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What Power sets would you like to have?

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oOStaticOo's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
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What Power sets would you like to have?

Me. I'd love to have Time Manipulation, Dual Pistols, Electric Blast, Fire Blast, and Psychic Blast.

I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!

Mitey Mite
Mitey Mite's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
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All of them - every power set

All of them - every power set you can think off and then some. I especially want to see the power sets that you never see in the other games. Stretch/expanding powers would be a good one and some kind of a power ring would be another one. In both cases they really haven't been done since they would be hard to do. If you grab something with an ability from a distance then how do you show the connection without cluttering up the screen? If you are making shapes with a power to use against something or to block something how do you do it and still show the connection over a distance? A morphing power set could be a lot of fun and not something you usually see. Sure, you might see a single morph ability or two but, what about changing into several things? How about changing into a robot, then a tank, bird, gorilla, and then a shark, or even just make 3 to 7 copies of yourself and run them as a group? Why it might even be fun to mimic what you are fighting.

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Trick Arrow, Trick Arrow...

Trick Arrow, Trick Arrow... and did I mention Trick Arrow? Oh.. and Archery.....

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Trick Arrows are fun. I'd

Trick Arrows are fun. I'd also like a Barrier set that sort of like Forcefields, only with the ability to skin it as whatever you want.

I'd also like not-Kinetics. A powerset made to transfer stats from enemies to you and your allies. Drain speed, drain power, and so on.

GhostHack's picture
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there is also this thread,

there is also this thread, which (about halfway down the first page, for me) tries to break down how powersets "function" in Titans (at least in terms of mechanics) differently than COX.

and it's got tons of suggestions on it already.... so please do lend your voice!

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I would like to see a water

I would like to see a water based power. I feel like that would be very different.

JayBezz's picture
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When it comes to healing I

When it comes to healing I would really like a "Tech Surgeon" set. Something that works mostly in Melee range and does a good job repairing teammates and deflecting damage at close range.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Redlynne's picture
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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

When it comes to healing I would really like a "Tech Surgeon" set. Something that works mostly in Melee range and does a good job repairing teammates and deflecting damage at close range.


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Catherine America
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Give me Time, Kinetic, and

Give me Time, Kinetic, and Storm and I'd happily take any ranged set launched.
Oh...but Water would be most secksee.


([i]Currently developing the Sapphire 7 Initiative[/i])

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I was a big fan of Devices

I was a big fan of Devices and Traps, would love to see that kind of thing.

Fireheart's picture
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Dark and Dark, with Dark on

Dark and Dark, with Dark on the side and extra Dark-sauce for dipping.

On the other hand, the mechanics of the 'Celestial' set in CO are quite intriguing. Light powers that heal your friends and harm your enemies are good.

Be Well!

InOnePiece's picture
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Storm Summoning, and Empathy

Storm Summoning, and Empathy on steroids.

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I would like to see a set

I would like to see a set similar to Kinetics from CoH, but maybe call it Entropy instead? For some reason it always seemed to me that was a more fitting description for what the powers actually did.

Bloodfyre- 50+ Invuln/Fire Tank- Guardian.
"Tanker, not Thinker!"

Redlynne's picture
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Time/Dual Pistols Defender.

Time/Dual Pistols Defender.

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Brand X
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Time/Dual Pistols Defender.

With the pistols doing more damage or having a real reason to change ammo type!

Redlynne's picture
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Ugh. Don't remind me of how

Ugh. Don't remind me of how pointless Change Ammo was as far as results went. In my playing experience it was either Physical (for Knockback "soft" control) or Fire (for extra Damage), and even then, it hardly made a difference. Still, being able to endlessly spin my pistols and make them ck-click when bored by waiting for other people rarely got old.

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Lothic's picture
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As per the COT class chart I

As per the [url=]COT class chart[/url] I think I'll be looking forward to several of the new primary/secondary combos that weren't possible in CoH. Specifically I'd love to get something like Fire Control/Fire Blast (Commander Executor) or maybe Bio Armor/Thorny Assault (Stalwart Bastion).

