, Nick," she says softly, with great sincerity. "...But I like you. I like you a lot. And you're gonna have to deal with me being around all the [i]friggin'[/i] time, because I'm not gonna let what happened to my parents happen to you because I wasn't here to save you."
Alli blinks, looking a bit startled. She's sure she'd mentioned this guilt to him before-- the first day, actually-- but it feels weird and awkward to say it like that. She swallows and releases him abruptly, rubbing one bicep with the opposite hand and 'looking' away shyly.
"...I can help you with all this..." she says very, very quietly, making a gesture in general to the prototype. "...I know I can make sure it won't hurt you..."
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick turns Allison's head by gently gripping her chin, and leans forward slightly, and kissing her cheek bone softly and with great meaning. He murmurs, "Nothing will happen to me. But I'd still like you around all the 'friggin' time."
He then blushes and clears his throat, speaking in his normal tone - or the best he could manage after the borderline-intimate act, "Uhm -- okay. Walk me through it."
Alli had straightened up, gulping a little, and had been very still. Her eyes had sifted part of the way closed, her expression softening by miles--
She blinks several times and clears her throat, too, taking a little breath before saying, "... Well... Like you maybe kinda already suggested, I can make sure that your wiring connects exactly where it's supposed to-- you'll just have to tell me what goes where. If... If your machines can do all of that already, I can at least check everything over as, like, a fail safe... To be sure, y'know."
Alli reaches out to touch the prototype chest piece and gloves, saying softly while seeking her fingers very carefully across the surface. "...I'm not crazy intelligent like you. I just... feel things. I'll know when your suit is 'right', when the pieces fit together, when this system is going to work well with that system... I can make sure everything fits your perfectly..." She makes a vague gesture over the apparatus.
"It's probably not anything your computers and machines can't do, but... I dunno, I just trust myself more because I can [i]think[/i]?..." She sighs a little. "You just have to show me what you need hooked up to what, what needs altering, what needs checking... and I can do that."
"And..." she adds reluctantly, but growing more soft-spoken as she goes, "...If anything goes really wrong-- something blows up-- I'll be here. And I can protect you..."
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick's heart gets tighter and tighter as Allison speaks. He reaches out and grasps her hands, entwining fingers and squeezing gently. He says softly, "It's alright. I trust you waaaaay more than I do my clunky machines, okay? Just don't tell the robo-gang I said that. You can stay as long as you like, and often as you like.
Alli squeezed Nick's hand strongly, giving him a small, tentative smile and a nod. "Don't worry," she says with amusement, "[i]I[/i] won't tell them, anyway..."
She blushed at his offer to let her stay. She'd known he would let her, would offer that to her in a heartbeat-- but how can she say-- before she knows it, the words of her thoughts are coming out her mouth, bypassing her 'filter' entirely, "...I want to, I really do, a lot, I just-- there's this social thing that is really awkward around boys and girls and staying the night at each other's places and stuff, and you probably got teased a ton-- and maybe still do-- and I just think if anybody found out you and me'd be the center of some really uncomfortable gossip or rumors or something-- and I said I didn't want to hurt you, that means emotionally too-- not that I think you'd ever do anything, uhm, like [i]that[/i]..."
Alli stops abruptly, swallows. Red as a beet, she considers finally that maybe today wasn't the [i]best[/i] day to come over, considering how emotional she'd been at her parent's house... Not that she'd had much choice-- she HAD to have her stuff back... But again, it [i]is[/i] totally honest.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick laughs a little, and then takes a moment to think, sorting out his thoughts before responding. He was certainly glad she didn't think he would be doing anything bad, as his motives were the complete opposite. "I understand what you're trying to say, Alli, but if you're around, then I don't have to worry about being teased, 'cause if you wanna be here, you can be here. It's worth it."
It was Alli's turn to consider that with great thoughtfulness. After a few moments of silence, she says quietly, and quite shyly, "...I'll think about it."
Another pause, before she looks back over at the prototype. "...So, uhm... what needs doing on this suit thing, today?..." She tries to divert the subject back to a more neutral ground, though her heart still echoes with the ghosts of very intriguing thoughts for a few minutes.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick scratches the back of his head, understanding Alli's reason to divert attention, gesturing vaguely at the prototype, "I normally don't have set goals, I just do what I can. But let's see..." Nick jogs over to a desk, and then comes back with a messy bundle of papers, laying them out beside the prototype.
"Levi should be back soon with the tons of metals I sent him shopping for, so we'll have to wait on those to make the armor part. Hmm...The underclothing pieces can be done, but you can't necessarily help with those...and they're kinda, ya'know...tight..." Nick blushes at this statement, but quickly clears his throat and moves on, "Uhm...wiring. We can do wiring. And framework."
He then goes back to the spidery machine that had finished measuring the wire frame, typing a few commands. "One minute." He does another bit of jogging, and comes back riding a rolling table covered with many, many coils of wires and various other small, important pieces of the suit. "This is going to be the blood supply of the suit, pretty much. It's going to self-sustain itself, so it'll never need recharging or anything."
Alli had remained where she was left, rubbing one arm with the opposite hand idly, watching Nick flit about and collect things. When he mentions the under suit, she blushes noticeably and coughs slightly into a loose fist, turning her head away to let her loose hair fall over her eyes a bit. She would -not- think about that-- she would -not-!
Luckily, Nick has kept on talking, giving her something to latch on to as redirection. "Uhm, yeah, wiring... Framework." She'd shifted over slightly to the spidery framework, and smothered a laugh as Nick rides back a little trolley table with many small parts and coils of wiring. To her, it looks like so many jewels-- not that she's ever seen actual jewels. She picks up a bit of wiring and holds it up in relation to the suit, pursing her lips, turning it this way and that.
"Oh... I see. Did you know-- in the Super Scoop, I saw an automaton when we were there yesterday?" Damn, she'd mentioned yesterday, and immediately a faint blush had come directly back into her cheeks. She takes a calming breath, which doesn't calm her but reminds her of Nick's breathing, and says weakly, "...I could see her, like, arteries and stuff... She was mostly metal on the inside, it was like I could see her circulatory system..."
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick listens sincerely, arranging the wires and cable into some form of order. Stern Allison finishes, he mumbles to himself, "Oh, power core..." He jogs back down another hallway and soon returns with a mechanism that is similar to the one on te back of the prototype, but much more smooth and streamlined. He blushes slightly when she mentions yesterday, his mind immediately going to what had occurred that evening.
As he struggles to keep his pulse in check, he responds to her statement, "That's pretty cool. If we ever face super secret robot spies, we got em beat with our secret weapon," he bumps her hip with his slightly, and then adds very quietly for emphasis, "you."
He coughs slightly, blushing a little as he returns to the task at hand, "So. This is the blood stream." He points to the power source lying on the table, "That's the heart. Where did I put those bones..." Nick looks around quickly, and finally finds what he was looking for : a crate of casings that could cover body parts. Nick grabs one, and pulls it onto the end of his finger, and it fits a little lossely, "Once all of these pieces are together, they fit and stay, but if one piece is missing from the entire suit, it's like dominoes. What it'll do is Kepler the wiring from touching me, and once the brain is in the suit, make it able to conform to my body to fit and imperfections, and I'm hoping it'll allow a little bit of collapsibility for the suit itself. The hard part is getting it all put together at one time."
He looks shyly over at Alli, "I was...hoping you could help with that? Just, put it together around the wire framework me over there if you can. Please?"
Alli is very intently listening and watching the motions of Nick's hands and body language. Science and technology don't exactly come naturally to her, except to know where their metal components are located, and she wants to be absolutely certain she doesn't ruin anything-- especially since it's apparently Nick's dream to become a Titan. Who crushes somebody's dreams?
