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Wanderers "Casting" Call (Open RP)

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Technosis was making a few bits and pieces.

"I hadn't thought I'd find a use for a quantum wave capacitor, but well, here we go..." He grinned... "Keep that thought, I'm programming it into an antenna that will broadcast the same signal from the towers clock and store the energy...."

While she concentrated the rings coalesced and formed larger pixels, at first looking only like little tinsel colored and thin strips of barely visible energy, then a visible crackle and glow in the center of the huge spinning device that had thus far, had no use...

"Whoa..." Technosis grinned... "That... is new..." He grinned, almost prancing around the column where the pixels were now actively forming... "I'm reading... energy? Wireless signals... I can't say what it is, but, it seems like some quantum-physical reaction to psychic energy and electronics... Like... Techno-mantic energy?" He frowned for a moment and held the smaller device up, and powered it on, it started to glow and pulse in the same frequency as the huge green swirl of pixels in the glass container in the center of the spinning column.

"Well... regardless of what it is, it seems to align to anybody with a slight intention amplifying device tuned to their head." He points to the device on Cerebella's head. "In theory, I could use it as part of my suit...." He grinned... "These readings show all while all the data is broken up, some is readable, it's like self sustaining dark-matter rich electron clouds... In theory it should be amazingly psycho-reactive..."


Terry blinked and squinted, staring at the coalescing energy and frowning... He tilted his head back and forth, glancing at Seraph... "Sorry, the place has been busy..." He went back to the immediate task and watched quietly as they basically discovered a new form of energy...

"Machina Mana? You know, like deus ex machina, Machina energy. " Terry grinned... Technosis frowned, mostly because he was mad that Terry had thought of a name before him... "Now we really need to get ahold of Turbulence, I think he said his family had some magic ties, psychic stuff is already a bit more magicky than I'm use to." Terry grinned and laughed once. "Right! Sorry, I see a bunch of ones and zeroes in a cloud... the rings of pixels are like, rings of ones and zeroes made into pixels, made into rings... I think the Rings just keep them stable..."

"Whoa..." Terry had to glance back and forth between the view of her and the view of the energy pulsing in their war room core... "Is it safe?" Terry asked, watching it he felt like it really didn't seem dangerous, mostly clouds of stuff, lost images or data, from what technosis said...

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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Sandy had not paid attention

Sandy had not paid attention to well.... anything that just happened.
She looked up from her game with herself.. She was defeating herself quite soundly.

With a blink she was back in the main tower.
"ooooooooooo what is this?" Sandys head tilted to the side, her eyes dilated. She was looking at the very ebbs and flows of time. "They are so different. This is a fun light, it has a proper age!" Sandy was very excited. The time was a bit confusing around the new light... old origins, new connections to barely infantile ugly armor stuff, The hairless ones with their impossibly fast times, constantly changing.

"You have made a very pretty light" Sandy addressed Terry and Cerebella "Did you figure out how to live longer? I would be very pleased if you survived until I was rescued. I bet you would even be introduced to the warren father! Oh their would be a party and tea and games! How did you figure out expanding a new lights time to be actually old? I would very much like to do that! My creations would be much more real. I could stack new memories smaller for better images! I would be the best image maker of my generation!"

Sandy was very excited. She twirled in the room. The decorations exploding in a sea of raindrops. Each drop glistening like a diamond. When it hit a surface it stuck to it creating a very... bedazzled look. "All of this could have real touch! and sound! If I tried to image this instead of share my memory it would be so much less than this."

Sandy threw a handful of the imaginary diamond drops at the light... she was quite certain they would stick

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LeadWanderer's picture
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Laurence blinked a few times, trying to take in and understand what Sandy said, part of it he got, then she rambled, which started to make sense as he thought about it for a while longer.... He cleared his throat and watched as the diamonds hung in the air in the swirling mass of now visible pixels and binary code...

"What? I... I don't understand... I mean, technically if what Terry calls it is more accurate, which it could be, Energy Master over there." Laurence nodded at Terry then went on. "That could mean that like 'mana' which feeds magic and links to alternate planes magical planes, or like psychic power which links to psychic planes, then this could lead to a digital plane, an incorporeal manifestation of electronic thoughts? Could make some sense, since most human knowledge is on the internet now, and these seem to be mostly old lost data..." He tapped some keys on the keyboard.

"Oldest data fragment dates back to..." He chewed his lip a bit then frowned... He was pulling up wikipedia... "Lines up with the date Nicolai Tesla claimed he communicated with an alien ship orbiting the north pole. Ship exists too..." Technosis frowns... "Tesla was the first Technomage..." He crosses his arms and frowns....

Gladatoria's picture
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Blinking as she still pulses

Blinking as she still pulses and reverberates, she would address Laurence...

"The Internet itself is probably a nexus or hub of a combination of magical and psionic planes, maybe layered atop each other like wireless servers...?"

She would close her eyes as the pulsing slightly increases...she just mentally connected to the readings around her would be incredible as she calls out to them...

"It's a network of electronic thought and much accessible information it's...overwhelming..."

Raising her hand to her nose as blood is felt, the pulsing would abruptly stop as she 'disconnects' from the Internet...breathily stating..

"It was too much, too fast.."

With that, she would begin to slump towards the ground, she's exhausted herself for now...


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Being near his sister,

Being near his sister, Turbulence would have been hard to find by Cerebella. Natalie naturally reflects/deflects magical and psychic energies. A while later after Turbulence had gathered a few things in his pack, arrived at the tower his sister close behind.

"Ugh, what the crap is going on in there? A bunch of different energies colliding like a bunch of children running around a playground." she put her hand to her head as she followed Turbulence in; albeit cautiously.

Turbulence smirked, his sister always had something tho complain about. "Honey I'm home!" he called out but stopped suddenly when he saw the scene before him. Cerebella slumped blood running from her nose, and a stranger. He didn't know how to react. He fell into a fighters stance, and mini tornadoes formed around his forearms, like whirling wind boxing gloves. He looked down surprised... that had never happened before. The wind ruffled his hair and shirt, and he called out over the noise that was created from the wind around his arms, "All right? What's going on?" and waited for someone to make a move.