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Ugh. Don't remind me of how pointless Change Ammo was as far as results went. In my playing experience it was either Physical (for Knockback "soft" control) or Fire (for extra Damage), and even then, it hardly made a difference. Still, being able to endlessly spin my pistols and make them ck-click when bored by waiting for other people rarely got old.

Agreed! :) Though, I will likely try to go a Chained Kunai route with my main (or just chains) if it's available at launch, pistols in both CoH and CO have been one of my favorite sets.

JayBezz's picture
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Hmm.. Tank playstyles.. I

Hmm.. Tank playstyles.. I usually don't play tanks but to me the primary focus of a tank is to Keep threat so that it's teammates can have the benefit of less aggro and more damage. Obviously a high survival rate is needed.

Because I doubt there will be multiple threat generation models I assume that the real variation of tanks will come in their survival methods.

So if I were to break frameworks down into tank mechanics I would say the mandatory ones are:

1) Health Regeneration Tank - made famous by deadpool and wolverine.. people like the guy who takes a bullet full force and keeps on going.

2) Flat mitigation tank - A tank that turns all the incoming damage and halves or even quarters it by their ability to take a hit

3) The percent chance mitigation tank - Whether you deflect things or dodge things entirely this one tends to be a favorite. The percent chance is never quite where it should be in the end but the risk is often worth the reward in endgame content (especially if there is a FULL miss capability).

4) The lotta HP tank - Sometime's it's not about mitigating the damage or even healing yourself.. sometimes its as simple as "I can get hit a bunch.. enough to outlast you's guys"

5) The threshold tank - Someone who's Health is protected by smaller hits but has problems with the big ones. People with a shield or a forcefield that can withstand "up to X tons of pressure per square inch" but after that barrier comes down.. Maybe the barrier has its own XP maybe its a flat amount, maybe both.

Any of the above play styles can be represented by many different character themes. They can also be mixed and combined in equal measure for fun results too.

Any tank playstyle I missed?

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Redlynne's picture
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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

Any tank playstyle I missed?

Debuff Tank.

The Debuff Tank is something of an odd beast, but is actually what an Ice Tanker was functionally built around being, in addition to being a Mitigation Tank (with Defense Types). Debuffs will typically come in the form of Auras (also sometimes known a Aura Tanking or otherwise "rockin' the aura(s)") that turn the Tanker into what amounts to a flypaper build in which the idea is to keep your enemies close and the most dangerous enemies even closer. The most common Debuff Tanking methods used in City of Heroes were "Slow" Tankers, such as Ice Armor and also to some extent Time Manipulation, as well as To Hit Debuff/Accuracy Debuff methods employed by Storm (in Herdicane) and Dark (just about everything).

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

JayBezz's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

JayBezz wrote:
Any tank playstyle I missed?
Debuff Tank.
The Debuff Tank is something of an odd beast, but is actually what an Ice Tanker was functionally built around being, in addition to being a Mitigation Tank (with Defense Types). Debuffs will typically come in the form of Auras (also sometimes known a Aura Tanking or otherwise "rockin' the aura(s)") that turn the Tanker into what amounts to a flypaper build in which the idea is to keep your enemies close and the most dangerous enemies even closer. The most common Debuff Tanking methods used in City of Heroes were "Slow" Tankers, such as Ice Armor and also to some extent Time Manipulation, as well as To Hit Debuff/Accuracy Debuff methods employed by Storm (in Herdicane) and Dark (just about everything).

Hmm.. I understand that the "equation" is the same but debuffers will likely go into the "Commander" Forum.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Redlynne wrote:
Ugh. Don't remind me of how pointless Change Ammo was as far as results went. In my playing experience it was either Physical (for Knockback "soft" control) or Fire (for extra Damage), and even then, it hardly made a difference. Still, being able to endlessly spin my pistols and make them ck-click when bored by waiting for other people rarely got old.

Agreed! :) Though, I will likely try to go a Chained Kunai route with my main (or just chains) if it's available at launch, pistols in both CoH and CO have been one of my favorite sets.