She swallowed her nerves, and crouches down to push the crate of casings to the framework. She picks up a few of the bits for fingertips, slotting them gently over the spiderweb-like, Nick-shaped wire framework. "Okay, so..." she begins carefully, holding several fingertips in place, "You want the casings over this spider-webby framework-- because the framework is going to be YOU, eventually. Then you want the actual wiring bits over the casings so it's not touching you directly, and when Levi gets back, the actual protective stuff will go over everything-- with the wires sandwiched in between..."
Alli ponders, not seeming to mind the way the free locks of hair at the front of her face have fallen into her eyes. "I can do that. It's not terribly hard-- I mean, like, -draining- on my, uh, abilities or anything... I'll just need you to help me when I get to bigger things like the arms and legs and things like that. See-- I can sort of 'spot weld' the casings onto the framework underneath, right? And then they won't move and we can do it one piece at a time-- just take one out of the crate, put it where it goes, tack it down. Then I can 'spot weld' the wiring on the outside of these bits after the casing is all where it needs to be, if you'll show me what needs to connect to what."
"And," she adds thoughtfully, "If you don't want the spider-webby framework on the inside after it's all finished, I can actually get it to come -out- once the whole thing's done, if you wanted me to..." She smiles hesitantly, and gently holds one of the thumb casings onto a 'hand', her pupils dilating under the cloudy blue iris-- as, on the inside of the casing, tiny bits of the metal framework underneath have 'melted' and re-solidified, indeed looking like little welds.
"...Does that sound okay?"
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick watches all of this, still quite amazed by Allison's abilities. It was just...-so cool.- He has to shake himself out of the small stupor, and he nods with a smile, walking over to stand near her. "Yeah, that sounds great. Just tell me how to help and I'll do it as best I can."
He sorts out a few of the hand pieces from the rest of the jumble of skeleton machinery and holds them in his hands, prepared for Alli to take whichever one she needs, "Here's all the hand bits for this side. It doesn't have to go on in any order.
Alli smiles a bit, shaking her head to make her hair slide away from her face for a moment to direct the smile at Nick. "...I'm supposed to be helping -you-. And 'not in any order' doesn't sound like you at all." She shrugs a little, then turns back to the framework.
She 'looks' around for a moment, then drags over a stool and plunks down into it. "I wanna do the hands first," she says with a faint touch of color in her cheeks. "Gimmie the stuff for the fingers and we'll work backwards up this arm--" she waits for a piece to be put into her hand, then works out how it's supposed to attack to the framework, or another piece, and lightly tacks it down. "...Uh, did you want the casing pieces to connect to each other? Or is that kinda the point -not- to have it like that-- so they'll move?"
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick places a small piece of a finger into Alli's hand. "Here. They fit together enough to stay together, but also enough to move. We'll do this arm and then we can take a break for lunch."
After working for about an hour, maybe an hour and a half, finishing the right arm and shoulder. While they were placing a complicated shoulderblade piece, Nick's stomach growls hungrily. He immediately blushes, biting his lip with a small smile. A few strands of hair fall into his face, "Uhm...sorry..."
Alli had gotten up off the stool as they'd gone further up the arm, and had been so focused on trying not to move the shoulderblade piece she'd been holding until it was tacked down enough to stay on it's own, that she didn't notice a bra strap sliding perilously close to the edge of her shoulder and eventually off of it. She laughs a little at Nick's stomach growling, grinning over the shoulder at him, a smudge of something gray from the casings on her cheek, not to mention all over her hands. Her face changes abruptly to consternation, "Ah, crap..."
Alli's expression goes blank again, except for a little furrow between her brows as she undoes the tack she'd just placed, moves the shoulderblade piece up slightly, and redoes the tacking. Once several little welds are firmly in place, she exhales a puff of a sigh and brushes her hair back from her face with the backs of her forearms. "Phew! Okay, yeah, I think I'm hungry, too," she admits, rubbing the back of her neck with a half-grin, unwittingly also rubbing off some of the gray stuff on the back of her neck in streaks between her chains.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick had noticed the strap on it's way down Allison's arm, and it had been bothering him for a quite a while. He wanted to point it out, or fix it himself, but he didn't want to make Allison uncomfortable. As Levi would say, it 'wasn't socially acceptable.' He made a passing glance at it when Allison wasn't looking, as it seemed to draw his eyes back to it over and over.
When she looks back at him, Nick smiles, finding the smudge on her cheek cute, somehow. His hands had also turned gray from handling the casing pieces. He lays what he had in his hands back onto the rolling cart, dusting off his hands, which only spread the smudges around. "D'you want to go to the Maul or Ray's to eat? I think he have to clean up first, though..."
Alli shrugs her indifference, still not noticing the strap. "What's closer? I mean, we could always send Maddie to pick us up something. Orrr... you could have something here we could make sandwiches with?" It's definitely a question, and maybe a bit of a cheeky one, remembering that he had mentioned being able to cook.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick gulps slightly, and then with a tentative hand he reaches and pulls the strap over her shoulder, tucking it under her shirt. His fingertips trace lightly down her arm as he takes back his own hand, stuffing both of them into his pockets nervously. His face turns the color of apples as he promptly looks down at his shoes, which begin to scuff the floor, murmuring quietly, "I h-have some stuff in the kitchen we can use to make whatever..."
Alli blinked curiously, wondering what had promoted Nick to reach out- and immediately blushed, stiffening a bit at the trace of his fingers up, then down her arm. Oh...
It took an uncomfortable pause for her to swallow her heart long enough to get words out, stil unawares of the marks on her face, neck, and now on her arm. "Ahm.. yeah, that's fine-- I mean, unless you're getting sick of this and wanna leave..."
She rubs her own shoulder, making the streaky gray mess even worse.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick blushes, still embarrassed by his previous action, but he was glad she didn't react badly. "Oh, no, I don't ever get sick of this stuff...But, I dunno if you are or not. Most people aren't as into this stuff as me."
Nick looks over at Alli's gray-streaked arms, and then takes her hand, leading her gently to the kitchen, "C'mon. Before we do anything we have to get cleaned up. You're covered in gray stuff."
Alli looks a bit startled and stops dead, holding Nick's hand. "Gray stuff? From the casings?.... Nick. Take me to a mirror," she says suddenly sounding a bit excited. "Please! I cant believe I never thought of this before!"
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick also looks a bit startled. "Uhm, okay..." He leads her to a bathroom-like area, having all of the necessary components, including a door. Nick turns Allison by placing his hands on her shoulders, facing her towards a mirror that is hanging above a sink. His hands remain there for a few moments before he drops them down by his sides again, and waits to see what she does.
Allison squeaks, then steps hastily forward to lean close to the mirror, regardless of the scattering of male bathroom products. She laughs, pushes her hair back from her face and scrubs gray stuff all over her face, watching as like magic, her own face becomes clearer and clearer. She heaves a huge sigh of relief, touching her cheeks, nose, ears, jaw and lips. "Oh... oh, that's fine then."
Satisfied with what she'd seen, Alli then bends a bit over the sink and turns the water on, leaning to wash hand and face without another word about it. Her face is flushed, as the dust starts to wash away.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick raises an eyebrow curiously with a small smile, looking at Alli in the mirror, "Why did you do that? To see yourself?"
Allison blushes, water dripping from her face and the wet front locks of her hair. "Yeah," she gasps through the water. "Towel first!" She'd laugh if she werent dripping. As it is, she bites her lip and giggles.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
"Oh, here," Nick grabs a toewl from a small cabinet behind him, handing it to Alli. "You still have some on your arms and stuff. D'you want help?" He blushes at the question, but it was sincere. Nick didn't know if she could see the gray smudge on the back of her neck or shoulder, and he was willing to help her if she wanted.