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Sandy waved at Turbulence.

Sandy waved at Turbulence. She pointed at Cerebella. "She broke herself.. again.. oh hey i remembered that, hmmm.. that should not become a regular occurrence."

Sandy walked over to the girl and smushed Cerebellas cheeks between her tiny paw like hands. "aaaannnnnnd fixed!" Cerebella would feel much of her face and head refreshed.

Sandy looked at the alien light.. and the digital weird thingy. "Ohhhh... its more than one, you hairless are so very creative! What are we doing with these?" Sandy pointed in the general direction of the new arrival and new phenomenon.

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Gladatoria's picture
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Taking a moment to recover as

Taking a moment to recover as Sandy effectively corrects her, she would peer around the room before answering...

"I just mentally connected to the Internet, it was too much too fast...thank you Sandy, and don't worry Turbulence, we're fine..."

She would gesture between Seraph and Sandy..

"Seraph, Sandy, Sandy, Seraph..."

Turning to Turbulence's sister, she would raise an eyebrow...

"And you would be, exactly?"


LeadWanderer's picture
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"Well, as useful as this could be I think it's a good idea to be careful with it. You shouldn't test any more of this tech until you have safety measures." He knelt down when Cerebella's nose started bleeding. He glanced at the cobbled together device then Laurence and grumbled. He glanced at Turbulence and put up his hand, though Cere was already on it. He turned his aura vision back on and stared at Turbulence's sister for a few moments to pick up on her energy...

"I don't think we have any plans for them yet." He told Sandy as she asked about the energy and the people. "Though, like I said, maybe the term secret needs to be gone over with the team." Terry raised his eyebrows, lucky most of them were in civilian clothes..


"Don't care! I mean, I do, but seriously, this could mean a new phenomenon that could unify magic and science!" He stoood up and practically lept over things to get to Turbulence. "Hey." He was in front of turbulence already. "You know what magic looks like right? Is that magic?" He pointed, he was terribly impatient. "These guys are mostly harmless." He nodded in their direction, then went back to Cerebella, he had already taken the headband with techy devices on it and started modifying it more.

Gladatoria's picture
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Seeing as a bit of silence

Seeing as a bit of silence overtook them, she would turn to the others, announcing...

"I also plan on visiting the Crow in Hardlock soon...there are more secrets to this tower we have yet to discover, and he may not have been the sole occupant in the past...however, he most likely still has answers to questions we may ask..."


Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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Natalie rolled he eyes at

Natalie rolled her eyes at Cerebella and signed with impatience. Turbulence walked over to her and began discussing Technosis' question.

"everyone, this is my sister Natalie.". Turbulence turned to Technosis. "I don't know a lot about magic. But Natalie says that what's here is sort of a montage of electromagnetic energies colliding with mental and magical energies. Like the intersection of a highway. Meaning there are bound to be many more."

"and I'm not interested in your little secret base.". Natalie piped in. "we should leave soon Dustin. And you," she pointed at Technosis, "shouldn't play with things you don't understand." She turned around to walk out of the tower.

Turbulence smiled, "she's right I have to go upstate for a bit. My grandpa, who we thought was dead, is back and needs to see me.". He was about to leave, but stopped. "hey tech! You wanna know a bit more about this,". He gestured to the energy filling the room. "my grandpa could probably tell you something. you're more than welcome to join us."

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Technosis raises his eyebrows as his sisters attitude continued. When he had the explanation given to him he nodded quietly....

"Thanks, that makes quite a lot of sense." He smiled and observed it quietly, when his sister commented about not playing with things you don't understand. He turned and smiled. "Do you think mages always understood magic without playing with it?" He grinned, then looked back at it. "Besides, I'll learn whatever's necessary." He grinned and touched the tank, then the sample tank and grinned.

"Of course I'll go! Lemme just get my power-belt so I have something to plug the sample container into. If it's some new magical energy, I'm sure you wizards would want to study it too." Technosis grinned and did just as he said, snapping on a brass belt and plugging his mana capacitor into it. "Thanks for the invite!" He grinned. "I do nooot wanna see Crow in lock up, he probably smells like burnt bacon and athletes foot." Technosis scrunched his nose and ducked out of the base with Turbulence and Natalie.


Terry frowned and nodded, he didn't mind her attitude, a lot of people didn't agree with the tactics and mentality of super-heroes. He turned to Cerebella and shrugged quietly. He nodded at her reasoning as well.

"I'm intrigued as well. I checked the public record, this places plans aren't in there." He raised his eyebrows. "It's old too, stone too, could be pre-fire..." Terry raised his eyebrows, he doubted that this building survived the fire, but if it had that might mean even more paranormal activity in this place. "Could mean a lot of supernatural vibes because of the experiences it's had... Which is complicated... Hauntings and the like?" He raised his eyebrow, he had seen so much today and had so little sleep, that even that made sense. Though normally he wouldn't say that.

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Sandy had been watching the

Sandy had been watching the internet live feed since that was currently the more interesting of the two pretty lights. "Well that looks interesting."
With a blink Sandy was gone. She had read something in the garble of information. Her ability to understand language apparently did not end with biological or spoken languages. Of course Sandy would not currently know the difference.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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LeadWanderer's picture
Last seen: 2 months 4 days ago
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Pixel Plane

Pixel Plane

The digital space she was reading seemed much like her thoughts, the swirling vortex of energy acting as a portal for those capable of transporting themselves into it. Though the cloud was comprised of 'internet' it's more the energy of the collected knowledge, understanding and psychic 'need' that people have put on it. The world she see's through the cloud of energy in the chamber looks bright and iridescent, they would feel most comfortable, it would also feel familiar, as the space that it lead to was moving much faster than the human rate, and decayed far less quickly than the human world did.

While she read the 'internet feed' she'd also sense the darker regions of this world, in that world there may indeed be traces of the red and white queens influence, since there all the knowledge collected by man and broadcast into the aether, is manifest. Creatures float along side ideas, which seem like clouds with roughly defined shapes, but an obvious discernible Pixelation.

If she wanted to go there she might only need to think about the information she was reading from the vortex.

