anyone else miss this? ;( it is probably my fondest memory of CoH
please please PLEASE include something like this in CoT..
7 year CoX vet. and despite graphics still thinks it's the most beautiful MMO.
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Nope. For a RP hangout with lore behind it, I always found it sad people couldn't follow the lore of the D, and then from a non RP perspective it was basically a run through to get somewhere else spot. :p
While it was never really my favorite "RP hangout" either I suspect CoT will have some kind of equivalent to PDP and/or Pocket-D regardless.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
-.- party poopers.
7 year CoX vet. and despite graphics still thinks it's the most beautiful MMO.
I wasn't talking about Pocket D btw..
7 year CoX vet. and despite graphics still thinks it's the most beautiful MMO.
I miss the ski chalet and winter event greatly.
I miss pocket d as a waypoint going between zones.
I miss a hero meeting a villain to swap loot and stuff too.
City of Gaymers
050505 thru 120112
I miss a hero meeting a villain at the "D" to swap sardonic banter. :-)
I remember when the Icon stores came out and you could change your costume and make a second one. For a couple of glorious days people were partying in the streets right outside the store in Steel Canyon.
The very existence of the taunting tank irritates, for it requires idiotic AI that obeys the taunt.
I miss it. Heh, I remember when Pocket D released, they didn't actually remove the PDP; just removed access to it. I had a character that I made just for when I was bored that never left the PDP, and when I left the game (years after Pocket D was made) my character was still there; one of the few remaining residents.
I had a character still at the old hero's only Paragon Dance Party on test years after it closed. Although one day, years later, she wasn't in there anymore when I logged in. Maybe that only hit test though. (Or I might have mentioned it on the forum, although I figure that's coincidence.)
I actually asked Positron about it when he was at some random event around some anniversary. Based on what he said, they would have liked to bring it back for said anniversary event - but the teleports back to the world had gotten broken and they weren't able to fix it.
Shame too as I would have liked to visit the old PPD sometime.
I'm hoping since Titans isn't as rushed, it won't be nearly as prone to such things happening without the ability to resolve easily.
Longtime City of Heroes player, longtime writer. :) Working in Nebraska.
COT: Mission tips writer, studying Cinema 4D animation program