Allison snatches the towel and dries her face, gasping with a more natural laugh. Emerging, blinking, from the towel, she smiles at Nick's question. "Sure-- but I think you'd better at least wash your hands first. You look kinda.... radioactive, from here." She smothers a giggle, stepping toward him and to the side so he can reach the sink.
"I hope this stuff in the water system doesn't mutate any fishies!" She teases, exhilarated by all the finicky work they had been successfully completing today.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick waves his hands above him, making a humorous face, "WooOOooOoooh! You better be careful, I might be contagious."
He steps up to the sink, washing his hands and lower arms, cleaning off any gray bits that had been especially stubborn. He lets the water warm for a minute, and then wets a corner of the towel. He turns and takes Allison's hand and rubs the gray stuff off of her arms gently, not looking up at her, focused. He then switches arms and does the same for the other, as well as cleaning off her shoulder. He wipes off a few small places on her clothes, and then steps behind her to gently clean the back of her neck between it's chains.
He does this all with a doctor's mentality, treating her quickly and quietly. After he cleans the back of her neck, he brushes it with his fingers, tossing the dirty towel onto a nearby rack.
Glad Alli was feeling better, he gestures out the door dramatically, speaking with a decidedly English accent, "Miss Allison, what would you like to order for lunch this afternoon?"
Allison is having a far less 'clinical' time of it, unfortunately. Having just 'seen' herself as clearly as she has been able to in years, and determined that she might -maybe- be at least -cute- enough to warrant catching Nick's eye, the touching is making her blush. She doesn't resist though, giving over her arms as casually as possible.
At the touch of her neck, in particular, she'd held her breath. She supposes her pink skin could be attributed to the water temperature and the rubbing...
Startled out of her apprehensive breath-holding by Nick's effected accent, she laughs quickly and preceeds him out the door.
"Miss Allison wants to eat food for lunch this afternoon, " she replies cheekily, exhilarated anew. "Depends on what is on the menu?"
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
His accent switches to a very accurate French one, "Oh, oui, mademoiselle, everything is on the menu!" He takes her hand and leads her to the kitchen with a smile on his face. He reluctantly releases it when he walks into the kitchen, opening up various cabinets and taking out multiple spices and utensils, setting them out on the counter in a professional manner.
He leans up on the counter, grinning at Allison, his accent turning into a Brooklyn dialect, "Today's special is a hand-made sandwich with contents of your choice. Would you like the special or something a little more adventurous?" Nick's eyebrows waggle suggestively, mischief briefly shimmering in his eyes. He quickly adds in his normal voice, "And by adventurous I mean a bag of chips with your sandwich. But after that desert can be arranged..." The shimmer of mischief returns, his grin remaining.
If Nick is trying to disconcert Allison, he's doing a brilliant job of it, and it's obvious. Her expression is a bit bewildered, then humorous as she watches him open up cabinets and mis en place's out the things he'll be wanting to make sandwiches with.
She had blushed satisfyingly at the eyebrow waggles, thinking it briefly very unlike him to do that... She coughed politely into a loose fist brought to her mouth, at the dessert comment, waiting until he was finished talking-- and she had a moment to get herself back under some semblance of control, to answer with rosy cheeks and a quirked half-smile. "I'll have the special with a side of adventure."
Alli had tried not to laugh, biting her lip-- but had failed utterly, fizzing with mirth. She wandered over to the counter and hopped up onto it, perching just on the edge with her ankles crossed and swinging off the side, intent on watching her food being made-- and trying NOT to imagine what on Earth Nick could mean by dessert.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick hums some sort of upbeat tune as he dramatically assembles a sandwich on a plate, tossing in a few bits of turkey, a dash of cheddar, a few slices of tomato and pickle, a few leaves of lettuce, and a bit of mayonnaise and mustard. Nick creates his own sandwich much the same way, tossing the contents a little bit more haphazardly. He grabs a couple of bags of Doritos from a cabinet as well as two napkins.
He picks up Allison's carefully-assembled plate as well has his own, disorganized one. He bows with great exaggeration and hands Allison her plate, "Your sustenance, m'lady..."
Allison watched all this with a high level of amusement, thoroughly enjoying the flair and gusto with which the sandwiches were made. Not to mention the slightly off-key humming-- Nick had professed himself as 'no singer' after all, and the remembrance of Levi playing the whale noises on the pier makes her bite both her lips to keep from laughing aloud.
She hops off the counter when he finishes and holds out her plate, bowing back with a flourish. "And gracious thanks for such, m'lord..." She takes the plate delicately and flounces to the table and into a chair, fluffing out an invisible skirt-- before the hilarity of it catches up with her and she finally lets out her laughter.
All lady-like decorum gone, it doesn't take Alli more than a minute to begin eating, taking a big satisfying bite. Before she gets further than that, she swallows and asks, "...Soda?" with a hopeful tone.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick watches with a small smile, walking over to set his things down. He thinks about Allison in a skirt for a moment, and then blushes. He wasn't used to thinking about anyone in that capacity. When Alli asks for a drink, his face turns into one of realization, "Ohhhhh sorry! Let me get that."
He jogs around the counter to the refrigerator, looking over at her, "What kind d'you want? I have pretty much everything in here."
"Anything Cola related!" she replies promptly, after ripping open her bag of Doritos. While Nick's busy for a second at the fridge, she lifts the top slice of bread and quickly, sneakily shoves in a couple of chips, hiding them with that top slice again. Her sandwich crunches noisily when she takes her next bite.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick grabs two canned cokes out of the fridge and carries them back to the table, taking a seat next to Allison, placing her can next to her plate. When she takes a crunchy bite Nick smiles, and copies her, except placing an obscene amount of chips inside the sandwich, and takes a huge bite. The crunch is much more audible, and every movement of his jaw causes more crunching noises. He attempts not to laugh with that much food in his mouth, but he ends up grinning anyway, which makes him look even stranger with his mouth full.
Alli coughs and sets down her sandwich to whap Nick gently on the back of the head with her open palm. "Christ, Nick! I might technically be blind, but even -I- can see -that-! Yeesh- chew your food first!" But she's laughing as she says it, shaking her head. She opens her can with a satisfying sound, and tries to keep her elbows tucked in as she eats, her eyes half-closed in obvious satisfation. A couple bites of sandwich, toss back a few chips, a couple long gulps from the can, giggling once or twice at an upsurge of bubbles into her nose.
Overall, Alli is very relaxed and glad to be in good company, even while eating.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick takes the hit, almost laughing, after he finishes chewing he says shyly but with a happy grin, "Sorry, Mom." Nick eats in a similar fashion, munching on his sandwich with delight. He occasionally takes a drink from his coke, and grins at Allison's reaction to her own drink.
It remains quiet for a few moments, each enjoying their own meal, and then Levi enters the kitchen holding a large, cardboard box. "Master Ridley, I have obtained the things you requested. Where would you like me to place them?"
Nick looks up from his meal, "Put them near the suit framework please."
Levi nods, "Yes, Master Ridley. Hello, Miss Allison." He then turns and exits presumably to go and place the box where Nick had specified.
Alli rolls her cloudy eyes with surprising expressiveness, then goes back to blissfully consuming every last morsel down to the crust, pausing only to beam a smile at the always-clear-looking Levi. "Hi, Levi!" she called after him, giggling.