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Nodding,s he would wait

Nodding, she would wait until the others finish speaking to reply...

"This tower has more mysteries than we know...some I would like to it a journalist's guilty pleasure..."

She would take a second to smile, before telekinetically maneuvering a chair behind her as she sits, with class...

"For now though, what's on the agenda team?"


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Kneels and forms a stool made of gold energy, a bit of green mixed in... Terry blinked, then glared at the tube, thinking about whether he could intentionally block out energy like he does other things. He didn't know what effects this Pixel Mana or whatever might have on him.

"Well, to be honest, I think we need to do some local works. The base is set up, and while Technosis and Turbulence are away, we could run down and scope out the junk yard. Go in civilian clothes and check for anything suspicious?" Terry raised his eyebrows. He didn't want to run any risks, they were at half strength, even counting the new Seraph 7.... "We could also run some tests on this thing." He thumbed at the tube of glowing pixels, that is growing in complexity and brightness, though not blinding. "The base still needs security, so I don't think leaving it unattended it good... plus with this thing here, we might not get great attention..."

North Pole

Lights begin blinking on the small black ship, an energy source, a thought source... The ship fed for a few moments and though damaged, it revived it's few surviving crew... The quantum statis fields powering down, mechanical arms stretched out and hummed, sending beams of energy into the sleeping bodies of the 9 surviving lizards. As the machine arms moved over them their decayed cybernetics which were uneffected by the quantum stasis, we repaired, though it's limited resources only brought them up to survivable levels...

The first to wake was their general, his massive four clawed feet landed on the metal grating and surveyed the escape vessel, they would need to abandon this vessel... The general stretched his wings, their flesh was fine, but the metal and servos were decayed. He growled and snorted, the wings folding back to his back, his head sported feathers behind his head like spiked hair, two thin antenna hung from it's maw which was long and serrated. He hissed and started projecting orders to his troops, first his two lieutenants woke, hissing as they awoke and stretched their arms and legs, their frilled extra back limbs fanned open fine, the more organic structure surviving better over the last 13,000 years in quantum stasis...

The two lieutenants began moving about the small pod powering up several machines by plugging themselves into it via jacks on their arms. The 6 underlings finally awoke and scurried around on mixed limbs, some mechanical others biological. They lacked much in the way of a fifth or sixth dorsal apendage, aside from small arms with faint webbing, reinforced with metal, two of them could still hover and boost around on the two jet appendages, while the others sparked and crackled when they attempted it.

"*Teleport us as close to the psycho-electronic energy source as possible, set the ship on recall mode and begin repairs of the energy absorption systems!*" The larger, long necked draconic general hissed and growled, an undertone of modem noise, as well as psychic impulse. The two lieutenants hissed and along with the underling lizards, began refitting the transport system. They were unlikely to get very close to the source, but they could find it easily enough. They were cut off though, too far away and too damage to contact their homeworld and have a new queen sent. They were very limited in resources...

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Jacob Johnson, or as his friends called him JJ had just uploaded his thesis. The twelve people that would read it might be impressed. JJ had no idea that 26 years into the future a preteen extrademensional being would find his thesis on the deep net and find it 'interesting'

JJ turned his chair to see... well something not very common. A strange rabbit like humanoid standing in his living room. "Hi, are you Jacob?"

Five minutes later when JJ had awoken Sandy was sitting in his chair spinning in lazy circles. "Uh.. yeah, I am JJ... who are you?"
"Sandy, and I thought you might be a rab... but you are just a hairless." Sandy sounded very disappointed. "You wrote a lot of weird words, but your 'theory' " Sandy struggled wiht the word.. since to rabs things either were or were not. "sounds a lot like a rab hole. I would very much like you to work on it more. If you can make a rab hole in your now then i dont have to wait for a future generation of friends to meet the rabs and the white queen to have a tower.. i can have that in their now, which I prefer."

"Your writings in the fun lights in the tower... it sounds like rab holes.. you called them "dimensional singularities" that was you right? You sounded a lot smarter in the sparkly lights"
"No use, no use at all." With that Sandy blinked.

Sandy arrived back into the tower, moments after her blink out of the tower... a faint smell of cigarette smoke on her fur. "Your pretty lights are full of very silly things. I like exploring them!"
Sandys eyes went wide. "OH... This wasn't written by a hairless I don't think... This language is very different."
Sandy sat on the floor unceremoniously and just stared at the data stream.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/30/2013 - 14:30
Before Technosis even gets

Before Technosis even gets outside he would hear the siblings arguing. "I can NOT believe you invited him to a family gathering." Natalie scoffed. "The only non-blood related people who come are those have MARRIED into the family."

"Technosis, I mean Laurn, is a friend, and if he is gonna be messing around with anything magical the least I can do is have him talk to grandpa and maybe aunt Aggie, if she's not too high that is."

"Ugh, whatever," she turned to Technosis when he finally comes out and pokes him in the chest with her finger. "Listen up, I generally don't like people... I barely tolerate this one," glances at her brother. "On this trip, if you piss me off I'll show you how much magic I understand. Get it?" with that she would harshly spin on her heel and climb into her van.

Turbulence offered Technosis an apologetic look.

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Laurn frowned and nodded. "Yeah, sure." He frowned and pulled his goggles down, playing solitaire on the left lenses, GPS tracking them on the other. "Hey, is your phone dead?" He asked, trying to be quiet so he didn't disturb Dustin's Sister. "Cause, I set up a com system, we could always hook it up, I've got stuff to upgrade your goggles too." He grinned, any chance to take something apart and put it back together better, he enjoyed. He was pulled up a diagnostic tool on his goggles too, listening to the engine to see how the van ran...

"I think one of her cylinders is firing unevenly..." He muttered, leaning on the elbow rest and watching his little tank of Machina Mana.

Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/30/2013 - 14:30
The trip hadn't been going

The trip hadn't been going for very long, but Natalie was already steaming when Technosis mentioned the cylinder of her van. She scowled at him in the rearview mirror.