I personally loved chem rounds on my NA/DP defender. it really put him into an extra gear of toughness. As long as my mez protection lasted I could go toe to toe with AVs just using the skills in those two sets (plus fitness of course). Throw in the powers from the mystic set (whatever it was called) that was on test (at the end) and he was bustin up de joint. :)

Dztblk's picture
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I second that. Nice idea

I second that. Nice idea

Tibit's picture
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My favs are kintic,ice,air

My favs are kintic,ice,air,mind powers,dark
Some of my fav

Tiny bot of def

ultrablade's picture
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hope we can have super

hope we can have super strength , and fire armor and healing factory or like will power as well and elec armor

brian w byrd

Fireheart's picture
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Sounds good for Enforcer, or

Sounds good for Enforcer, or Stalwart, but I'm not sure how those apply to the Defender-equivalent 'Guardian'.

Be Well!

Ysangard's picture
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Psychic, water blast and

Psychic, water blast and Storm^^

agent-zero's picture
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personally: mind control and

personally: mind control and time manipulation, a gadgets power pool, some sort of psionic mastery, and possibly an extra slot for a leadership pool :)

would love to see, kinetic anything! (didn't fully understand it as a kid, but thought it was cool that i was able to run faster than normal and not having to select a superspeed power pool) and than basically all the ones in CoX with added new ones lol

cybermitheral's picture
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Titan Weapons - the best

Titan Weapons - the best Defence is a good offence :)

Plus Forcefields all the way people

The Phoenix Rising Initiative Rules Lawyer

Mind-Freeze's picture
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Did they say powers were

Did they say powers were going to be cast Time or click powers don't remember seeing it in the forums

TTheDDoctor's picture
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cybermitheral wrote:
cybermitheral wrote:

Titan Weapons - the best Defence is a good offence :)

And even then, dat Defensive Sweep was awesomer than half the other powers in the game AND coupled with its AoE could quickly acquire some nasty levels of defense bonuses.

Plus it's always nice to wield a nuke in your hands.

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I would love to see super

I would love to see super speed thats not just a travel power but an actual power set with super speed attacks almost blinding flurries of kicks punches, picking up street trash like rocks,cans.sticks and hurling them so fast it lookes like sombody was fiering a fully automatic machine gun at you but with garbage.

mabe attacks that have you run around an area circling enemies creating whirlwinds that offer a short term hold or aoe attacks that are you running at super speeds attacking every enemy in range.

and defences that utilize the fact you have faster than human reflexes, for a speedster everything is in bullet time dodging should be easy think what super reflexes should have been in coh.

TTheDDoctor's picture
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Nirrad1975 wrote:
Nirrad1975 wrote:

I would love to see super speed thats not just a travel power but an actual power set with super speed attacks almost blinding flurries of kicks punches, picking up street trash like rocks,cans.sticks and hurling them so fast it lookes like sombody was fiering a fully automatic machine gun at you but with garbage.
mabe attacks that have you run around an area circling enemies creating whirlwinds that offer a short term hold or aoe attacks that are you running at super speeds attacking every enemy in range.
and defences that utilize the fact you have faster than human reflexes, for a speedster everything is in bullet time dodging should be easy think what super reflexes should have been in coh.

Yeah, there was an entire thread devoted to teleportation combat, too. I'd be REALLY impressed if they also threw in something for Super Jump and Flight, too! For instance...

Flight combat can utilize characters throwing themselves at distant enemies, likely performing moves that send enemies into the air or utilize air superiority mechanics to knock them out of the sky. Blasts of repulsive energy from jet boots/rocket packs/wings/etc can be utilized to lock down and throw around enemies, making the set very crowd-control heavy.

Super Jump combat can utilize leaping to clear a distance in one bound so the character can strike them from afar, likely performing highly acrobatic moves and delivering super-strong blows that can stun or knock back enemies. If this ever gets done, then may the good Lord bless us all with the quintessential [i]Shockwave Stomp[/i] power...