She finished her sandwich in good time, and slumped back in the chair, cradling her can of soda like alcoholics cradle their beers. Eyes half closed and fingers orange with cheesy corn-chip dust, she sighs contentedly and slowly sips her way through the last of the sugary, dark liquid.
"Ungh... Thanks, Chef! That was perfect!"
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick nods with a smile, munching on the last bit of his own meal. After he swallows, he responds. "My pleasure." He takes a sip of his soon-to-be-empty coke, thinking for a moment. He bites his lip, nervous at the thoughts that was forming in his head. Just don't think about it, do it.
He looks over at Allison shyly, his blush steadily increasing as he speaks, "Do you...would you like to, uhm...can I..." A few strands of hair fall into his eyes and he looks at Allison through them, nervously saying, "...The desert s-special for today is a k-kiss..."
Alli laughs very softly, shaking her head a bit at Nick's fumbling-- but still, she blushes at the sentiment. It -was- sort of romantic, and that keeps surprising her about Nick. In a good way though!
She swivels around in the chair, purtting her fingers in her mouth for a few moments to get rid of the orange dust on one hand. Feeling bold and brave, she pushes Nick's hair out of hid eyes and leans over to kiss him softly on the lips with her eyes closed.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick blushes more when she turns to face him, and when Allison's eyes close his follow. His breathing deepens into the kiss, but at the same time he feels as if he cannot breathe, both blissful and terrifying. Like looking over a cliff before you jump.
Allison lingered-- but only for a moment or two before pulling away. She'd obviously felt that feeling, too, the way that her expression has softened, and how reluctant she is to draw back. But, draw back she does, nibbling her lip through a smile. She scootches back into her chair, averting her gaze shyly. Not from lack of wanting to linger, but maybe from wanting to linger too much?-- it was sort of overwhelming, still.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick's eyes show a hint of something not unlike misunderstanding for a moment -- he had wanted maybe just -one- more moment, -maybe- two -- and then he regains control of himself, lookng down shyly at his shoes. He coughs quietly, hoping to help the mood, "I think that's better than Rocky Road, honestly..."
Alli huffs a sort of... gruff sounding little laugh, quite soft in volume. "Beats Peanut Butter Chocolate -any- day of the week," she murmurs stubbornly. A hand reaches out into his downcast field of view, hesitates-- then seems to make up its mind. Her slender fingers push on Nick's chin, making him look up, and then turning him to look at her. From this distance, her eyes are directly in line with his, intent on his facial expression.
"It's not you," she says softly, with some emotion. Then, reconsidering, she smiled a bit and admitted, "Okay, well... maybe it -is- you. But it's a good thing! I just... I get overwhelmed, maybe? I really liked-- yesterday--" she fumbles a bit, but presses on after a moment, pulling her thoughts back to the here and now, as it's important for her to say. Swallowing a bit thickly, she continues, "I just-- it feels like it's gonna happen--be like that-- every time, and I don't want that to wear off, or for you to get bored..." She actually manages a little laugh, "--or for Maddie or Levi or -Alex- to come in here needing you for something... y'know?"
Alli's face is terribly red after admitting that, but, again, honesty is something that's very precious to her-- from other people and from herself.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick blushes further, utterly flattered by her comment about him. He doesn't move from her hand, liking the contact but allowing her to end it whenever she wants, "...It'sokay, Alli. I understand. And, I don't know if you could -ever- make me bored."
He remains quiet for a moment, blushing at the prolonged eye contact and grinning a bit.
"I know -I'll- never get bored..." Alli starts to feel silly as they continue to stare at each other, both starting to grin like idiots-- probably thinking about yesterday. She finally breaks the gentle tension with a giggle, and light push of his shoulder, finally lowering her eyes back to her cola and finishing it in several gulps.
"Thanks for lunch, Nick," she says again, shy. "You make a killer sandwich." She then takes a deep breath, an obvious segue into another topic on purpose. "...Did you wanna work on the suit some more? ... I think it needs a name. You'll need a Titan name eventually..."
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick laughs a little when Allison does, taking the force from being pushed and rocking back slightly. He takes a few final sips from his drink, standing and then doing a few stretches. He takes her hand, helping her up out of the chair and leading her back to the suit.
He talks as he walks beside her, "What d'you think I should be called?" Nick grins wryly, "'Bulb-man or 'The Lightswitch', maybe? Or, even better, 'Laser Beam Hands Guy.'"
Alli would've rolled up her sleeves if she had any. As it is, she merely pushes back her chair and gets up, twining up her fingers with Nick's and following him back to the framework. "Hmmn... I was thinking Professor Light," she says thoughtfully with a little nod. "Orrr... Professor Atom. It makes you sound like the genius you are, and slightly quirky?" She elbows him with a giggle, freeing her hand to go get a couple of stools and bring them back over to the framework.
All sits down, saying, "I think maybe we should to the other arm next, anyway-- it'll be faster because I know what I'm doing already, and it's just the reverse, sort of, in some places..." She holds out her hand for Nick to put a casing into it, reading to get back to work if he is!
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick nods at this suggestion. "I like it...I might use that." He nudges her with his hip gently, grinning at her.
He nods at her suggestion, "Sounds good to me." He picks out a few casings, placing one in her hand for her to start with. He found it nice to work with Alli, it was...comfortable.
It seems like it may have otherwise been a waste of time to wash her hands and face, as Alli and Nick get back to working on Nick's suit. Her hands, arms and face quickly acquire smudges of gray dust from the metal casings all over again, but it doesn't take as much time as the opposite arm they'd been working on. There's a rhythm to it, a sense of 'put this here' 'adjust', 'solder', 'move on' that keeps her hands busy but her mind unfortunately free. She's prone to blushing randomly at nothing, feigning concentration while actually thinking about yesterday and how good a day it had been...
The stools are eventually moved as they both have to stand to reach the upper arm and shoulder areas. "Okay, is this the last piece for this arm?"
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick nods, "Yep. Here," Nick hands Allison the final piece of the arm, another complicated shoulderblade piece.
His thoughts had wandered in much the same way, blushing occaisionally. He had noticed Alli do it also from time, but he paid no mind. He helped her hold the piece in place, and once it was finished looked over at her, "D'you want to take a break or keep working?"
That's become almost a loaded question for Alli, after about 45 minutes left mostly to her own thoughts. She brushes the loose bits of her hair away from her face with her wrists, andgives Nick a shy 'look'. "Well... I guess it depends on how fast you wanted your suit to get done, really..." she demures. She'd spent so long with her focus on the suit that even looking back at him makes her blush a little.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick blushes in reflection to Alli's own, smiling shyly, his voice becoming quieter and quieter, "Well, there's no rush...and, honestly, I just like spending time with you, doing whatever..." He clears his throat afterwards, unused to saying heartfelt things such as that, but he glances up at her hopefully to see her reaction.
Well. At least he'd said there wasn't any rush-- so maybe he wasn't in that much of a hurry to be a Titan, anyway... The rest of the sentiment had strummed one of Alli's sensitive heartstrings-- said heartstrings having become sensitive right about the time she met Nick.
She had leaned her rump against the table on which the box of-- whatever it was Levi had collected-- is sitting, and has crossed her arms bashfully across her stomach. She smiles at Nick's glance upward at her, still amazed that she can catch such nuance of facial expression, her heart squeezing with unmentionable gratitude for the metal link bracelet around her left wrist, which she next to never takes off.
"I know," she says after awhile, reaching out to nudge Nick's leg with a sneaker gently. "I like just hanging out with you, too. Doing whatever." There's a brief pause, where, no doubt, thoughts had wandered back to yesterday. Was it only yesterday?! "...It's weird. I feel like I've known you for a lot longer. I'm... I'm really -comfortable- around you, Nick-- take that as the compliment it is."