Turbulence chimed in before she could say anything. "Yes my phone is no longer in service. Apparently you need to pay the phone company in order to use it." He chuckled at his own bad joke. He pulled out his phone and handed it to Technosis. "I think I'll skip the goggle upgrade though, I don't like things cluttering up my view."

LeadWanderer's picture
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"Ah, yeah, they get mad when you don't do that." He smirked, nodding about the goggles. "That makes sense..." He smiled. "I like to multitask, and I'm used to not seeing squat, so the goggles serve two purposes." He grinned, taking apart the phone a little bit and plugging a part into it. "There, the phone signal now routes through our servers." He had already messed with the server, grinning. "Number's the same."

He looked down and kept putting together the phone as he went silent. He hadn't noticed Natalie was agitated. He leaned forward and watched the road for a few minutes before going back to looking out the window. Then handed Turbulence the phone, normal as ever.

Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/30/2013 - 14:30
Meanwhile; in an underground

Meanwhile; in an underground lair close by, a short and pudgy man, in coveralls with oil stains all over, cackles away as sparks fly from his tools. "Don't worry BORIS. The next time those heroes come around we'll be more prepared. We'll show them my gadgetry knows no bounds." More maniacal laughter.


Natalie groaned, "Ack, I can't take the silence anymore." She reaches down and flips a switch on the radio and a rock band blares in the speaker.

Turbulence covers his ears. After only a moment he reaches down to lower the volume. "Not what i wanna listen to."

"You never were any fun growing up."

Turbulence smirked, "I think my idea of fun and your idea of fun are two very different things?"

Turbulence turns around to Technosis. "Ok, we are almost there. A couple things to note. First, don't eat the food unless I say so. Some of it is magic spiked, so to speak. Second, don't stare at uncle Burn's glass eye. Yes, it's mystified, and if you stare too long you can wind up... well, to be honest who knows what will happen. One guy got turned into his toddler self, and another guy turned to ash, but another guy got turned inside out, while another just turned green. We don't really know what it does, and it's best just not to ask. He's a bit sore on the subject." He smiled and used his fingers to count out the don'ts to Technosis. "Oh if cousin Rebecca is here, don't let her touch you. You'll fall in love and probably go crazy. Sister; that's another aunt, not another sister, will want to tell you your fortune or sell you some sort of potion. Don't trust her. She lies, a lot. Cousin Dominick will want to arm wrestle, he's super strong, so I wouldn't recommend it, simply decline to 'his awesomeness' and he should leave you alone no problem. The good ones to look out for is my brother Jacob, and sister Alex. Alex is an empath, and Jacob is not a super, but he sure knows his way around the kitchen. He owns a business with our cousin Sally, she does some magic stuff but only with food, which is why I said don't eat it, unless I give the go ahead. It's best to know what you are getting yourself into before hand. Ya know? Any questions before you meet the family?" Turbulence says all this quite quickly and chuckles a bit to himself at the end waiting for Technosis' response.

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"ooo like iguana! Those are

"ooo like iguana! Those are neat, didn't know they could write. O f course I didn't even know what an iguana was until a second ago."

Sandy continued to watch... whatever it was she was watching. Being a complete Luddite Sandy was 'reading' the internet in about the same manner someone watches out a train window.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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Seraph looked around the room

Seraph looked around the room around in curiosity, analyzing every concept and taking in every subtle detail.

I am One. We are One.

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Laurns eyes went wide when he heard all the relatives and their quirks...

"Sounds like I should be very careful... I mean, honestly, I just want to learn. Technosis is sort of my mission statement too." He grinned... "Magic food though? That sounds awesome... Unless it's not..." He scrunched his face and crossed his arms, looking out the window.

"Well, the only question I want to known about it how to handle a new magical source. The Pixel Energy is dangerous, I get that, anything powerful and complex is, but it's uncultured, uncultivated." He sighed and stroked his chin. "I want to make sure I don't disrupt something or destroy something..." He stroked his chin again and thought... "Being that I'm not intrinsically magically like you folks, I imagine i'll need some medium, or focus, gotta work on that, my suit should function though... Then I need a language, in theory, to work with it... binary might work, but binary still needs something to transcribe to, magical languages could be used, and I'm frankly a laymen... " He sighed... "Something organized in eights..." He sighed... Trailing off as he pondered becoming a technomage... He wondered if he might not be well qualified for this...

"Oh! Just one question, are any of your family geeky, cute and female?" He grinned broadly then put up his hands. "Kidding, no, I think I should be fine." He smiled, tapping his foot to the music...

Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/30/2013 - 14:30
Natalie and Dustin glanced at

Natalie and Dustin glanced at each other when Laurn asked about a female family member. There is always someone, Dustin thought. The family is so big if you ask 'do you know anybody who...' The answer is gonna be 'yes'.

Dustin looked back an Laurn and smiled, "Don't worry you'll be fine. And the magical food is usually just party tricks, nothing really dangerous."

Natalie turns the van down a dirt road seemingly going nowhere, in front of them all one could see is the dirt road and barren fields. She slows down and just as she stops, the van seems to tap against water or something with similar quality as a circle ripples out from the contact point. Dustin turns to Natalie as she closes her eyes and begins mumbling. She opens her eyes and you can see a faint glow to them, then it's gone. She begins edging the van forward as the van seems to disappear through this invisible barrier. Once on the other side the dusty road and barren fields have become a beautifully manicured lawn with a long driveway. Small trees are spaced out among the yard, and become larger and more condensed the further away from the driveway they get. At the end of the drive is a circle with quite a few vehicles, children are seen running around the large tree at the end. The tree is large enough to fit a large mansion inside, which is exactly what it is. As the van gets closer you would notice doors and windows and small portions of the house jutting outward, to accommodate for additions and proper housing structure. The van pulls to a stop, Dustin hops out of the van and announces to Laurn, "welcome to the tree house."

Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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Inside the mansion a party

Inside the mansion a party was being had. Loved ones were being reintroduced to family members long since seen. Inside the mansion the aroma of baked goods and roasted meats filled the house. Laughter heard throughout but the loudest and most noticed, is an old woman. She's frail now, but she remembers how she used to be. A puff of smoke rises from her lips, her hand shakes as she puts out the rolled tobacco. She looks around the room; her pale blue eyes shimmering slightly with once vast power and wisdom now faded from years of unuse, at her family members all younger than her now, at the furniture and the beautiful paintings on the walls, and the ornate decor that clutters the place. She remembered when this home was first created, small and bare. There had only been a few things that could fit inside a chair, a couple of beds, a table and a wood stove. She smiled at the irony of a wood stove in a house inside a tree. Her eyes stopped on a painting, a smaller one, of herself from a younger age and she frowned, the wrinkles on her cheeks increasing for a moment. She would never allow a bigger one to be painted, such a superfluous necessity. A hand touches her back and she looks to see her brother standing beside her with a smile on his face. She smiled too. He looked as old as she felt; if not for his powers being of nature his would have faded like her long ago. "He's here," he announced to her. She nodded and sighed, "guess we should go meet him, then." And Aunt Aggie and Grandpa turned to the front door to meet their guest of honor.

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Terry glanced between the four of them in the room containing the 'machina mana battery', his eyes watching it carefully and quietly. It was odd, and he wanted to know more, but it was probably best to leave it to someone who understood it. He went over to the computer and tapped a few buttons, causing the tube containing the pulsing glob of energy to disappear behind a radiation shield.

"Technosis and those super builders did a number on this place, and it's still not done..." He chuckled, sitting down and glancing at Sandy. "You heard something through it?" HE asked, her comment finally registering. He would glance at the tube again and frown. This thing they found could attract a lot of attention, that worried him.


Laurn stared as they slowly sunk through the magical cloaking barrier, his eyes were gifted with quite an amazing sight.

"Whoa... That's so cool..." He grinned and watched the giant tree coming closer. "I always thought it would be cool to live in a giant tree house, never thought anybody actually did!" He grinned and kept his eyes darting around the premises for any other oddities he could pick out. He was silently in awe from that point forward, just curious about this magical power they all wielded, and here he was carrying around a bottle of mana and thinking he was special. He shook his head and grinned. He turned to Dustin. "This place is amazing..." He repeated.

The small glob of machina mana that Technosis was carrying around seemed to pulse more as they passed into the magically hidden space. Maybe it was strengthened by the older magic. Laurn had no idea to tell the truth, both things were simply amazing to him.

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Cerebella would enter the

Cerebella would enter the Tower and offer Terry a smile, kissing his cheeek before speaking....

"So, up for visiting the Junkyard later, after I take another look through the glass?" Jokes, pointing to the mana machina


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Terry smiles and turns his cheek as she kisses it. He glances up and taps a few buttons on the panel. The shielding they'd added to the chamber rose and the pulsing orb of energy swirled in a circle hazy things moving on the other side of the two dimensional cloud of pixels and binary.

"Go ahead, but I still worry about this stuff... All the oddity in this city, in this world, there's no way we're the only ones to notice this phenomenon..." Terry had tried to keep from absorbing energy, even still his aura and energy when he used it was being tinged by the green, and he felt the pulse of this stuff, and an uneasiness... "And yeah, lemme change to my civvy clothes." Terry said, standing up and heading to the room he'd claimed on the floor below.

North Pole

Aboard the black ship floating around the north pole, the small team of surviving reptilian aliens had finally collected enough energy to transport themselves, but they couldn't lock on the energy. The two lieutenants had finished taking everything they could from the ship, the minions and the general at near full capacity. Nothing remained of their long range communications abilities, only their local hive mind.

*Activate the transportation relays.* The draconic lieutenant hissed and growled, modem screeches and clicks eminating along with it. The lieutenants bowed and plugged their arms into the machines, the small escape ship started glowing red, pixels coelescing around black hull until it glowed, then winked out, the fabric of reality warping where it once was for a few seconds, like a piece of elastic cloth stretched and released.

Titan City Sewer: Waste Reclamation area

The small ship winked into place hovering over the wretched smelling pit of water and waste. The ship shot out several tendrils of metallic cables and sunk into the stone walls and metal pipes, a tendril even dropped into the swirling pit of sewage and started drawing useful materials from there.

At the tower the ships teleportational shift could be felt as a small tremor on the air, the floor and tower shook ever so slightly, the tremor shook other buildings a few blocks away.

*Fan out and cannibalize all that you can, but leave do not leave a trace we were here, activate the cloaking devices!* The dragon general pointed at two of the small child-sized lizards, the two most repaired. *Scout the area, find the energy source and report back.* The two lizards squaked and bobbed their heads, exiting the small craft and scurrying through the sewer towards the Wanderers Tower.

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Sabrina nods, before stopping

Sabrina nods, before stopping suddenly, turning to him already in her civilian outfit, a black leather jacket, grey halter top, dark grey jeans and tan boots...

"Terry, something's off..." Eyes the machine before reaching her mind out to scan the premises of the Tower


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Once she was alive once the

Once she was alive once the world was solids and flesh. That was 12 years ago now she exists in a world of energy. She can see the currents as they travel the power lines the pulsating beat of life. As she moved the lights would dim as she drew on that source of power. In the distance was a beacon of power an all you can eat buffet. Like a moth to a flame she flew drifting the magnetic currents of the earths magnetic field. Mildly she wondered how she could feel hungry or thirst with out a body, but that what she felt and the machina mana offered her what she needed.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Terry came back into the room and tilted his head, the slight tremor bothered him... He walked in with a frown, having missed the chance to feel the spike in energy from the teleportation of the ship. He tilted his head as he walked in in his normal clothes, a baseball T-shirt, his hair flatted and parted, jeans and a leather motorcycle jacket.

"Yeah, something is..." He glanced at the shroud and put his hand up to it, try and draw energy, or sense something. "I got nothin'" He glanced at her, he wanted to try and control the energy, but honestly he still didn't quite trust the stuff... Terry glanced around and then tapped a few buttons on the computer. "I know we've got SOME security in this...." He muttered, bringing up an infrared security map of the building. Only one thing stood out to Terry at that moment, a Cold spot slowly approaching...

