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Character Sheet: RIOT (with backstory!)

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CupcakeKills's picture
Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
Joined: 02/18/2014 - 06:31
Character Sheet: RIOT (with backstory!)

[b]Character Name:[/b] Jackson Gabriel Smith (Jack)
[b]Code (super) Name:[/b] Agent Riot
[b]Classification:[/b] Vigilante/Rogue
[b]CoT alignment:[/b] Chaotic Neutral (As a Mercenary, Riot chooses neither the title "Hero" or "Villain" and has thus been considered a villain by heroes and an unmotivated thug by villains)
[b]Law:[/b] 4 (Riot lives by his own ever-morphing personal code)
[b]Violence:[/b] 8 (Riot has no qualms with using violence, even killing - but refuses to kill children)
[b]Honor:[/b] 5 (Riot lives by his own ever-morphing personal code)
[b]Comic character offense this character is most like:[/b] Somewhere between Deadpool and Thor
[b]Comic character defense this character is most like:[/b] A mixture of Wolverine and Thor
[b]Comic character support set this character is most like:[/b] Deadpool/Wolverine/Sabertooth
[b]Comic character movement set this character is most like:[/b] Daredevil Acrobatics with Hulk's Super Jump
[b]Experience:[/b] Medium (5-10 yrs)
[b]Overall power ranking:[/b] A/AA (Not sure which fits more)

[b]Height:[/b] 6' 0" [b]Weight:[/b] 220lbs. [b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Hair color:[/b] Black with Colored streaks (often Purple)
[b]Eye color:[/b] Black scleras and pupils with white iris' (side effect of the mutation)
[b]Skin:[/b] Greyish-White (side effect of the mutation)
[b]Origin Type:[/b] Accidental Genetic Experimentation/Mutation

[b]Personality (3-5 sentences):[/b]

[b]Sample speech (3-5 sentences):[/b]

[b]STR:[/b] 40/ [b]DEX:[/b] 20/ [b]CON:[/b] 20/ [b]BODY:[/b] 45/ [b]INT:[/b] 9/ [b]EGO:[/b] 4/ [b]PRE:[/b] 4/ [b]COM:[/b] 7

[b]Defenses[/b] (1 being standard unprotected human, 20 being a real life tank, 50+ being Superman level stat)
[b]Physical blunt:[/b] 18/ [b]Physical bladed:[/b] 18/ [b]Projectile:[/b] 18/ [b]Spiritual/Magical:[/b] 1/[b] Elemental:[/b] 18/ [b]Energy:[/b] 18
[b]Defense List:[/b]
- Minor/Moderate Invulnerability

[b]Melee O:[/b] 40/ [b]Ranged O:[/b] 10/ [b]AoE O:[/b] 10
[b]Offense List:[/b]
- Super Strength

[b]List and rating of power(s):[/b]
- Healing Factor/Regeneration (Rating: 45)

[b]Description of powers:[/b]
[b]- Minor/Moderate Invulnerability:[/b] Riot's skin is as tough as Class 3 Hard Body Armor, it can be penetrated but may stop smaller caliber bullets, distant shrapnel, and will resist blade piercing. This does not prevent bruising, broken/cracked bones, injured organs or concussions.
[b]- Super Strength:[/b] Riot can lift 10 tons (US Short Ton) or 20,000lbs. over his head without straining. He can throw 5,000lbs over 300 yards (though he might pull his groin and throw out a shoulder doing so...)
[b]- Healing Factor/Regeneration:[/b] Riot's body is able to heal damage at an incredible rate. A .45 Caliber bullet fired from 10 feet will heal in approximately 2 minutes. A severed limb (arm or leg) will heal within 4 hours. Decapitation requires 12 hours to heal (with 4-6 hours of rest). If the limb (or head) is held up to the open wound the healing time is cut by 3/4.