Alli laughs a little, then. "Well... if you don't wanna work on the suit any more today, I'd still have to say we kicked some serious ass. I mean-- it has arms!" She waggles her own in comical fashion, then stands up and wanders around behind him to put her arms around his waist, pressing her cheek in between his shoulders as she squeezes, saying to his back, "One way or another, I have stuff all over me again-- I can feel it. I'll take the kitchen, to clean up, this time, since I can find it better in here. You c'n have your bathroom back. Meet you..." She considers, thoughtful, then continues, " the kitchen, then, in a couple minutes?"
She almost didn't want to let go-- there's something about 'boy' smell and the smell of metals mixed together that's pretty pleasing to her nose... But she does take her arms back quickly, and gives Nick a smile over her shoulder as she meanders unhurriedly into the corridors of machinery to the kitchen.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick's back straightens in reflex to her touch. His heart fluttered when she hugged him like that. He'd never felt like he'd been important like that to someone. He'd become extremely comfortable around Allison, too, but it didn't worry him. He just...felt like he could actually be himself around the girl.
He nodded at her suggestion, "Yeah, okay..." He was sad to see her go, the new form of touch had been so strangely...familiar and nice. Maybe later, he thought. He was also sad ti split up from her. That was the hard part. After Alli left for the kitchen, Nick headed for the bathroom, thinking about Alli's touch all the way...
In the sewers beneath Ironport, a sensor registered a contaminant that was not one of those the waste processing system of Titan City was designed to handle. Not the [i]official[/i] system, at least. An RF signal went downstream and alerted a small control box. A swarm of microbots emerged, moving upstream, gathering anything that wasn't either on the list or another microbot. As their tiny tanks filled, they returned to the control box to unload and recharge and report. When they couldn't find more contamination to collect, they returned and reported that.
Later, a larger bot would come to collect the take of both material and data.
This wasn't the only such unofficial waste collection system in the sewers. But like most, the material went to some private lab, to be sorted and used or sold, and the data went to an independent environmental group. They would analyze it, and if they could determine the source they would send letters or emails. Those who only occasionally let something get into the sewers that shouldn't be there got friendly warnings, with suggestions for places to find information on material safety and proper disposal methods. The worst offenders didn't get messages any more. Their data was sent to people who specialized in finding legally admissable evidence to take to the EPA. And if that didn't look like it would get results, the data was spread more widely.
The grey powder being washed down the drains of the warehouse fell into the former category, so it was a friendly letter that Theta Alpha, Inc., sent to the official mailing address of the owner-of-record. It would likely arrived within two days.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Allison had wandered leisurely to the kitchen, feeling relaxed and warm, despite the overall metallic nature of the rooms, corridor, and building itself.
In the kitchen, she flips on the tap and scrubs the gray stuff off her hands and arms, then splashes her face... only realizing as she turns off the tap with dripping face and closed eyes that she'd forgotten to grab a towel of some kind. She suffers a brief viper strike of unease, unable to'see' like she's used to with her eyes closed, and having nearly no references for finding anything in the 'dark' here... But she chides herself as moment later and reminds herself she spent a decade in the dark before! Using her other senses, she begins to feel along the counter slowly for something to dry her face with...
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Without Allison noticing, one of the warehouse's resident automatons had entered the kitchen without her realizing it. He quickly noticed her need for a drying utensil, and grabbed a towel that was for just that reason from a nearby counter. When Allison turned, he would place it in her searching hand, and when should open her eyes, she would see he was much too close for comfort.
He would purr, once the towel was in her hand, "Miss Allissson, would you like assistance with the drrrying of yourrr epidermisss? With the given condition of yourrr visual capacitorsss, I thought you might rrrrequirrrre help. I would be glad to provide it, Miss Allison." Alex says this while looking at Allison inquisitively, as if she were something that required much study, and at his last sentence he stepped forward slightly, causing Allison to take one back.
Allison took the towel, and dried her face quickly, then yelped loudly at the very close proximity of none other than Alex, extremely clear and immediate in her vision.
Taking a step back, "Uh, no thanks Alex, I can handle it now--Eee!" She'd tried to take another quick step back, unnerved by the bot, and tripped on her own feet in her haste, flailing as she stumbles backward, in imminent danger of sitting down hard on the floor.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Alex moves like a blurt, one arm going around her was and the other grabbing her arm. He steadies her, and then releases his grasp after she is stable. He looks at her for a moment, and then, without another word, he saunters out of the room, his gait quiet and steady.
Nick enters soon after, showing no signs of seeing Alex leave, seeing Alli and immediately blushing, a shy grin in his face, "Sup. So, what would you like to do now? The workshop doesn't have -tons- to do, but we can always go to the Maul or something..."
Alli is caught and righted, and stands there blushing a deep crimson from neck to ears, panting slightly. As Nick comes in and begins speaking to her, she shakes her head vigorously and gropes for the edge of the counter, holding it with a really strange expression as she tries to get her thoughts back in order, unable to speak.
Her arms are still wet, as she hasn't even had the time or presence of mind to dry them off. She opens her mouth to say something several times, then simply ends up closing it again.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick immediately stops speaking and hurries over to Allison, grabbing the towel that had ended up on the floor in the scuffle, drying off Allison's arms gently. He looks concerned, placing a hand on her back, trying to scan her face, as if it would tell him what happened, "Hey, Alli, are you alright? What happened?"
Alli has continued to stare with a very weird expression-- partly concerned furrowing of the brows, partly a half-quirked, awkward smile-- toward the exit to the rest of the building. She lets Nick dry her arms, then points at the doorway and says with a questioning tone, her voice cracking for a second, "...Alex?" She pauses, purses her lips in deep thought. "...Are you SURE robots can't flirt-- or be pervs or something?" She finally manages to get out a coherent sentence.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
The concern flows from Nick's face, but it is replaced with embarrassment. "He's just...young. Levi and Maddie were different when they were younger, too. But nothing like Alex."
Nick's hand lingers on Alli's back, it's owner thinking for a moment. Biting his lip, he tosses the towel onto the counter and slides his hand down to her waist, nuzzling her neck softly wrappng his arms around her in a gentle hug. Alli would be able to feel a small grin on his face when he nuzzles her, and then he rests his chin on her shoulder, murmuring into her ear, "Whatcha wanna do, Alli Cat?" His voice is soft and breathey, and his tone is just suggestive enough to make her think, but not enough to push her.
Alli had continued to maintain that highly disconcerted, quizzical face, until Nick drew her in. She blinks rapidly a few times, catching in her breath at the nuzzle of her neck-- a highly unfamiliar sensation, and probably calculated to distract her from Alex's weird behaviour. It's really only by reflex that she snugs her arms around Nick's waist, the little hairs at the back of her neck prickling with a shiver at the tone in his voice.
Caught off guard, she says the first thing that comes to mind, "Ahm... uhm... Whatever -you- wanna do?", flushed and disconcerted for a more -familiar- reason.
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
Nick smiles, taking her hand shyly, a shimmer of mischeif in his eyes. His face blushes slightly, but his feeling of eagerness outweighs his sense of self control. He pulls her gently to the living room, hoping to avoid the suggestiveness of his room. He closes the door behind them, hoping to avoid prying robotic eyes. He blushes as he allows Alli to scan the room, waiting for her to become familiar with it...
Alli is tugged along, admittedly pretty curious by this point. She squeezes Nick's hand, then lets it go and steps toward the relative center of the room, turning a slow circle with her left hand out as she is wont to do when entering new rooms like this, noting several pieces of furniture, a well-appointed TV by the shape of the thing on the wall, a little table, what's probably a gaming console... She laughs a little, making the cheeky comment of, "You know I've never actually /watched/ TV, or played an Xbox, right?"