Sewer: Under the Tower

The two scouts came to the sewer access in the basement of the Tower, long since boarded up and bolted shut since the buildings vacant years. The two lizards didn't care, they could easily get through, and started to, their clawed hands morphing into small lazer ports and beginning to cut through the iron door, from their place at the top of the tower they probably wouldn't hear a thing, but in moments they would taste and smell the acrid aroma of iron burning as it melted in clean glowing red lines..

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She stopped looking up at the

She stopped looking up at the tower. Coming closer she places her hand on the wall feeling the electrical lines. Passing through there would now be power fluctuation where she passed as she drew on the energy about her. Where was she? Some kind of hallway well she knew where that high collection of power was surely no one would notice a slight drain. Walls weren't a thrill to pass through, heck she hated passing through anything. However with no idea of the building layout what choice did she have. That said she soon entered one of the nearby rooms.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Sabrina would frown at seeing

Sabrina would frown at seeing the energy coldspot on the screen, and the fact that both she AND Terry couldn't pick up anything with their abilities, before sniffing as she speaks...

"Terry, do you smell that?"

She would instantly send out a telepathic ping to all avaidable Wanderers, directing them to the tower, turning to Terry, already in her costume...

"I think we have company, and not the good kind..." Comments


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Terry nodded at Sabrina when she asked about the smell. He was already on his way to change back, again. He was lucky the new costume was easier to don that his first. He returned a few moments later and checked the monitors again. He frowned and turned to Sabrina.

"The cold spots moved through the wall on the second floor, it's in the secondary dormitory... But there's a hotspot flaring in the basement on the north wall." Terry had almost made up the name for the second floor on the spot, since most of them had quarters on the third floor, and the first floor and basement were work spaces. "Smells like... ionization, can you sense any other minds?" Terry asked Sabrina as he started down the stairs from the fourth floor command center.


It hadn't taken them long at all to cut the small three and a half foot tall hole in the door, the two lizards bobbed and weaved their heads as they peered cautiously through the openning. They turned their heads and watched tilting their heads and sensing the energy source that fueled their hybrid hive mind. They sent back information to their commander. Sabrina might be at a disadvantage as these two creatures had little in the way of 'mind', no they were simple drones and had little to no psychic presence.

*Find the precise location, engage any apes you find with caution, they should not be a problem for us.* The general pinged back, 'his' presence however, was quite powerful through technology and adaptation the draconic master of the drones could easily be sensed giving orders to the lesser creatures.

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Sabrina wouldn't have trouble

Sabrina wouldn't have trouble picking up the mind of Misty as she was looking around the empty dormitory chamber. She traced the faint echos of times past when people came and went in the room. "A spare bedroom I think." Blushing as she sensed the remaining traces of energy on the bed hinting it was used for more then sleeping. Passing through another wall she continued to seek out the energy source that promises to satisfy her thirst.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Sabrina's eyes would glow

Sabrina's eyes would glow magenta as she mentally scans the basement, before grimacing, as she speaks...

"There is almost little to nothing there...two presences, maybe? There is however a more powerful 'mind' at work here, possbly directing the intruders?" Sighs

"That is all I have for now..."


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Terry stepped onto the second floor and his eyes went wide, his body innately picked up and drew in the ectoplasmic energy of the spirit in their presence, and the energy he gave off was usable by her as well, but tightly locked away...

"There's something here too... But... I think the basement is more pressing..." He shuddered and looked around as he passed the bedroom she was in, glancing in and blinking, he paused there and stared, his goggles swapping to infrared... "Show yourself!" Terry said. he formed energy in readiness for combat...


The two cybernetic lizards had ventured through the hole and were picking through the scrap and computer parts Technosis had collected, a few pieces they outright ate, new technology forming as the nanites that coursed through their system catabolized the parts and upgraded them accordingly. They were digressing from their mission and soon scurried up the stair case to check the rest of the building.

*Yes, these apes are more advanced than we thought, but not enough to pose a problem...* The Draconic overlord of the lizards telepathically muttered, effectively talking to himself.

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Sabrina would be next to

Sabrina would be next to Terry, and let's out a psionic pulse to hopefully highlight there target, speaking a bit more gently...

"We don't wish any harm, but we will defend ourselves and our home if we have to!"


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"I can feel your energy."

"I can feel your energy." Her form appeared slowly it was caused by simply resisting the light partials and forcing them back. She appeared mostly white and grays it was harder to do different colors, thought she did get some shades to appear. Her hair was brownish and her lips had a hint of red. The outfit was darker then her pale body a goth style top and short skirt, thigh high boots and chains about her waist and wrists. "Do you mind not drawing on me I'm thirsty as it is." Her hand moved to a light and it dimmed as she replaced the ectoplasm energy that Gold-fire drew from it.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Sabrina blinks at the

Sabrina blinks at the appearence of the ghost, for lack of a better term, but decides to play diplomat for the time being...

"Alright, so may we ask who are you, how you found us? Know anything about possible intruders?"


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First floor

First floor

The two lizards had finally gotten to the ground level of the building and were delighted, their simple minds brimming with activity, but mostly just baser instincts, hunger for the technology. They started to wander to try and chew on wires and cords like vermin, and knocked over a shelf of materials while they were at it. Their general reigned them in and forced them back to their main directive, but the damage was done, their presence would be known.


Terry blinked and closed his palm, he dropped his shoulders slightly as she asked him not to draw on her energy.

"I haven't exactly figured that skillset of my powers out yet... I'll try." He shrugged and tried it, which to him felt noticibly warmer. He breathed our slowly and his aura let out wisps of aetheriel white, blue and grey energy, dumping the energy he'd absorbed from her. "Sorry, I inherently absorb alot..." He frowned, his aura releasing more so she could pull it back to herself. "I think our two problems are unrelated...."

The sound of a large shelf full of stuff falling would reach their ears now, causing Terry to turn his head towards the spiral staircase at the end of the hall.

"Yep, when it rains it pours..." Terry muttered, cautiously walked towards the spiral staircase.

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Sabrina would jump at the

Sabrina would jump at the sounds of the falling shelf, but nonetheless steels herself for what's to come, following Terry closely, her mental swirling mask pulsing accordingly...