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Tannim222's picture
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No promises on this, one of

No promises on this, one of the current 'white board' tertiary sets is a Combat Travel Tertiary. It is not only for Teleportation, but can be used for nearly all our *crosses fingers* planned for Travel powers. For the purposes of the Combat Travel Tertiary, Flight, Teleportaion, Super Jump and so on would all be animation skins of the same power effects. Keep in mind, this Tertiary involves actual movement of the player character from one location to another, while we could have travel-themed animations for regular power sets that appear to move the character and have them return to their original location within the animation time. It may or may not work for every possible travel power, but it is certainly possible.

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Radiac's picture
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If I'm reading you right,

If I'm reading you right, Tannim222, this would be something like Fly + Combat Travel Power = something akin to the Liu Kang flying kick from Mortal Kombat, where you fly across a fairly long distance and land a foot on the target's face, whereas Teleport + Combat Travel = Raiden's "disappear in front of you, reappear behind you and uppercut" attack. something like that? And Super Jump + Combat Travel might end up looking like the Guile "super sonic kick" from Street Fighter maybe, where you kick the guy, do severe KB and propel yourself up and forward into the air too? That sounds awesome if it's like that. For Super Speed you could have a "run up into a badguy's grill real fast from far away and punch him" attack or a "run circles around the guy and punch repeatedly" thing, or both maybe.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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Plant control and a real

Plant control and a real shapeshifting power set.

Captain Freedom
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Super-Strength, Invulnerability, Shield Defense, Energy (ranged blast) with Gravity as a secondary, and really good storm summoning!

Rigor Mortis
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Definitely want Dark Melee

Definitely want Dark Melee and Dark Blast. I would like to see better defensive sets like Energy/Kinetic pin point barrier system type armor like the SDF had on Robotech. Possibly a resist based cybernetic armor set, and a sword-whip melee set with several cone/ranged powers. Knife throwing ranged set, a power imbue item charge set, ala Gambit, and a teleportation melee combat sounds incredible! oh and a web-based control set!

Sorry for the run-on, my ADD brain rambles...

Ya know, they say never hit a man with a closed fist, but it is on occasion hilarious. -Malcolm Reynolds

Comicsluvr's picture
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As much as I love the

As much as I love the classics (Invul, Super Strength, all of the various Elemental powers) it's the fringe stuff that really pushes the envelope for me. Time Manip was GREAT as well as Force Fields (that set needed work), anything with a Mastermind (my fave AT) and the various weapon sets. As CoH approached the end the Devs got pretty clever at keeping things new and fresh.

I'm encouraged with what the CoT devs are hinting at right now. It sounds like they're building things open-ended enough to expand on them for a long time.

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

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The last powersets to release

The last powersets to release in coh i didn' try were the bio something powersets, they seemed like they would be awesome to try and i did not get there in time to try it. So I'd like to see those sets in game

Samuel Carruthers

TheMightyPaladin's picture
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Super Strength and

Super Strength and Regeneration

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a better version of

a better version of
Storm summing
Dark Miasma
Pain Domination
Force Field
Sonic Rensonace

Fire Blast
Ice Blast
Psychic Blast
Sonic Attack/Blast
Energy Blast
Electrical Blast
Dark Blast
Water bLAST

Fireheart's picture
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My favorites were Dark and

My favorites were Dark and Storm, but the Green Power of Radiation was also awesome.

Be Well!

Nyktos's picture
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My favorites were Necromancy,

My favorites were Necromancy, Pain Domination, Poisons, and most of the Dark Miasma powers. Of course I still liked Time Manipulation, Water Blast, Plant Control, and the Psychic powers too.

Organic Armor was a really interesting idea as well. I hope that get's developed more....

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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Radiac's picture
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I wonder how much aesthetic

I wonder how much aesthetic decoupling adds/takes away from the defense sets, really. I mean, Force Fields is already about as generic a name as it gets, whereas I have a hard time trying to understand how or why a set like Storm Summoning could or would be called anything else, despite it being a very specific type of set. I feel like these sets in particular will end up being a lot more strongly coupled than the blasts or melee sets.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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Aesthetic Decoupling may not

Aesthetic Decoupling may not apply equally to everything, of course. I don't see how changing the animation would necessarily change the name or nature of a power.

Be Well!