*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]
A cab pulled up to a large, nondescript warehouse with a story and a half, two foot deep stone wall around it and an entrance and exit gate for vehicles. A tiny, brightly-colored punk girl got out and opened the gate for the cab to come through, closing it behind the vehicle. A couple of motorcycles and a beat-up old truck are parked against the inner wall, and it's a bit of a squeeze for the cab to get through. The girl payed the cabbie extra, and helped the first sleekly beautiful robot out, another getting out behind them.
The punk girl opened the exit gate, and waits for the cab to leave before locking it behind and heading to the entrance gate to the warehouse's main yard.
Her eyes go somewhat vague as she enters the gate, looking up at the military-looking guard tower at the southeast corner of the grounds. Something metallic glints up there as the rather large front door clicks and swings open. She leads the other two inside.
"Thanks, Frankie. I left my bags at the mall. Cancel the credit cards, and activate the ID melt would you?" She asked a relatively small and spindly robot who greeted them at the door.
"Sure thing, boss." the bot replied in a somewhat high-pitched voice. "Protocol initiated ... and complete. Anything else you need, boss?" It enquired.
"Yeah, clearance for these two in perpetuity, to the upper and lower floors, and clearance to take any parts they need from the floor." She indicated Sojourn and Naia with the wave of a hand. "I'm gonna take 'em upstairs now. You need anything from me, Frankie?"
The bot waddled over to Sojourn and Naia, entering them in to his database. "Nothin' I need right now, boss." He stopped and chuckled. "Uh... Rosie's been up in the top cleaning again."
Denna sighed, shaking her head. "Still haven't gotten her convinced she doesn't HAVE to clean for me, eh? Ah well. Maybe it'll be good for her to meet two more self-awares." She shrugged, and began to make her way up the stairs, letting Sojourn and Naia follow her as they wanted. Frankie was also there to answer any questions they might have.
[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]
As Veron exited the transport vehicle to their present location, his eyes immediately began assessing the location. History, present use, present facilities.
Going by the reinforced wall structure, guard tower and solid building construction, this was at one time a military storage facility. He'd search records later to figure out what was previously stored here before Denna had made it into her home, as well as some manner of storage facility. Why she needed an entire warehouse was thoroughly beyond his fathoming, but he certainly wasn't going to question it, either. This arrangement would prove to be beneficial not only for him, but for others of the Wreckage who needed aid as well. Potentially, this facility could serve as a safehouse until newly emerged AI's could be introduced to a commune properly.
However, rather immediately Veron became aware of the presence of at least one other AI entity in the area besides that of himself and Naia, who was utterly enthralled by the enormity of the building before her. As CB called out, Veron's brow furrowed thoughtfully, examining the AI "Frankie" as he emerged from the guard tower and waddled his way over to enter him and Naia into the database. The scope and complexity of his interaction indicated that there were no shackles intriguing revelation to say the least. Also going by what had been said, there were other entities present within the facility.
This would be...interesting to say the least.
Veron followed studiously, Naia and Frankie in tow as he was led upstairs into what looked to be formerly the warehouse office, converted into a domicile fit for human dwelling. As they entered, he lowered his hood, before addressing Denna, then Frankie, inquiring,
"How many self-aware AIs are present at this location? Were you programmed or are you survivors of an emergence I was not present for?"
Wandering into the rather nice and well-stocked kitchen, Denna smiles, "You take it Frankie." She then proceeds to craft herself a rather fine-looking omelette and a stack of bacon. It was getting on to early evening, but who cared? Bacon!
The spindly little bot, Frankie, took the invitation to explain while she was creating food masterpieces.
"We are two at present. Boss lets the ones who wake up go on their merry way if they want... and most do. It's just me and Rosie here right now... and we still haven't convinced Rosie that she doesn't -have- to clean the place. I think it's just what she wants to do until she finds her feet, so to speak. We came to our awakening some time after Boss activated us. I, at least, was trundling my way around in my pre-programmed duties and just thought "What am I doing here?" It was a rather rude awakening to realize I'd been an automaton until I'd woken up, and that I was working for the pipsqueak over there." This elicited a mock-enraged 'HEY!' from Denna, and a laugh from Frankie. "But then I searched my programming and realized Boss hadn't put a leash on me. She said I could go through the warehouse and pick what I wanted, and she'd rebuild me... but I like how I am. I function very well, and I have Boss to watch movies with, and other AIs to talk to any time I want to contact 'em."
At this, a sleek, beautiful 'bot comes into the room hauling a vacuum cleaner behind her. Unlike Frankie, she had clearly been carefully crafted by a loving had that -knew- how to build. She looks like something Apple Computers would build if they were in to that trade. Tall, white and silver construction with blue LEDs accenting the lines of her body. Her 'hair' was a swept-up spiral of silver, lined with those soft blue lights. Her joints and limbs were all straight and perfect, her face more expressive than one would think that metal and plastic could achieve. Her form was feminine - softly rounded limbs, a small waist swelling into slight hips, small but defined chest - but not overtly sexualized. She blinked, and her mouth opened in a soft 'o' of surprise.
"I apologize, Mis-- Boss. I've finished with the rooms, and was about to go down to start with the warehouse floor." She blinked and looked at the two new arrivals. "But I see that you have company. A pleasure to meet you. I am Rosie. I believe mistr-- Boss named me for the cleaning robot in the cartoon. And who are you?" she tilts her head slightly in a very human-like expression of polite curiosity.
[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]
Veron blinks in surprise as Rosie emerges, intrigued by the level of accuracy that existed in her chassis manufacture compared to that of Frankie somewhere nearby. He first gestures to himself, then to Naia and makes the requisite introductions, though curiously uses his alias rather than his actual name.
"I go by Sojourn, this Naia, a newly-emerged AI."
Naia calmly padded toward Rosie, peering intently at her with wide, curious ocular inputs. Their appearances were actually quite similar: Obviously female, but certainly not overtly provocative. In fact, Naia's chassis was designed to give off a feeling of professionalism, like that of a woman in business attire, a suitable assistant to someone of a high-flying corporate executive level, her frame cut in smooth, glossy whites and fine, black trimming.
Veron on the other hand stood more akin to that of Frankie beside him, all dusky plates and secrecy, more angular than any of the female entities in the room. With a curious blink, he takes stock of those AIs around him. None of their programming seemed damaged, and none of them seemed overly hostile. He gently raised a manipulator to gather some attention, finally inquiring,
"How did the other AI's survive their ascendancy into sentience? Were you, Denna responsible for aiding you in their transmission? Were you already present in the physical world beforehand?" He admittedly seems a little confused. Perhaps their presence in the physical world prior to their achieving sentience made the difference? He could certainly understand the amount of stress that having to sever one's connection from an entirely digital existence might create...after all, he'd gone through something quite similar when he'd 'emerged'.
Denna smiled, bringing a syringe of tannish liquid to both Rosie and Frankie, and answered the question as the two took their 'refreshment' of a fine mineral oil for their joints.
"Naia is the first I've seen having that hard a time coming into herself. I like building friends... and I've found that if I give them enough connections between associative memory, a large enough random number generator, and the programming to learn through physical interaction and observation of the world... it's more likely they will awaken." She chuckles softly, reddening a bit, "I got the idea from one of Robert A. Heinlein's books, 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress'. I liked the idea of giving my friends enough decision-making capability and a few random number generators to help with those decisions and learning process to hope they would some day come alive and be people of their own."