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She spun in the air hearing

She spun in the air hearing the crash as well. "I came alone I swear, Just came here because I felt a lot of power and well... I always did have a sweet tooth. I don't want trouble, I even work for my ... um.. meal by helping"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Terry rubbed the back of his neck and looked back at the ghost and exhaled slowly, thinking about the implications of that... He nodded and sighed.

"You've got a deal, but I warn you, we don't know what that stuff is, but it's something psychic and electrical." Terry shrugged. "And I'm pretty sure there's something on the other side, or sapping it, there was an energy surge just before you and these things showed up. I'm Gold-Fire, this is Cerebella." Terry nodded and headed down the stairs, he formed two orbs of energy in his palms in preparation for whatever was below.


The two lizards had hurried, fearing their lives if they didn't achieve their goal, having no idea of their necessity to their general at the time. They rounded the metal planks giving away their presence with the clattering of claws on metal until they reached the bottom of the stairs, they were unconcerned and thus, unprepared when Gold-Fire caught one with a beam to the chest. Sending them tumbling down the stairs.

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"Misty Sinclair, just call me

"Misty Sinclair, just call me Misty." She followed the two and when Gold-Fire blasted one she focused on the other rushing forward till she went through it. The Lizards brain was basic on top of that it was used to outside sources affecting it. Thus it was easy for Misty to manipulate and the lizard screamed out in pain as it saw burns and slashes appear on it's body.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Cerebella would be creating

Cerebella would be creating psionic restraints to latch down Misty's assailant, as she shouts...

"Misty, we need him alive if we want to find out who dispatched him!" Warns


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Misty looked over "What kind

Misty looked over "What kind of ghost do you think I am? Naw I just playing mind games making him think he's in pain eventually he.. or is it she how can you tell with a lizard? Oh well anyway either they shrug it off or pass out. If you have a place to put lizard lips I might try something stronger and take over the body. They seem to have very simple minds not very resistant to outside influence."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Lizard scouts

Lizard scouts

The one Gold-Fire shot was left unassailed after the first blast, it tumbled to the landing below the spiral stair case and looked around for an escape route, without any options to be seen it put it's armor up and the laser barrel for it's cutting torch widened, releasing a bright hot pulse of energy though it was weak. The one in Misty' grasp struggled against her possession, it's mind barely strong enough to register it's own simple thoughts.

*Do not fail!* The general shouted through the mind Misty was possessing. The psychic overmind wasn't powerful at this distance to break the psychic controls. The language wasn't entirely words, but a great deal of layered meaning in the form of intense impression. Misty would be subjected to the psychic force, but it had no pull on her.


Terry intentionally looked away from the lizard Misty possessed, looking directly at the one he was after. He got hit full force with the laser burst, but the effect wasn't too bad because of his resistances. He went over the railing of the spiral stair case and landed beneath it, a quick step around and the two lizards were trapped between them.

Terry put his hands forward and created a burst of kinetic energy at the second lizard and caused it to lurch forward into the steps, knocked prone. He made a quick grab and caught the lizard by the tail, holding it upside down.

"These don't look like the average sewer gators..." Terry muttered...

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"WHooo... hey they are being

"WHooo... hey they are being controlled some major creepy mental thoughts." She turned and looked at the one that just blasted Gold-Fire. "Lets see if it takes like it dishes out." With that Misty went full blown possession of the lizard she affected. Then she tried to causes the scouts weapon to widen and fire at it's own team mate.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Cerebella would nod, taking a

Cerebella would nod, taking a deep breath, would begin to pierce and infiltrate the mind of Misty's lizard, hoping to send back a powerful feedback wave, nothing to strong, but enough for the reptilian's overseer's conentration to break long enough for Misty to solidate her control, before doing the same to the one that attacked Gold-Fire, this ting levitating it as she attempts to simply shortcircut it's cerebrum, hoping to leave it paralyzed for detainment as she quips...

"Terry, the sewer gators were two weeks ago, they had much more class anyway!" Jokes


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Lizard Scouts

Lizard Scouts

The lizard under Misty's possession responded to her actions, but as the laser canon widened and tried to fire, the entire arm shut down, something in their cybernetics prevented friendly fire. The Lizard was otherwise entirely under her control, it's wounds healing fairly quickly with nanites accelerating the process.

Meanwhile the one Terry and Cerebella were holding and controlling was writhing strongly, it's mostly mechanical tail, living at the base, wriggled and squirmed and tried to break free, it looked like it would fail when it went limp for a second, then a small burst of energy surrounded it in an orb a brief reactive force field. The force of the energy barrier broke the psychic constraints and severed the Lizards tail, allowing it time to run.

The CoM0DO roared, the feedback from Sabrina's psychic pulse broke his connection briefly, leaving the two lizards scared, running on their cybernetic basic programming and lizard instinct.


Terry laughed, the lapse in attention and the lizards quick defenses caused him to drop it and the bio-mechanical tail when the force field engaged.

"Crap!" Terry kicked the tail as he started chasing the lizard, seeing the girls had the one lizard in check. The tail wriggled around for awhile until it went limp, even the odd looking fins on the mechanical portions drooped. Terry shot blasts at the beast but it was in full run for the exit, each orb or beam or energy Terry shot was dodged, or used to the lizards advantage, it's shield holding.

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Cerebella, confident that

Cerebella, confident that Misty could keep her lizard under control, again taps into her powers as she attempts to create a telekinetic field around the fleeing reptile, hoping to keep it from escaping as she states...

"We need Technosis up here, and where are the others anyway?"


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"I can't seem to shoot the

"I can't seem to shoot the other. I can control the organics, but the machine parts have fail safes. So where can I dro... hiss.. ym... sorry lost control a moment this guy starting to panic. Where can I take him!" She looked around "I can call for some backup I have a few spirit friends."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Cerebella, still keeping the

Cerebella, still keeping the her lizard telekinetically suspended, turns to Gold-Fire, inquiring...

"Do we have a tested containment facility ready?"


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Escaping Lizard

Escaping Lizard

The lizard had failed it's mission! The only way it could remotely hope to salvage this failure was to return with his information. The lizard swiped and batted as the telepath tried to entrap him! The lizards barrier had energy Machina Mana for it's barrier to guard against this, but not enough to do anything more useful than disrupt her hold. The lizard was just managing to dodge Terry's blasts, hoping to make it back to the sewer.