Tannim222's picture
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

I wonder how much aesthetic decoupling adds/takes away from the defense sets, really. I mean, Force Fields is already about as generic a name as it gets, whereas I have a hard time trying to understand how or why a set like Storm Summoning could or would be called anything else, despite it being a very specific type of set. I feel like these sets in particular will end up being a lot more strongly coupled than the blasts or melee sets.

Protection Sets may utilize a number of customizations for appearance. Anything from "nothing" and using the costume itself, to a variety of glows and particle effects. After all, maybe your characters "invulnerability" comes from his Ice-like armor he makes. It may not do anything "cold" other than "ice that stops him from getting hurt".

Even something like Storm Summoning could have a variety of particle effects. Even say if / when a set like that is released it only came with 1 set of particle effects, there is still animation customization, emanation points, and particle colors which can be customized. Aesthetic decoupling more than just the type of particle effects, it is counts for all those customizable options I just mentioned.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
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Kiyori Anoyui
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

Even something like Storm Summoning could have a variety of particle effects. Even say if / when a set like that is released it only came with 1 set of particle effects, there is still animation customization, emanation points, and particle colors which can be customized. Aesthetic decoupling more than just the type of particle effects, it is counts for all those customizable options I just mentioned.

That is really cool to know that there will be that much power over the customization! Also, Storm Summoning, yes please I cannot wait! :D I really hope that will be a power set included at some point down the road.

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Radiac's picture
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Interesting. In CoX (my only

Interesting. In CoX (my only concrete frame of reference, apologies) there were Defender sets that to some extent strained at the limits of what you could rationalize away as being an effect of whatever the set was about. What I mean is, Radiation had a Heal aura, and a rez power, not because anyone is seriously going to believe that radiation could do that, but because that set needed those powers.

I suppose that in a world where the aesthetics are decoupled from the mechanics, you have the freedom to concoct any kid of defender set without having to justify HOW a given power source might actually be able to achieve the effect your powers have. That frees you up to make the defender sets do whatever, and thus you can focus on making them work well mechanically, but then we as players have to try to retrofit a theme or something onto that.

I think in some cases the designer of the set might have something in mind for at least a "default" aesthetic, which might cause the playerbase to assume that set is basically that theme unless you try to mangle it into a different theme (which is fine, but a bit of a square peg/round hole problem). Or on the other extreme, you could have a designer make a set the mechanically works pretty well, but never had any inkling of a theme for it and that leaves the rest of us groping to try to wrap something around it that makes sense, and then you look at the available animations etc and you can't find anything that looks like the "correct" base form of the set.

I mean, if you stripped away all the names and animations from the Radiation defender primary set in CoX, you're left with a seemingly good set that works mechanically, but feels and looks at first blush like a hodgepodge of different powers with no unifying theme, even in the mechanics. I mean it was clearly a powerful debuff set, but it also had a heal and a rez and an ally buff power (Accelerate Metabolism). Looking at all of that, taken as a whole, it seems very disparate. Of course, then I guess that means that no option you choose for a flavor text theme is really "wrong" either.

All I can say is, I'm really curious about how this will all come together and work.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Darth Fez
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Well, you have to remember

Well, you have to remember that, at one time, radiation was what genetics still is, today: the stuff that can do anything. How did Spiderman get his powers? Radiation! (I suppose you could argue that radiation actually gave the spider the power to give a human spider powers.) How was the Hulk created? Radiation! Fantastic Four? Cosmic Radiation! Daredevil? Radiation! (Or chemicals, which are practically the same thing.) Heck, strictly speaking even Superman gets his powers from radiation.

So, in comic book terms, yeah, radiation could absolutely do that.

Obviously if you're talking about the regular, old, boring, "here, let me give you an x-ray and that'll heal right up" type radiation, then no, that's not going to work. That'd be silly. Besides, they build bombs out of that kind of radiation.

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Quite true, Darth.

Quite true, Darth.

In that same vein, there should be a superhero in today's comics that get's all of their powers from their smartphone.

"WOW! That was an amazing bit of daring do, Superdude! How ever did you manage it?"

"I've got an app....."