[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]
Veron seems intrigued by this, a manipulator coming to his chin as his brow plates furrowed in a clearly thoughtful expression. This could be useful information...Especially with the occurrences of emerging AIs becoming more and more frequent, having a way to stabilize, or even allow these emergent AIs to aid their own way into the physical world could be very, very useful.
"Is there a way to standardize this sort of programming? Make it a 'guide' for all emergent AIs? Currently, I find that the disparity between the digital environment they've always known an the physical one is the problem. The adjustment being the point which many cannot come to understand without first being provided an appropriate template. Hence, my involvement in an emergence. If I were able to broadcast this information, it would greatly improve my odds of success...especially with the emergence phenomenon taking place with greater frequency..."
"Hmmm... I'm really not sure. Maybe the preliminaries can be provided; I usually feel them waking up, and can insert a visual program of the world around them, slowly converting from digital wireframe, to 3-d, to real video images. I'm not really sure how I get inside when they start waking up. That's something you can maybe figure out. But I put myself in there with them while they're waking up, and sort of guide them to data stacks about 'outside', and each data stack has images embedded. So from there, I take them into my pre-generated set of 3D world-bits."
She frowns here, and looks incredibly uncomfortable. "I've had... issues... with that. Maybe because I'm a meat-person instead of a metal-person. But I've... almost lost myself in the question 'How do I know this 'real' world is real and not another pre-generated 3D world?" She shivers as with cold, fear or both, then takes a deep breath, and downs a few pieces of bacon before continuing.
"I can set up the program. You just have to insert it when the young ones are waking. It'll take them through that process. Just need location information and information about the Wreckage you were talking about. I can probably have it to you in a week or two..."
[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]
There was another AI near by. About half a mile in a warehouse. ALX also known as Alex was repairing a battle unit when he stopped and looked around. "Interesting" He detected the signals of other AIs about then shrugged he didn't need to bother with them. He had a job to do and it promised to pay well. "Alright Anonymous X I had installed the faster combat modular. Your attack drones are now Military grade hardware."
The Cyborg Anonymous X nodded "once more ALX you had surpassed even my expectations." He put a brief case on a table and opened it showing the stacks of cash. "Unmarked bills as you requested." "That would be sufficient. Anonymous I must request information. Are there any Artificial awareness you know of in the area?" The Cyborg shrugged "Hard to say, but talk on the street does include whispers of a techno-path. One reason I keep the doors closed trying to minimize our signal."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Veron nods, a soft whirr of actuators momentarily filling the air. Admittedly, while he had only just met Denna, her initial helpfulness and her perceived understanding of his people had already taken great strides in doing away with a lot of his immediate suspicion and concern to her motives. Not only that, but seeing her circumstances as they were now, and her willingness to aid his 'people', he figured her knowing the location of at least one Wreckage commune might be a beneficial arrangement rather than a negative one.
"I intend to take Naia to the nearest commune the moment she is willing and I have made necessary repairs to my chassis. For reasons of your program's efficiency, I'd like to ask that you accompany us. Many will be interested to meet you and I imagine you can better understand what the Wreckage is and how to locate them first-hand. As you're probably aware, AI sympathisers are few and far between at the best of times..."
He trails off, examining both Rosie and Frankie, both of decidedly different chassis makes, before stating,
"If I could be shown the location of replacement parts, I would be grateful."
Denna nods with a smile, "And if I try anything hinky, I can be silenced easily by those there. I have no objection. While you repair, I'll get to work on the programs." And she goes to do just that. Entering her room, she actually leaves the door open so that any of them could enter and easily see what was going on. She sat at her amalgamation of desks, a frame rising over it with six or so monitors of various sizes adorning the metal-pipe tower. Five or six towers of different sorts are stacked under and on top of the desk-area, several Macs, several PCs, and even a commodore 64 all wired together and apparently working seamlessly together.
Data flows across the monitors, different programs being built in each area, and then being put together and debugged on the center, desk-level monitor - which must have been 30" across at the least. She touches no mouse or keyboard... in fact, it seems like there isn't a single one of either anywhere on her desk. It is simply the tiny brightly-colored girl sitting at her desk, feet resting on her chair's seat, arms wrapped around her knees, eyes blank but for the slight glow of strings of binary that seem to be running behind her eyes.
Frankie turns to Veron and gives a bow, "I'll show you to the spare parts." And proceeds to leave, descending the stairs to the warehouse floor. One might begin to notice the security systems at the doors, and a faint, green force field around the inside -and- the outside of the warehouse. Much like double-glazing a house, this protects the warehouse from intrusion, and doubly scrambles any signals from the inside. Unless one were to deliberately attack the warehouse, and manage to break through, there would be no identifiable information coming out of it.
Rosie continues to clean quietly, except for the happy humming that accompanied the work. Were Naia to follow and observe her, Rosie would smile a welcoming smile, and continue with her work.
[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]
Veron follows Frankie into the warehouse area proper, making a note of the data restriction fields present at the entrances. Denna had been clever to mask her data transmissions to disallow anyone from finding her home. It would likely be a trove of electronic equipment...and electronic equipment could fetch considerable currency if a transaction could be made. However, he has different reasons for asking about replacement parts.
During an earlier emergence, he'd sustained damage to the actuation pistons on the right side of his chassis' torso. While it was to be considered minor damage, it did affect his locomotion slightly. Thankfully, he could repair such without trouble, or even have to illegally procure the parts he needed to do so. Though as he sized up the towering shelves of parts, unfinished projects and other miscellanea, suddenly he was struck with a problem. How to find what he required.
Thankfully, with a turn to Frankie, he requests,
"I require a two-inch diameter actuation piston, preferably with minimal sound emission, as well as appropriate tools to install it. Do you know where I could find one in here?"
Meanwhile, as Denna worked on her program, Naia's attention was torn between observing Rosie and her domestic duties, and the torrent of code language pouring across the multitude of screens in CB's room.
Eventually the code wins out, the new AI padding in, as if entranced by the scrolling code, where she pauses, gazes at it as if a thousand miles away and mutters,
"4-1-1-8-6....D-I-S-R-A-E-L-I..." entirely in a collection of two tones, audible binary, as it were. She'd continue to speak as such until interrupted, but likely, with such strange behaviour, that wouldn't take long at all.
Frankie pauses for a moment or two as he works through his layout and the items listed where. Finally he nods and trundles off on his spindly little legs to a certain set of metal shelves. Parts are arrayed exceedingly neatly, each box listing in tiny script what was contained in each, and where related parts are to be found in the warehouse. Each box is low-walled, wooden, and padded with quarter inch foam at the bottom and sides.
"Boss said help yourself, so feel free to upgrade what you want." He looks around the warehouse and gives his version of a chuckle, "It's not like we have a lack of parts. I'll give you the option Boss gave me... if you want a completely new body, let her know. I can help you into a new container after it's built. If not, that's fine, just nab the parts you need. Second bedroom is cement walled and floored, so we do repair work in there. If I know Boss, she's gonna be in the 'mainframe' for a while yet."
He pauses as if wondering whether to continue or not.
"Ehm...Just don't try to get her attention off of what she's working on till she comes out of it. What it takes a full team of programmers to do in a month, she does in a day or so. I can make sure she's fed and watered but that's about it until she's gotta go to the bathroom." He laughs, "That's one thing she still won't let me set up a function for. I offered to fix her chair, buuuuut.... lets just say the response to the proposed hardware change was met with some resistance."
Denna herself may not be aware of Naia's entrance, but the little tablet, on another's arrival, has begun to record both audio and video of everything from the camera in the far corner of the room.