[b]Other Skills/perks/talents:[/b]
- Agility/Acrobatics: Riot is incredibly agile and acrobatic, thanks to his healing factor his body stays quite supple and thanks to his Super Strength he can leap great distances.
- Military/Guerrilla Combat Tactics: Riot is well versed in the ways of battle, his aim is exceptional (but not super human), and his knowledge of explosives, trap-setting, and counter-terrorism is extensive.
- Genius Level IQ: Riot's IQ is 130, while he's no nuclear physicist - his intelligence can be useful.

- Genius Level IQ: Riot's 130 IQ (in conjunction with his other impairments) makes it difficult to connect with people and form relationships beyond having acquaintances or loose friendships. This also gives him an intense hatred and bias against willful ignorance and stupidity.
- Mental Illness: Riot lives with several mental illnesses, some diagnosed and some not. Most were nearly non-existent but were made manifest or worsened by his mutation.
- ADHD (diagnosed) Riot gets distracted VERY easily...
- Schizophrenia (undiagnosed, mild) Riot sometimes hears voices, or sees things that aren't there.
- Schizoid Personality Disorder (diagnosed, mild to moderate) Riot has a hard time expressing feelings or processing them normally.
- Oppositional Defiance Disorder (diagnosed) Riot has a SEVERE problem with authority...

[b]Time in Titan City:[/b] Unknown
[b]Public Knowledge of Character:[/b] Jack has accepted a few contracts from Villains, due to the high (and unnecessary) amounts of explosives used, along with his tendency to get into bar fights has gotten him his code name after a local paper described him as a "one man riot."

I'm not quite sure if the number assessments are spot on, but with the descriptions given - perhaps someone would be kind enough to correct me if I'm wrong?

CupcakeKills's picture
Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
Joined: 02/18/2014 - 06:31
(Space Reserved for back

Jackson Gabriel Smith was born a poor black child... [That was Steve Martin.] Oh, right. Hold on.