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Tannim222's picture
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

Interesting. In CoX (my only concrete frame of reference, apologies) there were Defender sets that to some extent strained at the limits of what you could rationalize away as being an effect of whatever the set was about. What I mean is, Radiation had a Heal aura, and a rez power, not because anyone is seriously going to believe that radiation could do that, but because that set needed those powers.
I suppose that in a world where the aesthetics are decoupled from the mechanics, you have the freedom to concoct any kid of defender set without having to justify HOW a given power source might actually be able to achieve the effect your powers have. That frees you up to make the defender sets do whatever, and thus you can focus on making them work well mechanically, but then we as players have to try to retrofit a theme or something onto that.
I think in some cases the designer of the set might have something in mind for at least a "default" aesthetic, which might cause the playerbase to assume that set is basically that theme unless you try to mangle it into a different theme (which is fine, but a bit of a square peg/round hole problem). Or on the other extreme, you could have a designer make a set the mechanically works pretty well, but never had any inkling of a theme for it and that leaves the rest of us groping to try to wrap something around it that makes sense, and then you look at the available animations etc and you can't find anything that looks like the "correct" base form of the set.
I mean, if you stripped away all the names and animations from the Radiation defender primary set in CoX, you're left with a seemingly good set that works mechanically, but feels and looks at first blush like a hodgepodge of different powers with no unifying theme, even in the mechanics. I mean it was clearly a powerful debuff set, but it also had a heal and a rez and an ally buff power (Accelerate Metabolism). Looking at all of that, taken as a whole, it seems very disparate. Of course, then I guess that means that no option you choose for a flavor text theme is really "wrong" either.
All I can say is, I'm really curious about how this will all come together and work.

That is why we design a set based on a theme and effect(s) which match up with the theme, but no set is limited to just that effect. An example could be a blast set using a DoT effect can still have a power or two that does knock back or some other effect. The next step is to plug the power set into a template.

When designing any of the templates, each has what I call a "focus of play style" but each template has some divergence from that play style to keep it well rounded. A debuff support set template still has some buff support powers, a single target offense set still has some area effect capability., and even our Buff support templates offer some debuff powers. This gives players options when taking a set. One play may take a buff focused Support set and use none of the debuff powers, another may take the few debuff powers, a few key buff powers, and lean more heavily on the Secondary and Tertiary powers.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Fireheart's picture
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I usually re-framed

I usually re-framed 'Radiation' as 'Green Power', ie. 'Magic' and kept playing. I never, once, tried to dissect it.

Be Well!

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As long as my Stalwart can abide by this code... all is well! :D

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The thing here is that from a

The thing here is that from a dev PoV there has to be one animation for each power in a specific power set for every aesthetic theme they make, but from a player PoV we don't have to adhere to those aesthetic themes in such a way. We can choose to separate the aesthetics in other categories than primary secondary tertiary power pool, like ranged vs. melee offensive vs. defensive single vs. AoE vs. ground targeting and probably a few more than that. Of course you need to choose power sets that has some "overlap" in the available aesthetic themes for it to fully work but given some time that shouldn't be that big of a problem. Heck, depending on how "strict" one wants to make the aesthetics it may not pose a problem for most players even at launch.

This would make it much easier for a player to "justify" the powers they take.

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Guardians are THE playstyle

Guardians are THE playstyle that will most likely need to watch the Buff Icons above players (as well as the other metrics like Health, NRG and Momentum).

Sometimes you can visually see if a player is "using a forcefield" but even in other games (Champions) this was difficult to display on the avatar and to see the "force field strength" you still needed to look at the UI icon representing the person you were aiding/attacking.

I think this is expected behavior so if you pick a powerset named "Barrier" you can expect to choose some powers with varying targets and areas of effect. For instance there may be a power that provides an AoE around the caster where incoming damage has -200DamagePoints. This can be displayed as a force field visual.. maybe the ground forms a wall.. maybe there's an electric barrier..

the point here is not to call a set "Force field" but rather to call it "Barrier" where you can animate that "line" in many different ways. The animator has a set of rules for what should be displayed and the players (caster, allies, and enemies) can understand what is happening. And the Icons above the characters tell you what buffs/debuffs are happening at any given point in real time.

Crowd Control Enthusiast