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Doctor Splicer's Biohub ((open RP for villains))

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notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
Doctor Splicer's Biohub ((open RP for villains))

In an abandoned part of the city's subway system, a large hemisphere made of green muscle can be seen. This is one of many of doctor splicer's "Biohubs". A living room tucked away in a hidden location to be used by Doctor Splicer's customers. It also serves as a black market for anyone willing to pay 10% of their profits to the good doctor himself. Those who have been there before know that if anyone starts a fight there that the biohub itself is programed to attack and kill on site, usually sprouting tentacles from the walls and dragging the offenders to the stomach to be digested. Their bones are strewn about to warn future offenders.

not my video just one I lke ===>


RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
The black rat was moving

The black rat was moving along the subway and came to the Bio-hub. What was odd about this rat wasn't that it's fur was black it was solid black tail face every part of it was a black mass in a the shape of a rat. The creature looked around sniffing the edge of the Hub then turned and scurried to the homeless man seeking warmth in the tunnels. Unknown lifted his head as the rat reintegrated itself into the greater bio-mass. "Interesting." He stood up and started along the path that would lead to the Hub.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
Sensing someone wanting to

Sensing someone wanting to enter, the Hub creates a hole in it's mass to let the creature in. The inside wasn't as gross as it probably should have been considering that it exists inside of another living creature. Inside various merchants were selling their wares.

not my video just one I lke ===>


RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
As Unknown entered he brushed

As Unknown entered he brushed his finger along the biological wall just a few cells was all he needed to collect to begin analyzing it's makeup. The tattoo pattern on his face shifted as his appearance takes on a darker look. It wasn't due to his nature, but camouflage as he determined that those within this living location were of less then peaceful behavior patterns.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 11/09/2013 - 15:14
Hmmm. This looks like a good

Hmmm. This looks like a good place to get some info on that tech lost off of that I&C freight truck last friday night.

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
Unknown had few desires in

Unknown had few desires in his life, few needs, but there is that lingering anger something in the past life of the man that merged with an alien life was still burning. Perhaps it was time to seek out more. He headed to one of the dealers. "I'm seeking a drug, one that causes memory loss. There... someone I want memory removed. If you can't provide it can you send me to a contact that can?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
When unknown analysing the

When unknown analysing the DNA he sees that it has a lot of elephant DNA in it, and that it was genetically enhanced with the power to regenerate from any wound. Unkown approaches to what appears to be a mummy dressed as a stereotypical Arabian merchant "Ah yes, Ezekial might have what you need. but what do you have to offer?"

not my video just one I lke ===>


RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
Okay that was a flaw in his

Okay that was a flaw in his plan. Wasn't much of a plan the concept of funds was one of the things he had very little grasp of. "Okay I come clean. I been exposed to such a drug wiped out my memory. It was something a street dealer got his hands on and caused Cerebral hemorrhage in my frontal lobe. As you can guess I'm a little angry about it and want revenge. I also have no funds to draw on just about two hundred dollars saved up." He let his eyes turn full "How much for a lead?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
Ezekial looks at unkown and

Ezekial looks at unkown and scratches his chin in thought for a while. "Many drugs can cause memory loss.... do you know if it's nature? Is it magical? I only deal in magical wares you see... but I may know someone who knows about more mundane poisons for about..... $200" Ezekial grins nefariously.

not my video just one I lke ===>


RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Unknown looked at Ezekial "I

Unknown looked at Ezekial "I fine another way." Then headed off perhaps it was time to go after some drug pushers.

A short time after Unknown left. ALX the android walked into the bio hub. It was disgusting to the machine flesh behaving as rooms an abomination. Then again all organics were abominations to ALX. He ventured to what he calculated was someone dealing with magic "I'm looking for any magical texts that talks about the origins of magic. How people came to wield it."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
"Texts of such a nature, are

"Texts of such a nature, are usually very old, very.... expensive.... what do you have to offer?"

not my video just one I lke ===>


RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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"One hundred thousand per

"One hundred thousand per text."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
Ezikial's eyes widen in shock

Ezikial's eyes widen in shock at the mere mention of the price "...that....that is indeed.... quite the offer...." He digs into an old crate near him and retrieves 10 books, all of the ancient and moldy and hands them to the machine "By the way, if you don't mind me asking... what do you need these for?"

not my video just one I lke ===>


RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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ALX Picked up one of the book

ALX Picked up one of the book and flipped through it with rapid speed analyzing each page in half a second. He repeated this with every book till he narrowed it down to four books "I will buy these four. Most of the data in the others seems to be repeated in other books these offer much the same information and I noticed some data that isn't mentioned before. So they are worth studying in greater detail. As for why I need them. I am a machine and magic seems to be a source of limitless power. Why wouldn't I seek it out."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
"You seek immortality then...

"You seek immortality then...."

not my video just one I lke ===>


RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
"Immortality is something I

"Immortality is something I already have. I do not age, my parts can be repaired and improved on. My programming can be upload into new storage devices. Self Reliance is what I seek. Not have to recharge at a plug, to rely on a power supply transmitted over aging lines." ALX calculate a bit "If I was organic I be seeking the Horn of plenty, to always have at my desire what ever food or drink I wish."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24


not my video just one I lke ===>