Jackson Gabriel Smith was born to Gabriel Peter and Darlene Opal Smith on a Military Base during the Fall season. Even though his childhood could be considered "normal" or "average" it was not only filled with happy moments, but also had its fair share of troubles. Gabriel, Jackson's father, often belittled and chastised Jackson for not being interested in sports and being a "winner". Over the years, this cultured a feeling of inadequacy in Jackson which would eventually play in to his behavior later in life - but we're getting ahead of ourselves.
When Jackson was 8 he was diagnosed with ADD [Look a squirrel!], but the doctor's warned Gabriel and Darlene that Jackson's behavior may be indicative of other mental illnesses that could develop more later in life. This scared Gabriel and Darlene to push Jackson towards more structure and enrolled him in Military school. This was a difficult time for Jackson as more and more signs of his mental health state began cropping up, with isolative behavior [Did not!] and responding to punishment with violence [jeez, you make three 12 year olds cry and they brand you for life]. Jackson often retreated to Science Fiction stories and Comic Books to escape what he viewed as his reality, that his parents were scared of him and didn't want him (so they sent him away) and that he was "abnormal" and somehow "wrong" simply for being different.
As he came into his later teenage years, his father announced that he would be divorcing Darlene - this of course, worsened Jackson's already fragile mental health. As a result he strove harder and harder to excel in his training and course work in order to "prove himself" to his father, and in his delusional mind, to save his parents marriage. Of course, Gabriel and Darlene's divorce finalized with little to no mess and for their own reasons - which Jackson refused to believe fully. For this reason, Jackson entered the Military. Unsurprisingly Jackson excelled in all areas, though his teamwork skills were lacking [The Teammates were lacking in ability... idiots]. Two days before his first mission he was discharged from the military after a psychological evaluation considered him to be "unfit for service" (one small mistake on his evaluation sadly triggered an unexpected response which he had been doing his best to hide for the months of his training) and was kicked back into civilian life.
Jackson struggled to get by, and found a job doing Security for a local Bar/Restaurant. After a couple years he had managed to keep his mental illnesses in check with medication and behavioral therapy (which had a few speed bumps...) [Apparently therapists aren't supposed to be stabbed with staple removers] and he made friends with some of the locals after awhile. Life seemed to be going in the right direction. Jackson and his friends formed a band and started practicing almost daily and after two years were playing regular shows and opening up for other bands at the very bar that Jackson bounced at (as well as some local venues). Things were looking up.
It was fall, nearing Jackson's birthday and the band was celebrating their first full-length album release. One of the bar owners was clearing out some old boxes from the basement and in a slightly more inebriated celebratory stupor [Oh come on, I wasn't THAT drunk...], Jackson grabbed what appeared to be a tray full of shooters and passed them around the bar patrons. Unbeknownst to them, what they had just swallowed was an experimental "super soldier" type serum batch of untested formulas [that still doesn't explain my devilishly handsome face]. At the end of the night, and a couple more rounds of drinks Jackson decided to call it a night.
Jackson left the bar and began to walk to his apartment. On his walk home Jackson stumbled into the street to cross over and in an incredible stroke of bad luck [more like a disturbingly convoluted comic book cliche] - a Tanker Truck barreling down the street was forced to slam on its breaks as a drunk driver coming the opposite direction swerved into oncoming traffic and Jackson was almost sandwiched between them [Did someone say sandwiches?!]
The wreckage was barely holding him together, or at least alive. Jackson awoke to an EKG machine beeping two days later and in a disgusting amount of pain [And we thought hangovers were bad...]. A Nurse arrived shortly afterwards to take some more blood samples and check on his bandages to see if they needed changing and to empty the bedpan [Don't you think the audience could've done without that image?] Jackson asked them what had happened, and that he could only remember leaving the bar. The nurse began filling him in on what the Police report stated and the circumstances of the accident. Jackson laid there in shock, or at least, what he assumed to be shock as he looked down to realize his left arm was missing, and there was only one lump at the end of the bed where two feet shaped lumps should have been and he was covered in bloody bandages (presumably with staples in them) [No "Easy" button here kids!]. Jackson promptly asked for morphine before passing out again.
What Jackson didn't know was that the Tanker Truck that had caused the accident belonged to one of the largest Pharmaceutical companies in the nation, and this Hospital stay was about to get a whole lot worse. The next time Jackson woke up he was no longer in a Hospital bed, but on an examination table, hooked up to several machines with saline and morphine drips in his arm. The light obscured the two people leaning over him, one injecting him with God-knows-what as the other wrote down notes. While it was very dull, Jackson knew his body was still in an intense amount of pain - and that it was probably only going to get worse. Suddenly there was a shooting pain in the stump where his arm used to hang the likes of which no amount of morphine could dampen and as he looked over, horrified he watched as what seemed to be tissues and muscles and BONE growing from the stump and within 2 hours... a new arm had grown where the other was lost as well as a brand new foot [Choke on that diabetes! Wait... we don't have diabetes.. what?] though his skin for some reason had turned into a dull grayish-white color. Over the next few days, while he wounds had all closed and became a distant memory, there was still a burning ache all over his body, a feeling that could only be described as feeling your body was growing while your skin stayed the same size and stopped being so elastic.
The news reports are sketchy at best, but the circumstances of Jackson's escape from whatever facility he was being kept in is known only to him and the people who survived the explosions [Wouldn't you like to know what happened! Haha!] and Jackson found himself returning to his old life, making some excuses for why no one knew what hospital he was at while he healed up, and how the accident wasn't as bad as the papers made it seem. Jackson knew that things had changed, and that his life was about to take a drastically new direction.
It took two years alone to get a grip on the changes Jackson's body had gone through, his new skin color, the fact that his eyes had gone from a normal color to being all black with bright white iris'... Not too mention the immense amount of physical strength and agility Jackson now possessed, along with an astounding ability to heal physical damage [Maybe we could change our name to 'Wade'... whaddya think?]. This, apparently, wasn't the only change to happen in town, and he soon found out that he wasn't the only one who was exhibiting new and amazing abilities.......