The other lizard was firmly caught, it's flailing kept in check by the telekinetic force of it's captor, not to mention the possession. Hopefully it's teammate would succeed in his mission.


"I thought Technosis was away seeing the mages with Turbulence." Terry shouted, he'd chased the lizard all the way around the catwalk surrounding the vaulted first floor and had followed it to the basement, stopping there.

"I know how they got in!" He shouted, He followed the stairs down and growled, not staying at the door for long. "They came in through this metal door in the basement, they cut through..." Terry shook his head. The tail he'd dropped was gone by the time her got back. "Huh, where's the tail?"

" We probably have some gadget or something..." Terry rummaged through Technosis things, they used to be labeled before the shelf fell over... "Ah, this should hold it." Terry came back and tossed techy looking bola at the Lizards feet, the tether extended and wrapped around a few times, then the balls split and an egg shaped forcefield was projected from the feet up.... "I know he stole that one..."

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Once the Lizard was bound

Once the Lizard was bound Misty left it's body floating there looking down at it. "Thanks I was starting to loose control, it's not easy taking over another's body even if it has a pea for a brain." Looking over at Terry "you couldn't hold on to a piece of tail..." Laughs "Couldn't help myself."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Terry looked at Misty properly this time and blinked. "You're remarkably modern for a victorian uhh Ghost? I assume, you gave me chills, solar energy and electricity don't do that, magic is tingly... Psychic makes me light headed..." He shrugged...

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Misty rolled her eyes "I'm

Misty rolled her eyes "I'm Goth not Victorian, as in the subculture. Black lip stick vampire stuff that Goth. I only died ... um.. what year is it now? I died September 2002."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Cerebella sighs as her hold

Cerebella sighs as her hold wavers over her lizard, allowing it the chance to escape, but not before placing a psionic tracker within it's mind, allowing her to trace it's location covertly, as she turns back to Terry and Misty...

"I don't care what era your from...welcome to the team!" Smiles


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Terry laughs and smacks himself in the forehead lightly, then pulls his mask off, picking up the bolas with their containment field and carrying it up stairs.

"That makes sense, I'm sorry to hear that." He frowned and looked at the lizard, it still tried to struggle but it couldn't escape the forcefield or the bola around it's legs. "Welcome to the team." He smiled and led the way up stairs.


While the lizard was traced by Cerebella's mind tracker she got a distinct path in her mind to follow, the lizards mind seemed simple, and the software that overlaid the brain gave no understanding, only orders and images. The exact destination was hard to pinpoint, especially since the child-sized lizard had taken small pipes and tubes that only it could follow. Their path would not be the same...

In the tower, the tail had squirmed off to hide, held in its being it had enough dna to construct most of the lizard again, and the nanites did, making the tail into a lizard in and of itself, slithering along the underside of the plating and going upstairs even before Terry, Sabrina and Misty started there. It slithered all the way to their command center and held a position in a convenient place, observing the collection of energy they had formed.

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"Well um... I guess I been

"Well um... I guess I been kind of wondering for a good long time. Be nice to have a place to settle. What is it you do here? Okay yeah you got powers that's clear, and you fight sewer gaters and Robolizards. Your heroes or something?"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Terry nodded as she spoke

Terry nodded as she spoke then nodded again when she was done. His arms crossed as he walked up the stairs talking.

"Yeah, we're a small group at the moment. We just started a few weeks back. The gaters thing was because we just found the sewer access in the basement, I openned it and got started, scared about 30 sewer gaters into basement... Getting them out was tricky, animal control was riled up too, but we didn't hurt the gaters..." Terry shook his head... "So, yeah, definitely heroes."

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Misty floated along with them

Misty floated along with them "Mind if I fade keeping a form that can be seen is a bit tiring. Like holding a muscle tight after a time I need to relax and let the light photons pass through." She said that as she faded out completely. "So who are the robo lizards and why were they sneaking in?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

LeadWanderer's picture
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Joined: 10/13/2013 - 22:41


Terry shrugs when she asks if he minded her going invisible. He glanced over and unfocused his eyes a bit. "Oh, I can sorta still see you... goggles and I think... maybe my powers... it's not really a see thing, just... sense..." He shrugged and kept walking. "I have no idea why the lizards wanted to sneak in here, or who they are... except that Sandy mentioned someone strange speaking in the energy we collected. It could be them." He shrugged, but with this new energy/portal thing, he had no idea what could be using it...

Mind tracker

The mind tracker Sabrina put on the lizard would continue pinging back to her, until it disappeared into the ship in the waste reclamation center. Sabrina could likely establish it's position on a map with what she saw.

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Sabrina instantly turns back

Sabrina instantly turns back to both Misty and Terry...

"I put a psionic tracker in the lizard that escaped, I think I can narrow down his location if I get ahold of a map or such...but first we need to gather the rest of the team?" Turns to Terry for confirmation...


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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
"So who are these others...

"So who are these others... and well why should I join your team. I only came here because I felt that strange energy source. Almost feels alive."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

LeadWanderer's picture
Last seen: 2 months 4 days ago
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Joined: 10/13/2013 - 22:41
"We have mostly been handling

"We have mostly been handling setting up our base... As far as purpose, I kinda envisioned it as a sort of youth outreach group..." He pauses at the top of the spiral stair case which ends at the command center, which an open set of computer parts all chained together and linked to three or four oddly placed screens, another computer set up similarly, both machines hooked up to several instruments around the room, tube and cables run to the center of the column that used to run the clock, now acting as a storage tank for the machina mana.

"Helping young heroes get their feet while they figure out their powers. Or helping wayward young people get onto a good path. For you, what do you think that entails? Also, being that you're a ghost, would you say you're a wandering spirit? Are you in danger of becoming a vengeful or angry spirit?..." He clears his throat and frowns... "Sorry, started thinking up the form they want us to fill out for ghosts... I don't like that idea... Reregistering the dead..." HE shakes his head and sits on the desk.