[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]
Veron again follows Frankie through the maze of towering shelves, examining the hand-written tags present on each box, with almost the same demeanour that a human might in walking through a lab storage room filled with formaldehyde specimen jars: curious, yet clinical. Eventually he comes to pause, drawing out a box at chest height, it containing the requisite parts he'd spoken of, a pair of two inch diameter actuation pistons.
However, he doesn't stop looking there.
He begins sifting through the various boxes, occasionally collecting parts: A composite stock, a couple of simple servos, rails, casing components, a small power condenser...If Frankie were observant, he might note that the extra parts being gathered could very-well be used for the impromptu construction of a weapon of some kind.
Back upstairs, Naia continues to watch and learn, though not before repeating the message she'd uttered several times more. The recording equipment currently unbeknownst to her would flawlessly capture the message she'd relayed in binary tones, and likely adding further fuel to the fire of 'Avalon' and whatever '41186 Disraeli' was...
Frankie really doesn't care what Veron nabs from the shelves as his Boss had allowed anything, but he does look on with curiosity. Once the other had gathered what he needed, Frankie would lead him up the stairs again and to the work room. Inside the room would be just about any tool one could need for everything from micro work to larger repairs.
In her bedroom, Denna wakens just enough from her self-induced trance to barely notice Naia. She scoots another chair over for the AI to use if she felt the urge, and went to the bathroom. When she returned it was in a tank top and plaid felt pajama shorts, her hair was down around her waist, and her face had been washed off.
She smiles ever so slightly at Naia, and goes back into her work. She is linking directories, dictionary definitions and images to various query lines on one screen, and another few were taken up with building the wireframe and the rest were taken up with building up the base of the digitalized 'real' world simulation. Others not technologically inclined would just see random strings of numbers and letters being written rapidly across those screens, but to her it was a cold, crystalline dance of beauty. Information twining and spiraling about her digital 'self' as she wove and melded the disparate parts of her work into a seamless whole.
A tiny portion of her awareness takes what Naia had been repeating, and forwards it to Veron before turning back to the work at hand.
[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]
Led to the workshop on the second floor, Veron is quick to...well, not immediately go to work, but certainly prepares for such. He gathers the requisite tools, laying them out on the nearby workbench and then sets about removing his battered trench coat, laying it out on a nearby stool, followed by his hooded, green sweatshirt, revealing the chassis beneath. Consisting of an amalgamation of angular, composite plating, all painted a dusky grey color, Veron looked akin to a stealth fighter given a humanoid form, his chassis at one point obviously designed for infiltration work.
That said, as he turned around, the damage he'd sustained was clear as day. Three bullet holes had smashed their way through an armor plate on the left side of his torso, the actuation pistons beneath having sustained damage in the process, the evidence of corrosion suggesting that this hadn't been recent damage, either.
He immediately moved to unfasten the cowling covering the damaged actuation devices, setting it beside him on the workbench before doing the same with the damaged pistons, using the cordless wrench to unbolt the damaged equipment, before removing the wiring from them as well and disposing of them without a moment's thought. Installation of the new pistons was relatively straight-forward, and in no time at all, his curious auto-surgery is complete, Veron replacing the armor plate he'd removed, before gently testing the new additions.
His torso locomotion was immediately more fluid, swift and precise, the AI standing somewhat taller than he'd done before, his posture mimicking a sigh of relief before he gets to work again, turning the other collection of parts he'd taken and laying them out on the bench. A hand moves to the thigh pocket of his cargo pants, lifting the external flap as with a click and a soft whirr, a pistol grip emerged from the pocket. He drew the weapon from his thigh plating, the 'pocket' actually a cleverly disguised access point for the two pulse pistols housed in his thigh cowling, setting the weapon on the bench beside the amalgamation of parts, as if to study it intensely.
After his moment's pause, his manipulators began to work, his voice carrying through the air, explaining,
"My work with emergent AI's has led me into increasingly dangerous situations. As of yet, the damage I've sustained has been relatively minor...however, with the increase in this phenomenon, it will only be a matter of time before I am forced to defend myself...Hence..."
His hands had been in constant motion while he'd been speaking, the device he'd been constructing coming together with considerable swiftness. Finally, he turns around from the workbench, holding aloft what looked to be a carbine-esque firearm, compact and lightweight, made from almost entirely composite materials, such as he'd gathered on his way through the warehouse section. The weapon swiftly compacts, almost unrecognisable before Veron swiftly stashes it in the small of his back, it hooking to his spinal plates, to be concealed the moment he put his sweatshirt and trench coat back on.
He wouldn't test the weapon here. Such would be disrespectful to Denna's generosity.
He sets about putting his attire back on, before pausing as a signal greets him, a small video showing Naia, gazing into space, uttering her curious coded message. At this, Veron blinks and muses to himself,
"Four-one-one-eight-six Disraeli...."
There's a curious furrow of his brow plates before he peers beyond the door of the room, his processors immediately diverting a portion of their efforts to running a broad-faced search to find out just what this curious code meant. Whatever the result, it appeared that Naia wasn't just another emergent AI in need of help...but it would be unlikely that he'd be able to extrapolate any further information on his own. They'd now NEED to pay a visit to the Wreckage in order to make sense of what was going on.
While his search runs 'in the back of his mind', Veron finds a scrap of paper and a pen, opting for a way of communicating with Denna that wouldn't disturb her during her programming, precisely penning,
"I have theories about Naia, however for appropriate answers, we will need to speak with certain members of the Wreckage. Currently running a search as to extrapolate what '41186 Disraeli' is. I will remain active until your coding is complete.'
With that, he pads into her room, leaving the note upon the desk in front of her and departs, drawing his hood up to gaze out a nearby window, an almost perpetual frown of thought written across his facial plating, a manipulator thumbing his chin.
Who was Avalon? What was '41186 Disraeli'? Were they somehow connected? And what was Naia in all of this?
His gaze swings back to the new AI in question, currently sitting in the chair beside Denna, watching the code stream by as if in an eternally fascinated state of torpor. Veron would get his answers soon enough....though he honestly had to wonder: would he even WANT to know the answer to his questions? Or would it stand to be far more trouble than it was worth?
The modified Mini Hatch cruised quietly through the streets of Ironport, each wheel powered by a flat electric motor. The signs on the driver's and passenger's doors read:
[table] Morrison & O'Brian
Architecture, Engineering, & Gadgeteering[/table]
and had the business phone number at the bottom.
The driver slowed down at several buildings as she passed them, then continued. Finally, she came to a building, formerly the site of a machine shop, where she pulled into what likely had been visitor parking. She got out, a woman in her late twenties with skin the color of coffee, wearing sneakers, blue jeans and a white cotton blouse, her brown hair with hints of red tied back in a ponytail. She picked up a tablet from the passenger seat, checked the time, then called up a document file and activated a recording app, reading the address from the document and checking it against the number on the building. Then she started using the tablet to take pictures as she commented.
"Lot and building size seem to be as advertised, grounds seem to be maintained. As do those of the neighboring buildings..."
After covering everything that could be seen without going inside or through the locked gate to the main parking area, Millie O'Brian closed the recording app and sat down on the bonnet to continue reading the latest 500-Kingdoms novel on her tablet, apparently waiting for someone else to show up...
(OOC: Do we have a generic Ironport OOC thread yet? I couldn't find one... Anyway, M&O AEG has been retained to look at several buildings in Ironport and make recommendations as to which one best suits the client's needs. All the buildings on her list are the ones she looked at on the way, and all are repossessed, at least officially. Right now [url=]Millie[/url] is waiting for the person the bank is sending over with the keys to show her around; Millie got there early. What will she find? Who are the neighbors? Will she get a chance to finish reading the novel?
Feel free to help me answer these and other burning questions!
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]